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S19.E09: Den of Temptation #3; Nominations #3

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Reading that it's odd they didn't do the Den tonight. Too much medical news/stories to fit in anything else I guess what with Raven and Christmas' health situations. I feel bad for both of them but especially Raven. That's a horrible thing to have to live with *shudder*

Anyhow, my favorite moment of the show was when Mt. Jessica got to be let out of her v-toad costume and was only wearing a spaghetti strap top. As she's running gleefully down the hallway past the HoH rooom toward the stairs you can see her holding on to both of her breasts as the struggle with her flimsy top. I presume she didn't want to give herself two black eyes. It was high larryous.

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Damn it all...now Paul has taken away my favorite player....Alex!

It's very disheartening that she wants to go to the final 2 with him....no sickening is a better word.

Worse yet it looks likely that Paul is going to be pupeteeering the  nomininations each week for the the rest of the season.

There was no need for him to narrate blow by blow the HOH competition. None.

Y'know ever since I saw a shot of Dominique kind of playing with one of Mark's hands while they were talking to someone I wondered if there would come a day when Elena would be jealous. Dom seemed to allude to that to Alex but for some reason that was what Alex used as an excuse to do Paul's bidding.

How old was that filler? Alex's hair looked much blonder when they were doing the Raven medical bit.

Don't worry Christmas you will recover in time to be next season's Paul as the returnee. I' d almost put money on it.

Matt...wow..just wow...what a dud. Won't be long now before he is getting a Vicotoria edit where he disapears for whole episodes.

So yeah, I love Alex but if she won't listen to reason from Jason and does Paul's bidding then I can't get behind her anymore...so i've got nobody to root for now.

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Oh Alex. You'll never be one of them. Don't do Paul's dirty work.

Lol at Paul telling Kevin to vote for Ramses just to mess things up. I confess, I didn't see that coming.

I don't know how real it is, but I did laugh at the Kevin/Ramses stuff.

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Did they drop the whole lily pad portion of the curse ?  Because after Cody's eviction Jason and Jessica never seemed to stand on the lilypads.  Was Jessica ever given a penalty nom for talkling off her VeToad outfit when Cody was evicted ?

That has to be the costliest piggy back ride ever -- 10 broken bones, complete bone replacement, torn ligaments, questionable mobility, a year of healing (which means she will probably not be in any physical comps for the rest of the season), arthritic development in her foot 1-5 years from now followed by more surgeries because of the arthritis.  All for a stupid reality show.  Fuck !!  Hope BB is going to cover ALL her medical bills -- even after the season is over.  Because that would suck if she had to pick up the entire tab herself -- even if she won $500k after taxes wouldn't even put a dent in her long-term medical bills.

I'm sure they sign waivers and such, but still -- this injury could effectively end her crossfit career.


Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Poor Christmas. I was stalking the feeds, so I knew her prognosis, but it was so much harder to hear from her. I continue to be impressed by her. She continues to be upbeat in the face of heartbreak. 

I know I sound like a broken record, but SHUT UP PAUL. Ugh, when he walked in and said "here are your options," I wanted to scream. How do you not bristle at someone directing your HOH like that. 

I would absolutely love it if Paul was walking our the door next week, but everyone seems so snowed by him. 

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"It never gets better in this game"  LOL

Paul playing games with the hinky votes.  I hope his posse wake up and boot his ass reasonably soon.  I have my doubts.

Josh and Mark down first.  Big dudes usually are bad at this.  And of course Ramses.

Unless you have a killer rodeo grip.

Fly away Raven.  Fly away now.

Zen Jessica, go figure.  I wanted her to win to stir things up.

I'm surprised Elena did so well.  

So Alex is struggling and takes the deal.  Sounds pretty open ended.  Jason should have held on.

Jess, Cody stabbed everybody in the back first.  She is right that she's alone and booting her would be a waste.  The Battle Back hasn't been revealed to them yet.  She might throw it to Cody if she went out.  I doubt he would do it for her.

