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S22.E03: Week 3

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38 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I so very, very much want her to say she's 17.

If she is a day over 18 this is a totally stupid "scandal", especially since there is already someone who is 23.  I would love it if she was like 40, ha!  But yeah, she's probably 22 and it's gonna be stupid.

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Beckah’s Instagram went from about 36k followers to 76k.  Watch it double again.  This is why she’s here, not to Mack on Ward Cleaver. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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31 minutes ago, hnygrl said:

Yo Arie...could you like...leave the ones who you dump their dignity at least and quit insisting on walking them out? It's lowering. You're not being the nice guy here. Let them go and play with the ones you kept.

I've always had a tiny modicum of respect for the ladies (and gents) who are like F you and refuse to give the bachelor(ette) a hug or validate their decisions on the way out.  If my ass just got dumped, I DO NOT want you to hug me!  It's not my job to make you feel better.

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14 hours ago, backformore said:

I have noticed that toasting glasses has become "a cheers" on the Bachelor shows.   Instead of "let's have a toast"  and saying Cheers when the clink glasses, it's "let's have a cheers."  It's becoming "bachelor speak" almost as much as "her and I's relationship."  (which has not been said yet by Arie, so Cheers to him!) 

The "young'uns" say this on all the reality shows (OK, maybe I watch too many).  Even worse is when they say they're "cheersing."  Ugh.  The other one that's becoming mainstream, much to my chagrin, is saying "verse" when they mean "versus."  As in "It was us verse them."  I've noticed this one for a few years now.

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The whole "you like me because I don't need you" was completely planned and fake and a game.  It was SO SO SO phony! Makes me cringe. The ONLY woman ever on this show to say "You know I don't really like the bachelor all that much, even though he seems to like me" was that opera singer on Juan Carlos season (Juan someone). 

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3 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Still can't stand Bekah and her sex kitten persona-"You want me because I don't need you"-Ok, Mae West.

I don't find Arie attractive at all, but I cannot stand her and when she said that shit, I so wanted him to say "You're absolutely right.  You don't need me"--and walked her little cool girl ass out the door and waited with her for the limo to come take her away. 

I wasn't paying attention at times so missed the wrestling, I'm sorry I missed Kenny.

Edited by Ohwell
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So glad Bibby Babka is gone. Bad enough she was the type I hate the most on this show, the one who sits on their ass complaining about having no time with the Bachelor, but she talked so much shit. I know she has her share of fans for this trait, but I am most definitely not one. It is a very thin line between witty snark and bitter trash talk, and Bibby Babka did not walk that line well, at all.

I felt bad for Annaliese. First her childhood traumas are used for comedic fodder, than she is roundly rejected by Arie. I though she was pretty, and childhood traumas aside, she seemed kind of nice. Hopefully we see more of her on BIP.

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7 minutes ago, reggiejax said:

I felt bad for Annaliese. First her childhood traumas are used for comedic fodder, than she is roundly rejected by Arie. I though she was pretty, and childhood traumas aside, she seemed kind of nice. Hopefully we see more of her on BIP.

I just fear that every time a guy goes in to kiss her now she's going to have PTSD about that time she begged Arie to kiss her and he refused, even though he's tasted the tonsils of pretty much every female he sees.

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

On a purely surface level, I found her very pretty.  She had makeup on, but it didn't seem spackled on--maybe I was just swayed by that.  And her hair was straightened, but it didn't look like it took a battle royale, so that, too, looked almost natural (or as natural as you're going to get on this show).  And her skin was pretty, although when she was eliminated it looked like there was a weird bulge on her forehead.

I totally agree with you. To me, she was super beautiful...until she opened her mouth. Her choice of words were definitely a little cringey at times and she was annoying. I do think longer hair would take some of the focus off of her lack of a neck. Haha. But she is quite pretty.

The wrestling lady making fun of her name was totally uncalled for. If that were me, I absolutely would have been like, "No. This is not what I signed up for. I am on a dating show. That was unnecessary, and has nothing to do with my relationship with Arie. I'm not playing this game, and if Arie thinks less of me because of it, that's his problem." Seriously, Arie really isn't worth having that experience, even if it was supposed to be fun/acting/whatever.

