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S13.E04: Week 4: Hilton Head Island

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27 minutes ago, alannaofdoom said:

JACK STONE: "Quarks are, um, they go in a wine bottle."

Dean: "No, qua-- no, that's a cork."


Now my (very intelligent) husband does this all the time to me-- he says something ridiculously stupid, wondering whether I will actually believe he is *that* dumb. And usually I fall for it. I thought that's what Jack was doing it (why does he get a last name? There's no other Jack, is there?)

And when Dean said "no that's a cork" Jack had this look on his face like, don't you see I was making a joke?

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4 minutes ago, dleighg said:

Now my (very intelligent) husband does this all the time to me-- he says something ridiculously stupid, wondering whether I will actually believe he is *that* dumb. And usually I fall for it. I thought that's what Jack was doing it (why does he get a last name? There's no other Jack, is there?)

And when Dean said "no that's a cork" Jack had this look on his face like, don't you see I was making a joke?

Yeah I think - well for one they were all prettttttttty well drunk by then, right? - I think Brady misspoke and said "quark," Dean was trying very seriously to correct him and bring him around to "quirk," and Jack (who gets a last name because the first episode introduced him as JACK STONE) was riffing. And now I've typed "quark" and "quirk" so many times that my brain no longer acknowledges them as words. 

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Now that I've read the entire thread I just want to say I agree with some posters upthread who said that Josiah being a sore winner and drinking from the trophy was hilarious, LOL.  He stated that he would win and he did.  Good for him.  He didn't even seem to break a sweat.  Meanwhile, most of those contestants looked like they had just seen a ghost when the Spelling Bee was announced.  I'd be excited because I know that's one thing I can do well.  The fact that most of them were terrified is not a great look (but funny).

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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12 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Technically he wasn't wrong since a quark is a sub-atomic particle and everything, including the human body, is made of atoms.

If I ever need someone to mount a defense on my behalf, I'm picking you.



Stuff like the quirk/quark/cork discussion, the spelling bee, and the GoT ending is why I watch this show.

Me, too.  That's why I can really speed-watch the one-on-one dates, and the two-on-ones because so much is at stake, but have to pay attention when there's a group of men talking.  And honestly, those funny discussions are much more frequent when it's men combatants than when it's women combatants. 

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Dean definitely went up in the ranks for me this week.  Although I think he is a bit too young for Rachel he is very mature, no doubt because of what he went through with his mom. The producers were obviously trying to get him to flat out say Lee was racist and he was just like "You know exactly what I mean" and wouldn't take the bait.  I took that as a big Fuck You to the producers which I rather enjoy.  It cracked me up when the model dude was talking about "quirks" and Dean said something about "quarks" and I was like Dean please these guys have no idea what a quark is don't even go there!  Ha!

Iggy cracks me up how he talks shit and then TELLS people he talked shit as if that absolves him of everything!  That's not how it works buddy!  Plus why is Josiah fake??  Because he has a sense of humor?  I take his bravado attitude as just playing around, I don't think it's that serious nor does it mean he's being fake around Rachel.

They finally said on air the the tickle monster is a doctor so I'm sure he appreciates that.  Kenny has a lot of patience.  Lee is absolutely horrible.  I will give Rachel a producer initiated pass on not getting rid of him this time, but next week he better be gone.  He and his stupid hair.

23 minutes ago, dleighg said:

(why does he get a last name? There's no other Jack, is there?)

It's just fun to say JACK STONE.....at least for me.  I'm easily amused.

Edited by mostlylurking
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

And him calling out Lee for the racist little shit he is while also being sure not to give Production the sound bite they wanted was fucking amazing.

I think this made ME fall in love with Dean.  Don't give them what they want!!

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He didn't know it was offensive.  That was not his intent, surely.  Sometimes white people trip on some things we just don't know.  

While it may be true that he didn't know that, it's pretty basic racism 101 shit and I am of the mind that it is the responsibility of white people (self included) to educate themselves on those kinds of biases early and often. (Unless Rachel said off camera that she considers herself "from the hood" and that it's a point of pride and even THEN I wouldn't go there...).

Intent really doesn't matter when the consequences of racism are so real and so high stakes, in my opinion.

