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S07.E07: The Dragon And The Wolf

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9 minutes ago, CletusMusashi said:

 So I guess Jon's full name is:

Aegon Towerborn Targaryan, The Second of His Name, The Unmurdered, King of the North, Leader of Wildlings, Knower of Nothing, Collector of Zombies, Washer, Rinser, and Repeater, and, if they want to go meta, Launcher of a Thousand Ships.

To add on from Twitter:

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He was acting like an ass from the beginning and then Cersei told him to shut up. A couple more incidents like that and he would have stormed off in a huff. 

  That was plan A I believe. But he saw the wight and decided that made a better exit. 



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Is anyone else getting the vibe that the show is kind of setting up a Rhaegar/Lyana prequel series? 

I'm totally down with the idea if so! There would be something mesmerizing about knowing that everything is going to end in shit, and almost everyone dead that I would really enjoy. I've always liked to know the ending before I start the story. 

Edited by CaptainTightpants
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I need a re-watch, but overall loved the season finale.

First, Jon & Dany: we knew it was coming, we know they're related... but I love them regardless and I am not ashamed to admit it! Sorry, not sorry! They look like a match made in heaven, they're so beautiful together, they do have TONS of chemistry and, considering the short time, I bought that they fell for one another. The romantic side of me appreciated how they highlighted that, in a show where sex has always been often overexposed, the moment between Jon and Dany was much more, from the way they look at the each other during the act itself, to the "he loved her" (cut to Jon) "and she loved him" (cut to Dany).  There is not much love in GOT and, for once, we are facing two people in love, which is almost refreshing! My only complaint, as already stated upthread, is that they only show 30 seconds. :)

I found this scene funny :D :

Jon: We should sail together... to give a better impression (looking longingly at Dany)

Jorah: Or you can fly to Winterfell with your Dragon, to be safer (please choose my approach, Khaleesi!)

Jon: It's your choice, of course... but we should totally sail together (another look and no subtlety)

Dany: We'll sail together (looking back at Jon the same way he does)

Jorah: #%?^£"

I want to believe that Tyrion's look catching Jon going to Daenerys was not jealousy, at least unless stated otherwise. I hope so, because I don't see the point for Tyrion developing feelings for Dany, from a narrative POV. Maybe he's worried, even though I can't see why: Jon and Dany could get married and nobody could really believe is a wrong idea, since their alliance it would be officially cemented (even Littlefinger, before dying, discussed with Sansa the option of an alliance by marriage). Granted, this is all until Bran/Sam inform Jon that he's Aegon Targaryen. We'll see what happen then, even though I strongly believe Jon won't be interested in ruling the 7 kingdoms, if they all survive the war. Most of all now, that he and Dany are in love and supposedly an item.

I am SO relieved that Sansa and Arya were just pretending in order to sentence Littlefinger to death. Good riddance! However, I still have the impression that they argued in private, most of the times: how could Littlefinger know about their private confrontation? Little birds?

In any case, the scene was awesome. Lord Baelish was taken completely off guard. Good job, girls + (still creepy) Bran!

Am I the only one who, for a moment, mistook Rhaegar for Viserys? They really looked the same.

The big meeting was amazing: almost the whole cast was in the same scene, IIRC the last time it happened was in the pilot. Loved it. Great interactions overall: Jaime/Brienne (she can still move him!), Brienne/The Hound, Tyrion/Bronn, Dany/Cersei, Tyrion/Jaime and then Tyrion/Cersei... oh right, Jon/Dany too! :D

Cersei was about to kill both her brothers, this episode. So glad that Jaime finally left her!

So... the Night King destroyed the Wall with "his" new dragon. Poor Dany, she's going to be heartbroken when she'll see WW/Viseryon. Now they're all seriously f***ed.


I read the theory about the Night King being actually Bran: I don't know how much is legit, but I realised that it would be awful for the Starks and Jon first and foremost to have to kill his brother in order to save Westeros. That would be beyond "bittersweet"... which would totally fit GRRM's world. :/

Edited by SilverStormm
Spoiler tag added for theory speculating
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It was really a fairly sedate finale with the ominous scene at the end (which was cinematically well done).  I liked Tyrion's and Jamie's scenes with Cersei, and Theon finally growing a pair, ironically after it's demonstrated that he has no pair.  Arya executing Littlefinger was satisfying.  And now Jon's true identity is ready to be revealed.  No annoying cliffhanger, which is always good.  The whole episode was just a long setup for the final mini season, I'm okay with that.