Alex has a point about putting Jess up to keep peace with the larger group.  However, depending on an ally winning Veto and taking her down is a risky strategy.

Paul seems to be playing this well for the long term.  we shall see.

Deals are made to be broken Elena.  You are asking for a lot.  

How on Earth is she a radio personality???  That voice could cut glass!

Kevin turning Ramses into a hoodlum is hilarious.  He really brings the bizarre!

Oh no.  Raven and her disease.  She gotta go!  Nobody will win sitting next to the "dying girl"

Nice to see Christmas back.  Wow, that's a lot of damage!  I feel bad for her.  Tough woman.

How long are we going to have to endure the "dueling medical stories"?

That talk with Alex and Dom was very strange.  "Let me be honest" is always a red flag for me.

Dom going would be just fine.  She can go go motivate someplace else.  If this Battle Back is at all physical, Cody will win easily.  Will he get 3 weeks of safety?  HA

Trusting Paul is very foolish, Alex.  I hope she's playing him.

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I'm just so sick of Paul, period. He has way too much power and grows cockier by the day.  I don't know why everyone isn't seeing through him. He's as subtle as a mack truck.

I have to admit watching Jessica attempt to play without Cody is interesting.  She almost managed to convince me that she had some actual empathy for Christmas.

I think Jason has been kicked in the head too many times by bulls. 

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I feel like we go through this every year, on every reality show, but my kingdom for when someone looks at a group of people that contains one woman of color and doesn't say "I don't like her/don't trust her/she's shady."

Every. Freaking. Year.

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31 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Oh no.  Raven and her disease.  She gotta go!  Nobody will win sitting next to the "dying girl"

Yeah, but also who wants to nominate/end the BB time of the "dying girl"?? It's like ending someone's make-a-wish early!

I'm so excited that Paul has wormed his way in with Alex "secretly" so that we get to see him prominant on both sides all summer long. Who else can narrate the rest of the season if he leaves because he is THE voice/star of this season! Nobody else will do! Annd... I just threw up in my mouth. 

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11 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Yeah, but also who wants to nominate/end the BB time of the "dying girl"?? It's like ending someone's make-a-wish early!

It's a real dilemma for all the other house guests.

I remember waaaay back to season 1, where the guy with one leg won.  

They could do a season where everybody has a medical something and they could endlessly argue over whose is worse.

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In the recap at the top of the show it seemed to me they were trying to make Cody look more human. Hmm...lipstick on a pigbot...

And speaking of lips, what does Elena do to hers to make them look so puffy? I can understand  "bee-stung" but hers often look infected or something.

"Kick this chicken"? Who says that?

Don't get why Alex is willing to work with Paul yet she spurned her fanboy Cody. Whatever, she probably shouldn't have made that deal with Elena without knowing who it covered. Now she risks making more enemies for going back on her word. And I'm with her on Jessica. Jessica is a guaranteed enemy even if she is temporarily isolated. If they let her escape eviction this week they're leaving her open to rebuild a revenge alliance.

Yeah, no, I am over Kevin because of what was revealed in the live feed thread. And was he seriously talking about passing counterfeit money--on camera no less--or was that an act?

Two hearts. Oh, FFS. And while it's terrible what happened to Christmas I don't see how production can let her stay. She won't be able to get through the endurance games like the one they just played for HOH.

I don't mind them using Paul as the narrator of the show. What I do mind is their using him to tell the viewers how to see things. If he's going to do that then I want to see another houseguest offering an alternate viewpoint. Guess that'll be Cody if he wins the battle back. Ugh.

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This seems to have turned into the Paul show.  

Everyone turns to him, he seems to have "secret alliances"  with everyone, nobody makes a move without consulting him.  Everyone trusts what he says, and they don't tell each other what's going on, so they don't put the pieces together.   

It would be a drastically different show if Paul were not there, and I want to see that show. 