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9 minutes ago, backformore said:

Yeah, when they were al sitting around talking, I swear there were new guys  - guys I don't recall ever seeing before.

When Rachel was worried about criticism, I wondered if she was anticipating that, since she was falling for a white guy, that she was concerned she will face backlash for finding white guys more desirable than Black guys.  

Yes, I think that was exactly it. 

It happens every season that strangers occupy the cast until the numbers are way down.   I was sorry to see Diggy go, I liked his looks.  Did he even speak?  

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Wish Show had let Rachel boot Lee and that we'd see more of the funny stuff with these guys instead of the induced drama. I don't know Game of Thrones so didn't get the joke but omg the British accents and camaraderie at the end were hilarious.  

I think Dean is way more mature than Rachel appears to be. Love him.

So refreshing to see a funny spelling bee vs Kaitlyn's jr high sex ed contest. Well done, Show!

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2 hours ago, alannaofdoom said:


You know, I just don't even want to address the racist Lee bullshit. It's exhausting, it's gross, it's not funny, it's not cute, it makes me angry that the producers are encouraging it and promoting a Two! Night! Event! about it. I mean, not to be the sort of performatively woke person who insists that you can't ever enjoy superficial TV, but literally last week a cop was acquitted for killing Philando Castile in front of his girlfriend and daughter for no reason other than the perception and portrayal of black men as "aggressive" and "dangerous" no matter what they do. And this show is playing into that exact narrative. It's a bad, bad look.

I see this very differently.  Kenny is coming across so much better than Lee.  I think very few people watching would say that Kenny is being out of line.  I think that they included Lee in the show to help enforce the liberal media's narrative that all white people are racist.  If everyone in the house got along (as much as you can while competing for one woman), they wouldn't have the story that they need.  It's disgusting that they felt that they had to include a known racist in the cast.  It only helps increase the divide in this country.

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Maybe that's just his "physde".  

I almost fell off that couch at that one. Also, not to pile on poor Eric but the look of sheer panic on his face at the announcement of the spelling bee had me rolling too. Clearly, he had a reason to be afraid, lol. 


Now that I've read the entire thread I just want to say I agree with some posters upthread who said that Josiah being a sore winner and drinking from the trophy was hilarious, LOL.  He stated that he would win and he did.  Good for him.  He didn't even seem to break a sweat.  Meanwhile, most of those contestants looked like they had just seen a ghost when the Spelling Bee was announced.  I'd be excited because I know that's one thing I can do well.  The fact that most of them were terrified is not a great look (but funny).

I get the sense that Josiah can get dialed up to 11 and may be exhausting in person, but he's enjoyable TV for me. I don't think he's going to be the one for Rachel because she seems a little more low-key, but he seems like a fun guy in general. And he handled Iggy's baiting and bullshit far better than Eric did (and better than Kenny handled Lee). He said his piece right there without losing his mind and made Iggy look even more foolish for starting shit out of nowhere. 




Yeah, when they were al sitting around talking, I swear there were new guys  - guys I don't recall ever seeing before.

When Rachel was worried about criticism, I wondered if she was anticipating that, since she was falling for a white guy, that she was concerned she will face backlash for finding white guys more desirable than Black guys.  


There were a few that I'd seen before but don't remember straightaway because they get no talking heads and little screen time, but I swear there were a few that I have never laid eyes on before. 

That poor unfortunate-looking Bryce guy was unfamiliar and it was terribly awkward to watch him attempt to talk to Rachel while she had 3/4s of her ears on the Kenny/Lee fight. It was pretty clear that even without that, she wasn't into him, so I was glad she cut him loose that night. 

It does seem like the majority of the front-runners are white guys (Bryan, Peter, Dean) and I think she's definitely concerned about that. Very first black lead picks a white F1 (and possibly F2/F3)? That will definitely have people talking one way or the other, there's no avoiding it. 

They show Kenny A LOT, but I don't get the sense that she's that into him. Will, Anthony, and the now-departed Diggy are very background characters. Josiah gets screen time more for his grandstanding in front of the camera and Eric had the conflict with Lee, but again, not much going on with Rachel herself. Are there any other black men left? 


