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S04.E06: To Liver And Die In Charleston

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26 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Why do people keep telling Kathryn that they are proud of her?  What have they done that causes them to be proud of her?  In light of the current situation, as we see it on the show, I just don't get it.  It just seems like a bizarre comment, to me. 

It seems well-intentioned and meant to be encouraging. These folks have a bond from being part of this show for several years now, and many of them at one time or other said they liked Kathryn and thought there was a sweet girl under all those problems. When she first came back from rehab and was filming, it appears she was truly making the effort to be sober (passed the drug tests) and get her life on track. Nothing wrong with encouraging that.

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Why do people keep telling Kathryn that they are proud of her? 

Even more, why do they keep telling her that she looks really happy?  Girl has absolutely no personality and seems completely devoid of emotion, unless she's going off in bat-shit crazy mode on someone.  Someone also needs to tell her to stop with the eye rolling that accompanies every single statement she makes.  

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43 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Wasn't it a big professional football player who loved to knit? Forgot his name but it was how he used to de-stress. Joe Namath? (Hmm...he's not that big...I remember him more for the pantyhose commercial) 

It was one of the Pittsburg Steelers, Mean Joe Green, maybe.

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Craig was all manners of passive aggressive the last two eps. Anything other than unending adulation is somehow tearing him down, discussing anything about him is gossip, asking him questions is childish and the overall condescension is just annoying. He is completely the guy who just treats someone like a dick until they bail or relent to his brand of pissy superiority.

FWIW- 200k in Mt Pleasant is Vienna sausage money. That's basically a multifamily unit that's either older or further out. So expecting loads of charm, higher level finishes and a great layout was really not reasonable. When he dropped the gem about not wanting it in his portfolio I had to laugh at his pretentious ass. The goal of an investment/rental property is to either have cash flow or break even and have an increase in value while you own it. Collecting properties for some grand splash in Architectural Digest is not how it works.

I'm late to this show in general but I now completely understand why Shep, Thomas and crew don't have patience for Craig. And I'll bet you $100 he never functions as an actual lawyer. He wants to show up to grand announcements and proclamations but chasing business, tracking billable hours and working instead of chasing your social dreams do not seem to be his gig.

I'm not saying they are grand people but I think Thomas and Landon are probably a good match. They are both near the top end of what will be available to the other.

I actually worked with the kind of attorney I think Craig would become, IF he actually pursues a career in law. That would be someone who wants to ACT like a lawyer but never actually practice law. My boss was all about taking potential clients to liquid lunches, driving his office leased BMW and attending various legal seminars in exotic locations. But when it came to sitting down and actually DOING work, he was no where to be found. My guess is that Craig wants to be a lawyer in name only.

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11 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

When T-Rav and Jennifer were talking at the party I found myself thinking that that's the kind of woman he should be looking for, but even though she's a shit-stirrer she's too good for him, and she doesn't need his mess in her or her son's life. 

Good point, she IS the kind of woman he should be looking for. But she's already in a long-term relationship, and no, doesn't need Thomas's 100 pounds of extra baggage.

As even he has mentioned, the crazy baby mama drama puts him further out of the league of most decent, mature adult women. I can see why he might actually give it a go with Landon, who despite her protestations about the baggage, would probably jump at an engagement ring. Her parents seem to think that marriage to a rich man is her only hope.

Edited by RedHawk
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You know Craig had no good reason for being late, either. Just need 5 more minutes to embroider this tea towel before I hop in the shower... The look of shock and disdain on Naomi's face when she found out that Craig does not actually do the embroidery--it's all pre-programmed into the sewing machine! It's like, come on, this is your great, new, artistic passion and all you do is place in the kitty stencil, choose the orange thread, and then click start!

I have the same sewing machine Craig has. It's not even a stencil. It's a stitch that you select on the console panel. Granted the machine does permit free hand embroidery, but I doubt Craig would ever try that. It's easier to take credit for a pre-programmed stitch that he had the machine make.

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33 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I have my own theories about people who are known for their chronic lateness.  It goes much deeper than being late for events, imo.  I don't have anything scientific, but, I know what I have discovered.  I've had to end friendships, romances, and even let employees go, due to this problem.  To me, it's reflective of a larger dysfunction, based on what I have seen.  

