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S21.E07: Week 7: Bimini

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It was interesting to see Corinne's insecurity this week. She was complaining about Vanessa and Kristina but I guess she forgot that she said that she wasn't there to make friends....so why would she expect that any of the other women would open to her (or the other women) as friends and share more than the bare minimum with everyone. It's also ironic that Corinne would question someone else's 'depth' because her interactions with Nick have had zero depth. After her failed seduction attempt, Nick specifically talked about their physical attraction. Makes me think that producers aren't hiding any of the emotional depth that may be going on between the two of them...seems there might be none there. I thought it was funny that she passed the opened automatic door to go through the manual door instead, lol.

I'm torn on the one-on-one with Nick and Vanessa. One part of me feels that the date was given to Vanessa because Nick felt it was most important to reassure her of their relationship but the way the conversation ended, I wonder if Vanessa pulls back. I'm guessing it's more about Nick not wanting to pull a Ben and tell many women that they love them. I still like their chemistry and think Nick genuinely is attracted to her. I still see her making final 3.

I still get potential crazy vibes with Raven if you cross her but I also see her chemistry with Nick.  I see her making final 3. 

I wonder if Danielle still felt things were really natural with Nick at that point in the date...that conversation piece was awkward to watch.  

I see chemistry with Rachel as well though I felt like she was really boastful in front of the other women when she was talking about going on the date and then coming back. Or maybe these women do share their date stories and this time they actually showed footage of it. 

How is that you can finally give Nick his own show for him to call the shots and he's still using the same plot line from his first, second and third stints with this franchise? 

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Since Kristina's one-on-one, I've felt like Nick has had the air of a guy who is enjoying having her around while he still can, but that he feels like she is legitimately so far out of his league that he's bound to disappoint her sooner or later. I feel like he genuinely loves her, but he's can't let himself fall "in love" with her, because he knows he'd mess it up. He admires her, he knows her strength, and he knows she deserves a guy who's way more of a man than he is.

Corrine's just filler at this point. She knows it. He knows it. He's keeping her because she'll be the easiest to let go.

Raven has the most insightful and interesting commentary. I love her sense of humor and her common sense.

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I felt sorry for Vanessa at the end of their date.  She's said before she hasn't watched the show  before so, it was no surprise that she was distressed when Nick didn't return the I love you.  In fact he went with, "I really like you but I don't want to say I love you until its with someone I really love."  Ouch.  Credit to her for not throwing her drink at him.  She's felt she was the "one" for weeks and he made her doubt that in one conversation.

Raven sure seems to be a front runner.  She's sweet and doesn't seem to ge bogged down in the drama like Nick and the girls do.

Corrine is only nervous because Nick turned down the opportunity to sleep with her.  It sounded like it's not allowed at this stage which seemed odd.

It sure seemed like Nick wasn't having any fun.  Oh no in paradise and miserable!! What a whiner.

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I think I'm in the minority but I find Vanessa very full of herself and annoying . I like raven and Rachel .. p.s the radio station leaked who the new bachelorette will be ?.. not sure it's trustworthy news as they like to torture the leads till the last minute usually 

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The other women have to be looking at him sending Kristina home vs. sending Corinne home and wonder what kind of guy he really is.  I am sure the women knew nothing of Corinne's end run, but they do now and the WTA will be interesting.  The producers clearly want to go to FL to Corinne's house to see this nanny nonsense and just how much Corinne actually RUNS the business.


ETA:  given the number of times Fleiss has made these announcements only to end up with someone completely different for the season, I don't trust this as far as I can throw him.  He is running this up the flagpole to see if anyone salutes.  I remind you all of Caila, Luke and Chase, some of whom had already shot their intro reel for their seasons....  the ones that never were.

Edited by b2H
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27 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I'm torn on the one-on-one with Nick and Vanessa. One part of me feels that the date was given to Vanessa because Nick felt it was most important to reassure her of their relationship but the way the conversation ended, I wonder if Vanessa pulls back. I'm guessing it's more about Nick not wanting to pull a Ben and tell many women that they love them. I still like their chemistry and think Nick genuinely is attracted to her. I still see her making final 3.

