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Previous Episodes Discussion

Meredith Quill
Message added by Meredith Quill

Nothing beyond S02.E12 in here please. See the forum for individual episode topics from S02.E13 onwards.

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S2.E7: Entrapment


Tensions are rising following a shocking discovery and living in a tank rather than the ocean is starting to have an adverse effect on many of the mermaids. Hoping to save her kind and help her human circle, Ryn makes a deal with a complicated ally.

Original air date: 3/7/19

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S2.E7 quotes

Janine: This is really my life. I am a gluten provider to a grown man.

Janine: I blame Calvin for whatever's going on. Seriously. He probably got involved in God knows what. I love the guy, but he was, like, born to sell stolen shit off a truck.

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I loved that both Ben and Ryn were willing to sacrifice themselves to save the ones they love. Still not the smartest idea in either case, but their hearts were in the right place.

Janine doesn't get a lot of lines but she was spot on this week!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Awww, look at Ryn and Ben, making sacrifices for the people they care about! It was for not in Ben's case, and will inevitably end badly in Ryns, but its the thought that counts! Maddie and Ryn were so worried about Ben, it really is so sweet how much they all care about each other. 

Xander is frequently a pain in the ass, but I do feel bad about his dad, and finding out that his new girlfriend is a plant. I mean, thats a pretty crappy couple of weeks, or however long its been. 

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S2.E8: Leverage


Mermaids and humans join forces in a radical plan to stop the oil company, but their efforts have a devastating effect. And facing an uncertain future, Ben, Maddie and Ryn come together for a romantic farewell.


Sneak peek:

Original air date: 3/14/19

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Now this was a good episode, it seemed like they took the entire budget of the show and blew it on this episode. Fancy clothes, ritzy parties, secret government facilities, small scale models, underwater scenes, mutilations, transformations, sexy sex scenes, and explosions. All the other episodes were just people in hand-me-down clothes wandering in the woods, motel rooms and bars. Too bad they didn't have the money to make every episode as good as this one.

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Ian: [Klesco] kills my investigative story and then brings me here for this publicity stunt. I don't know whether they're arrogant or ignorant.
Ben: Probably both.

Xander: So you guys think we really have a chance of pulling this off?
Ben: Come on, Xan. We got mermaids with blowtorches.

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Wow and here they were asking Xander to let it go. They should have worried about Dana's daughter. That was a great episode. I knew the older merman was going to die doing something heroic. He always looked so tragic.

I hope Xander and Calvin survive. 

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4 hours ago, clyo22 said:

Wow and here they were asking Xander to let it go. They should have worried about Dana's daughter. That was a great episode. I knew the older merman was going to die doing something heroic. He always looked so tragic.

I hope Xander and Calvin survive. 

They, mostly Ryn, did ask Dana's daughter to let it go. However, this is a mess that absolutely is of Xander's own doing. He captures Katrina, he threatens her, and says he'll only release her if she let's him murder one of her people. She owes this fuckwit nothing. She didn't try this shit with Helen, Maddie, or Ben whose actions have not really aligned with hers either. The difference is that the latter group has never been as openly antagonistic and hostile as Xander.

I hope Xander and Calvin survive, especially because Xander is finally rational.

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That was a great episode, I've really liked this whole half season. Mermaids with blowtorches are indeed super awesome, Ben! The big action scene at the end was awesome, Maddie/Ben?/Ryn are the OTP interspecies thruple we`ve all dreamed of, and that look between Ben and his dad at the end was intense. So much said in just a few eyebrow movements. 

Poor Sarge. I suspected he might be the merfolk to die, but it was so sad to see it happen. Helen will be so heartbroken. Poor merfolk. At least Levi made it out, I love him and Ben's friendship. 

I hope that Xander and Calvin survive, even if Xander has been a total idiot asshole for most of the season.