Such as?

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  1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Wasn't it a big professional football player who loved to knit? Forgot his name but it was how he used to de-stress. Joe Namath? (Hmm...he's not that big...I remember him more for the pantyhose commercial) 

It was one of the Pittsburg Steelers, Mean Joe Green, maybe.

Rosie Greer.

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30 minutes ago, Nancypants said:

It was one of the Pittsburg Steelers, Mean Joe Green, maybe.

I think it was Rosie Greer.  He was actually known for needlepoint!

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Craig behaved like an ass.
Being late for everything is disrespectful.    It shows that you care more about yourself (how you look, what you do) than the person who so graciously invited you to their home or function.    If you don't care then be honest and just tell them you have something else to do.  If you are going to be late the person who invited you is owed an explanation.
When I invite people to my home I do everything I can to make them feel welcome and important.  However,  if I am serving a meal and they don't bother to be on time I will remove their place from the table and start without them. 

From what I have seen, Craig is just as condescending to Naomi at home.  Neither really has respect for the other and  would be better off getting some self respect before expecting it from a partner

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25 minutes ago, seasquared said:

I actually worked with the kind of attorney I think Craig would become, IF he actually pursues a career in law. That would be someone who wants to ACT like a lawyer but never actually practice law. My boss was all about taking potential clients to liquid lunches, driving his office leased BMW and attending various legal seminars in exotic locations. But when it came to sitting down and actually DOING work, he was no where to be found. My guess is that Craig wants to be a lawyer in name only.

There are many ways to use your law degree. He could do transactional work. He could be a lobbyist, counsel for a legislator, contract work, or regulatory work. I practiced as a more typical lawyer for about 2 years. I hated it. I now do policy and research work, which I like way more. During season 1 and 2, Craig seemed to like the research aspect of lawyering the most. Craig needs to stop being defensive and articulate how he wants to use his legal education and training. The thing about Craig is that he's not lazy. He'll do the work, but he is a procrastinator and entitled.

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57 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

When T-Rav and Jennifer were talking at the party I found myself thinking that that's the kind of woman he should be looking for, but even though she's a shit-stirrer she's too good for him, and she doesn't need his mess in her or her son's life. 

Watching last night, my thought was that Whit's Mom was his obvious mate.  Agewise, anyway.

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5 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

There are many ways to use your law degree. He could do transactional work. He could be a lobbyist, counsel for a legislator, contract work, or regulatory work. I practiced as a more typical lawyer for about 2 years. I hated it. I now do policy and research work, which I like way more. During season 1 and 2, Craig seemed to like the research aspect of lawyering the most. Craig needs to stop being defensive and articulate how he wants to use his legal education and training. The thing about Craig is that he's not lazy. He'll do the work, but he is a procrastinator and entitled.

Here is what I have gleaned from Craig and his future in law-he wants to work on Haitian adoption issues and reunification of parents and children.  He mentioned he and two people he went to law school with have talked about opening an office.  Craig doesn't get sworn in until the 22nd.  Oh and he did say he can't wait to get into a courtroom.

He and Naomie seem to have a very active travel schedule.  Craig may wait until filming resumes this summer to get down to the business of practicing law.  Since filming the actual practice of law is dull as dirt, my guess is he will stick with the certain money and film away this summer and fall.  As long as Craig pays his share of the expenses I can't see where his law partners would care where he derives an income.

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3 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Who was that poor girl who agreed to be filmed coming out of Shep's bedroom, bedraggled and hung over?

I know right?! Why would you let yourself be in a TV  show as a one-night stand who does the walk of shame? Have some self-respect, Charleston women! Or maybe, she's angling for a spot on the show and if this is the first foot in the door, then so be it.

Isn't it telling how uninteresting an addition Austen is when, after the stupid love triangle with Shep has been resolved, they had to re-run a scene for him that already aired in the first episode? I hope he didn't give up his beer sales job for good. His future in the show doesn't look too promising. Unless Shep fully exits to concentrate on his solo show and then he takes over the mantle as the new walking STD of Charleston. Maybe that's why production is going to force another love triangle with Landon later on in the season to give this guy to do something. Anything.

