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Season 24 Discussion

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On 1/31/2018 at 4:26 PM, proserpina65 said:

Plus, I don't think real casting directors are big on improvising lines when you're auditioning for a part.

Yeah, I was really surprised they didn't read her the "riot act" for disrespecting director by going off-script. I seem to remember this happening in the past.

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On January 31, 2018 at 5:46 PM, stormy weather said:

In my opinion, Kyla is still the most unique and model-esque contestant, or, as Law said, the most bookable, so I think she's either going to win or be a runner up to Krystyana.

I agree.  Kyla is the one who, to me seems most bookable.  She doesn't need this show.

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On 2/1/2018 at 11:21 AM, Nancypants said:

Also, WTF is Wrong with Liz? "Whaa, people are talking at 1 a.m., What, I have to wait 5 min to shower"? Girl, Don't EVER go to county jail, then. Tighten up child, you are cute.

Liz rubbed me the wrong way, i'm glad she gone.

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Ok, I'm old, but how is Patrick Starr a media beauty guru?  I don't get it. He does makeup tutorials?   Also, this is a really bitchy group of models.  They are all so petty and jealous of each other.  If having unusual looking models brings this out in them, bring back the traditional beauties then.  Sorry, but most of us have not been blessed with great beauty and yet, we can be appreciative of it in others and not resentful of  their success.  I know it's a competition, but everyone who does well, gets hated on. It's not enjoyable to watch. Rio definitely lost points with me for horrible attitude; and then she won so it really made her look nasty.

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I really can't get past Christina's dayglo hair.  The fact that it continuously looks unbrushed doesn't help either.  I want her sent home.

I miss one episode and Law has the yaki sewn back in?  Sigh.

That beautiful house only has frozen food in the kitchen? Then again, I probably wouldn't want to cook for these girls. 

There needs to be a therapist on call.  Some of these girls are unraveling and it is not pretty to watch. 

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I was rooting for you Rio! I haven't haven't seen the episode (yet), but from what I've read Rio kind of implodes on Sandra who hasn't been doing well at all during this competition. Damn. I'm ready for that, but at the same time Rio what are you doing, girl?

Edited by CheezyXpressed
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31 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I was rooting for you Rio! I haven't haven't seen the episode (yet), but from what I've read Rio kind of implodes on Sandra who hasn't been doing well at all during this competition. Damn. I'm ready for that, but at the same time Rio what are you doing, girl?


27 minutes ago, Jazzhands said:

I lost a lot of respect for Rio in this episode, and she has been one of my favorites.  Her attack on Sandra was unfair and unprovoked.  It’s not Sandra’s fault if she looks like a mean girl from Rio’s high school.  I’m not a fan of Sandra, but she didn’t do anything to warrant that. 

Sandra has been doing lousy for this entire competition. It's actually ridiculous for Rio to attack Sandra because Sandra has been decidedly mid to lower pack. There is no reason to come for her. Sandra is not a going concern.

Brendi has the most curve-less body around. It's just a rectangle.

I feel for Coura, but I think she might be a runway only model. I expect to see her pop up on Project Runway in a year or two.

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So Rio thinks Sandra looks like a mean girl from high school, did she act like one?  I never saw Sandra be mean to anyone.  Sandra is not responsible for Rio's high school insecurities and if Rio thinks she keeps losing out, it's only because of her own stank bitch attitude.  STFU, Rio.

I don't know what was so special about Ashley's photograph, I thought it was one of the worst.  She looks like she just got hit in the back of the head with a frying pan and it made her eyes bug out and her mouth go all stupid.

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6 hours ago, GreyBunny said:

So Rio thinks Sandra looks like a mean girl from high school, did she act like one?  I never saw Sandra be mean to anyone.  Sandra is not responsible for Rio's high school insecurities and if Rio thinks she keeps losing out, it's only because of her own stank bitch attitude.  STFU, Rio.

I don't know what was so special about Ashley's photograph, I thought it was one of the worst.  She looks like she just got hit in the back of the head with a frying pan and it made her eyes bug out and her mouth go all stupid.

Agree with both comments.  So disappointed in Rio.  So mystified by the Ashley praise (except for the fact she's a judge)

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Hey!  My brother's birthday was last week!  That means I should win the lottery today!  Let's ignore the fact I didn't play it!

Oh wait--it doesn't work that way?  Someone tell Rio that her sister's graduation day does not absolve her from the necessity of actually performing well in the challenge.  And if that Starrr person (the chyrons had three Rs, didn't it, or was I seeing things) didn't take the extremely heavy-handed hint that "it's my sister's graduation day!  and she lurrrrves you!," well, that isn't Sandra's fault either.

