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S07.E14: Sweet Georgia Jayne

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33 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Yeah, I do like Erika, but that was strange.

Also, it made more sense to me why she didn't have much of a hand in raising her son (am I right on this, BTW....anyone know the details!? I have it in my brain that she like, had a kid and just picked up and left for Cali without him. Is this misinformation?), if that's how it happened. Like, it's got to be SO HARD to be a mother, much less a single mother, and she refused to be that, and face those trials and hardships (or, "weaknesses" as she referred to them-which is fucked up, IMO), so she'd rather leave her kid behind and avoid the hardship.

And if she left him to be with his Father, that's fine, there's NO SHAME in single fatherhood. But to run away from raising her kid, and then to call her mother "weak" for her sadness, while she's in the shithole of single parenthood while trying to find a man, that's sad.

She did say it as a reflective, retrospective though, so she may not feel that way now, but she seemed to stand by her stiff-upper-lip sentiment. Except when it came to gram gram.

If this isn't how this happened, then go ahead and disregard the hell outta this pretzel logic post. But that's what it is now, yo.

Yes, Erika got divorced and went to California leaving her young son back in NY to be raised by his father according to the reports/blogs.

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7 hours ago, Thumper said:

Who took care of/raised Erika's son when she left?

Where is the article that says Erika left her son?


According to this they have a great relationship and he lives with her.

I loathe people that judge relationships between adult children and their parents. I actually just loathe judgemental people. Do we know there wasn't emotional or physical abuse? Most people wouldn't reveal that, but couch their answers so they don't make the parent look bad. I live 3000 miles away from my family for just that reason. My therapist told me to just think of my childhood as "my mom did the best she could at the time" -- sound familiar? I'm not saying that's what happened in Erika's case; I'm explaining why I don't judge/speculate about people's relationships with their family. This is also why I don't try and dig around in people's minds or motivations. 

Edited by Drumpf1737
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10 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Can I just ask...(and I already regret this before I even posted it) what's the big deal over who planned/paid for this trip?

Is it because Eileen didn't receive her ugly gold-embossed invitation from LVP? Why the HELL would LVP invite her? It's like, at the office when y'all are going to lunch together and you KNOW the "nice" person in the group is going to ask the office tag along if she'd like to come as she stares pathetically at the group getting ready to go. And she'll go. Cause she's pathetic. But WE sure as hell aren't asking her! Let someone else do it!

And are we actually thinking that this little move of Erika's and "Oh! SURPRISE! I invited her!" wasn't choreographed and orchestrated?! Come on, we're professional HW viewers here LOL! We know that certain elements are staged. LVP clearly wasn't fighting this, she's on board for drama.

Did they stage it so that Erika was to ask Eileen, possible but I am not so sure because that took air time from Lisa promoting the fight against the YDF on camera. And I don't think Lisa would willingly give that up as this fight is so important to her.

Either production pays for the trips or they are comp'ed by the airlines/hotels/restaurants/ect., the HWs don't pay for them. 

2 minutes ago, Thumper said:

Who took care of/raised Erika's son when she left?

His father, her ex, raised him.

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4 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

EJ's response - adding to the passenger manifest- was rude and the perfect 'eff yew' to LVPs ask.

I love to watch people joust - that little exchange was deftly played, but LVP lost that pass.

She started it by asking - What was EJ gonna say? Yes?

I don't think so.

LVP knew it wasn't going to happen - why joke about it? Was it a dig at EJ flying commercial? Or the size/capability of the planes in question?

So, EJ comes right back and doles out an invite, then claims an 'oopsie moment'?

Ah, the fuckery that people pull out of their asses, at a moment's notice!


THE WORST thing about owning a truck are the people who drop hints/joke about getting you to help them move. (They are the people who will never offer to buy you lunch/a beer, buy gas or offer to give you a few bucks for your time/effort)

I guess owning a jet is the same kinda deal - everyone wants a free ride, but no one wants to fill the tank?