Oh, and give me Craig anytime over the other guys - cooks a nice steak dinner with a glass of wine for his lady - over Shep's "it's a miracle I made a smoothie!", and Austen's runny eggs and disgusting pan. Can't even do basic shit at 30 years old.

When Cameran isn't doing her silly matchmaking, she really is the smartest one on here - her lecture to Craig about compromising with your partner couldn't have been said any better.

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Was Cameran raised in a barn?  Not only does she talk with her mouth full, she also gesticulates with her fork.  That fork nonsense is like nails on a chalk board to me.  Are you talking, or are you planning on stabbing someone?!?! 

I did enjoy the heck out of Jennifer's mother slinking away from the Craig/Naomie fight in the kitchen.  It was like that gif of Homer Simpson fading into the hedges came to life.

Jennifer really is a shit stirrer; if she hadn't had that disastrous meeting with Kathryn last week, I'd expect her to call Kathryn up and tell her that TRav showed up at the sip 'n see with a gal who looked like a younger version of Kathryn.

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10 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Here is what I have gleaned from Craig and his future in law-he wants to work on Haitian adoption issues and reunification of parents and children.  He mentioned he and two people he went to law school with have talked about opening an office.  Craig doesn't get sworn in until the 22nd.  Oh and he did say he can't wait to get into a courtroom.

He and Naomie seem to have a very active travel schedule.  Craig may wait until filming resumes this summer to get down to the business of practicing law.  Since filming the actual practice of law is dull as dirt, my guess is he will stick with the certain money and film away this summer and fall.  As long as Craig pays his share of the expenses I can't see where his law partners would care where he derives an income.

By adoption, do they mean adoption of Haitian children in the USA?

Edited by LIMOM
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17 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

By adoption, do they mean adoption of Haitian children in the USA?

Craig spoke of a one year backlog in the Haitian adoption process.  I am not sure if it was specific to the US, domestic or all countries. 

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Idk if Craigie is pinging anyone's gaydar.  That seems silly.  Certainly not cuz of the interest in sewing.  That's just dumb.  But he really was being so prissy & fussy & diva-ish in his general attitude.  Is he acting for the cam & trying to entertain us & gain more cam time?  Could be.  I certainly hope this isn't his true personailty.  If it is, he's quite a pretentious ridiculous asshole.  I just don't think this is who he is.  More fake shit.

Anyone seriously think Thom-ass wouldn't get a pre-nup?  Please.  No freakin' way!!!  Make no mistake & don't be fooled by his boozehound ways.  He's sharp as a tack when it comes to money.  Look how careful he was not to let Kathryn get much.  Hooking him up with Snowflake was more scripted bullshit.  Point your golddigger radar elsewhere, Snowflake.

Horseteeth on a break from booze & a yoga health kick?  Yawn.  Who writes the scripts for this show?  Lame, lame, lame.

Austen is a bore.  Why does he always speak like he's got marbles in his mouth?  His parents look like nice people.  They shouldn't be on this show.

Is Cams like the worst real estate broker ever?  Cams, I don't give a fuck whether you're making 6 cents in commissions from Craig's property purchase, he's still a client.  And you don't talk shit about a client behind his back & on cam publicly.  I agree with Horseteeth about her.  She's a bored rich doctor's wife.  That's pretty much all she is.

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To me, chronic lateness is a control/ego thing. Keep everyone and everything waiting for your arrival.  No one is as important as them.  Plus, it's like a sacrifice that they have to be with you at all and you're so lucky they have gifted you with their presence. My brother and sil are chronically late and I now leave after 20 minutes if they haven't arrived.   I haven't seen anything about Craig that makes me think he's worth waiting for.  He's an entitled child. 

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1 hour ago, Nancypants said:

It was one of the Pittsburg Steelers, Mean Joe Green, maybe.

And Rosie Grier, who played for the Giants and the Rams was a huge needlepointer (see what I did there..."huge").  

1 hour ago, RedHawk said:

Good point, she IS the kind of woman he should be looking for. But she's already in a long-term relationship, and no, doesn't need Thomas's 100 pounds of extra baggage.

As even he has mentioned, the crazy baby mama drama puts him further out of the league of most decent, mature adult women. I can see why he might actually give it a go with Landon, who despite her protestations about the baggage, would probably jump at an engagement ring. Her parents seem to think that marriage to a rich man is her only hope.

