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S16.E08: Client On The Go

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10 hours ago, slothgirl said:

I want a final 3 of Amy, KEntaro, and Brandon. Headscarf girl can join them as a tie-breaker 4th. I'm not wild about anyone this season as a designer, so I'd like to see professional behavior rewarded.


Same here. 


Here's the Margarita/Michael exchange:

Marg: I went to the bathroom and the pants were in there. She has a measuring tape and she measures in her room.  She hides it pretty well. I’m going to be upset if she wins. 
Michael: She’s not going to win. 
Marg: You don’t think so?
Michael: No. 
It's not clear which bathroom she's referring to. Michael goes on to say in a TH that he strongly believes in fairness in the competition and that Claire isn’t playing the game right. 

Edited by beaker73
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Maybe it's where I go - but I've seen this in stores, at the casinos, at airports ect.. where people from other countries - speak English but revert to speaking in their home language. This isn't exclusive to those from Spansih speaking countries. I will tell you that it is unnerving at times - given the current situations occurring in society. At the university the students will constantly talk in their native language - I wondered how they ever got an education at a US university - but they did and could speak and understand English.

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1 hour ago, cinsays said:

Yuck.   Did we really need all that time wasted on the uber drama queens?  Neither of them ever had a chance of winning the competition, they should not even have been selected for the show.  And now Claire gets $25K for the only outfit she did that was kind of cute, nothing really special, but kind of cute. 

Unfortunately, Michael's outfit really was awful in so many ways.  The fit was horrible on his woman.  The print was ok and fashioned differently as a top would have been nice, but those arm holes emphasized her arms, that mess from the waist down looked bulky and did not fit.  Just ugh.

I also thought Amy's was a horrendous mess.  Who on earth wants those flaps down the side? Ugly patterned material, ugly structure.  I like her as a person but have liked nothing she has made and don't understand why she doesn't end up in the bottom 3 most of the time.

Kentaro's was just beautiful and flowed elegantly and she loved it.  Heidi needs to shut up - she wears some of the most unflattering outfits ever.

I also loved the purple number that everyone seems to dislike - simple but flattering.

I agree with others that say that Brandon's all have his signature fabric strings and I just don't get it.  Super nice guy but I don't get his fashion.

I'm with you.  Whenever I see Brandon's outfits with the strips and streamers hanging from sleeves, I always think that the person wearing it cannot do anything at all but walk around in the outfit.  Forget cooking or going near a stove!  Forget being near a sink or water!  I guess fashion cannot be practical.

I'm also completely over the crop top, which Brandon also does a lot!  Along with the peplum, I'm just tired of seeing it week after week after week on the runway.

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7 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Maybe the cheating scandal is Michael involves the judging and the complete lack of consistency and standards in judging from one challenge to the next. 

I thought it interesting that Margarita said (in effect) "will the judges say anything to her that she's copied my design? No they won't."  We've been questioning the judge's decisions for some time now.  Apparently the designers themselves have no faith in the outcomes of the runways being fair either.  Claire winning over Kentaro last night further affirms my opinion that the judging is not above board.  
Just as is happening on all these shows, results are designed to further the drama.  I think I'm done with this show as well.  Let's see.....that leaves The Amazing Race.  Yep, that's it.  

I don't think we saw the entirety of the conversation in Spanish between Margarita and Michael.  And they appeared to be speaking sotto voce in Spanish so others didn't overhear them.  Trying to glean what is happening isn't easy but as far as I can see, Margarita saw a pair of pants and a tape measure in the bathrrom at the hotel.  IF Claire was doing anything related to the task outside of the workroom hours, no matter how insignificant it may seem, it is CHEATING.  I thought Margarita was referring to the residence.  Measuring in the workroom restroom makes no sense, and there's no reason for the pants to be in there.  

And I'm not ready to fajita Michael just yet.  I think Margarita was pumping him up to get him upset if Claire won.  Now that it appears he has, she's now going to play phony "peacemaker and concerned friend."  

Edited by Carolina Girl
Because in fact I was NOT ready to turn Michael into a Chevy's entree
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1 minute ago, Brookside said:

I hope that's not the kind of peplum statement I give across - if it is, apologies and I'll go back underground.


Considering that Kanye picks out all her clothes, so I'm told, she should really sit down and ask her husband why he hates her.  

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9 minutes ago, Brookside said:


I hope that's not the kind of peplum statement I give across - if it is, apologies and I'll go back underground.


