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S02.E23: Love Hurts

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41 minutes ago, heyitsme87 said:

What is the history with Dr. Charles? Doesnt he just have anxiety? Was robyns mother mentally ill? Why was he so hell bent on thinking she was suffering from psychosis? I'm glad Robyn is okay. 

They've never come straight out and said, but they've implied that Dr. Charles is either severely depressed or bipolar.  We've seen him with his own psychiatrist, played by Nora Dunn.

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On 5/12/2017 at 11:43 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

There seems to be a lot of concerned and dissatisfied fans, but, based on what I have observed, it' rarely considered by TPTB.

Are there really concerned and dissatisfied fans though?  I mean outside of these boards?  I don't frequent any other discussion boards that discuss or even really recap this show, but judging by twitter and the comments on the finale on tvline the consensus seems to be 1) hoping Dr. Charles isn't dead 2) surprised by April and Choi but most are ok with it and even some love it, already trying out shipper names 3) happy about Nat & Will finally getting together 4) happy Robin is ok  6) massive immediate hate for the new S. African Dr.  and 5) not too thrilled by Noah and Reese.  Overall it just seems  people are discussing the show on these platforms, not dissing it.

While the ratings are down from last season (not surprising with the move to the more competitive Thursday night) , they have improved over that last three episode, rising steadily.  So they aren't hemorrhaging viewers like some shows that change *cough* Sleepy Hollow *cough*.

I do agree the show has shifted in tone from last season.  I wonder if they had a focus group or something?  I also wonder if the move to Thursday this season and competing with TGIT made them change tone a bit -- figuring they wanted to siphon off some of the Shonda demographic. 

Personally I don't mind it.  I like the medical cases, but the cases aren't what I connect to on the show, it is the continuing characters.  They are the ones whose lives I like to  discuss.  If it was just medical cases all the time  with very little personal development of the continuing characters, then it would just be a medical procedural show and those don't hold me.

That said, I am not at all invested in Noah.  I have come to the conclusion it is the actor I don't like.  The show has the ability to rehabilitate a not-great character, they did it with Will who was rather annoying last season and I like him a lot better this season.  If they were planning to really expand Noah's role on the show I wish they had actually showed his growth rather than 'Bam" people love him now.  But then again, the actor doesn't draw me in either.  I just can't take him seriously as a good doctor.

I generally like all the rest of the characters.  Yes, even Natalie, whose self righteousness it rather overbearing.  But I don't mind her and Will since I figured they were end game all along and Jeff and Nina were just obstacles.

I do hate that new S. African doctor.  Holy god, I hope she doesn't come back.  She has a bitch-face and is just rude.  I get the feeling we are supposed to find her interesting.  I'll bet some guy wrote her character.   She sounds like what some out-of-touch Bro-dude writer would think we'd find interesting in a female character *cough* Sleepy Hollow *cough*

Edited by DearEvette
because "are" isnt the same thing as "aren't"
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I am one of those viewers who didn't see the first season and watched the second. I quite like it,  even though I don't watch any of the other Chicago shows  and I normally avoid procedurals. I liked the finale. I am a suckered when a cast gets down and boogies. 

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21 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

Since it was so abrupt, and without a real explanation, I do think PD broke up Jay and Erin just so he could flirt with Natalie to make Will jealous. The thing is that it didn't need to be Jay! If it had to be a PD actor choose Ruzek. He's single so sub him in for Jay and nothing changes. Then Jay and Erin don't break up to make Fetch happen on another show. 


Speaking of, Natalie was laying it on thick with Will. Flirting, hair flips, cozying up to Jay, being "friendly" about Nina, the woman knows how to passive aggressively chase after a guy. And Will fell for it like a dumbass. Keep them together so I can ignore them. 

I think that would be giving the writers too much credit for collaboration. I get the sense that the two writers' rooms don't talk. It was all so ridiculous, especially since it seems that Jay is upset over losing Erin on PD. He wouldn't just move in on Natalie of all people so fast. 

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I think I'm out for S3. The only people I like on this show are Dr. Charles, Connor and Choi. I'm disappointed that Choi is hooking up with April. I HATE Noah!! I really HATE the new S. African Dr!! I loathe Manstead...mostly because of Manning. 

This show needs to get back to being about the patients. There is way too much relationship drama going on! 

Question...no one on this show is married. No one! What does Dick Wolf have against the characters on his shows being married. Hermann was the only one on Fire until Mouch and Trudy last season. I could only handle one episode of Law - that was awful - so I don't know if there are any married characters. PD - I've only seen the crossover episodes, but I don't recall anyone being married on there either. 