I think Nick is a classic over-explainer at times. Most people know that the lead does not or cannot tell the contestants they love them too until they pick someone. Because otherwise you have situations like Ben's mess last season. Oh and apparently Kaitlyn was telling Nick she loved him but they didn't show it. In any case, I think Nick wanted Vanessa to understand why he couldn't or wouldn't say I love You back. But the way he explained it, she came away feeling like he was essentially saying he wouldn't say it again until it was that super amazing special woman and she's not that one.

And the thing is, I don't think that's what he was saying. But his delivery was almost a little cold and then he added the dreaded, "I really like you". Not even "I care about you so much" but "I really like you". And I think it just understandably made her question his feelings. It was a pretty awkward moment to watch to be honest - saved only by Vanessa looking out of this world gorgeous. That was some dress. 

That said, as awkward as the moment was and I felt awful for her, I think oddly it points to her being his F1. With how choppy the editing has been this season, in my opinion they left that moment in there for a reason. Specifically Nick saying how he didn't want to say I Love You again except the one time and how amazing the woman will be, etc. He's going to tell her he loves her when he picks her. Just my speculation. 

Nick and Kristina's "break up" was actually very emotional and one of those rare moments in this hot mess of a franchise where I truly feel like I'm watching genuine emotions. It was heartbreaking for Kristina but I understood where Nick was coming from. I understand she was hurt and so she was lashing out a bit but I'm sure once she calmed down she saw what he was saying was fair. Yes we're tired of hearing about it but the fact is Nick has been through this twice and knew how awful it was and it would make no sense to bring her to HTD and drag out the inevitable so she's even more hurt down the road. 

Nick and Rachel's date was cute and they really do seem very comfortable with each other but anyone confused by how short it was? Have they ever had a 1 on 1 date that didn't have a night portion? Even Raven seemed surprised when Rachel showed up. It looked like they really just went and hung out for a little bit, maybe two hours or something and then she was back. Okay then. Meanwhile, I had seen so many comments about Rachel's weave (my best friend loves her but she just cannot with it) but never really saw what the big deal was. Tonight I saw it. Beautiful woman but that was some bad weave action. Thank goodness HTD were coming up so she could get that touched up. 

And thank goodness we're done with that platinum vagine nonsense. Btw, further proof of Corinne's seeming like an oversexed child, anyone think she looked like she didn't even really know how to walk properly in heels?

Edited by truthaboutluv
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1 minute ago, b2H said:

The other women have to be looking at him sending Kristina home vs. sending Corinne home and wonder what kind of guy he really is.  I am sure the women knew nothing of Corinne's end run, but they do now and the WTA will be interesting.  The producers clearly want to go to FL to Corinne's house to see this nanny nonsense and just how much Corinne actually RUNS the business.

I kind of want them to go to Corinne's house so Nick can see her interact with her nanny!

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Nick: I've been dumped my whole life. 

Lol, so dramatic. But it may make a good tell-all book title if this relationship doesn't work out.

TPTB are implying that Nick cuts the roses down or doesn't give out all the roses at the next rose ceremony. But wouldn't that go against what he just said at the end of this episode that he cares about the women so much that he won't make them stand through this rose ceremony and wants to dump them as discreetly as possible? I mean, he was just in the house with all of them. If he was gonna cut someone else, all he had to do was walk 6 feet to the next room. Just stop with the pointless rose ceremonies!

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4 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I think I'm in the minority but I find Vanessa very full of herself and annoying . I like raven and Rachel .. p.s the radio station leaked who the new bachelorette will be ?.. not sure it's trustworthy news as they like to torture the leads till the last minute usually 

There's news all over the net. It's on People's website too

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Dang you show, for making me feel genuine sadness when he sent Kristina home. I have to keep telling myself she is too good for this shit show!

I think she will have no shortage of handsome suitors lining up for her!

I am officially over Corrine. 

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It sounded like it's not allowed at this stage which seemed odd.

It's allowed. The lead can have sex with whoever they want. It's just that typically that's not done and usually reserved for Fantasy Suite dates. That is of course until Kaitlyn's season where she slept with one Nick himself before FS and caused a shitstorm of drama on social media. That's what Nick was referring to when saying he'd been there and knew it wasn't a good idea. I mean in the previous case he was the contestant so his concern was only his relationship with Kaitlyn but yeah as the lead, he has to consider the other women's feelings. 