Arie is about as exciting as a box of rocks, and I do not find him good looking or sexy in any way. I wish they would have added a plot twist where whoever won the round between him and Kenny would be the Bachelor, and that Kenny would have won. 

Speaking of cringey, Bekah M wins for that one. I 100% agree with whoever said she's essentially auditioning for her own reality show. Love the haircut, but again...I like her until she opens her mouth. 

Just based off of first impressions, I am surprised that Annaliese turned out to be kind of a wacko. Sad we won't get to learn about more of her childhood traumas, that was the most entertaining part of the entire episode. 

Lauren S was SO surprising to me! Based only off of first impressions and looks, I thought she would go far. She and Arie actually seemed to have good chemistry too, although you could tell she was a little nervous. They really looked like they would have been a cute couple. I haven't read any spoilers, so as of right now I'm completely stumped as to who the final 2 will be.

Has anyone else noticed Arie kind of has his own baby voice when he dumps the women? His voice goes up a few pitches and he starts talking all weird. 

Chelsea looks like the plastic version of Olivia. She's pretty, but something about her face looks overdone to me. 

Caroline reminded me of Vanessa from Nick's season when she was talking to the camera and wearing that sweater.

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5 hours ago, dleighg said:

I know it goes without saying that I would suck at being a contestant, but I really hate the thing where the Bachelor puts the girls into an incredibly uncomfortable situation, and then says "I just want someone who can go with the flow and have fun in any situation". I mean, some people are introverts and maybe don't feel like "playing" all the time. Like I said, I'd suck at this.

Yes, because in the "real world"  most women who don't like fighting are not going to be cajoled into a wrestling match.  People afraid of dogs are not going to go on a date where they train dogs.  Same with stripping, heights, singing on stage, demolition derby, a number of other things that this show thinks are acceptable "dates" for people who hate or fear those situations.  

I always wonder, though, when people start out refusing to do something, like with the wrestling, and then end up going along - was there possibly some producer manipulation along the lines of "you signed a contract, this is a date, you agreed to participate?"   

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5 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

he Stockholm Syndrome just baffles me. They are all having feelings for him, but if you switched him out with let's say Ben Flajnik, they would all be madly in love with him too. It is sort of sickening to watch these women throwing themselves at a man. The whole premise is so wrong that I cannot believe I continue to watch...

And mushu I totally agree, the vocal fry and uptalk is unreal. My son, who is 25, claims he does not know any women who speak that way among his peers. He knows how much I hate it

Right.  In real life, at a party or other setting where there are several men, Many of these women might not give Arie the time of day.  And the others, if they saw him making out with one woman, would bypass him completely and move on to another guy.  It is amazing how the show gets a group of women to compete for the attentions of a very normal, average guy, and feel so rejected that ONE GUY doesn't choose them over the others.  

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4 minutes ago, backformore said:

I always wonder, though, when people start out refusing to do something, like with the wrestling, and then end up going along - was there possibly some producer manipulation along the lines of "you signed a contract, this is a date, you agreed to participate?"   

That's a good point. Because of course the less people that participate, the less chances the producers have to show embarrassing moments, potential cat fights among the women, and other things that would make for "good TV." If someone sits out, then they have to show the guy comforting that person and talking to them about why they don't want to participate, which is boring and would possibly give more screen time to one woman, which I would assume they don't necessarily want, especially if that person doesn't end up going very far.

Wasn't it Juan Pablo's season where Nikki said she didn't want to bungee jump and they strapped her into the harness thing anyway? I was SO glad she didn't end up doing it. Stick to your guns! HELL NO would I ever go bungee jumping, I would suck at this show too! 

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5 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

Also why was Becca sitting around in her bra?

Per Reality Steve before the season started.....

"Doesn’t own bras, never wears bras".   I have been fixated on that ever since I heard it, and she doesn't wear bras. I guess she considered that sports bra her shirt.

Edited by nutty1
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6 minutes ago, backformore said:

Right.  In real life, at a party or other setting where there are several men, Many of these women might not give Arie the time of day.  And the others, if they saw him making out with one woman, would bypass him completely and move on to another guy.  It is amazing how the show gets a group of women to compete for the attentions of a very normal, average guy, and feel so rejected that ONE GUY doesn't choose them over the others.  

