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S07.E20: Reunion Part 2

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12 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

TH was that finger biting all about?  I've never seen anything like it. Nor do I ever want to again! It really was a little scary

She had it in her mouth almost to the knuckle. Never seen her as a nail biter before. She looked as tho she was going to swallow it or make herself gag. 

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18 minutes ago, princelina said:

When Andy asked, "Will Rinna always disappoint you?"  I wish she would have said, "She never disappoints, Andy - she always does EXACTLY what I expect."

You can count on Rinna, she'll always let you down.

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6 hours ago, charming said:

Rinna doesn't like Kim point blank period. She's still angry about what happened in Amsterdam. She openly gloated, mocked and laughed when Kim kept getting arrested. Then she still tried to claim that her intentions were pure, honest and good. Then the second she realized Kim wasn't going to apologize she went for the arrest jugular on camera. Then added to that by trying to use Eden to push the Kim's on the verge of death angle. That's a huge accusation to make. That's simply a terrible thing to do when you claim how wonderful you are. Rinna can't throw low blow after low blow and think a fucking bunny is going to make it all better. And this is coming from someone who cheered her on when she smashed that glass.

I know! I cheered when Rinna lunged at that turkey neck too! I detested Kim then, now Rinna wormed her way into that special place in my heart. It's like a horse race with all these gorgons...trying to win 'Most Despicable'!

Edited by VedaPierce
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It was interesting how fast Kyle shut LVP down when the viewer asked her why she didn't say something when Dorit bought the panties for Ericka.  That's something I've questioned on here several times.  Kyle should've been a little more vocal about it if she felt that it would hurt Ericka, but she didn't protest too much about it at the time.  Then again, if she did and we didn't see it, then it was ultimately Dorit's decision to go through with it anyway.  I'm not saying it was up to Kyle to stop her, but I don't think she objected very loudly.  LVP was right in this instance, IMO.  Kyle must've gotten this comment after the episode aired, because she distanced herself from any blame quicker than one could drop their panties.

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16 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

It was interesting how fast Kyle shut LVP down when the viewer asked her why she didn't say something when Dorit bought the panties for Ericka.  That's something I've questioned on here several times.  Kyle should've been a little more vocal about it if she felt that it would hurt Ericka, but she didn't protest too much about it at the time.  Then again, if she did and we didn't see it, then it was ultimately Dorit's decision to go through with it anyway.  I'm not saying it was up to Kyle to stop her, but I don't think she objected very loudly.  LVP was right in this instance, IMO.  Kyle must've gotten this comment after the episode aired, because she distanced herself from any blame quicker than one could drop their panties.

Kyle didn't object at all! It was only in her "TH's" that she even acknowledged the entertainment to come! She might have been buying popcorn like some of these of HW shows! They love this sort of thing as long as they aren't the brunt of the joke! Kyle's the worst since for years she's allowed Rinna to abuse her sister with impunity; getting worthless apologies later which save their "so called" friendship! Rinna proved she's a liar and can't be trusted! Those crocodile tears only took her back to the soaps when she had to cry on cue! That's the extent of her talent; get accused, fake contrition, then cry and beg for forgiveness! Screw her! ;-(

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11 hours ago, Josette said:

Sometimes I wonder if anyone really saw Erika's labia.  Maybe it was just the power of suggestion causing them to think so once they heard she wasn't wearing underwear.  Hm. 


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22 minutes ago, Jamie Satyr said:

Kyle didn't object at all! It was only in her "TH's" that she even acknowledged the entertainment to come! She might have been buying popcorn like some of these of HW shows! They love this sort of thing as long as they aren't the brunt of the joke! Kyle's the worst since for years she's allowed Rinna to abuse her sister with impunity; getting worthless apologies later which save their "so called" friendship! Rinna proved she's a liar and can't be trusted! Those crocodile tears only took her back to the soaps when she had to cry on cue! That's the extent of her talent; get accused, fake contrition, then cry and beg for forgiveness! Screw her! ;-(

Just like the years Kim allowed Brandi to abuse Kyle with impunity? I don't think Kyle ever even got a worthless apology from Brandi

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2 hours ago, chewycandy said:

She wasn't pissed a man got a look. She was pissed a man and his wife made it into a thing.