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17 minutes ago, Katalina said:

Not until they do a Tormund/Brienne series!

Thanks. Now I can't get the theme of "Who's the Boss" out of my head. Picturing Tormund driving across Westeros in a beat up old blue van to a "brand new life around the bend" while a bug eyed, scowling Brienne opens her door in disgust. Starring Podrick as Jonathan.

Edited by charmed1
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7 hours ago, Star Aristille said:

So just to get things straight . . . everything that's happened between the Starks and the Lannisters has been because Littlefinger started it?  I just need that confirmed.  If so, no wonder Sansa, Arya, and Bran were all okay with him being killed.

The Lannisters still get credit for throwing Bran out of the window, but yeah the rest of it falls on him.

4 hours ago, thegreathoo said:


Jamie parting with Cersei was weird.  He has a kid on the way.  Where is he going?  I just can't imagine him arriving in the North without the army, saying Cersei lied but Im here to represent the army.  And doesn't he have anyone who will follow him but must ride alone?

The topic of a "just" murder came up again.  Lannisters for the most part kill real threats and do not exercise killing for game.  Joffrey was the exception.  Tyrion killed his father when his life was threatened.  Cersei killed Ned and the septans when they threatened her power.

Ramsey Bolton killed for game.

Dany killed for disobedience, not power threat.  That's a little wild, closer to game killing.

And now we have Sansa and Arya killing because they want to, which is closer to Ramsey.

In all this Lannisters seem pretty stately.  I hope Jon can fix up Dany in that regard.  Im starting to cheer for the Lannisters, they seem most civilized.

Cersei made it clear that Jamie has no say. She didn't even seem to value him now that she has another child on the way. I loved the last shot of her, utterly alone. She has driven away her last ally (other than the Mountain).

I have to disagree with this take. Cersei killed countless innocents to take out her enemies. She (presumably) killed two recent enemies in the dungeon without a trial and including torture. She fixed her brother's trial and put a price on his head. Her brother threw a child out of a window. She even had Oleanna murdered (and would have included torture if Jamie hadn't talked her out of it) without a trial.

Ramsey has no justification but we saw the equivalent of a trial for Littlefinger. They accused him of crime in front of everyone and he was given the opportunity to defend himself. The only extrajudicial killing I recall by the Starks was Arya and her red wedding revenge, which was closest to the Lannister way. We have even seen them show mercy for those houses that did not honor their oaths.

Similarly, Daenerys did give the Tarleys a choice in front of others, which again feels much closer to the Westeros legal system. She acts as judge to the extent she is queen. We have seen Dany kill in anger but I think Tyrion is correct that she has chosen advisors she trusts to tell her if she is stepping over the line.


Alternative episode title: Petyr and the wolf?

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6 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Perhaps if Arya puts on Lord Baelish's face hopefully in Kings Landing, things will stay interesting.

I was thinking the same thing but how in the world would they convince everyone in that room to keep his execution secret?

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I love how genuinely offended Theon seemed that Evil Pacey's dwarf joke wasn't even good. Subtext: at least I made an effort when I was being a dick to Tyrion! Euron's just being lazy!

18 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Thanks. Now I can't get the theme of "Who's the Boss" out of my head. Picturing Tormund driving across Westeros in a beat up old blue van to a "brand new life around the bend" while a bug eyed, scowling Brienne opens her door in disgust. Starring Podrick as Jonathan.

I was hearing the Charles in Charge theme ("Pod's in charge of our days and our nights").

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9 hours ago, Lady S. said:

Why did we never see Theon ask Dany for help saving Yara? And all this time I'd assumed Ramsay took his penis but left the balls because that seems the more sadistic option, but clearly there's something wrong with me for even wondering about that.

Take your pick of possible reasons

1. Theon doesn't have that kind of pull with Dany

2. Theon realizes that Dany has bigger fish to fry/might turn him down

3. Theon is seeking personal redemption for his failures in running away

4. Theon is Ironborn and this is an Ironborn matter

9 hours ago, EyesGlazed said:

Who is coming for the Mountain?

Jaime, maybe you grew a little bit of spine, but what good are you to anyone now?