I think the plane comment was along the lines of LVP asking if Erika had underwear for Kyle. 

I would have loved for Erika to have said, "just cover the fuel."  Then the little Bravo wizards could have shown the math.  300 gallons per hour at 24 hours and the price of fuel is $5.00 per gallon out of Van Nuys and $8.00 a gallon out of LAX. 

Your pick up truck story always pops James Taylor's song "That's Why I Am Here" into my brain.   https://www.bing.com/search?q=james+taylor+that's+why+i'm+here&filters=ufn%3a"james+taylor+thats+why+im+here"+sid%3a"1cd5b19a-e1eb-2de1-7397-26de41ebc518"+catguid%3a"c2d76b96-bed4-7481-5a0b-dbc1924c3b0f_961c022d"+segment%3a"generic.carousel"+psid%3a"c2d76b96-bed4-7481-5a0b-dbc1924c3b0f"&FORM=SNAPST

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In the end, would it really bug LVP that much if Eileen and Eden join them on the trip? If nothing else, that is two more people talking about the issue on social media, which in the end helps out LVP and her cause.

Think of all the hashtags Eden will give us!

Edited by AndySmith
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6 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Where is the article that says Erika left her son? Or is her leaving her son something the haters made up?


According to this they have a great relationship and he lives with her.

Here is 1 link, http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/03/15/erika-girardi-abandons-3-year-old-to-seek-life-of-a-gold-digger-in-l-a/  there are other reports on this by other bloggers. This is not something any "hater" made up, this info came out right after last season started, before anyone knew who Erika was/is. Yes, he lives with her now, he moved out to California as an adult after college, until then he lived with his father, first in NY then in Nevada.

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1 hour ago, Sai said:

I thought LVP's dog toys were really cute.

I laughed at the bra. My cat loves to play with a bra (even though he always gets tangled up and trips while running away with it). In fact, I was doing some closet cleaning and gave him an old one for his very own, haha!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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11 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Where is the article that says Erika left her son? Or is her leaving her son something the haters made up?


According to this they have a great relationship and he lives with her.

I loathe people that judge relationships between adult children and their parents. I actually just loathe judgemental people. Do we know there wasn't emotional or physical abuse? Most people wouldn't reveal that, but couch their answers so they don't make the parent look bad. I live 3000 miles from my family for just that reason. My therapist once said to just think of my childhood as "my mom did the best she could at the time" sound familiar? I'm not saying that's what happened; I'm explaining why I don't judge/speculate about people's relationships with family. This is also why I don't try and dig around in people's minds or motivations. If a friendship develops that stuff will be revealed.

Ericka gave a interview on Heather McDonald's Podcast and as previously posted on Page 2 of this thread, Erika moved on.  http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/03/16/rhobh-meet-erika-girardis-ex-husband-son-photos/

So Erika has been very transparent about her parenting and custody both past and present . 

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18 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Gurrrrl, I LOVE that she wears sexy getups, and I'd trip on anyone who said "well, she dresses like that, so she deserves whatever she gets". Like, what?!? Uh, NO. My thing was that if your stuff being seen, and people talking about it is THAT big of a deal to you, (and it's TOTALLY ok if it is!) then use some forethought and put on undies in a short dress. Maxi dress, pants (KYLE) who cares! I have a history of being a terrible conveyor of thoughts sometimes, so I can see how my statement from a page back would read like that. SO not what I meant to say.

So, I get that I had a moment, and in that moment, my truth was...wait....I....did I say my truth? I can't remember. OK wait, this is my struggle, and within that struggle is my journey. All I can do is own my truth in that moment. Can I hug you? I really do care about you.

