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S07.E04: The Spoils of War

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OMG, that was intense.

Danerys is crazy, and I won't be sad if she doesn't make it out alive.

Bran: "Chaos is a ladder." Littlefinger, you need to run for your life right now! LOL

That was a very nice reunion for Arya and Sansa. I was laughing when they were questioning Bran. "Who gave that to you?" "Why'd he give it to you?" "He wants something."

Poor Meera. Bran could have at least pretended to care after she dragged his ass through all that snow and Hodor and Summer and Jojen died trying to keep him safe. He better save mankind with that stank attitude.

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It seems like Jamie was prepared for a dragon ambush if he took the dragon bow with him from KL when he went to sack Highgarden. That said, if it actually effective, then imagine if Cersei has a dozen of those at her disposal when/if Dany invades. Imagine if she has 50 all pointed at the sky.

Cersei being the Big Bad is going to annoy me more than Ramsay Bolton or Joffrey. I love Lena but her acting is the same in scene after scene. I'm a bit bored of her always winning and getting her way. I know several others on here felt that Ramsay was like teflon, too. I suppose this battle could be seen as a failure for her but all she wanted in sacking Highgarden was the gold and it looks like she'll have it. She doesn't care if people starve.

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That was some great dragoning! LOVED the episode so much. I thought Bronn might get killed trying to retrieve his gold, which would be a nice poetic offing, especially considering that we got several named deaths the last couple of weeks from Dany's side, and no (that I can recall) named deaths in this week's fracas. I hate the "bend the knee" thing for the very reasons laid out by Missandei. Most everyone who is following or has followed Dany has done so by choice, which is the essence of why she has been a decent ruler and a better alternative to the Lannisters up until now. Even when she's demanded fealty it was almost always from someone who had previously been an enemy and/or tried to assassinate her. This whole thing with Jon Snow is out of character and too Romance novel/RomCom in fabricating obstacles in order to up the UST, and it diminishes what we know of the characters.

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So this is what the producers were talking about preseason, where they said they set a record for the greatest number of stunt people on fire at the same time. Epic!

Jaime and Bronn were a little too "lucky survivor" for me. I mean, come on. Was that Bronn or Dickon who grabbed Jaime at the end and ended up in the water? Regardless, logically neither should survive with all that heavy armour. Plus, I doubt in that world that Jaime ever learned to swim.

Even though the wagons of gold were incinerated, the actual gold should survive. Someone can get it when everything cools down and chip out the melted and hardened pools of gold. When Cersei kept yammering about paying off their debts and what's-his-name kept saying "when we receive it your debts will be paid", I was pretty sure the gold wasn't going to get to King's Landing. Glad to see an end to Cersei's victories.

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I'm thinking that Dany should ransom the slightly damp but inevitably alive Jamie back to his sister. In exchange for all that gold that just rolled in to KL. 

They have been playing shenanigans this season with distances. But there is no way she could get the Golden Company across the water fast enough to do her any good. Not with a slightly injured and extremely  pissed off Drogon right outside the city.

Edited by CaptainTightpants
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6 minutes ago, Popples said:

Yep! And while it was burning, Drogon smashed it with his tail. He was like, "fuck this thing!"

Yes, it is smashed and burned, but they WILL produce more, especially if it mortally wounds the dragon. I think this could be a blessing for Dany to see that the dragons can be injured, and it is time to take better precautions so that she doesn't lose them.

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LOVED everything this episode !!!!   Been waiting a long time for the culmination of a lot of what happened tonight.   So PERFECTLY done !!!  Kudos, GoT !!

Just want to point out what was to me a very poignant moment.  It was when Arya was looking over Winterfell with a nostalgic expression.  It was catchy, and my eyes welled, going back to memories of Season 1.   What a journey this has been so far !!

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8 minutes ago, Lemuria said:

I think she thought it was the gold, and I guess she didn't want to chance any of it getting to KL.

Well, she still struck a blow to the Red Keep. You can't eat gold.  Winter is here!

I was wondering if Jamie was going to die tonight.  He should have been ash for rushing Danaerys like that.  Drogon swung his head over real quick to barbeque Jamie only for Bronn to save him at the last minute. Damn.  I don't think he will get his castle, though.

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I know it's wishful thinking, but the previously reminded me that there were two wine glasses on Olenna's table.

I thought Jamie drank from one of them? However, I join you in hoping against hope that Olenna lives.

