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S13.E06: Week 6: Denmark

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Rachel sends one man home from the two-on-one date. After the rose ceremony, Rachel and the remaining bachelors travel to Copenhagen, Denmark, where a group of guys take part in spirited Viking-style games. Later, Rachel takes one lucky suitor on a day trip to Sweden, before she and the men travel Geneva, Switzerland.

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Omg, that was so stupid, Kenny! She said bye to Lee and he couldn't just walk away. But then again with this show, don't know if a producer advised him to go back. Good on her to not dismiss him on that. Love that kid. I can see them selecting Kenny as the next Bachelor because his daughter is a star and I hope he finds love but it's not going to be with Rachel and I would rather it be someone else.

Didnt like Rachel's gold dress. the guys walking over the bridge to the RC looked like the dwarfs on a mining trip. 

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Who the hell is Adam and why haven't I noticed him before?  At least I know who Matt is now, lol.

Eric is just too young acting.  He just doesn't seem to be husband material for anyone right now.

Peter has low energy.

I'd love to see Kenny as the next Bachelor because he and Rachel aren't right for each other, but I don't think the producers would have a black Bachelorette and then a black Bachelor immediately afterwards.

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Digging Copenhagen and Sweden. I need to book that trip asap.

Eric's date was cool, but he's just not on the same intellectual level as her, good for a fun time though. Dang with the mommy issues, how's that hometown date going to work?

The group date felt like an episode of Amazing Race. The sword duel was unnecessarily brutal.

And hottie Stefan Urkelle was clearly not into Rache.

Edited by dizzyd
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OK, for a guy who showed up in a penguin suit and one who carries around a creepy dummy, Adam and Matt sure are boring. Those are the only distinguishing features I can think of, and I wouldn't have even remembered them if someone hadn't reminded me in another thread.

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Surprised she choose Adam over Alex so there must be something were missing. Alex with his hair all wild in the interview was smoking hot. Zowza! However Dont  despair Peter! You're still no. 1!

will has a great smile. but there was no chemistry with him and Rachel. Viking games were entertaining.

Edited by TiredMe
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I like Eric! The most fun SD IMO!

I'll just say this about Will...unless he signed up before he knew rachel was casted as the bachelorette, he's just a major famewh*re.  Good-looking, tall, educated, employed, lives in MIAMI, he hasn't been dating black women because he doesn't like them. Eric TOTALLY set him up tho lmaooo

Edited by dirtypop90
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19 minutes ago, clubsauce said:

I waited TWO WEEKS for someone to get punched in the eye. They ended up hitting themselves in the face with a cardboard shield. Thanks for making a fool of me, show.

The show always does that. Tease that someone is injured in an altercation, and then it turns out the injury was completely unrelated to the argument.

Kenny lost me when he chose to go back and berate Lee some more after Rachel said she wanted to spend more time with him. If I were Rachel, I'd have said "screw it" and flown off by myself in that helicopter.

Rachel, if you have to ask a man to kiss you, that means he's not really into you.

I'm sad that Will left, but it was painfully obvious that he had zero chemistry with Rachel. At least she wasn't blind to it like she is with Peter.

I can't believe Alex left before non-entities Adam and Matt. He deserved a rose for the pink tie alone. Loved him horsing around with Dean during the end tag.

Edited by chocolatine
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I will delete this post if it's said a bunch before mine but: Can anyone do us the generous favour of recapping the last 5-10 minutes of the show?  She dumps Alex -- then anything else of note?  Thanks.

Rachel and I have very very different taste in men, to the point where I'm fascinated by it.  Bye, super hot Anthony.  Of all the celebrities out there, you know who it was he reminded me of?  Macaulay Culkin.  Trust me, I KNOW it sounds weird.  But their nose/lip region do remind me of each other's.  They kind of both have a smirky lip but really sweet eyes.  Hard to explain unless you see what I see... 

Matt and Adam are just big fat nos.  Well maybe Matt is okay I've just never heard him speak.  But Adam?  I did feel kind of bad when he pointed out he's the most raggedy guy there, though.