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5 minutes ago, backformore said:

This seems to have turned into the Paul show.

I don't think it fully has.  We got plenty of segments revolving around the new houseguests tonight -- Jason/Jessica, Kevin/Ramses, Raven/Josh, Christmas's return, Alex, Jason, and Kevin's strategizing, Alex/Elena, and Alex/Dominique -- so I think the editors got the message that they have to tone Paul's prominence down just a bit.

That looked like a brutal HoH Competition.  Kudos to Jason and Elena for lasting as long as they did, though I bet that Jason wishes he'd hung on a bit longer if he'd known that Alex (who deserves her own kudos for winning) was going to make the move she did tonight.

I did enjoy seeing the other houseguests a bit more.  But yeah, we could probably see them still more if Paul would either get evicted or have his screen time reduced.

Jason and Jessica looked adorable getting their curse removed.  Jessica gushing about how she could sit in a chair again was actually cute.

I think Alex is definitely playing with fire by doing what Paul wants.  Jessica going out would be a waste of an HoH, and Jason tried and failed to warn her about that.  Dominique going might shake some things up, but only if enough people want her to go.

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Understandably, Christmas has been given medical news that is upsetting.  One day Christmas will value the gift she received.  So much appreciation for Christmas's donor.

Edited by K-9
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 Was Jessica ever given a penalty nom for taking off her VeToad outfit when Cody was evicted ?

Jason also took his off.  Obviously, both of them were given a reprieve from their "curse" so they could play in the HOH competition.  I imagine BB told them to get out of the outfits as soon as someone exited so they would be ready to play.


There was no need for him to narrate blow by blow the HOH competition. None

Unless BB instructed him to do the narration. 

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22 minutes ago, UncleChuck said:

Was Jessica ever given a penalty nom for taking off her VeToad outfit when Cody was evicted ?

She only took it off like a minute early. Instead of waiting for commercial she did it with Cody. She was allowed to take it off for the HOH comp.

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5 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Jess, Cody stabbed everybody in the back first.  She is right that she's alone and booting her would be a waste.  The Battle Back hasn't been revealed to them yet.  She might throw it to Cody if she went out.  I doubt he would do it for her.

I was thinking the same thing.  She would throw it to Cody and he would never for her.  I also cackled when Jess said that she would fight hard (very funny from a competition dud) and get out the floaters.  She is the biggest floater of them all.  Floating in the sheets is even worse.  I dislike the whole idea of "floater".  If you can keep yourself in check and only jump up when it benefits your game then I say good gaming.

What is up this season with people wanting protection for their whole crew?  Oh hell no!  Why would you want to knock your friend out yourself when someone else could do it for you?  When the numbers get down they will have to start knocking off their own.

I have enjoyed Paul's tips for game play but if they don't get rid of him they are in big trouble.  I do appreciate that he got Cody out.  I hated Cody and hopes he does not return.  Paul's rant against Ramses is ridiculous.

I am enjoying Kevin and his antics.

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You know, I give this show a lot of guff, but I have to say, the editing department continually does an AMAZING job in extremely short turnarounds. The way that they naturally do "flashbacks" during the HoH competition is really impressive. It flows together perfectly and that's no easy feat at all, considering all of the footage they have to work with and the little amount of time that they have to put it all together (shout outs to the director and the writers, too, for making it all work together). 

