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S02.E20: Generation Gap

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Things get personal for Dr. Halstead when his unsupportive father is admitted to the hospital against his wishes. When treating Will's father, Dr. Rhodes reflects on his relationship with his dad. Dr. Charles gets involved when his daughter Robin's strange behavior continues to intensify and Dr. Choi struggles to help a teenage boy who is desperate to control his sexual urges. Dr. Manning feels the impact of being a working mother when a young boy is brought in for neglect. Meanwhile, Sarah teaches a group of high school students about the responsibilities of having a child by using fake baby dolls.

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Yeah, so the show might as well cut the Nina/Will romance now, since that's where they're slowly leading to. I don't want poor Nina's heart broken even further. 

I totally predicted the ending to Choi's case, and I had to look away in case they showed a little more. And then I realized this is still a 9pm show so they can't really show all that much. Phew. 

I guess Will's dad is alright. He's a jerk, but I don't see the entire story here. I GUESS we're supposed to know the background between Jay and Daddy Halstead? Maybe it was explained on Jay's show? 

Also, it took me a while to notice that Will's hair is no longer red. Thank freaking god. That dye job was horrendous. 

Well....Manning's storyline happened. Is she getting her own redemption arc next season, like Will did? If so, whose character is going to be assassinated next? April, perhaps? She's already shown signs this season. 

Yeah, show, I tolerate a lot from you. I tolerate your stupid love triangle with Nina/Will/Manning. I tolerate Choi occasionally acting like a dick. But I swear if you break my poor Splendorkable's heart by having Sarah cheat on him with or break up with him for April's shitty doctor brother, then I am going to have to re-evaluate my future with this show. 

Yeah, I don't really know what's going on with Robyn, but since they randomly inserted it into the show a few episodes before the end of the season, I'll bet it'll cause her to leave Connor, since he can't have nice things for too long.

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Manning ---- wash rinse and repeat. Seriously it would be shocking if she once was not judgmental. I am surprised Owen was mentioned I thought the writers were trying to forget he existed.   

Jeff--- it was nice to see him; however, I can't help but wonder what the writers plan on doing with him. I've always felt he was only brought in to be a "Love Interest" for Natalie. 

I'm glad Will's dad is ok. However, the whole Nina misunderstanding why Natalie knew about Will's Dad and her misunderstanding Will smiling about Owen had my rolling my eyes. I like Will & Nina, but I know it's inevitable that Will & Nina will break up and part of me wishes they would just break them up. Also am I misremembering but wasn't there a scene in the preview  with Will and Nina hugging?

Choi's patient was creepy. He had a conscience and wanted to get better, but man he still creeped me out.

Robin--- I don't care. Her going crazy feels a bit sudden.

Charles and Conner's dislike of each other just feels odd to me; I never really understood why all of a sudden they started disliking each other.. I know I know the writers wanted drama!!!!

Sarah and Aprils brother just no no no no. I will never forgive Sarah if she cheats on splendorkable.

Edited by Fireball
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Patty Murin tweeted that she had to work so she couldn't live tweet during the show, so Nina is going to be around till the end of the season, which relieves my mind because Shore/Halstead is headed into speeding into dissolution land.

Charles Sr. is slipping back into his mode of earlier this season when he was just WTH? Your daughter's boyfriend tells you that she's behaving strangely and you just deny that there is anything wrong?  At least Charles didn't entirely ignore it because he went to Robyn but why tell said boyfriend, who happens to be a doctor, that there is nothing wrong.

I didn't understand why Halstead pere was so desperate not to get treated.  It wasn't just that he didn't want to be treated by his son, he didn't want the surgery at all.  Am I missing something because I don't understand manspeak?

2 hours ago, Artsda said:

Manning again attacking a parent & having to realize she was wrong.

I'm used to Manning attacking parents and getting judgey but what made this particularly bad was that she attacked the mother for the bad sitters she got for her child because they weren't feeding him properly but the mother couldn't afford daycare and at the end of the episode, we saw Manning's nanny which she can afford because of the high salary she earns.  There's really no excuse for that kind of blindness but snobbishness.