How utterly useless is Bran???  Has he ever prevented an evil or provided useful information in a timely way??

The Mountain and the Hound are brothers and were childhood rivals. We heard in an earlier season that the Mountain burned the Hound's face when they were both children over a toy. There is a long-held speculation that they will fight to the death. Sometimes, you'll see references to "Clegane Bowl," including in this thread. The Mountain's real name is Gregor Clegane, and the Hound's is Sandor Clegane.

Bran's visions helped confirm LF's guilt and will set things up potentially for a fight over the Iron Throne.

8 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

So who's in charge of The Vale now? Nipple Boy? 

Nipple Boy, lol, has always been in charge. But LF used his marriage to Lysa and his powers of persuasion to convince Robyn to name him as regent  (Lord Protector of the Vale) until Robyn was old enough to rule. Lord Royce, head of the Vale's armies, will have some splaining to do and will probably name himself as Lord Protector.

6 hours ago, Daisy said:

Yeah. In season five when Littlefinger saves Sansa (well 'saves' Sansa) he takes her to the Eyrie. that's when Lysa starts blabbing how this has always been their plan, like she poisoned Jon Arryn  (I can't remember why this was important, like I can't remember why Arryn's death was important because I don't know what the point of Ned being HotK was to Littlefinger's plan). 

In Season 1, Baelish tells Catlyn that the dagger was his - but he lost it betting (something that Jaime was involved in) and that Tyrion won the dagger. Cat, knowing that there was already something fishy going on, jumped on it.

LF, it seems to me, was looking to cause chaos and find ways to use it to his advantage. He presumably figured by setting two of the Great Houses of Westeros against each other, there would be opportunity there. Maybe Ned would be killed to allow him to finally hook up with Cat. Maybe the Lannisters would fall out of favor, or he could drop the news that Cersei and Jaimie were boning and that none of Robert's supposed legit children were his. 

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LOL, Littlefinger died like the nasty rat he was, it was pathetic. Finally Arya was like STFU, slit. Oh you Stark girls, your father would be proud. I loved those two at the end remembering and stating their fathers lessons out loud.

Now to that dead dragon, what in the hell is coming out of his mouth? It looked like lightening.

Jon sexing up Danny...I was taken right out of the scene because in my head, I was screaming, "That's your aunt! Stop!" They started getting hot together an episode or three ago, and it all just blew up for me when they actually started doing the deed, damn. Well, we'll get  a baby to carry on the Stark/Targaryen line from it all. They'll probably name it after Jon's mother cause I think it'll be a girl.

I liked the scene between Jon and Theon, then Theon getting his "balls/penis" back by whateverhisname punching him in his lower region where his balls/penis no longer exist.  The look on Theon's face in that moment was, maybe there is some benefit to not having my jewels after all.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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Am I the only one who, for a moment, mistook Rhaegar for Viserys? They really looked the same.

No you're not, I thought the same thing when I saw the flashback. The only difference I might have seen was maybe in their height. Rhaegar looked taller, but that might have been just because he was standing next to Lyanna and much taller than her. 



So I guess Jon's full name is:

Aegon Towerborn Targaryan, The Second of His Name, The Unmurdered, King of the North, Leader of Wildlings, Knower of Nothing, Collector of Zombies, Washer, Rinser, and Repeater, and, if they want to go meta, Launcher of a Thousand Ships.


LOL, this is the best. 

Edited by Keepitmoving
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Cersei would be the most exhausting White Walker ever. I can see the Night King leaving her right in Kings Landing after telling her he he'd be right back after a quick trip to the store for cigarettes.

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I keep watching this ep on HBO on Demand, just to catch LF's trial and execution. I keep shutting it off before the ice dragon destroys the wall, 'cuz that just creeps me out and upsets me. And yes, I think Tormund and Beric are still alive, because, well they just have to be...

Does anyone have a date (or approximate date) of airing for the second installment of Season 7?

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Fucking hell! Say what you will about this show, but it still entertains me like no other. I don't know what I'm going to do when it's over. The prequels I wanted to see the most have been shot down by George. I fear nothing will ever replace it. 


Now for the episode. I wanted more Jonerys sex. More lead up to it. A conversation. Something. Though I did like the juxtaposition of Rhaegar/Lyanna and Jon/Dany.  I pray to the old gods and the new that we will get more sex scenes with these two next season. And no, I have zero problems with the incest. 