Dean's so beautiful it kind of hurts!  His personality too : /

For anyone who loves the European travel porn, if you invest in HGTV, House Hunters International shows that stuff constantly!

Damn you, whoever said that Kenny was going to get swiped by a helicopter blade in the last episode thread, LOL.  I WAS SCREAMING AND COVERING MY FACE when Kenny was near the helicopter.  My god, I thought he was going to get decapitated!  That entire sequence was torture!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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6 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I must say that I am surprised that Eric turned out to be the last black guy standing.

Sad to say, I'm not surprised. Kenny and Eric were the only two who seemed genuinely into her. I think Rachel wants to be obviously desired & chosen by a man. DeMario wanted to be famous; Will & Anthony were largely indifferent and Josiah loved himself the most. Bryan & Dean especially seem to really like her while Peter is somewhat intrigued. I can't blame her for her eliminations thus far. That said,  i would have kept Anthony to give him a chance at being the next bachelor. 

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2 minutes ago, sarkygal said:

Josiah loved himself the most. 

I'd watch a reality show about Josiah to be honest.  He was kind of like Corinne, except he didn't go after any of the other contestants.  He was just hilarious all by himself.  I think he was the one who had the most fascinating introductory package as well, except his home life never really was explored on the show beyond that.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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If Peter had leaned back any further in his chair when Rachel again told him how fascinated she was with him, his chair would have fallen over.   Read the room, Rachel.  

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I'm shook  by next weeks previews! Does Peter finally tell Rachel " I'm not that into you?" He says he feels bad knowing he's the reason she's crying....

I grew up like Rachel and Will. I didn't date until college. I lived in a Predominantly white neighborhood,  I went to a predominantly White Highschool where even the Black guys dated the white girls. All that changed in College, where dates became plentiful! I dated all races and ended up marrying a man from India. Go figure....  She seemed jarred by his admission of dating mostly white girls. I may have read her wrong (and she did say the date was already limping along before he admitted that) but I think that sealed it.

Eric is just not growing on me, and I don't see the match. His Mommy issues will become your issues Rachel.... drop him.

I'm still waiting for Bryan and Rachel to have an actual conversation.....

Kenny should have been gone  long ago...

I'm surprised Alex is gone and what's his name and what's his name are still there....

As far as who will be the next Bachelor I think with 100% certainty, he will not be black... 

If the Peter scenario that seems to be eluded to in the beginning of my post comes true in this way "I care for you so much Rachel that I want the best for you, and I'm not it... followed by long monologue leaving them both crying" That is your next Bachelor.....

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56 minutes ago, clubsauce said:


I waited TWO WEEKS for someone to get punched in the eye. They ended up hitting themselves in the face with a cardboard shield. Thanks for making a fool of me, show.


It's never a real punch! Don't you know that by now? Never!!

but that's the only thing I have figured out about this show. The rest of it tonight kind of mystified me... I really thought Anthony had a chance to be there for the long haul. Is there something we weren't shown? Thy seemed to have a nice time on their date. They weren't showing him much so I assumed he was a sleeper. Usually there would be more explanation after someone with a promising 1-on-1 gets sent home. 


Also she she gets impatient with Will - is it possible he was just taking things a little slower? Or is he definitely a famewhore who was hanging on to try to be the bachelor? Say it ain't so, Will!

Meanwhile she continues to hang onto Eric against all common sense or reason... he seems like a 15-year-old.  And Matt and Adam, huh?? Again they are not editing this to show us any reasons why.

I do agree Rachel really needs to be desired but I worry that may be clouding her judgement in favor of Bryan above all, just because he kisses the most/hardest. I still haven't really forgiven him for the "sloppy seconds" comment on Ellen. 

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I loved this episode until the very end.

I think Rachel made the right decision letting Kenny go home. It was I think inevitable and a mutual decision. I'm just glad she was able to validate him over the mess with Lee. Speaking of which, good riddance.

I can see why she likes Eric. He's fun, easy to be around, sweet, and I can see they do have some chemistry. I can see him in the F4 but not F1. Then again you never know.

How uncomfortable was that rooftop scene with Will? Obviously no romantic chemistry there.