To be honest, I don't think Peter is getting much crap for that line because this board is the first place I'm seeing it even being discussed. Every where else online is gushing over how adorably cute and bad he was at his little attempt to rap. 

Really? I would have thought this one was the worst of the 3, Dean's was stupid but not necessarily offensive, Bryan's was tacky, but this was actually offensive. She's the daughter of a federal judge, there's no reason at all to assume she's "from the hood" unless you think that's where all black people live. Which given some of the comments made by he who shall remain nameless during this past election season, appears to be a belief that some white people hold. 

Also, unless they chopped that scene up, most of that rap didn't even rhyme. Not Peter's best moment for sure. 




And, yep, Peter and some other guy were forced to sit at the bar and "listen" to Lee--but neither one would look at Lee or give any facial expression that they were even listening.

That was amazing. It was Peter and Alex, I think, just sitting there stone-faced and motionless. 


That was beautifully done. That's the only way to diffuse a shit-stirring little twerp like Lee, don't give him any attention at all. 

Alex was my pick from the intro videos and he's growing on me more and more, but I don't see him with Rachel. There are a bunch of guys from this season that I would love to see again, but I'm sure the show will go ahead and pick the biggest dud for the next Bachelor (like Tickle Monster). Now that BiP is cancelled, my dream of seeing him and Shark Girl get together and be goofballs together is dead. 


They finally said on air the the tickle monster is a doctor so I'm sure he appreciates that.

I'm kind of wondering if this guy's tickling reputation was earned by more than just that ill-advised tickling incident with Rachel on day 1. Because the other guys weren't even there for that (I don't think), but they were chanting "tickle, tickle, tickle" while Tickle Monster was attempting to dance on the boat. Did Rachel spread the story of the first night far and wide or this really something he's known for? 

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30 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I think Kenny's (and Eric's) problem is that they've let Lee bait them. With guys like Lee it's best to ignore them and/or give them the silent treatment, as demonstrated beautifully by Alex and Peter.

Not to derail this thread, but I consume a lot of liberal media, and I've never seen them push the "narrative" that you describe. The show included Lee for controversy, plain and simple. There's been at least one controversy-monger on every season.

I agree.  I think Will and Anthony are ignoring him, as well.  I could be wrong, I am not paying close attention yet, too many strange faces.  LOL!  

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3 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Josiah is so good on paper, but I think Icky the tattletale had a point about him being  turned all the way on in front of the cameras and switched completely off the rest of the time.

That's the thing though. Yes, some of Iggy's observations about Eric and Josiah aren't necessarily wrong. The issue is that he, as Eric said, is like a freaking gossip queen, running to Rachel every time to talk about other guys instead of focusing on developing any kind of relationship with her. And I so agreed with Josiah and laughed out loud when he pointed out that Iggy then comes to the person he's just talked about, tells them he just said all this shit about them to Rachel, like he's doing them a favor and then it's like, "but still love you bro and good luck with her". Like WTH?

Yes, Iggy is a freaking gossip queen and Josiah was right to point out how stupid he was to report back to the person he just dissed,  and  Iggy had a point about Josiah turning it on and off.   Can't we have more than one issue?

I don't know why Josiah seems so quiet when he isn't center stage, but he's great when he is.  I loved his spelling bee turn abouts. He's the only one who sounded like he actually watched The National Spelling Bee.  I watched the finals this year and it was incredibly cool that 11 of the 12 finalists were Indian Americans.

Edited by JudyObscure
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Now that I've read the entire thread I just want to say I agree with some posters upthread who said that Josiah being a sore winner and drinking from the trophy was hilarious, LOL.  He stated that he would win and he did.  Good for him.  He didn't even seem to break a sweat.  

Unlike Iggy! Whaaaaaaaaaaaabooooooooom what a *glow* Iggy (Icky) had when talking to Rachael. I . Could. Not. Look. Away. From. His. Sweaty.  Face. 

And sakes alive y'all, did Sweet Sweet Dean softly bite Rachael's lip during the kiss in the blimp? //Swoon// Love you Dean!!!!!

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31 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

It's been un-canceled!!! 

Excellent news for Demario!   I hope he gets his job back or better yet a better one from a place that saw the injustice that befell him.  I am looking forward to watch and see how Corrine will be treated by the others.  This should be good.

