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S03.E07: Expenses

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Jimmy had me going there at the end. I wonder if he went in there planning that, or just took advantage of the opportunity. I know it's always most convincing to mix some truth in with the lies, but that was mostly all truth. It felt like, right in the middle of a real breakdown he had the idea to turn it around on Chuck. 

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I hate to see Kim starting to have regrets re: Chuck. Please get over it soon, Kim.

Seriously. I know she doesn't feel good about what she did to Chuck and didn't enjoy his take down, but I hope she owns her relationship with Mesa Verde more moving forward.

Of COURSE this is how Nacho would try to get the pills to stage Hector's demise. Good callback as I thought that character was gone for good.

Mike still not done with Hector, eh? I see he doesn't realize fully who he'd be messing with in Gus.

Jimmy loves to take short cuts. Most of the time, yes is yes and no is no. Life sucks sometimes. Get over it and buck up.

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Very good episode.  Jimmy is definitely making the transition to Saul Goodman.  I knew he was putting on an act but didn't realize the plan was to stick it to Chuck.  I agree, Kim...get over it with Chuck.  He got what he deserved.

Loved the return of Not Walter White.  I never would have expected him and Nacho to be involved in what happens to Hector.

Mike's new lady friend talking about how her husband was never found is foreshadowing for Mike...

I was very glad that the community service guy only credited Jimmy with 30 minutes performance.  Jimmy deserved that one.

Edited by benteen
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Starchild,I thought Jimmy just read the room & saw an opportunity when he was with the insurance woman. IOW, I don't know if it was planned.

PAB, help me with the Garner story. 

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7 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I like the crew working with him. It was a funny scene when they were all trying to get into his car with their equipment.

I thought for sure that Jimmy and Kim would pull a con (or try to) on one of the obnoxious guys in that bar. But then I also worried it would backfire.

Wow. Jimmy is a good actor. Those tears! But the whole thing was an act! I like Jimmy, but he's a vindictive bastard at times.

Mike giving advice to Nacho was good to see. I don't know how Nacho is going to pull it off, switching the pills back and forth. That'll be tense to watch.

"Gonna make you look like James Garner and Mariette Hartley." Blast from the past! Raise your hand if you know what Jimmy was talking about.

Hand raised. :)  Hint...a clue was in the Saul Goodman Productions ad.

Good to see Mike trying to help Nacho take out Hector the right way.  I wonder if Mike will try to find out what happened to the woman's husband.  Does he suspect the cartel or did her story just remind him about the Good Samaritan Hector murdered and rekindle his desire for revenge?

Mike has a much better hidey hole than Pryce had.

Sad to see Jimmy go out of his way to kick Chuck while he is down with the insurance agent.  He had nothing to gain by doing it, except hurting Chuck.  He also stiffed the delivery boy and used the same line as the douchebag from the Parks Department.  Jimmy is dying and Saul is emerging.  

Glad to see Kim still has a conscience and feels bad for helping Jimmy destroy Chuck. 

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Mike's new lady friend talking about how her husband was never found is foreshadowing for Mike...

I assumed that when she mentioned the name of the place where her husband vanished (Gila Park or Gila Something), Mike knew it was a place where bad things happen, probably drug-related. I think he was touched by what she said about wanting to know what happened to her husband, so he'll investigate......maybe Nacho might know something?

The Jim Garner-Mariette Hartley commercials for Polaroid were so successful because the actors had a lot of chemistry and the viewers assumed they were a long-married couple.

I believe Jimmy/Saul might have started out the meeting with the insurance woman in earnest, but when he broke down, he decided to take advantage of the opportunity that presented itself, which is basically what his career has always been about. 

Ugh! Two weeks!

Edited by Auntie Anxiety
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Love the actress who played the widow with the missing husband...she has been an ME on Law and Order for years. And yes, I think Mike will spend some time and look into it. And Mike's daughter in law...not volunteering to help, but leading over the crowd. She was also watching the widow interact with Mike...Since I neither like nor trust said in law, I figure she does not want any competition for Mike's time or money.