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On 3/15/2019 at 2:27 PM, HunterHunted said:

They, mostly Ryn, did ask Dana's daughter to let it go. However, this is a mess that absolutely is of Xander's own doing. He captures Katrina, he threatens her, and says he'll only release her if she let's him murder one of her people. She owes this fuckwit nothing. She didn't try this shit with Helen, Maddie, or Ben whose actions have not really aligned with hers either. The difference is that the latter group has never been as openly antagonistic and hostile as Xander.

I hope Xander and Calvin survive, especially because Xander is finally rational.

I agree with almost everything in this post except the final sentence.  Neither of those fools deserve to be saved, especially Calvin.  IMHO, his character is a degenerate, whiny, asshole who keeps yapping away whether anyone is listening or not.  I'll take Sarge over Calvin, if anyone had to die in this ep.  I'd even take Katrina over Calvin, because SHE at least has determination and grit.  Xander isn't too far behind him.  Everything that has happened in Xander's story is his own fault.  HE went hunting mermaids hoping to capture one and who knows wtf he woud have done then.  What did he expect, the mermaids would melt at his manly demeanor, his sea worthiness?  Xander, if you go off hunting Tigers, don't be surprised if the Tigers hunt you back.

HE got his father killed, in fact, I've been saying this from the beginning, EVERYONE on that boat bears some responsibility for Xander's dad's death. They should NOT have been on that boat hunting mermaids.  Leave them the fuck alone ya dicks!!!  Levi was ordered to attack because soldiers were catching and killing them.  They saw how the soldiers were acting towards their catch.  Xander, in his endless "stupidity cloud" of grief, spotted Donna in a crowd and decided to shoot into a crowd (how stupid is this guy???) and kills Donna. (again, his fault)  If you ask me, Xander is lucky to be alive and the way he treated Katrina, was purely evil.  He knew they were sentient and could actually be friendly if not threatened, so HE decides to capture an injured one and make this ridiculous deal with Katrina.  He's lucky she only locked him in his own cage, instead of ripped his head off.  (Hey writers, I've got an idea for you 😉

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@Jacks-Son I'd choose Sarge over either of those two. I find Calvin hilariously realistic. He is a believable weasel. Calvin's instincts are to either stay out of things or sell info to the press, but by and large he's main instinct seems to be staying out of the on the ground day to day bullshit that Ben, Maddie, Helen, and Xander have gotten themselves into. When you realize everything that's gone on this half season, it's actually amazing that Calvin has mostly spent his time getting drunk and banging his girlfriend. I appreciate his massive helping of "leave me outta this."

I only want Xander to live so I can figure out if a now reasonable Xander is worth a damn.

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LOL, I can answer that last one now, he's not.  How many times did either, Ben, Dale, or Maddie ask Xander to take a breath and think?  During that time when they went out on the boat, none of them showed a lick of sense.  Xander even lost what little sense he had shortly after that.  Even now, when they all stood up to Katrina, I was surprised that Xander was even in that group.  I trust neither Xander nor Calvin, as they would both sell you out for a buck.

What I find pathetic is that Janine is even WITH Calvin.  Bristol Cove must have about 5 eligible men for her to be so desperate to be with someone she thinks was born to sell shit stolen from the back of a truck. In truth, while she was disparaging Calvin, what does that say about her?

Xander and Calvin are the Joe Buck and "Ratso" Rizzo of Bristol Cove.

p.s.  I thought sure, Xander was going to hit on Maddie when he knew she and Ben were having trouble.  I wouldn't put it past him to try.  I hate to say it being a guy and all, but the two of them think with that body part some women always accuse us of.   Xander - Nicole?  C'mon Xander, did it really take you that long to figure out that Nicole wasn't who she said she was, you fucking live in Bristol Cove!!!

Edited by Jacks-Son
More Xander ranting. Sorry. :-(
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I wasn't defending Xander or condemning Donna's daughter. I was just surprised by what hapenned. Xander suddenly growing a brain and being helpful and Donna's daughter deciding to avenge her mother. She had no reason to forgive the unjust death of her mother but I still thought she would, especially since they were all working together to save her home. I mean she could have decided to come back later to kill Xander. Killing him right now could have jeopardized the mission. It wasn't smart to do it at that moment.