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4 hours ago, methadonna said:





Christmas's will have far fewer effects on her life, health wise, BUT ) Christmas's story occurred as part of the show and 2) she's only just starting to have to process that her life will never be the same. She just (seemingly) lost her major passion, possibly her livelihood (although 5 DOT wins bet that she'll have a book out from it within the year; somebody's probably already ghostwriting her future tale of overcoming setbacks (maybe I shouldn't share that and do it myself?), AND lost what I suspect became her obsession which she used as a substitute for her drug** [ab?]use. (Disclaimer: I have been on long-term opioids as part of my treatment to lessen the level of my chronic pain and have been fortunate enough to never face addiction--I've never even experienced a high from them--and know that, when properly managed, "clean" former/recovering addicts can use them short term for post-op pain, do in no way am I insinuating ANYTHING about Christmas and her current treatment. I'm still not clear as to whether her former "heavy drug use" Days means she was an addict or she was a kid who did a lot of shit; I worry that, if it's the former, and she essentially replaced her overindulgence in drugs with (what I see as) an overindulgence in working out, and I hope she'll be able to find something else healthier, if that's what she needs, as the loss and void sets in.

You can't still work out, lift weights, etc with a broken and eventually healed foot? I think it might be premature to write off Christmas entire future..



Edited by North of Eden
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I was spoiled on the HOH comp, so it wasn't a huge surprised. But kadooz (tm Ramona Singer) to Elena and Alex for holding in there that long. Elena surprised me, frankly. She's not a tiny girl and those comps are built for those with a lower center of gravity.  But it was those Hail Marys that really put Alex over the top. Who knew all those years of saying the rosary could come in handy one day. 

I'm not a HUGE Alex fan, but I don't dislike her either. I think she's handling her turn as HOH fairly well. She doesn't have enough numbers on her "side" to do something like put up Mark and Matt (probably Luke and John would be fair game). Putting up Jessica, because of what went down with Cody, is expected. Why piss off the house so they can come after you next week? But she did target one of their group, and Dom was a decent target. There's suspicion around her already. And none of Alex's core people go home. I think she's doing the best she can with what she has to work with. 

And, frankly, I don't really care if she works with Paul. I am not really a fan of Vets playing with Newbies, but Paul doesn't make me angry like he does a lot of other people. Sure, his personality can grate, but I think he's smart and knows how to work people and I enjoy watching him play. Alex's brain works the same way, so they might actually be a good pair. If the other sheeple in the house want to follow Paul blindly, that's THEIR problem. But I think Alex knows what she's doing. 

I loved seeing some of the other friendships that are happening in the house, just some simple downtime stuff. Kevin making sure that Ramses makes his bed and teaching him how to beat someone with a pool cue was just all kinds of awesome. I was really taken aback by Raven's medical story, and that does explain a lot about the way she is. I loved Josh's response to her. I think he could be a decent person if he didn't always let his emotions get in the way. 

Jessica looked a THOUSAND times better after the comp, when she had little and less makeup on. Elena did not. Yikes. 

I really felt for Christmas when she revealed she will not regain full mobility in her foot. Considering how important her physicality has been her entire life, that's gotta be a tough blow. I bet Jason feels shitty as hell, even though it was an accident. 

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10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Y'know ever since I saw a shot of Dominique kind of playing with one of Mark's hands while they were talking to someone I wondered if there would come a day when Elena would be jealous. Dom seemed to allude to that to Alex but for some reason that was what Alex used as an excuse to do Paul's bidding.

I noticed they seemed pretty close as well. Mark hugged Dom immediately following nominations. It definitely seemed like Dom was alluding to Elena being the one to spread stuff about her. What's interesting is, that's not true. And Elena wanted safety for Dominique as well. So she does not appear to feel threatened by the other woman? I think it makes sense for Alex to nominate Dom for that reason. Because if that showmance group gets upset she can explain that Dom was trying to throw shade at Elena and they will probably, in turn, back her up. 


9 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I feel like we go through this every year, on every reality show, but my kingdom for when someone looks at a group of people that contains one woman of color and doesn't say "I don't like her/don't trust her/she's shady."

Every. Freaking. Year.

Maybe people would trust Dominique more if she didn't host a "talk show" that seems aimed at getting information out of people. The questions she asked in the one we saw seemed to rub SEVERAL people the wrong way. 


9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Don't get why Alex is willing to work with Paul yet she spurned her fanboy Cody.

