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S01.E11: Lead Horse Back to Stable

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Colleen chooses Hand over Fist and finds that she's a better teacher than she could have imagined. I like Davos, but, as the also-ran, it was pretty annoying to have every character ask him if he was the Iron Fist Two...er...too. Not subtle, show.

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I wish they'd stop saying Kung Fu, you can't study Kung Fu, it means to study anything that takes time and practice. It's not a form of marital arts. Karate is at least the name of a form of marital arts. Was Wushu not cool enough to say? That's the form that somehow got turned into Kung Fu. Davos' reply was "It's not karate, it's studying"

I guess Colleen's students didn't learn enough from her. She's still the master. Real world experience does help you learn more than a classroom could ever teach you. Joy is learning her undead father is creepy and crazy. I'm kind of wondering where Ward is. I guess they know that Claire is one the better characters since from this and Luke Cage she's been getting tons of screen time. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Okay, Claire needs to open a secret clinic for superheroes and start charging them. 

I like Davos. His scenes with Claire were funny and I enjoyed his scenes with Danny. They may have different opinions about what's Iron Fist's main job, but they also have a lot of things in common and I like the chance to see Danny interacting with someone from his world. 

So Bakuto's evil and Colleen didn't know it, but she knows now... I'm fine with that. 

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Hey, I think I know what this episode's title is. It's this kung fu move I saw on a TV show. Here's a clip. The "Lead Horse Back to Stable" move is when the guy keeps messing up people's arms. He does it several times in a row at around 00:48. (Side note: kung fu shows like to have the character helpfully call out the name of the move as they do it. That's what he keeps saying over and over: "Lead Horse Back to Stable!" "Lead Horse Back to Stable!" "Lead Horse Back to Stable!" Heh.)

I was like "oh, shiiiit" when I saw those cages with the things that look like blood bags. Didn't we see those in Daredevil season 2? In the place that made those creepy-ass zombie-ish people? It was never really explicitly explained what that was exactly, but it was heavily implied that it's a process to feed people's life-force (or something) to that resurrection sarcophagus thing. I wonder if we're going to get more of an explanation on how that works soon.

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Um, Claire.... You live in a world where a billionaire uses a flying suit he designed to fight crime, a super soldier from 1940s is frozen and turns up in present day, a scientist becomes a giant green rage monster, and there has been multiple alien attacks (Avengers and Thor 2 just off the top of my head)... And that's just concentrating on the original Avengers...Not to mention the stuff you've personally been a part of with Matt, Jessica, Luke and now Danny. Why in the world would dragons not exist? I love Claire but a dragon is tame in the Marvel world...

Edited by MadyGirl1987
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Ha, I loved Claire's frustration over how she was always to patch up crimefighters.  Enjoyed her scenes with Davos too, but really, considering this universe, dragons really aren't all that far-fetched.  I did notice the one fictional dragon she brought up was Pete's Dragon, which was some nice Disney synergy right there, even though I suspect most would have probably brought up Game of Thrones' dragons instead.

Looks like Bakuto really is just as bad, and was clearly setting up Colleen to get killed or rose.  Thankfully, she continues to be smarter and better then her former pupils.  At least it looks like Danny has already forgiven her, but judging from the way Davos was glaring at them, I have a feeling we've got ourselves a triangle here!

Oh, Joy!  You are so starting to see that having daddy back is not actually a good thing.  Harold seems to be getting more unhinged by the minute.  David Wenham is a blast in this role!

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At least it looks like Danny has already forgiven her, but judging from the way Davos was glaring at them, I have a feeling we've got ourselves a triangle here!

I honestly thing was because they took a vow of celibacy. And he clearly has romantic feels for her. And she also is associated with the hand.

I loved the cultural scenes with Claire and Davos. It was interesting to see him try pizza for the first time.

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The whole idea of Danny being chosen to be the IF would make 1000000x more sense if Lei Kung had seen that their immortal enemy, the Hand, had become a much greater threat to the outside world in places like NY, so he was going to pick the guy who was actually from NY in order to specifically send him back home armed as an immortal weapon that could destroy said enemy.

Doesn't that make infinitely more sense in answering questions like
- why would they pick this idiot from NY to be the IF?
- why would this "sworn defender of K'un L'un" leave the very first chance he got?

I kept waiting for them to reveal something like this, even in some sort of questioning "hey, maybe it's actually because they knew I would go back to NY where all these Hand-ites are that they made me the IF?"

But no.

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We also know Davos is kind of a jerk to the poor dude whose only crime was operating a food truck near Rand's headquarters,

I think that goes beyond being "kind of a jerk" and into emotional torture, indulged in purely out of boredom and contempt.

Partly, it's a misdirect that Davos might be Hand, but it also says something about Davos' character, I think.


but going by Danny's behavior in general, perhaps the Order of the Crane Mother just turns out thoughtless kung fu bros. 

