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This Is CNN

Message added by formerlyfreedom

Please note: This topic is for the business of CNN. This is not to discuss the news, what's airing on CNN at this moment, or the news of the day. Posts that violate this will be removed and may be subject to sanctions. Thank you.

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Stormy, I also am curious as to why Cuomo would take the 9:00 time slot, too.  Wish CNN would put him on at 7:00 - opposite Chris Matthews; it would be no contest for me.  Cuomo is a great interviewer (other than the Kelly Ann ick) and to me, would be wonderful earlier in the evening.  Did CNN need a sacrificial lamb?  Who had the 9:00 slot before Cuomo?...I can't remember.  Maybe it is perennial Wolf Blitzer?  The night-time CNN line-up isn't that great, in my opinion; could take or leave Anderson Cooper...can't remember who else has a show.  Maybe they should get a Larry King "type"...only one with a pulse.  Someone who can deliver a great interview with politicians, news people, celebrities and rock stars.  Wait, I think that might be Cuomo.  I just think CNN could do way better in the evening that what they have on so far.  Don Lemon!  Is that who is on either before or after Anderson Cooper?  Both Lemon and Cooper seem awfully bland; or something...both leave me cold.  And the odd thing is that I really like Anderson Cooper; not just his nighttime show.  He's great on 60 minutes.

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10 hours ago, Kemper said:

Who had the 9:00 slot before Cuomo?...I can't remember. 

The 9:00 p.m. slot was the second hour of Anderson Cooper's show (8:00-10:00), then it's Don Lemon for 10:00-Midnight.  Both shows repeat for the Midnight-4:00 block.

CNN tried out Cuomo in the 9:00 p.m. slot for about four weeks a couple of months ago, so it much have been successful enough for them to make it regular programming.  Of course, it might have been just the novelty of "something else" in that hour that drew curiosity seekers, who may or may not flip to him on a regular basis.  During the trial, he was still appearing on his morning show, "New Day" from 6:00-9:00 a.m. with Alisyn Camerota, burning the candle at both ends, and it showed.  There were a few mornings when it looked as though he were fighting to stay awake.  I can't imagine he'd want to maintain that schedule on a permanent basis.

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Well I guess if CNN wants to make in roads into into the prime time market, they have to put someone with chops in there. Chris definitely fits the bill. 

I love Erin Burnett and she can handle the most bumbling idiot without losing her cool. Anderson is too big of a star for CNN to screw with.

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Seems like this morning we got a peak at what Chris' show will look like.

I don't know what kind of a lawyer Chris is but I wouldn't want to be on the witness stand facing his interrogation.

Edited by stormy
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13 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Watched night two of Chris' show & I'm DEFINITELY not impressed.  Watching a lying Trumper argue with a Democrat is not something new ... see Anderson & almost every other CNN show.  Just sayin'.

Chris seems to have adopted the notion that he needs to be a stronger personality for this evening show, compared to being likeable when he was paired with Alisyn in the morning.  He 's almost artificially intense, driving and hard hitting, and his rat-a-tat-tat interrogations and interruptions become a bit off-putting.  I'll watch, but in the re-run hour if still awake because what I've seen so far doesn't pull me away from Rachel Maddow in the 9:00 hour. 

If he has a spectacular guest, can always DVR it, but I don't foresee that he'll have anyone that isn't being recirculated through the other shows.  Hasn't Scaramucci reached his sell-by date yet?  He's spent more time on TV than he did in his WH job.

Edited by Tunia
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Hmmm, I am addicted to cable news and usually I watch Chris Hayes, Rachel, and Lawrence on MSNBC, then I switch over to CNN and usually I watch the end of their night and the repeats --usually falling asleep sometime (Don Lemon is very soothing and easy to nod off to).   Chris Cuomo is very loud --seems louder than he was on the morning show.   He woke me right up the other night.

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I was at the gym when the story about Anthony Bourdain broke during New Day.

Allyson and John looked shell shocked. I'm not certain that Allyson wasn't crying.

Brian Setzler was on set with them and was breaking the news and doing the talking for the first several minutes.

It was quite sad. But given the circumstances, handled very well.