Agree with you and Capurnia99 on this too. If you only watch a season or 2 here and there, it's easier to buy into, but once you start watching every season and see that they're just pulling cast-off nobodies from past seasons to headline the show, you definitely have those, "why am I watching this?" moments. 

I feel like none of the past 4 or 5 (or even 6 or 7) Bachelors have been much of a catch. I also wish they would cast a little more manly of a man as the lead. Arie and Nick and Ben are all kind of wimpy, albeit seemingly nice guys. Rachel had more balls than any of those dudes! Haha.

It always makes me laugh when they say, "If you know someone who would be perfect for the next bachelor or bachelorette, sign up at this website." Like...we don't even know who it's going to be! How would we know if our friend would be perfect for them? LMAO.

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Mr MML seriously turned to me after the reenactment of Annalise's story about her dog PTSD and said, "I can't believe her grandmother caught that on a home movie." Kudos to the editing monkeys this season!

Lauren S (?) seemed very aware that she came across as one of those people who never shut up, and reason enough to send her home, imho. In fact all three of the women who left gave Arie a reason to send them home: Annalise is terminally traumatized, Lauren S is a blatherer, and Bibiana is a tattletale. 

Interesting to me that the contestants all seem to be able to hold their liquor but I think it's pretty obvious that Arie is either buzzed or hung over for a lot of this. Run, girls, run!

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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

I don't find Arie attractive at all, but I cannot stand her and when she said that shit, I so wanted him to say "You're absolutely right.  You don't need me"--and walked her little cool girl ass out the door and waited with her for the limo to come take her away. 

I wasn't paying attention at times so missed the wrestling, I'm sorry I missed Kenny.

I think he looks like a possum.  All the energy and personality of a possum, too.

usually a good group of ladies can carry a lame Bachelor, but I’m not feeling these women.  No real standouts.  Beckah is far too camera aware and hipster doofusy to not grate after awhile, and the 321 Lauren’s are completely indistinguishable to me.  

I guess Tia is a stand out.  Still pretty dull though.

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6 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think Bibiana was a total puss with the GLOW lady. Her response to all the posturing and theatrics was to be so personally offended, instead of either laughing or going along with it. Think how a person with a sense of humor could have responded to the situation.

GLOW woman: "Did your mother know how to spell when she chose 'Bibiana?'"

Bibiana: "It's [insert ethnicity here], YOU RACIST!"

(someone gets fake body-slammed)

They both looks pretty stupid getting all "offended" at jokes.  We aren't supposed to laugh because you have an "ethnic" name? Who doesn't?  Even Smith is ethnic as it is traced back to England, not America.  

1 hour ago, MoonMountain said:


Speaking of cringey, Bekah M wins for that one. I 100% agree with whoever said she's essentially auditioning for her own reality show. Love the haircut, but again...I like her until she opens her mouth. 


She probably looks best with short hair because she is tiny like a little pixie but the cut is incredibly cheap looking.  I don't see anything attractive about her at all.  

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4 hours ago, Stan39 said:

I think the problem is that the "fake" women, the villains and quirky ones the producers plant to stir up drama in the beginning (Krystal, Chelsea, and Jenna) aren't compelling enough ....

I have seen Jenna referred to as a villain before and I still can't even figure out who Jenna is let alone why she's a villain! Which one is she and what did she do?

2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Beckah’s Instagram went from about 36k followers to 76k.  Watch it double again.  This is why she’s here, not to Mack on Ward Cleaver. 

You know what, good for her. She's getting exactly what she wants. I respect that. Still can't stand her though.

The talk of Becca and the bra (which I didn't notice) made me remember that Chelsea wasn't wearing a bra for the night portion of the group date and she really needs to wear one. I feel so bad for saying this (but not bad enough to not say it I guess!) but her face is not attractive.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I have seen Jenna referred to as a villain before and I still can't even figure out who Jenna is let alone why she's a villain! Which one is she and what did she do?

Amen! (although I websurf while watching, but has she gotten *any* significant attention?)

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19 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I have seen Jenna referred to as a villain before and I still can't even figure out who Jenna is let alone why she's a villain! Which one is she and what did she do?