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1 hour ago, clyo22 said:

I wasn't defending Xander or condemning Donna's daughter. I was just surprised by what hapenned. Xander suddenly growing a brain and being helpful and Donna's daughter deciding to avenge her mother. She had no reason to forgive the unjust death of her mother but I still thought she would, especially since they were all working together to save her home. I mean she could have decided to come back later to kill Xander. Killing him right now could have jeopardized the mission. It wasn't smart to do it at that moment.

Cute, Mods, you've made it easier to "double quote" now.  Ahem, I wasn't as adept as I should have been in performing that trick, in other words, I sucked at it.

Anyway, @clyo22 (just to differentiate you from CLYO222) defend or condemn, your choice on both. My posts had nothing to do with yours.  I chose to condemn Xander and Calvin (always) when the topic of the stupid twins came up.  As for Cami, Donna's daughter, IS being selfish and vengeful, and totally brought down this whole calamity.  She can be an idiot also.  Xander hasn't cornered the market.  Xander believe's he's better than "those things", he hasn't shown it yet.  I'd say Xander and Cami share more than revenge right about now, as the stupidity is strong with both.  I would like to know why the showrunners keep focusing on Cami observing Ryn, Maddie, & Ben's interactions so closely, without them revealing her thoughts during those times.  Does she see Ryn as a sell-out, a Furry Human, or trying to be a leader and mend the rift.  All the writers do is show us her observing them with no indication of how she feels, just her focus on words, touches, glances, & body language between the three.  However, she follows Katrina like a Guppy.

56 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Plus he already tried that last season!

With Xander, he might believe the 3rd time is the charm.  I believe last season, he tried to "re-kindle" a relationship with Maddie, which means she at one time had VERY poor judgement.

This may be a sensitive question, even embarassing for some (me, perhaps), but during the thruple, Ryn said, in her deadpan voice, "Okay, yes" just before the camera, rather pointedly, focused on her hand clasping the sheets.  Did that mean what I thought it meant?  If so, that's a rather odd response. That's Ryn, laconic at the weirdest time. That's like, "Ben and Maddie is love", what is somebody, who is not aware of what's going on, supposed to make of that statement?  You can take the girl out of the water but....  She also almost bit Ben on his neck but thought better of it.  Ben also noticed that he was close to an affectionate yet painful, throat bite.  How romantic.  /s

Edited by Jacks-Son
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3 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

Cute, Mods, you've made it easier to "double quote" now.  Ahem, I wasn't as adept as I should have been in performing that trick, in other words, I sucked at it.

Anyway, @clyo22 (just to differentiate you from CLYO222) defend or condemn, your choice on both. My posts had nothing to do with yours.  I chose to condemn Xander and Calvin (always) when the topic of the stupid twins came up.  As for Cami, Donna's daughter, IS being selfish and vengeful, and totally brought down this whole calamity.  She can be an idiot also.  Xander hasn't cornered the market.  Xander believe's he's better than "those things", he hasn't shown it yet.  I'd say Xander and Cami share more than revenge right about now, as the stupidity is strong with both.  I would like to know why the showrunners keep focusing on Cami observing Ryn, Maddie, & Ben's interactions so closely, without them revealing her thoughts during those times.  Does she see Ryn as a sell-out, a Furry Human, or trying to be a leader and mend the rift.  All the writers do is show us her observing them with no indication of how she feels, just her focus on words, touches, glances, & body language between the three.  However, she follows Katrina like a Guppy.

With Xander, he might believe the 3rd time is the charm.  I believe last season, he tried to "re-kindle" a relationship with Maddie, which means she at one time had VERY poor judgement.

This may be a sensitive question, even embarassing for some (me, perhaps), but during the thruple, Ryn said, in her deadpan voice, "Okay, yes" just before the camera, rather pointedly, focused on her hand clasping the sheets.  Did that mean what I thought it meant?  If so, that's a rather odd response. That's Ryn, laconic at the weirdest time. That's like, "Ben and Maddie is love", what is somebody, who is not aware of what's going on, supposed to make of that statement?  You can take the girl out of the water but....  She also almost bit Ben on his neck but thought better of it.  Ben also noticed that he was close to an affectionate yet painful, throat bite.  How romantic.  /s

My post wasn't a response to yours either. It was my opinion on the event on the show and my participation to the discussion on this thread. That is why I didn't quote you.