He is a jerk and may get the cold shoulder too, but it will be about his drinking behavior not a predator.   

Edited by wings707
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1 hour ago, nutty1 said:

I got married when I was 31 and my husband was 25. We have been married for 29 years. Sometimes age doesn't matter. GO DEAN!

I was 33 and husband 28 and we've been married 37 years.  I think life experience matters more than the numbers.  My husband had been living in Korea and Thailand, in charge of men in the Air Force.  Dean's horribly sad teen years probably made him more mature at 16 than lots of these men are by 30.

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There were a few that I'd seen before but don't remember straightaway because they get no talking heads and little screen time, but I swear there were a few that I have never laid eyes on before. 

I got "Micheal" in my Bachelorette pool. According to the ABC website there is/was a Micheal on this show, but I don't think he spoke a word!

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This was my least liked episode so far but it did have some really great moments and I still liked it overall.


Coming into this season I was like "OMG PETERRRR". But now my lust for him is slowing down. I mean he's still hot but I'm not in that group anymore that wants him with Rachel or is blinded by his beauty. I think Rachel has better chemistry with Dean and Bryan(even though I'm not a fan of Bryan). I'm ok with contestants who don't come on here declaring that they love the Bachelor or Bachelorette in such a short period of time but I do like to see genuine interest reciprocated with the lead.  I'm with those who say that Peter is not sexually attracted to her. I mean the Ellen date in episode 3 he said he never thought about having sex with her. Some took that as him being respectful of her but I didn't. This is the same guy that admitted to sending nudes on national tv. Uh yeah no. I think he likes her as a person. She's very charming and seems like a joy to be around. And his comment about her in the hood? uh yeah no, Peter. I still like you but I've been side-eyeing you for awhile now.


Dean has really stepped up and is my favorite so far. I think he's really really cute and although a little young for Rachel, I enjoy watching their interactions.

The Spelling Bee date was hilarious. Is it me or did they not show Bryan doing anything on the date at all? I might have to rewatch because maybe I'm remembering it wrong. 

My front runners, Dean, Bryan, Eric( I think she likes him. I don't see it but yeah) and Peter(Rachel wants this man lol).


Also the Game of Thrones thing at the end had me dying of laughter.

Edited by XoxoGG
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Peter is no Sheldon Cooper, but when he started coitus with a q, I felt he was intentionally throwing the challenge. Maybe that's wishful thinking and he's really that dumb. The other front runner, Bryan, was out of contention in the spelling bee even before that. And she said she was impressed with her boring conversation with Eric who has been coming off as immature to me. Makes me wonder if Rachel is really looking for an intellectual equal or just a pretty face she can boss over in the relationship.


I would like to see the unedited version of the GoT scene. I knew the moment I saw it, that cup was going to be used to get plastered. It was a prettier trophy than DWTS's mirror ball though and gave me the most enjoyable scene of the episode. Gosh, I miss GoT bad!!!

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The Dean story is so like a friend of mine. His mom died of cancer when he was 13 and then the rest of the family was so caught up in they own lives that he was basically left along to do everything for himself while grieving. Totally F him u.

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2 hours ago, Shampognay said:

I see this very differently.  Kenny is coming across so much better than Lee.  I think very few people watching would say that Kenny is being out of line.  I think that they included Lee in the show to help enforce the liberal media's narrative that all white people are racist.  If everyone in the house got along (as much as you can while competing for one woman), they wouldn't have the story that they need.  It's disgusting that they felt that they had to include a known racist in the cast.  It only helps increase the divide in this country.

It's the opposite.  Teaching people about racism and that it's not just extremists or the KKK that have racist biases - it's all of us - is education that can only help.

If everyone in the house got along, it would not be at all realistic anyway.

2 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I think Kenny's (and Eric's) problem is that they've let Lee bait them. With guys like Lee it's best to ignore them and/or give them the silent treatment, as demonstrated beautifully by Alex and Peter.

It's why I'm enjoying Kenny and his story so much.   When he's upset I understand it.  Sure it's great to be super mature, silent treatment, not let anything bother you, but I can relate to Kenny more.

