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Season 3 Discussion

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"I'm up to my neck in bubbles" certainly sounds like the bath is in progress.  If the writers had wanted us to picture the baby safely in the crib while still suggesting Amanda was too busy to let Sidney in then she should have whispered that she had just got her down for her nap.  I don't think the writers intended for us to think Amanda was a bad mother, but if the image of the baby in the bath is in half of our minds then, I still say -- bad writing.

  • Love 4

She said "up to my elbows in bubbles," and she was CLEARLY NOT covered in bubbles or wearing clothes you would bathe an infant in, so I assumed it was an "I... have to wash my hair" type excuse -- an obvious lie to let Sidney know he wasn't coming in. She was also blocking the doorway with her body, and when Sidney offered to come in and help, she put him off. 

I hate Amanda so much that it has stopped me from enjoying the actress in anything else, so I can't believe I'm defending her. But I don't think we're expected to believe she was letting the baby flop about drowning. 

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, abbottrabbit said:

She said "up to my elbows in bubbles," and she was CLEARLY NOT covered in bubbles or wearing clothes you would bathe an infant in, so I assumed it was an "I... have to wash my hair" type excuse -- an obvious lie to let Sidney know he wasn't coming in.

This. Between Amanda's penchant for flippancy/ hyperbole and the fact that she clearly was upset with Sidney and didn't want him coming in, I had no problem with the line.

I was more taken aback by the second Mrs. McGuire having children a good ten or so years younger than her grandchild... yikes! I mean, I realize she probably had her son at 14 or something, and if he had his daughter at 18 or so, Mrs. M 2.0 would only be in her early fifties, and I get that perhaps their lifestyle (and her illness) makes them all look older than their actual supposed ages, but... yeah, no. And the older of Ronnie's two daughters looked at least twelve, when timeline wise she could only be nine at the most.

Leonard is the clear MVP of this season. I liked his scenes with Geordie, and I'm glad Geordie called Sidney out for leaving him (Leonard), even if I'm still upset with Geordie in general.

  • Love 4

I thought this episode was one of the better ones of this season - at least there was a murder to solve!  And I was hoping that Sidney would take to the road a la Route 66 and wash up in another British Burg to solve a crime or fix a problem before moving on.  Alas, it looks as if the season is going to end on more soap opera angst next week.  Sigh, so much for wishful thinking...

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

I thought Sidney was saying that the other vicars and deacons under the Archdeacon called him "Uncle Tom" behind his back.  I don't know anything about the Anglican church so I don't know if an Archdeacon would have his own congregation.

Thanks for the reply. I don't want to make a huge deal out of a throwaway comment but I thought "Uncle Tom" was generally used as an insult by a black person against someone also of their race, not by white men denigrating a black man? I was surprised that the Archdeacon's race hadn't been alluded to yet but this comment didn't make sense to me assuming that all the clergy and vast majority of the congregants are white.


I don't remember who wrote above that Sidney needs to leave the church and become a detective because that's what he really wants to do but props to you.  Everything he's conflicted about or dislikes is tied up in the church (the expectations, the responsibilities, and especially Amanda); everything his uses to get pleasure is tied up with his cases.  I think we're supposed to think that he is a complex man but he's not really, he's just a man doing the wrong thing in his life.

Of course, that would nullify the connection with the original books.  Which just goes to show how far this show has gone off course.

I went to a talk by Robi Botos last night on his life and jazz in general including his Romany roots.  He was quite firm on using Romany and not gypsy, and that the reason they move around so much was not by choice but because they were persecuted. In spite of the episode being set in a gypsy (Romany) camp, I didn't really get a feel for how they were different than Mr. Bloggs down the street.

PBS's defense, Grantchester was a pretty good show in season one.  I don't think they can stop showing a program once they're started airing it if it's still going on.  It's member supported and I think there would be member outrage.  How would they know it was going to suck so badly at this point?