I'm not sure Erika had such a problem with the fact that PK had gotten an accidental flash or even that it was discussed (for example, she had no problem with LVP joking about it in the moment) - but it was the way in which it was discussed that felt bad to her. Erika explained it quite well, I thought, in her TH, "Oh, you saw it and didn't say anything - oh, you've been running around talking about it with everyone but me - oh, you're now implying that I purposefully flashed your husband - now I'm starting to get pissed." Erika was initially very gracious when Dorit gave her the "joke" pair of panties, but it was the dawning awareness that Dorit was actively making it a "thing" that got under her skin. There was just no reason for such a big production about it.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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5 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

In the end, would it really bug LVP that much if Eileen and Eden join them on the trip? If nothing else, that is two more people talking about the issue on social media, which in the end helps out LVP and her cause.

LVP likes Eden and vice-versa.  I don't know if Eden would have been invited and it was weird she said she would pay her own way.   I think LVP wanted a moment with Eileen to maybe see where they were in their relationship.  Is Eileen going more as a plus one or a supporter of LVP's cause?  Eileen answered it quite nicely and genuinely.  We were just deprived of a conversation.  And we all know how Eileen likes resolution.

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10 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Well, shit.  If there really is a shortage of dogs to rescue, we should probably be throwing some epic parties to celebrate.

I don't think it is that there is a shortage of dogs to rescue; it is that, as Almost 3000 said, the rescue groups take the highly adoptable dogs and leave behind the less adoptable dogs (pit bulls primarily).  I have found that to be a the case at the shelter I volunteer at.  Almost all of the small dogs get taken by the rescue groups.  People will come in and want to adopt the dogs but they can't, because they have already been reserved for a rescue group.  One person asked me, isn't the goal to get the animals in a permanent home?  I had no answer for her.  Why hand over a dog that someone wants to adopt to a rescue group just so they can charge more to adopt the dog out?  Meanwhile, we have pit bulls sitting in the shelter for 6+ months.

That being said, there are some rescue groups that do specialize in less adoptable dogs and do help dogs with behavioral or medical issues that cannot be addressed properly in a shelter.

I am curious as to what type of dogs that Lisa has in her shelter and if she only has the breeds that would be easily adopted anyway.

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7 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I'm not sure Erika had such a problem with the fact that PK had gotten an accidental flash or even that it was discussed (for example, she had no problem with LVP joking about it in the moment) - but it was the way in which it was discussed that felt bad to her. Erika explained it quite well, I thought, in her TH, "Oh, you saw it and didn't say anything - oh, you've been running around talking about it with everyone but me - oh, you're now implying that I purposefully flashed your husband - now I'm starting to get pissed." Erika was initially very gracious when Dorit gave her the "joke" pair of panties, but it was the dawning awareness that Dorit was actively making it a "thing" that got under her skin. There was just no reason for such a big production about it.

Ok, I can understand why Erika would be a bit upset that Dorit and the others were talking/having a laugh about her accidental exposure without telling her about it but to single out Dorit for blame is laughable IMO. Erika/Dorit were not friends, at all, but Erika's good friend Eileen encouraged Dorit, as did Rinna and Kyle! So, be upset at the friends that failed to warn you, failed to have your back, not the newbie with the questionable/weird sense of humor. LOL

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13 hours ago, Giselle said:

Dang Erica has got some unresolved issues and grudges against her mom. For the one good thing she said about her mom there were 15+ not so good things. She lit up when talking about her grandmother but her mom, no way.

Eileen can just go away. Nothing but a frosty stick in the mud. Maybe that's why she gets along so well with Erica. Those two are cold.

I was looking for the post where someone said that ED could show up for her two lines/two minutes of screen time every episode?

Even Hodor made the most of his one line for his six seasons of GoT.

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23 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Ericka gave a interview on Heather McDonald's Podcast and as previously posted on Page 2 of this thread, Erika moved on.  http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/03/16/rhobh-meet-erika-girardis-ex-husband-son-photos/

So Erika has been very transparent about her parenting and custody both past and present . 

Yes, she is being "transparent" now. That is, after bloggers out'ed this info about her but she said nothing about it when this all came out.