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Well, the unemployed LoveMachine thinks he deserves a love like no other, a love like he's never had, a love where saying "I love you" will feel like it's for the first time.   Methinks Nick has been reading too many Harlequin Romance novels.   

I think it will be hard for whomever wins to keep NeedyNick happy all the time.   This is a man on a nationally televised television show with a myriad of women on a platter in a beautiful tropical environment with free drinks and he is still... mopey.    In some odd way, I miss the gleeful joy of some of the previous contestants.    

Edited by hyacinth
Because I really don't miss Bob Guiney.
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Kristina was the best. He looked so comfortable with her too on the group date that I thought she'd have to be a lock... and she's freaking gorgeous! I got almost excited though when she was sent home because they said they're announcing The Bachelorette tonight and I figured it would have to be someone who was eliminated this episode. But now I'm reading on Twitter that...


it's Rachel?! Which makes no sense because she is still on the show? Huh?! Not that I'm opposed to them choosing her (as much as I would love Kristina), she's smart, fun, and has a great personality, but why are they spoiling their own show? We've also seen her in previews wearing a winter cap, so we know she makes it past hometowns, right? This makes everything very anticlimactic... although I'm sure I know who wins already anyway.

PS. If you guys haven't seen Chad hitting on Kristina via Twitter yet... it's pretty enjoyable. He's been picking out girls left and right for his BIP harem.

I liked Rachel's date a lot! She looked great in her tropical outfit, and I like that they had a few beers like a normal couple, but also did not get why there was no night portion.

Don't really care that Danielle was eliminated. She was cute and I loved her hair, but she always looked super stoned.

Surely Nick doesn't want to go to Corinne's hometown and see what a child she is in her natural setting. He's going to feel really gross about that boob play in the bedroom once he sees her nanny tucking her into bed for her nap. And obviously he was not going to sleep with you, girl, he knows what happened to Kaitlyn after that fiasco on her season (which he was personally involved in).

Also on that note, Vanessa can not be shocked that he didn't say he loves her. She knows it's against the rules, right? I mean, he handled it badly, but I'm not sure what she expected out of that.

Raven's hideous dress on that group date looked like lingerie.

Oh, ETA: When Kristina was talking about being nervous around sharks since she knows they can smell blood... I can't be the only one who thought she was about to announce her period on national television.

Edited by jade.black
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Tuned in at 8:33, and Vanessa and Nick are just staring at each other for an awkwardly long time. After an eternity, she says Nick didn't tell her what she wanted to hear. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess after seeing Corrine's platinum vagine, he told Vanessa her vagine is like sterling silver or maybe 18k gold at best.

"I promise you, no one is going to be left on that island," says Nick, forgetting to add, "You'll be left in shark-infested waters." 

Danielle, I had high hopes for you since your opening package in the premiere, but she's shown zero personality this whole season. Sorry, Danielle, we don't know what precious metal your vagine is, but your personality is like rusted steel: you had such potential as a strong contender, but then you got all oxidized and corroded your chances. Or maybe she was aluminum all along--shiny from afar, but really flimsy once you get a closer look.

Corrine's vagine, as it turns out, is NOT platinum, but we should have seen this coming as we've known all along that her heart isn't gold.

Rachel's everything is diamonds! Yeah, that's not a metal, but she's a gem! That girl sparkles! 

The bartender is the Bahamian Jorge giving advice--but, wait, he's sitting at the bar and drinking a beer, too?

Titanium Kristina is unmoved--at least in front of Nick.

Ok, now to watch the recoding of the first half hour...

Chris Harrison moseys onto the beach wearing pegged jeans, like I wore in 7th grade. (For those of you not yet middle aged, this is how we made our jeans skinny before skinny jeans: you fold in the loose part of the jeans flat around your ankle, then fold it up 2 or 3 times.)

The looks on everyone's faces as Nick is dragging out trying to explain how he's feeling and ending on a "So..." It reminded me of SNL's The Californians skit, when they all look into the mirror with dramatic wide eyes and looks of dread and horror. I get that these women are actually feeling that way and it makes me feel like a sociopath for laughing at their pain, but their looks were so dramatic that it needs to be a gif/meme.

Corrine says Vanessa has no depth, so like gold plating--it looks perfect on the outside, but in time it's going to wear off and tarnish. Ah, ok, so I caught up to what she said to him and vice versa. Yep, Vanessa, you might indeed be 24k solid gold, but he's going to play it safe and assume you're gold plated until/unless proven otherwise at some point in the future. Shall you make it that far, Neil Lane will give you a once over with his loupe.