Body positioning? Her position was fine, she wasn't sitting with legs open. The looker moves their eyes, their head, and that is on them.

"She chose to be titillating." Nope. She does that when she's performing. In this case, she was simply responding to LVP.

Her response. And a respectful person wouldn't have glanced.

 They discussed it once together on camera. It was discussed a couple of times after it first happened. When Erica and Dorit both professed it was done and over Erica's good friend Eileen wouldn't let sleeping dogs lie and kept it going.

If her sitting position was fine nobody would have seen what her goblin munches on. Obviously those knees and thighs parted enough to let the cat out of the bag. Kyle said she saw  too. I guarantee if one of the other husbands had been there he would have looked too.

She chose words that that would have an impact. She could have said something more demur like "No, I don't." Instead of "I'm not wearing any" in front of two married men there with their wives.

Please, it's human nature to look when something out of the ordinary is pointed out to them.  It may be disrespectful to keep looking.

If you are going to castigate PK then Kyle wasn't respectful either. She said of course she looked there when it was pointed out. 

If she had been more mindful of her words and keeping her knees together than this wouldn't have happened. 

Funny Erica has said nothing of Eileen mocking her when Dorit told Eileen and Rinna together. 

27 minutes ago, SnarkAttack said:


We'll never know.

Edited by Giselle
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2 hours ago, nexxie said:

Rinna definitely brings the drama - and says she'll do anything for a paycheck. My guess is she comes back.

Unfortunately I agree. The best I can hope for is that Eileen doesn't and Rhinna will have to fly solo with her vicious crazy. If might be interesting to see how she does without Eileen (snooze fest) there propping her up and urging her on. I doubt Erika will back her up.

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Funny Erica has said nothing of Eileen mocking her when Dorit told Eileen and Rinna together. 

Yeah, that bothered me too.  On one hand, I can understand Ericka's embarrassment over the situation and the annoyance of the continual questions by LVP asking if she was wearing underwear.  Ericka usually laughed it off and walked away.  I wish she would've spoken up and told them that it was bothering her that much.  I disagree with LVP that Ericka should learn to take a joke.  I sure wouldn't have appreciated people continually making fun of me over such an embarrassing situation.  On the other hand, Ericka did tell Dorit that they were good, so her come-apart  in Hong Kong was baffling to me.  I like LVP, but she was part of the problem in keeping the issue alive.  Ken, PK and the other men being "naughty" with their discussion of it at the party was gross.  They really should learn to look around to see where the cameras are.   

YMMV on this, but I don't know how one goes around sans underwear.  No judgment, just saying that I couldn't do it. 

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The more I think about it the more I realize how vile Kim really is in real life. What a low life. Why are we subjected to her for so long in the Reunion. Aren't there enough issues among the real cast? Why do we have to import her nasty ass to dominate the show? 

I am not a big Lisa Rinna fan but I hope she rips her a new one. Just destroy her. Do it for the children. 

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5 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Oh, no....because, as she likes to point out - that "person" is ERIKA JAYNE, not ERIKA GIRARDI!!   ;-)


Edited by chenoa333
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2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Lol-ing at your illustration of Kyle chewing her hand off. That moment stuck with me the most of any reunion! I don't know why, but just the sheer, utter CRAZY look on her face, and her finger frantically shoved all up in her mouth...it was just ABSURD! And bizarre! It was hilarious and tragic at the same time. You can't make that shit up if you were writing a screenplay. Like a brilliant scene from "Best In Show", or a satire on Real Housewives.

I wholeheartedly agree ! Kyle's gnawing on her own hand, deer in the headlights . Absurd, bizarre, hilarious and tragic ARE great words to describe it, bravo!!! 

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4 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I agree with  you that the HW shows aren't as big as they were a few years ago, but I still think that within the social/business circles that Erika may travel with Tom, others in those same circles are following all of this, whether by watching, gossiping with those who do watch, social media or tabloid news.  It's natural curiosity.  I run into some former NJ housewives out and about in our area, and also have mutual acquaintances with them.  When they were on the show, so many people were following their every moves on TV, and then, gossiping about it all at social events, restaurants and bars that they frequent.  