Well...given what we've seen of Landon, I'd kind of have to agree with them.  She is definitely not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.   

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2 hours ago, mrs. rizzo said:

All due respect to Southern Charm, but why doesn't this site cover RHOA?


2 hours ago, RedHawk said:

That's the forum, not the recaps. RHOA used to be recapped. 

2 hours ago, Kiki620 said:

Even more, why do they keep telling her that she looks really happy?  Girl has absolutely no personality and seems completely devoid of emotion, unless she's going off in bat-shit crazy mode on someone.  Someone also needs to tell her to stop with the eye rolling that accompanies every single statement she makes.  

Since rehab, she's come back seeming very calm and more at peace. I can see why people are impressed by the difference. She does look happy. I can see why they're proud of her. I'm sure it's not easy.

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OK, Patricia had to be trolling when she said you should always have prenups, right?

She must laugh at her ex-husbands all the time.

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I actually thought this was the best episode this season, which may not be high praise. Still, I enjoyed Shep's sobriety, and seeing Kathryn making a go of good health before she relapsed (if reports are true), Pat's party, Cam's scary doll, Landon and Thomas acting interested in each other for the cameras, etc. Though I still think there is a bit of something between them, even if their attraction is just that Thomas is mentally stuck at her age and both are entitled and foolish.

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7 minutes ago, scrb said:

OK, Patricia had to be trolling when she said you should always have prenups, right?

She must laugh at her ex-husbands all the time.

Meh, she might have been smart enough to get a good prenup.

I never noticed they did not recap RHOA.

good catch.

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2 hours ago, mrs. rizzo said:

All due respect to Southern Charm, but why doesn't this site cover RHOA?

If you are looking for a recap try Trash Talk TV. I'm sorry I can't give you a clickable link. I've checked out some of their recaps and they can be funny as well as informative. 

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41 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

To me, chronic lateness is a control/ego thing. Keep everyone and everything waiting for your arrival.  No one is as important as them.  Plus, it's like a sacrifice that they have to be with you at all and you're so lucky they have gifted you with their presence. My brother and sil are chronically late and I now leave after 20 minutes if they haven't arrived.   I haven't seen anything about Craig that makes me think he's worth waiting for.  He's an entitled child. 

I agree about the control.  I also think chronically late people like the idea of not wanting to seem too eager.  He has definitely been put on notice that it will not be tolerated.  My complaint about these shows is they get on a road about someone and well after the story is told they keep going down the same road.  Shep and his inability to commit in a relationship, TRav and all the nonsense about his mojo, Craig and the bar exam, and now Craig and tardiness.   From time to time Craig will release some backstory but I noticed he and Naomie are not on social media this week. 

I have a friend who was constantly the late arrival at parties.  As the years go by, people throwing the parties get older and when they say 7 pm they mean 7 pm.  She would continue to show at 9:30 and then complain about so and so not being there.  Well they were-they came and went. A couple of times she was politely told the party was essentially over and she would be welcome to stay and help with the clean up.  She was always more interested in where the party have moved.   I once asked her why her parties started so late and she told me she didn't want to be bothered with having to provide food. 

Craig will get it after he writes a couple of checks to the court for being late.

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As for prenups, maybe some of the lawyers here will correct me, but I my understanding is that a prenup was a good idea for the less-wealthy person going into the marriage as well. Basically, the prenup sets out how the money, debt, property, etc. will be divided in case of divorce. A prenup that only protects the assets of the wealthier person in the marriage isn't a sound prenup and might be thrown out. Basically, you can't expect a prenup that says "I keep everything and he/she gets nothing" to hold up during divorce, even if the one who gets "nothing" signed it. And different states have different laws as to what is a fair division of debts and assets. Both parties are advised to have their own lawyer read over the prenup and make alterations so that it's fair to both parties. Therefore, it helps to eliminate the stress of financial wrangling and arguments during a divorce if it's already been set down how things will be divided. So ultimately, a well-written prenup protects both people in the marriage, not only the wealthier one, and shouldn't be looked on as something that means you don't "trust" your potential spouse. 

Edited by RedHawk
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Question:  Did a human or a programmed machine sew the squiggly BRO on Craigie's t-shirt?  Whoever did it did a pisspoor job.  Maybe a drunky Horseteeth?