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On 12/05/2018 at 6:14 AM, stormy said:

Well I guess if CNN wants to make in roads into into the prime time market, they have to put someone with chops in there. Chris definitely fits the bill. 

I love Erin Burnett and she can handle the most bumbling idiot without losing her cool. Anderson is too big of a star for CNN to screw with.

I like her, too.  Especially enjoy her smirk of disbelief at some idiot’s blatant lies.

Edited by WarnerCL45
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My heart went out to Allyson this morning. You could tell it took everything she had to keep it together. I hope she went and had a good cry as soon as the show was over.

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I'm wondering if anyone else was watching CNN on Friday night. I thought they might be doing a tribute to Anthony Bourdain and when I tuned in a little after 10 p.m. EST, it was in progress. And continued for the next several hours. They showed clips from his shows and his colleagues, who clearly loved him, talked about him, and it went on for hours. It was so emotional, and more realistic than any reality show could ever be. CNN was in mourning and just let it flow. It was sad, and truly affecting. 

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22 hours ago, DXD526 said:

I'm wondering if anyone else was watching CNN on Friday night. I thought they might be doing a tribute to Anthony Bourdain and when I tuned in a little after 10 p.m. EST, it was in progress. And continued for the next several hours. They showed clips from his shows and his colleagues, who clearly loved him, talked about him, and it went on for hours. It was so emotional, and more realistic than any reality show could ever be. CNN was in mourning and just let it flow. It was sad, and truly affecting. 

I think they may have re-run the colleague-eulogy show last night, because we saw something like that. I have to say, it didn't work for me. They all seemed like they were straining to be profound in twenty seconds, to come up with just the right angle or pithy observation that no one else would come up with. How well did most of them even know him? I can't believe he hung out around the CNN studios that much or attended the annual company Christmas party. He got CNN to bankroll his own show which had nothing to do with anybody else's, and more power to him. The best eulogy were the shows themselves.

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Did anyone see the Casey Anthony Summer of Lies? It's been ten years since Caylee went missing and her remains were found.

The story is still hard for me to watch. There are so many things that went wrong no wonder she's still hated and can't go into public.

Edited by stormy
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2 minutes ago, stormy said:

Did anyone see the Casey Anthony Summer of Lies? It's been ten years since Caylee went missing and her remains were found.

The story is still hard for me to watch. There are so many things that went wrong no wonder she's still hated and can't go into public.

I was able to watch the WHOLE TRIAL on-line, as it happened.  It was terrible & I still believe her Dad had something to do with it.  Little Miss Casey is a "piece of work" that had been raised by an adoring family & was spoiled rotten.  I'm still not sure who actually did it, but I believe Casey & her Dad were definitely complicit.  There was absolutely NO WAY I'd give a second more of my life to watch a recap!!

The only trial that was worse (IMO) was the Jody Arias circus.  Wow, THAT was un.be.lievable!!!

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22 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

I was able to watch the WHOLE TRIAL on-line, as it happened.  It was terrible & I still believe her Dad had something to do with it.  Little Miss Casey is a "piece of work" that had been raised by an adoring family & was spoiled rotten.  I'm still not sure who actually did it, but I believe Casey & her Dad were definitely complicit.  There was absolutely NO WAY I'd give a second more of my life to watch a recap!!

The only trial that was worse (IMO) was the Jody Arias circus.  Wow, THAT was un.be.lievable!!!

The only thing that makes Jodi arias more palatable is that at least she’s rotting in jail for her crime. 

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I have watched a few hours of CNN and am disappointed in their coverage of the Thai cave rescue. They flash up graphics of the cave tunnel pull it down. I have yet to see them use their powerful graphics capabilities to have an expert walk thru the graphic of the tunnel and step by step explain the challenge. They used to be good at that.

Edited by novhappy
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I really think CNN has done a excellent job keeping up with the boys trapped in the cave.

It's a hard story what with time difference and the uncertainty. I'm glad they've brought in all kinds of experts to talk to.