Maybe it is different in Beverly Hills, because there are so many other crazy things that go on with actual REAL celebrities, and maybe Tom's lawyer friends aren't quite as uptight and staid as Erika has alluded to, when saying how much the wives hated her.

Erika obviously gives zero fucks about her reputation with Tom's colleagues. The other lawyer wives will be talking about this until the end of creation. Erika will never again be able to attend one of Tom's work events without the other ladies and gents staring at her crotch area and giggling. 

Well done Erika. Mission accomplished. You have made Tom proud.

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3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

You're welcome.

Seriously though, the Panties and the Blue Bunny have a better chance at a Diamond than Eden

I would like to see Rinna's single lonely tear have it's own diamond and seat at the reunion right next to the bunny. I can totally see the tear and the bunny bonding.

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1 hour ago, Jamie Satyr said:

Kyle didn't object at all! It was only in her "TH's" that she even acknowledged the entertainment to come! She might have been buying popcorn like some of these of HW shows! They love this sort of thing as long as they aren't the brunt of the joke! Kyle's the worst since for years she's allowed Rinna to abuse her sister with impunity; getting worthless apologies later which save their "so called" friendship! Rinna proved she's a liar and can't be trusted! Those crocodile tears only took her back to the soaps when she had to cry on cue! That's the extent of her talent; get accused, fake contrition, then cry and beg for forgiveness! Screw her! ;-(

Dorit is on record saying that Kyle did say the same thing to her that she said in her TH but that it was edited out. The problem is that Kyle said it, then laughed and followed up with her telling Dorit she wanted to be there when it happened. So, bottom line is that even though Kyle did say something to Dorit about it, she then negated it with the laugh/wanting to be there.

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4 hours ago, AndySmith said:

The only people gossiping about the incident are people who watch the show. Outside the HWs fan bubble...I doubt anyone cares enough to gossip about it.

Absolutely not true.  Very unlikely. You can bet that people in Tom's circle are gossiping about it.  If this were the wife of someone in my husband's professional circle, she would definitely be one hot topic. 

Also, within her family circle, personal friends, former classmates, her son's friends and colleagues....and so on, and so on. There is a whole lotta "wink wink nudge nudge" going on wherever Erika hangs out.

If she can't see the end result of this (announcing that she is not wearing panties, on camera) then she is dumber than a rock.

If no one were gossiping about this outside of the people who watch the show, then Erika would have no identity outside of the show. 

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1 hour ago, Giselle said:

If her sitting position was fine nobody would have seen what her goblin munches on.

Obviously those knees and thighs parted enough to let the cat out of the bag. Kyle said she saw  too. I guarantee if one of the other husbands had been there he would have looked too.

She chose words that that would have an impact. She could have said something more demur like "No, I don't." Instead of "I'm not wearing any" in front of two married men there with their wives.

Please, it's human nature to look when something out of the ordinary is pointed out to them.  It may be disrespectful to keep looking.

If you are going to castigate PK then Kyle wasn't respectful either. She said of course she looked there when it was pointed out. 

First, gross.

Second, sure, Kyle was disrespectful but she has the decency to say that Erika didn't like it because Erika wasn't in on the joke.

Third, guaranteeing that the other husbands wouldn't have looked (which you don't know) still does not make it ok or mean that Erika was in the wrong for her choice of dress.

Human nature, that's all well and good, but making someone the brunt of a joke, saying a lady doesn't do that, etc., is something else.

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9 hours ago, Mojoker said:

I'm constantly hearing people on TV using the word "whenever" when they mean "when", as though those two words are interchangeable (they're not!), but that doesn't mean it's actually an acceptable thing to do.  

I always find it weird too but think it's regional; I've read it in several places, one being Damien Echols's bio. I have a friend in that area; maybe I'll ask him if he's noticed it.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Just now, TattleTeeny said:

I always find it weird too but think it's regional; I've read it in several places, one being Damien Echols bio. I have a friend in that area; maybe I'll ask him if he's noticed it.

I wish it were contained in a specific region but, unfortunately, I've heard it from all areas.

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17 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

Absolutely not true.  Very unlikely. You can bet that people in Tom's circle are gossiping about it.  If this were the wife of someone in my husband's professional circle, she would definitely be one hot topic. 

