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S12.E04: Empty Your Bucket

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21 minutes ago, Collette1104 said:

I'm sooo late to start b/c my kid woke up crying twice and my husband won't shut up, but has no one noticed that Nurse Lauren (who is adorbs and clearly must be doing uppers on the side, because I dont know how you work as a FT cardiac nurse, cheer AND have a body like that) had a patient named Holly that looks exactly like Holly P in like 2/3 of those photos???

OK, this might sound dumb, but I want to say it anyway.

 She is pretty, but I noticed a difference between her older photos, and her look now. She looks like she might have an exopthalmic goiter, and I'm a bit concerned. Her eyes have a bit of bulge.  I know, I know, she works in a hospital, but I had a friend who did as well, and it took a new resident doctor to notice and ask.  Everyone else was just used to how she looked.

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16 minutes ago, Ferniesfreckles said:

Good Jesus, Jerry Jones looks and sounds like shit  death warmed over! I didn't realize he had aged that much! ?

Miranda is  very pretty and Brianna is stunning! She has almost no make-up on (or it seems like she isn't wearing the entire MAC counter) and she looks flawless, hopefully they can make it. 

Those facilities are amazing. 

Love that the alumni are giving feedback. 

Kelli has lost weight. 

Really? I actually thought that she looked a lot heavier. 

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I take back everything I said about Lauren and her hair. I want her to be my new BFF. She's adorable.

I'm over NJ Brianna. Mannequins are pretty too, but they move better. 

Hi alumni. Oh, it's Cassie, bye alumni. 

I love Kelli's new office, but I do miss the monitor and pile of folders. They must have spent money and bought her a filing cabinet. 

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26 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

It's hard to see Steph get bent out of shape when we're talking about 8 pounds here, but I also get that you gotta stay where you are and they do too. Ehh.

Erin is kind of boring and in need of a hair chop. She'd look so cute with a Christina length cut.

Steph posted a before after picture (about 3 months) on her insta today. While she didn't look bad before...OH HOT DAMN!!

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I liked that they brought in other vets who were seasoned and had more than just 2 years experience (Melissa).  I hope we see more of that.

I don't like Tasha at all.  She comes across as fake and is using her social media to overly endorse things.  Maybe she has such a large social media following that that's why they kept her (a "fan favorite").

Hahaha Tina in the group of vets!  She stands out like a sore thumb.  And I'm sorry, but her daughter isn't a great dancer. She can nail moves but she looks spastic and has no style.  I also liked that there was the clip of Tina from a season or two ago talking about how she and Kelli are BFFs.  You know, in case viewers were wondering why she was there.  Lol

So I thought if was funny that all the vets had their maiden and married names except Cassie Trammell.  It's possible she didn't take her husband's name, of course, but it looked more like "we don't want anyone to question that's she's Judy's daughter so no married name for cassie!"  

I like the new locker room!!  Hopefully other teams will step up and give their cheerleaders better locker rooms too.  Gosh such a difference from the old locker room!  I remember the old locker rooms from their old stadium!  the girls had to share like 8 outlets or something?!  I'm glad they got a cool upgrade!   No matter what, I think we can all agree they work their butts off and deserve the new studio and lockers.

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random thoughts :

this new room is SO much better looking!  

I do. not. understand. Brianna at TC  i knew when I took one look at her on the field at tryouts, I could tell.  There is no way she can catch up.  She has lyrical ingrained in her cells.

Stumblina Erin has insane eyelashes (in a bad way)

Cassie was hideous when she was a DCC, and I think it was the fake curled hair, and eating a bare minimum of calories but she is so adorable now.  Eating and living life agrees with her.

Is it the new room? the editing? my now expert eye? I used to think they were SO hard on these girls, now I think they are being way nice to them. 

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2 minutes ago, Collette1104 said:

random thoughts :

this new room is SO much better looking!  

I do. not. understand. Brianna at TC  i knew when I took one look at her on the field at tryouts, I could tell.  There is no way she can catch up.  She has lyrical ingrained in her cells.

Stumblina Erin has insane eyelashes (in a bad way)

Cassie was hideous when she was a DCC, and I think it was the fake curled hair, and eating a bare minimum of calories but she is so adorable now.  Eating and living life agrees with her.

Is it the new room? the editing? my now expert eye? I used to think they were SO hard on these girls, now I think they are being way nice to them. 