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12 hours ago, juliet73 said:

I think I'm out for S3. The only people I like on this show are Dr. Charles, Connor and Choi. I'm disappointed that Choi is hooking up with April. I HATE Noah!! I really HATE the new S. African Dr!! I loathe Manstead...mostly because of Manning. 

This show needs to get back to being about the patients. There is way too much relationship drama going on! 

Question...no one on this show is married. No one! What does Dick Wolf have against the characters on his shows being married. Hermann was the only one on Fire until Mouch and Trudy last season. I could only handle one episode of Law - that was awful - so I don't know if there are any married characters. PD - I've only seen the crossover episodes, but I don't recall anyone being married on there either. 

Apparently, there is some fascination with doctors and staff honing in on someone else's boyfriend/girlfriend, and luring them away.  I suppose it's easier to do that if they aren't married and it it doesn't require divorces, lawyers, time, etc. 

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IMO April and Ethan might be a good couple, but it's WAY too soon after her miscarriage and engagement breakup. She needs some time to regroup and find herself before jumping into another relationship.

Considering that Will basically needed Nina for a place to live, I'm curious as to where he and his stuff are going. (Remember, he doesn't even have a car to move with at this point.) Are he and Jay BOTH at dad's house? Are we going to come back in the fall and see that Will's moved in with Natalie?

Re: Dr Stahl and the pranks - When he was complaining to Maggie about someone stealing his coffee mug, did anyone else for a moment think that Maggie herself took it? There was just something about her facial expression at that moment...

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On 5/13/2017 at 8:49 PM, DearEvette said:

Are there really concerned and dissatisfied fans though?  I mean outside of these boards?  I don't frequent any other discussion boards that discuss or even really recap this show, but judging by twitter and the comments on the finale on tvline the consensus seems to be 1) hoping Dr. Charles isn't dead 2) surprised by April and Choi but most are ok with it and even some love it, already trying out shipper names 3) happy about Nat & Will finally getting together 4) happy Robin is ok  6) massive immediate hate for the new S. African Dr.  and 5) not too thrilled by Noah and Reese.  Overall it just seems  people are discussing the show on these platforms, not dissing it.

While the ratings are down from last season (not surprising with the move to the more competitive Thursday night) , they have improved over that last three episode, rising steadily.  So they aren't hemorrhaging viewers like some shows that change *cough* Sleepy Hollow *cough*.

I do agree the show has shifted in tone from last season.  I wonder if they had a focus group or something?  I also wonder if the move to Thursday this season and competing with TGIT made them change tone a bit -- figuring they wanted to siphon off some of the Shonda demographic. 

Personally I don't mind it.  I like the medical cases, but the cases aren't what I connect to on the show, it is the continuing characters.  They are the ones whose lives I like to  discuss.  If it was just medical cases all the time  with very little personal development of the continuing characters, then it would just be a medical procedural show and those don't hold me.

That said, I am not at all invested in Noah.  I have come to the conclusion it is the actor I don't like.  The show has the ability to rehabilitate a not-great character, they did it with Will who was rather annoying last season and I like him a lot better this season.  If they were planning to really expand Noah's role on the show I wish they had actually showed his growth rather than 'Bam" people love him now.  But then again, the actor doesn't draw me in either.  I just can't take him seriously as a good doctor.

I generally like all the rest of the characters.  Yes, even Natalie, whose self righteousness it rather overbearing.  But I don't mind her and Will since I figured they were end game all along and Jeff and Nina were just obstacles.

I do hate that new S. African doctor.  Holy god, I hope she doesn't come back.  She has a bitch-face and is just rude.  I get the feeling we are supposed to find her interesting.  I'll bet some guy wrote her character.   She sounds like what some out-of-touch Bro-dude writer would think we'd find interesting in a female character *cough* Sleepy Hollow *cough*

I should have made it clearer who I was referring to.  In my earlier post, I included, IMO, twice, about how I felt about the writing.  No doubt, the show has some fans who just watch it and soak it up.  Not every viewer really appreciates nuances and watches the show with a critical eye, but, I think that a fair number of those who post on this site do, though the issues on this show are pretty blatant.   Are they representative of a larger group?  I can't provide numbers, but, I think so.    I can't comment on other sites.  The powers that be don't seem to care about viewer disapproval or approval.  That's why poorly written shows get long term success and great shows are cancelled.  Or, perhaps, I'm just too darned critical. lol (But, I don't think so.)   I'm pretty tolerant, but, I just don't like what I consider lazy writing (continued contradictions, characters acting inconsistent with what we have been told about them, behavior that is not explained, lack of expert medical advice by writers) or when the writers insult my intelligence. 