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12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I guess Will's dad is alright. He's a jerk, but I don't see the entire story here. I GUESS we're supposed to know the background between Jay and Daddy Halstead? Maybe it was explained on Jay's show?

Nope. There is no background except that when Will came to town two years ago, Jay said he and his dad hadn't spoken in several years.  I watched this show tonight to learn some background or a resolution and got nothing.  He hadn't been to work in 2 days so I guess we're to assume Jay is his emergency contact in the HR office? Otherwise, why is Jay there watching a ballgame?  I don't know; so many holes. 

Edited by FnkyChkn34
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These Chicago shows constantly cross over into one another with mixed success. Imo Jesse Lee Soffer's appearance on this episode wasn't one of the better examples. If you're going to have Will and Jay together and dealing with the possibly mortal illness of their father, why can't there be some scenes/dialogue that convinces the viewer that they are indeed brothers?

I found Dr. Charles' behavior in this one annoying, was he shutting out Dr. Rhodes because he doesn't like him being in a relationship with his daughter? But then I didn't make much sense of his earlier behavior toward Dr. Reese, shutting her out too and making her feel she was being pushed out.

I like watching the evolution of the relationship between Will Halstead and Connor Rhodes. Not drinking buddies, for sure, separated by barriers of upbringing and socio-economic class. Not a lot of warmth between them but there is respect.

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As Mr MML said, sure, Dr Rhodes, accompany Dr Halsted to the Halsted home because why not have the ER short of two doctors instead of just one. 

Manning's face must hurt by the end of filming an episode, keeping it in that fake concerned expression the entire time she is on camera.

Disappointed that Show didn't continue its  typical breakneck speed to resolve story lines by the end of an episode: Robyn's cuckoo-neurosis/psychosis is dangling once again instead of being tidely wrapped up, like Papa Halsted's was. Although I was sure Papa was going to die without telling Will he loved him. Mr MML got something in his eyes when that happened. 

Reese, you break Splendorkable's heart with April's lazy doctor brother, you break my heart and all our hearts. We will be coming for you.

Totally called what Choi's patient was going to do. That was nice what Dr Charles said to the parents, that it's more important to look forward than to look backward for causes. I guess.

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Since the boy was underage and the parents were ignoring a severe psychological problem, couldn't Children's Services or something be called?  Maybe Choi could talk to Manning -- she seems ready to call the at the slightest provocation.

How old was the boy anyway?  In my area, 16 - 18 is a grey zone where teenagers are allowed to make their own medical decisions in some cases.

9 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

As Mr MML said, sure, Dr Rhodes, accompany Dr Halsted to the Halsted home because why not have the ER short of two doctors instead of just one.

I thought Rhodes was heading home for the day, or maybe I just fanwanked that because he was in the locker. Where he shouldn't have been anyway since he's no longer an ER doc but doing a cardio-thoracic fellowship.

I did like Halstead asking him to come along though.

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One more thought, and then I probably won't pay much attention to this show again this season - 

What was with Jay and Natalie?  Was that flirting because Natalie all of a sudden likes Jay?  Or was that an "I like your brother but we aren't together and it's super weird sometimes, can you help me?" kind of implication?  As a Chicago PD fan first and foremost, and a Linstead fan, if that was flirting and they might try to go there - that's just a big old "no" from me.

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18 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

What was with Jay and Natalie?  Was that flirting because Natalie all of a sudden likes Jay?  Or was that an "I like your brother but we aren't together and it's super weird sometimes, can you help me?" kind of implication?  

I have no idea what was going on with that Jay & Natalie scene! It was weird; I'm guessing it was suppose to be Natalie showing Jay her concern for his father? IDK that's all I got; it was so random.

34 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I thought Rhodes was heading home for the day, or maybe I just fanwanked that because he was in the locker. Where he shouldn't have been anyway since he's no longer an ER doc but doing a cardio-thoracic fellowship.

I thought Conner was heading home too.

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29 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

What was with Jay and Natalie?  Was that flirting because Natalie all of a sudden likes Jay?  Or was that an "I like your brother but we aren't together and it's super weird sometimes, can you help me?" kind of implication?  As a Chicago PD fan first and foremost, and a Linstead fan, if that was flirting and they might try to go there - that's just a big old "no" from me.