Also, within her family circle, personal friends, former classmates, her son's friends and colleagues....and so on, and so on. There is a whole lotta "wink wink nudge nudge" going on wherever Erika hangs out.

If she can't see the end result of this (announcing that she is not wearing panties, on camera) then she is dumber than a rock.

If no one were gossiping about this outside of the people who watch the show, then Erika would have no identity outside of the show. 

But these people in Tom's circle/her family/friends would have to watch the show to know about it to begin with. LOL I am sure they watch and I suspect that nothing Erika has said/done surprises any of them. Erika was so OTT worried about Tom/his colleagues, she didn't even bother to tell him when it happened. According to the last time she was on WWHL, about 3 weeks ago, Tom still didn't know about it because she hadn't told him squat nor did he watch the episode when it aired.

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13 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I noticed something in the clip from the gifting of the panties that I had missed before.  After Dorit gave Erika the gift, Erika says, herself, she didn't do it on purpose with any intent.  SHE was the one that started that topic of discussion, NOT Dorit or PK. So "the others" she was hearing the rumor from were herself and Erika Jayne.

But she said that AFTER Dorit said, "now I'm not saying you did it on purpose or that you were trying to seduce my husband". I think the logical reply to something like that would be to say that no, indeed I did not do it on purpose. 

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That finger chewing by Kyle was really sort of strange. WTF?? And seriously, BRAVO, if we wanted to see Kim Richards AGAIN, we'd have a fundraiser for her. I cannot tell you how TIRED I am of all her hurt feelings, her being defensive, her, her,her.... BLECH! STOP THE KIM TRAIN! If she's doing better now, great. But I could live the REST of my life  not seeing her freaking face or hearing her freaking voice ONE MORE TIME!!

And Erika, you think you a badass momma but really now. You aren't all that tough.

Sorry for the yelling.

Edited by goofygirl
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2 hours ago, Giselle said:


If her sitting position was fine nobody would have seen what her goblin munches on. Obviously those knees and thighs parted enough to let the cat out of the bag. Kyle said she saw  too. I guarantee if one of the other husbands had been there he would have looked too.


I think Andy should have tracked down the valet parking guy at that event.  I'm sure he got a good look when she was getting out of her car. 

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9 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I am now trying so hard to recall the other places I've really noticed it. Damn me--usually I am quite awesome at retaining nonsense that I don't need!

Just watch Judge Judy and/or Dr. Phil for a few days. You'll hear it from people from all over the map.

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1 hour ago, Trooper York said:

The more I think about it the more I realize how vile Kim really is in real life. What a low life. Why are we subjected to her for so long in the Reunion. Aren't there enough issues among the real cast? Why do we have to import her nasty ass to dominate the show? 

I am not a big Lisa Rinna fan but I hope she rips her a new one. Just destroy her. Do it for the children. 

Do it for the Target Security Guards.

Do it for the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Do it for the turtles.



Edited by KungFuBunny
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2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Did Kyle just catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror?




Are those things real? Lol. I say No!

11 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

Do it for the Blue Bunny!

And thank you KungFuBunny for THE BEST pics of classy Dim Richards!

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I created an account here because I'm so confused about this blue bunny.  I haven't seen all of the episodes this season, but I assume that at some point Rinna gifted the stuffed animal to Kim on camera.  The posts at the beginning of this thread were posted before the reunion aired--how did you know the bunny would play a big role in the reunion?

I didn't understand why all of the housewives looked distraught when Kim returned the bunny.  Sure, Emily Post would probably advise against returning a gift, but it seemed pretty benign compared to other stuff we've seen on this show.  And it wasn't like Kim said, "I hate your effing gift."  She explained that she felt it had negative energy associated with it and maybe one day when things are better she could accept it.  It didn't occur to me until reading this board that Kim had malicious intent.  I don't think she did.  Either way, it just seemed like such a bizarre thing for Rinna to start crying about (and for Kyle to nearly bite off her finger about).  The reactions from all of the housewives seemed so over-the-top--am I missing something?

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3 hours ago, Jamie Satyr said:

That's the extent of her talent; get accused, fake contrition, then cry and beg for forgiveness! Screw her! ;-(


Interestingly, that's exactly how a bunch of us described Kyle post-Limogate in S1: fake contrition, tears, regret. Wash, rinse, re-heat....