She's the blonde who wears too much makeup, including too dark lipstick, most of the time. She wore a white dress to last night's rose ceremony. I don't remember her being a villain, or doing anything else of note. There was a Jenny who was booted last week who made fun of Annaliese's bumper car trauma, so maybe some people thought she was a villain.

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yeah she's blonde. I still don't remember her. Is she the one who was humping Ari while Bibiana Annaliese (see I really don't pay attention) was trying to get face time?

Edited by dleighg
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5 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

There was a Jenny who was booted last week who made fun of Annaliese's bumper car trauma, so maybe some people thought she was a villain.

OMG these chicks need to get different names. Do nicknames like that Flavor of Love or whatever it was. Didn't he give them all ho nick names? Annaliese could be Trauma, Bekah could be Hipster, Bibiana could be Whiney. About 1/3 of them could be "That other blonde". 

There are 2 becca/bekahs, a Jenny and Jenna and half a dozen Laurens. He should have kept Bibiana and Annaliese just because they have unique names on the show. 

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34 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I have seen Jenna referred to as a villain before and I still can't even figure out who Jenna is let alone why she's a villain! Which one is she and what did she do?

You know what, good for her. She's getting exactly what she wants. I respect that. Still can't stand her though.

The talk of Becca and the bra (which I didn't notice) made me remember that Chelsea wasn't wearing a bra for the night portion of the group date and she really needs to wear one. I feel so bad for saying this (but not bad enough to not say it I guess!) but her face is not attractive.

The Jenna I'm referring to is the weird one always flailing her arms. I should have been more clear, I don't think she's a villain I think she's the weird one producers always think will be funny and interesting (dolphin chick, Ashley S, and probably the taxidermy person). Their schtick ends up being really lame and in Ashley S' case it was really condescending of the show. 

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6 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

OMG these chicks need to get different names. Do nicknames like that Flavor of Love or whatever it was. Didn't he give them all ho nick names? Annaliese could be Trauma, Bekah could be Hipster, Bibiana could be Whiney. About 1/3 of them could be "That other blonde". 

There are 2 becca/bekahs, a Jenny and Jenna and half a dozen Laurens. He should have kept Bibiana and Annaliese just because they have unique names on the show. 

Jenny isn't there anymore. She's the one who refused to hug him last week after he eliminated her.

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Anyone notice the socks Arie wore with his high tops while walking his dog? They were sticking up over the top edge of the high tops about 3-4 inches & looked like dress socks, not sport socks. Who wears socks halfway up their calves with high tops? Maybe it’s just me. 

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37 minutes ago, hnygrl said:

I may be in the minority here but I never liked Arie. Not even at all, not even during Emily's season. I always thought he was weird looking and boring.

Still weird looking with the grey hair and the penchant for way-too-young-for-him girls. Not ladies. Not women. GIRLS.

Ick. And no, he can't kiss. Never thought he could. He just got hyped by the "wall kiss." ONE good kiss does not a bandit make.

I have absolutely nothing good to say about this deadly dull and boring season, and for the powers that be to boost the show by humiliating the girls week after week is sickening.

Yo Arie...could you like...leave the ones who you dump their dignity at least and quit insisting on walking them out? It's lowering. You're not being the nice guy here. Let them go and play with the ones you kept.

Do I think he'll actually marry the one he picked (I've been spoiled by the way...ONLY way I can watch this show anymore)?


I don't think so. Can't give it a firm "NO," but really, I don't think he will.

I'm enjoying the snark and the recaps more than the actual show.

I didn't see Arie on Emily's season so I had no opinion of him beforehand but since I had read for years about how hot/great he and his kissing were I was kind of looking forward to his season. 

Although I have seen worse in leads to me he has been somewhat of a letdown. He's not offending but he's just...boring. He does seem a little on the not so bright side and makes it more obvious than some that he's probably just there for the hot girls and making out. 

I just can't seem to get into this season as much as previous seasons so I don't know how much may be me just getting burnt out with the whole process or the fact that Arie is not that interesting or compelling. This is the first time in many years I haven't been spoiled so I think that's what's keeping me watching. I just don't think there's enough to keep me watching if I knew how it all ended. 