I don't know either, but I read it as a "Will and I aren't together but I'm really close with his family members, like Jay. See? We're meant to be together while Dr. Nina Shore can fuck off since she doesn't know Jay like I do" kind of thing. Purely another mark on the Manstead pairing being Twue Wuv or whatever they're trying to pretend that it is. 

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1 hour ago, Fireball said:

I have no idea what was going on with that Jay & Natalie scene! It was weird; I'm guessing it was suppose to be Natalie showing Jay her concern for his father? IDK that's all I got; it was so random.


1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I don't know either, but I read it as a "Will and I aren't together but I'm really close with his family members, like Jay. See? We're meant to be together while Dr. Nina Shore can fuck off since she doesn't know Jay like I do" kind of thing. Purely another mark on the Manstead pairing being Twue Wuv or whatever they're trying to pretend that it is. 

As long as they aren't trying to pair her up with Jay, I'm ok with that.  But it was still weird, whatever it was.

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Jeez its like every episode they make Dr.  Manning worse... Did she piss off someone?  Also I've always wanted Sexton the younger to be more involved on the show and the first time he appeared id thought they would pair him and Reese up.. You know opposites attracting and all

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Just watched this episode...what the hell is up with Manning?  Didn't the kid have delays?  Autism?  Kids on the spectrum (and kids in general) can have Mary frickin' Poppins as their nanny and some of them still will have issues with food.  And what a BS apology.  Sorry, but a vitamin deficiency - especially in the setting of delays/behavioral issues - does not warrant attitude from a doctor to a patient's parent.  Basic dietary history should come up during well child checks, and should be addressed then as well.  So it's not just on the mom.

Also, am I the only person who didn't get a fake baby in high school?  Granted, no one in my high school had a baby, but still, is that really a thing?

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Seeing Natalie's endless parade of self-righteousness, hypocrisy, inappropriateness, and lack of professionalism, I'd almost wonder if they were making her look bad on purpose, but given their insistence on Manning/Halstead being twu wuv 4 eva, I think they truly don't understand what a horrible character she is. Her penchant for judging and then yelling at/scolding parents is ridiculous, inexcusable, and grating in the extreme. It's mind-boggling that people are evidently supposed to think that she's a good character and person. She's really and truly the opposite of that.

That brief scene with Manning and Jay . . . wth? I'd be inclined to agree with the assessment that it was meant to show that she's all in-the-know when it comes to the Halstead family, but that moment ended with deliberate awkwardness, and I don't have the foggiest clue what that was supposed to signify.

I'm sure the writers meant for people to look unfavorably on Nina being upset that her significant other/colleague hadn't bothered to tell her that his father had been dealing with a serious medical issue and had been treated and undergoing surgery for hours. No, just no. I don't doubt at all that they're trying to throw her under the bus a bit to make way for the inevitable Manning/Halstead waste of time, but sorry, show, it's not working. I'm team Nina and if anything, she deserves far better than Halstead. I'm heartened that Patti Murin is still working, and after the inevitable implosion of this relationship, I dearly hope that they keep her on (and even promote her to series regular). It's interesting to ponder who they'd put her with in the future - Choi is single now and it's looking like Rhodes could be single again soon (and that would give the show the added bonus of buzz re: a married couple playing a couple on the show).  With this show, though, who knows.

As far as Rhodes is concerned, I echo the comments from earlier in this thread about the lack of believability re: the strained dynamic between Conner and Dr. Charles. I also found it wholly unbelievable that the latter just blew off Conner's more than justified concerns about Robyn. I found every bit of that to be out of character and just plain nonsensical. 

To end this with some random thoughts: the story with Choi's patient was predictable in the extreme. I don't know why the show continues to try to make April's brother happen, but it's not working for me. I don't have strong feelings one way or the other about Reese's boyfriend, but for them to clearly set up that she breaks his heart in favor of April's brother is just . . . ugh.

