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S.14.E03: The Blind Auditions Part 3

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So everyone but Kelly has used their block and everyone but Alicia has been blocked.  Also, no coach who use the block has then been chosen by that artist.

It feels kind of unfair to have a finalist from another version of The Voice come here although I wasn't overly impressed with that guy.

I thought the girl who sang Hotline Bling was waaaay overrated. Her version of that song made me appreciate Drake's. It did not appeal to me and I was surprised when the coaches not only loved it but acted like it was one of the best auditions ever. 

The crooner seemed to be doing a Michael Buble impression. It's one thing to adopt a style but that was over the top. I hope Blake can break him of that habit.

I did really like Johnny, even if he does look a little like Ronnie from Jersey shore. I thought his vocal was great and he seemed really sweet.

  • Love 7

Missed the first girl and it's not up on the Ytube yet, so I can't comment.

Tiny Tim was good! Although multiple bedroom scenes in his prepackage with his brother seemed a bit much.

Despacito boy and Crooner kid were doing straight up copies of their original songs. Not saying they don't have decent voices (although, really? Yet another Buble wannabe? It's never happening. It's just not), but you've gotta come with at least a little originality or what are even doing here?

Reid was probably the best of the night. You could feel the maturity in his voice for sure. I also like the singing telegram guy. Very smooth, and definitely not trying too hard.

Really surprised the young country girl missed out. She wasn't particularly original either, but she had a strong-ish country voice and that's usually enough to get at least one chair to turn. Either from Blake, or from a different judge bent on trying to take Blake down with a country artist of their own...

I'm sorry, but the girl who performed just after the Berkeley Reggae fail shouldn't have made a team either. Her voice wasn't much. But she had a poignant sob story to milk (that apparently he didn't have) so presto chango "one pity chair".

Is Angel (she got montage'd with another girl named Jamilla) the first ever openly transgender competitor on a singing competition show?

Johnny Bliss was good but not great. Seemed an odd contestant for Adam to use a block on Kelly for.


**Forgot the pop/rock girl. She was alright. Jackie Foster sounds like a name of someone who should be a frontwoman of a grimy, indie rock band.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Bless this show for putting Kelly Clarkson in front of my eyeballs on a regular basis. She's a damn hoot.

And bless this show for nobody turning for White Boy Dreads. I was so relieved he was bad because I already wanted to put my foot through the tv just from having to listen to him talk.



Is Angel (she got montage'd with another girl named Jamilla) the first ever openly transgender competitor on a singing competition show?

There was a trans woman on The Voice UK a couple of years ago. She's the only one I can think of.

  • Love 12

Kelly as a Coach is the best thing that has happened to this show since the chair turns in season one. She's just so good and fun and doesn't shrink when competing with Adam and Blake. She actually makes them more tolerable.

And the blocks are cursed, y'all.  I had to laugh at Adam at the end. He was so proud of himself for using it. He deserved that.

  • Love 12

Kelly is just the best.  I assume a lot of that hideous "banter" between coaches is scripted, but it rarely feels that way with Kelly.  She just makes the show more fun for me, in spite of the fact that very few of the contestants have been that impressive so far.

And kudos to the guy who sang Take Me To the Pilot, simply for doing one of my favorite Elton songs.  There was an Idol contestant who did that song years ago and I'll never forget that awesome performance.