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21 minutes ago, XoxoGG said:

Bryan doing anything on the date at all? I might have to rewatch because maybe I'm remembering it wrong. 

Nope, he was completely invisible but you know what's interesting,

Chris Harrison in his post-episode blog mentioned that Bryan was the one who got the group date rose.  So it'll be interesting if they show it next week since the episode ended during the night portion of the group date.

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2 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

She's the daughter of a federal judge, there's no reason at all to assume she's "from the hood" unless you think that's where all black people live.

Peter is still my favorite, but that just made me really uncomfortable.  When he said that line my husband looked at me and asked "is he allowed to say that?!"  I guess he's lucky he's cute.  Especially since I am pretty sure she is not from the hood......so......why would he say that???

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9 hours ago, CindyBee said:

I've never done a 180 on a contestant as quickly as I have with Peter.  

Episode 2: loved him.   Tonight: can't stand him and "the hood" comment was a big ole WTF moment.   That goes to show you he hasn't even bothered to learn anything about Rachel.   Or is just totally clueless about life.

Oh well, I'll keep watching to see where Adam Jr appears (he looked great in the audience at the spelling bee) and for the upcoming travel porn.  

Peter said his friends warned him he's not funny before he left. I'm sure they told him not to do the rap.

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I called Lee getting that last rose based on all the THs beforehand, the guys saying, by golly, if Lee got that last rose, blah blah blah. So yes, of COURSE Lee got the last rose. *yawn* Anyone who was surprised by that has never watched this show before. Meanwhile, the episode had a lot of men on whom I had never seen before. Dean? Who's that? But I loved how happy and smiley he was. I also liked the country singer who serenaded during his date. I'm tired of all the racist talk I am reading though. If you're white, you are not allowed to say THIS. If you are black, you are not allowed to say THAT. I'm watching this show with no interest at all in the race of any of the contestants. I don't give a care. What I do care about is Rachel's protruding forehead. Holy cow, girl. A man with your receding hairline would be doing a combover or wearing a "piece." You could at least get some bangs or something. As is, your forehead blocks out your date's face when you turn in profile. And when I'm the b-ette, there will be a spelling bee every episode, with losers who can't spell a four-letter word going home. I did laugh at Kenny afterward using the phonetic Sham-PAG-na after missing his word. You can stay, Kenny!

I did like AJ being in the spelling bee audience. AJ can spell in French!

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47 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Peter is still my favorite, but that just made me really uncomfortable.  When he said that line my husband looked at me and asked "is he allowed to say that?!"  I guess he's lucky he's cute.  Especially since I am pretty sure she is not from the hood......so......why would he say that???

I'm just very surprised at how little reaction there has been to it other than on here. Dean is still living down that "go black and never go back" comment, Bryan got dragged by many for his sloppy seconds line and yet I've seen little elsewhere about Peter's comment. Rachel is an educated, professional attorney from a  family where her father is a Federal Judge and Peter raps about her being from the hood? Okay then.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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18 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

I saw speculation online about Rachel knowing that some of the Lee drama was potentially racially motivated and that's why she was so upset before the Rose Ceremony and I can believe it. Because it seemed odd that she just started talking about knowing the judgement she would get for her decisions being the first black female lead. And it's clear other guys noticed because Dean flat out called it out and I liked how he wasn't going to play the producer's fake game, pretending she didn't know exactly what he was saying about Lee. 

That's exactly how I took her breakdown.   I assumed it was filmed after production told her she had to keep Lee.     Rachel is not dumb.  She noticed exactly who Lee was having issues with.  She knows exactly what it means when a white man describes a black man as aggressive (especially when no one else does).    Last week the show portrayed Lee as a general A-hole.  This week they let us know that aspects of his A-holery are racially motivated.  So the only satisfying conclusion for this story line next week, is for Lee to be gone.  Hopefully with a  smack down from Rachel even more epic than the one she gave Demario when he tried to come back.  

I don't think Rachel is concerned about America's perception of the race of the man she chooses.  If she was, she wouldn't have done the show.   She knew the show would feature her making out and being romantic with men of a variety of races.    And since the majority of the cast are not men of color, chances are pretty decent that the man she chooses won't be either.  