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I truly believe CNN could win the ratings by going back to being a news channel. Nationwide and global  headlines and stories, on the scene reporting etc.  no more hour long panels talking Trump. Stop trying to make news, just report on everything going on. Balance it between white House shenanigans and EVERYTHING else.  People will watch and you’ll be on in every business like you used to be. 

Many businesses have resorted to HGTV, Law and Order marathons, etc so not to spark politics in their business. 

Help us CNN, help us!

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On 2018-08-14 at 10:57 AM, novhappy said:

I truly believe CNN could win the ratings by going back to being a news channel. Nationwide and global  headlines and stories, on the scene reporting etc.  no more hour long panels talking Trump. Stop trying to make news, just report on everything going on. Balance it between white House shenanigans and EVERYTHING else.  People will watch and you’ll be on in every business like you used to be. 

Many businesses have resorted to HGTV, Law and Order marathons, etc so not to spark politics in their business. 

Help us CNN, help us!

Could not have said it better.  Every show has the same story all day, with the same panelists running from show to show.  They were yap yapping American politics during the Italian bridge collapse.  Have a political opinion show for a couple of hours at night.

Edited by WarnerCL45
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On 10/19/2018 at 8:08 PM, stormy said:

Do we know when Erin Burnett's coming back?

I hope soon.  I really like her.  The woman taking her place in the evening is a sour puss.   She never smiled.   

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These "Election Night in America" promos are so disgusting.  They're shamelessly all about the horse race, plus the fast/macho voiceover makes them feel more like a promotion for some sporting event or action movie and not one of our most serious public processes.

Here's a 15 second spot: 

Sorry, CNN.  You're not the "only place to watch."


And, a 30 second spot:  Numbers!


There's also another spot that profiles the CNN personalities who will be on air that night. (Blitzer!  Donner!  Cupid!)
(Edit:  Which I haven't found online yet.)


(In comparison, MSNBC's "The Vote" spots are much more serious and focused on the issues, reporting, and analysis.)

Edited by Just Here
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On 11/9/2018 at 3:15 PM, stormy said:

Starting Monday, Brianna Keilar will take over the 1pm eastern slot. That's good. I like her.

Just tuned in today and was pleasantly surprised to find Brianna and see her name on the show on my tv program guide.  Maybe you can help me out though.  I have been racking my brain for an hour trying to figure out who was in this time slot up until now.  Was it Kate Boulduan?  John King? 

Oh, nevermind!  I just answered my own question.  Turns out google really is everybody's friend.  It was Wolf's afternoon show called Wolf. 

Edited by Cementhead
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Last night I tried to watch the Style program that CNN has been plugging all week.  Every five minutes there was a bank of commercials.  Finally gave up.  I'll watch it and any other programs like this on DVR.  What's with all the commercials?  It's the same during the day -- and they plug their upcoming shows incessantly.  It's that and the pharmaceutical ads.  I feel like I am just watching a network that just runs commercials with a little actual programming thrown in.

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21 hours ago, debbie311 said:

Last night I tried to watch the Style program that CNN has been plugging all week.  Every five minutes there was a bank of commercials.  Finally gave up.  I'll watch it and any other programs like this on DVR.  What's with all the commercials?  It's the same during the day -- and they plug their upcoming shows incessantly.  It's that and the pharmaceutical ads.  I feel like I am just watching a network that just runs commercials with a little actual programming thrown in.

I watched it as well.  I felt like they talked about things those of us who know about fashion already knew.  I was actually hoping they'd discuss clothing associated with the US - like denim.  I have to say, though, Marlon Brando.  White t-shirt.  

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Three Identical Strangers was excellent.

I wished they could have told more. 10,000 (highly redacted I think is what they said) pages have been released to Robert and David, maybe there will.

Edited by stormy
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On 12/28/2018 at 12:37 PM, charmed1 said:

I’m sorry Gilda Radner, but CNN is making me hate you. The incessant ads for this documentary...good grief! Just when they stopped making me hate poor Anthony Bourdain.