Okay, I didn't get the chicken cutlet thing until one of them mimed putting it in her bra, but--those were breast enhancements, right?  At first I thought they were raw chicken and was revolted--but I wouldn't put anything past Tyra, sadly.  I didn't realize those were so uniformly called "chicken cutlets" until I did a web search just now.  

Edited to add:  Don't know how much overlap there is between this show's viewers and those of MTV's The Challenge, but Rio reminded me of Johnny Bananas thinking he deserved to win MVP because a representative from his charity, the Special Olympics, watched that day's contest, even though the MVP choice happened well after the kid went home.   Entitlement ticks me off no matter where I see it!

Edited by Jobiska
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I watched the episode and I'm done with Rio. She was great before, but she was horrible here. I don't like the jealousy, I don't like the shadiness and I don't like the immature behaviour from her. Sandra has been just there, but I love her now for her patience and not blowing up. I mean, she hasn't been doing well at all during this competition and she finally gets a win and she's bashed for it? Not only that, but multiple people are acting jealous over her. What's wrong with this house. Even when Rio got called first, the editing tried to make Sandra look annoyed but you could see her in the background smiling. She's professional and hasn't said anything bad about anyone.

I now don't like Rio, Shanice and Brendi K and the funny part is that all of them will last longer than Sandra.

Christina isn't doing well but wow do I feel bad whenever she's about to cry. She gives off a stand-offish persona, but she's fragile and the judges keep picking away at her.

During one confessional by Rio, I think it was the first one, her eyebrows looked normal and then it went back to her weird eyebrow swoop thing.

Edit; Someone on twitter said it best, in that Rio is complaining about Sandra being a conventionally beautiful woman when Rio is a light skinned black woman with green eyes. They're both the ideal in a lot of people's eyes, so what is Rio talking about?

Edited by CheezyXpressed
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1 hour ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I watched the episode and I'm done with Rio. She was great before, but she was horrible here. I don't like the jealousy, I don't like the shadiness and I don't like the immature behaviour from her. Sandra has been just there, but I love her now for her patience and not blowing up.

Yes, it was so disappointing because Rio has been one of my top picks but after this, just, ugh!

Now, to get superficial, one of Rio's issues is that Sandra probably has it easy because she's so pretty and Rio has struggled, then they show pictures or Rio growing up where she looks...well, from pretty to beautiful. And while Sandra is stunning now, she is also a very particular beauty. Her look is "in" right now, but I doubt that was the case for her growing up. She has the kind of beauty I think probably went through an awkward stage. So shut up Rio about how much harder it is for you! And, like everyone here has said, it's not like Sandra has been winning challenge after challenge without working for it. That just...I'm done with Rio after this.

Now, I have no issue with her being jealous, we all get jealous when someone gets something we want, that's normal. It was that she was blaming Sandra for it that rubbed me wrong. Sandra, like they all should be doing, is doing her best to win. She shouldn't have to try to lose because you want to win.

On a happier note. LOVING Krystyana (I can't spell her name) to death. She's adorable.

The photoshoot was stupid IMO. None of those pictures looked good and Ashley, the professional, didn't look any better than any of the others. If she had been a contestant instead of a judge I don't think they would have even mentioned her. lol

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I thought Ashley was being praised for doing the same smile Liberty got docked for.

And since this is "Beauty is Unconventional" week, I've got to say I do not understand what they're looking for this season.  Models can be short! Or overweight! Or old! Or plain! So basically, they're just looking for someone who blends in with the general public? 

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Wow, I am very dissapointed in Rio. She was my favorite the last couple of weeks. 

3 hours ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I watched the episode and I'm done with Rio. She was great before, but she was horrible here. I don't like the jealousy, I don't like the shadiness and I don't like the immature behaviour from her. Sandra has been just there, but I love her now for her patience and not blowing up. I mean, she hasn't been doing well at all during this competition and she finally gets a win and she's bashed for it? Not only that, but multiple people are acting jealous over her. What's wrong with this house. Even when Rio got called first, the editing tried to make Sandra look annoyed but you could see her in the background smiling. She's professional and hasn't said anything bad about anyone.

I now don't like Rio, Shanice and Brendi K and the funny part is that all of them will last longer than Sandra.

Christina isn't doing well but wow do I feel bad whenever she's about to cry. She gives off a stand-offish persona, but she's fragile and the judges keep picking away at her.