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Dany isn't crazy, she's just following Lady Olenna's advice: 'Ignore the menfolk Be a Dragon!'

At least she took it to the battlefield and not the middle of the fucking city. 

I think Tyron's seeming doubts are a red herring. It's not like he's ever going to side with Cersei. Hopefully he can help knock sense into Jaime about leaving her. Although like he said, he's a "Fucking idiot".

Jon and Dany have a ton of chemistry. Don't care that they are related.

I hated Bronn for Shooting Drogon but lol at him laughing at Dickon.


Loved the Starks and Brienne and Pod.

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Ooooh, Littlefinger, when Arya finds out that you were the one who betrayed her father, you're going to get that dagger back in a way you won't like. I did enjoy his visible *gulp*, though.

I don't think Sansa was angry when she was watching Arya spar with Brienne. I think it was the dawning realization of just how much Arya has changed and how little she knows her now, and not a little bit of fear. Out of all of them, I think that she's been the one most longing for the family she never thought that she'd see again, and when she does get them back, they're complete strangers. They may be home, but the world is a very different place.

I could see Dany and Jon agreeing to cement their alliance through marriage once the war is won. Plenty of time for them to find out Jon's parentage before they actually get to business.

I'm sure they'll fish Jamie out of the water. Dany is smart enough to know what a valuable hostage he makes, for starters. Then the question is, will Tyrion do for Jamie what Jamie did for him. Possibly, spending some time as Dany's "guest" will cause Jamie to start seeing Cersei in a new light.

That battle scene was glorious and I scared the hell out of the dog. Fire and blood, yassss, queen!

Of course Bronn is teflon. He's a mercenary completely lacking in loyalty and principles; that's the best chance of survival in their world.

Edited by AlliMo
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The outfit Missandei had on was fierce I loved it.  Jon I know the night is long and full of terrors and the white walkers are on their way but you have to take time for the important things in life.... like fucking when the opportunity is right there. Ok seriously though Dany is getting real cocky and that never ends well just ask Rick Grimes and team family on the walking dead. She needs to think long term and stop with the bend the knee crap after she saw those cave drawings. Tyrion needs to just stop with his dumb ass strategies.  I honestly don't know who I wanted to live on the battlefield. I love watching the adventures of Bron and Jamie  but I kind of wanted them to die by dragon fire just because its a good way to go out but I also wanted Dany to fall of the dragon. That battle scene was everything and normally I hate battle scenes. I kept thinking Jaime was going to lookup and see Tyrion. 

Loved the Arya and Brienne fight. Littlefinger is scared I think he was going to try and play them off each other like he normally does but he will need to change his strategy because  he ain't ready for all this Stark strength. Sansa was looking like damn little sister has picked up some skills that I can definitely use to finally kill this asshole standing beside me(Littlefinger.) This show started with a cast of 452 and killed off half by the end of S3 and now they are dropping folks left and right and winding this show down quick. There are like 10 characters now.  

Edited by yoyo926
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1 minute ago, yoyo926 said:

The outfit Missandei had on was fierce I loved it.  Jon I know the night is long and full of terrors and the white walkers are on their way but you have to take time for the important things in life.... like fucking when the opportunity is right there. Ok seriously though Dany is getting real cocky and that never ends well. She needs to think long term and stop with the bend the knee crap after she saw those cave drawings. Tyrion needs to just stop with his dumb ass strategies.  I honestly don't know who I wanted to live on the battlefield. I love watching the adventures of Bron and Jamie  but I kind of wanted them to die by dragon fire just because its a good way to go out but I also wanted Dany to fall of the dragon. That battle scene was everything and normally I hate battle scenes. I kept thinking Jaime was going to lookup and see Tyrion. 

Loved the Arya and Brienne fight. Littlefinger is scared I think he was going to try and play them off each other like he normally does but he will need to change his strategy because  he ain't ready for all this Stark strength. Sansa was looking like damn little sister has picked up some skills that I can definitely use to finally kill this asshole standing beside me(Littlefinger.) This show started with a cast of 452 and killed off half by the end of S3 and now they are dropping folks left and right and winding this show down quick. There are like 10 characters now.  


And the thing is  (I can't remember what came first. the Cave or the Missandei conversation - but Dany is all "bend the knee, bend the knee" (and Jon has a LOT of reasons not to), and the Missandei is like. we chose her to be our queen. and I feel that Dany's missing that. sure you convinced them with being all unburnt and everything but at the same time, you showed a lot of mercy as well. let Jon CHOOSE you to be your queen. (or at least flipping acknowledge the fact that for the Starks + the North - following Southern leaders do them NOTHING but trouble). 