That's the most egregious example I could find.  It looks more like her inflatable swim ring sprung a leak.  

22 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

And if Claire did not cheat, which they've been very vague on, it's very cruel to leave this accusation out there for a week.

This is an excellent point.  If there is any suspicion of cheating, it should have been reported and investigated.  This whole episode is shady, and no one should be put thrpugh this kind of crap.  Tim is a producer, which means he is allowing, and perhaps even engineering, this clusterfuck.  

Edited by Sprockets
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2 hours ago, Sprockets said:

Pantyliners.  Lightbulbs.  Garden hoses.  

Even the word is horrific.  I vote we do it backwards: smulpep.  Now it sounds like a chip dip for hobbits.  

That is so perfect that I think we need to make it a trend, stnaprednu. 

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Before the show airs, there are Project Runway compilations of previous challenges best and worst. Like previous unconventional material challenges or design your own textile challenge. Did anyone happen to notice if the footage they show is limited to only the PR's that aired on Lifetime? I was just curious if they aren't able to show footage from winners on shows that were originally broadcast on Bravo. Because it seems like their best and worsts always leave out competitors from the early years, when the designers were really designers and not cast offs from Real Housewives episodes.

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On another subject, Yolanda Hadid (formerly Foster) looks spectacular.  Must be the Lyme disease is in remission and she has a fabulous plastic surgeon!!!! I didn't hear her say much, but I'm glad she's moving on with her life after that douche David Foster left her.

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Anyone else cringe a bit when a designer (Batani?) was talking to Tim about how her client was a breast cancer survivor and wanted color - and when Tim gave his first critique, he described the lack of color as making the dress look like a gray shroud? Poor choice of words there.

I thought Claire's first top looked a LOT like Margarita's dress from last week. And when Tim mentioned that, M was pissed that he told Claire, "I've seen this look before - from you." He didn't even acknowledge that it was Margarita's design. Or maybe he was inferring that M stole the design from Claire in the first place. LOL.

If Claire was measuring pants in the bathroom during their work hours, that's one thing. Hubby was watching more closely than I was, and he said Claire had a long list of measurements of her client. If she took a tape measure and the measurements back to the hotel and was "tweaking" her work after hours, that - IMO - bumps up on cheating. I'm sure that all the designers are going over their work in their heads, but to take anything from the workroom to the hotel to continue manually working - no go.

Michael and Margarita grumbling about Claire in Spanish was definitely rude. But a few weeks ago, Kentaro and his model were chatting away in Japanese, and Tim seemed to find it charming. Of course, they were just chatting and celebrating something they had in common - they didn't seem to be talking negatively about anyone.  It would have been funny if Claire had walked over to them while they were speaking Spanish and said, "Hola. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Sabías que puedo hablar español?" ("Hello. How are you? Did you know I can speak Spanish?")   I have my nails done in a salon that has all Vietnamese techs.  It only bothers me that they speak to each other in their native language when I'm the only one in the salon.  When there are lots of customers around and a walk-in comes in, I assume they're calling for the next tech in line and giving her directions as to the customer.  But if it's just me, I get paranoid.  LOL.  And I've gone there for years.

And Michael - you (like Margarita) need to learn to focus your attention on YOUR project. The reason Claire beat you both was because your design was worse - she was busy listening to critiques and adjusting. You were busy criticizing and spending too much of your time watching her.  I thought Nina was trying to pull her foot out of her mouth when she was critiquing Michael's design and commented that he needed to consider his client's proportions before putting them in something so bulky.  "If she were . . . taller . . . this would look better."  Yeah, Nina.  Taller?  And/or maybe thinner?

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8 hours ago, GaT said:

Claire & Shawn knew they couldn’t both win & one would have to leave the competition when they started, why all the ridiculous drama? They’re not being separated for the rest of their lives. At least one of them is gone now.

True-but the only reason to pit them against each other was for the DRAMA. And if Claire does make it to the final,  don't we all know that it's Claire and Shawn who make it to the final? There's no way Claire is going to design and execute it alone.

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10 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I thought Claire's first top looked a LOT like Margarita's dress from last week. And when Tim mentioned that, M was pissed that he told Claire, "I've seen this look before - from you." He didn't even acknowledge that it was Margarita's design. Or maybe he was inferring that M stole the design from Claire in the first place. LOL.

When Tim said that to Claire, you see Margarita look up and look directly at the camera.  