Edited by steelcitysister
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4 minutes ago, Leazy said:

I created an account here because I'm so confused about this blue bunny.  I haven't seen all of the episodes this season, but I assume that at some point Rinna gifted the stuffed animal to Kim on camera.  The posts at the beginning of this thread were posted before the reunion aired--how did you know the bunny would play a big role in the reunion?

I didn't understand why all of the housewives looked distraught when Kim returned the bunny.  Sure, Emily Post would probably advise against returning a gift, but it seemed pretty benign compared to other stuff we've seen on this show.  And it wasn't like Kim said, "I hate your effing gift."  She explained that she felt it had negative energy associated with it and maybe one day when things are better she could accept it.  It didn't occur to me until reading this board that Kim had malicious intent.  I don't think she did.  Either way, it just seemed like such a bizarre thing for Rinna to start crying about (and for Kyle to nearly bite off her finger about).  The reactions from all of the housewives seemed so over-the-top--am I missing something?

Previews and Kim is just a nasty piece of work drunk or sober

Edited by Martinigirl
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12 minutes ago, Leazy said:

I created an account here because I'm so confused about this blue bunny.  I haven't seen all of the episodes this season, but I assume that at some point Rinna gifted the stuffed animal to Kim on camera.  The posts at the beginning of this thread were posted before the reunion aired--how did you know the bunny would play a big role in the reunion?

I didn't understand why all of the housewives looked distraught when Kim returned the bunny.  Sure, Emily Post would probably advise against returning a gift, but it seemed pretty benign compared to other stuff we've seen on this show.  And it wasn't like Kim said, "I hate your effing gift."  She explained that she felt it had negative energy associated with it and maybe one day when things are better she could accept it.  It didn't occur to me until reading this board that Kim had malicious intent.  I don't think she did.  Either way, it just seemed like such a bizarre thing for Rinna to start crying about (and for Kyle to nearly bite off her finger about).  The reactions from all of the housewives seemed so over-the-top--am I missing something?

On the First Looks thread, there are various links to videos of the next episode.  

After they went to Mexico, where Rinna could not remember saying Kim was not completely sober, close to death and Kyle was an enabler, Kyle had a party for Carnie Wilson.  Rinna had some sort of memory recovery and prior to advising Kyle that she lied and telling Kim what she said about her she gifted Kim with the bunny.  Kim accepted it but wasn't thrilled.  Some weeks go by and Kim sees and hears about Rinna's most recent attacks on others, including those she considers to be her "friends" and decides not to give the bunny to her grandson.  Then the season begins to air and Kim gets the full brunt of Rinna's comments about her over a series of episodes and makes the decision to return the rabbit at the Reunion.  Although the bunny was gifted in September, and they saw each other briefly in October, I don't think Kim and Rinna saw each other until the March taping of the Reunion.

Rinna squeezing out a tear and having to take a break was bizarre.  Kyle looked dumb biting her fingers, and even dumber suggesting either she or Kim go talk to Rinna.  They would be there for a week filming the Reunion  if after each insult one had to go off stage and recover.

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Lisa revealed her exceptional acting talents with her crying over Kim's bunny return.    Tears flowed (kind of), then the dramatic walk off - straight to the dressing room, took a swig of water, no wiping of tears, no repair of makeup - just the amazing timing of Eileen coming in to cheer her on to go back and fight.   No smeared makeup, no "why was she so mean", nope - just an amazing performance.   Those years on soaps sure came in handy.  

Kyle's dress.  It's the "I love this dress" - but fails so realize it's meant for another body type, and somebody taller.   I see so many clothes I love - then have to take a step back, (usually online) and realize the model is about 7" taller than me.   Quite a few of the styles she picks out are meant for somebody much taller, thinner, and a completely different body type.    She doesn't need just a pair of bad scissors to cut off the hems of things, she needs a good tailor.  But, the color was nice. 

Erika no longer dresses, she is always in some sort of costume, and this one was ridiculous.  She was really trying to dress much younger than she is (the old English expression "mutton dressed as lamb").   And she has that resting bitch face down to a science.  She's become hard and cheap this season, and it's not a good look.

