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S07.E03: The Queen's Justice

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Episode Synopsis: Daenerys holds court; Cersei returns a gift; Jamie learns from his mistakes.

Reminder: This is for discussion of the TV show onlyno book talk allowed - including saying "but it's different in the books". Any spoiler from outside the books (i.e. next weeks preview) should be in spoiler tags.

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Fuck you, Jaime. I will miss our Queen of Thorns. She should have killed Cersei when she killed Joffrey. She is right that Jaime is a delusional fool. I do hope that she is the end of him after what he did to Olenna.

I loved the confrontations between Daenerys and Jon. Great to finally have them meeting and tussling with each other. Jon was both smitten and annoyed. Damn, Kit looked handsome tonight. Emilia looked beautiful.

Tyrion was hilarious teasing Jon about his brooding. I loved how he advised both Jon and Daenerys. He is their Yenta. Davos is amusing as usual.

I don’t understand how do fleets keep sneaking up on Daenerys’ fleet? Does no one have a watch? Are they all sleeping or drinking or fucking? This is such terrible contrived writing. Daenerys is right, "enough of those clever plans." Time to start slaughtering her enemies.

Jorah is a horrible liar. It was so funny. I look forward to Jorah to rejoining Daenerys. She needs his military advice.

OMG, Euron is a hilariously insane. My poor Yara. I hope that he didn’t cut out her tongue. She is still alive so there is hope of a rescue.

Gawd, someone kill Cersei and soon. She really is a vile human being. The scene of her taunting Ellaria went on far too long. I just hope that this is the last sex scene we get from her and Jaime.

At least, Melisandre seemed to have regret over killing Shireen. Although, she is still making wayward predictions.

Sansa and Bran’s reunion was so sweet. It was good to see Sansa coming into her own. She doesn’t need Littlefinger and he knows it. Boy, has Littlefinger gotten even annoying. Who knew that was possible?

Edited by SimoneS
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Cerseii is the WORST.  I hope the Night King slaughters that witch.  She’s the worst character in this show now since both Ramsey and Joffrey are dead. 

Dear Dani, just take your dragons, go to King's Landing and destroy the place.  

Edited by Neurochick
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High garden was hanging by a single thread on Lady O's veil, and just like that its history and all that $ belongs to House Lannister. RIP House Tyrell.

Jon and Dany need to just get married and that would solve all their problems. 

Edited by dizzyd
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It seems everyone was wearing their jet-packs in this episode, how fast they were travelling around Westeros.

As much as I can't stand Cersei, that's some damn good revenge she took on the Sand Snakes.

I'm still tired of Dany and her 87 titles. Seeing as Jon stopped Davos from saying he was brought back from the dead, does anyone else know except the people that witnessed it?

I kept getting scared they were telegraphing Grey Worm's impending death.

"Give me ten good men, and I'll impregnate the bitch." Oh hi, Bronn! I've missed you. Wished you could have gotten a line. Bronn with Randal Tarly should be interesting.

How could they send Olenna back by herself? I like to envision how much better Westeros would have been if she had married Tywin instead. She might as well have died with her middle fingers in the air. I thought Jaime would stab her after that confession.

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I laughed when Olenna told Jamie that SHE had his evil, nasty ass son killed.  Jamie was like, "WTF?"  He had no idea, what a dumbass.  And all that time he and Cersei thought it was Tyrion.

I want the Night King to kill Cersei, please tell me that happens.  

I didn't like Cersei's revenge because basically her daughter died because of HER, meaning Cersei's bullshit.  She stupidly thought Tyrion had her dumbass son killed, so that's what Prince Oberlin was in the ring with The Mountain.  So IMO Cersei's daughter's death was on HER.  Just like everything bad that happens on that show, it's always Cersei's fault.

Edited by Neurochick
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I am so sick of Cersie, it takes all my self-control not to mute or ffw her scenes.  I don't even love to hate this character.  I just want her to be done already.  Kudos to Lena Heady, of course, for eliciting such a response.  

On the upside, I did like all the John and Dany and their respective crew scenes.