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26 minutes ago, Lillith said:

Trying to figure out Ser Davos' feelings about Missandei. She's a beauty so he just could be smitten, but I feel like it's something else.

I agree. He keeps needling her about her background, almost like he's fishing and waiting for her to trip up. Assuming they've been at Dragonstone for weeks, they should be past all the meaningless small talk. I'm also assuming Davos knows he doesn't have a shot in hell with a girl like Missandei, so I think something more is going on. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Annoyed that Jaime and Bronn miraculously survived that onslaught. Ugh. 

Despite how small of a character he is, I love Pod to pieces. He's just so...normal. It's refreshing. I know the show hasn't hinted at it at all, but I ship Pod and Sansa like crazy.

I really hope they don't take the whole Arya-is-an-emotionless-ruthless-killer thing too far and allow some of her old personality to come through. 

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It really was a good episode but for me, this season demonstrates why I don't like a certain kind of story.  Dany, Jon, Bran and Arya are all moving into a position of prominence within the story but they've been so sequestered for the past 5-6 years, I feel like their Johnny/Joanie come lately.   Watching Jon Snow stutter out whatever he was mumbling when Dany asked "What would you do." had me more convinced then every that he would have been quickly dispatched were he interacting with the characters that were running Seasons 3-4.  Tywin, Cersei, Olenna, Margaery, Loras, Mace, Kevan, Lancel, Oberyn, KL-Petyr, KL-Varys, KL-Tyrion, Bronn, Jaimie.

When the guards were looking at Arya like "Who the hell are you?" I couldn't even blame them.  When characters have a non-essential or easily discarded supporting cast, their stories can be easily dismissed if your not already a fan.  Dany in Mereen and pretty much everything after Season 1 bored me.  Arya at Assassin's Hogwarts, bored me.  Bran's scenes were interesting in Season 6 for flashbacks but otherwise.  It makes me less invested in those characters and bores me when they are moved to positions of paramount prominence.

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I'm so sad this show is slowly coming to an end ?

I think Drogon will just need time to heal-they showed him twice in the previews-pretty sure they showed him roaring at Jon on dragonstone-I think one of those large arrows would have to pierce the heart or head to kill. I think he was more injured in Mereen. But I saw someone mention will the arrows be poisoned.....interesting prediction! 


Dany was not bright though-the minute she saw the arrow she should have pulled up and flown out. And how did they get off dragon stone so quick? I was expecting all 3 dragons, not the dothraki. 


Great battle though, the wait for this season has been worth it. But-I don't know if I see Jon, Tyron, and the others supporting the dany we saw in next weeks preview. So I wouldn't hold out for any romance between the two of them just yet lol. 

Edited by snickers
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Dragons and Dothraki, kicking ass and taking names! We waited 7 seasons to see this! It was awesome! She needs some armor for her dragons though.

Who was it pushed Jamie out of the way? Was it Bronn?

"Flee you fool! Fucking fool!" Line of the night goes to Tyrion.
Second best line: "Who taught you how to do that?"  "No one" says Arya.

Also love what Jon said to Theon.

Jon thought that the cave drawings would help convince Dany of the WW, but all she cares about is that everybody "bend the knee" to her. If Jon ends up doing that I don't want to see it. As for their "chemistry" -- I wonder when they'll find out they're related?

Poor Meera. Now she has to go back home & tell her family that her brother is dead. At least Bran said a very basic thank you after she prompted him. Fucking Bran.

Loved the Stark reunion! Three Starks all together in one place, at last!! Even with Bran acting weird it was still very touching.

Is Littlefinger on Arya's kill list? I can't remember. If so, that explains his face while watching her train with Brienne.

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Well, shit!  For once, I'm glad that things kind of went the way I predicted.  I had figured that Dany getting her butt kicked the past few episodes meant that she will step it up later on, and she certainly stepped it up, to put it mildly.  She just tossed strategy out the window, got on one of her dragons, and she and the Dothraki (the OGs of Team Dany!) just straight up massacred the Lannister army from last week!  I mean, I'm sure there are some survivors and I imagine there are plenty of soldiers, but that has to be a pretty big loss for Cersei.  Even looks like she destroyed a bunch of their supplies too, although I'm pretty sure Randall said something about how the gold was already in King's Landing, so Cersei will at least take care of her Iron Bank problem, I think.  Still, about time Dany gets some wins.