On 2017-07-21 at 6:31 PM, SusanSunflower said:

ETA:  The strangest thing to me, amplified by this Kermit the Frog controversy, is how PBS' children's programs are just a frantic and loud and filled smart-assed kids speaking in strange and artificial voices (as if they were consciously playing stereotypes) ... when the whole "joy" of PBS children's programming was as an alternative to that sort of loud and hyperactive fare on the networks.  Don't know about what's on cable, but Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street were quieter and slower paced ... to better fit and engage small children's evolving cognitive development 

I really dislike more children's programming in the US.  they're not kids, they're min-adults with all the eyerolling and stupidity of bad adult shows.  Sesame Street was a breath of fresh air when it came on. Canadian children's shows were much calmer and more organized around themes.  They tended to have adults playing with children, like Mr. Dress Up (and Mr. Rogers) instead of children playing at being adults.

I took a course in children's TV, taught by a man who was one of the people responsible for creating Polka Dot Door (anyone remember Polkaroo?). He also talked about how Sesame created was thought out, deliberately throwing things in for adults so that parents would watch with their children.  Both US and Canadian children's shows have become more frenetic now and it's a shame.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 4

I watch a bit of Odd Squad all too often waiting for BBC World News at 5:00 ... it's not good role modeling ... and even more alarming, the children actors are usually wearing uniforms, glasses and often being officious or ridiculing others for not being as smart (as they should be).  It has a lot in common with Friends but it's not nearly as friendly.  

I am ancient, but I remember when Dobie Gillis and Maynard G. Krebs (and dare I say Leave it to Beaver) were the top youth oriented shows ... in which even Maynard the beatnik had a pretty sweet and gentle demeanor, and the worst bad guys were utter conformists ... particularly the snitch and suck-up Eddie Haskell .. while Dobie pined for materialistic Thalia Menniknger (Tuesday Weld)   and fretted over his wealthy "rival" (Warren Beatty),  he had Zelda and Maynard firmly in his corner, always. 


Kids today might well think that every adult utterance deserved a "zinger" in reply ... and think (based on TV) that "conversation" resembled a fairly high-speed tennis match, with laff track.  Nuf. 

  • Love 3

For a show in which the set decoration is so well done (and one of my favorite things about Grantchester), I had to laugh that there was a red phone box in the woods at a fork in two muddy roads. Total contrivance for the plot and emblematic of the semi-mess the show has become. I think there is a non-twee show to be done about a crime-solving vicar and his cop pal that balances the mystery of the week and their non-crime-solving lives, but the soap operatics was the wrong muddy road to take this season. I like the actress who plays Amanda well enough, but the character should have been written out once she married (please keep Margaret -- she can do math in her head and the men can't). Sidney could easily struggle with any crisis of faith in any variety of dealing with his parishioners, a flock we have never seen outside of sitting in a pew. Is there a choir director or organist? The ladies who do the flowers for the altar? Community outreach? Deacons, ushers, acolytes? A warden, bell ringer or janitor? Yes, James Norton is a handsome man who looks great in period costumes, but the show doesn't have to be about sex and lurve.

  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, AllAboutMBTV said:

I think there is a non-twee show to be done about a crime-solving vicar and his cop pal that balances the mystery of the week and their non-crime-solving lives, but the soap operatics was the wrong muddy road to take this season. I like the actress who plays Amanda well enough, but the character should have been written out once she married (please keep Margaret -- she can do math in her head and the men can't). Sidney could easily struggle with any crisis of faith in any variety of dealing with his parishioners, a flock we have never seen outside of sitting in a pew.

Brother Cadfael (featuring Derek Jacobi) fits that bill partially - not being an Anglican vicar but a Benedictine monk. As for a priest handling his own crisis of faith and various problems in his flock (though no crime-solving) I suggest the BBC's 'Broken'. It's a far cry from twee and Sean Bean will break your heart over and over again (without dying) - it's haunting, brutal and yet beautiful. Hard to watch but in the end worth the effort.

  • Love 1
On ‎7‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 2:13 PM, phantom said:

. I don't want to make a huge deal out of a throwaway comment but I thought "Uncle Tom" was generally used as an insult by a black person against someone also of their race, not by white men denigrating a black man?

Well, they're British, maybe they don't understand how Americans use it.   That being said, if you want to imply that the Archdeacon is a black man trying to act like a white man, I think the insult still holds.

I've been busy watching Shark Week, but we finally got a chance to watch the latest episode.