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I missed a lot, but I've said it before and I'll say it again, whomever "wins" will lose. I actually don't see "forever love" chemistry between Nick and anyone...and although I know the franchise wants a proposal at the end, I think they should knock that off and just have them choose to date someone and "see where it goes" without the pressure of a ring or marriage being involved. 

I like Vanessa in theory, she is gorgeous, seems to be smart and kind, but I just don't see a spark in her.  If she is chosen she is just the best of the bad if that makes sense.  Both she and Rachel along with a few other women that I can barely remember seem way too level headed for Nick.  I also never saw anything between Nick and Danielle or even Kristina.  I think he liked them  respected their  stories, but I did not see a romantic connection. 

I thought hometown was the girls going to meet his parents, not the other way around? I am confused because I thought last year someone posted they all went to Ben's house and somebody was babbling about wanting to be a cheerleader and his mom was appalled.  Do they go to his house and he goes to theirs? 

I honestly think Nick does like Rachel and wanted her to have that "final 3 experience" because deep down he doubts seriously he will be in it for the long haul with any of these women.  He took her on the trip to Finland and lets her go, my prediction and I think it shows it in a clip.  I don't know what hometown is like, but my guess is that being around her friends and family will help him realize that there is no way he will be able to BS his way around them, and he will realize she really is too good for him.....as are the rest of the women....except maybe Corrinne (ha ha just kidding).  I also think Nick was smart enough to realize they may see Rachel as the Bachelorette and knew what he had to do to make sure she was in contention.  I really feel like he is setting the women he  really likes up for what comes next.......Rachel for the Bachelorette and Vanessa to ride the gravy train of appearances and freebies she will get by being his "fiancee" until they can respectfully break up. A bonus is she is easy to look at. 

I wonder about Rachel's comment that she has never taken a white man home before although she has dated them. Did it not get that serious, or did she not feel that she could take them home?  Maybe she dated more outside of her race when she was in college and was too far away to take them home? I only wonder because that seems like a big hurdle if she were to be chosen as the Bachelorette because she is not going to have an all minority list of suitors.  She is going to have to get comfortable with it really, really quickly. 

As for her weave, I haven't really noticed, but it can't be any worse than some of the awful extensions I saw.  My biggest concern if they do make Bachelorette, based on the comments from models and actresses, is if she will have access to someone who knows how to style her hair and makeup on set.  She deserves all the same gold star treatment that the others before her have gotten.   If you are going to do this show, get what you can out of it.  I think that is the motto that the participants adopt these days anyway. 

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I never saw a romantic connection with Nick and Kristina. Yes her life story moved him to tears but that was about it. 

I saw nothing between him and Danielle M and forgot she was even on the show still until she got eliminated. She was just boring and blended into the background. 

Everyone on this show except maybe Corinne comes across as too good for man child Nick though

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PSA:  if you are a user of Twitter or other forms of Bachelor-related social media then use them with caution as spoiler(s) involving this season and upcoming series are in wide circulation tonight.  ‘Nuff said.

I compose this missive on a new keyboard...the Microsoft Sculpt.  I will always miss those clickety-clack IBM mechanical keyboards and some present-day manufacturers sell them including models in ergonomic configurations which I prefer/require due to severe breaks of both wrists once upon a time.  But they want $300-400 for them.  So I treated myself to the tune of $65.  If you’re a fast touch typist it’s a quality piece of kit.


Exasperation with Nick is a universal condition…Bachelorettes, audience and now Chris Harrison, whose body language could not be any more clear after his abortive attempt at a pep talk.

Nick’s vocabulary could charitably be called limited, therefore subtleties in his speech must be relied upon for insight.  Nick ‘wants it to be real.’  Will someone tap him on the shoulder and point out that he’s not a bystander here?  Nick says ‘I have six women left’ as if he’s counting the number of chips in his dwindling stack at the blackjack table.   Cynical sod.