Edited by weathered1
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Just when I thought Manning couldn't get any worse, she proves me wrong. Instead of judging a struggling single mother, maybe she should be judging herself for all those nights she left Owen at home to sleep with Jeff. Show, please stop trying to make Manstead happen. Those two are the equivalent of watching paint dry. Poor Connor and Robin. I'm assuming that she either has a mental illness or she contracted one of the diseases she has been studying. I'm happy Will's father quit being a jerk by the end of the episode. 

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I have no idea where they are going with the storyline between Reese and April's brother. I sincerely hope it's not a romance, because they have no chemistry and April's brother just makes me cringe. I will never forgive Reese if she cheats on Splendorkable with him. I didn't understand the whole, "We don't communicate well," bit last episode. It seems like the show is shoving them towards a breakup, which makes me mad. Reese and Splendorkable are honestly one of my favorite relationships on the show, so they better not ruin this. Splendorkable is nerdy, but seems caring and nice. Reese can do so much better than April's brother. Ugh!

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55 minutes ago, SnarkyShark said:

I have no idea where they are going with the storyline between Reese and April's brother. I sincerely hope it's not a romance, because they have no chemistry and April's brother just makes me cringe. I will never forgive Reese if she cheats on Splendorkable with him. I didn't understand the whole, "We don't communicate well," bit last episode. It seems like the show is shoving them towards a breakup, which makes me mad. Reese and Splendorkable are honestly one of my favorite relationships on the show, so they better not ruin this. Splendorkable is nerdy, but seems caring and nice. Reese can do so much better than April's brother. Ugh!

I like the fact that Splendorkable is a type of character we don't often see on TV. We've seen a million Noahs, but even a handful of Splendorkables is a rarity. But yeah, I am 100% positive they're breaking them up so Noah/Sarah can become a couple for next season. Because....April/Sara will get into arguments with each other, I guess? And...that's all I got.

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1 hour ago, SnarkyShark said:

I have no idea where they are going with the storyline between Reese and April's brother. I sincerely hope it's not a romance, because they have no chemistry and April's brother just makes me cringe. I will never forgive Reese if she cheats on Splendorkable with him. I didn't understand the whole, "We don't communicate well," bit last episode. It seems like the show is shoving them towards a breakup, which makes me mad. Reese and Splendorkable are honestly one of my favorite relationships on the show, so they better not ruin this. Splendorkable is nerdy, but seems caring and nice. Reese can do so much better than April's brother. Ugh!

I mean I hope she doesn't cheat either.. Cuz I prefer when characters act like adults.. But its not like hes anything super amazing all we know about him is that he likes Reese and hes kinda nerdy... She said they don't communicate well because he didn't seem to understand that she was freaking out after Dr Charles Sr.  Told her about a spot being opened in the emergency Dept... As for April's brother I don't see whats so "ugh" about him.. Hes a young med student who seemed a bit immature at first but compared to some of the attendings and residents not so much.. Hes got an entrepreneurial spirit with his concierge app and the maybe illegal supplement thing I was never really sure where the law was on that in regards to the show universe.. Either way hes been shadowing Dr choi and seems more mature and about the work of medicine lately.. He was great when his sister lost the baby and her fiance... Id say hes an alright suitor as long as they don't cheat

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Splendorkable has been a really good boyfriend. He remembered Reese's graduation when she forgot and he's always been supportive of whatever she wanted from him.

Noah, on the other hand, came on the show arrogant and failing to do his job properly.  He pulled the "I'm a doctor and you're just a nurse" on April when she tried to tell him he was making a mistake and then she covered for him. The concierge app was about trying to make money while getting someone else to do the real work.  I think they are trying to rehab him though, which means he's probably going to be on the show fulltime next season.  Right now he's just milquetoast though.

I don't know what they are trying to do with Reese and right now I think Splendorkable deserves better than someone who is so self-involved and so judgmental that she barely notices he's alive.  Between her and Dr. Charles, it's like the show thinks that anyone going into psychiatry automatically becomes a nutcase and that's far from the truth.

Edited by statsgirl
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In 6th grade, we students had to stuff pillowcases to turn them into babies that we carried around for a week for our Family Life class. In highschool, it was eggs that we carried around. 

Dr. Charles reaction to Rhodes seeking help for Robyn was a total wtf! I like Rhodes and Robyn together, so i hope this resolves nicely.