It was...a bit odd for me.

Glad Cathy kicked geordie out. Good for you. 

Leonard continues to be a gift and deserves better than all of this mess.

I'm disappointed with how they handled sidney's "crisis of faith." I thought they did a terrible job with it. They treated it as one of Sidney's many 'whims.' There was no struggle. Yeah he said he couldn't read from the bible, but there was no struggle behind his words. No deep self reflection. No anything. Nada. What was the point of it? Just so we could get a change of scenery????????? Hopefully next week's episode tries to remedy some of this, but i'm not holding my breath.

The ronnie/ronny stuff was just weird to me. Whatever. A very shortlived storyline that went no where. At least mrs. M is free to marry jack now.

And the amanda stuff...ugh. I just don't have the energy to get angry tonight. Maybe next week. Amanda did go a bit harpy mode, though. Her or the church. Please choose the church. Let us be free of amanda. Or if you do choose amanda and quit the church, then i can be free of this show because you'd be throwing out the entire premise of the show and be disrespecting the books. So kinda a win-win in my case. Though i'm sure we will never be truly free of amanda even if they go seperate ways (probably only for a bit). For the drama. Bleh.

The geordie/margaret scene was short and also odd-feeling. And geordie saying it was not/never nothing. Screw you, geordie, i hope cathy divorces you at this point.

And i really don't like how sidney basically admitted to not being leonard's friend. I mean, the way he treats him sort of gives it away, and i know it was probably meant in the "there's only so far i'm supposed to mix work with personal stuff," kinda way, but its not like he believes that way of thinking when it comes to amanda so why can't sidney be there for leonard as a friend??? Even if he and God are "having a row?" It bugs me. I feel like there is some terrible line delivery in this show. Especially with sidney's character. 


  • Love 4

I like Mrs. McGuire a lot -- seems like most of us do. She has a caring heart but, let's be honest, it's well buried beneath the nosiness, hidebound rules, and judgmental attitude. She's unfriendly, prudish, and close-minded. So how does a personality like that attract someone like Jack?

It's sweet for her to find a romantic partner again, but I do roll my eyes at the Perfect Fictional Person who comes on the scene and somehow sees past everything to love an unlovable character. (Or maybe it's just that I'd have much preferred to watch their relationship unfold than anything the two male leads have been up to.)

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, 2727 said:

I like Mrs. McGuire a lot -- seems like most of us do. She has a caring heart but, let's be honest, it's well buried beneath the nosiness, hidebound rules, and judgmental attitude. She's unfriendly, prudish, and close-minded. So how does a personality like that attract someone like Jack?

It's sweet for her to find a romantic partner again, but I do roll my eyes at the Perfect Fictional Person who comes on the scene and somehow sees past everything to love an unlovable character. (Or maybe it's just that I'd have much preferred to watch their relationship unfold than anything the two male leads have been up to.)

I think part of her current rigid personality is due to her husband leaving and never coming back.  She seemed to know that he was really still alive and just didn't want to come back to her.  She was probably a lot more fun in her youth.

  • Love 1

Think about how much you "know" or don't know about Jessica Fletcher's inner life, trials and tribulations.  Think about Law&Order original recipe, how much do you know about Jack? or even Lenny ... mostly just one or two things ... Jack and Claire,  Lenny's daughter ... how much did they linger?  What do we know about Hercule Poirot's "backstory"  -- not much (and FWIW the original Poirot as written was an unlikeable fussy and ridiculous little man, but whatever) ... 

Look at Midsomer Murders and the sheer number of sidekicks who have rotated through, not to mention Barnaby and Bro. .. 

Supposed to be about "the mystery" .... not the detective or vicar and their wayward eyes and divided allegiences ... 

Every time I'm disappointed again by lousy plots/mysteries, I think of Jessica Fletcher and L&O who managed years of episodes with very very few glaring plot holes ... which often went unnoticed because ... acting!!!!  Not "groundbreaking TV" but certainly watchable ... and PG13 (no matter how stodgy at times) 

As someone above mentioned, Norton's "crisis of faith" was underwhelmingly presented and acted ... If Georgy feels guilty or "tormented" about his affair, y'coulda fooled me ... etc. 