Paul has a way of talking to people that makes them think he's really listening (maybe he is) and you're coming up with the ideas. Cody just stares blankly at people, then makes decisions without consulting anyone. Paul SEEMS like more of a team player. He may be full of shit, but he can sell it. 

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9 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I don't care about any of these fools. I just want an hour of Kevin's stories and DRs.

I would also like him to do a one-man fashion show, modeling all of those dapper outfits he packed.  I might have a crush on him, not sure yet.


25 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

And, frankly, I don't really care if she works with Paul. I am not really a fan of Vets playing with Newbies, but Paul doesn't make me angry like he does a lot of other people. Sure, his personality can grate, but I think he's smart and knows how to work people and I enjoy watching him play. Alex's brain works the same way, so they might actually be a good pair. If the other sheeple in the house want to follow Paul blindly, that's THEIR problem. But I think Alex knows what she's doing. 

I agree, and I get the feeling that Alex wouldn't do anything she didn't want to do.  Her explanation to Jason, about how she's going to become part of the larger group and then dismantle them, was insightful.  She has this clipped way of talking that suggests to me that while she may be going along with Paul, she also has other ideas cooking in her brain.  I'd like to think she's playing everyone, including Paul.  Perhaps she's going to use him until the showmance group has been disabled, and then take him out too.  Or maybe I'm giving her too much credit, I don't know.  I just get excited when a non-sheep displays some actual strategy in this game.

Jessica's false eyelash falling off during the HOH comp was funny.  I was waiting for her to loosen her grip to pull it off, and then fall.

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12 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Jess, Cody stabbed everybody in the back first.  She is right that she's alone and booting her would be a waste.  The Battle Back hasn't been revealed to them yet.  She might throw it to Cody if she went out. I doubt he would do it for her.

But Jessica can't win comps.  Whereas Cody can.  With him back in the house - he can do some damage - especially with Paul's immunity ending.  Cody sees through Paul's B.S. - and unlike the others, is not afraid to stand up to him.  Some of his ex-alliance probably are sorry they didn't stick with him, considering how quickly they turned on each other.

Edited by ifoundit
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It's interesting that women usually win endurance contests (it's the same with Survivor).   I think once Paul loses his immunity things will become more entertaining.  It's a bit dull and predictable with him directing the house.  They come up with temptations to divert his plans, but still... it'll be more fun when he's stripped of protection and has to talk even faster to stay alive.

I don't watch feeds but that room with spikes on the bed.... are the spikes soft?  They look hard like metal.  Yet someone (can't remember who) was just sitting on the edge and chatting.  Surely it should have hurt?

At this early stage of the game, I'm more fascinated by them getting used to being confined  and living with each others' foibles than all the alliance talk.  I guess you'd have to watch live feeds for this, but I wish they'd edit more into the hour show.  Last year the house appeared dirty and messy, this year not so bad. If it were me - the folk that cleaned and cooked would stay to the end, then I'd pick them off. LOL

This is my second season of watching, so a relative newbie. It's good so far.  I'll prob watch till the end.  I think Kevin will win, although doesn't deserve to.

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So while I definitely feel for Christmas, would they have allowed her to enter the House in the first place with such a serious injury?  It definitely sucks that she suffered such a serious injury just from horsing around like that.  I haven't watched all the seasons, have anyone else ever suffered such a serious injury like this before?  I'm sure CBS has an iron clad assumption of risk/waiver signed, but that really does such, no one expects this type of circumstance.

I also have to wonder about allowing Raven into the house with her condition.  I know nothing about her condition, but it sounds like it could become real serious unexpectedly.  It makes you wonder if they purposefully included that "have not protection for the season" when Raven was participating in a veto comp and it just happened to be near her side of the pond.

I like Paul, but wow, talk about all this power he has.  Hopefully when he is no longer safe, enough of the house will realize how dangerous he is.  Cody winning the battle back would be a good start.