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12 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

I was looking for the post where someone said that ED could show up for her two lines/two minutes of screen time every episode?

Even Hodor made the most of his one line for his six seasons of GoT.

I think of Eileen as being figuratively in the bathroom for the last half dozen episodes.  She writes more in her blogs than she lines on RHOBH. 

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5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think of Eileen as being figuratively in the bathroom for the last half dozen episodes.  She writes more in her blogs than she lines on RHOBH. 

I tend to think her more meerkat that HW?

She pokes her head up and squeaks a bit - then back down into the dirt?

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Yes, she is being "transparent" now. That is, after bloggers out'ed this info about her but she said nothing about it when this all came out.

Men divorce their wives and let mothers raise kids all the time. Why is it different for Erika? She was "out'ed" ? What the fuck does that even mean? 

Edited by Drumpf1737
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24 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

I was looking for the post where someone said that ED could show up for her two lines/two minutes of screen time every episode?

Even Hodor made the most of his one line for his six seasons of GoT.

LOL. I’m picturing the haunted heffa with her hand at her back door chanting Hodor as she runs to the bathroom


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2 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

So a man divorces his wife and lets their mother raise his kids and that's okay but a woman does it and she's a terrible person? She was "out'ed" ? What the fuck does that even mean?

Actually rhetorical questions. Don't care anymore.

Hmmmm......I didn't hear anyone say it's ok if a man divorces and let's the mother raise the kids.  It's a terrible thing to do if you are a man or a woman.

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5 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

So a man divorces his wife and lets their mother raise his kids and that's okay but a woman does it and she's a terrible person? She was "out'ed" ? What the fuck does that even mean?

Actually rhetorical questions. Don't care anymore.

Of course not. I have no problem with Erika not raising her son, where I have the problem is her claiming she was a "single mom", which entails raising your children by yourself without any help from their father in todays society, because she wasn't. Erika did not tell the truth until she was caught in a lie.

Edited by WireWrap
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31 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Women like this. Humorless, usually not terribly bright, perennially offended, witless, weird, brooding old bags. I can spot em a block away and I avoid em like the plague.

I don't much care for Eileen, but really like Erika. I find Erika to be quite articulate, funny, observant and intelligent. I don't mind that's she's distant or a bit cold--with these women, she has every reason to be. 

Eileen on the other hand.........I used to like her but now find her to be artificially "nice". If you're cold just be cold, don't try to play nicey-nice or mediator. She's kind of boring anyways--she's just "there". 

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Just now, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Wait, where's Eden??

LOL She may appear at the reunion for a short time, as could Kim, but she is considered a FOH, not a full HW which is why she doesn't have a place on either couch. LOL

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2 hours ago, sarah82 said:

I don't think it is that there is a shortage of dogs to rescue; it is that, as Almost 3000 said, the rescue groups take the highly adoptable dogs and leave behind the less adoptable dogs (pit bulls primarily).  I have found that to be a the case at the shelter I volunteer at.  Almost all of the small dogs get taken by the rescue groups.  People will come in and want to adopt the dogs but they can't, because they have already been reserved for a rescue group.  One person asked me, isn't the goal to get the animals in a permanent home?  I had no answer for her.  Why hand over a dog that someone wants to adopt to a rescue group just so they can charge more to adopt the dog out?  Meanwhile, we have pit bulls sitting in the shelter for 6+ months.

That being said, there are some rescue groups that do specialize in less adoptable dogs and do help dogs with behavioral or medical issues that cannot be addressed properly in a shelter.

I am curious as to what type of dogs that Lisa has in her shelter and if she only has the breeds that would be easily adopted anyway.

Exactly! The one dog shown was very cute. When I was looking, my local rescue group's leader, said that what I wanted was a little fluffy. She meant under 20lbs, under three years old, cute and furry. That is the kind of rescue dog that's hard to come by and also in high demand. I got lucky at my county's kill shelter with a little 5yo Silky Terrier but the reality is a group or an individual would have snapped him up because he's a cute little fluffy. 