Edited by SusanSunflower
  • Love 7

Interesting point about Geordy and his guilt/not guilt, SusanSunflower. Cathy finds out about his affair, she cheerily packs his suitcase, and he leaves with it. No apology from him, no "but I love you Cathy," nothing. He "sort of" broke off with Margaret, but I'm not sure. He didn't really say it, just sort of moped around on her doorstep if I remember correctly. When he went to the vicarage, I thought he was going to ask to stay there, but instead he drove away to find Sidney who was busy solving a gypsy murder. Meanwhile, nothing about his kids, marriage, affair. And Cathy's just ... whatever I guess. Hopefully, she has access to the bank account so she can keep taking care of the house and feeding and clothing those kids. And I thought Leonard couldn't cut his wrist, so why the bloody bandage on his wrist that Geordy spotted?


First and foremost:

Congrats Mrs. C and Jack!!!! *throws confetti*


What a sub-par finale. The mystery was non-existent in this one.

Also, hurray! Sidney x Amanda has sunk until Amanda inevitably pops back up in season 4 for the drama. At least I can enjoy a year of that terrible ship being torpedoed. 

And ugh. Not happy leonard and daniel are giving it another shot. Daniel didn't wait for ya Leonard, you can do better.

And urgh Geordie. Cathy's way too good for you. And while Sidney might forgive you (you should have seen the major eye-roll my mom gave at that scene), i certainly won't and i'm sure plenty of the audience won't be forgiving you either.

And excuse me, Sidney, but Geordie should be feeling guilty for the rest of his life. 

And look at that. We're back to the usual status quo by the end of the episode. 

Mrs. M/C's wedding was wonderful, though.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 2

And excuse me, Sidney, but Geordie should be feeling guilty for the rest of his life. 

No kidding.  "How long are you going to punish yourself?" He was punishing everyone but himself.

The "mystery" made no sense -- if it was the teacher, why didn't the older boy recognize him? Why did he run? Why didn't he tell everyone?  And where was the boy kept? They searched his house, did he own other property?

I think it, and the resolutions of the various relationships, suffered from trying to shoehorn in too much into one episode.  Everything felt rushed, especially the epiphanies the characters had.


"The grey makes me look like a floozy!" "How is that possible?"

Best part of the episode!

  • Love 9

I liked it.  I was happy to see Cathy look back at Geordie and I'm glad she's going to forgive him. I don't want to be terrified that Leonard will get caught, but I would like for  him to have a real love affair and become more accepting of himself.

I think Sidney made the right decision for himself, he loves his job.  

My only regret is Mrs. Maguire getting married.  It was all very sweet, she looked lovely and even had a touch of lipstick on, but I didn't want anything to change at the vicarage.  Sidney, Leonard, Mrs. Maguire and Dickens were the perfect little group to me.

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

It took a long time to get there, but the last 10 minutes was worth it.

"The grey makes me look like a floozy!" "How is that possible?"

"harlot"  Mrs. M would want the right word used. (floozy would have been funnier)

I was really expecting a darker gray.  I do not know why she would think that light grey was too much.  Very pretty.

Sigh.  All the little touches at the end with Sidney and Mrs. M, Jack and Leonard.  Note to writers - keep that, keep the mystery, cut out all the unnecessary soap opera.

  • Love 3

If they get a season 3, I hope that they'll take a look at the audience response to the soap opera elements.

Ironically, as much as I've disliked Amanda from season 1, it's Sidney who was the real cad here. He told her he was all in, that he was resigning from the church to be with her, and then he just left her waiting in the apartment alone because what he wants is more important than what they want.  Geordie has been a jerk all season but at least he's decided to work on his marriage now and pay more attention to Cathy. Sidney is still all about himself.  He's too self-centered to be a good minister.

  • Love 12

I've never seen this show before, but I watched this episode since I was over at someone else's place and it was on TV.  I had no idea it was the season finale.  It was beautifully filmed, but I'm not so sure about some of the characters.

2 hours ago, beadgirl said:

No kidding.  "How long are you going to punish yourself?" He was punishing everyone but himself.

That's what I was thinking...