During one confessional by Rio, I think it was the first one, her eyebrows looked normal and then it went back to her weird eyebrow swoop thing.

Edit; Someone on twitter said it best, in that Rio is complaining about Sandra being a conventionally beautiful woman when Rio is a light skinned black woman with green eyes. They're both the ideal in a lot of people's eyes, so what is Rio talking about?

I agree with all of this.  And Shanice was mad because Sandra didn't pick her to be in the pic? If she and Kyla are close it makes sense to pick her. They were all being so petty.

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13 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I lost a lot of respect for Rio in this episode, and she has been one of my favorites.  Her attack on Sandra was unfair and unprovoked.  It’s not Sandra’s fault if she looks like a mean girl from Rio’s high school.  I’m not a fan of Sandra, but she didn’t do anything to warrant that. 

Rio's attack on Sandra was completely senseless. And I think once she gets over the extreme disappointment of losing the challenge she so desperately wanted to win for her little sister, she will realize she was being silly, mean and thoughtless. Sandra did nothing to warrant that attack. I think Rio's anger was misplaced. She would have had a real shot at winning if she hadn't been tied to sourpuss Christina. But, for some crazy reason she went after Sandra, who hasn't exactly been burning up the competition. Rio has been the one receiving all the accolades... not Sandra. Hope she apologizes. I'm still rooting for her because I think she let that green-eyed monster take over her for a day. Hopefully she's back to her rational, fair and perceptive self next week.

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My take on the Rio - Sandra thing : Rio was more frustrated with herself letting those "college days" coming back to her due "to" Sandra (and not caused by Sandra... Difficult for me to explain it in English)... To summarize, yes, she was jealous, BUT she acknowleged it and tried to explain/rationnalize -poorly- what was going on for her and why she felt that way... Even if Sandra was the target, she really wasn't... The real target was the mean girls she had to endure at school -like a lot of us had to deal with too- and Sandra was the symbol of that.

If I'm right, Rio will apologize and explain that to Sandra. If not, that will make me sad, because that will imply that Rio was just acting and not being sincere since the beginning.

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What Rio also forgot:  Sandra's been working at Instagram for a while.  She's practiced/trained/whatever for a long time to be good at that sort of thing.  It's not like she just stood there like a lump and got the win because she was pretty.  She won according to the parameters of the challenge which just happened to align with some of her experience.


I really do hope Rio realizes how ridiculous her attack was and apologizes.  

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Rio's Rants may indicate something "positive" however. Now that they've been given the "Tyra B Seal of Approval", the girls are shedding all the negativity they've endured about their "unconventional" looks since HS, (lol, at most 5 yrs!), so that's a good thing.

The problem is none of the mean girls from HS are here at ANTM, so Rio looks for anything to lash out at, and Central Casting prettiest-girl-in-HS,  Sandra, shows off her gene-pool Gold Medallion and gets it Splat! in the face from Rio.

I'd give anyone a pass after spending weeks in Ty-Ty's pressure cooker, they're young, (except Christina or Erin) and immature, (including Christina, lol).

Edited by Eulipian 5k
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6 hours ago, Jobiska said:

Okay, I didn't get the chicken cutlet thing until one of them mimed putting it in her bra, but--those were breast enhancements, right?  At first I thought they were raw chicken and was revolted--but I wouldn't put anything past Tyra, sadly.  I didn't realize those were so uniformly called "chicken cutlets" until I did a web search just now

Thank you for clarifying this!  I legitimately thought they were applying make-up with raw chicken and was appalled!  Lol!  It all makes sense now.

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Just now, leocadia said:

Thank you for clarifying this!  I legitimately thought they were applying make-up with raw chicken and was appalled!  Lol!  It all makes sense now.

I also was mystified by that! And what was that scotch tape for contouring supposed to be about? Did it not matter whether the "tip" actually worked? Just that they "sold it"?

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7 hours ago, 40Love said:

Rio's attack on Sandra was completely senseless. And I think once she gets over the extreme disappointment of losing the challenge she so desperately wanted to win for her little sister, she will realize she was being silly, mean and thoughtless. Sandra did nothing to warrant that attack. I think Rio's anger was misplaced. She would have had a real shot at winning if she hadn't been tied to sourpuss Christina. But, for some crazy reason she went after Sandra, who hasn't exactly been burning up the competition. Rio has been the one receiving all the accolades... not Sandra. Hope she apologizes. I'm still rooting for her because I think she let that green-eyed monster take over her for a day. Hopefully she's back to her rational, fair and perceptive self next week.