This is why I say LVPpups will probably be more retail, fundraising and issue awareness and there's nothing wrong with that either.  Didn't I hear something about a show centered on it. Bingo!

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41 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Andy has an event in Indianapolis tonight with Anderson Cooper.  I question if he would be doing the Reunion today.

From Eileen's twitter........Eileen Davidson‏Verified account @eileen_davidson 6h6 hours ago

It's that time again! #rhobh reunion! Please send prayers, good vibes, maybe an escape route?

So, maybe he canceled his show with AC?

Edited by WireWrap
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19 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

Exactly! The one dog shown was very cute. When I was looking, my local rescue group's leader, said that what I wanted was a little fluffy. She meant under 20lbs, under three years old, cute and furry. That is the kind of rescue dog that's hard to come by and also in high demand. I got lucky at my county's kill shelter with a little 5yo Silky Terrier but the reality is a group or an individual would have snapped him up because he's a cute little fluffy. 

This is why I say LVPpups will probably be more retail, fundraising and issue awareness and there's nothing wrong with that either.  Didn't I hear something about a show centered on it. Bingo!

Lisa is also involved with several rescue groups, that is how she got Harrison, so maybe they are helping her to rehome dogs as well. I get the feeling that any money made, once expenses are paid (heat/rent), Lisa will donate to 1 of her dog causes (but that is just may opinion, not fact but based on her commitment to saving dogs). Oh, and Lisa has reposted on twitter about dogs (from the tea cup size to the giants and all breeds including pits) that are in need of a home from quit a few different rescue groups and shelters.  

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9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

From Eileen's twitter........Eileen Davidson‏Verified account @eileen_davidson 6h6 hours ago

It's that time again! #rhobh reunion! Please send prayers, good vibes, maybe an escape route?

So, maybe her canceled his show with AC?

The AC/AC is tomorrow sorry for the confusion. 

I checked everyone but Eileen's twitter and they were all radio silent today.

Once again filmed way too early to get questions from the audience about what happens in Hong Kong.  So I guess they pretty much just write the script for the Reunion from their (production's view).

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52 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

Exactly! The one dog shown was very cute. When I was looking, my local rescue group's leader, said that what I wanted was a little fluffy. She meant under 20lbs, under three years old, cute and furry. That is the kind of rescue dog that's hard to come by and also in high demand. I got lucky at my county's kill shelter with a little 5yo Silky Terrier but the reality is a group or an individual would have snapped him up because he's a cute little fluffy. 

This is why I say LVPpups will probably be more retail, fundraising and issue awareness and there's nothing wrong with that either.  Didn't I hear something about a show centered on it. Bingo!

That just boggles the mind.  You'd think the rescues would focus on the hard to adopt dogs - the ones that actually need rescuing, instead of all fighting over the easy ones.  It kind of makes the rescues that do that seem more like vanity projects than an attempt to do good, or at least that's how I'm feeling right at this moment.  

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3 hours ago, sarah82 said:

I don't think it is that there is a shortage of dogs to rescue; it is that, as Almost 3000 said, the rescue groups take the highly adoptable dogs and leave behind the less adoptable dogs (pit bulls primarily).  I have found that to be a the case at the shelter I volunteer at.  Almost all of the small dogs get taken by the rescue groups.  People will come in and want to adopt the dogs but they can't, because they have already been reserved for a rescue group.  One person asked me, isn't the goal to get the animals in a permanent home?  I had no answer for her.  Why hand over a dog that someone wants to adopt to a rescue group just so they can charge more to adopt the dog out?  Meanwhile, we have pit bulls sitting in the shelter for 6+ months.

That being said, there are some rescue groups that do specialize in less adoptable dogs and do help dogs with behavioral or medical issues that cannot be addressed properly in a shelter.