Although, I guess credit to Bronn for managing to wound the dragon with Qyburn's weapon but he failed to hit the kill shot and even that weapon is now destroyed. Bronn really has nine lives though, because he keeps on trucking along.  And then Jaime foolishly tried to charge and stab Dany, only to almost turn into extra crispy chicken, but Bronn (I think) saved his ass.  Or did he?  Yeah, I'm guessing Jaime won't drown.  He'll either abandon his armor (and hand) and get out of there, or he'll be a prisoner of Dany's.  I'm sure it will all come out next week.  I kind of hope both Jaime and Bronn are captured, because I imagine there will be some great scenes between them and Tyrion.  It was interesting where at one point, it just dawned on me that Tyrion and Bronn are in the same area, but fighting on opposite sides.  My, things have change for a lot of these characters.  Some much history there.

I do think though that it is only the beginning of the friction between Tyrion and Dany now.  Especially after her line about how she's starting to think Tyrion actually doesn't want to hurt his family.  Ouch.  I really doubt that's true; I think Tyrion just underestimated his siblings big time; but he's clearly fallen out of favor, and Dany really is hot-heated with her allies at times.

Cracked up over how Davos clearly is trying to push for some kind of Jon/Daenerys pairing.  He was practically "Don't you think the Queen is beautiful, your Grace?  And I think she likes you too, your Grace!  Why don't you ask her to prom, your Grace?!" about it, and good old Jon was all "Dammit, Davos!  We're at war!  I don't have time for things like that!" out loud, while clearly thinking "I mean, yeah, she's pretty hot.  And she has dragons too!"  Granted, they still have a shit ton of trust issues and stuff to get through, but hey, it could happen.  The chemistry is there.  And if Ygriette was to believe, once Jon does bend the knee/knees, Dany might like it quite a bit.

Yay, Arya actually made it to Winterfell!  Her reunion with Sansa was much better then the one Sansa had with Bran, even if Sansa now has to accept that not only has her younger brother become an emotionless, rigid seer, but her younger sister is some assassin who has a kill list.  Ah, family!  Still, it was nice to see all the Starks together.  And Arya's sparring scene with Brienne was great.  Especially Littlefinger seeing.  Watch your smug self there, buddy!

The battle scene was definitely crazy.  I wonder how many stuntmen they actually had to set off on fire (safely, of course), and how much of it was just CGI.  Either way, the whole thing was intense as hell.

Almost forgot about the Jon/Theon "reunion."  Really don't blame Jon's instincts to just beat his ass right then and there, although at least Theon has been trying to make amends.  And he has certainly paid for his actions quite a bit thanks to good old Ramsey.

Only a few more left this season!  I can only imagine how much more violent this is going to get!

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I'd like to point that the "Isn't their survival more important than your pride?" is a direct callback to Jon using the same argument trying to get Mance to kneel to Stannis.

Big difference here is that Dany is not threatening to burn Jon alive for his refusal, which she would if she actually were a Mad Queen (which we already have in Cersei, btw). Instead she's letting him mine supplies and taking advice from him. 

And Tyrion's argument for Jon to bend the knee and join the fight against is not all that different from Davos's spiel to get the l'il She-Bear to fight Ramsay. Ramsay needed to be eliminated to unite the North against the true enemy, so wouldn't it be even better to unite all 7K against them after getting rid of Cersei? I don't think it makes sense to fight Cersei after the Night King. She's not gonna stop attacking people just because they're not attacking her.

Edited by Lady S.
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1 minute ago, snickers said:

. But I saw someone mention will the arrows be poisoned.....interesting prediction! 

my guess here was "might be poisoned".  But how would Cersei's chemist know how much a dragon weighs, much less whether it was cold blooded with a much slower heart rate???

The battle was such a vibrant happening that it was almost instantaneous.  When Jamie gave Bronn the gold, it was out of a wagon that had more gold, wasn't it?  Not one carrying corn and flour ?  I don't remember there being enough time for that wagon to get to KL.  I really don't want Cersei to get the gold. 

Did Dickon's father survive?  Did Dickon?  Did any major characters get offed?