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11 hours ago, Nidratime said:

I missed the part where Michael and Margarita were speaking spanish and they were subtitling it. I wasn't looking at the TV at the time. What did they say to each other?

Conversation #1

Ma:  I went to the bathroom and the pants were there.  She has a measuring tape and she measures in her room.  She hides it pretty well (In English).  I'm going to be upset if she wins.

Mi:  She's not going to win.

Ma:  You don't think so?

Mi:  No.

Conversation #2

Ma:  Can you come over here for a minute?

Mi:  What do you need?

Ma:  Look.  I'll have to recut this if I don't have enough.  (Talking head about not having enough gray fabric)

Ma:  Barbie (Referring to her pink nightmare pattern)  I don't love it.


9 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

Effing Dixie Cups??? Unbelievable. Next season it'll be a company that makes vinyl tablecloths or plastic cutlery.

Designers, the winning design will be replicated on the wings of a special addition of Always Maxi Pads!

3 hours ago, Nidratime said:

Problem is, Kentaro's client wanted a look (a dress) for a wedding, so not as easy to do "woman on the run" since most women aren't running around during their day with a wedding stuck in the middle of the schedule -- unless the party is just doing a quick something at a courthouse. Weddings are a special, separate event, which people prepare and dress up for. What I fault Kentaro for is immediately jumping to the conclusion that his client *must* want a long dress, and his client -- being rather passive, to my view -- just agreed. Maybe that's what she really wanted, but Kentaro could've easily designed a shorter, cocktail type dress that could've transitioned from a work environment to a dressier environment -- especially since most women guests *do* wear shorter dresses or pantsuits to weddings, unless they're actually in the wedding party. But, I chalked it up to Kentaro not being familiar with all things "western" and not up on what most Americans wear to weddings.

But he wasn't designing an outfit for a typical American wedding.  Wasn't his client attending a traditional Indian wedding?

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4 hours ago, LadyNebula said:

Can we please stop with the peplums?  Seriously, why are they a thing?  They don't look good on anyone, in any circumstance. Just stop. 

Peplums are on my shortlist of fashions that I despise. I don't think they flatter anyone. 

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2 hours ago, Beden said:

As to the cheating thing, I got the impression that --however it was discovered, if it was--Clair was using a tape measure to check a pair of pants she owns, secretly, when they weren't supposed to be working--in an effort to recreate the seaming and general construct. I also thought I caught a comment about how she had a pair of pants 'exactly like the ones she made' back at the dorm.

I recall hearing it mentioned that Claire had those same pants back at the dorm. Also, they're not supposed to be working off the clock. Once Tim/whomever calls "time," the designers have to stop until the following morning. I'm guessing that argument could be made. That Claire was "working" off the clock.

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But he wasn't designing an outfit for a typical American wedding.  Wasn't his client attending a traditional Indian wedding?

You're right. I forgot that, but I was saying that if the theme was "woman on the run," you probably wouldn't want to design a long, flowing dress. I also added, if that's what the client insisted on having, that's one thing. But, the way they filmed it, it looked like Kentaro just assumed that she'd want a long dress to wear at a wedding, i.e., weddings = long dresses. One way to get around that would be to do a pant/trouser with a long sheath or jacket over it. Sort of like the type of thing women wore in the 1950's. That design would have fit the theme a little better and be just as pretty for a wedding.

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The best part of this episode were Zac and Nina and their critiques and the push back they gave on Heidi's opinions. More than once this season Nina has used the line about "fashion not clothes" and she did last night too. Claire sews clothes, Kintaro is a designer. I was not surprised though that Claire won over Kintaro because Heidi is the executive producer and not the other two and Heidi wants the DRAMA.

With Heidi being the Executive Producer I don't believe she wasn't informed prior to filming and knew what questions to ask Margarita. They also did the judging differently - the three bottom and then the three tops instead of alternating them. Had to be part of the set up for the drama.

Nina also did a good job of critiquing Michael's pants without insulting the client. Those pants were horrible. Maybe if you're attending a football game in Chicago in the winter and don't want to carry in your blanket?

Brandon and his strings/ribbons/tabs. How do you sit in those clothes without sitting on the strings? Get out of a car? or slide out of a booth at a restaurant?

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Brandon and his strings/ribbons/tabs. How do you sit in those clothes without sitting on the strings? Get out of a car? or slide out of a booth at a restaurant?