Finally saw a serious conversation with Bryan. But I'm beginning to see where Peter might have a slight edge over Bryan. She obviously has chemistry with both but I think she trusts Peter more. Just like her cool head and reasoning prevailing with the Lee and Kenny fiasco I think that even though she has a intense physical relationship with Bryan she trusts what she's got with Peter more. And like on Nick"s season, as she stated again tonight, she has trouble believing what seems to be to good to be true. She's very measured and logical in her thinking. That's one thing I like about her.

Josiah brought to mind the saying, "he's a legend in his own mind". Way too cocky. Rachel saw this and made a good call.

Loved the Vikings game. Loved the camaraderie between all the guys especially Alex and Dean at the end. Alex was looking hot. Which leads me to why Rachel why did you keep Matt and Adam over Alex! I know the shows heavily edited but we've seen almost no one on one with Matt and Alex. Alex was kind, smarter than he looked, with an great playful side. To me he was so believable when he said he got butterfly's when around her. Maybe she thought in the end he wasn't serious enough but you could tell it hurt her to let him go. I thought all her eliminations choices were spot on until she let him go.

Oh well maybe we'll see him on BIP.   

Edited by yorklee2
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29 minutes ago, Venee said:

Eric is just not growing on me, and I don't see the match. His Mommy issues will become your issues Rachel.... drop him.

Ouch.  I have Mommy issues too.  We already have issues with feeling unloveable, and for people to use this as reasons to reject us..... Wow.

Also she she gets impatient with Will - is it possible he was just taking things a little slower?

I felt bad for Will because there's no way I'd be super physically aggressive like someone like Bryan who just shoves his tongue down The Bachelorette's throat....  but then again, maybe Will just really wasn't into Rachel.....

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I think Will was very obviously not into Rachel. She was able to use her interrogating skills to get to the bottom of that quickly when she asked how he is normally in a relationship.. his answer did not reconcile with how he was with her.. it was pretty easy to ferret out he's just not that into her. 

I am baffled by her attraction to Eric. He's so immature and clingy.  I dated a guy like that and it got to the point where I dreaded spending time with him. I think Rachel likes a man who is all over her, but I think Eric's brand of clingy will get old fast. They just seem to be on totally different maturity levels.

I'm so bummed she sent Alex home.  I don't get that over Matt at all so I can only assume Matt's interactions have been mostly edited out. I wouldn't mind seeing Alex as the next Bachelor. 

I'm kind of meh on Peter and Bryan.. so I don't even know who to root for at this point. 

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I'm not crazy about any of the remaining guys and I don't see much evidence of a real connection between Rachel and any of them (other than physical chemistry with a few).  BUT, I will say, I think Rachel is the best bachelorette ever.  Smart, articulate, straightforward, honest, tactful - not to mention successful and drop-dead gorgeous.  She just seems like a lovely person.

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20 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Ouch.  I have Mommy issues too.  We already have issues with feeling unloveable, and for people to use this as reasons to reject us..... Wow.

I sincerely apologize. I could have expanded on that thought, but I was already long winded. I think those issues need to be dealt with, worked on and resolved in some way, before getting involved in a serious relationship (especially one supposedly ending in marriage).  No one is perfect, but when those issues are festering and not dealt with beforehand, they take on a new life in a relationship.

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13 minutes ago, GracieK said:

I'm so bummed she sent Alex home.  I don't get that over Matt at all so I can only assume Matt's interactions have been mostly edited out. I wouldn't mind seeing Alex as the next Bachelor. 

I'm kind of meh on Peter and Bryan.. so I don't even know who to root for at this point. 

I feel the same way about Peter and Bryan. It's obvious they're the front runners but I can't get excited about either one. Can't wait to see what the Peter drama is about next week. But with this show's history I don't trust the drama they're signaling.

I totally agree about Alex. I would love to see him as Bach too but coming in 7th doesn't quite put him up high enough to get the spot I think. I didn't think she would ultimately pick him but I was hoping he would get close enough to be in contention for the Bach. Sigh..