I wanted more of Rhaegar and Lyanna. I get that the show will never reveal the full story of those two, as their only importance to the plot right now is that they are Jon's parents and they were married, but there is so much more there than a simple forbidden love story. Too bad GRRM refuses to allow a Robert's Rebellion prequel. 


I loved seeing Jon stand up for himself and his surrogate father. I'm so sick of honor being treated as though it is a weakness or something to be mocked. Tyrion's stupid plan to convince his batshit crazy sister didn't work. It was never going to work. So Jon not being willing to swear an oath to a woman who would not uphold her own made me happy. 


Speaking of Cersei, my feelings about her are the same as The Hound's were for the wight whose jaw he caved in. She has lost. But her dumb ass thinks 20,000 sellswords are going to defeat either the army of the dead and their dragons or the combined forces of the rest of the seven kingdoms and their dragons. She may be able to deceive people, and some might construe that as being smart, but for my money she is the stupidest character remaining. 


Lord Baelish, Ned Stark sends his regards! The pack survives, bitch! Varys was right, chaos is a pit, and you just fell into it. 


When Qyburn picked up that hand, I was thinking he had found a new one for Jaime. 


Jaime, finally walks away from Cersei. About damn time! I was hoping he would take the Lannister army with him, though. I guess he didn't  trust that Cersei wouldn't try to have him arrested, so he disguised himself and hightailed it out of KL.


All roads apparently lead to Winterfell. Which makes me wonder, is that where Winter will fall? Will the army of the dead not make it further south? Somehow I doubt it. 


Great finale. The best episode of the season, IMO. The extra run time helped. I hope every episode of the final season will be longer, with hopefully the premier and finale at 2 hours in length. 

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It's interesting to me that as Hand of the Queen Tyrion has never proposed a marriage alliance between Jon and Dany.   Jon is a solid candidate as King of the North an essential and large territory.  Also, Tyrion knows Jon can can be trusted not to plot against Dany after the wedding.  Yet Tyrion hasn't campaigned for marriage and looked unhappy that Dany and Jon were getting together.

Here's my list of possible theories:

1) Tyrion has someone else in mind for a marriage alliance for Dany. What if Tyrion's long range plan is to defeat Cersei while preserving the Lannister house by arranging a marriage between Jaime and Dany?  Maybe the person Tyrion was trying to convince with the Wight scheme was Jaime and not Cersei?  Losing Jaime is a critical blow to Cersei.  Jaime can now tell Cersei's enemies her secret plans.  

2) Tyrion's inlove with Dany

3) Tyrion thinks Jon has too much influence with Dany and is a threat to Tyrion's position as adviser

4) Tyrion know's the truth about Jon's parentage and that Jon may have a better claim to the throne.  

5) Tyrion sees Jon's honorable and honest nature as a problem instead of an asset.

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1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Perhaps if Arya puts on Lord Baelish's face hopefully in Kings Landing, things will stay interesting.

Capital idea!  That would be fantastic. 

And I don't think it matters if word gets around that Baelish was executed.  The "faceless man" gig has been flawless so far--more convincing than any rumors.

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13 hours ago, The Kings Foot said:

That conversation between Tyrion and Cersei was so subtle. Tyrion got himself completely manipulated. Hes not the clever man he thinks he is. Cersei purposely threw him off balance by laying Tommen and Myrcellas deaths at his feet accusing him of destroying House Lannisters future. Then she deliberately let's him guess she's pregnant. 

Now all of Tyrion's planning and advice will be hobbled because will pull his punches trying to let Cersei and her child survive. 

Thank you.  Myrcella and Tommen's death were the fault of their horrible mother and stupid Tyrion is actually almost begging for her forgiveness.

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I think Cersei's pregnancy is the main thing making Jaime turn on her.  He's going to do whatever he feels necessary to protect this child so he won't lose another.  At this point Jaime believes Cersei's scheme is a threat to his child.   Her schemes got their daughter murdered and their son to commit suicide.  If Cersei is faking the pregnancy in some effort to keep Jaime loyal it backfired because ultimately his loyalty will be to the child he doesn't think Cersei is capable of protecting.  Jaime believes the ultimate threat is the Night King and that turning against Dany and Jon is reckless and wrong.  Cersei liked to use her children as an excuse for her schemes but her efforts made her children's situation worse which she never owns.  She blame others and has never learned how to create longstanding allies that could lead to peace.  Cersei's goal is to remain in power regardless of the cost to others including her children.   She is not long range thinker.  Jaime finally sees that.  