I also liked Olenna telling Jaime what's what.

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Boo at the show not showing Highgarden for seven seasons only to show a tiny bit of it after it was sacked! I actually pictured it looking more like Casterly Rock and Casterly Rock looking more like Highgarden did.

RIP Olenna! I'm glad she got to give one last amazing speech. I'm only sorry she won't get to see Cersei die. But I think she went out knowing Cersei was on borrowed time.

I felt bad for Ellaria and Tyene. They certainly weren't innocent but it was still a rough scene to watch. I did like that Cersei realized that she and Ellaria were a lot alike in their scorched earth retaliation tactics.

As much as I hate her it was nice to see such a bad ass queen. For now Cersei is running it all perfectly. She played the Iron Bank associate so well.

The writing is making Euron look so good. At this rate he'll be the best battle commander in GOT history.

The Sansa and Bran reunion was touching but marred a bit by how lifeliess Bran behaved. I guess that's part of his transformation. But of all the things to use to let Sansa know you can see things you choose to discuss one of her worst traumas? And if his powers have advanced that far can he just find Ayra?

Edited by Couver
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7 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Dear Dani, just take your dragons, go to King's Landing and destroy the place.  

Yes Daenerys, do that! Just take the Dothraki and the dragons and go burn down the it down to the ground. Give "the people" warning so they can flee while you burn that it all down. This just feels like a stall to create contrived obstacles for Daenerys.

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2 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Actually, I know there's going to be all these "Cersei is horrible." but really - Ellaria had it coming. Oberon died in a fair fight, and because Oberon was more obssessed to get his justice (where no one would give a crap anyway), than to actually make sure the mountain was dead. (which is still to date the ONLY thing on this show i can't re-watch). 

Ellaria's answer was to then murder Myrcella (and take over everything) to hurt Cersei in something she really had nothing to do with (and I'm defending Cersei. what mad world is this?). She was going on what she knew/thought, Tyrion killed Joffery. So basically Cersei was basically giving Ellaria the business and giving Ellaria exactly what she did to Cersei. But see it. like Jamie did. 

I disagree.  The only reason Oberon was in that fight was because dumbass Cersei thought Tyrion killed her stupid ass son, which was WRONG, but Cersei wasn't smart enough to figure that shit out.  So no, I don't defend Cersei at all, she's the reason Myrcella died because that dumbass combat never should have happened.  So because it can't be said enough, "fuck you Cersei."

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16 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Jon and Dany need to just get married and that would solve all their problems. 

Talk about obvious. I cannot believe that Tyrion and Varys have not proposed just that. It would make them instant allies dooming both Cersei and the Night King.

Edited by SimoneS
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6 minutes ago, Couver said:

Boo at the show not showing Highgarden for seven seasons only to show a tiny bit of it after it was sacked! I actually pictured it looking more like Casterly Rock and Casterly Rock looking more like Highgarden did.

I feel the same way. I've wanted to see it ever since Margaery talked about it in season 3, and it was on screen for about 90 seconds. I'm also annoyed it took this long for them to finally show Casterly Rock.

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6 minutes ago, Advance35 said:

betrayed by her bannerman.

Let's follow the money trail:  the Bannermen  turned on House Tyrell and get nothing in return or do they get a share of the money that Cersei has just designated for the Bank?  

It seems as if no one believes Jon and the danger from the North.  Or are rapid 180degree shifts going to come even faster sooner?


Might as well insert my gripe here about SciFi  battles in outer space, were all of the space ships are too close.  Whoever did the graphics for those was hired for the naval battles here.  The close spaced ships would be so very, very easy to take out with one or three competent cannon crews.  

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Payback is a bitch, huh, Eleria? And her name is Cersei.

I'm glad the Queen of Thorns got in one last needle. Gonna miss Dame Diana.

Love Ser Davos! 

Edited by LittleIggy
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3 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Payback is a bitch, huh, Eleria? And her name is Cersei.

I'm glad the Queen of Thorns got in one last needle. Gonna miss Dame Diana.

Love Ser Davos! 