Don't forget horse teeth, though it's a bit less noticeable now that her face isn't so gaunt looking. 

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Also- does anyone else feel like these girls need less makeovers as the years have gone on?  And I know the 90s are back but I'm already tired of the dark lipstick paired with black eye shadow.  The makeup artist in me is cringing so much these days.

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I like the idea of bringing back the alumni...but this group didn't exactly exude warmth. None of them really impressed me with unique insights. In fact, most of them came across as mean spirited. Ashton is gorgeous though I'll give her that. 

I agree this is a very talented group of TCCs. Just about all of them are bringing something good to the table. Briana and Erin are just way out of their element style wise. And Celinda is pretty forgettable. But I'm ride or die for Lauren; Tara and Savannah were charming tonight; Gina is an excellent dancer. 

Edited by veronicamers
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This was a great episode! - I loved so many things about it.

The Star looks amazing - can I move to Frisco and work there please???  Or maybe LIVE there in one of the offices or something?  Dang is it gorgeous!

Wow - Jerry Jones has got to be pushing 100?  He has really aged since I last watched him speak on TV (which granted was probably 20+ years ago)...

Contrary to want others have said, I really don't think there are that many pretty girls in this new group at all - like the only ones that I am like "wow - she's really pretty" about are Brianna and Kalyssa.    All the others seem like girls who are just "okay", but are being helped a lot by styling, makeup and the fact that they are thin and young.   Previous seasons have had A LOT more genuinely pretty girls.

Speaking of pretty girls, I loved seeing Ashton and Mia on the alumni panel.  LOVED the panel and the discussion w/ K&J.  Really could have done w/o Cassie though - ugh, like she has any room to critique anyone about anything.  Blah!   The other vets, even Sarah and Tina, seemed to give good feedback.

I think Erin needs a hair makeover - maybe shorter, not too short, but shorter and some bright highlights - but she's really struggling w/ the dancing so who knows how long she'll last.

Brianna is just gorgeous and is so sweet - I'd have a hard time giving up on her if I was K&J despite how much she is struggling.  She's just so pretty and has such a nice figure.

I liked Lauren's backstory piece about nursing.  She's very likable, but really doesn't know the dances.  Her hair looked better in this episode though.

The two Jets girls are okay looking and seem nice, but they are no Danielle and Jasmine to me ;) - D&J just had that "it factor" that these two lack. 

The vets called in for weight seemed to take it well.   8lbs in 2+ years for Stephanie - gasp!!!...(sarcasm).  I guess if these girls are really short (which a lot of them seem to be) that would probably show, but dang, I gain and lose that much every month just from having my period and/or if I eat a large dinner ;).

I will say again how much I loved the alumni segment w/ K&J where they talked about the girls and why they were going to call them in before they called them in.  That discussion was so interesting and I hope they do it each week so we know what they are thinking each time - what would he really cool is if we actually get to see them decide to keep or cut someone in one of those candid meetings and know their reasoning. 

Edited by MyFavShows
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They are grown up women who want to be part of this squad.  They are also dancers.  Criticism, feedback....whatever you want to call it..........that is what makes you better.  At least, it always works for me cause my way of thinking is "I'll show you!!"

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I want to see more of the vets & alumni (more recent) help teach the details of the dance.  We saw a little of it; Jinelle teaching how to sway the hips & another teaching "peel the banana".  It's fun to watch them practice, but teach them the little details that will make them successful, and not just a comment to project more power. 

One season, during the first game, a rookie was having trouble with their hair holding a curl & the vet asked the rookie if she had washed her hair that morning.  The rookie said yes, and the vet said it was a rookie mistake.  Really?  You would think they would give them helpful advice with the tricks of the trade before it was too late.  Success is in the details!

Maybe the alumni group can join the makeovers.  

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I liked Lauren before, but I totally fell in love with her during this episode! She seems so genuine and kind hearted. 


Loving the new studio. The pictures behind the dancers we're kind of distracting though. I found myself pausing it a lot just to see who was in them lol


Loved the alumni workshop! Finalllllllly relevant people and not Melissa R! Cassie definitely annoyed me though with her comment about not being the smiley one and having to lay down the law. Giving the girls advice to not worry if they're "not the perfect, smiling kind of girl". Really, Cassie? You got a way with acting like that because your mom is Judy. Girls get called out for not smiling and coming across as disinterested all the time and Kelli has made it crystal clear that acting that way will not fly.... but thanks for the awesome "advice"?Till this day, all these seasons later, Cassie is the only DCC that has ever come across as so entitled and abrasive. 