It seems that exotic locations bring out the worst excesses in Bachelor background music.  Soap operas have more subtle cues that this show.  Lots of ssssssSSSSSSSSS cymbal crescendos as usual and this week we’re getting some dramatic tympani rolls – bbbrrrrruuUUUMMMMBBBB!  We have the Suspense Theme, the Morning Has Broken theme, and at least two instances of, shall we say, 70s Adult Entertainment music complete with wah-wah guitar.  The apparent message is that any impending male-female flirtation ie the raison d'être of this show must be portrayed as pornography.  And finally, there’s even a copyright-mocking pastiche of the Jaws theme.

Leaving the Virgin Islands to go north to the Bahamas makes no sense at all…until you consider the Law of Free Stuff carefully adhered to by the producers.  One of the Bachelorettes even mentions the hospitality provider in a voiceover!  St Thomas/Charlotte Amalie is admittedly a bit tacky due to its role as the transport and commercial hub but God knows there are literally thousands of secluded spots and beaches in both USVI and British VI that knock Bimini into a cocked hat.  For crying out loud – Bimini is on the same latitude as Miami while USVI is due east of Puerto Rico!

It’s understandable that the Bachelor is viewed as a golden goose (it wouldn’t be on the air if it wasn’t) but the teaser segments are longer than the broadcast segments and the commercial breaks are longer than either of those!  Vanessa’s snorkel date segment lasted 5 min 10 sec while the ad and ABC promo break that followed was of equal length.  Ridiculous.

Last week and this we see a dark-haired lass in a buffalo check shirt having a crying jag.  As usual with the teaser editing her face is obscured but keen-eyed viewers can tell it is/was Kristina by her earrings.

Dear Corinne:  I don’t think Rachel has any interest in validating your catty remarks about Vanessa but as a lawyer she should point out that Nick’s opinion is the only one that matters.

Let’s not mince words:  Vanessa is clearly a Nick fave.  His behavior approaches normality when he’s with her.  Canada has always shamed the US at the Olympics with their uniforms.  Theirs are red, understated, stylish and attractive while the Americans invariably trot out some tacky, garish star-spangled monstrosity that Evel Knievel might think twice about wearing.  Despite her true blue Quebecois background, Vanessa stuns in her Canadian red bikini with nary a tattoo to spoil the view.

Vanessa does her best cow eyes at dinner, blinking s-l-o-w-l-y but despite the come-hither looks and the *gasp* ‘falling in love’ speech, Nick is too much a product of the proverbial system to buck it now.  He makes his excuses and annoys her greatly.

The group date ladies are all proud of their long locks but when will these slaves to blow dryers and hair irons realize that yachting and open water is a very windy business?  Tie the hair up and get on with the day – we’re sick of seeing you pulling your hair out of your face with every. single. shot.  This isn’t the red carpet – it’s a boat deck.  It has been conclusively proven that the mere sight of the nape of a woman's neck generates a response in men so drop the Morticia Addams look - especially you, Raven.

Raven appeared to play gooseberry on the group date but despite a fair amount of touchy-feely with Corinne (and her beer gut) and Kristina it’s Arkansas’ own who snatches the rose out of near-obscurity.

The Fleiss barter economy continues with the musical artist getting namechecked in exchange for performing.  With its stop-start arrangement it was a difficult song to dance to – not that the couple had any intention of actually dancing.

Danielle’s date is next.  Mopey Nick has returned.  He doesn’t want to be there – it’s as obvious as an ocean liner.  He breaks the bad news soon enough.  Danielle’s reaction is interesting…she seemed to know it was inevitable but still grimaced involuntarily.

Danielle’s date gives us a pretext for an intervention regarding Converse All-Stars aka Chuck Taylors.  Ladies, they don’t look good.  They don’t look cute, casual, playful or any other appealing adjective.  They make even slender legs look short, stubby and thick and they do horrible things to your gait to say nothing of your feet especially if you don’t wear socks.  If you must have classic kicks, get some K-Swiss originals, Nike Cortez or Adidas Gazelles.  Thank me later.

Stop and rewind that tape!  Did Corinne say something trenchant and insightful or was that the wine talking?  Her Bachelor room raid goes horribly wrong, not least because search parties have still been unable to locate Nick’s libido.  Corinne is left to teeter back to the girls’ suite in her Louboutins – she looks as if she’s learning to ice skate in them.  Nick is surprised at Corinne’s visit?  He’s down to 5 women from a pool of 30 – why would a bit of initiative surprise him?