Can't wait to see Cersei get HER payback; I mean why should everybody else get payback except Cersei?

Edited by Neurochick
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3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Can't wait to see Cersei get HER payback; I mean why should everybody else have payback except Cersei?

I want her to get eaten by a dragon. Like she tries to escape somewhere when everything has gone to hell, then just when she thinks she's safe, we see a small light emitting from the throat of a dragon and they get a nice, crispy snack.

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On another note, Sansa looked beautiful tonight and why is Littlefinger still here? Looked like he was getting in her head there for a minute but he was giving good advice, snake that he is.

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"Tell Cersei."  Olenna out.

Rest in power, Queen of Thornes.

Yay! Jon did not bend the knee! Dig up that dragon glass and get out of there!

"Hello Sansa." Bran's got his 3 eyes on you, Littlefinger. When Arya rolls into Winterfell, things are gonna get real.

It's good for Daneryis that Jorah's on his way and is ready for battle.

Ellaria is the author of her own misery, but I feel sorry for her daughter.

By copying all those scrolls, Sam should learn a lot of stuff to help Jon.

It's Tyrion v. Jaime, and so far,  Jaime's winning.

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he is not meant to sit on the Iron Throne

I don't think Jon wants to sit on the Iron Throne.

Diana Rigg is a goddess. I shall miss her on this show.

I hate Cersai but love Lena Heady. Cersai is obviously insane and just the worst, but LH brings so much more to the character.

Pfft Euron and his magical ships that no one can see coming from miles away.

I feel like we are showing all these Cersai victories to try and even things up because you know dragons.

Why can't I have nice things on this show? I lose Olenna but have to keep Littlefinger. I don't understand why no one has killed his insufferable ass already. I mean seriously.

Edited by hypnotoad
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1 hour ago, enoughcats said:

Let's follow the money trail:  the Bannermen  turned on House Tyrell and get nothing in return or do they get a share of the money that Cersei has just designated for the Bank?  

It seems as if no one believes Jon and the danger from the North.  Or are rapid 180degree shifts going to come even faster sooner?


I think Jamie promised Tarly stewardship of Highgarden and I guess the Warden of the South title. I'm curious to find out if Tarly is going to be informed that Cersei has looted all of The Reach's wealth to pay off her debts though. He may end up the warden of nothing at this rate.

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Wow. I'm going to need a scorecard or a chart.  So far, Tyrion's on the losing end of the war strategy.  At least Jon got his dragonglass.

Bran finally got to Winterfell. To hell with the raven announcing his arrival.

Olenna went out like a G.  "Yeah, I killed your son. Tell his mama I did it."

I now want Euron to die before he does something nasty to Yara.

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So who is sending Cersei all the intelligence irt the ships headed for Dorne, Highgarden's alliance with Dany and the planned invasion of Casterly Rock? 

Also, how are they planning on feeding Dany's great armies?

Has it occurred to anyone to train some dragon riders?  

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I very much liked this episode!  Great stuff!

Well, I really enjoyed the long awaited meeting between Dany and Jon!  They were very true to themselves.  I thought it was a great power move to have the dragons flying on Jon's long walk up to the castle.  IMO, I think they both had rough edges tonight, but it really worked for me and you can see a sense of mutual respect developing.   I also loved how fiery Davos was to describe Jon's deeds.  That contrasted nicely with the titles intro piece.

Unexpected to see a Bran/Sansa reunion!  Props to Sophie Turner...you saw her face soften in a way we haven't seen since before King's Landing.  But, Bran...dude.  You have GOT to work on your approach.  Can you imagine not seeing your baby bro for years and suddenly he's all weird and talking about a 3 Eyed Raven...and then he describes one of the worst nights of your life?  I loved the "I need to talk to him" re: Jon.  All this "my dad" and "Stark" stuff from Jon, when that shoe drops...

Go jump off a tall tower, Littlefinger.  Sansa with sass is always a good Sansa.