Oh Boy, do I ever agree with you!!  I watch CNN a lot.  And they have killed every single one of their own specials for me because of the incessant ads they start shoving down their viewers' throats at least a month before the show airs!  I have never watched any of them because by the time the damn thing airs, I feel as though I have already seen it and/or hate the person through no fault of their own, Gilda included.  Also includes: RBG, Bourdain, Three Identical Strangers, The 70s, The 80s, The 90s, and Style Through the Decades.  I almost through my remote at the tv a few times over Christmas break because just the sight of those poor triplet brothers was causing me to go into a rage. 

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CNN sure is promoting their special about "The Bush Years" these past few days.  I've been watching CNN a lot and almost every show ends with several minutes devoted to this special.

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6 hours ago, Thumper said:

CNN sure is promoting their special about "The Bush Years" these past few days.  I've been watching CNN a lot and almost every show ends with several minutes devoted to this special.

As usual they promote everything to death.

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I turned on CNN at 9:00 tonight and saw Anderson Cooper's 360 show.  Isn't Chris Cuomo on at 9 PM?  I don't watch Cuomo's show but knew it was on at 9.  I didn't want to watch Joy subbing for Rachel so I put on CNN.

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17 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

I turned on CNN at 9:00 tonight and saw Anderson Cooper's 360 show.  Isn't Chris Cuomo on at 9 PM?  I don't watch Cuomo's show but knew it was on at 9.  I didn't want to watch Joy subbing for Rachel so I put on CNN.

I like Chris's radio show on SiriusXM POTUS, on which he often notes how Maddow and Hannity destroy him in the prime time TV ratings. So the other night for a change of pace we switched from Rachel to sample his CNN show. It was the same yelling and screaming over each other that made me remember why I stopped watching in the first place.

From the radio, I know he's smart enough to run an interesting show without all that tumult, and I wish he would.

Edited by Milburn Stone
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3 minutes ago, Milburn Stone said:

It was the same yelling and screaming over each other that made me remember why I stopped watching in the first place.

From the radio, I know he's smart enough to run an interesting show without all that tumult, and I wish he would.

He & Chris Matthews seem to enjoy the verbal fisticuffs with their guests (which I can't stand listening to). 

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On 3/2/2019 at 12:01 AM, Thumper said:

DCNN sure is promoting their special about "The Bush Years" these past few days.  I've been watching CNN a lot and almost every show ends with several minutes devoted to this special.

They did this with the RBG and Gilda Radner films, too - promoted the crap out of them. I enjoyed both but the commercials were nonstop. 

*Edited to add I see others have already noted the nonstop commercials for CNN films. My bad!

Edited by Alexis2291
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I haven't seen any comment here about this topic and wonder if anyone else has noticed how White House reporter Sarah Westwood always seems to have a runny nose as she does her on air spots?  It has been so gross to me that I even sent my comments to CNN on their viewer comment page, suggesting that someone recomment that she take allergy pills or antihistamines before reporting.  This has often been really gross, and she seems to be unaware that she has stuff running down her face, and it happens almost every time I see her. She also sniffs constantly, trying to keep her nose from running.  Am I the only one who is bothered by this?

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6 hours ago, moosegal said:

I haven't seen any comment here about this topic and wonder if anyone else has noticed how White House reporter Sarah Westwood always seems to have a runny nose as she does her on air spots?  It has been so gross to me that I even sent my comments to CNN on their viewer comment page, suggesting that someone recomment that she take allergy pills or antihistamines before reporting.  This has often been really gross, and she seems to be unaware that she has stuff running down her face, and it happens almost every time I see her. She also sniffs constantly, trying to keep her nose from running.  Am I the only one who is bothered by this?

This past week, while watching Nicholle Wallace's show, I could hear someone sniffing nonstop while guests were speaking. I don't think it was Nicholle. Probably was one of her guests. It's annoying & distacting. 

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HEY!  Michael Smerconish.  See that little black thing clipped onto the front of your shirt?  That's called a microphone.  It's there so that you don't have to YELL.  Jeez.  This guy is the definition of blowhard.  Use your inside voice. Michael. 

Also, did Gloria Borger get filler in her cheeks or is it just me?  Please let it just be me.  Because I don't think I want to live in a world where even Gloria friggin' Borger succumbs to pillow face.  I just can't.

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