Does anyone know the piece of music that played in the background when Sidney and Mrs. M talked at the end after the wedding?  I've heard that piece on different shows before and I've always wanted to find out what it is called and the who the composer is.

Edited by Camera One

While I feel Sidney and Amanda are both at fault and clearly not ready for marriage, either of them, I felt Amanda was making unreasonable demands on Sid. Yes, he said he was in, but she's all up in his grill about choices she made. He wasn't good enough for her, she couldn't be a vicar's wife, married a rich guy to make Daddy happy, got pregnant, and than ran off. Grace is not Sid's child. Grace's father cares about her and is not a bad father. No fault there on him. Amanda made stupid choices leading up to the situation at present and now blames Sidney for them not working out? Selfish child of privilege. These two do not belong together. Should have stuck to the books. Ugh on all of them.

At this point, Sid and Geordie should both quit and open a Private Detective agency together! Happy for Mrs. M C! Hope she and Jack live happily ever after.

8 hours ago, Driad said:

At least Dickens got the last word.


  • Love 11
55 minutes ago, Ms Lark said:

At this point, Sid and Geordie should both quit and open a Private Detective agency together!

Geordie may have to! I think he was already in trouble for beating up suspects and this time Phil may do a lot of tattling.  I realize the show really needs Robson Green's superior acting to balance Sidney's, which is not quite first rate yet. When Geordie broke down and cried in Sidney's arms I was all teary, too.  I'm here for the character stories over the mystery, but I still appreciate the excitement Robson Greene's Geordie brings to each episode.  I love the way he acts when he gets a good police tip, like a Pit Bull off the leash, barging into homes and classrooms without the slightest bit of tact or hesitancy.  It may be wrong but it's fun to watch.

I sincerely hope they're all back for another season, but if they have to replace Sidney with another vicar, I'll still watch.

  • Love 5

So, as long as Geordie forgives himself for the affair and Sidney also forgives him, all is right with the world? That's really how it works? What about Kathy's forgiveness? Has a man written this script?


Amanda asks Sidney, "What about Grace?". Grace has a father who wants to be involved in her life. I thought that was an odd thing to say. I guess she was trying to lay the guilt on.

  • Love 13

I can't get over Sidney not even having the courage to meet Amanda in London and tell her he wasn't all in.  He left her there to face the embarrassment of not showing up.  I've never liked her, but she didn't deserve that.  Although she lost me for any sympathy when she said, "what about Grace"?  Good grief, girl.  That's your responsibility.  And the father seems willing to meet her half way there.  I was left with no sympathy for anyone, except Cathy.  And the resolution to that was rushed and badly written.   I'm not sure they can redeem this show if they get another season.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

Congrats Mrs. C and Jack!!!! *throws confetti*

I loved how everyone yelled "Mrs. C!" when Sidney called her Mrs. M in his toast. Hee. Everything about the wedding was great. I wonder, though, did Mrs. M really need someone to give her away? I'm not talking about Sidney walking her down the aisle (which was very sweet); I mean the part in the service where Leonard asks "Who gives this woman?" and Sidney answers. I know it was out of love and respect, and I have no problem with that part of it, but was it a nonnegotiable part of the service in those days? I can remember my dad walking my grandma down the aisle at her second wedding 40 or so years ago and saying he gave her away, and even then I thought that was so odd. And back in the day I know some fathers would say "Her mother and I" at that part, so that it didn't sound quite so much like a transfer of property. 

I guess what I'm asking is, if Sidney hadn't walked Mrs. M (as she was at that point) down the aisle, would Leonard have asked who gave her? Or was it just so ingrained in the ceremony that no one would have given it a second thought?

11 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Amanda asks Sidney, "What about Grace?". Grace has a father who wants to be involved in her life. I thought that was an odd thing to say. I guess she was trying to lay the guilt on.

I know! I really hated Amanda for that. I was also exasperated with her anger at Sidney. He was a jerk for standing her up at the apartment, no question. But she's known him forever—she admitted she knew he'd never leave the Church for her. Getting her hopes up was all on her. Sidney didn't help things at all, and he gets full fault for that, but I think he never really fully dealt with Amanda marrying Guy. So when their marriage flounders and he has a chance to swoop in and play the white knight, he does. Then reality hits and he has to make a choice between Amanda and his vocation. He wants things both ways and can't have it. I thought it was very telling he had no idea what he was going to do once he was in London. He had a Cambridge degree, so he could probably find something through connections, but I wonder if it would be enough for Amanda. I don't think she lost any of her status consciousness. I could see that relationship go belly up once the giddiness of them being together wore off.