Cersei is a monster.  We know.  Everyone knows.  And she'll get hers (my hopes are for dragon fire).  But for me, Jaime is worse.  She has always been a psycho.  He has/had a choice and he chose.  I loved that Olenna (RIP, you wonderful creature) got the last word in and that he know knows it wasn't Tyrion that killed Joffery.  And I hope that bit of knowledge comes around to bite Cersei in her evil ass.  But Jamie, you just killed the coolest of cool old ladies and wiped out an entire house.  Fuck you, man.  Believe your lies and delusions.  As much as I could care less about Euron, I'm enjoying him using Jamie as a verbal punching bag.

So, let's count:  Greyjoys are out.  The Dornish are out.  The Tyrells don't exist.  The Unsullied are stuck at Casterly Rock with no way to get back to Dany.  WTH, Tyrion?  Varys?  How is Cercei playing you guys this badly?!  There needs to be something to turn the tide!

Personally, I too am disappointed not to see more of Highgarden or Casterly Rock, but maybe it was a budgetary thing.  

Yay, Jorah!  Go Sam!!

Edited by TrininisaScorp
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Ok I freakin HATE Cersei but that was some damn fine revenge she got on the Sand Snakes! She is the best at payback!

 I love Lady Olenna going out like the HBIC she was! Called Joffery a cunt to his Daddy's face? Damn I'm gonna miss her.

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I now think that D&D gave Jorah greyscale so he would be out of play allowing Tyrion to come up with dumbass military plans. There is no way that they could have written Jorah as so incompetent.

The question is are the Unsullied all at Casterly Rock and are they trapped there? I was relieved that Grey Worm is still alive.

Edited by SimoneS
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1 minute ago, TrininisaScorp said:

So, let's count:  Greyjoys are out.  The Dornish are out.  The Tyrells don't exist.  The Unsullied are stuck at Casterly Rock with no way to get back to Dany.  WTH, Tyrion?  Varys?  How is Cercei playing you guys this badly?!  There needs to be something to turn the tide!

Yeah, all she has left are 40,000 Dothraki and three dragons. Subtlety is out the window, time to bring the sledgehammer.

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2 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

Yeah, all she has left are 40,000 Dothraki and three dragons. Subtlety is out the window, time to bring the sledgehammer.

Oh, totally.  She still has the manpower and those dragons can't be underestimated, but how did they lose that much that quickly?!  Dany has been trying to do this "the right way", no foreign invaders, no dragon fire, no small folk turmoil.  Look what that approach (which still feels like the right one, oddly) has gotten her so far?

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1 minute ago, SimoneS said:

I now think that D&D gave Jorah greyscale so he would be out of play allowing Tyrion to come up with dumbass military plans. There is no way that they could have written Jorah as so incompetent.

The question is are the Unsullied all at Casterly Rock and are they trapped there? I was relieved that Grey Worm is still alive.

the thing is  Tyrion wasn't wrong with his approach... even though he was wrong - if that makes sense. Everything that he said Cersei was doing. 
But then - Tyrion didn't know about Euron getting his "1000 ships" that fast and making an alliance with Cersei. 
Tyrion doesn't know about the bank. 

and - the people still talk/are afraid (as evidenced in every episode to date) - of the Mad King. showing up in KL with dragons and burning the hell out of people isn't the best way to get people their love. They are treating this like Meereen and the other ports in Slaver's Bay
(and - the Unsullied left basically the day Euron came to burn the boats, so it couldn't even be like okay. new plan). 

But Dany should have listened to Olenna. :(

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Go jump off a tall tower, Littlefinger.  Sansa with sass is always a good Sansa.

I actually think Sansa may be Olenna's heir in this regard.  She's developed a noticeable sharp tongue now that she doesn't have to keep mum in Kings Landing.  Maybe it's YEARS of pent up verbal rage but she's certainly letting her flag fly now.  Meow.