Anybody else notice the boom guy in the background in Jimmy's scenes...he had such an intent look as Jimmy went into his sales pitch...it was great to watch him. And the sweet makeup girl...I love his motley film crew.

Nacho does silent menace really well..not Walter was totally freaked. But I like the guy...I just don't think he's long for this world. I do hope Nacho listens to Mike...he is making a dangerous mood.

Kim is watching a new Jimmy...the emergence of Saul. No refund, ok, I will screw Chuck royally, I will let the insurance folks know about the hearing and the transcripts. She saw it again as they looked over possible victims. Kim is starting to move away from Jimmy/Saul. 

This was a set-up episode...for the season end-game. I think Kim will soon be gone. And Jimmy as well. Saul will finally arrive.

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9 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I assumed that when she mentioned the name of the place where her husband vanished (Gila Park or Gila Something), Mike knew it was a place where bad things happen, probably drug-related. I think he was touched by what she said about wanting to know what happened to her husband, so he'll investigate......maybe Nacho might know something?

I suspect the "one more thing" Mike said  needed from Nacho as he pulled out his notepad might be information about the murder.

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2 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Loved how Jimmy played the insurance lady to get back a Chucky. That's not vindictiveness. That's justice. 

Get over it, Kim!

No, it was vindictiveness.  I doubt Kim will get over it because she still is and wants to remain a decent human being, unlike Jimmy.

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I think Jimmy was thinking about hurting Chuck as soon as the insurance woman pulled up Chucks name first. Then when she told him that his insurance was going to go up by 150% he decided to do it.

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32 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Glad to see Kim still has a conscience and feels bad for helping Jimmy destroy Chuck.

Me too. I like that Kim has a conscience.  I'm even torn as to whether or not Chuck "deserved" what they did.  He's not likable. He's petty.  But he spoke the truth in court.  Accusing Jimmy of altering the documents isn't crazy because she knows Jimmy did it.  Jimmy also broke in to get rid of the evidence to this event.  She---actually Jimmy--didn't win on the facts but rather used their knowledge of his brother's mental illness to discredit him.  Arguably it's good lawyering, although I believe there's some ethics about not arguing things you know to not be true but I could be wrong on that, but she wouldn't be Kim if she didn't have doubts.  Jimmy OTOH seems to have a great capacity for compartmentalization. 

With Jimmy's money issues, I'm wondering if he's going to risk a con.  You could tell he really wanted to go in for the kill in the restaurant but if he got caught, he'd likely go to jail.

We may not have Box Cutters on Better Call Saul but some of the cuts still run deep like in that last scene with the insurance agent.  I suspected part of the tears was release from everything going bad but somewhere in the middle, he saw how he could stick it some more to Chuck.  As soon as he started talking about transposing numbers, I knew he was going somewhere with it. 

Still, I can't imagine that Chuck's insurance would go up as much as Jimmy's or that HHM couldn't afford to cover it.

Edited by Irlandesa
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42 minutes ago, GussieK said:

James Garner and Mariette Hartley paired in a famous series of commrcials for Polaroid cameras in the 70s. I'm dating myself. 

Honk if you remember Polaroid cameras. 

I remember those commercials (as a kid!)! Just this afternoon I was listening to a public radio program, Innovation Hub, that had a fascinating segment about Edwin Land and Polaroid. Polaroid cameras were cool!

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This episode struggled to keep my attention I have to say. I find it funny how many character sin this show seemingly go out of their way to make their own lives as miserable as they possibly can. 

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16 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Still, I can't imagine that Chuck's insurance would go up as much as Jimmy's or that HHM couldn't afford to cover it.

I assume that Chuck will become uninsurable, whatever the cost.  It may be his end as a lawyer.

Also, the best way to deal with Hector's pills is to get the bottle, take some out to reduce the total number, then just add one bad one, put the bottle back and wait. That way, after Hector takes the one bad one, all the remaining pills will be good.  But Nacho probably can't afford to wait.