Kelli is girl crushing soooo hard on Brianna. I think we all agree that Brianna should have never been taken into Camp over other qualified candidates, but man this episode makes it all even worse. She looked so lost and just bad next to the other girls. As a viewer, it is so frustrating to see them waste time on her. 

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2 minutes ago, Bailey3606 said:

Sarah I. and Cassie need to scram

Sarah at least knows what she's talking about and gives good feedback even if it's bitchy - Cassie, well, let's just say being on the alumni panel is yet another perk that she got only cause she's Judy's daughter.  It was really annoying hearing her say that someone better shape up or they'll be gone - like she ever had to worry about being gone for anything her entire DCC career in spite of not being very good at all her first 2-3 years.  She just annoys me so much.

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26 minutes ago, veronicamers said:

I like the idea of bringing back the alumni...but this group didn't exactly exude warmth. None of them really impressed me with unique insights. In fact, most of them came across as mean spirited. Ashton is gorgeous though I'll give her that. 

I thought Ashton and Sarah were mean spirited and rough on the girls. Just my two cents.

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I haven't even seen this episode yet and I will say I am a fan of Cassie Trammell Loftin. She is funny, a great mom and she was a great DCC.  Judy would never had jeopardized the DCC brand by putting her daughter on the team if she was a bad performer.   ... please don't throw too many rotten things at me >)

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1 hour ago, Ferniesfreckles said:

Good Jesus, Jerry Jones looks and sounds like shit  death warmed over! I didn't realize he had aged that much! ?


And he has body guards with him? In his own facility? there were at least two men who stood back when he entered the room. I guess I would have thought he would have brought his wife (sorry I don't know her name) or one of his kids.

Yes - I was thinking the same thing. Was he in make-up or something for all of the HOF hype? and when you see glimpses of him at the games? Maybe he just had a illness or something, but yes his is age is showing... at a rapid rate.

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Why can't they access and address the veteran weight gain issue before auditions? Do a weigh in when they turn in the form(s) to come back. Do another weigh in when they are in the studio learning the audition dance or before the interview. To wait until the first week of rehearsals or be cut at auditions, is a little one sided. Congrats to the women who can stay at the same weight as when they came in for 3-5 years in a row.

K&J didn't show a lot of sympathy to the veteran who was in a car accident one day and lost her job the next. They could at least asked, what does she do for living , has she found something. if they can tell is  stressed and not herself, at least show some concern.

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1 hour ago, Dopeydwarf said:

OK, this might sound dumb, but I want to say it anyway.

 She is pretty, but I noticed a difference between her older photos, and her look now. She looks like she might have an exopthalmic goiter, and I'm a bit concerned. Her eyes have a bit of bulge.  I know, I know, she works in a hospital, but I had a friend who did as well, and it took a new resident doctor to notice and ask.  Everyone else was just used to how she looked.

Something is off w/ her eyes.   It's like she looks surprised all the time.

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Brianna did nothing with her hair this episode.  And she looks like she has no makeup on.  Her little voice and low personality are not growing on me yet.  Trying to think back to when I was 18.... I was so shy with no personality too.  She won't make it this year.  No way

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NJ -Brianna - am the only one who thinks that she needs to mature in age, more so than dance, which is also an issue ? Not to be a meany, but I was kind expecting K&J to cut her when we got called into the office. She's just not ready for this. sorry boo. It shows too much that she needs to live a little more. And if she needs to have a serious talk with her local studio - not being exposed to all types of music though dance, in all of these years? why the hell not?

I said this on another point, but the DCC really needs to up the audition age, for what they expect the cheerleaders to do .Taking some young ladies from the HS world, some before they even graduate, or get some life & adult dance experience  is a little too soon. Let the other NFL/NBA/college clubs take them for a year. Did she try out for the Jets? that might have been good training for being a DCC 2018 season

Edited by sATL
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57 minutes ago, NMDD43 said:

I liked Lauren before, but I totally fell in love with her during this episode! She seems so genuine and kind hearted. 