 Rooting for Kenny.  Don't think she'll pick him.  But I hope she at least gives him some serious consideration.   Eric reminds me of a good friend of mine, so I have a soft spot for him.  But he has absolutely no physical chemistry with Rachel.  Shocked tickle monster is still there.  LOL.

I wasn't terribly offended by Peter's use of the word "hood".  It wasn't a good choice of words  But it kinda fit in with his corny rapping skills.  

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6 hours ago, alannaofdoom said:

I found myself not-strangely not-into Alex's purple zebra jacket. My dude. What are you doing? 


I love his fashion so much. He just seems like he has a blast with it.

5 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

I think Dean is way more mature than Rachel appears to be. Love him.


Yea, Dean doesn't come off as too immature for Rachel at all to me. They seem about even in terms of maturity imo.

3 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I think Kenny's (and Eric's) problem is that they've let Lee bait them. With guys like Lee it's best to ignore them and/or give them the silent treatment, as demonstrated beautifully by Alex and Peter.


It's pretty easy to not take the bait when it's not being aimed at you.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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29 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I'm tired of all the racist talk I am reading though. If you're white, you are not allowed to say THIS. If you are black, you are not allowed to say THAT.

Oh, I think if you're black you can pretty much say whatever you want. 

I was so hoping we would have a fun season where we could rag on sartorial choices and men trying to charm women with raps that rhyme fart with heart, but it looks like they've cast Lee just to get people angry.  If it gets to be too much I'll just tune out and wait for BIP.

37 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I did laugh at Kenny afterward using the phonetic Sham-PAG-na after missing his word. You can stay, Kenny!

At least he was phonetic, it was the spelling attempts that didn't seem to include any vowels that had us laughing.  Kenny was cute with that. Rachel may not be interested but I'll bet his e-mail blows up from all the smittin' kittens when he gets home.

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54 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I'm tired of all the racist talk I am reading though. If you're white, you are not allowed to say THIS. If you are black, you are not allowed to say THAT.

I think I come from a similar socioeconomic class as Rachel. Actually she probably grew up more affluent than I did (my dad was an engineer, not a judge). I'm white.

If some rapped at me growing up in "the hood" I would say WTF are you talking about???? I grew up in a nice NJ suburb and went to a nice private college.

So yeah, it is at the very least WEIRD that he would use that word for her.

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18 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Oh, I think if you're black you can pretty much say whatever you want. 

I was so hoping we would have a fun season where we could rag on sartorial choices and men trying to charm women with raps that rhyme fart with heart, but it looks like they've cast Lee just to get people angry.  If it gets to be too much I'll just tune out and wait for BIP.

Oh how I wish that was true...LOL.....   If Kenny had included a line in his rap about Rachel being from the hood it would be equally head scratching.  But he didn't....  

I think this season has been plenty fun so far.  It is considered a reality show....  And in reality people of color encounter many of things featured on this show on a regular basis.  Yes, some of it is producer driven.  But not all of it.    It's a good thing that it makes people uncomfortable.  

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12 hours ago, Shampognay said:

 I think that they included Lee in the show to help enforce the liberal media's narrative that all white people are racist.  


9 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I'm tired of all the racist talk I am reading though. If you're white, you are not allowed to say THIS. If you are black, you are not allowed to say THAT

I do have to wonder why ABC would allow such a powder keg of a issue to be allowed on a escapist reality show. I mean this is not a documentary or a drama show. They say they didn't know about his racist tweets before he was cast but I don't buy that. We know that they thoroughly have to research these people before they cast them. To believe they don't check the contestants SM before they cast them is unbelievable. I believe they know perfectly well the less than desirable people they are casting and purposely cast them to create drama. But to cast someone who they knew had racial tendencies in a larger than usual black cast is creating drama that goes way beyond their usual villain casting in my opinion. And with the first black lead you would think they would want to keep out any racial innuendo. It's almost like they're setting up Rachel for failure by bringing in the race issue.

From the beginning I have stated I don't like Lee. He's despicable and I like others hope next week is the last we see of him. Because like SABER5055 I'm getting tired of all the racist BS that is taking away from the fun of watching this show. And I'm tired of extremists from all races making it appear as if the majority who don't agree with their ideology are just like them. Like having a blanket generalization of a whole race based upon what a few do or say.