Rachel and Nick’s date is a by-the-numbers island encounter, right down to the slightly dodgy bloke hanging around a bar asking intrusive questions and offering unsolicited cod-philosophy.

The absence of the RC serving as the natural and obvious denouement each week means that the last half hour of this episode absolutely dragged.  There was nothing happening except Nick’s inexplicable, tiresome blubbering.

Lovely Kristina has had a lucky escape even if she doesn’t think so.  As expected given her background, she can fight like an alley cat when things get tense.

Next week features a mystery visitor, also wobbling in vertiginous heels.  My money is on Kaitlyn who will have the thankless job of getting Nick’s mind right.                            

Edited by Rainsong
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Damn, set up with the whole "I feel like I'm on Kristina's date" nonsense and then hammered down by Nick letting Kristina go. The words you were mumbly stumbly looking for were "You're too good for this dog and pony show." He's not a master wordsmith in delivery or substance...

But then since this is still more about Corinne and how everything affects Corinee. I guess we shouldn't be too surprised Corrine is still around to take Nick home to see her nanny. Even if Corrine's apparently the first 'platinum' to tarnish.

That Rachel date was really wierd and shows how over-invested and hyped up this show makes any one on one time seem. "Oh I'm just flying on the clouds that we spent a few hours at some bar nobody else cared to inhabit and then got home before nightfall..." Ohhhh kay...

Also, what's the record for most cocktail parties and rose ceremonies canceled?


"it's Rachel?! Which makes no sense because she is still on the show?

We've also seen her in previews wearing a winter cap, so we know she makes it past hometowns, right? This makes everything very anticlimactic... although I'm sure I know who wins already anyway."

Yeah, but there is precedent there as they announced Nick while he was still on 'Paradise' and had yet to come to his non-propose moment.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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17 minutes ago, Rainsong said:

My money is on Kaitlyn who will have the thankless job of getting Nick’s mind right. 

Kaitlyn hates Nick and is still really bitter about how she felt the producers manipulated and ruined her and Shawn's love story - not happening. It's likely Andi. His whole "journey" on this franchise started with her after all.  Plus I think she made her peace with him when she decided to hate Josh more. 

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I definitely feel like he could take or leave all of the remaining women. I don't see anything serious with any of them. Of course that could be on the cutting room floor in favor of the Corinne show. I miss the days of JP and Ashley.

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Nick is the mopiest sad sack human ever on this show. He is unable to pronounce the word "relationship"-it's like the third syllable is missing. He makes me cringe. There is NOTHING attractive about him. I'm really not sure why I'm even watching, except to read this forum of course. He should have kept Danielle who was equally depressing. This show has offended my sensibilities for too long now.

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40 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Yeah, but there is precedent there as they announced Nick while he was still on 'Paradise' and had yet to come to his non-propose moment.

(I'm assuming this doesn't need to be spoiler-tagged anymore since the Kimmel announcement has happened and it's all over the news, but I'll do it anyway just in case.)


That's true, but I guess I just thought that the main shows were supposed to carry more weight. It's not as if they didn't have other will they/won't they stories to fall back on in Paradise. They're going to lose viewers if they keep spoiling their own show... although I think their pick for next season is a great choice who will actually increase their audience. I don't know. Their logic on so much baffles me. It's not like Corinne is a serious contender either in my opinion so they basically just announced that it's down to two.

10 minutes ago, TomGirl said:

Where the heck was Vanessa in this episode?  There were plenty of scenes with the women sitting around and talking, but she was almost never present.  Never seen that before....

I read online that Vanessa and Rachel had some kind of blowout fight that mysteriously didn't make it into the episode but I assume was because they don't want either girl to have a bad edit. Could be why Vanessa was avoiding the group afterwards if it's true. Also read that the other girls took Rachel's side. I did notice that Rachel made a face when Vanessa got the first date card. (I'd be Team Rachel too.)

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 Nick doesn't believe in knocking does he? He has barged into their room 3 times now. Then he did a secondary barge into Kristina's bedroom. Rude.  Raven would look way better with her hair cut several inches and parted more on the side. Then again what do I know? Just a couple of weeks ago I thought Danielle might make an interesting Bachelorette. I thought maybe she was mysterious and we would find out there was more to her than meets the eye. Apparently there is less.

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4 hours ago, Snickerdoodle said:

I kind of want them to go to Corinne's house so Nick can see her interact with her nanny!