Edited by yorklee2
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Did Eric deliberately try to sabotage Will by urging him to tell Rachel that he hadn't been dating black women? It seems to me that anyone would know that that would cause Rachel to question why Will was there and whether he was attracted to black women. Dean picked it right up that Eric was not giving Will good advice. Dean showed a lot of good emotional intelligence even though he's young and inexperienced dating interracially. Now the advice I do agree with Eric that Rachel would want to know that information it just wasn't positive advice  for Will.  Eric didn't really need to sabotage Will because Will showed himself to intellectually appreciate Rachel but  demonstrated  that he wasn't at all drawn to her. It looks good on paper but not in real life for him.   Rachel was very attracted to him but he didn't even pick up on her body language or anything.  Rachel couldn't escape the lack of physical attraction to her and she called it  what it was.  and she did what she needed to do. I do admire her frankness on some of the dates. I also liked how she handled Kenny and the lack of chemistry with him, although she appreciated him on paper.  Kenny acted too much like a hothead anyway and that was definitely turning her off and bringing up red flags. She was certainly right about that hothead tendency coming out in love relationships when things get tough.

 I think that's one of the reasons that she really likes Peter and Dean who just don't at all come off as crazy hothead unstable or unpredictable. Some people said Peter was low energy but I think is only on TV where they want you to overdo it and bring the energy. I've had some interviews  to be an expert on television on what they would call a documentary but would really just be reality TV and they wanted you to go over the top and bring really intense energy. It's fine if you want to be a reality star but I think if you're looking for someone to have a last  lasting love relationship with you really shouldn't pick somebody who wants to be a reality star. I don't think you need somebody who's going to continue to die to have the spotlight.

I don't like Eric for her because the backgrounds are too different and life experiences education probably intellectual potential not evenly yoked. If she just wanted to date Eric would be fine but I don't think anyone who hasn't been in love before is a bad pick to be your husband. Haven't learned much about the ins and outs of love and how to handle a relationship.  And I think when Eric didn't feel loved because his mother didn't love him  he'll go all freaky with Rachel or whoever he has his first full love affair with. He's just got a lot to learn in the Love spot.  Eric has to learn that the highs of love is enjoying is just one part of being in love. He knows very little about how to handle the lows and how to try to work things through with someone when you're vulnerable and sad and angry and needy.  I just think Eric is too risky to get engaged to.

 Matt and oh what's his name, Adam, really never seen any real interesting conversation that they had so it just seems producer derived for them to stay.  And when they had Josiah going on and on with his ego about how he's so sure that he's got it going on I just knew he was the next one out. That's just a typical storyline. 

Edited by Kira53
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I feel like Rachel is too in her head at this point, she seemed in this episode trying to force it a lot. 

Earlier episodes she seemed more natural and I saw connections, now I see none. She's just going through the motions.

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Once the Kenny/Lee dreck was out of the way. This was a pretty good night. I like how Eric opened up, and he made her laugh. I'm sure she needed it.

Kenny taking himself out ,showed how good a father he is. He didn't get his child all involved, ( as others have done) only to let her down, I like him.

I knew Josiah was going home, he was saying way too much! His ego was too big for that house, heck, that room.

I liked Will, and I suspect had they had more time, as in RL,they'd have made a cute couple. I'd love him to be the next bachelor.

Peter was adorable tonight, and I am used to Bryan now. 

I loved the pace of the show tonight, getting rid of producers choices, time for a RC and no TBC! :) 

I think the whole Vikings bit was hilarious, but it reminded me all the time of a Monty Python skit.lol 

5 minutes ago, Artsda said:

I feel like Rachel is too in her head at this point, she seemed in this episode trying to force it a lot. 

Earlier episodes she seemed more natural and I saw connections, now I see none. She's just going through the motions.

I saw the opposite tonight. Self assured, fun loving, but still a very strong woman, that doesn't like to hurt people. I love her, best ' ette in a long time.

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I really enjoyed tonight.

Lee getting sent home was amazing, but I really thought Kenny was going to talk himself out of his spot when he went back. Bad move, but glad he got to leave on good terms. I ended up really liking him and I hope he finds love.