I agree that this episode didn't hold my interest as much.  They were jumping too much between story threads, and nothing got as much time as it needed.  In a 10 episode season, I don't think this is a good utilization of screen time.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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2 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

I assume that Chuck will become uninsurable, whatever the cost.

Why do you think Chuck wouldn't be insurable while someone with a suspension would be? 

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8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Chuck got what he deserved. Remember this is the bastard who didn't tell Jimmy that his dying mother asked for him.

Sure, because Jimmy would have felt much better having to go the rest of his life knowing that his Mom was crying out for him on her death bed, while he was out getting a sandwich.

I think Chuck had mixed motives in not telling him, but an argument could be made that telling him would have been cruel.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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11 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Also, the best way to deal with Hector's pills is to get the bottle, take some out to reduce the total number, then just add one bad one, put the bottle back and wait. That way, after Hector takes the one bad one, all the remaining pills will be good.  But Nacho probably can't afford to wait.

Do we know how many pills he takes at a time? I thought it was more than just one. Did Nacho mention what he plans to put in the capsules? Unless it is powerful or something that would cause a stroke (as opposed to a placebo), Hector would need multiple doses. And it would have to be something that wouldn't be detected by a doctor right after Hector's stroke. So much to think about.

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24 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Why do you think Chuck wouldn't be insurable while someone with a suspension would be? 

Because you can't, on an ongoing basis, do legal work, including securing client's documents, in a building which isn't legal for people to occupy. Also if the insurance company investigates, and finds out a physician wanted to have Chuck committed (and I'd be shocked if the malpractice policy doesn't contain a provision where the insured consents to allowing the insurance company access to medical records), well, that'll about do it. Maybe HHM could self insure (it depends on NM law and regulations), but Howard would be an idiot to agree to it.

Edited by Bannon
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2 hours ago, Starchild said:

Jimmy had me going there at the end. I wonder if he went in there planning that, or just took advantage of the opportunity.


2 hours ago, rhys said:

Starchild,I thought Jimmy just read the room & saw an opportunity when he was with the insurance woman. IOW, I don't know if it was planned.


2 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I believe Jimmy/Saul might have started out the meeting with the insurance woman in earnest, but when he broke down, he decided to take advantage of the opportunity that presented itself, which is basically what his career has always been about. 


2 hours ago, Knuckles said:

No refund, ok, I will screw Chuck royally, I will let the insurance folks know about the hearing and the transcripts.


2 hours ago, scenario said:

I think Jimmy was thinking about hurting Chuck as soon as the insurance woman pulled up Chucks name first. Then when she told him that his insurance was going to go up by 150% he decided to do it.

Jimmy went in to try to get his refund.  When he gave his last name, the insurance woman pulled up his brother's name first, as Charles comes before James alphabetically.  It's unlikely that Jimmy even knew that his brother used the same insurance company, and he wasn't thinking about Chuck when he went to her office. Then, when Jimmy asked about suspending the insurance (she's right by the way; Jimmy could get sued during his suspension for something that happened prior to the suspension), and she told him that any insurance following the suspension would be 150% more expensive, the wheels turned very quickly and he realized how he could get Chuck.  The breakdown wasn't for real - it helped Jimmy segue naturally into mentioning how worried he was about his sick brother, whose crazy testimony is on record at the Bar, (but please forget that he mentioned it.)

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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18 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Why do you think Chuck wouldn't be insurable while someone with a suspension would be? 

If Chuck has his homeowners insurance with them he could lose that. And they will almost certainly call the housing inspectors. They also may tell him that they won't renew his legal and homeowners insurance unless he gets help. So Chuck could end up being thrown out of his home. If he ends up back in the hospital because of stress, he might end up being committed this time. Either Jimmy's still the next of kin and he'd commit him in a heartbeat. If its Rebecca or Howard they might do it as well. 

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I don't think that Nacho has thought through his plan...he CERTAINTY has not thought about it as deeply as Mike has, but that's understandable. Most people don't think things through in the way Mike does. Also, listen to Mike. Always, always listen to Mike!