As I watched, I, too, lost all respect for Rio and completely stopped rooting for her. You are right, it was completely senseless for her to attack Sandra. Later I thought, maybe she was told to stir up some drama to make herself more memorable, and this is what she came up with. I do hope there is an apology, but I'm not holding my breath. I feel like she's not as great as she initially seemed and she can't be as stupid as she made herself look in this episode.

I would have preferred to see Christina go over Coura -- thought Coura might have turned it around a little given the right opportunity. I thin she was cursed by being praised so much off the bat. She had nowhere to go but down. Christina to me isn't attractive in her photos or in her personality, so the only reason I can see to keep her is to maintain the drama level.

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14 hours ago, dleighg said:

Good God Ashley was about to pop out of her denim dress. 

That....was not a good look. Did she say anything of substance during the "advantage"? Probably the only useful advice was from Tyra to Liberty that her downward drooping mouth was editorial when it wasn't smiling. 

When Kyla showed up, I didn't remember seeing her before. Good news, she's drama free. Bad news, she's not standing out otherwise.

Oh Rio. I was rooting for you. We were ALL rooting for you!

Jeana seems to be the housemom--she's in a lot of shots checking up on or consoling another hamster.

It's ridiculous to give people critiques like, "don't let the other models smoosh you." I'm guessing they tried with Christina, who really should have gone home instead of Coura. Then again, this challenge was so reliant on the middle and top model cooperating that unless Christina was on the bottom they were SOL. (And speaking of bottoms, a little TMI, Law.....)

I like the fact that they're showing moments from earlier episodes for the commercials--it really highlights how the Ty-overs have helped most of the models. Although Sha-nasty's sheer force of personality has overcome her lack of Ty-over two episodes in a row. 

Thanks @Jobiska for looking up the chicken cutlets. It's sad that I went "gross!"  for a split second, and then shrugged it off as entirely plausible for this show?

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Whiny Rio: "My sister means so much to me and I should've won this challenge because she graduates today and she loves Patrick Starr soooo much! It's not fair!" and "You suck 'cause you're so beautiful and you remind me of all the girls in school who did nothing and got credit for it!" No but come on, are you for real? The level of drama is pure insanity. I understand that after her health issues and the difficult times she went through Rio feels like she's been wronged by life and has this chip on her shoulder where she's mad that other people get recognition without doing anything because she's been through so much and she deserves it better. Even so, I repeat, I understand where she's coming from, but that's not the way to go about it.

Also, the way they praised Ashley Graham’s picture made me even more convinced that in this show the quality of the pictures you take and how good you look in them has got nothing to do with the judges’ final decision on who to send home. Ashley’s picture was terrible, she did worse than most of the girl that got criticized for theirs. There’s no objectivity, they’re just sending home the girls who don’t create enough drama for people to keep watching the show. The elimination of Coura is incomprehensible otherwise, because in the past few episodes she got so much praise and so many compliments I thought for sure she would be one of the finalists, and now suddenly this? It doesn’t make ANY sense.  

Edited by stormy weather
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The models take part in LA Pride week as they walk designer Christian Cowan's rainbow runway and vogue it out with RuPaul's "Drag Race" fan favorites Valentina, Katya and Manila in a glamorous queens versus princesses photo shoot.

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I used to like Rio, until she unloaded on Sandra. They should have kept Coura and dumped the one with the yellow highlighter hair. I'm still trying to figure out how Brendi can look so good in her photos and so skanky in person. 

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On February 7, 2018 at 2:05 AM, niklj said:

When Rio was going off on Sandra, was anyone else reminded of this: 


That's exactly what came to mind, even before the episode aired!  Yes, that's right: even before.  I'm referring to the end of the previous episode,  when a clip from the Rio/Sandra scene was shown.  As I saw that preview, I said to myself,  "Aha!  The editors are trying to trick us.  Rio is not really mad at anybody.  Rio is just telling the other girls about Rupaul's show, and recreating the scene in which Aja went at Valentina."  Well, I was totally wrong.  (I was also led astray by certain other scenes, shown in the first episode of the season.  But, since I understand that it's forbidden to talk about previews from upcoming episodes, I have nothing else to add to this topic.)

I can also see a strong similarity with that other scene mentioned -- the one from the MTV Challenge episode.  However, I'd like to think that Rio's thoughts in regard to her sister were heartfelt, no matter how misguided or jealous her reaction/attitude toward Sandra and her win might have been.  On the other side f the coin, nothing that Bananas does strikes me as heartfelt or convincingly noble.  