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Paul has a way of talking to people that makes them think he's really listening (maybe he is) and you're coming up with the ideas. Cody just stares blankly at people, then makes decisions without consulting anyone. Paul SEEMS like more of a team player. He may be full of shit, but he can sell it. 

It helps he had immunity for 3 weeks (which was a ridiculous move by the producers).  It also helps he has the inside track to the game since he played it last year.

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Christmas' injury is catastrophic.  My sister had her foot demolished in a car accident and the arthritis followed by two corrective surgeries/fusion are no joke.  Each corrective surgery is a couple of months off your feet, and once the foot is fused, some of the pain is alleviated, but she cannot run or crouch or get up/down easily from the floor/ground.  You need a foot that bends to do those things.   Heels? No. Remotely attractive footwear? No. Diabetic socks to help circulation? Yup. 

Obviously Christmas' breaks may be of different bones, and I hope they are less ultimately disabling. Her amazing physical condition will help a lot, and she seems as strong mentally as physically, so I am sure she will be able to find new challenges to engage her mind, and physical ones that are more upper body strength related.  

But once that foot is fused, she will likely limp the rest of her life, and she won't be doing crossfit.  

I also wonder if she went into that injury with a lot of stress fractures that just exploded with the impact. I feel for the guy who fell on her. 

Edited by kassa
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Elena was completely unrealistic in her demands of Alex. 'You can't put up these 12 people, sooooo...you can put up Jason. Thanks for making the deal!' I mean, safety for yourself, sure, for yourself and one other, maybe, but it's pushing it. Everyone you've ever spoken to in the house? No.

And maybe it's the Big Brother haze, but I would really like to think that if someone I was close to in the house was evicted, I wouldn't be so dramatic and trying to make 'em proud, and trying to win a comp in their name and sobbing that their memory is all I have to keep me going. I'm sure things are sped up in such close quarters, but Jess, you met him less than a month ago. He's not the very reason for your existence in this life.  How about winning for yourself?

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7 hours ago, jumper sage said:

What is up this season with people wanting protection for their whole crew?  Oh hell no!  Why would you want to knock your friend out yourself when someone else could do it for you?  When the numbers get down they will have to start knocking off their own.

I think everybody is concerned if they don't take at least an initial shot at ensuring safety for their entire crew, then they may be pegged as disloyal to the rest of their group.  Seems to me alliance loyalty (as a concept at least) is a good bit higher on everybody's radar this season as compared to previous - kind of like a micro version of VWTH.

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13 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I feel like we go through this every year, on every reality show, but my kingdom for when someone looks at a group of people that contains one woman of color and doesn't say "I don't like her/don't trust her/she's shady."

Every. Freaking. Year.

The producers would have to stop casting to stereotypes, but it's probably considered helpful to viewers.

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1 hour ago, asabovesobelow said:

Elena was completely unrealistic in her demands of Alex. 'You can't put up these 12 people, sooooo...you can put up Jason. Thanks for making the deal!' I mean, safety for yourself, sure, for yourself and one other, maybe, but it's pushing it. Everyone you've ever spoken to in the house? No.

True. At the same time, the person offering the deal should say something like, "I can guarantee safety for you and one other person". Make it clear that you're not guaranteeing an entire crew of people gets to stay off the block. 

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1 hour ago, asabovesobelow said:

Elena was completely unrealistic in her demands of Alex. 'You can't put up these 12 people, sooooo...you can put up Jason. Thanks for making the deal!' I mean, safety for yourself, sure, for yourself and one other, maybe, but it's pushing it. Everyone you've ever spoken to in the house? No.

I was yelling at the TV - "Alex, give her 3 other people and that's it. Don't get down from the wall until that is confirmed". I am hoping Alex does better - makes moves like she said she was going to do. I personally think that WHEN (not if) Cody  gets back in house, he and Paul will form a secret alliance that no one would guess of.