I'm pretty sure that's the only reason Corrine is still on the show - the producers want to show her lifestyle.

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6 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Is it me or does nick overuse and sound weird when he says " you women " 

I don't know about how he's sounding but I appreciate he's saying "women" and not "girls". It drove me crazy for years. For reference I hate when Chris or the Bachelorette says "the boys" too. 

And what the beeeeeeeeeeeeeep [selfcensored] ABC for spoiling a big part of the season with their announcement! 

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Do you hear that? That's the sound of millions of men celebrating that Kristina is officially available again! Or maybe it was Kristina herself celebrating that she is free of Mopey Nick! Anyone who can catch food in her mouth that was thrown from 10+ feet away is a keeper.

I hate the show for spoiling the next Bachelorette. Here's an idea...cut the time delay from show taping to air. It's not as if these episodes are showing much polish anyway. You don't need months to prepare them for air.

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Corinne seemed almost desperately focused on getting to the Hometown date stage. I wonder if the producers offered her some extra $$ for making it that far (all the while encouraging Nick to keep her for the drama).

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9 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

I think Nick is a classic over-explainer at times. Most people know that the lead does not or cannot tell the contestants they love them too until they pick someone. Because otherwise you have situations like Ben's mess last season. Oh and apparently Kaitlyn was telling Nick she loved him but they didn't show it. In any case, I think Nick wanted Vanessa to understand why he couldn't or wouldn't say I love You back. But the way he explained it, she came away feeling like he was essentially saying he wouldn't say it again until it was that super amazing special woman and she's not that one.

And the thing is, I don't think that's what he was saying. But his delivery was almost a little cold and then he added the dreaded, "I really like you". Not even "I care about you so much" but "I really like you". And I think it just understandably made her question his feelings. It was a pretty awkward moment to watch to be honest - saved only by Vanessa looking out of this world gorgeous. That was some dress. 

That said, as awkward as the moment was and I felt awful for her, I think oddly it points to her being his F1. With how choppy the editing has been this season, in my opinion they left that moment in there for a reason. Specifically Nick saying how he didn't want to say I Love You again except the one time and how amazing the woman will be, etc. He's going to tell her he loves her when he picks her. Just my speculation. 

Nick and Kristina's "break up" was actually very emotional and one of those rare moments in this hot mess of a franchise where I truly feel like I'm watching genuine emotions. It was heartbreaking for Kristina but I understood where Nick was coming from. I understand she was hurt and so she was lashing out a bit but I'm sure once she calmed down she saw what he was saying was fair. Yes we're tired of hearing about it but the fact is Nick has been through this twice and knew how awful it was and it would make no sense to bring her to HTD and drag out the inevitable so she's even more hurt down the road. 

Nick and Rachel's date was cute and they really do seem very comfortable with each other but anyone confused by how short it was? Have they ever had a 1 on 1 date that didn't have a night portion? Even Raven seemed surprised when Rachel showed up. It looked like they really just went and hung out for a little bit, maybe two hours or something and then she was back. Okay then. Meanwhile, I had seen so many comments about Rachel's weave (my best friend loves her but she just cannot with it) but never really saw what the big deal was. Tonight I saw it. Beautiful woman but that was some bad weave action. Thank goodness HTD were coming up so she could get that touched up. 

And thank goodness we're done with that platinum vagine nonsense. Btw, further proof of Corinne's seeming like an oversexed child, anyone think she looked like she didn't even really know how to walk properly in heels?

I got the same impression about Nick's approach with Vanessa - he couldn't say as much as he wanted to say perhaps and the editing of it all did give me the same thought. I feel like the show's attempt at building suspense is leaving out a lot of footage that may otherwise make this season seem very obvious to the viewers. They've intentionally made this season more about Corinne than about showing Nick's developing relationship with the women, particularly the ones he most into. In terms of overall chemistry, I think Vanessa, Rachel and Raven are the clear top 3, however, they don't show nearly as much of Vanessa and Rachel with him as they do Raven...and again, with the way editing is going this season, I'm thinking it's probably because Vanessa and Rachel are his F2.

And yes, Vanessa looked absolutely stunning on their date. I want her dress, haha.