In thinking about Rio's regrettably jealous behavior, I also bear in mind that she was bringing into the equation some sort of magic/faith-based belief:  the stars were aligned and there could be no doubt that the universe had decreed this win would be hers, as a tribute to her sister.  we are talking about someone who probably went through a hugely traumatic experience, having to deal with a major, life-threatening tumor.  To cope with uncertainty,  she mightt have had to rely on not only faith and family but also other mechanisms as well -- including, perhaps, superstitious beliefs, and/or "magic realism."   When such types of beliefs are at play, the believer often needs to conjure up a powerful evil or antagonistic force, in order to explain any instances of failure.   (No, I'm not saying that any of this applies to Rio.  All I'm saying is that, as I watch this episode's story unfold, I thought about all of this.)  But I will say that the talking under her breath, caught on audio as she was leaving the living room, is a bit worrisome.

There were other reasons why I was not truly surprised at Rio's reaction.  I like to rewind scenes, to try to form a better impression of the girl's personalities, beyond what gets overly shown.  In Rio's case, I caught two or three fleeting group scenes that led me to think of her as possibly being loud, raucous, and with something of an attitude.  Before this episode aired, I was already thinking of her as someone whose public persona, as seen on the taking heads (measured, reasonable, smart, etc.) is not quite the same as her private one.

I still like her, and think of her as deserving of going to the finals.  The makeover really enhanced what was already an appealing look. 

Khrystyana is the one who has intrigued me the most, though, ever  the first challenge.  in her talking heads an interactions, she looks so plain, even homely (and endearing and loopy).  Yet, again and again, she turns out to look great,  once made up to look  like a model.  Her body type might not scream "model," but when we take into account that this season's main theme seems to be "unconventional beauty," she currently has a strong chance to win.  And isn't it often said that, in everyday life, models oftentimes look nothing like the do in pictures? 

Jeana still seems to be the one to beat, though, despite her height (or her less-than-stellar placement this week).  I like her, too.  

Then there's Kyla, who is coming off as more of a dark horse.  So far, we've getting very little from her.  But there IS a storyline in place, pertaining to her being biracial.  And the judges has already openly acknowledged that she has the most modelesque boy of the bunch.  Age is also in her favor.  I'm not expecting her to win, but I'm expecting her character to get more developed in upcoming episodes, maybe leading to a finish within the top 4.  

Now watch Jeana, Khrystyana, Rio, and Kyla leave in the next four episodes, ha!

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On 2/7/2018 at 9:55 AM, CheezyXpressed said:

Edit; Someone on twitter said it best, in that Rio is complaining about Sandra being a conventionally beautiful woman when Rio is a light skinned black woman with green eyes. They're both the ideal in a lot of people's eyes, so what is Rio talking about?


On 2/7/2018 at 11:05 AM, Mabinogia said:

Yes, it was so disappointing because Rio has been one of my top picks but after this, just, ugh!

Now, to get superficial, one of Rio's issues is that Sandra probably has it easy because she's so pretty and Rio has struggled, then they show pictures or Rio growing up where she looks...well, from pretty to beautiful. 


I was coming here to say this. Gio was complaining about how she was never pretty, but when they showed pictures of her as a kid and teen, I thought she was gorgeous, so wtf was she talking about?

On another note, I knew what the chicken cutlets were because I watch Degrassi. There's an episode where one of the characters wears them to school, and then they go flying out of her top somehow, much to her embarrassment. 

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The whole Rio thing so disappointed me. I really like her. And I do understand that optimistic feeling when things align to have that challenge that day but then thinking that she deserved the win was ridiculous. I do wonder how much of the pressure and cracking that happens on this show is producer influenced. Not necessarily telling them to go crazy but needling them with questions and helping direct them and support the crazy thoughts. I have been re-watching UnREAL (new season starts soon!) and while that is definitely an extreme version, I do think there is a lot of that questioning and influencing that make the producers so good at getting the crazy to come out. Also living with that many women - ugh! I had a hard enough time when I shared a house with 2-3 women in college - I can't imagine that many and adding in the competition. Ugh. 
I also think that reality tv has come so far that it is more about asking the crazy to compete than picking the best ones. Focusing on talent is so rare (Top Chef being one of the few that I love for that!) and they definitely have taken the screening to be more about how crazy of a storyline they can make out of someone. Rio, Brenda, Liz, etc. - it seems to be so much fodder. While yes it can be entertaining, I loved the show more when there is actual teaching how to be a model and understanding the intricacies of a shoot or runway show. 