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S2.E9: No North Star


Ben, Maddie and the other humans deal with the fallout from the attack on the oil rig, while the mermaids reacclimate to their ocean home. Ryn comes back to land to follow through on an agreement she made with the military, despite not knowing what their ultimate goals are.


Original air date: 6/13/19

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Any idea who the father is of Ryn's baby, if she is pregnant?  It doesn't seem like the father is Ben based on his comment on the trailer.  From the trailer, it seemed like they were considering the plans based on a Ryn pregnancy, but I didn't get the sense that Ben considered himself as a possible option.  From the short trailer, it seemed that it was mating season and the Sirens were drawn back to the sea to mate.

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1 hour ago, Jacks-Son said:

Any idea who the father is of Ryn's baby, if she is pregnant?  It doesn't seem like the father is Ben based on his comment on the trailer.  From the trailer, it seemed like they were considering the plans based on a Ryn pregnancy, but I didn't get the sense that Ben considered himself as a possible option.  From the short trailer, it seemed that it was mating season and the Sirens were drawn back to the sea to mate.

Levi makes the most sense... He's loyal and after Ryn the most acclimated to humanity.. Thus the best to have on land and around the other actors.. And this is freeform which as a channel seems to do a better job of not totally side-lining its minority characters... If this were on the cw I'd say a new white merman with a scruffy beard and a bad boy attitude... So let's all pray freeform kept their brains

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Maddie and Ben looked like some addicts listening to ryn's song... Given her family history I'm worried a bit... Ben should stepped up and told her no... Matter fact shoulda never told her he was listening to it... That newspaper guy could be a friend or foe... Not that he'd actively wanna hurt the merfolks.. Just that its a huge story

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Ben and Maddie getting increasingly addicted to Ryns song is not going to end well. Talk about getting a song stuck in your head. 

Poor Helen, finding out that Sarge died, and now getting kidnapped by some crazy relative of hers. I knew something was up with the sister the second we saw her, she just looked so suburban, she MUST be hiding something!

Interesting seeing Ben, Maddie, and Ryn working together with the government, not sure where it will lead. I do always love Ben/Maddie/Ryn, the cannon inter-species Thruple I never knew I wanted. I loved Xanders expression when he saw Maddie and Ryn kiss, his eyebrows went up so far the about hit the ceiling. 

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This was one helluva good episode.  Freeform somehow manages to hit all the right notes with nary a misstep.  Other channels should take note on how it's done.  The reunion was the highlight of the episode.  Even Sarge's death hit me in the feelz.  The Thruple is awesome and I like that they're not shy about it. Ben's mom took note and it will be interesting to see how their relationship changes when she learns the truth.  I think she'll be understanding, particularly if she gains the use of her legs from the experience. Maddie, Ben, & Ryn love each other and their separations are painful.  I must have watched Ryn bursting into their arms about 5 times, it was so sweet. I don't mind the thrall from the Siren song.  It has a purpose and is used effectively in this show.

As expected, my favorite POS Calvin, comes through with his signature act of cowardice right off the bat when he claimed he couldn't find Xander because of too much smoke; yet Ben only had some minor discomfort and found Xander easily enough.  Never count on Cal to get your back.  He's not up to the challenge.

Helen was devastated about Sarge's death and I applaud Ryn's choice of going straight to her and breaking the news. Helen showed tremendous grace when handling her brother, Rick.  Their sister is another threat and for her to arrange their capture belies her belief that it's her brother who is crazy. That shit came out of nowhere and she must have had the abduction planned as soon as her brother told her they were coming over.

Xander probably let the ship burn because there would be evidence of his fight with Cami and her eventual death.  He's covering his own ass, as usual.  The Stupid Twins are back and are still stupid and shady.  In no way do I trust Nicole and her reasons for doing the things she does.