I found myself smiling from ear to ear during the Eric date. He isn't one of my favorites but I see why Rachel likes him, and their date is the only one I've fully enjoyed. Because I'm petty, I choose to believe Eric set Will up by telling him to share his dating history with Rachel lol.

Speaking of...yeah. It was like seeing a light turning from green to yellow to red. She was done, and I don't blame her. In my experience, the Wills of the world (and I'm speaking of a very specific type of black guy who exclusively dates interracially) tend to have very negative views of all black women and are not viable partners. Rachel knew it too.

I was soooo sad to see Alex go home. He was the hottest guy left, imo. I trust that there was more to it that we didnt see but I find it really hard to believe Matt and Adam are serious contenders.

The tag scene rocked, as usual. Hot Alex and adorable Dean were so funny.

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I'm not a black woman, so this is just my guess based on conversations with a few black women. It is offensive/insulting for black men to date only white women. especially successful black men. Why did Will do the show if he preferred white woman. He should have waited, unless they don't know when they agree to to the show.  

Also, when they go to other countries and places, are they required to sit in a hotel room the entire time when not on a date? It seems like a total waste. Why fly the group to Europe if they can't really tour the area?

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6 minutes ago, lonestar said:

I'm not a black woman, so this is just my guess based on conversations with a few black women. It is offensive/insulting for black men to date only white women. especially successful black men. Why did Will do the show if he preferred white woman. He should have waited, unless they don't know when they agree to to the show.  

Also, when they go to other countries and places, are they required to sit in a hotel room the entire time when not on a date? It seems like a total waste. Why fly the group to Europe if they can't really tour the area?

No, it's not offensive for them to exclusively date outside of their race. It's offensive that most of them can't seem to do it without badmouthing black women. You're probably not privy to the way those types talk but it's bad. Really bad. And I have a feeling Will is one of those. So disappointing...

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I think it's possible that Will signed up before he knew or he didn't care because he just wanted to be on tv.  He seems to be a fan of the franchise. Or maybe since he hasn't been having luck with white women, I'm assuming the girl he loved that chose someone else was white, he thought maybe it was time to give black women I try. lol It's possible he thought he would have a better chance of getting to F3 with a black woman, so he could then be the bachelor and choose the type of woman he likes.  Idk But I'm with ridethemaverick in that I've found the Wills of the world that exclude women of their race from their dating pool often hold negative views of black women, so I completely understood Rachel sending him home immediately.  I would've done the same.  Plus his excuses were lame...all those black and hispanic women in Miami and you only date white women?  Just admit what you like without trying to explain it away...oh and sign up for next season of the bachelorette, not this one lol.

Edited by dirtypop90
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Bryan talks a good game, it comes off as fake and I am surprised Rachel is buying it. His face is fug but Rachel loves kissing him.

2 hours ago, hyacinth said:


If Peter had leaned back any further in his chair when Rachel again told him how fascinated she was with him, his chair would have fallen over.   Read the room, Rachel.  


LOL and so true.

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I am shocked that Alex went before Adam and Matt (I think??)!  Shocked I say!  When he and Peter hugged, I knew I needed nothing more in the world than a Peter/Alex sandwich.


And then I saw Alex and Dean in the tag.  *Love*

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I liked Anthony. Too bad Rachel didn't. Eric being the last black man standing is surprising since she says she's looking for a husband. He seems like the least likely marriage material at this point in time. He seems so young. I can't decide if Josiah was really into Rachel as he claimed, or just wanted "to win."

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5 minutes ago, lonestar said:

I liked Anthony. Too bad Rachel didn't. Eric being the last black man standing is surprising since she says she's looking for a husband. He seems like the least likely marriage material at this point in time. He seems so young. I can't decide if Josiah was really into Rachel as he claimed, or just wanted "to win."

Oh yes, I definitely think Josiah just wanted to win. His rant on the way out was less "I was really falling for her" and more "I can't believe this chick didn't fall for me. I'm appalled!" He's probably used to being chased, or at least not having to work for it. This whole process was probably torture for him lol. 