We've seen Danny get beaten by the monks in flashbacks, so yeah, they are from the tough love branch of comic book Buddhism.

It's not entirely clear who really gets to decide what the Iron Fist is for. Danny has come round to thinking he has a say, and that maybe it's for fighting the Hand wherever and whenever. The monks of K'un Lun think it is supposed to stay there and protect K'un Lun. Both  opinions have somewhat self-serving aspects. Though Davos makes a lot of sense, I think his lack of compassion for the outside world illustrates that Danny may also have a point.

Lastly, Danny was chosen to try for the Iron FIst. He still had to earn it. Since Danny was always viewed as an outsider, it's quite possible that he was only chosen because the monks didn't think Davos could do it.

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14 hours ago, very-simple said:

The whole idea of Danny being chosen to be the IF would make 1000000x more sense if Lei Kung had seen that their immortal enemy, the Hand, had become a much greater threat to the outside world in places like NY, so he was going to pick the guy who was actually from NY in order to specifically send him back home armed as an immortal weapon that could destroy said enemy.

Doesn't that make infinitely more sense in answering questions like
- why would they pick this idiot from NY to be the IF?
- why would this "sworn defender of K'un L'un" leave the very first chance he got?

I kept waiting for them to reveal something like this, even in some sort of questioning "hey, maybe it's actually because they knew I would go back to NY where all these Hand-ites are that they made me the IF?"

But no.

Boredom. Guarding that pass seems like a pill.

Edited by surfer
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So basically, this was Colleen Wing and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day. Her new boyfriend thinks she's evil, betrayed by her students, betrayed by her sensei, finds out the people she has given her life to actually ARE evil, is almost drained of blood or life force or something, and ends up having a dramatic Breakdown In The Rain.

I really like Davos, even though I'm still mystified as to why he was torturing the guy in the food truck. Seemed like it has basically nothing to do with anything and way more sadistic than what we have seen now. There has to be an easier way to do surveillance dude. I thought he and Claire were funny together. Made me wonder if Davos also took a chastity vow if you know what I mean!

Being the Iron Fist sounds super boring. No wonder Danny ran off. Can he just give the job to Davos? Danny clearly wants to stay in New York, and Davos wants the job, so why not?

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Danny feels like he earned that Iron Fist, so I'm not sure he would be willing to give it to Davos even if he could.

The idea that the Hand isn't actually evil was maybe the most interesting thing presented in this show. But after this episode... so much for that theory! Scratch everything!

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On 20/3/2017 at 2:00 AM, Sakura12 said:

I wish they'd stop saying Kung Fu, you can't study Kung Fu, it means to study anything that takes time and practice. It's not a form of marital arts. Karate is at least the name of a form of marital arts. Was Wushu not cool enough to say? That's the form that somehow got turned into Kung Fu. Davos' reply was "It's not karate, it's studying"


oh, I didn't know this. probably is just a re-use of a word with different meaning. I'm italian, and "Latte" means milk. if you ask a latte in a bar in Italy you'll get a glass of milk. but everywhere else, it's that Starbucks concoct...

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1 hour ago, Ottis said:


Is it just me or has this show really slowed down the past 2-3 eps?


It did.  Hubby and I finished it last night, and while the last ep did pick up a little bit, the show overall I thought started out stronger than it finished.  I still rank it above Luke Cage, but not by much.  And none of that has anything to do with Danny or the Iron Fist aspect, it's all based on the Meachums.  Pity.

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On 28/03/2017 at 6:52 AM, Bec said:

The idea that the Hand isn't actually evil was maybe the most interesting thing presented in this show. But after this episode... so much for that theory! Scratch everything!

I don't know. We've seen the Hand do monstrous things, repeatedly. And Claire is right, if you don't want to be the evil Hand anymore than don't call yourself the Hand. If the show did try to tell us the Hand wasn't actually evil I'd be hella annoyed after the things we've seen. 

On 27/03/2017 at 3:23 AM, tennisgurl said:

So basically, this was Colleen Wing and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day. Her new boyfriend thinks she's evil, betrayed by her students, betrayed by her sensei, finds out the people she has given her life to actually ARE evil, is almost drained of blood or life force or something, and ends up having a dramatic Breakdown In The Rain.

Meh. Claire told her about all the terrible things the Hand did. She didn't come clean then. I should empathise with her because of the brainwashing but for some reason I don't. 

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Thing is, the most compelling villains do monstrous things because they at least think they are doing it for good reasons. They don't just straight-up go "muahaha we are evil" all of a sudden.

It's like what Ben Ulrich said in Daredevil: "There are no heroes. No villains. Just people with different agendas."

What is The Hand's agenda? What good reason do they think they have for doing what they do? "They think they're helping people" might have been a good reason, but it turns out the higher-ups know they're "helping" those people in order to use them. So now they're just straight-up simplistic bad guys. That's disappointing.

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