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2 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Jenny isn't there anymore. She's the one who refused to hug him last week after he eliminated her.

Thank you. I'm clearly paying a lot of attention to this show. lol 


2 minutes ago, Losemynumber said:

Who wears socks halfway up their calves with high tops? Maybe it’s just me. 

An old guy? Seriously, he dresses like a very unhip grandfather. Like, we get it, he's OLD!!!!!! The HORROR!!!!! I still hope Bekah reveals that she's 18...and his daughter! (well, maybe not that last part given how many times they've made out so far)

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2 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I still hope Bekah reveals that she's 18...and his daughter!

On the Netflix show GLOW - a fictionalized account of how the actual GLOW came to be - there is an eerily similar storyline (with much less making out though). 

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8 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

FRED WILLARD at the dog show! That was an inside joke for fans of Best in Show, which is my favorite movie of all time. Too bad it fell pretty flat except for his doggie style joke. They must have cut out some of the stuff he said. But usually he comes up with all sorts of funny stuff on the fly.  For those of you who don't know he was the color commentator at the dog show on Best in Show and he said so many hilarious things about the dogs. The movie was all improvised. 

Well I think Bekka is too young and its gross watching them kiss. 

he Stockholm Syndrome just baffles me. They are all having feelings for him, but if you switched him out with let's say Ben Flajnik, they would all be madly in love with him too. It is sort of sickening to watch these women throwing themselves at a man. The whole premise is so wrong that I cannot believe I continue to watch...

And mushu I totally agree, the vocal fry and uptalk is unreal. My son, who is 25, claims he does not know any women who speak that way among his peers. He knows how much I hate it.


Also why was Becca sitting around in her bra?

LOVE the movie Best in Show!!!  Such a cult classic!!  Fred Willard does a lot of dog shows now.  Who knew the movie would lead to him doing that for all these years?  All of you need to watch it!!! 

You all also need to watch Burning Love which is a parody of the Bachelor and it's hysterical!!!

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About Arie's "old guy" socks: He did say during the winery date/dinner that he's started going to bed early AND WEARING CARDIGANS. Remember we made fun of him last episode for his cardigan? Meanwhile, this quote: "This is not what I signed up for. I am on a dating show." No, if you signed up for The Bachelor, you are not on a "dating show." You are on a scripted reality show produced by Fleiss, who wants to show drah-mah every week, make women (and some men) cry, cause fights in "the house" and other assorted Most Dramatic Episodes EVAH to make money and sell commercials and get publicity. People go on this show for their 15 minutes and perhaps to get their own scripted reality show, to ride the wave for more than 15 minutes. So yeah, if you go on The Bachelor, get ready to bungee jump, ride tractors in your bikini, rappel down some skyscraper and do everything else you would never do "in real life." Because The Bachelor is NOT real. And congrats on Bekka for her Instagram bump! Now THAT'S what I'm talking about.

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9 hours ago, Shades of Scarlet said:

I didn't understand the winery date at all.  Lauren S. was down-to-Earth, very nice, and IMO anyway, really attractive, far more so than some of those still hanging around.  

she was very pretty and sweet, but had a vocal fry and a speech pattern that was so annoying I would have found it unbelievable that any man could listen to that on a daily basis. I was so relieved when he sent her home. I dont know why so many women talk like this!!! Do they think its sexy?

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4 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

The whole "you like me because I don't need you" was completely planned and fake and a game.  It was SO SO SO phony! Makes me cringe. The ONLY woman ever on this show to say "You know I don't really like the bachelor all that much, even though he seems to like me" was that opera singer on Juan Carlos season (Juan someone). 

Juan Pablo! And that was Sharleen. Oh, those were the days!


1 hour ago, dleighg said:

yeah she's blonde. I still don't remember her. Is she the one who was humping Ari while Bibiana Annaliese (see I really don't pay attention) was trying to get face time?

That was excellent! Dry humping him! I liked her because she looked so genuinely happy in her interview segments spliced into the boring wrestling date, she was glowing. But she looks like a completely different person with every different application of makeup so I am not sure which one of the blondes she is most of the time. I had to go back and see if that was her, confirmed only by the neckline of the dress, in her carried away by passion scene.