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This episode shows what a weak argument Dany has to rule.   In the past when she went to battle, she had the cause of ending slavery.  That made her rootable.  Now she just wants to rule a place she has only recently joined just because she feels entitled by birth.   She doesn’t have the level of stakes attached to her in Westeros that the others do.  They’ve lived there all their lives, and she’s a stranger to them coming to take over.  She doesn’t seem to really understand that repeating that it’s her birthright is not enough.  She’s got to earn the peoples respect.  She may consider Westeros her home but the people there don’t think of her as one of them.  As John said, she’s seen as a foreign invader. She’s got to give people a more compelling reason to follow her than “My Dad was King.”

John has no sympathy for Dany’s birthright argument because he wasn’t allowed to have one.   He doesn’t care if he’s King or not.  He’s motivated by the drive to save as many people as he can. 

I was anticipating Arya’s return to Winterfell so much that Bran’s arrival surprised me.  Bran’s presence does potentially mean unrest in the North since legally he’s the rightful heir, but he has no desire to claim his birthright.

So Cersei abandoned Casterly Rock in favor of focusing on eliminating Dany’s allies.   I will miss Olenna.  She was right about the failure of imagination in predicting and protecting against Cersei.

As long as Jaime sides with Cersei he is a lost cause.  She’s getting more and more arrogant (not caring if there are witnesses to her and Jaime being lovers).   She will probably turn on Jaime, and I won’t feel sorry for him if she does.  He has supported her and is complicit in the wrongs she has done.

Edited by Luckylyn
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2 minutes ago, Advance35 said:

I actually think Sansa may be Olenna's heir in this regard.  She's developed a noticeable sharp tongue now that she doesn't have to keep mum in Kings Landing.  Maybe it's YEARS of pent up verbal rage but she's certainly letting her flag fly now.  Meow.

Loving this Sansa.  She learned a lot over the years and had to keep silent but now can let that Stark Sass Fly!

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Damn, life comes at you fast. Daenerys went from looking unbeatable, to losing all of her allies with just the Dothraki and her dragons keeping her in the game now. Hopefully, this turn of events means more action and less entitled proclamations.

No way is Jaime breathing a word of Olenna's confession to Cersei because 1. She has always hated Tyrion and has no interest in absolving him anyway and 2. He knows she's batshit crazy, her knowing that Olenna got over on her by getting away with murdering Joffrey AND getting a merciful death would send her (more quickly) over the edge. No need to hasten that. 

Jaime has always been a child-crippling, cousin murdering smug muppet to me. I hope Cersei gets to see him gutted before her demise.

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I forgot to show some love to the ultimate hype-man, Davos Seaworthy. Started off slow with just "this is Jon Snow", but stuck the landing with how he proved himself to be a leader.

The best justice is Queen of Thorns justice. Damn, she was unflinchingly savage.

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4 minutes ago, rbnum1fan said:

Did Lord Varys send a little bird to Cersei ,as i cant figure out who  else would have the means and the motive to betray Dany.

How was Dany betrayed?  Jaime explained Casterly Rock - he learned from previous mistakes to Robb, and didn't care about Casterly Rock anyway.

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5 minutes ago, Luckylyn said:

As long as Jaime sides with Cersei he is a lost cause.  She’s getting more and more arrogant (not caring if there are witnesses to her and Jaime being lovers).   She will probably turn on Jaime, and I won’t feel sorry for him if she does.  He has supported her and is complicit in the wrongs she has done.

What's that old saying about hubris?

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Well.... at least they got Casterly Rock?  Nah, there's no way to even spin that, since they were prepared and not only took most of the men from it, but even all the stocks, so basically Team Dany won jackshit.  Actually, the Unsullied fleet even got taken out, so they might be even worse off then they were before.  This is not looking pretty, guys!  We're halfway through the season now, so this is basically halftime, so they're not out of it yet, but they really need to go back to the drawling board here.  Especially Tyrion.  It's not like his ideas are bad, but they are all ideas Cersei has apparently predicted.  But at this point even Jaime is outmaneuvering him.  You just have to be unpredictable, Tyrion!  Your biggest moves (Trial by Combat, killing Tywin) are usually the ones that no one expected, and you need more of that here!