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1 minute ago, scenario said:

If Chuck has his homeowners insurance with them he could lose that. And they will almost certainly call the housing inspectors. They also may tell him that they won't renew his legal and homeowners insurance unless he gets help. So Chuck could end up being thrown out of his home. If he ends up back in the hospital because of stress, he might end up being committed this time. Either Jimmy's still the next of kin and he'd commit him in a heartbeat. If its Rebecca or Howard they might do it as well. 

It isn't likely that the malpractice insurer is also a property&casualty insurer; the former tends to be a pretty specialized insurance business. Having said that, insurance companies can be pretty interconnected, and there is enough going on now that whomever Howard called at City Hall in season 1, to head off Chuck's house being red tagged or yellow tagged as unfit for occupancy, might catch wind that Chuck's living situation has become too public to sweep under the rug any longer, and thus enforcement must proceed.

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4 minutes ago, Bannon said:

Because you can't, on an ongoing basis, do legal work, including securing client's documents, in a building which isn't legal for people to occupy. Also if the insurance company investigates, and finds out a physician wanted to have Chuck committed (and I'd be shocked if the malpractice policy doesn't contain a provision where the insured consents to allowing the insurance company access to medical records), well, that'll about do it. Maybe HHM could self insure (it depends on NM law and regulations), but Howard would be an idiot to agree to it.

I'd be shocked considering I don't think that's something even car insurance companies have and it's more applicable to daily driving than practicing law.

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27 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Do we know how many pills he takes at a time? I thought it was more than just one. Did Nacho mention what he plans to put in the capsules? Unless it is powerful or something that would cause a stroke (as opposed to a placebo), Hector would need multiple doses. And it would have to be something that wouldn't be detected by a doctor right after Hector's stroke. So much to think about.

It seems like the drug is designed to be taken when Hector is already having a dangerous heart episode, so I'm not sure how powerful the substitute medication would need to be. Maybe all it needs to have is the property of "doesn't save you from having a heart attack."

Edited by Dev F
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10 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:


I know some will think the episode to slow, but I thought it was an important one, with minutes well spent. We saw the first sign of Kim seeing very unattractive traits in Jimmy McGill. We see Jimmy getting worn down, bringing those unattractive traits to the forefront.

Sorry, didn't mean to attach a quote to this comment.

Edited by Bannon
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Jimmy had me going there, until the very end.  But as soon as he brought up Chuck and the testimony to the insurance lady, I knew that it was an act to stick it to him again.  And then his face as he left.... yikes!  Bob Odenkirk was amazing.  I still have no sympathy for Chuck, but seeing Jimmy becoming even more and more devious, mean-spirited, and vengeful is chilling.  I really think this season is going to end with him officially being Saul Goodman.

I don't mind Kim feeling guilty over what happened.  Again, I still think Chuck got his just desserts after everything he did to both of them, but Kim still knows that a lot of what he said is true, and she and Jimmy either covered it up, or mislead things to defeat him.  I don't blame her at all, since Chuck is a scumbag, but I can see why she doesn't feel proud of herself for getting down and dirty to fight him.  And I can see why she doesn't like this new Jimmy either.  While it's very likely that they are doomed as a couple or even co-workers/friends, I still hope she ends up coming out of this OK.

Mike's budding friendship with this Anita character is interesting.  Especially in contrast to how he acts around characters like Nacho and Pryce.  I'm glad Nacho is making a move on Hector, but he sure is luckily that Mike offers free advice, because he really doesn't seem to have any kind of plan.  No wonder Mike was able to put up with Walter and Jesse's antics: after dealing with Nacho and Jimmy, he was pretty much use to it by then!

Really starting to enjoy Jimmy's film crew.

In some ways, it was kind of a slow episode, but I liked seeing how even though he "beat" Chuck, Jimmy is hardly winning, since he is struggling at everything from community service, selling these commercial spots, money issues, and even his relationship with Kim. Despite making Chuck look like a fool, he really didn't "win", did he? 