Edited by slaterain
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I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear that a producer was talking Rio up, making her feel like this challenge was hers to lose, getting her all pumped up. Then, when Sandra won, making comments like, "How does it feel to have the pretty, popular girl triumph, doesn't that remind you of all the times when you were young and the pretty girls always got everything you wanted" blah blah.

They, the production staff, definitely feed the hamsters insecurities or egos as they see fit. Add to that the tension of living in a house with a bunch of strangers you are in a competition with, being constantly filmed, being constantly judged, I can imagine it would be pretty easy to go off the deep end.

I hope Rio apologizes next ep because, while I understand why she may feel the way she does, Sandra didn't do anything to her and her anger was completely misplaced. I just hope she sees that and is more careful going forward. She is stunning, and could win this if she can get past the blame game.

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On 2/7/2018 at 9:36 AM, dleighg said:

Good God Ashley was about to pop out of her denim dress. 

I seem to recall some article or something mentioning that Ashley's fashion inspiration are the Kardashians so take that however you will...

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Based on the bitchy edit she is getting this episode, I don’t think Rio is going to win. Too bad cos she was my favorite.

Sha-Nasty is fun! I always thought Shanice is filler but she is starting to show her personality so I think she might go far.

Sandra is beautiful but so dull. I think ANTM will

eventually crown a Muslim winner, but it probably won’t be Sandra.

Poor Coura. I thought she was so gorgeous like a modern day Grace Jones but she just didn’t have the strong personality or confidence. Her face looked the same in every photo shoot.

I think Sandra, Christina and probably Brendi K or Liberty are the next to go.

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I swear, Ashley Graham has managed to be even more annoying this season than she was last season.  And she seems to have gained a lot of weight too, but is still wearing her old clothes that are way too small for her.  I feel sorry for her.

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On 2/6/2018 at 11:04 PM, Jazzhands said:

I lost a lot of respect for Rio in this episode, and she has been one of my favorites.  Her attack on Sandra was unfair and unprovoked.  It’s not Sandra’s fault if she looks like a mean girl from Rio’s high school.  I’m not a fan of Sandra, but she didn’t do anything to warrant that. 

I’m really liking Krystyana (sp?) because she’s got such a great attitude and seems to be trying to learn and have a good time.      I was sorry to see Coura go.  I thought her picture tonight was lovely.  I was really hoping that Christina would be leaving. Her attitude is lousy, and if she’s such a successful model, why is she on this show?

I agree. And yes, Coura's Picture was nice.

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Coura grew on me as well. I didn't think her last picture (the scary one) was the best but she has so much potential. Rio was just so unlikable in this episode, and like others have said, she was one of my favorites before. Sandra is beautiful, and I imagine growing up Muslim in America may have been tough for her as well. I hope Rio apologizes to her.

Khrystana is so sweet, and she does take great pics. They keeping talking about Kyla(?) but I can never remember her. I'm not sure why, she's fairly striking. 

Jeanna is gorgeous, but seeing her bald pics all over the internet, I don't really get her storyline. Maybe she was just insecure within the framework of the competition. 

I still love Erin. They seem to have milked her storyline and she's just middle of the pack now. She's still beautiful.

Ashley bugs. I agree with those who said her pic wasn't all that great.

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At this point, we have a pretty clear stratification...





Everyone else.


The gaps are honestly that big at this point...at least to me. Maybe Kyla and Shanice deserve a third tier above the super fodder, but the only ones, to me, who can win are the first 3 mentions, with Khrys the heavy front runner at this point.

Edited by MKL122788
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I would be really curious to see 1) if Liberty is really as conservative as she played for the show and if so 2) how she is as a person in a few years.  The whole maybe what I grew up with wasn't ok thing seemed a rather abrupt turn around for her, even accounting for reality tv editing nonsense. The dear in the headlights thing all through panel cracked me up though. 


Can't decide what was cringier, Brendi's wildly wrong word choice or Christina pointing it out like that.  I don't like either of them so fuck it?


I still love Erin, Rio, Gina (Jeanna? I keep missing the title card with her spelling), and Khrystyana to pieces for totally different reasons. They'd be my ideal top 4 at the moment.


I love these judges with Tyra more than I thought I would (but was Ashley pretty much muted this panel or am I imagining it).  I'd be tickled by a guest judge moment with either of the Jays just to see what the chemistry was like with the old and the new.

Edited by millahnna
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