Loving the new studio. The pictures behind the dancers we're kind of distracting though. I found myself pausing it a lot just to see who was in them lol


Loved the alumni workshop! Finalllllllly relevant people and not Melissa R! Cassie definitely annoyed me though with her comment about not being the smiley one and having to lay down the law. Giving the girls advice to not worry if they're "not the perfect, smiling kind of girl". Really, Cassie? You got a way with acting like that because your mom is Judy. Girls get called out for not smiling and coming across as disinterested all the time and Kelli has made it crystal clear that acting that way will not fly.... but thanks for the awesome "advice"?Till this day, all these seasons later, Cassie is the only DCC that has ever come across as so entitled and abrasive. 


Kelli is girl crushing soooo hard on Brianna. I think we all agree that Brianna should have never been taken into Camp over other qualified candidates, but man this episode makes it all even worse. She looked so lost and just bad next to the other girls. As a viewer, it is so frustrating to see them waste time on her. 

So much truth to this!

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1 hour ago, sATL said:

And he has body guards with him? In his own facility? there were at least two men who stood back when he entered the room. I guess I would have thought he would have brought his wife (sorry I don't know her name) or one of his kids.

Yes - I was thinking the same thing. Was he in make-up or something for all of the HOF hype? and when you see glimpses of him at the games? Maybe he just had a illness or something, but yes his is age is showing... at a rapid rate.

I didn't notice that.  (The bodyguards).  Hey, rollin in with an entourage is kinda cool ? 

Edited by ReneeK
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2 hours ago, missmansfield said:

Oh God, not Cassie.  Ugh

Still trying to understand her outfit... Tight busty Jean Jacket, White lace mid-calf skirt, with short panel, pink shoes..hair with zero curl... Did they call her at the last minute?

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52 minutes ago, sATL said:

Why can't they access and address the veteran weight gain issue before auditions? Do a weigh in when they turn in the form(s) to come back. Do another weigh in when they are in the studio learning the audition dance or before the interview. To wait until the first week of rehearsals or be cut at auditions, is a little one sided. Congrats to the women who can stay at the same weight as when they came in for 3-5 years in a row.

K&J didn't show a lot of sympathy to the veteran who was in a car accident one day and lost her job the next. They could at least asked, what does she do for living , has she found something. if they can tell is  stressed and not herself, at least show some concern.

As for weight, I imagine that they allow a little fluctuation over the years.  +/- 5 lbs?  That just seems to be expected. 

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RE: Nurse Lauren - what is the process for getting into nursing school, where it takes multiple attempts?

I guess I thought when you apply for college you start in a pre-nursing-major pgm, in the college of Nursing or Arts/Sciences, take the courses they tell you (ie mostly science) and then somewhere, somehow, sometime after your 2nd year, you are considered a nursing major. I few nurses I knew in college never said that they  were trying " get in" - it was like they were already in. Did she start off as something else - like a business major?

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5 minutes ago, sATL said:

RE: Nurse Lauren - what is the process for getting into nursing school, where it takes multiple attempts?

I guess I thought when you apply for college you start in a pre-nursing-major pgm, in the college of Nursing or Arts/Sciences, take the courses they tell you (ie mostly science) and then somewhere, somehow, sometime after your 2nd year, you are considered a nursing major. I few nurses I knew in college never said that they  were trying " get in" - it was like they were already in. Did she start off as something else - like a business major?

At the college I graduated from, you had to apply to get in to the nursing program and it was very competitive.  At the community college where I live now, same thing. 

Edited by scorpio1031
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12 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

At the college I graduated from, you had to apply to get in to the nursing program and it was very competitive.  At the community college near me now, same thing. 

so if you don't get into the pgm by your JR year of college, then what - 5+ years of undergrad ?

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5 hours ago, sATL said:

RE: Nurse Lauren - what is the process for getting into nursing school, where it takes multiple attempts?

I guess I thought when you apply for college you start in a pre-nursing-major pgm, in the college of Nursing or Arts/Sciences, take the courses they tell you (ie mostly science) and then somewhere, somehow, sometime after your 2nd year, you are considered a nursing major. I few nurses I knew in college never said that they  were trying " get in" - it was like they were already in. Did she start off as something else - like a business major?

Nursing school is very difficult to get into, mostly because they don't have enough schools/classes/teachers. Not uncommon at all to apply twice. 

5 hours ago, sATL said:

so if you don't get into the pgm by your JR year of college, then what - 5+ years of undergrad ?

Most of my friends have done nursing as a graduate program.... the best jobs here require a graduate degree. So they have an undergraduate degree, then apply for a nursing graduate school. They do have nursing colleges, but I'm not as familiar with those!