I am curious as to what type of dogs that Lisa has in her shelter and if she only has the breeds that would be easily adopted anyway.

Well, yes and no. Most non-profit no kill rescue groups just don't have the resources to take every dog or cat, so they will take the most highly adoptable pets. It is heartbreaking, but a necessity. Most groups rely on fostering, and the faster a pet is adopted, the more animals a foster can take.  In my experience, if a kill shelter finds an animal that is exceptional and won't be rescued, they will call us. Otherwise, they don't make it. I'm sorry, I just don't have much sympathy for people who walk into a county shelter and can't find a pet.  There are so many that need homes. I currently have a pitbull mix who will probably be with me forever. He's gentle, sweet, and loves all animals. The shelter called us to save him.  And, we did.

People pay more to get a pet from a rescue group because they have been tested, spayed/neutered, socialized and have had a full checkup from a vet. 

LVP only has so much money. She is saving the dogs that she can save. 

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9 hours ago, Sai said:

Hmmmm......I didn't hear anyone say it's ok if a man divorces and let's the mother raise the kids.  It's a terrible thing to do if you are a man or a woman.

It's implied. Why bring it up to use as a cudgel against Erika. Lots of people get divorced. Saying a woman left her son has a very definite connotation in American culture. Bringing this up is just another way to disparage a woman for something that men don't catch flack for. Why is it a terrible thing to let the most capable/willing parent raise a child (they made)?

She got divorced and her son was raised by his father not foster care.  

Edited by Drumpf1737
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from Eileen's blog:

"Okay, Hong Kong here we come! Can’t wait to see what adventures this trip brings! *swallows hard*...I’m so full of crap."


3 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

It's implied. Why bring it up to use as a cudgel against Erika. Lots of people get divorced. Saying a woman left her son has a very definite connotation in American culture. To act as though this was brought up as anything but another way to disparage a woman for something that men don't catch flack for is disingenuous.

She got divorced and her son was raised by his father not foster care.  

Implied?  Sorry, still not seeing ANY of this.  At all.

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I am sure Erika kept in touch with her son and visited him and he probably came to her, too.  He lives with her now.  That usually doesn't happen with a parent who has not been a part of your life.  

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9 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

The benefit of being the hostess is apparently you can have the pick of the accommodations and pair the others up.  One thing for certain, the hostess doesn't pay for the trip.  Doesn't this Hong Kong trip involve filming a documentary decrying the Yulin Dog Meat Festival? I am wondering if LVP is going ahead or staying on?

Not sure if it includes a documentary but yeah, she definitely isn't paying for anything on the trip. According to Alex McCord, everything was paid for during the trip - even shopping purchases. She said that usually when you see the women buying stuff on their trip it's because production is paying for it or they negotiate with the store (but apparently they never actually pay..which I find funny since they can most certainly afford it!). Though as much dirt as Alex dishes on the show, I wonder if she has connections with other HW franchise to corroborate these stories or if she's going purely based on her experiences on the NYC franchise. I could see given the established popularity of franchises like NYC, OC and BH, they would be willing to dole out such huge expenses for the sake of the show but for a franchise like Dallas...I don't see them splurging like that. 

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2 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

That just boggles the mind.  You'd think the rescues would focus on the hard to adopt dogs - the ones that actually need rescuing, instead of all fighting over the easy ones.  It kind of makes the rescues that do that seem more like vanity projects than an attempt to do good, or at least that's how I'm feeling right at this moment.  

There were so many Chihuahuas that So CA shipped a bunch to I think Texas for adoption. It was done by a rescue group. So high fives to them. Its the bully breeds, elderly etc that are a tough sell and frankly probably not appropriate for most to adopt anyway.

I'm really not trying to shade what LVP is doing nor rescue groups which do good work. One of the good things they've done is to create a sort of status symbol in adopting a rescue. I'm interested in seeing what happens to LVP's store.