No-one else is really standing out for me, as of any interest whatsoever, apart from Jacqueline who we never see much of.

It is, I hate to say it, a bit of a boring season. I was a big Arie fan, but the women are too young and vapid and he's making  it clear he prefers them like that, the younger and  more vapid the better; and his kissing was never about so much tongue in Emily's season. Eugh. I also think he looks ill, possibly alcohol poisoning; his eyes are weird and bleary; and in the cocktail party before the rose ceremony (hahaha) he had alarming pink-rimmed eyes. So it was a bit rich when he refused to even peck poor Annaliese.

The best part of this show this season is the end credits montage. I loved that teeth-baring little dog!

Oh, and I did sit up and get excited seeing Arie eat his actual steak on that winery date. Actual food eaten on a Bachelor date!

Edited by violet and green
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Considering it didn't seem like Arie even had time to pop a Mentos between make out sessions, Annaliese should the thanking her lucky stars she is safe from the impending herpes epidemic that is going to wipe out the Bachelor house. haha

Maybe I'm just an old prude but I find it kind of gross macking on that many chicks back to back like that. We don't even know if he had any alcohol between tongue tangoes. That would at least kill some of the germs. He just seems like he's kissing more than previous bachelors, probably because he's trying to live up to that stupid "kissing bandit" name he was saddled with. 

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I've noticed a lot of opinions of posters being bored with Arie and this season (myself included). I saw in a internet article after the premiere that the shows ratings were way down. They mentioned that it could have been due to the fact that it had never premiered on New Years Day and it had to fight with the college playoffs but even still the ratings were significantly down. I wonder if they have continued to slip and if so if that would be due to boredom with Arie and the women or if viewers are finally getting burnt out after 22 seasons. Could this be the beginning of a downward spiral to this shows end? What do you guys think?

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Lol, since I last posted, Beckah has gained 3k more followers.  She really doesn’t need Arie, she’s setting herself up for a six figure income posting selfies.  Nice damn work if you can get it, and she’s working her angle like a pro.  

As a comparison, Carly has 900k followers.  She should pass that by the end of the season.  

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I just finished watching and this episode was so funny tonight. The dog trauma reenactments were hilarious! The dates were fun to watch, too. Actually I'm getting into it more this season just for entertainment reasons. I'm still cheering for the home girl Becca. She and Arie seem at ease with each other, like they don't have to try too hard with each other because they're past that step. Krystal sure is turning into a nasty one. She's very controlling, like with the other women she has to control the situation by being condescending and telling them how to feel and what to expect, etc. I'm glad she didn't get any roses tonight.

Bekah continues to impress as she auditions for the role of ingenue and next Bachelorette. She does have some good snark. I really noticed people's spider leg false eyelashes tonight. Bibiana is really pretty when she's not being pugnacious.

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1 hour ago, nlkm9 said:

she was very pretty and sweet, but had a vocal fry and a speech pattern that was so annoying I would have found it unbelievable that any man could listen to that on a daily basis. I was so relieved when he sent her home. I dont know why so many women talk like this!!! Do they think its sexy?

See, I felt like she came across as kind of dumb.  All that nattering on and on about weird infections etc while Arie was stuffing his face and not making eye contact.  

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I can't even stand Bekah. She's clearly obsessed with herself and has written up a narrative in her head of all of her own super chill, awesome, cool girl traits which she is reciting to Arie every chance she gets. You're not supposed to TELL a guy that you're the girl who doesn't need him, or you're the girl who is simple and laid back, or any of the other bullshit she's been throwing out there. You just are yourself and people notice it on their own... nobody is impressed when you tell them how great you are.  If some random I just met was psychoanalyzing me on the third date ("maybe that's why you like moms"?? Really?!), their ass would be out of there. It makes Arie look really weak-minded when he plays right into it. She also does that Olivia-esque jaw drop (open mouth for as long as possible to make sure the cameras got it!) faux-shock and enthusiasm for every tiny occurrence. I am actually a big WWE fan too so it really annoyed me when she was trying to come off as a wrestling expert. And yes, watching her and Arie together is gross. She looks like she could be his child.