I know for the show Sidney had to choose to stay a vicar, but I think temperamentally it was also the right choice. Leonard was absolutely correct when he said people don't come to see the church but to see Sidney.

Speaking of Leonard, it made me so nervous to see him kissing that guy so openly.

The mystery was really bad. So underdeveloped.

  • Love 7

I wonder if Green and Norton are even interested in doing another series? Norton has higher visibility now because of Happy Valley and Green has never lacked for work. I don't imagine the show presents much of an acting challenge for any of the cast, to be honest. Even though the seasons are only 6-7 episodes, that's still a hefty time commitment that might prevent them from taking other work. They do seem to enjoy each other's company judging from BTS interviews and such.

The viewership in the U.K. has remained steady through all seasons at 6.6M to 6.2M; those are pretty solid numbers.

As nettled as I am about the plots moving away from detecting, I'd still watch another season. Not sure why after this one was so unpleasant, except that Geordie and Sidney have both shed their horrible affairs so hopefully they can get back to solving mysteries and petting dogs!

  • Love 3

I was again struck by the lack of chemistry (going through the motions but without depth) between Sidney and Amanda, particularly after he has broken up with the woman who has -- according to the plot -- consumed him for years and damn near completely altered the course of his life ...  apparently "no regret" as he's all smiles at the wedding ... pontificating about "love"  ... deary me.   

Sidney's word apparently isn't worth a tinker's dam ... even if you don't like Amanda, he's too old and in too responsible a position to be acting like his words and actions are without consequence ... An Amanda Suicide Attempt pinned on him would serve him right ... Yes, I'm pissed that she didn't get to kick him to the curb ... instead she's the one who got dumped ...  

Why realign back to status quo if there's to be no 4th season or a 4th season with a different vicar?   Could Geordie and Leonard be a Mutt-and-Jeff team? 

  • Love 2

As much as I disliked Amanda last week for ripping Leonard because Sidney left without telling HER, this week I disliked Sidney even more for leaving Amanda standing alone in that apartment with that horrible landlady. Although why did she leave for London without Sidney? He was going to ride his bike there and she didn’t fit on the handlebars?

At least they are now, hopefully, split for good since I couldn’t stand a season of them being married and then all the gloss and glitter wearing off and they turn into Cathy and Geordie, him cheating and her having to put up with it because she’s now stuck. So there’s that.

And WTH, Geordie, it’s okay in that day to lock the door and beat the cr*p out of a suspect? Then Sidney comes and NO ONE says ANYTHING about the poor guy on the floor who now needs a doctor (and a lawyer) and Sidney’s all, poor Georgie, you have to forgive yourself. The heck, you need your ass kicked is what you need, Georgie. And either fired or two weeks suspension without pay.

I wish Cathy had teamed with Amanda and they both moved to London and Georgie goes broke paying allimoney and child support on his lower salary after being demoted for beating that guy up.

I totally didn’t “get” the mystery of the missing kid. But whatever. That was just tossed in, IMO, to hold the romance story lines together.

Mrs. M has served four vicars. So why is Sidney so special that she wants HIM to stay? I’d be happy seeing him move along, maybe join up with the gypsies. And a new better vicar takes over.

And now that Mrs. M is Mrs. C, will she move out of the vicarage and in with Jack? Or will Jack move in? That place has to be pretty crowded.

I really did not like Leonard kissing the photographer guy out in the open like that. Especially since it seems Georgie was spying on them as they “went further.” Gross, Georgie.

And Amanda ... you don’t even come to Mrs. M’s wedding? I hope you sent a gift after all she did for you.