Edited by thuganomics85
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46 minutes ago, Bannon said:

It isn't likely that the malpractice insurer is also a property&casualty insurer; the former tends to be a pretty specialized insurance business. Having said that, insurance companies can be pretty interconnected, and there is enough going on now that whomever Howard called at City Hall in season 1, to head off Chuck's house being red tagged or yellow tagged as unfit for occupancy, might catch wind that Chuck's living situation has become too public to sweep under the rug any longer, and thus enforcement must proceed.

I'm sure that the woman that Jimmy talked to does not also handles life insurance or homeowners insurance. But I wouldn't be that surprised if both Chucks malpractice insurer and his home owners company are both owned by a third bigger insurance holding company. And if you read the fine print, it says that the company is allowed to share your information within the company. So she fills out a referral form and sends it through to the homeowners part of the business.  

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I've never liked Kim from the jump.  She has certainly had her moments, but ultimately, she has no foundation.  She loves to dip her toes into evil, most especially staying with Jimmy who she knows to be a criminal.  Then, she can't handle the internal judgements.  To me, these are the worst type of folks.  There is no knowing who you will get.  I deeply resent when they shift into moralizing gear - as Kim has done all too often.

The (potential) grifting scene was tremendous.  I've not seen Jimmy as menacing as BO portrayed when he described how he was going to make that douche customer go down "hard."  But nooooo.  Moral Kim won't go an eye for an eye.  Puhleaze.  The camera angle and shot composition (from Jimmy's front left, with Kim in shadow) was excellent.

We may have been exposed to the greatest evil on earth - greater than anything heretofore seen on BrBA or BCS -  insurance.  That functionary woman is the true face of Hell.  I am loving that it shall now be loosed upon Chuck.  The delicious irony that Mr. By-the-Book is about to get reamed by the rigged laws and regulations which protect insurers and typically are used to screw the low and powerless (like Jimmy in his present circumstance).  Surely, Chuck won't lie to his insurers nor HHM!  I can not wait.

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3 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

The (potential) grifting scene was tremendous.  I've not seen Jimmy as menacing as BO portrayed when he described how he was going to make that douche customer go down "hard."  But nooooo.  Moral Kim won't go an eye for an eye.  Puhleaze.

Why would Kim take part in  a scheme to commit fraud (sell a fake credit card) which, if she were caught, would lead to a felony charge and disbarment?  For kicks?  She's acutely aware of the outcome if the plan were to go south.  It's not just fun and games anymore; there are real consequences.  Besides, someone has to pay the electric bills.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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Why would Kim take part in  a scheme to commit fraud (sell a fake credit card) which, if she were caught, would lead to a felony charge and disbarment?  For kicks?  She's acutely aware of the consequences if the plan were to go south.  It's not just fun and games anymore; there are real consequences.  Besides, someone has to pay the electric bills.

Because her authentic self loves Jimmy, the criminal, the jerk deserved it, and most importantly - she knows good and darn well Jimmy is broke and needs the cash.  She is not smart enough to handle the self-parsing of truth and refusal to ask reasonable questions/demand answers of Jimmy.  

She has no business whatsoever retaining any ties with Jimmy if her prime concerns are such as those to which you allude.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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1 hour ago, thuganomics85 said:

I'm glad Nacho is making a move on Hector, but he sure is luckily that Mike offers free advice, because he really doesn't seem to have any kind of plan

I don't think that advice was free.  Notice Mike said "there's just one thing..." to Nacho.  I think he wants something in return - likely info. about the missing husband.

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1 hour ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

I've never liked Kim from the jump.  She has certainly had her moments, but ultimately, she has no foundation.  She loves to dip her toes into evil, most especially staying with Jimmy who she knows to be a criminal.  Then, she can't handle the internal judgements.  To me, these are the worst type of folks.  There is no knowing who you will get.  I deeply resent when they shift into moralizing gear - as Kim has done all too often.

I've had the same problem with her since day one. The writing for her is great, and I love that they write all the characters to operate on shades of gray, but it is an annoying trait and I find myself yelling at her that she is either in or out. Her irritation and snapping at Paige, only to apologize for being out of line and her disclosing her discomfort and prodding a mentally ill man was good writing and acting, but I was still yelling at her.