Plus, if I was asked if I was a regular viewer of Chicago Med, I'd say yes.  Unless, I was asked specific details, I just use general terms.  Of course, that might change next season.  When in a format to discuss the show, I share my viewpoint.  I think that's reasonable. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I loved the party scene. Wish it had been longer. I liked seeing everyone out of their scrubs and in normal clothes. Dr. Choi's black suit was hot and while I have never thought of he and April together I did think they had a pretty good kiss.

Hate Noah still - and don't know why they are putting Reese with him. She apparently broke up with Splendorkable though the audience was kept completely out of why. And honestly Halstead is an ass. A complete ass. His girlfriend should have slapped him. She was honest in her concern about he and Nina and he kept denying it and then broke up while she was working in like two seconds? Ugh. 

While Dr. Charles has been uneven this year he better not die. I like him too much. Frankly I think it's on whats-her-name the charge nurse for letting that guy sit all day and not being clear. "Sir, his daughter is having major surgery. He is not seeing patients today. If you don't want to see a resident then security will have to remove you from the waiting room."

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Couldn't the writers have at least thrown us a bone?  At least have Rhodes and Nina pass each other in the hallway.  Good luck on Broadway.  I see a possible Tony nomination in the future.

Yes, the annoying new doc needs to take a fast train out along with the annoying British actress on This is Us.

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Married couples on Chicago shows:

Trudy & Mouch, Hermann & Cathy, Gabby & Matt, Boden & Donna, Jay & girl from his past, Jeffries & his wife on Chicago Justice. 

Edited by KDB
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1 hour ago, KDB said:

Married couples on Chicago shows:

Trudy & Mouch, Hermann & Cathy, Gabby & Matt, Biden & Donna, Jay & girl from his past, Jeffries & his wife on Chicago Justice. 

Do we know anything about Capp and Tony on Fire? Safe to assume they are single?

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I put off watching this because I read what happened and I dreaded seeing it. I was right to feel that way. What dreck. 

So a grown man obsesses over a woman's haircut, to the point that he questions a coworker about it and then the woman herself. Wow, I guess it's the haircut that launched the Manning/Halstead ship. How delightful. Or the opposite of that. I'd hoped that two unlikable characters would kind of cancel their odiousness out, yet the opposite happens: they just bring out the absolute worst in each other. 

Poor Nina. She has dreadful taste in men, obviously, but for that idiot to hurt her like that and to do it so blithely was just awful to watch. He crushed her - and just before a party she was looking forward to, to boot - and he didn't even seem to care. I'd found myself really hoping that would open the door for Nina/Connor, but with the entrance of Becker into the scene, I think my hopes have been pretty much dashed. 

Speaking of Becker, holy hell, what a ludicrously off-putting character - the constant bitch face and smirks, her overt, endless rudeness. I just cannot with this creature. She'd already overstayed her welcome about 15 seconds into her very first scene. Awful, just awful in every single way. And, gee, writers, what a great time to telegraph that you're chem-testing two characters: when he's just said "I love you" to his girlfriend who is undergoing a medical crisis. Ugh. 

So they break up Reese and Splendorkable with no fanfare whatsoever and dude is already dating another woman. Of course he is. Of course. Let's try to make him look bad so that her inevitably hooking up with Noah will be more palatable. The writers keep doing this kind of thing when they get determined to end (ridiculous) triangles, and throwing one character under the bus to try to facilitate a new pairing just doesn't work. 

Choi and April. Sigh. The kiss was decent, but he deserves so much better. 

When watching all of this, it almost felt like the writers were going out of their way to make me officially hate this show. I think they succeeded.

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9 hours ago, weathered1 said:

So a grown man obsesses over a woman's haircut, to the point that he questions a coworker about it and then the woman herself. Wow, I guess it's the haircut that launched the Manning/Halstead ship. How delightful. Or the opposite of that. I'd hoped that two unlikable characters would kind of cancel their odiousness out, yet the opposite happens: they just bring out the absolute worst in each other. 

Exactly. What made the writers think it was, in any way, ok to have Will ask Natalie WHY she changed her hairstyle? Who the hell cares about her change? It's none of his damn business! 

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35 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

What made the writers think it was, in any way, ok to have Will ask Natalie WHY she changed her hairstyle?

Surely that isn't so strange?  A colleague from work appears one day with a different hairstyle.  I don't see it so strange to make a comment about the change in appearance, and chat about it briefly.  Not that I'm saying you should dump your girlfriend and throw yourself at said colleague...

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Just now, Netfoot said:

Surely that isn't so strange?  A colleague from work appears one day with a different hairstyle.  I don't see it so strange to make a comment about the change in appearance, and chat about it briefly.  Not that I'm saying you should dump your girlfriend and throw yourself at said colleague...