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I could not evenI could not even watch the last  10 minutes of the show, I had to fast forward. Sometimes, I fucking hate George Martin. Why can we never be allowed sheer happiness? Why? At least, it appears Drogon is not dead just wounded.  But the surprise of beloved characters being injured or dying is now no longer surprising and in fact is fucking expected. So I suppose, the dragons will be killed, Cersei will win, and maybe just at the very end the white walkers will be defeated but by then I will not care. Seriously, I'm fucking sick of it.


until the ballistic missile came out though it was exciting and I even shrieked.




you know what makes a bad, bad movie? Things like oh I don't know Lincoln being assassinated while the war is still going on, or the allied soldiers not getting rescued at du Kirk. IT IS NO FUN!


i am rooting for Jaime and Bronn both to be dead dead dead. Of course they won't be because Martin and HBO seem to think it's clever to hurt and kill beloved characters while keeping villains around. 


Seriously if a dragon dies I'm out.

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And Tyrion's argument for Jon to bend the knee and join the fight against is not all that different from Davos's spiel to get the l'il She-Bear to fight Ramsay. Ramsay needed to be eliminated to unite the North against the true enemy, so wouldn't it be even better to unite all 7K against them after getting rid of Cersei? I don't think it makes sense to fight Cersei after the Night King. She's not gonna stop attacking people just because they're not attacking her.

Well Sansa said as much too Jon but because Cersei is so far away, he doesn't think she's that big of a problem.  I think Jon will face a problem bending the knee and thereby making the North submissive to the Iron Throne AGAIN.  Despite what Dany said.  It will be in Jon's favor that Bran and Arya are likely to do whatever he says (even endorsing bending the knee to Dany) but I think Jon and Dany will have to press the issue with Sansa.  She endured nightly rapes to get The North back, I don't think she'll be keen to hand it over to Dany and her magical dragons.

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57 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Jamie and Bronn should just go the fuck away forever.  I'm tired of Bronn, he's the ultimate douchebag, and he always looks like he stinks.

Weirdly, I still like both of them and hoped for them to survive the battle. I don't know why.

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16 minutes ago, Hava said:

I really hope they don't take the whole Arya-is-an-emotionless-ruthless-killer thing too far and allow some of her old personality to come through. 

I think Arya's whole journey is led by her emotions to her family & friends. She chose to go back home instead of going to KL and kill Cersei.

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I think qyburn or however you spell his name might do it next time.  Poison the arrows or use some type of poison or gas. 


I was was resigned to the fact the dragons might die when the city of braavos referred to themselves as dragon killers....I always thought the magic coming out of that city would do it.....don't worry peeps....the red witch will reserrect them and then die just like she predicted lol....it will be game of thrones meets skyrim lol


cerse ain't staying on the throne!!!!! Remember the prophecy in the flashback scene!

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9 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Gotta be one of Dany's that pushed Jaime out of harm's way. 

Jaime's one hell of a bargaining chip.

Last shot of Bronn was him looking at a rider less white horse.  Then someone on a white horse saves Jamie.  Its Bronn.

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I hope both Jamie and Drogon make it out alive.

Are we certain it was Bronn that saved Jamie?

Now what can explain Daneryas change of heart?  I guess it was ok to attack the Lannister Army rather than going after King's Landing.

Arya vs Brienne was awesome also.  And yes Brienne beat Sandor Clegane, but in my mind that fight could have gone either way.  And if Brienne were to fight him again, he might win.

Anyhow (back to episode), what Does Arya know about Baelish?  Had she heard him 'advise' Ned?   I don't recall.

And sadly, I foresee some conflict between Sansa and Arya, and I don't like it.

by the way... who is left on Arya's List besides Cersei.  Illyn Payne?

Edited by Haiti D
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I loved Podrick complimenting Brienne on keeping her word to Cate and how she reluctantly thanked him.  Another great moment was Podrick smiling when Arya bested Brienne at first and then looking worried. He and Brienne have such a sweet mentor/mentee relationship.

Edited by SimoneS
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19 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Gotta be one of Dany's that pushed Jaime out of harm's way. 

Jaime's one hell of a bargaining chip.

If it was one of Dany's Dothraki, I hope that Dany is smarter than Catelyn Stark on how to handle having Jaime as your hostage. 

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1 minute ago, Haiti D said:

Now what can explain Daneryas change of heart?  I guess it was ok to attack the Lannister Army rather than going after King's Landing.

Jon's opinion on the beach.  She basically adapted, I'm going to lead my army on a dragon plan to attack a fighting force instead of a city because Jon told her that the people she wants to lead need proof that she is different than the Mad King and Cersei, etc.