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46 minutes ago, Katalina said:

Does anyone have a date (or approximate date) of airing for the second installment of Season 7?

My daughter was recently in Ireland and went on a GOT tour guided by an actor who has a bit part as a wildling, who said that filming hadn't even started yet, and the release date will be in 2019.  I've seen this in print also, and I'm afraid it's true.  I used to worry about living long enough to see the end of the book series (these days it's looking like GRRM and I would have to be immortal for that); now I worry about making it to the end of the TV version.  :-/

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I realized at some point last night that the sex with Jon and Danaerys wasn't just their first time together - it was Jon's first time having full on sex at all.  With Ygritte he kept it all oral so that Jon wasn't breaking his oath to the Night's Watch.   It makes the pause during the scene a little more poignant I think.

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I loved the Jon/Theon scene. Someone asked why it took Jon's absolution to snap Theon out of his Reek mindset. I believe it is because Jon is the closest person to Robb/Ned. Theon would have spent a lot of time with him growing up, more so than Sansa. So Jon telling him he was a Stark really gave him the ultimate feeling of forgiveness. I'm not sure it was ultimately what led him to stand up for himself and fight back, but the final shot of him kneeling in the sea and washing the blood from his face felt like a rebirth. Reek is finally gone, and Theon has returned. 

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14 hours ago, jbrecken said:

I'm curious about how the mechanical model of Westeros is going to show the breach in the Wall - will it start out at full height and then retract into the ground?  Or will there just not be any wall there at all?

I wonder that too. Then I was thinking how it could be fixed. If the Wight dragon and the live dragon spit fire toward each other, maybe it creates a wall of ice. (J/k)

Dany and Jon. So hot, but I wanted more, without voice over. I can see her being upset that Jon is the so-called "rightful heir" since she did all the early work,  but an easy solution is too marry and pop out a baby.

Dorne will never recognize Jon as heir or the annulment as official, like Spain refused tho stop recognizing Catherine of Aragon as Henry VIII's English queen.

Also, Robert Baratheon overthrew House Targaryean with Ned's help, and recognizing Jon negates the entire rebellion. Just a thought.

So glad the Starks stuck together. I loved the reveal but I really wanted to see the daughters share and bond. Finally Bran is useful.

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Does anyone else believe the whole "only death may pay for life" blood magic may come into play with Dany's baby? Perhaps Cersei's will be the death that pays for Dany and Jon's to live? Or more likely, either Jon or Dany, if not both. I don't know. I'm thinking there has to be a big gut punch in the final season. I'm thinking the two chosen ones will have to sacrifice someone to ultimately defeat the White Walkers. And I think it will be Jon, even with all of the hints they are dropping about Jon being king. 


My ultimate tinfoil theory: Arya will kill Jon. "Stick them with the pointy end" was foreshadowing all along. And the comment by Sansa that "Jon's heart will stop" when he sees Arya would fit with that. I have no idea how this would fit into killing the Night King and allowing for baby Jonerys to live, which is why it's crazy, but something has to go wrong for the protagonists. The juxtaposition of Rhaegar and Lyanna with Jon and Dany also made me believe that Jonerys is doomed as well. 

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14 hours ago, CeeBeeGee said:


One last thought--why would Rhaegar name his baby boy after...his other son? Rhaegar's son by Elia Martell was also named Aegon.

Lyanna named him Aegon.  I think Rhaegar was already dead when Jon/Aegon was born.

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1 minute ago, LisaBLingLing said:

Lyanna named him Aegon.  I think Rhaegar was already dead when Jon/Aegon was born.


I think Rhaegar would have had a say in naming him. It does seem odd, though with Rhaegar, it's possible he believed the Prince who Was Promised needed to be king and needed to be named Aegon. 

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3 hours ago, Keepitmoving said:

I liked the scene between Jon and Theon, then Theon getting his "balls/penis" back by whateverhisname punching him in his lower region where his balls/penis no longer exist. 