Loved the underwater special effects.  Sure, it was murky and blurry, but you cannot expect crystal clear images of the mermaids in the water.  I wonder how much was spent on that CGI.  It was well-done.

Good episode and I'm glad the show is back.

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Ted: This is my fault. I've indulged you. You have these unrealistic fantasies of how the world works.
Ben: I don't think having values is an unrealistic fantasy.

Xander: Money's a little tight right now.
Janine: Yeah, I heard. You know, you could work here. 
Xander: Bartending?
Janine: I mean, you drink enough of it. Come on, we're short staffed. Your girlfriend just quit. In a text.
Xander: She's not my girlfriend. You know what? Yeah, okay. I mean, if Nicole can do it, it can't be that hard, right?

Nicole: I know you hate me but I was doing my job.
Xander: Cool story.

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I really didn't want to see a "siren song is an addiction" storyline (I already lived through Willow's whole "magic is an addiction" plot on Buffy) so I was glad that Ryn returned and eliminated the need for Ben and Maddie to keep listening to the recording. Heh, I loved the look on Xander's face when Ryn kissed Maddie at the hospital.

Poor Helen. First she finds out that her boyfriend died and then she gets kidnapped by Rick's crazy sister.

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S2.E10: All In


With Elaine Pownall's health worsening, she seeks treatment from the military's medical trial using mermaid cells, but the procedure doesn't come without side effects to the mermaids. Meanwhile, Helen and Rick learn more about the hybrid status, their history in Bristol Cove, and discover they are far less alone than Helen once believed.


Original air date: 6/20/19

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Xander: She's not my girlfriend. You know what? Yeah, okay. I mean, if Nicole can do it, it can't be that hard, right?

When I heard Xander say that I just shook my head in wonder.  The man, who pushes the definition of buffoonery to the extreme limits, tells the waitress standing in front of him, that if the OTHER waitress can do her job, "it can't be that hard, right?".  Meaning, your job lady, is a piece of cake, anybody can do it.  Nice Xander, get anywhere with that line?  And he didn't think Nicole's interest in him was odd?  Considering how she played Xander, he should be asking if she fooled me, it can't be that hard, right?

Edited by Jacks-Son
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On 6/16/2019 at 3:08 AM, Jacks-Son said:

When I heard Xander say that I just shook my head in wonder.  The man, who pushes the definition of buffoonery to the extreme limits, tells the waitress standing in front of him, that if the OTHER waitress can do her job, "it can't be that hard, right?".  Meaning, your job lady, is a piece of cake, anybody can do it.  Nice Xander, get anywhere with that line?  And he didn't think Nicole's interest in him was odd?  Considering how she played Xander, he should be asking if she fooled me, it can't be that hard, right?

I know, right? Like it's not enough that he just disparaged the intelligence of his ex-girlfriend (and let's be real - anyone in the entire town, even people who hadn't met Nicole, would agree that she is a genius compared to Xander who regularly makes terrible decisions and generally acts like a dingbat) but he also managed to simultaneously insult the woman who is kind enough to give his broke ass free drinks.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
because there's no such thing as a dingbag
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3 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

BTW, who was the mermaid locked inside that sunken ship?  Was it Katrina?  Did they ever show who it was supposed to be?

She looked older.. So maybe a new character to be fleshed out later

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On 6/15/2019 at 2:28 PM, Jacks-Son said:

Xander probably let the ship burn because there would be evidence of his fight with Cami and her eventual death.  He's covering his own ass, as usual.  The Stupid Twins are back and are still stupid and shady.  In no way do I trust Nicole and her reasons for doing the things she does.

Wow, this is a first for me.  I quote myself, because on another viewing, I had a weird thought.  Weird, because as much as I dislike Xander, I had a "twinge" of doubt about his intentions to burn the ship and I needed to own up to it.  However, I'm desperately hanging onto my initial disdain, by slinging my "twinge" out to others. Here goes: Is it possible, that Xander, let the ship burn NOT because he was afraid of authorities finding evidence of his involvement in Cami's death, BUT because he was valiantly trying to keep the secrets of the mermaids from coming out by burning her body?  Ugh, glad I got that out of my system.