Poor sad Eden.  Sweetheart nobody gets you, because you don't get yourself.  She's all over the place, and despite thinking she knows her true self, I've never seen anybody so completely lost.

Eileen - uh, why is she still there?  Oh, sorry, forgot, she's there to fawn all over Erika and defend all the craziness Rinna expresses. 

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I hope this is the last of Kim. That was gross, and I think think Rinna is talented enough to have faked that reaction. 

I'm also over Dorit years of her guy. Initially I thought they'd be good villains, but the drama they stirred (on behalf of Vanderpump) is boring. 

I may be over this show, actually. I like most of the cast but there's nothing I can hate on and post about passionately here, and that's half the fun. 

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Absolutely not true.  Very unlikely. You can bet that people in Tom's circle are gossiping about it.  If this were the wife of someone in my husband's professional circle, she would definitely be one hot topic. 

Also, within her family circle, personal friends, former classmates, her son's friends and colleagues....and so on, and so on. There is a whole lotta "wink wink nudge nudge" going on wherever Erika hangs out.

If she can't see the end result of this (announcing that she is not wearing panties, on camera) then she is dumber than a rock.

Nah, unless they give enough shits to watch the show, they wouldn't know what's going on. Especially since Ericka isn't all that popular with Tom's co-workers and their wives. And if they are watching the show, then they should know she didn't flash PK on purpose, which means this isn't some huge scandal or whatever that is going to follow her around wherever she goes. The same goes true for her family circle, personal friends, former classmates, her son's friends and colleagues....and so on, and so on. This show isn't really being filtered to the general public the way it used to. People heard about the table flip, the Atlanta reunion brawl, Aviva from NYC throwing her prosthetic leg, etc, because that was being reported by the mainstream media. Hell I'm sure most people today wouldn't be able to name the women who were involved in those incidents or pick them out of a line-up.


If no one were gossiping about this outside of the people who watch the show, then Erika would have no identity outside of the show. 

Nah, not really. The people who are fans of the women who watch this show or not, give them identity outside of the show. The only thing is unless they watch the show or follow blog sites about the HWs or read recaps about the show, then they probably aren't aware of the whole story because none of this stuff is being filtered to the media the way it used to. And the point the OP made was that Ericka's reputation would now be that she flashed someone else's husband or even went commando. Which, not really.

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50 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

Lisa revealed her exceptional acting talents with her crying over Kim's bunny return.    Tears flowed (kind of), then the dramatic walk off - straight to the dressing room, took a swig of water, no wiping of tears, no repair of makeup - just the amazing timing of Eileen coming in to cheer her on to go back and fight.   No smeared makeup, no "why was she so mean", nope - just an amazing performance.   Those years on soaps sure came in handy.  

Kyle's dress.  It's the "I love this dress" - but fails so realize it's meant for another body type, and somebody taller.   I see so many clothes I love - then have to take a step back, (usually online) and realize the model is about 7" taller than me.   Quite a few of the styles she picks out are meant for somebody much taller, thinner, and a completely different body type.    She doesn't need just a pair of bad scissors to cut off the hems of things, she needs a good tailor.  But, the color was nice. 

Erika no longer dresses, she is always in some sort of costume, and this one was ridiculous.  She was really trying to dress much younger than she is (the old English expression "mutton dressed as lamb").   And she has that resting bitch face down to a science.  She's become hard and cheap this season, and it's not a good look.

Poor sad Eden.  Sweetheart nobody gets you, because you don't get yourself.  She's all over the place, and despite thinking she knows her true self, I've never seen anybody so completely lost.

Eileen - uh, why is she still there?  Oh, sorry, forgot, she's there to fawn all over Erika and defend all the craziness Rinna expresses. 

She probably actually does look much nicer in person than she does on camera.  It makes me think of Michelle Obama getting flak for some outfits, especially the flowered dresses that bring to mind the word "frocks" - which are pretty dresses, and I think she feels pretty in them, and looks pretty to the people she is with, but they don't always look so good in pictures.  I know it's happened to me too - I see pictures of myself and am sad, because I thought I looked nice in that outfit :(

Agree with the rest of your post!