Jimmy Saul spins everything in his life into a whirlwind, she's completely caught up in it and him, but at the same time trying to insulate herself from the fallout. In or out, Kim! You can tolerate it or not! Take a stand! Pick a side! Quit being complex! Seriously though, it's an obnoxious trait and I'm judging her for the behavior of someone I know in real life that is just like her. 

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6 hours ago, Dev F said:

It seems like the drug is designed to be taken when Hector is already having a dangerous heart episode, so I'm not sure how powerful the substitute medication would need to be. Maybe all it needs to have is the property of "doesn't save you from having a heart attack."


Exactly. It just has to be nothing.  Nothing.  It won't save him like the actual medicine does.  He could put sugar in it.

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4 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Notice Mike said "there's just one thing..." to Nacho.  I think he wants something in return - likely info. about the missing husband.

Oh, could be. I was wondering what info Nacho could have that Mike would need. Mike is a master of the small detail that augurs big things.

Definitely a "table setting" episode, but they found ways to make it work. I actually loved it even though it was mostly nouns and adjectives and hardly any verbs. On some shows, when "nothing" happens ... nothing happens. 

I got the Garner Hartley reference too! (Sort of wish I didn't get it as it means I am less than young :)

Not gonna lie, makeup girl got me -- a nice kid. Touching scene. Would Saul have taken the cash or told her to keep it? 

I like the almost fatherly, sort-of trusting sort-of bond Mike has with Nacho. A bit more than honor among thieves, it seems. I think Mike sees Nacho's "half-in half-out" misgivings about the life he's chosen. Something Mike himself may be feeling right about now. The scenes between those two are always compelling, I find.

Baseball card guy cracks me up - so glad he's back. When he dies, I wonder who will mourn him. I love that he has wised up JUST a smidge but still manages to keep whining about everything.

Why only 10 episodes? Ugh - finally FINALLY this show is starting to really roll and it's almost time for them to leave us, per usual, with too little too late and then 12 months to find out more. The long, big tease. lol

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6 hours ago, Bannon said:

Because you can't, on an ongoing basis, do legal work, including securing client's documents, in a building which isn't legal for people to occupy. Also if the insurance company investigates, and finds out a physician wanted to have Chuck committed (and I'd be shocked if the malpractice policy doesn't contain a provision where the insured consents to allowing the insurance company access to medical records), well, that'll about do it. Maybe HHM could self insure (it depends on NM law and regulations), but Howard would be an idiot to agree to it.

I could see all this happening but.... Chuck is (most likely) now getting some sort of psychological help.  Perhaps his mental condition will improve enough to do away with his "allergies".  I wouldn't put it past Chuck to morph his problems into some other (less conspicuous) form just to spite Jimmy and his efforts to halt Chuck's career.  It will finally be worth it to Chuck to deal with his illness.  Those brothers are more alike than either would care to admit.

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2 hours ago, Christina said:

I've had the same problem with her since day one. The writing for her is great, and I love that they write all the characters to operate on shades of gray, but it is an annoying trait and I find myself yelling at her that she is either in or out. Her irritation and snapping at Paige, only to apologize for being out of line and her disclosing her discomfort and prodding a mentally ill man was good writing and acting, but I was still yelling at her.

Jimmy Saul spins everything in his life into a whirlwind, she's completely caught up in it and him, but at the same time trying to insulate herself from the fallout. In or out, Kim! You can tolerate it or not! Take a stand! Pick a side! Quit being complex! Seriously though, it's an obnoxious trait and I'm judging her for the behavior of someone I know in real life that is just like her. 

I think Kim was maybe trying to sabotage her business with Mesa Verde, cause she feels guilty.  Of course, the lady from MV loves her, so there was none of that happening.  

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Mike was sure chatty with Nacho.  Sort of uncharacteristic.  I'm not sure why he is helping Nacho again with offing a Salamanca, after his meeting with Gus.  Also how stupid/greedy is Playah, dealing again with the guy who ripped him off.  This episode seemed to be about people acting against their own self-interest.  Which is the whole show in a nutshell, I guess.