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Wow, talk about a buzz kill. Strangulation is such a turn-off. This episode packed more in 30 minutes than most shows pack in an hour. At first I thought I was TOTALLY wrong about Rick's sister when they turned out to all be hybrids, but then her obvious move to remove John from his discussion with Helen happened, just as he was set to reveal the group's forcing out (?) Helen's parents. Beware Helen, people who want to invite you into their group by abducting you is not a good first step.

It appears Nicole may turn out to be a friend instead of an enemy. Although why Ben decided to keep Ryn's current condition a secret is puzzling. I hope he's not putting Ryn's health at risk for the sake of his mother by keeping the trial going. I still don't understand Ryn's reaction if all they were doing was removing stem cells.

Here we go, that was the best special effects scene I've seen in awhile. Ryn's transformation was both brutal and well done. Even to the point of seeing her legs under her tail and then bursting open. I felt Ben and Maddie's horror of what their friend was going through while scientists were admittedly curious and witnessing an animal, in their perspective, going through a change and filming it for posterity. That scene alone must have shot the show's budget up into the stratosphere.

Xander acted like a normal person for once, yet he still seems to be hiding something.

I have nothing more to say about Calvin and am still wondering what the Hell, Janine is thinking by being with the guy.

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When a group invites you to join it by kidnapping you, they might be a bit on the sketchy side. I am extra suspicious after Ricks sister rushed over to get the older guy away from Helen when he started talking about her parents being kicked out (?) and Helen seems suspicious too of this mer-cult. 

Seeing Ryn transform from mermaid to person looked really great, in a super nasty and disturbing way. I think that Nicole actually has good intentions, to an extent, so they might want to clue her in on whats going on with Ryn. So why does removing cells make her violent and unlike herself. 

Poor Ryn just wants to help Ben's mom so much, but what does that mean for her and Ben's mom? So much is happening! 

And then theres Calvin, still being a dumbass. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Upon rewatch, and I admit, that mermaid/human transformation was fascinating, yet, disturbing to watch; made worse by all the ogling photographers who seemed to show no discomfort watching a person go through a grueling transformation where Ryn is literally torn apart and then reassembled.  Anyway, I suspect that while this was the same procedure Donna had undergone, this time they used an anesthetic that probably caused Ryn's primal rages. So, they did put something in her and Ben was right, they had no clue how Ryn would react to the injection.  Which makes his decision not to inform the scientists probably selfish and somewhat hypocritical.

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Xander: Money laundering?
Janine: Calvin? Please. The man can't balance a checkbook.
Xander: Maybe sold his sperm?
Janine: Eww. Gross. He came home flush again last night. He's doing something bone-headed.

Maddie: Halibut or shrimp?
Ben: What goes good with a bottle of whiskey?

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I would gladly watch Ren eating jello and sniffing produce at the grocery store every week.

While I agree with Xander that Calvin gambling is not a good idea, Xander is not in the same position that his dad was. He is barely making any money working at the bar so he can't pay Calvin anything. I totally get that Xander is concerned that Calvin is going to end up in debt to some shady people, but Calvin is an adult which means he's allowed to make his own dumb decisions. Once you tell a friend that he's doing something really stupid, there's not much else you can do about it.

On the flip side, I was annoyed when Calving basically blamed Xander for this because he let the boat burn. You live in a fishing town. Is there really no other boat you can work on?

I was cautiously optimistic when Rick's sister revealed that she  already knew about their mermaid family (only because I was afraid he and Helene were about to get murdered in someone's basement), but mostly I was annoyed. Poor Rick has been self medicating for years because he didn't understand why he was so different and she knew all this time!

I was happy for Helen when she got to meet the other merfolk because she's been on her own for so long. But of course things got sketchy again once she met the guy who knew her parents. I hope Rick's sister doesn't kill him befroe Helene gets to find out the truth. John said his family put him in a retirement community but he made it sound like they were not at the party, so do his kids not know the family secret?