Oh look, I don't know or care if Whitney is gay.  The thought of him & sex is nauseating to me so I'd rather not ponder it.  Just saying, him being gay (and mostly silent about it) would be a lot better than the snippy, gossipy, misogynist, laughably fake & ridiculously unconvincing middle-aged frat-boy personality he's been giving us.  Whether he's being all fake for the cam or not, he does seem like a pretty creepy character 

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More of my thoughts on the benefits of a good pre-nup:

1) It clarifies the assets and debts of each person prior to the marriage,

2) It sets up a plan for the division of assets and debt if the marriage fails.

So, if you are the person with less wealth and assets, it's beneficial to have this all sorted out already so the huge arguments, hiding of assets, and time and money spent on lawyers and fights in court are minimized. Also I've heard this: If you're the less wealthy person going into the marriage, it's best to get things down in writing while you're both "in love" and your intended is feeling generous toward you. Once the ugliness of divorce begins, all that generosity goes out the window and it tends to be grasping for every penny on both sides. Wouldn't you rather be facing divorce knowing more or less what you should get instead of being completely uncertain, angry and suspicious toward your spouse, and so on? Yes, someone like Patricia might not have gotten as much (I don't know anything about her divorces) but the average person would probably be better off with a bit less cash and without all the stress and suffering.

So to relate to the show, Landon's joy and gratitude toward Thomas for his "generous" and totally worthless statement that he would not ask her to sign a pre-nup, was just dumb.

Edited by RedHawk
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I hate people who are chronically late, so Craig gets no sympathy from me on that front.  He's old enough to tell time, and he's lived long enough to know how long it takes him to shower, select his clothes, do his hair and shine his shoes.  He knows how long it takes to drive somewhere that he's driven many times before.  If he still can't get himself there on time, there is a lack of respect for other people at play, or there's something wrong with his cognitive abilities that he can't manage to figure out that if it takes him an hour to get out of the house so he'd better start getting ready an hour before he's supposed to leave, plus 15 minutes in case he realizes last minute that he needs to embroider a cat onto his shirt and then iron it.

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A little OT, but, my husband uses the sewing machine to make our dogs toys. It's adorable. He also fixes all of our lawn equipment, does all the maintenance and oil changes on our cars and handles all the plumbing repairs and pool maintenance at our house. Nothing "gay" about him. Just an all around awesome guy. Oh, he does laundry, too. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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3 hours ago, Koalagirl said:

I'm sort of suspecting that the doctor Shep went to was really a veterinarian.  No EKG- especially in view of his father's heart attack history??  No Chest X-Ray?  The completely blase' attitude over the phone when giving his test results???  How half-assed can you get!! 

He's a real doctor in Charleston, very well-respected in his field.


Edited by Major Bigtime
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17 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Both Craig and Landon have the worst voices - THE WORST - kind of nasal, kind of whiny.  I love that someone (I think it was Acid Burn) said of Landon (previous episode) that she "meowed".  I've sometimes thought she sounds like W.C. Fields, but "meowed" is kind of perfect.  

My husband was watching with me and as soon as he heard Landon speak he put his headphones on and got on the computer.  Vocal fry and her voice tone in particular is like nails on a chalkboard to him.  I can tolerate it only a bit better.  It seems the snobbery has fully come out of the closet with this show/cast.  Maybe it was there before and I just wasn't paying close enough attn.

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Just now, politichick said:

And that was just a for-TV chat to show he'd been warned but definitely not the real conversation they had.

I agree. I'm sure he got a pretty thorough check-up if he was talking about potential heart attack, shortness of breath, etc., but who would want to watch that entire office visit? Turn your head and cough, Shep! Heee!

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Personally I don't think that the "real" or whole interview and history with the DR was filmed. A Dr, seeing a first time patient, would ask more questions. I doubt that he (either the MD or Shep) would want it to be filmed as he was asking for his history and I'm sure he'd like to keep some of that private. Even when he was told his 'bad' cholesterol he wasn't given a value (#) and only one of his liver functions was elevated. SGPT or SGOT...? With his sexual promiscuity I'd venture a good Dr would ask him if he's been vaccinated against HPV...even a baseline AIDS test. Nah, this little visit to the Doctor was for the cameras and he might have had a more complete work up that we were not privy to.  If he didn't (especially raising the question of his fathers previous heart health) he needs to find a new MD. 