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12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

True. At the same time, the person offering the deal should say something like, "I can guarantee safety for you and one other person". Make it clear that you're not guaranteeing an entire crew of people gets to stay off the block. 

Plus that's smart gameplay in that it forces the person making the deal to out their core alliance.  Most of the time it's easy to see (showmances) but if you know the new HOH would be gunning for somebody you're secretly aligned with you should have to balance the danger of protecting them vs not protecting them. 

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I realize that Christmas is a grown woman and doesn't need her mommy for every crisis, but it must have been hell on earth for her mother to know that her little girl was in surgery with such a bad injury and not able to be by her side to give support--and if they followed the BB rules, not even able to talk to her during such a stressful time.

I know Christmas made her decision to stay in the game knowing all that, but it still must have been hell on her parents.  Assuming that her parents are not assholes.

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I feel like we go through this every year, on every reality show, but my kingdom for when someone looks at a group of people that contains one woman of color and doesn't say "I don't like her/don't trust her/she's shady."

Every. Freaking. Year.

Yes and did you notice how Paul pulled out the "Ramses is shady" stuff a few times already? 

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I'm just so sick of Paul, period. He has way too much power and grows cockier by the day.  I don't know why everyone isn't seeing through him. He's as subtle as a mack truck.

It's almost as if they made it their priority to cast people who agreed to swear allegiance to Paul, or only picked people who listed Paul as their favorite player. Generally there is some apprehension on the part of the "newbies" when a returning player enters that game, but aside from Cody we just didn't have that at all. It's weird. 

What I find really annoying is that it feels like every episode is told through Paul's perspective. He's the one who's constantly in the DR telling us how things are going and how it's affecting him. Like the whole season revolves around him and it's just a matter of watching to see what happens with Paul.

Yeah, we got a little bit of Raven telling us about her medical condition, but that felt like an awkward set-up and a throw-away segment. It went from Josh calling her out for "posing" even when she was just tanning to her telling us about her implant and having "two hearts." WTF? 

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45 minutes ago, greyflannel said:

It seems like Dominique has been telling people about Elena's jealousy of her from the get-go. I think there's definitely jealousy between them, but I don't think it's coming from Elena.

IMHO that's been Dom's plan since within at least the first week or two: try to create a jealousy fissure (or at least the appearance of one) between Mark and Elena, blow it up remotely, then take advantage of the drama debris field.  Unfortunately (from Dom's point of view, anyway), Elena doesn't appear very accommodating on the jealousy front. :>

Edited by Nashville
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I liked Alex's use of the word "collective."  Don't think "collective" has been used in prior USA BB episodes.  I wonder where she picked up that term.  Alex's BB bio says she has Netflix on while at her job and then watches five hours of TV afterward.  Is "collective" a word used in another recent show, movie, video game, sci-fi/fantasy genre?

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8 minutes ago, K-9 said:

I liked Alex's use of the word "collective."  Don't think "collective" has been used in prior USA BB episodes.  I wonder where she picked up that term.  Alex's BB bio says she has Netflix on while at her job and then watches five hours of TV afterward.  Is "collective" a word used in another recent show, movie, video game, sci-fi/fantasy genre?

STTNG: the Borg Collective.  :)

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Members of the Borg Collective were not individuals; they were assimilated into the collective and converted into mindless drones with no independent thought, purpose or action other than to serve the Borg, and expand the collective.  So application of the term in this season is not entirely mislabeling.  ;)

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5 hours ago, K-9 said:

I liked Alex's use of the word "collective."  Don't think "collective" has been used in prior USA BB episodes.  I wonder where she picked up that term.  Alex's BB bio says she has Netflix on while at her job and then watches five hours of TV afterward.  Is "collective" a word used in another recent show, movie, video game, sci-fi/fantasy genre?

While being impressed by Alex's vocabulary, did anyone catch Jessica saying "mute" instead of "moot" when saying something to the tune of "it would be a moot point to nominate me since I have no power or influence."  Instead, she said "mute point."

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