I think there's a difference between chatting about it, and obsessing about the change. For me, Will was obsessing about the change. He couldn't stop thinking about her haircut. He asked Jay, and then he asked Natalie. It was just too much for me, honestly. Add that to the fact that Will suddenly began salivating over Natalie and forgot about his own girlfriend briefly, and I'm a little more than critical over Will's actions this episode. 

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Will really was kind of obsessed at why Natalie cut her her. He perked up in the bar when he saw her, which eww but not so bad. But why would a grown man ask someone else why a co-worker got her  hair cut? That was creepy.  Lots of women get their hair trimmed a few inches. Will was acting like she'd suddenly dyed her hair purple and got a spiked haircut.

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On 5/17/2017 at 10:59 PM, weathered1 said:

So a grown man obsesses over a woman's haircut, to the point that he questions a coworker about it and then the woman herself.

See, I kinda saw this a little different...it was more of an awkward, guy-doesn't-know-how-women-operate sort of thing, where Will automatically thought that every little thing has to mean Something Deeper, just because a woman does it, but that's not the case. IMO it was cute.

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Given the heightened TV world in which he lives, I thought he obsessed on her hair because it's a trope that a haircut does always means something. It made sense that he'd see it as a sign that she was making changes in her life, which might mean a new guy, and he didn't want to lose the chance to be with her.

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That might have been cute if he weren't already living with another woman.  To who he had said that his only interest in Natalie was friendship.

To me, it comes down to whether you ship Manstead or not.  If you do ship them, Natalie realizing that life if short and she could lose Will as she lost Jeff and thus cutting her hair and making a play for him, and Will accepting that Natalie is the one for him even though she's turned him down before and ending his relationship with Nina so he can try again with Natalie is the happy culmination of two seasons of UST.

If you don't ship them, you see that Natalie turned down Will and moved on to Jeff.  Then when she learned Jeff had wanted to be with her for years, she dumped him (WTH?) and made a play for Will even though he was by then living with another woman.  A kind of rejection by Jeff (he didn't tell her he was going to Hawaii) had her running out to get her haircut just before going for drinks with Will and Will's girlfriend so that Will would pay sexual attention to her again.

Will had wanted to be with Natalie but she turned him down. When he was in financial trouble, Nina helped him out and asked him to move in with her.  She suspected that he was still into Natalie and admitted her jealousy to him but he lied to her and said that they were only friends and Will and Nina both recommitted to their relationship.  Then Natalie got her hair cut and suddenly that was all that Will was interested in so out of the blue he dumped Nina, who had been nothing but caring and honest to him, right before a party she was looking forward to and went to have a great time with Natalie while Nina cried alone, probably packing up his stuff so he could move out.  (Me, I would have broken his things but Nina is a better person than I am.)

Since I don't ship Manstead, I think this plotting makes both Natalie and Will pretty nasty.  But at least two nice people, Jeff and Nina, can now move on to better partners.

Edited by statsgirl
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What was with the dramatics of April and Choi? Yeah she blanked his kiss but they were being so ridiculously awkward. And then the anvils from everyone trying to put them together.

Im glad Connor and Charles made up and I really enjoyed the scenes in the waiting room but the emotional impact was lost on me because I just don't like Robyn. I've never warmed to her and I just found the mental illness storyline more cringey then moving. I also thought it was really obvious her illness was going to be a tumour and couldn't believe that they hadn't checked for anything like that already.

The South African doctor is Erica Hahn levels of hateful.

i think Will thought Natalie cut her hair for Jay and that's why he was freaking out. The plot with Jay was appalling. The fact that Natalie was considering Dating Wills brother while she was eyeballing Will and disrespecting Jos relationship really shows that she couldn't care less who she hurts. Nice choice Will.

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3 hours ago, Chas411 said:

The South African doctor is Erica Hahn levels of hateful.

Frankly, I dislike the regular cast so much, the new doctor just might be the only reason I return next season.  

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On 5/13/2017 at 7:57 PM, memememe76 said:

I am one of those viewers who didn't see the first season and watched the second. I quite like it,  even though I don't watch any of the other Chicago shows  and I normally avoid procedurals. I liked the finale. I am a suckered when a cast gets down and boogies. 

Same here. I didn't watch first season cuz it wasn't on OnDemand but i quite like this series.

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On 5/15/2018 at 8:42 PM, RIVERSANGEL said:

Anyone know where I can binge watch the first two seasons of the show? I just recently started watching the show this year and would love to see the first two seasons! 

I’ve searched a lot and I don’t think seasons one or two are avail for free streaming. I bought season 1 on amazon because I was able to get a couple $$ off thanks to prime but you can probably get from apple, google play, etc. Also, if PD is any indication, Med should start syndication some time after season 4. 

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