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14 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

Mike was sure chatty with Nacho.  Sort of uncharacteristic.  I'm not sure why he is helping Nacho again with offing a Salamanca, after his meeting with Gus. 

Again, he wasn't being Mr. Benevolent- he wanted something in return (likely information on Anita's missing/dead husband).  He called baseball-card guy and said "I'm in" right after talking to her.

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5 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

Again, he wasn't being Mr. Benevolent- he wanted something in return (likely information on Anita's missing/dead husband).  He called baseball-card guy and said "I'm in" right after talking to her.

I get that it was transactional and he wanted something from Nacho, but the chattiness I'm talking about is advising Nacho on killing Hector and not getting caught.  I thought that after meeting with Gus, there might have been an understanding not to mess with Gus' desire to be the one to take him out.  He indicated that maybe he would work with him in the future.  This doesn't match with that.  Besides, Mike doesn't generally do a whole lot of exposition in general.  That's why I perceived it as uncharacteristic -- more words than he usually unleashes at one time, and helping Nacho vs. Hector. 

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30 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

 Also how stupid/greedy is Playah, dealing again with the guy who ripped him off.  This episode seemed to be about people acting against their own self-interest.  Which is the whole show in a nutshell, I guess.

I don't think that Playah felt that he really had a choice in the matter. When people break into your house and wait for you in the dark, there's an implied threat.  I think he's happy to be making some money here, but would have done it just to be left alone.

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We are definitely starting to see that darker/Saul side coming out. I wasn't loving it when Jimmy was pressuring people who clearly couldn't afford it to spend more money. This isn't the same Jimmy who refused to take all of the little old lady's money in season one, when she realized how little she had. This guy is getting desperate and he's willing to really fuck some people over. 

I was so torn in that final scene with the insurance lady. I was like - "Is he really crying? Is he faking? What the fuck is going on here???" - which I think is part of the brilliance of this show, and Saul in general. I think he was genuinely upset at first. But when he realized just HOW much what Chuck did was going to cost him, and continue to keep costing him, he really went for it. Another act of revenge. Jimmy is quick on his feet, so I can see the wheels spinning quickly in his head. 

I can also see Kim's doubt really amping up. She's starting to realize what he's capable of, and isn't really sure where this money is coming from. What's he up to? She's realizing the only way to appease him is to pull some con on a random guy in a bar. She wants to make him happy, but she's not sure she likes where this is going....I'm not sure I do either. 

I couldn't pay super great attention during Mike's scenes because I kept expecting Tamara Tunie's face to morph into a demon (sorry, I never got over The Devil's Advocate). But it seems that attending these support group meetings is ratcheting his guilt back up again, hence getting himself involved with Nacho/Hector. 

I was hoping for more Nacho this week. I REALLY want that storyline to get some traction. But seeing Price bumbling around again was fun. 

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It was vindictive on Jimmy's part but Chuck brought this on himself (and Jimmy made his own decisions I agree). 

11 minutes ago, SoothingDave said:

I don't think that Playah felt that he really had a choice in the matter. When people break into your house and wait for you in the dark, there's an implied threat.  I think he's happy to be making some money here, but would have done it just to be left alone.

Yeah, I think Playah felt like he was being made an offer he couldn't refuse.

4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

We are definitely starting to see that darker/Saul side coming out. I wasn't loving it when Jimmy was pressuring people who clearly couldn't afford it to spend more money. This isn't the same Jimmy who refused to take all of the little old lady's money in season one, when she realized how little she had. This guy is getting desperate and he's willing to really fuck some people over. 

I think Jimmy would have a little more success if he started out smaller with these pitches instead of trying to get all his money back in one deal.  He was kind of like a boxer trying to knock out his opponent with one punch. 

It's kind of like him trying to sell his ad time when he was supposed to be doing his community service.  I was glad the guy docked him 3 and a half hours service for that.

Edited by benteen
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