Could there be an Ironborn that does NOT know Theon lost his pillar and stones?

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14 hours ago, BitterApple said:

If Gilly hadn't found that diary and read it to Sam, Bran would be telling the world that Jon was a Sand bastard. Whatever.

Also sort of sucks that Gilly doesn't get credit for uncovering that little tidbit. As I remember, Sam was sort all "yes, dear, whatever," when she was reading those passages.

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28 minutes ago, Subrookie said:

Poetic justice would be Cercie having a dwarf baby. After all she and her father said and did to Tyrion she should have dwarf twins. 

At her age there's a higher chance of anomalies, for sure.

Do we know if Jon is fireproof too?

Edited by NeenerNeener
Just thought of something else...do we know if Jon is fireproof too?
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13 minutes ago, NeenerNeener said:

The many jobs of Arya Stark:


Did I miss any?



12 minutes ago, Amerilla said:

Also sort of sucks that Gilly doesn't get credit for uncovering that little tidbit. As I remember, Sam was sort all "yes, dear, whatever," when she was reading those passages.

Right? Next season Gilly better be giving Sam the what's for, here. Yes, he retrieved the book, and may have come across it herself. But the lady needs a win!

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"You stand accused of treason.  You stand accused of murder.  How do you plead...Lord Baelish?"  Right there, is one of the greatest TV moments of all time.

And delivered very well. For a split second you think Sansa is simply looking for backup from LF. And then we, and he, realizes that he's the accused.


Feeling like such an idiot. Believe it or not, I thought this was the final season in the series. Convinced I read it in several formats. So I kept thinking, no way will they be able to tie up all these plot lines in just 7 episodes. And of course, there was no way they could have. When we got to the final dragon attack on the Wall it finally sunk in. Oh man, and 2018 before we see another?  Aaaargh.

Liked the episode, but much of it was predictable as cliff hangers. Which kind of makes that whole spoiler 'blackmail' kind of silly. There was nothing all that shocking.

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15 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Well, I'm going to miss Lord Baelish. He kept things interesting. Glad my cat Baelish was in another room when it happened!


I totally agree!  That's also why I want Cersei to last as long as possible.  I don't root for her exactly, but she brings something to the show that most of the other characters don't.  I have no interest in watching all of the "good guys" wandering around trying to out-noble each other.  I would die of boredom.  Cersei is a short-sighted, selfish, cruel narcissist, but my god is she entertaining.  I think that LH is by far the best actor on the entire show and she brings out the best of everyone who acts opposite her.   So while I get that she needs to get her comeuppance, I think that the show will be sorely lacking without her.  Littlefinger was a manipulative shit as well, but again, simply watching Arya, Sansa and, god forbid Bran, going on and on about The North may not make for the most compelling television.

Next season is going to be action/CGI heavy enough, simply because of the plot and all of the dragons, Night Kings and zombies involved.  And I have no problem with a bit of shock and awe spectacle every once and awhile.  But I have always found the more intimate character driven scenes to be what makes GoT so great.  And, for me, the Night King is just a cypher or plot device, to drive other character interactions.  So while I expect next season to be a lot of fight sequences and zombie dragon action, it won't be the same without all of the double dealing and behind the scenes manipulations.  I would love to watch Dany, Jon, Cersei, Yara/Theon and Sansa and all of their entourages try to manage and jostle each other trying to reach the bigger goal of wiping out the Night King and his army.

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5 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

 So I guess Jon's full name is:

Aegon Towerborn Targaryan, The Second of His Name, The Unmurdered, King of the North, Leader of Wildlings, Knower of Nothing, Collector of Zombies, Washer, Rinser, and Repeater, and, if they want to go meta, Launcher of a Thousand Ships.

You have to work in Brooder by the Sea somewhere.

And it's King *in* the North

And didn't he get a pin or something for climbing the Wall?  Like a merit badge.

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10 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

You have to work in Brooder by the Sea somewhere.

And it's King *in* the North

And didn't he get a pin or something for climbing the Wall?  Like a merit badge.

"Teller of Truths", "Keeper of Vows", "Caller of Booty"... 

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13 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

Now I'm just trying to picture the actual John Waters becoming a cast member next season. Bonus points if he's Arya's new water dancing instructor.

Who's more camp?  Divine or Cersei?