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4 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Whoever saved Jaime is planning to hand him over to Daenerys.  

I hope you're right, because that would be an awesome twist.   

The Kingslayer meets the Mad King's Daughter; and reunites with his Brother (her Hand).  

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That was great. "Battle Of the Bastards" great. So much awesomeness, so little time. Brienne Vs. The Hound was good, but Brienne Vs. Arya was better. If I were Sansa, I'd be proud of Arya; if I were Littefinger, I'd be scared shitless. If Arya finds out about LF's part in her daddy's death, chances are that her payback will make her killing Walder Frey look like a spanking.

Once again, when it comes to Cersei, Jaime really is, to quote Tyrion, " a fucking idiot. " Time & time again, Jaime's loyalty to Cersei has eventually lead to trouble & tragedy & this week is no exception, to put it  mildly. If Jaime thought he could beat what I call the "3Ds" (Dany, Dothraki & dragons) with or without Bronn proves that he's even crazier than Cersei. Last time I checked, Jaime's nickname is "Kingslayer," not "Dragonslayer." Both Jaime & Bronn deserve to die for their stupidity, as far as I'm concerned.

  About the Dothraki, I haven't loved a bunch of fierce warriors on horseback so much since the Amazons in Wonder Woman.

Edited by DollEyes
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The Dothraki screaming before being seen in battle reminded me of Ken Burn's Civil War series. The Rebel Yell was supposed to strike cold fear into any Union Army upon hearing it. Now I see how that's possible.

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Man with episodes like these it really makes me forget that there's only  three more episodes left.

A man with the power to see everything and is now in a wheelchair #ProfessorBranXavier 

I love how Littlefinger gulps after he hears his own chaos is a ladder speech Poor Meera though I really hope she arya and brienne would become a three musketeers.

Arya's home and stark children united yas?.

The sparring match between Arya and brienne was great.

As soon as dany said bend the knee again i think im going to be reading  some very interesting comments later

That moment when you see two of your favourite charcters going head to head and your unsure who to root for  

Dany and Drogon together really put a smile on my face and I'm sure a certain queen of shade is smiling in afterlife after seeing those lannisters soldiers burn or maybe that just me.

That last fight scene was amazing. I was really worried about Bronn for a minute there. I doubt that this is the end of Jaime. My guess is that Dany captures him and Bronn. 

Edited by G-Man
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24 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

I do think though that it is only the beginning of the friction between Tyrion and Dany now.  Especially after her line about how she's starting to think Tyrion actually doesn't want to hurt his family.  Ouch.  I really doubt that's true; I think Tyrion just underestimated his siblings big time; but he's clearly fallen out of favor, and Dany really is hot-heated with her allies at times.

He certainly has no reason to spare Cersei, but he definitely doesn't want Jaime dead. He owes his life and freedom to his big brother, so of course he's not going to want King's Landing directly attacked. Though I don't think he consciously dealt with this conflict of loyalties until now, but it was likely a subconscious motive. 

Guess Tyrion and Bronn now know how Davos felt when his son and all the other Baratheon soldiers got exploded in the Battle of Blackwater. Or how the Hound felt having flaming men running all around him.

4 minutes ago, Haiti D said:

Anyhow (back to episode), what Does Arya know about Baelish?  Had she heard him 'advise' Ned?   I don't recall.

She knows he was a former Lannister stooge and her mother's childhood friend, but neither of the girls were privy to his dealings with Ned, and most of Baelish's crimes aren't public knowledge. 

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12 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Whoever saved Jaime is planning to hand him over to Daenerys.  

Maybe whoever fishes him out of the water will intend to hand him over but I don't think the person who saved him had that intent.

If Dany wanted that she could have tried to stop the dragon from breathing fire.  The Dothraki have never demonstrated that approach to battle.  It would be a Tyrion move, but I don't think he has any way of saving Jamie at that moment.

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18 minutes ago, Haiti D said:

Anyhow (back to episode), what Does Arya know about Baelish?  Had she heard him 'advise' Ned?   I don't recall.

And sadly, I foresee some conflict between Sansa and Arya, and I don't like it.

Arya saw Littlefinger with Tywin Lannister when she was Tywin's servant-girl, Nan.  I can't remember what she heard LF and Tywin talking about. At the time, people were wondering if LF recognized Arya, but he had never seen her before.

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