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4 hours ago, sATL said:

RE: Nurse Lauren - what is the process for getting into nursing school, where it takes multiple attempts?

I guess I thought when you apply for college you start in a pre-nursing-major pgm, in the college of Nursing or Arts/Sciences, take the courses they tell you (ie mostly science) and then somewhere, somehow, sometime after your 2nd year, you are considered a nursing major. I few nurses I knew in college never said that they  were trying " get in" - it was like they were already in. Did she start off as something else - like a business major?

Lauren says cardiac nurse. I've noticed 'nurse' covers a lot of variety sometimes. Is she an RN or something else?

I work for a medical center and we have nursing students  come in for clinicals and/or working as externs during breaks and before being licensed (basically CNAs during that time). 

Most of the four year BSN students start out pre nursing or pre health professions (depending on what the school calls it) for a year or two before they're actually accepted as a nursing major. Acceptance requires certain grades in prerequisites, ACT score, experience (externing, military, volunteering, etc.). Some programs will directly admit a few high school seniors with really great ACT scores and recommendations straight into the nursing majors but they still have to do that year or two of Prereqs.

For the ASN program, those tend to be more competitive even thought it's a "lesser" degree. They sit for the same RN boards, but the program only takes two years, so a lot of people want to get it over and work while finishing a BSN. A lot of people also spend a year and do prereqs to lighten the class load and then apply. 

My point is it isn't that unusual for someone in an area that doesn't have a ton of slots in nursing schools, or doesn't have perfect grades or all their prereqs finished, to have to apply more than one semester before actually being accepted into nursing. I know one of the schools affiliated with our hospital takes preference over GPA, ACT, prereqs completed, and then factors in experience (already a medic, LPN, veteran, etc). If you have B+ student with few prereqs, they're going to be bumped by an A+ student with a 30 on the ACT and army medic experience. 

Lauren may be one of those who is smart but was bumped a few times. 

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12 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Lauren says cardiac nurse. I've noticed 'nurse' covers a lot of variety sometimes. Is she an RN or something else?

I work for a medical center and we have nursing students  come in for clinicals and/or working as externs during breaks and before being licensed (basically CNAs during that time). 

Most of the four year BSN students start out pre nursing or pre health professions (depending on what the school calls it) for a year or two before they're actually accepted as a nursing major. Acceptance requires certain grades in prerequisites, ACT score, experience (externing, military, volunteering, etc.). Some programs will directly admit a few high school seniors with really great ACT scores and recommendations straight into the nursing majors but they still have to do that year or two of Prereqs.

For the ASN program, those tend to be more competitive even thought it's a "lesser" degree. They sit for the same RN boards, but the program only takes two years, so a lot of people want to get it over and work while finishing a BSN. A lot of people also spend a year and do prereqs to lighten the class load and then apply. 

My point is it isn't that unusual for someone in an area that doesn't have a ton of slots in nursing schools, or doesn't have perfect grades or all their prereqs finished, to have to apply more than one semester before actually being accepted into nursing. I know one of the schools affiliated with our hospital takes preference over GPA, ACT, prereqs completed, and then factors in experience (already a medic, LPN, veteran, etc). If you have B+ student with few prereqs, they're going to be bumped by an A+ student with a 30 on the ACT and army medic experience. 

Lauren may be one of those who is smart but was bumped a few times. 

ok. thanks for the explanations and clarifications. Yes, my alma matter university was and still is ( I just checked) what you described. I didn't know how competitive the nursing programs have gotten, lately. Wow.

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Yeah, undergrad nursing programs are extremely competitive at many schools. Of my fiends who applied while I was in college, they basically had two consecutive semesters to apply and get into the upper division of the nursing division. If they didn't get in either time, most either left for another college or changed their major.

I liked Lauren, Tara, and Savannah. I really hope they don't dye Savanah's hair a deep red like everyone else. Leave it! 

Brianna seems sweet and is very pretty, but Im annoyed that she made it over other more qualify people when it was obvious that she would struggle in training camp. Like extremely obvious and they haven't started kicking yet! 

I liked the alumni sections. Some of the comments came off a bit catty but that's the way it is. 

I thought that the way CMT spliced some of the dance scenes was annoying. Seemed far more disjointed than usual.