Edited by yorklee2
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huff post's take on racism in last night's episode



We knew the racism was coming, because the show told us it was. After several weeks of hints and microaggressions, “The Bachelorette’s” Lee Garrett’s racial biases were laid bare on the show this week through a series of subtle ― and not-so-subtle ― dog whistles. This racism was then played for dramatic effect, a move that is ultimately meant to net ABC viewers and dollars.

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3 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

I do have to wonder why ABC would allow such a powder keg of a issue to be allowed on a escapist reality show.

As the kids say, "it's a feature, not a bug."

Otherwise, someone asked upthread about what's with all the "to be continued's".

I've always just assumed that it's meant to create "suspense" in an otherwise boring season. (I can't recall the first season they started that in.  Ben maybe?  But I recall it being a snoozer).

But then, why end of a "cliffhanger" (yeah, I know), only to spoil the suspense with the preview that immediately followed?

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27 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:


Being uncomfortable, should make a person more aware.  So when they see the behavior in their regular life, they recognize it, rather than act like it doesn't exist.  

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Aw, it must be really hard to watch racial microaggressions on tv. And then to come to your favorite board and have to read about race too. (((hugs))) I hope Lee goes next week so that racism will be over forever.

Edited by ridethemaverick
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Imo, and I would bet dollars to donuts on this, Lee was recruited for this show because of his SM postings--Show knew exactly what it was doing. And it's so sad -- I'm thinking of a bunch of tween and teen girls watching this and being hit over the head by his creepy barely veiled racism (he's not going after the white men) when all they wanted was a fun escapist colorblind show with a cool accomplished B'ette they could look up to. Even if Rachel sends him off in the most dramatic dispatching of a cad ever, why was this necessary? It diminishes her and the show.

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2 minutes ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

Imo, and I would bet dollars to donuts on this, Lee was recruited for this show because of his SM postings--Show knew exactly what it was doing. And it's so sad -- I'm thinking of a bunch of tween and teen girls watching this and being hit over the head by his creepy barely veiled racism (he's not going after the white men) when all they wanted was a fun escapist colorblind show with a cool accomplished B'ette they could look up to. Even if Rachel sends him off in the most dramatic dispatching of a cad ever, why was this necessary? It diminishes her and the show.

I agree. Good post. I had thought of this earlier and you are so right that he is not going after the white men. This along with other things prove his attacks are racially motivated.

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There is no doubt that Lee started in on the black men, but he got to work on Jack tonight, too, with all that talk of the one on one pressure, etc. He'll undermine anyone he sees as vulnerable. I really think he is a terrible person.

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1 minute ago, Catronia said:

There is no doubt that Lee started in on the black men, but he got to work on Jack tonight, too, with all that talk of the one on one pressure, etc. He'll undermine anyone he sees as vulnerable. I really think he is a terrible person.

Right. I've been saying this from the start. He's a agitator, shit stirrier, and a despicable troublemaker. He really has issues. I hope, if he really is a songwriter, that when he returns to Nashville he will be shunned and ostracized. If I was a musical professional I would not want to be associated with him in any way.

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7 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Stuff like the quirk/quark/cork discussion, the spelling bee, and the GoT ending is why I watch this show. I'm not feeling Rachel with any of the guys - Bryan is too smarmy, Peter too indifferent, and Dean adorable but too young for her. I sometimes enjoy a fun "villain", but Lee and Iggy are just tedious.

Totally agree. No matter how this ends, I don't see Rachel marrying any of these guys.  

For me, this show is about the twisted, freaky and hilarious journey, not the predictable, fabricated and usually dull destination.  

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9 hours ago, ridethemaverick said:

White people don't know that most black people don't live in the hood? 

Paging Michael J. Scott. (See "The Office" and his interactions with Stanley.)

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21 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

I think you mean Lee. Dean was the one actually calling Lee out on his racist crap in his ITM. 


Yeah Dean said it. 

Dean telling the producer that she knew "exactly what he meant" about Lee was when I decided to love him. The tenor of his voice was dead serious like he wasn't here for producer bullshit. I can forgive the "once you go black" comment.

Edited by Bean421
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