Dr. Manning is super judgemental. There is nothing to like about her.  She should think really hard about why she always thinks shes a horrible person or a monster. You're cold!II

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Wow, Natalie keeps finding new levels of being a bitch.  Emergency Medicine is actually one of the better fields for women with kids, because while the shifts are long, you do fewer of them during the week.  I'm sure a person in the top 5% of wage earners who has an obsessed mother in law and probably some kind of survival benefit from her husband can really understand what a single mom working two jobs to keep a roof over the head of her special needs son is going through.

Choi has such great chemistry with every single one of the characters.  I don't know how Brian Tee does it.

My nightmare was them ruining Choi and Sarah's big bro/little sis thing by pushing a romance.  Turns out that there was a worse option for romance.

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On ‎4‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 0:23 AM, weathered1 said:

I'm sure the writers meant for people to look unfavorably on Nina being upset that her significant other/colleague hadn't bothered to tell her that his father had been dealing with a serious medical issue and had been treated and undergoing surgery for hours. No, just no. I don't doubt at all that they're trying to throw her under the bus a bit to make way for the inevitable Manning/Halstead waste of time, but sorry, show, it's not working.

I agree that the writers wanted us to view that whole scene as 'see Will tells Natalie about his father and not Nina they're meant for each other'!! But I didn't see it like that. Yes, Will should have called Nina; however, it's not like Will went out of his way to tell Natalie and not tell Nina. I'm sure if Nina had been standing in the hall instead of Natalie that Will would have told her what was going on.  I'm so not buying this epic love story or whatever the writers think they're writing between Will & Natalie.

I'd rather see Will and Nina work out their problems that can be just as full of drama. This whole I can't be with you because I'm with someone else is lame IMO.

On ‎4‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 9:18 PM, statsgirl said:

Noah, on the other hand, came on the show arrogant and failing to do his job properly.  He pulled the "I'm a doctor and you're just a nurse" on April when she tried to tell him he was making a mistake and then she covered for him. The concierge app was about trying to make money while getting someone else to do the real work.  I think they are trying to rehab him though, which means he's probably going to be on the show fulltime next season.  Right now he's just milquetoast though.

^^ This Noah just isn't someone I can root for; however, I have a horrible feeling that the writers are setting up Sarah and Noah as a couple we're suppose to root for. Between Will & Natalie and Sarah & Noah my interest in the show is waning.

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I wasn't bothered by the doctor's concern that the single mother didn't know what her child's diet consisted of.  There are signs of that condition.   Plus, even working 1-2 jobs, you have to be aware of your child's diet.  A lot of parents don't like to accept responsibility for their child's nutrition, especially if the child is obese.  Don't get me started.  

 What bothers me so much is when the doctors just can't seem to let patients make their own medical conditions.  OMG, that annoys me.  (I agree that with the teen's condition, it should have been CPS referred. )  The medical treatment the parents were refusing was having a detrimental effect on his mental health. They could have least tried, but, normally, for competent adults, let them decide and let it go.  If it's the wrong decision, it's their decision.  

I did feel bad for Will.   Man, what a dad.  They turned it around in the end, to make you feel like awwww. what a nice father/son team, but, I didn't get there.  For a dad to be that venomous to his hardworking and caring father.....and dad treats him like that? OMG.... Sorry, but, he's a cruel SOJ and I have no time for people like that.  Poor Will......toxic parents can wreck havoc on a person.  

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Just caught up on the episode. 

Wow, Wills dad is such a jerk. Like grumpy old men can sometimes come off as funny but in this scenario he was just a jerk.

Abdolutely adored the last scene with Halstead and his dad. The show have done such a great job in turning him around as a character.

I don't have a clue what the implication was with that Manninng/Jay scene but if they think the way to make is Manstead likeable is through having her date his brother then I think they really need to get a grip. Not even going to get into how bad Jay comes off considering he ended things with Erin due to his personal issues.

Manning was excruciating obnoxious in this episode as well. At this point I feel like the writers are actively trying to alienate her from the audience.

I don't feel like I know enough about Robyn and her relationship with Connor to really care about what's going on there. They've always felt forced and she always comes off really cold.

Edited by Chas411
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