Edited by Jess14
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I'm willing to cut Jerry Jones some slack. He's 76 years old and this has been quite a busy time for him with Hall of Fame, the Star opening and football season starting up again. I'd be exhausted too.


So no kicking and walking across the room on the first night? Just dive into the first routine? Or editing magic?


Someone mentioned Lauren's eyes bulging a little. She may have Graves Disease, two of my friends have it. One just had surgery to relieve pressure on her eyes. I ❤️Lauren but looks like she may be a Take Home Girl.


Absolutely loved the vet panel, but Sarah G and Tina K were not my faves. Ashton is still amazing, could listen to her all day. This was much better than lisening to just Melissa R make conversation with the "on the bubble" girls in the hall.


Brianna is a sweet immature little girl dancer. When I say immature I mean little life or dance experience. She has a sweet demeanor and she does (as Kelli said) look like a model. But she needs another year or two to get the DCC style down. 


No visible stool for Judy but couldn't see if she actually got her own chair because she's still sitting higher than Kelli, ha ha. ?

Edited by ATLGirl
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Ugh.....Cassie. Just when I thought she'd be gone. :p  I think the problem with her hair is it is too ash toned for her complexion and makes her look like she is in her 40s. Make her GO AWAY!!!

The vets/rookies first meeting? I could have done without the elbow licking and the tongue to the nose, thankyouverymuch. Kelli's face regarding that was priceless!!!

I think the only judges that should have been present were Tina Kalina, Ashton and Mia. The rest of them, meh. 

I thought it was a very nice thing of Jerry to give the girls a nice opening speech. I have never been a fan of his, but I do believe he won me over this episode. 

The girls are all pretty, especially with their bright smiles and flashy dance out fits. 

That facility, tho!



Friday-Meme-Damn-06 (1).jpg

Edited by tinabee1967
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Lauren may have thyroid problems because of the stress the girls are under (yes, sadly I speak from experience because the doctors thought stress from dealing with my husband's illness and not getting support and help from my nitwit in-laws took my stress levels to an all time high was a major reason why I ended up with Graves Disease.) I am now dealing with multiple health issues after having a radiation iodine treatment and thyroid medication sensitivity. I believe one year vet Jordan from Season 3 wrote a blog on the old DCC website page about her having hypothyroidism.

Thank you CMT for no Mentor Melissa. I did not care for Tina, but I guess being Kelli's best friend from the time she was on the squad does have its perks. Cassie was okay. The other girls were being a little catty, but it is to be expected in this type of environment. I do wish the girls would say something totally different instead of the same ole from past seasons. I might passed out from shock if someone actually did not give the ole standard responses over and over again.

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Jerry's speech reminded me of this book my kids got when they "graduated" from pre-school:


58 minutes ago, ATLGirl said:

Someone mentioned Lauren's eyes bulging a little. She may have Graves Disease, two of my friends have it. One just had surgery to relieve pressure on her eyes. I ❤️Lauren but looks like she may be a Take Home Girl.

Can someone remind me what a take home girl is? 

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I have hypothyroidism controlled by medication. I remember how AWFUL I felt when I was diagnosed and completely understand what it is like. :( Apparently, thyroid disease is more common than we may think. 

Either that, or Lauren is wide eyed all of the time because she is nervous. Being hyperthyroid will do that. Not a good thing for her heart health. :(

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My smaaaaallest pet peeve is when the rookies are forced to stand in front of the camera the day of training camp and they say they have no idea what's about to happen tonight. There are 11 past seasons of the show!! You know what's up. 

Erin and Brianna are on my radar. I think Brianna will be the first cut. It just needs to happen. She reminds me of Maddy's first season but even less prepared. Erin tripped in damn near every scene.. I know Judy is concerned. 

@ShellyB! Loved the cameos. I didn't realize how involved you were in training camp. I love it. But at the same time.. you've been holding out on us. lol 

I'm starting to get on this Lacey train. She's so mature for being so young and is a really good dancer. Great addition to the DDC. Amy L is really cute. Love Jenna, Robin, and Jinelle. Cersten looked soo pretty in her Jerry Jones close up. Holly sure knows how to seduce a camera. But, I'm not seeing the deal about Simone, I thought she was one of the weaker veteran dancers. 

Judy called Lauren a mess and I was slightly offended because I like Lauren a lot. lol But she does seem like a take-home girl.. I don't know where she finds the time! But hey..

My favorite rookies so far are Lauren, Keyra, and Kaylssa.

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