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38 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

It's implied. Why bring it up to use as a cudgel against Erika. Lots of people get divorced. Saying a woman left her son has a very definite connotation in American culture. Bringing this up is just another way to disparage a woman for something that men don't catch flack for.

She got divorced and her son was raised by his father .  

Who tried to disparage her for doing what many fathers have done? No one that I have seen. What I, and a few others, take exception to is her claim of "single mom" status/title and talking as if she actually raised her son herself, which is not what happened Oh, and how she judged her mother's parenting skills this past episode even though she made the choice to not raise her son or even to be in his life on a weekly basis. I am sure she paid child support and had him visit her during summer break and possibly during the holidays when he got a bit older but again, that was not what she tried to sell. So, she brings on the harsh judgement herself because of her words verses her actions.

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10 hours ago, racked said:

I still think Dorit is loads of fun! I actually really like all of these women a lot, except Eden, who makes me sad and uncomfortable. 

I loooved Erika's slip into her southern accent when she was in Georgia, it was just adorable. 

I think Kyle is gorgeous but I wish she'd get clothing either custom made or tailored to her body. Her gold dress was way too tight on the bust, and it could have been a great look otherwise.

Kyle has NO clue on how to dress.

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8 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Okay I will say it. . .I think it is wrong to leave your child on the other side of the country to pursue your dream.  I would say it whether it was a mom or a dad.  People fight tooth and nail to see their children mid week just one extra day of visitation.  Erika walked away and then has the gall to say her single parent mother wasn't supportive enough growing up.  At least she was there.  Congratulations to Erika she has a good relationship with her son but 20 years of pursing your dream is pretty self-centered.  I can respect the fact that Erika maybe didn't have the tools or commitment to deal with being a single mom.  I just didn't like the way she treated her mom.  Her mom stuck it out. . . .Erika didn't.  And please don't tell me a cocktail waitress could afford to fly to the east coast every other week to see her child. 

If you had issues in your childhood with your mother, you do what LVP did.  She never complains about her parents other than to say there wasn't a verbalization of love. . . she remedied that slight by telling her children she loved them everyday.  I don't dislike Erika and I do believe she needs to accept the fact she was an absentee parent.  I would never expect any RH to address the issue. I just didn't like how she treated her mom.    Probably the most unpopular post ever.    

I have to agree here. Had she not judged her mom lacking in parenting skills this would not be an issue to the degree it is with me. Erika walked away from her son, moved across country but then puts her mom down for being too tough, her mom was at least there for her. I am glad they have a good relationship now that he is an adult but I am sure how his dad raise him had a lot to do with that.

3 minutes ago, lololol said:

Kyle has NO clue on how to dress.

She has gotten a lot better the past few years but still makes mistakes, they all do IMO, not just Kyle. LOL

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I didn't see Erika put her mom down. I saw her talk honestly about what it was like to grow up in her situation. I heard her say her mom is an inspiration. I had a very similar upbringing and I talk about it a lot. Including over the last several years with my mom (prior to that it was too hard to discuss because I didn't want to hurt her or make her feel bad for shit that went down when she she was to young and to scared to know how to handle). No putting down of my mom, but the scary stuff that happened in that house had an impact on what was to follow because it always does in some way. The fact is that it becomes part of a persons story and part of who they are and their reality. The fact that people who might have had it hard early in life are told to not discuss it for fear of making others feel badly just sucks. It's Erika's story and she should be able to tell it. 

I don't get the debate/discussion of Erika calling herself a "single mom".  Has this been part of her narrative? I have no doubt she might have said it, and I know it has been said in interviews, but is this the central thing folks think of when they think of Erika? Is she driving the narrative, talking about it constantly? If so, I have missed it. I've read on here where she is only now coming clean or some such nonsense. The show began last January, and she was interviewing to the fact that she moved away from her son when he was three only a couple of months later, so it was hardly something she was hiding. She was openly talking about it in the press early last season. 