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But she said that AFTER Dorit said, "now I'm not saying you did it on purpose or that you were trying to seduce my husband".

Passive-aggressive bitchiness all the way.


She explained that she felt it had negative energy associated with it and maybe one day when things are better she could accept it.  It didn't occur to me until reading this board that Kim had malicious intent.  I don't think she did. 

Best thing for Kim would have been to donate it. Then at the reunion tell Rinna she couldn't accept the gift, because Kim felt it wasn't given in good faith, but at least someone else would benefit from it. This way Kim comes out looking like a winner. While she can't accept the gift from Rinna, at least someone else will benefit from it. Rinna can't cry tears of sadness over a charity donation.

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On 4/18/2017 at 11:09 PM, ryebread said:

And THIS is why I LOVED Kyle snapping at LVP tonight.  This is the second time that I've seen LVP sitting back and either trying to make Kyle look foolish or let Kyle do the dirty work so Pinky doesn't get her hands dirty.  This is what Kyle meant all those years ago about LVP being Bobby Fisher.  

It's nice to see her finally have the confidence to tell her to shut it.  I was surprised to see her get handsy with LVP as she physically pushed her back so she could speak directly to Dorit.  And then put a hand up in LVPs face telling her that she didn't like what she was doing. Twice.  BEST PART OF THE REUNION for me. 

The problem was, LVP wasn't trying to make her look bad. LVP was interrupted by Kyle many times, and everyone was talking over everyone else, but, thankfully for me, I watch with closed captions. LVP was saying, "But you thought it was funny," so Kyle and others thought she was trying to throw her under the bus, but what LVP finally managed to say, which Kyle never heard, was that Dorit was being playful and that Kyle found it funny because she realized Dorit was just being playful. In other words, it was obvious that Dorit's intention was not to be nasty, and Kyle picked up on the real intent.

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21 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Passive-aggressive bitchiness all the way.

Best thing for Kim would have been to donate it. Then at the reunion tell Rinna she couldn't accept the gift, because Kim felt it wasn't given in good faith, but at least someone else would benefit from it. This way Kim comes out looking like a winner. While she can't accept the gift from Rinna, at least someone else will benefit from it. Rinna can't cry tears of sadness over a charity donation.

That would be the civilized and classy thing to do, but these trashy b!tches aren't anywhere near that sophisticated! Even LVP with her British accent shows herself to be as low as a sewer! I wouldn't be bothered with someone like her with that filthy mouth! ;-(

Edited by Jamie Satyr
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On 4/18/2017 at 11:17 PM, Jextella said:

On the flip side, I think Rinna has the same problem. 

She's dealing with an alcoholic and can't seem to grasp that Kim may not be able to rise to the emotional level she wants her too.  Kim turned to drugs and alcohol at a young age.   I started drugs and alcohol at a young age.  A therapist told me that when kids start young, they stop developing.  They check out of the real world and hence don't engage nor develop socially or emotionally in the way a non-abuser does.

That was a light-bulb moment for me.  I think Kim is like this.  I think she checked out in her early teens and just never grew up.  to expect more from someone like this reflects a lack of understanding - and possibly empathy.  With Rinna, I think it's a little of both.

For her part, Kim needs to understand that she has to give a little too - even when others say/do stupid shit, and that she makes mistakes too.  It's not always others.   

Both Rinna and Kim need to be better at putting themselves in the shoes of the other and understanding the position from which they see the world - and then not expect the other to be exactly what they want them to be.

Good points!

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52 minutes ago, renatae said:

The problem was, LVP wasn't trying to make her look bad. LVP was interrupted by Kyle many times, and everyone was talking over everyone else, but, thankfully for me, I watch with closed captions. LVP was saying, "But you thought it was funny," so Kyle and others thought she was trying to throw her under the bus, but what LVP finally managed to say, which Kyle never heard, was that Dorit was being playful and that Kyle found it funny because she realized Dorit was just being playful. In other words, it was obvious that Dorit's intention was not to be nasty, and Kyle picked up on the real intent.

IMO the problem was that LVP was trying to answer a question which had been asked of Kyle - and Kyle wanted to answer her own question.  If Andy or the other Hos wanted to find fault with Kyle's answer - THAT would have been the time for LVP to pile on. 

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