Frankly, they're a safety hazard. I can see them getting caught in an escalator. Or, maybe women who wear "high fashion" only take elevators.

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46 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Anyone else cringe a bit when a designer (Batani?) was talking to Tim about how her client was a breast cancer survivor and wanted color - and when Tim gave his first critique, he described the lack of color as making the dress look like a gray shroud? Poor choice of words there.

I'm a bc surivor and I did more than cringe - that was an un-Tim-like gaffe of epic proportions.

Kentaro's dress was beautiful and ethereal.  It actually did meet the "on-the-go" criteria because his client was on the go to a wedding.

Brandon is getting very boring.  Margarita is getting more unlikeable.  Like Kenya, but that was a mess.  

Oh, the drama!   Yawn.  The Entitlement Twins clearly won every millenial participation prize in their enmeshed lives, and their relationship is wierd, even for identicals.  And I really don't want to see snot dripping down over those nose rings - ugh.  I'm envisioning (or maybe hoping for) a "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane" life for them.

"You're too short for that gesture. Besides, it went out with Mrs. Fiske."

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A "woman on the go" challenge + a "woman who is not a professional model" challenge + a "dress a friend/relative of someone" challenge + a "make your own fabric print" challenge + a  "design a print for use by a product sponsor that has nothing to do with clothing" challenge = chaos, bad temper and dreadful design.

As someone said up-thread, fabric design is a special skill. But since the "fabric design challenge" comes up season after season, don't these people do any planning in advance? Take a class! Go to the library! Learn a few basic principles for designing a print!

As for using non-model models, do fashion design schools teach nothing about assessing a client's body shape in order to produce a flattering silhouette?  Or don't they want their students to face the reality that they are more likely to be designing ready-to-wear for Kohl's than Oscar gowns for Nicole Kidman --  and would be lucky to land the Kohl's job.  Again, if you are going on PR and you KNOW this challenge is likely to show up sooner or later, watch a bunch of YouTube videos where stylists give advice on how to dress to women with non-model bodies. A couple of hours and you'll have a good idea of what to put on a short woman with a large chest, large backside, no real waistline and narrow shoulders (or some other combination of shapes that appear to flabbergast the designers, even the ones who seem to welcome the challenge. I'm looking at you, Michael.)

(And yet it seems to me that the designer who gets the client with body that is closest to model-type tends to win this challenge)

Edited by Ketzel
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Producers should have told M&M to speak more clearly when speaking their lines about the pants drama lol...unless the mish mash of what they said is all part of the great cheating scandal of 2017.

Edited by Bebecat
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8 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

As for using non-model models, do fashion design schools teach nothing about assessing a client's body shape in order to produce a flattering silhouette? 

Probably not, and how many of the contestants went to a reputable school?  Designing for body types is a lot lot lot more difficult than watching a few videos.  It requires actual experience, and that is something most designers never get.  Ask any large woman - such as myself - if anyone is designing for us.  

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19 minutes ago, jrlr said:

I'm a bc surivor and I did more than cringe - that was an un-Tim-like gaffe of epic proportions.

their relationship is wierd, even for identicals. 

I'm a b.c. survivor too and that scene made me feel secondhand embarrassment.

I said the same to my mom about the twins. Despite having grown up in a small town, there was a disproportionate number of twins (esp. identicals) in my school. I remember each set of twins being close and belonging to the same friend circle (respectively). However, I don't remember any of the twins following each other everywhere or taking the same classes or winding up in the same career field. In fact, one set of identical twins used to verbally spar pretty regularly, which was always amusing.

Claire and Shawn are too close. Too codependent. It's not normal.

Edited by Surrealist
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15 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

As someone said up-thread, fabric design is a special skill. But since the "fabric design challenge" comes up season after season, don't these people do any planning in advance? Take a class! Go to the library! Learn a few basic principles for designing a print!

And I don't know how it's worked in the past but they only got something like 20 minutes after the clients left to design the print and they all seemed to have to share the one design person and computer. I have to believe that the lack of time really hurt everybody. No one knocked that part of the challenge out of the park.

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This show is really pushing it. Phony drama... over the top phony drama. Now, I can't say whether Twin's phony surprised looks at the critique weren't because she is not a good actress. But she looked so dumbly aghast! The judges repeatedly asking what's going on... arrrrrgh! I mean wouldn't they just get it all solved off camera if it was really that important and we wouldn't have known a thing about it? What in the world happened to the old PR where we actually believed they had fledgling designers and a deserving one would win? No drama, nicely made clothing, etc. 