  • Love 5

I actually enjoyed the episode for the most part.  I wanted things back to the original format...so it got a thumbs up.  A few misgivings though:

Yes...Sidney was a jerk for leaving Amanda to meet the landlady, etc.  However, the little sympathy I had for her flew out the door with her rant at him.  She made it sound like Grace was some bartering chip.  As everyone has posted, Grace has a father who loves her and want to try to make the marriage work.

Leonard, as some have already posted, should be more discreet....and deserves someone better than the photographer.

I'm still not sure about the mystery -- or the relationships involved.  Oh, well.

Geordie at least grasps that he treated Cathy like garbage...and I really do believe they still love each other inspite of his infidelity.

  • Love 3

I guess I am in the minority of viewers that really like Sidney and Amanda together.  They both seemed genuinely happy together, but I agree that it had to end for the premise of the show to continue.  But it did make me sad...And by the way, some of their scenes were super hot for Masterpiece!

This season has not reflected well on Sidney.  I was pretty horrified at his rude behavior to the Archdeacon, who was quite right to point out in the inappropriateness of Sidney's behavior.  (And while I don't agree with his stance on homosexuality, from the Church's perspective, he was right to talk to Leonard. too) And leaving right after Leonard's suicide attempt was downright irresponsible, even though he was trying to track down Mrs. M's money.  At the very least, he should have told Amanda what happened and asked her to keep an eye on Leonard.  (She's really the only one of whom he could make that request.  Geordie might have had to arrest him and Mrs. M is sometimes too rigid.)

I think everyone's being a little too harsh on Amanda.  She made a bad choice in marrying Guy and a worse one by continuing to meet Sidney (platonically) after her marriage.  However, she seemed to be trying to minimize the impact on others of her decision to leave Guy.  She won't let her aunt suffer financially, she refuses to paint Guy as an abuser to make it easier to get a divorce, and she's willing to "rent a cottage" without involving Sidney in order to establish herself as an adulterer.  Her frustration with Sidney is natural.  He ran off without telling her a word and then left her waiting for hours in the apartment.  I think her saying, "what about Grace?" was absolutely right on.  She has a child now, and she has to think of Grace's interests first--she cannot allow Sidney to flit in and out of a father figure role as he pleases.  I do hope that Amanda stays in the show somehow, even if the romance story line is done.

I was really happy to see Mrs. M evolve, particularly as it related to helping Amanda (and later, the 2nd Mrs. M) and becoming more compassionate.  It was well plotted and well acted.  I'm so thrilled to see her married.

Leonard's story line was the most heartbreaking.  He seemed quite fond of his fiancee, but of course it would have been a disastrous marriage.  Even though Sidney was being a little harsh, I think his "tough love" approach ultimately did help Leonard.  But I continue to be afraid for Leonard's future.  IIRC, they were still jailing gay men back then.  On the other hand, his growth as a clergyman has been a pleasure to watch--rescuing Amanda, helping deliver her child, trying to calm down the robber, etc.

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I still hate Geordie and he can't be redeemed in my eyes.  If he had a one night stand then maybe but he was involved with Margaret over a long period of time. and thought about raising a family with her it seemed.  So ef off you douchebag. 

Sidney and Amanda's breakup was so badly executed with both seeming like assholes-Amanda for saying "what about Grace?" and Sidney leaving her there by herself to deal with the landlady-talk about having no balls.  The whole relationship seemed like a waste of time and put Sidney in a bad light to me.  For a hot second I felt sympathy for Amanda because he left her husband thinking that it would work out with Sidney even though she kinda knew it wasn't really going to work out.  So I hope that Sidney choosing God sticks, for Christ's sake and he doesn't hook up with another girl.  Make your choice and stick to it, dude.

The nice wedding wasn't enough for me to tune in if there is another series.  I can't stand Geordie and have no interest in seeing him again.  Sidney is just OK for me now so no point for me to watch anymore.

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I really enjoyed the finale. It ended with things finally resolved for Sydney. I love his character in the show, he is so gentle  and kind. I feel like he has been so tortured with his love for Amanda and his faith. I keep going back to season one when he goes to Amanda's engagement party and he has been drinking and he tries to convey something to her, but she just dismisses him and I think he has a scuffle with someone and end up on the floor.


he just didn't care about him and then suddenly she did. I love when Mrs. McGuire said you'll get over your first love, we all do.

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