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wow, i'm feeling like rachel should have invested in some serious therapy rather than going on these shows.  she doesn't expect good things to happen for her. she worries that things that are good are too good to be true. of course she doesn't read men well at all. she doesn't pick up on peter's indifference to her or will's similar lack of physical enthusiasm. she is so gorgeous and has such a lovely personality. i'm an extremely straight woman and i definitely have a girl crush on her. 

i feel like she's going to end up being just one more graduate of these shows who ends up not getting married or having a relationship past the show. alex is so great. he's playful and sweet and kind of a character. and clearly smitten with rachel. what the freak is wrong with her? she sends him home and keeps those Nothings  there. i feel heartbroken for him. i think if she'd bothered to have a one on one date with him, she would have actually gotten to know him and had fun and lots of affection. it killed me to see that clip of the viking games where alex was being so cute.

it does look like peter is dumping rachel. why the freak would he stay on the show so long if he wasn't attracted to her. or maybe the show deliberately kept it going to cause more drama. but, shit, what is the point of a show like this if 2 of the men so close to the end aren't attracted to the bachelorette? i don't watch the bachelor at all. i've only ever watched one of these before. jojo i think was her name. i watched that one more like an anthropologist observing human behavior. this time around i've gotten really invested in rachel and it's killing me. i think this is that last one for me. i'd rather watch Unreal to learn how they manipulate these shows behind the scenes. it feels like she may end up not choosing anyone. which would be good. then she can go home and get some therapy. a lot of therapy.

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Wow, EVERYONE went home this episode! Was this the week that they needed final casting for BIP?! Did they pack these half dozen+ guys straight off to Mexico?! I feel like that's the only reasonable explanation for some of these picks. We're taking all the hot/intelligent guys (Anthony, Will, Alex) and hot guys with a personality (Kenny, Josiah) that you probably won't pick NOW for our other show (speculation, not spoiler), and then somehow the likes of Adam, Matt, and Eric become "front runners." Who else is left besides them, Peter, Dean, and Bryan?

Kenny blew it when he went to "say goodbye" to Lee. I was yelling, noooooooooooo, Kenny, nooooooooooo! I want to give a shout out to whichever one of you said that Kenny's cut eye was the most anticipated crash into a door frame in Bachelor History. When he was leaving the hotel room after the 2:1, he turned really quickly out the door, and Kenny's life and your post flashed before my eyes--OMG, you were right--it's happening now! Whew! That made my heart pound! That Kenny had me on a roller coaster of emotions; I admit to getting choked up when he was crying to his daughter.

The Viking date looked like one of the most fun in Bachelor History. All of the guys were REALLY into it. They were living their best lives! You know, at least until 2 of them almost lost an eye--but even that didn't seem to damper the good time.

Edited by JenE4
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9 hours ago, TiredMe said:

Surprised she choose Adam over Alex so there must be something were missing. Alex with his hair all wild in the interview was smoking hot. Zowza! However Dont  despair Peter! You're still no. 1!

will has a great smile. but there was no chemistry with him and Rachel. Viking games were entertaining.

Alex is totally adorable!! seems like a bit of a dim bulb tho:)

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No need to tune in anymore because I really can't see Rachel with any of these guys. My faves - Will, Anthony and Kenny are gone. I like Matt but he doesn't stand a chance. Eric - the most insecure one of the group is still there - astounds me.

I think too much attention is given on the physical interactions that occur - I didn't think Rachel would be so aggressive and I thought she would value other attributes such as his character and interaction with others. She seems to like passive guys - which neither Kenny, Will or Alex were.  Too bad as I had high hopes for this season - but I know remember why I quit watching years ago - it seems the ones least liked are the ones the Bachelor / Bachelorette picks and then a month later we hear how it didn't work out for them.

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There's sometimes a moment on reality TV when someone goes from a "character" to a real person and you feel like you really know them.  That happened for me with Kenny.  I hadn't liked his "character," much at all.  Pro Wrestler, Male Stripper (ugh to both), then Constant Father was nice but boring, after that it was Lee's Adversary, less boring but still a character act. 