And I didn't even understand the challenge. They were basically, nearly all frump city.

One last thing... I notice when one designer creates something rad the next week we see other designers incorporating that style into theirs. This week it was the assymmetrical skirt type thing that won last week or week before. Gah!

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14 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I'm relieved that Claire stayed but I wonder who the cheating scandal will be about. 

Isn't she the cheater?  She's copying other people's designs.  Each of the outfits she did that got praise were knockoffs.  I can't believe she started out doing the same design the other girl won with the day before.  And what was the bad acting by Heidi all about?  "What's going on?  Will somebody tell us what's going on!!!"  She had a smile on her face the whole time.  This drama seems so friggin manufactured.  The twins' crying jag made me want to gauge my eyes out.  I think they are both annoying as hell!


12 hours ago, staphdude said:

What a joke. This outcome seems designed for drama. Claire recreated something done a million times and gets paid for it. THERE WAS NOTHING UNIQUE ABOUT HER OUTFIT! There is no integrity in the judging. If this is a winning design then all future contestants should simply redo classic versions of whatever is called for in the challenge.


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7 minutes ago, vibeology said:

And I don't know how it's worked in the past but they only got something like 20 minutes after the clients left to design the print and they all seemed to have to share the one design person and computer. I have to believe that the lack of time really hurt everybody. No one knocked that part of the challenge out of the park.

I remember in past seasons each designer having their own computer to work on the fabric design and having quite a bit longer than 20 minutes.  

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I would think that since Dixie was going to have the design placed on a cup, they would have had a representative on the judging panel.  Similar to last week where no JC Penney representative was allowed to judge which design they would produce and sell.  I don't think the concept of design on a cup ever came up during the judging and since that was an integral part of the challenge, it might have informed.  I think Kentaro's design was non-descript while Claire's definitely had the broad stroke visuals that quite popular.  Now if Claire plagiarized the design, that would be a different story.  Also, does anyone think Ayana could have possibly won with the logo in Arabic?  In these times?  Seriously?  And although we're laughing, getting a design on a Dixie cup really isn't too bad a gig.

And since we know Margarita cannot be eliminated because she has immunity, it was another "hope you forgot history" moment for PR's production team.  Unless Claire is disqualified, that means Michael or Batani will go home and while Batani was boring, boring, boring, what Michael made was a travesty. 

PR History:  Remember in the first season when Kevin went around talking about untalented Starr in the workroom while she was there.  She told him to say it to her face because it was rude to talk about someone like that.  M&M made it worse with the Spanish when Claire was right in front of them.

Also, remember weirdo Vincent from Season 3 who took his pants off in the design room and used it for a pattern when they were doing menswear.  Though we were terrified we would see Little Vincent peeking out through his boxer shorts, it seemed like a great idea.  If Claire did something similar at home, that was a violation.  

Edited by gingerormaryann
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11 hours ago, slothgirl said:

Gone... I think the word you're looking for is "gone"

Before Claire started draping the top that was a direct ripoff of Margarita's JCP dress, she was muttering about maybe doing a tank top with a peplum. I cannot express my intense disappointment at not seeing her attempt at THAT. 

I like Kenya and admire her construction skills but ye gods, that empire peplum was really weird. 

I hope that if Claire is nailed for cheating, it really is blatant cheating and not just a misunderstanding of some sort, or a gray area. But somehow that seems unlikely. I dunno. 

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11 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I really dislike the real women challenge, especially this season with different sized models (though the models are probably more proportional), because some of those women really love their outfits. Then they get in front of the judges and the judges tell them they look awful. I would be fine if someone I was close to told me my outfit sucked, but on national television I would be embarrassed especially if I loved the outfit prior. I am probably not making any sense. I blame the wine.

This.  I hate these "real women" challenges for exactly this reason, there's always that heartbreakingly excited one who is first having an exhilarated experience of feeling pretty, and then we have to watch them getting ground up as the judges go on about how tasteless and awful their outfit is.  It's not fun to watch.

44 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

A "woman on the go" challenge + a "woman who is not a professional model" challenge + a "dress a friend/relative of someone" challenge + a "make your own fabric print" challenge + a  "design a print for use by a product sponsor that has nothing to do with clothing" challenge = chaos, bad temper and dreadful design.