Edited by TaraS1
  • Love 13
  • I enjoyed Despacito, but I can’t tell if it was because it was a more or less faithful cover of the song, or Kelly’s exuberance during the performance. I’d be interested in seeing what else he can do. (And I loved Kelly’s astonished “It’s only the number one hit worldwide!” to Blake)
  • Kelly does bring a great new energy to all the other judges, and I like how people are now fearing Alicia instead of Blake. She does make amazing pitches.
  • Christiana Danielle is definitely poised to win hearts and votes. I was weirdly charmed by her rapping mama, and how Christiana was just beaming with pride. I don’t have the musical sophistication to truly understand what she did vocally, but here’s hoping she doesn’t get tanked with the wrong song choice in the next few rounds.
  • I like when Adam geeks out genuinely, as he did with Reid. I think Adam will do right by him, and he’ll stand out more than he will with Alicia. (It was funny to see that one moment of incredulity on Adam’s face when he was chosen. Like his begging schtick actually worked for once)
  • Wish we could have seen more of Angel’s performance.
  • Ukelele/Tiny Tim guy. I had Weird Al flashbacks, and "Riptide" is still playing on the radio. Why are the judges acting like he showed up with a theremin or glockenspiel? That being said, if he survives, I suspect Riptide and Somewhere over the Rainbow will be the songs he's given. But that's a big if. I am right there with the poster who said there was wayyyy too much time spent/information given about him sharing a bed with his brother.
  • Funny we had two Berklee grad contestants—usually when they include that detail that means they’re a shoo-in. But Bob Marley-wannabe didn’t (he mangled that song!) while Munchkin did. I did give a start when she said she had won the Lollapalooza Scholarship, I misheard it at first as the Lollipop Guild Scholarship -- what a great callback to her singing start! But she might be cannon fodder, though.
  • Austin Giorgio. Definite cannon fodder. He’s no Noah Mac. I may have been expecting greater things from all his cockiness.
  • Do contestants get to hear coaches tell others that they’re the one they’re going to win with? I was struck how this episode had more personalized pitches—it’s cool that the coaches are at last ready to compete with one other when trying to get chosen.
  • Ha--I wanted to hear a breakup singing telegram!
  • Also, if they’re going to show us a no-chair turn audition, I want to hear more constructive critique from the coaches as to what could have made it better. I also like to hear from coaches for chair turns why they didn’t, even if it's a variation of “I’m looking for something specific for my team” or the very nice “I knew I didn’t have a chance when X turned, because X is the perfect coach for you.” Just make it worth not showing auditions that did get chair turns!
  • Lastly, Johnny Bliss. He was a good choice to close out the evening. Didn’t know what he was singing, but I bought what he was selling. He seemed really personable after giving such a great, energetic performance. Humbled by the coaches standing for him. Glad he went with Alicia, since he was blocked from his top choice, Kelly. Even happier that he didn’t reward Adam for that dick move. I think Blake would have done right by him too. I’m excited to see more from him.
  • Love 4

Last season it would have taken an extraordinary singer/performer to keep me tuned in despite how much JHud's every word was like fingernails on a chalkboard as far as I was concerned.  If she never returns to The Voice, it will be way too soon for me.

This season the talent has been so underwhelming as to be, for me, the worst series of blind auditions in the history of the show.  But, in spite of that, I'm staying tuned for Kelly.  I find myself looking forrward to seeing her every week. I say this as someone who didn't see her during her Idol run and hasn't been a big fan in the meantime.  Now I'm on the Clarkson Train.  When she did that impression of Alicia, strutting about and being all "damn sexy", I laughed so hard.  Love her! 

Edited by SnarkyTart
  • Love 7

I continue to be less than impressed by the talent this season.  In this episode, I thought only the first (Christiana) and last (Johnny) were pretty good.  Everyone else was kind of meh.   I do wish Johnny had picked a better Marc Anthony song (there are plenty of great ones to choose from and I'm not even a big fan of salsa).  But I guess Preciosa does tie in with the situation in Puerto Rico.  I'm now interested to see how he does on a song in English.  The little clip we saw of Jamella's song sounded pretty good.  I wish we had been able to see the entire performance.

Current team rosters/cheat sheets:

Team Adam
Rayshun LaMarr (2)
Drew Cole (2)
Davison (2)
Mia Boostrom (1)
Reid Umstattd (2)
Angel Bonilla (1)*

Team Alicia
Britton Buchanan (3)**
Kelsea Johnson (3)
Jaclyn Lovey (2)
Christiana Danielle (3)
Jamai (2)
Johnny Bliss (4)**

Team Kelly
Brynn Cartelli (2)
D.R. King (2)
Justin Kilgore (4)**
Molly Stevens (2)
Dylan Hartigan (1)
Jackie Foster (2)
Jorge Eduardo (1)
Jamella (2)*

Team Blake
Kyla Jade (2)
Kaleb Lee (2)
Pryor Baird (4)
Brett Hunter (1)
Austin Giorgio (2)

The number in parentheses details the number of chairs that turned.  One asterisk means that this artist's Blind was montaged.  Two asterisks mean that the Blind had a Block used during it.

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