Poor Ben - getting strangled is a pretty fast way to ruin sexy times.

I was pleasantly surprised that Nicole is actually not a total bad guy. She seems to want to protect Ren and keep her from being abused by the scientists (although her line as to where abuse begins may be in a different place than Ben and Maddie's line).

I was afraid that Ben's mom would die and then his dad and brother would return to town and blame Ben for talking her into an experimental treatment.

I love that Ren was willing to put herself through all of this to help Ben's mom because she loves him. Now we'll see if he's willing to risk everyone's safety with Angry Ren in the hopes of curing his mom.

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10 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

but mostly I was annoyed. Poor Rick has been self medicating for years because he didn't understand why he was so different and she knew all this time!

This is the real crime here. Rick's sister basically denied him his right to his own history and identity and subjected him to decades of shame and ridicule. The poor guy didn't even know the words to the generational prayer that Helen's own mother taught her. Imagine, a whole way of life you were kept ignorant of by the very same person who tried to convince you there was something wrong with you.

Now, you want to embrace and introduce him to his own history and you do so by abducting him. Fuck off! Bugger off!

Edited by Jacks-Son
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49 minutes ago, Jacks-Son said:

This is the real crime here. Rick's sister basically denied him his right to his own history and identity and subjected him to decades of shame and ridicule. The poor guy didn't even know the words to the generational prayer that Helen's own mother taught her. Imagine, a whole way of life you were kept ignorant of by the very same person who tried to convince you there was something wrong with you.

Now, you want to embrace and introduce him to his own history and you do so by abducting him. Fuck off! Bugger off!

That's the kind of ignorant paternalistic privilege that is so ubiquitous  she probably doesn't even understand what she's really done... In her mind its a bad thing.. But for the greater good and I bet if he pressed her with complaints about it.. She'd hit him with a " its in the past now get over it and let's move forward "

Damn can't put my finger on it.. But that sentiment sounds familiar 

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15 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I was afraid that Ben's mom would die and then his dad and brother would return to town and blame Ben for talking her into an experimental treatment.

I don't think his dad and brother would return to town and blame Ben for talking her into an experimental treatment, since that was the reason they had left town if the first place, to get her into an experimental treatment program. Otherwise, they would have been by her side for the end.

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I'm interested to see what happens in the next two-hour episode.  From the previews it seems as if teams travel underwater looking for the Merpeople's colony and find a city(?). I hope it's for peaceful purposes and that they're not looking for subjects to experiment on.

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17 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I would gladly watch Ren eating jello and sniffing produce at the grocery store every week.

I thought this scene was very well done and the whole scene was made possible by the wonderful chemistry between Eline and Fola. Those two just shine when they're together. Their eyes lit up when Ryn discovered Jello and Ryn devoured that Jello-fish with a grin.

Edited by Jacks-Son
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S02.E11: Mixed Signals


Maddie and Ben contend with how to help Ryn knowing that in order to help Elaine get better, they will need to continue the procedures on Ryn. Meanwhile, when one of the group gets sirened, there is more drive than ever to get to the bottom of how the siren song really works - further piquing the interest of the military in how Ryn can be of use to them.

S02.E12: Serenity


Ryn goes back to the ocean to get help for Ben and Maddie's conditions but discovers that continuing to go back may get harder than she realized the longer she's on land. But when they learn that there may be a special place in Ryn's homeland that could help them, Ben, Maddie and Ryn must all venture under the sea together to find the cure. Meanwhile, Helen and Ted connect over their shared family histories.


Original air date: 6/27/19

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Ryn has been running full speed through the forest for hours and her temperature is the same as it was when she was sitting on an examination table, 92 degrees Fahrenheit.

The guys never mentioned how they got the sub to start working again, maybe one of the mermaids is a mechanic.

Why exactly does the part-mermaid cult want to keep their bloodline pure? I can see them kidnapping one of the mermaids. Maybe even trying to mate with it.

I wonder if there are any male mermen left since the only one we have seen left the ocean to become a human.

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