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30 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Okay I will say it. . .I think it is wrong to leave your child on the other side of the country to pursue your dream.  I would say it whether it was a mom or a dad.  People fight tooth and nail to see their children mid week just one extra day of visitation.  Erika walked away and then has the gall to say her single parent mother wasn't supportive enough growing up.  At least she was there.  Congratulations to Erika she has a good relationship with her son but 20 years of pursing your dream is pretty self-centered.  I can respect the fact that Erika maybe didn't have the tools or commitment to deal with being a single mom.  I just didn't like the way she treated her mom.  Her mom stuck it out. . . .Erika didn't.  And please don't tell me a cocktail waitress could afford to fly to the east coast every other week to see her child. 

If you had issues in your childhood with your mother, you do what LVP did.  She never complains about her parents other than to say there wasn't a verbalization of love. . . she remedied that slight by telling her children she loved them everyday.  I don't dislike Erika and I do believe she needs to accept the fact she was an absentee parent.  I would never expect any RH to address the issue. I just didn't like how she treated her mom.    Probably the most unpopular post ever.    

ErICKa went to LA to snag a rich, old fart. Mission accomplished. She's a self-centered b.

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13 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I didn't see Erika put her mom down. I saw her talk honestly about what it was like to grow up in her situation. I heard her say her mom is an inspiration. I had a very similar upbringing and I talk about it a lot. Including over the last several years with my mom (prior to that it was too hard to discuss because I didn't want to hurt her or make her feel bad for shit that went down when she she was to young and to scared to know how to handle). No putting down of my mom, but the scary stuff that happened in that house had an impact on what was to follow because it always does in some way. The fact is that it becomes part of a persons story and part of who they are and their reality. The fact that people who might have had it hard early in life are told to not discuss it for fear of making others feel badly just sucks. It's Erika's story and she should be able to tell it. 

I don't get the debate/discussion of Erika calling herself a "single mom".  Has this been part of her narrative? I have no doubt she might have said it, and I know it has been said in interviews, but is this the central thing folks think of when they think of Erika? Is she driving the narrative, talking about it constantly? If so, I have missed it. I've read on here where she is only now coming clean or some such nonsense. The show began last January, and she was interviewing to the fact that she moved away from her son when he was three only a couple of months later, so it was hardly something she was hiding. She was openly talking about it in the press early last season. 

Owning it doesn't excuse the behavior.  Sorry but I think kids need to be around their parents.  It is not as if there aren't acting/entertainment opportunities in NY.  Erika doesn't need to discuss it but she best better stay mum when other RH parenting issues are discussed.   I am quite certain she will.  Erika left that little boy without a mother-near enough to fend for him.  I get it she may have been confused or overwhelmed but don't talk about your childhood when you committed a huge abandonment.  As Erika has told us, parental alienation hurts. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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I don't know what her arrangement was with her ex regarding her son.   To follow her dreams of becoming a waitress, then elevating herself to hostess?   But, if you are living across the country from your son - with the exception of summer visitation, etc. - you aren't involved in the day to day life of your child.  You aren't there for homework, illness, life events, etc.  Whatever their arrangement was, it worked for all concerned.  What I have trouble with, is this quote.

"Single moms have it tough. It's hard. It's exhaustive, but at the same time it's very rewarding," she said. "You know especially now that he's older and he's doing so well. I think that really makes the struggle worth it."

She was single, and a mom, but what part was exhaustive?  Was she referring to her mother's experience, because it didn't seem to be her own.  What struggle?  Being far away from him - well, that was her choice.  

Like I said, if whatever arrangement she had with her ex is nobodies business.  But, please don't try to come off as if she was working waitress shifts, arranging daycare, shuffling schedules, trying to get to his school events, deal with trying to get time off when he was sick, etc. - all the things women who do have primary custody deal with.   She was living in a large home, married to a very wealthy man, traveling.  He only moved to LA in 2014 - as a grown man.   I wonder if he has the same snarky comments to make that she had about her own mother.

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