And that extra element of them being friends & family of the crew was so weird!  I was wondering, are these people actually your enemies?  If you work on the show, you know the way this goes, why would you subject actual friends & family to this process?

13 hours ago, MinorL said:

Now that I think about it, who was even in the top 3? They didn't like Batani, Kenya, Margarita or Michael.

Weirdly enough, Kenya was one of the top three.  The "real women" challenge also seems to consistently make the judging go haywire.  I feel like you have Heidi giving her highest score to something Zac is giving his lowest score, and then it all just goes sideways.  Someone else pointed it out, but that moment from Nina was so telling, the pause when she was telling Michael he had to consider his model's body type and how this outfit needs a woman who is... taller.

Edited by JyDanzig
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11 hours ago, roctavia said:

True... I wonder if the designs would be better if they had more than a day to make an outfit... and also if they focused on designing and not work room drama...

I think they only had 20 minutes to design their prints, too. I'm surprised any of the prints were decent at all. 

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1 hour ago, seasquared said:

Before the show airs, there are Project Runway compilations of previous challenges best and worst. Like previous unconventional material challenges or design your own textile challenge. Did anyone happen to notice if the footage they show is limited to only the PR's that aired on Lifetime? I was just curious if they aren't able to show footage from winners on shows that were originally broadcast on Bravo. Because it seems like their best and worsts always leave out competitors from the early years, when the designers were really designers and not cast offs from Real Housewives episodes.

I've seen a few clips from seasons I know were aired on Bravo - but not many.  

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2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Brandon's all have his signature fabric strings and I just don't get it. 

If you were a kittycat person, you might understand clothes as cat toys.

5 hours ago, LadyNebula said:

Can we please stop with the peplums?  Seriously, why are they a thing?  They don't look good on anyone, in any circumstance. Just stop. 

Chanel, from her grave, begs to differ.

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2 minutes ago, enoughcats said:

If you were a kittycat person, you might understand clothes as cat toys.

I seem to recall Christian Uber-Fierce sending some version of skinny pants and an oversized shirt down the runway week after week.  

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8 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I think they only had 20 minutes to design their prints, too. I'm surprised any of the prints were decent at all. 

After multiple seasons of designing prints (going back to Mondo),  that was predictable.  Surely a little preparation.

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2 hours ago, Sprockets said:

the most egregious example I could find.  It looks more like her inflatable swim ring sprung a leak.  

Aw, you scooped me!  I plowed through four pages of posts so I could say that Kenya's model appeared to be wearing a pool floatie. 

But part of the problem was that the woman seriously needed a better bra.  Her breasts were large and much too low on her body for this modeling gig, and then Kenya emphasized that with a big ruffle.


2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

he wasn't designing an outfit for a typical American wedding.  Wasn't his client attending a traditional Indian wedding?

Yes!  And it was PERFECT for that occasion.  The same kind of fluidity and vivid colors without going full on salwar kameez.



Margarita was ridiculous, running around the workroom snarling to people that Claire was stealing her design.  How passive-aggressive and immature can you be?  If you're so bothered, she's right there, use your words.  If confrontation is too uncomfortable, then you STFU, you don't start a whisper campaign.

Edited by candall
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As for using non-model models, do fashion design schools teach nothing about assessing a client's body shape in order to produce a flattering silhouette?  Or don't they want their students to face the reality that they are more likely to be designing ready-to-wear for Kohl's than Oscar gowns for Nicole Kidman --  and would be lucky to land the Kohl's job.


As for using non-model models, do fashion design schools teach nothing about assessing a client's body shape in order to produce a flattering silhouette? 

Probably not, and how many of the contestants went to a reputable school?  Designing for body types is a lot lot lot more difficult than watching a few videos.  It requires actual experience, and that is something most designers never get.  Ask any large woman - such as myself - if anyone is designing for us.  

Back in the day I went to a school which taught costume design as a large part of the drama department (which I majored in) and found--45 years ago anyway--that most young students actually do hope/expect to be designing for Broadway and Oscar/Emmy/Tony red carpets right off the bat. I  marked it down to being (yes) young, inexperienced and very, very hopeful and enthusiastic. The conventional wisdom was that it took about 5 years of working in the real work to knock some sense  and reality into us; personally, I was happy just to have a job. And yes, we did sometimes have to design/build costumes for average or larger people, ones who were more than a size 2 or whatever. I recall one designer pissing and moaning about how 'he didn't do upholstery'. Honest. If an actor was seriously overweight they would be subjected (by some) to eye rolls, attempts at avoidance and treated by others with professionalism and common courtesy. For one show--some long forgotten opera--I had to dress an extremely nice man, one of the leads, who had a withered shoulder and arm; that was a fit challenge and one which might make a good idea for PR one of these days. 'Normal people' include those missing limbs or other physical problems.