Anyway, Fire & Ice finally arrived!  Daenerys and Jon meeting for the first time was as great as I hoped.  I loved that they threw in a lot of humor too, with Dany's overlong titles, and Jon's just like "Um... hi, they call me the King of North, at least!", and all the bickering (it was so silly, but I loved Dany getting legit upset that Jon compared them to squabbling children.)  Not surprised they are butting heads though.  It interesting though, because I find myself agreeing with Dany that Cersei needs to be taken out first (they really need Westeros united to take on the White Walkers), but she really has no tact, huh?  She can't just say "My dad was king, so I'm queen now.  Bend the knee, Snow!"  Because of that, I'm glad Jon isn't letting her boss him around and standing his ground.  But at least she actually listen to Tyrion and offered him the Dragonglass, so progress?  Also, while I'll admit they aren't the strongest in the ensemble, I surprisingly thought Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington made each other better in their scenes.  Despite never appearing on screen before, they felt natural.  Looking forward to more of it.

Loved Davos and Tyrion basically being the adults and trying to keep everyone from beating each other up.  And, of course, seeing more of Jon/Tyrion again.  I really like this pairing.

Meanwhile, Melissandre bails, but promises to be back since she is destined to "die in this foreign land."  Also, she pulls the biggest troll move ever, and hints that she knows something about Varys' death.  No, not Varys!

Sure enough, Euron's gift to Cersei is Ellaria, for what she did to Mycella.  And Cersei is returning to favor by having Qyburn recreate the poison and now she has poisoned Tyene, and leaving her to die in front of Ellaria.  Hardcore, evil, but admittedly a fitting act of revenge by Cersei's standards.  I so want her to get destroyed, but Lena Headey is just killing it.

Yay, Jorah's better!  Hopefully he'll haul his ass to Dany, and help fix things.  At least Sam didn't get expelled for his little stunt.

Another Stark reunion, but an unexpected one, as Bran actually beats Arya to Winterfell.  Too bad the nice moment was just a wee bit ruined with Bran all "I'm the Three Eyed Raven!", and then reminiscing about how he saw Sansa's creepy and horrible marriage to Ramsey in his vision.  Poor Sansa.  Way to make things awkward, Bran!

Hey, a Bronn sighting!

Well, as sad as it is to see her go, Olenna got a hell of an exit.  Just slamming down the poison like it was nothing and then going "Oh, hey, remember how that little prick of a son of yours died?  That was me!  The Queen of Thorns, sisterfucker!  Suck on that!" about Joffery?  Brilliant.  Loved Jaime/Nikolaj Coster-Waldau's reaction, because there was a whole lot of simmering anger, but I also saw a glimpse of regret due to him kicking himself for thinking it was Tyrion that did it.  But still, that scene was all Diana Rigg.  She was nothing of spectacular on this show.  She will be missed, but what a way to go.

Loved the episode, but again: Dany and crew really need to get their shit together.

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I know Cersei is awful, really awful, but Lena Heady plays the hell out of that character. She was brilliant in her scene with the Sand Snakes. And what an amazing revenge. 

The Dani/Jon meet up was underwhelming to me. I've just never warmed to Dani. I enjoyed her the first season but I'm not sure if it's the way she's written or Emilia Clarke's portrayal but I'm always "meh" when watching her. 

Kit Harrington however killed it in a very subtle way tonight. 

Proud of Sansa stepping up, being competent and taking charge effectively. 

I love the actor who's playing Euron, he's clearly having a blast. But it could wear thin by the end of the season. And he may lose a few teeth chewing on the scenery so vigorously. Poor Yara, whatever is in store for her is probably not good. And how does he have the world's most silent navy, that he built up in what, a few months? 

Oh Jaime what a doormat you are. They really need to do something with his character, all of this supposed emotional development and then, nothing. 

I'll miss Oleanna. Dame Diana was a masterclass in every episode she appeared. I wonder what the effect will be on Cersei. I was shocked that Jaime was so shocked. 

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I was glad when Tyrion explained to Jon all the good that Daenerys has done as a queen. She is a good person who has freed and improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. The people of Westeros would be fortunate to have her as their queen. 

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