You're absolutely right. I'm not naive enough to think that what you see on tv is what really happened in actuality, so I had a bit of a momentary lapse of judgement.

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They edited his checkup to the important things we all want to know, like "How many drinks do you have every day, Shep?"

"Uh, do shots count?"

Edited by RedHawk
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Austen and Chelsea belong on a different show.  They are totally tacked-on and irrelevant to the rest of the cast.  Maybe they could become yachties and be on the first season of Below Deck: Mid-Atlantic.

And let's be real, William Shepard Rose III and his mother who goes to the country club are not going to marry a hairdresser, so stop trying to act like that is at all a potential thing.

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2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

To me, chronic lateness is a control/ego thing. Keep everyone and everything waiting for your arrival.  No one is as important as them.  Plus, it's like a sacrifice that they have to be with you at all and you're so lucky they have gifted you with their presence. My brother and sil are chronically late and I now leave after 20 minutes if they haven't arrived.   I haven't seen anything about Craig that makes me think he's worth waiting for.  He's an entitled child. 

I think it's hard to say lateness can be attributed to one exact thing.... I have a friend who is late a lot and I wouldn't say she think she's more important than everyone.  She just has a VERY laid back attitude to where she thinks nothing is up the upmost importance.  But she also have a very high-strung husband so that might play a factor.  When we hang out we try to tell her an earlier time.. but of course every time we do that she's actually on time lol


I think most boyfriend/girlfriends husband/wives would not be happy to hear that their significant other has been talking about them to other people.  But it's a fact of life.  It happens and everyone does it.  I'm single and every single of my friends talk to me about their husband. So while I'm sure that annoys Craig (because I'm sure none of my friends husbands would be happy about it either) I think it's more about what Naomi is talking about to them.  He does seem to have a short fuse though so that's something he really need to work on.  He goes low pretty quick and you really can't do that in a relationship.

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1 minute ago, ninjago said:

Austen and Chelsea belong on a different show.  They are totally tacked-on and irrelevant to the rest of the cast.  Maybe they could become yachties and be on the first season of Below Deck: Mid-Atlantic.

And let's be real, William Shepard Rose III and his mother who goes to the country club are not going to marry a hairdresser, so stop trying to act like that is at all a potential thing.

One of my late acquaintances, worked as a court clerk and married into the Harriman family.

Men will marry whom they please, imo.

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Chelsea and Austen don't ring true to me. He went to pick her up and they said something about not seeing each other for awhile. Then she gave him a very buddy-type hug. They seem like flirtatious friends to me, nothing more than that. 

Austen's parents seem nice. 

Craig is so douchey.

Kathryn probably lost her mind and had violent thoughts when she saw the footage of Thomas sitting close to Jennifer on the couch and complimenting her. 

Shep was cute sober, and doing yoga. However, seeing Kathryn was off-putting. Of course she looks more happy and peaceful-she's not a frazzled mom changing diapers and cleaning up spilled sippy cups. Nope, instead just doing yoga and filming Southern Charm with Shep. It's disturbing. 

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Oh yea, I forgot to mention. When a 38 year old man (Shep) thinks making a smoothie is something to proudly tell your mom, methinks you need to rethink your life trajectory. If I announced to my mom I had just made a smoothie as some sort of accomplishment she would think I had lost my mind. Oh Shep, never change man, never change. 

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15 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

One of my late acquaintances, worked as a court clerk and married into the Harriman family.

Men will marry whom they please, imo.

Shep has talked about how important it is for the woman he marries to fit in and belong with his family, mentioning specifically she needs to "know how" to hang out with his mother at the country club.  That, and some of the other stuff Shep has said about his family and his attitudes towards Craig and Trav makes me believe, for all his easy going charm, Shep is a product of his upbringing and he is only going to be comfortable settling down with someone who is, ahem, OC.

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27 minutes ago, ninjago said:

Austen and Chelsea belong on a different show.  They are totally tacked-on and irrelevant to the rest of the cast.  Maybe they could become yachties and be on the first season of Below Deck: Mid-Atlantic.

Bwahahaha. "Below Deck Mid-Atlantic"  This made my day!

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