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After the Jon/Dany love scene, I was wondering if any of the chemistry was real?

Turns out that Kit has dating Rose Leslie (Ygrette) for a while and just bought a house together...

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2 minutes ago, feet said:

After the Jon/Dany love scene, I was wondering if any of the chemistry was real?

Turns out that Kit has dating Rose Leslie (Ygrette) for a while and just bought a house together...

Yeah, and you've got to see the clip on a late show of Nicole Kidman putting Kit on the spot and asking him if he is going to pop the question to her. Nicole Kidman is a hot mess, damn it was uncomfortable. I forget what his answer was.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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3 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Now for the episode. I wanted more Jonerys sex. More lead up to it. A conversation. Something. Though I did like the juxtaposition of Rhaegar/Lyanna and Jon/Dany.  I pray to the old gods and the new that we will get more sex scenes with these two next season. And no, I have zero problems with the incest. 

This made me laugh. I don't care about incest when it comes to Jon and Dany. I hope that we get more sex scenes and wouldn't be surprised if we do. I am not usually a fan of couple names, but Jonerys is cute and flows.

Edited by SimoneS
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Oof, this finale. I KNOW the writers are familiar with the expression "Show, don't tell," because they had Jon and company bring a wight to the meeting to SHOW the others, to convince them. So why is that entire scene just everyone sitting around talking about the wight and how they feel about it and what they want to do about it? That whole time, I just wanted to shake the TV and shout "THIS IS THE WORST WAY TO COMMUNICATE SOMETHING THIS IMPORTANT!" The whole episode, more or less, was people talking about things rather than taking action and it was so frustrating! Even when Cersei is trying to manipulate her enemies, she can't just play along and then turn and stab everyone in the back, no... she has to have an extended conversation with her brother where she explains the REAL plan, so that we can know what she wants to do without the show having to go to the trouble of her actually DOING it. Even Sam and Bran comparing notes about Jon and the Targaryen family tree was probably the most boring way to arrive at that revelation... which is very disappointing considering how well they had been hinting and building to it all through the series. After glorious hints and teases, like Gilly's interrupted revelation about the annulment, they just gave up and had someone explain it directly, in a conversation with no stakes, as if this revelation on its own (THAT WE ALREADY KNEW ABOUT) was going to blow the viewers' minds. Pairing it with incest that we already knew was coming just doubled down on the total lack of surprise. I think the trial and execution of Lord Baelish was about the only TRULY well-crafted moment of the episode (though I'm sure I am forgetting others). It's like the writers just realized how much story they had to get through in the time remaining, and just gave up on the kind of storytelling that made this show so good, and resorted to increasing series' of lazy conversations where characters just explain things to each other in order to move things along, without any of it really meaning anything.

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9 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

This made me laugh. I don't care about incest when it comes to Jon and Dany. I hope that we get more sex scenes and wouldn't be surprised if we do. I am not usually a fan of couple names, but Jonerys is cute and flows.


Jonerys is gender neutral. So when Dany has twins, a boy and a girl, in keeping with the tradition of Rhaegar naming both of his sons Aegon, the twins shall both be named Jonerys. 


Re: Incest. One thing I hope the show doesn't do is make a big fuss about both or one of them being uncomfortable with it. Don't insert modern day sensibilities into a medieval society. Avunculate marriage would not be considered that unusual in that society. And in this fantasy world, Targaryens wed brother and sister. So Dany especially better not be wierded out by it. As for Jon, even the Starks married first cousins. And of course this isn't to mention that they didn't know each other growing up. They were complete strangers who entered into their relationship willingly. 

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5 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

This made me laugh. I don't care about incest when it comes to Jon and Dany. I hope that we get more sex scenes and wouldn't be surprised if we do. ...

I don't really get the outrage and/or distaste for the auntie-nephew incest.  Two unattached consenting adults, close in age, who never met . . .?  Why should the actions of their parents--whom neither of them ever met, either--have any influence on them?  No awkward introductions at Thanksgiving to worry about.  Honestly, I wouldn't clutch my pearls at the identical set of circumstances in real life.

The twins, who fell in love over all those shared birthday cakes and pony rides, during family outings to the Grand Canyon--that's a little different, although I roll with it in GoT for the sake of the story.  It's a brilliant element in the Lannister Family dynamic.

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