I am really unimpressed with Arie's apparent taste in women between Krystal, Chelsea, and Bekah, but I do like Becca and Caroline for him. I want to see more of Jacqueline. The remaining Lauren is very good looking. My personal favorite right now is Jenna who just seems batshit crazy but also genuinely fun and attractive. 

I also didn't like the way he sent wine date Lauren home. The tone of his voice or expression he had on honestly came across like he was joking and going to come out at any minute, like, just winding you up! It was weird to watch and up until he actually got up to walk her to the limo I still didn't think he was being serious.

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1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

Lol, since I last posted, Beckah has gained 3k more followers.  She really doesn’t need Arie, she’s setting herself up for a six figure income posting selfies.  Nice damn work if you can get it, and she’s working her angle like a pro.  

As a comparison, Carly has 900k followers.  She should pass that by the end of the season.  

Not only does Bekah not "need" Arie, she'll amass more followers if she's eliminated before F3 and goes on BIP. Carly, Jade, and Amanda have made a ton of money that way.

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11 hours ago, dleighg said:

so on Lauren's date does Ari push a button under the table to summon the limo?

Anyone know what the music that was playing during her exit?

Clair de Lune - Debussy. One of my favorites.

Every interaction on this entire show seemed fake except for his interaction with Becca. She seems natural with Arie, so maybe something possibly real there? And I say this as a total wrong reasons viewer. 

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5 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

Interesting to me that the contestants all seem to be able to hold their liquor but I think it's pretty obvious that Arie is either buzzed or hung over for a lot of this.

I'm no so sure...Jenna appeared to be trashed out of her mind.  Of course from day one she always appeared to be trashed out of her mind, so what do I know? :)

2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

ride tractors in your bikini

And then they can blame that for their gonorrhea (lame Seinfeld shout-out LOL).

8 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Plus it was all fakety fake from the GLOW ladies anyway. "Victims" need to stand up to the bullies, not run away and hide and cry. Great rejoinders: "What does an ancient fat lady like you know about names?" "My great gramma is younger than you are." "My great GREAT gramma could whip your fat ass." "Did you get that outfit in the dumpster behind Goodwill?" Stuff like that. The GLOW ladies would have loved it. BIG FAIL for those two crybaby b-ettes.

My 1st thought was "Is that plastic surgery, or did you stick your face in a Kitchen Aid?" :)

Edited by ByTor
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23 hours ago, tpplay said:

Arie makes me sick.

He's so full of platitudes and so all over (almost) everyone.  Who WOULDN'T feel bad when someone's kissing everyone but her?  On the other hand, one could take the "who wants a dog like that to kiss me anyway?"  Except then I guess that person wouldn't be on this show.  Anyhow.  I just can't stand him.  Almost as much as I couldn't stand Nick.  (Seems like they take - what? - acting sincere lessons?  Except they never get it right?  What Bachelor has seemed SINCERE to y'all?)

Sean. He's not my type, but I did find him sincere.

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What did Bekah mean with “ that’s why you like moms “. She was tying it in to why she didn’t need him. I don’t get the connection/segue.

 Her sales pitch was well rehearsed and she really thinks she’s all that. 

I’m not buying what she’s selling on the show, instagram or anywhere else. 

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4 minutes ago, Losemynumber said:

What did Bekah mean with “ that’s why you like moms “. She was tying it in to why she didn’t need him. I don’t get the connection/segue.

I think in her simplistic world view, all single moms are the needy opposite to her cool-girl self.

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14 hours ago, lids said:

It's so weird how the country is in the midst of a major debate over sexual harassment and intimidation and The Bachelor's cast is legitimately discussing whether they need to kiss the star in order to be "safe" for the week. The show is so tone deaf.

You are right, but the show isn't as tone deaf as these women are. I can't get over how willing they are to make out with this one guy who is making out with nearly everyone else. Most of them are just plain sell-outs. They are doing what many in Hollywood chose to do to further their career by throwing themselves at this guy just to stick around another week. That doesn't mean Arie or the producers are off the hook in this charade, but I think the women are more culpable for debasing themselves in this way.

Or maybe I just want more dating in my dating shows. I don't even know what I am watching anymore. Arie seems like he has zero interest in committing to any of these women, and he certainly doesn't like anyone approaching his age.

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