Then something snapped at about the time he got out of the helicopter to go back to Lee.  That really seemed unscripted to me and as  someone myself who can't resist having the last word in an argument when all around me people are begging me to let it go, I just felt for Kenny.  After that he was quietly talking (his voice is beautiful) to Rachel on the sofa, saying he was very verbal and I could see how that was true in a really good way.  He would be the type of husband, and he already is the type of father, who takes time to actually sit down and discuss things with you, both really listening to you as well as sharing his own feelings.  I'm a little bit in love now.  Bye Kenny. (snif)

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I just don't like Rachel.  I'm in it now for the travel, the guys relationships and snark. I like some of her boys ok, but I definitely think she's just doing the show for entertainment.  

Spending almost an entire calendar year of your life on TV to sincerely find a marriage partner is such a high risk/low probability action.  Especially for somebody with a career like attorney.  I was surprised when Andi did it, but when Rachel did it, my automatic reaction was that she just wanted to be a media star too and stay in the limelight.  

I didn't care for her pouty-face and grumbling when Will wasn't instantly tongue-bathing her and rhapsodizing about how incredible she was, while simultaneously mauling her.  She's coming off very physically needy to me. 

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Loved Kenny - and I do wish he's be the next Bachelor - we all have our strengths and weaknesses - and I think that is why I can't get into the show - usually only character flaws are shown to create drama. Very seldom do you see both the flaws and strengths in a person.

Eric is an example - since day 1 - I haven't seen anything positive about him that attracts me - but there is obviously something as she let go a bunch of what I consider husband material for someone who's insecure and in your face - which doesn't appeal to me - but that is what I've been shown.

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Since I follow the spoilers, I knew tonight was going to be a blood bath of good guys--Alex, Will, Kenny---leaving but it was still kinda sad to see them all go.     I feel like I blinked and then there were just six guys left!

I actually like pretty much all of the final six.  Well Peter is a bit boring and I feel like I have no clue who Matt and Adam are but overall not a bad group of six to finish out the season.   Looking forward to Switzerland in two weeks--remember no new episode on July 3rd--and then hometowns on July 17th, my favorite episode of the season, just for the awkward family time.

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I won't be able to watch this until next week (no cable), but I'm sorry to hear that Will and Anthony are gone. Interesting about Will dating only white women although we don't know for sure he bad-mouths black women. This is my guess on these two: they went on the show because they were curious about the experience and a little interested in Rachel, but when it came to it they weren't interested in sharing a woman with other men.  I'm not being negative about Rachel, it's just that maybe the reality of the experience - competing for a woman who is dating a lot of men - isn't really their thing after all. Especially as they probably don't have to compete in real life. And it's also possible that they didn't like her being the power person in the relationship in contrast to them having little opportunity for taking initiative. That's my guess anyway.

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I must say I am shocked Matt and Adam are in the final 6.....and I knew the spoilers!!!  Them over Alex?? That's just wrong!

Has anyone made the F6 before and barely be shown speaking a word after night 1?

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I didn't like the way Rachel reacted to Will saying he dated predominantly white girls.  To me it came across as someone protesting too much, especially when she said she's never had a problem finding black guys to date.  It's kind of like when someone tells you the have SO many black friends!  Maybe it's true, but it comes across defensive.  Not knowing Rachel but just going by the fact that there is only one black guy left and she kept two white guys who we've barely seen (that could be editing of course) it seems like she also has a preference.  And that's completely fine.  Will was just being very matter of fact, not that he was bad mouthing black women but just that he grew up mostly around white women.  I actually think he's been very respectful of Rachel and seemed like a good guy.  Maybe he was trying to respect her and himself by not tongue bathing her on national television.  I don't know.  It just rubbed me the wrong way.

I liked Eric and that date.  I think he was very honest.  Rachel is really into Bryan, but I think even more so into Peter, maybe because he is more reserved and it's more of a chase.  I think Adam is actually very handsome, I never really noticed him before.  Matt seems sweet, but I don't see any chemistry there.  I'm interested in what happens next week.  I think all of the guys left are decent, but Peter and Dean are my favorites.

Was Rachel drunk at the group date dinner party?  No judgement, she just seemed a little out of it..