I know that theatrical costumes aren't usually fashion; but it's just two sides of a coin. Ego isn't necessarily a bad thing--arrogance gets tired, at least for me, anyway...especially when it's not based on actual ability (I'm looking at you, twins).

Edited by Beden
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5 hours ago, Sprockets said:

Pantyliners.  Lightbulbs.  Garden hoses.  

Even the word is horrific.  I vote we do it backwards: smulpep.  Now it sounds like a chip dip for hobbits.  

Remember when the design tasks were red carpet looks for celebrities?  A new uniform for the U.S. Postal Service?  Banana Republic?

Now it's JCPenney and Dixiecups.  And I wonder if THEY had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do this.

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37 minutes ago, beaker73 said:

I remember in past seasons each designer having their own computer to work on the fabric design and having quite a bit longer than 20 minutes.  

I have to believe they designed their fabric on a computer off camera, before this challenge.  No way did they have enough time.  I enjoy watching the process, too bad they decided not to show it.  

I love Amy's personal style.  I had high hopes for her.  Ah well.  

Kenya is still there because others were worse, not because she is good.  

This show was so damn good when it was on Bravo.  The network change did not cause the downward spiral, I blame Heidi losing interest.  

ETA.  The plus size models are not a good addition, for me.   I prefer seeing clothes on thin models.  

Edited by wings707
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4 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

cinsays, It remains to be seen if Claire wins, so the past tense of "Neither of them ever had a chance" can apply only to Shawn.

Re: Heidi and her "All I see is fabric!" for Kentaro's gown---She has a line of undergarments. She has spoken of her family's in-house nudism. She walks her "show more skin" talk. And she is European. I don't share it, but that's her thing: Less is more. 

But the challenge involved pleasing the CLIENT, and apparently Kentaro's client does not share Heidi's love of showing skin. Heidi needs to learn that not all women want to dress for evaluation of fuckability. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I'm with you.  Whenever I see Brandon's outfits with the strips and streamers hanging from sleeves, I always think that the person wearing it cannot do anything at all but walk around in the outfit.  Forget cooking or going near a stove!  Forget being near a sink or water!  I guess fashion cannot be practical.


1 hour ago, LAFR said:

Brandon and his strings/ribbons/tabs. How do you sit in those clothes without sitting on the strings? Get out of a car? or slide out of a booth at a restaurant?


1 hour ago, Nidratime said:

Frankly, they're a safety hazard. I can see them getting caught in an escalator. Or, maybe women who wear "high fashion" only take elevators.

I keep imagining them getting caught in a closing subway door.  I really don't get his whole aesthetic.

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40 minutes ago, enoughcats said:

After multiple seasons of designing prints (going back to Mondo),  that was predictable.  Surely a little preparation.

Sure - they ought to have a grasp of the mechanics and I think most of them did. Bhatani was the main exception. But as far as designing a specific print within the confines of a particular challenge goes, 20 minutes is ridiculous. 

Also, am I the only one who cringed a little at Michael saying his client was Native American, so he decided to give her a look based on a blanket? Seemed a little insulting and condescending (unintended, I know) and also I could not help thinking of smallpox. Awkward!

35 minutes ago, candall said:

No kidding.  Over the top phony drama AND DIXIE CUPS.

Oh, the humanity.

AND the winning print is only going to "serve as the inspiration" for a new Dixie Cup design. So I can't wait to see how THAT turns out. 

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3 hours ago, Sprockets said:

That's the most egregious example I could find.  It looks more like her inflatable swim ring sprung a leak.  

This is an excellent point.  If there is any suspicion of cheating, it should have been reported and investigated.  This whole episode is shady, and no one should be put thrpugh this kind of crap.  Tim is a producer, which means he is allowing, and perhaps even engineering, this clusterfuck.  

My guess? As with all reality shows, the "reality" may bear a slight resemblance to the tease, but only slight. Just like you *know* the designer whose face is shown during a "coming up next" runway critique will *not* be the one to whom the comment was directed.

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