Edited by mostlylurking
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35 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

I didn't like the way Rachel reacted to Will saying he dated predominantly white girls.  To me it came across as someone protesting too much, especially when she said she's never had a problem finding black guys to date.  It's kind of like when someone tells you the have SO many black friends!  Maybe it's true, but it comes across defensive.  Not knowing Rachel but just going by the fact that there is only one black guy left and she kept two white guys who we've barely seen (that could be editing of course) it seems like she also has a preference.  And that's completely fine.  Will was just being very matter of fact, not that he was bad mouthing black women but just that he grew up mostly around white women.  I actually think he's been very respectful of Rachel and seemed like a good guy.  Maybe he was trying to respect her and himself by not tongue bathing her on national television.  I don't know.  It just rubbed me the wrong way.

I had a slightly different take on that - I thought it was Will who was being defensive. He could have just said that he'd mostly been drawn to white women so far, but that he was open to dating women of other races, but he tried to "justify" himself by saying there weren't many black girls/women to date. I can see that being the case in high school, but in college? There's plenty of diversity at most colleges. I think Rachel was just trying to get him to tell the truth that white women had been more his type.

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Alex is gone??? :( Damn, I guess I fell asleep before the end. I knew he wasn't going to be F1 or 2, but I thought for sure he would outlast Matt and Adam. What on earth are those 2 still doing there?? On a purely shallow note, they're far and away the least attractive and they have gotten zero airtime. 


I can see why she likes Eric. He's fun, easy to be around, sweet, and I can see they do have some chemistry. I can see him in the F4 but not F1. Then again you never know.

I was intrigued by Eric before, but I loved him last night. His clothes were great and he was so high energy and happy. I thought that date was one of the best 1-1s so far and they had genuine chemistry. 


Did Eric deliberately try to sabotage Will by urging him to tell Rachel that he hadn't been dating black women? It seems to me that anyone would know that that would cause Rachel to question why Will was there and whether he was attracted to black women.

I'm not sure whether he meant to sabotage him, but it sure worked either way! Granted, that date (which I realize was edited to show the worst moments) was already kind of a dud, but Will's admission that he primarily dates white women certainly put the nail in his coffin, especially when he tried to chalk it up to his upbringing when Rachel had a similar upbringing. He probably would have been better off talking about the particular qualities that drew him to the specific women he had been with. I was surprised that he crashed and burned so badly, but it did seem like the extended amount of solo time showed that he wasn't all that into her. 


Wow, EVERYONE went home this episode! Was this the week that they needed final casting for BIP?! Did they pack these half dozen+ guys straight off to Mexico?! I feel like that's the only reasonable explanation for some of these picks. We're taking all the hot/intelligent guys (Anthony, Will, Alex) and hot guys with a personality (Kenny, Josiah) that you probably won't pick NOW for our other show (speculation, not spoiler), and then somehow the likes of Adam, Matt, and Eric become "front runners." Who else is left besides them, Peter, Dean, and Bryan?

Hmmm, that would actually be a decent outcome for me, I'd like to see most of those guys again. But I also need Dean and Alex to be reunited in Paradise, lol. I just watched the clip of Alex going home and I was more invested in seeing Dean's reaction to Alex to going than Alex's reaction to Rachel! Unfortunately, they didn't show him. :( 


If Peter had leaned back any further in his chair when Rachel again told him how fascinated she was with him, his chair would have fallen over.   Read the room, Rachel.

Rachel seemed extremely drunk in one of those scenes with Peter. She was asking him to kiss her (which...makes me cringe) and she just seemed kinda out of it, which may explain why she didn't seem to notice that he gave her one half-hearted peck on the lips and she had to do the rest. 

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I find with the rose ceremony in the middle of the episode, I turn off the show after it's over, mostly because I know the next episode will have a little recap and I'll easily figure out what I missed. They are really shooting themselves in the foot by not having the rose ceremonies at the end of the episodes.

I like Eric's energy, but he seems so much younger than Rachel, and not on the same level in terms of what they want out of a serious relationship at this point. I see the same thing with Dean, which sucks.

I think they're trying to fool us into thinking Peter isn't a frontrunner.

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