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Who do we think is the mystery brunette knocking on Nick's door in the previews for next week? I thought Danielle L, but my friends who have watched more seasons of the Bachelor franchise than I have insist it's Andi.

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Finally figured out why this entire season, the show hasnt wrapped on rose ceremonies:  THERE ARE NO ROSE CEREMONIES!   

How are the women going to make BACHELOR scrapbooks?

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There are also no "cocktail parties".  Nick always "cancels" it.  It's like a sitcom trope at this point.  Why do they even pretend like they were ever going to happen?  Why even announce that "they" are being "cancelled"?

I'm surprised with blonde Danielle's downfall on this show.  I thought she would win.  Shows what I know.  I think the only two women Nick ever seemed really interested in were Danielle and Corinne, LOL.  Danielle seemed so sweet but then all of a sudden it's like nothing happened and then she was speaking so dramatically and slowly -- it was like a telenova - then when Nick released her it got very dark - like Children of the Corn.  But I don't mean to make fun of her, she seems so nice.  

I get that Vanessa is the "frontrunner" but god she's so boring and insufferable!  Nick and her seem completely different to me.  Can't put my finger on it.  It doesn't work in my head.  

Maybe you guys are right, Nick can't end up with any of these people.  I can see why Kristina had to go.  I get that she's very goodlooking and interesting but I don't think she makes sense with Nick either, personally.  He's all about not leading someone on if he's not serious and I appreciate that.

@truthaboutluv, do you mind elaborating on why Kate hates Nick?  And the other stuff you said about the producer manipulation?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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The other women have to be looking at him sending Kristina home vs. sending Corinne home and wonder what kind of guy he really is.  I am sure the women knew nothing of Corinne's end run, but they do now and the WTA will be interesting.  The producers clearly want to go to FL to Corinne's house to see this nanny nonsense and just how much Corinne actually RUNS the business.

At this point it is impossible to suspend any disbelief that would explain away why Corrine is still on the show.  There is no way possible that Nick can be seriously interested in her among the other women, and the types of women we know he has been into in the past.  I think you hit the nail on the head, her family is just too much good reality TV gold to not include in Hometowns.  This is the most plausible explanation I have heard yet.

Raven - she has totally grown on me.  I am impressed that she went to Law School.  She is not just a small town hick like her intro portrayed.  I really like her.  Also agree she seems really tempered and not into drama.

The Bachelorette choice was spoiled for me also - kind of bummed to know since I purposefully don't read spoilers.  But who knows, nothing is set in stone yet, look what they did with Britt.

Bye Danielle - see you on BIP.


Corrine says Vanessa has no depth, so like gold plating--it looks perfect on the outside, but in time it's going to wear off and tarnish. 

Corrine is a dummy.  The date cards are written as puns, where the words sound like a love note but actually reference the date activity.  "Let's go deep" = snorkeling.  But brain trust Corrinne goes off pontificating about how much depth does Vanessa really have - taking the date card literally.  That scene was hilarious.  

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10 hours ago, catrice2 said:

I wonder about Rachel's comment that she has never taken a white man home before although she has dated them. Did it not get that serious, or did she not feel that she could take them home?  Maybe she dated more outside of her race when she was in college and was too far away to take them home? I only wonder because that seems like a big hurdle if she were to be chosen as the Bachelorette because she is not going to have an all minority list of suitors.  She is going to have to get comfortable with it really, really quickly. 

She was very clear in her talk with Nick that her extended family includes black and white members.  I caught that and everything fell into place.  It's more just a case of Nick needing to win over the Federal-judge papa.


Leaving the Virgin Islands to go north to the Bahamas makes no sense at all…until you consider the Law of Free Stuff carefully adhered to by the producers.  One of the Bachelorettes even mentions the hospitality provider in a voiceover!  St Thomas/Charlotte Amalie is admittedly a bit tacky due to its role as the transport and commercial hub but God knows there are literally thousands of secluded spots and beaches in both USVI and British VI that knock Bimini into a cocked hat.  For crying out loud – Bimini is on the same latitude as Miami while USVI is due east of Puerto Rico!

My hubby and I were watching this show in two different places (him at home in Wisconsin and me in a hotel in Delaware).  There was a lovely commercial for the Bimini site broadcast in one of the breaks, but he didn't see it.  It is a Hilton property.  There was your promotional consideration and probably a big discount for use of the facility for a week.

Edited by b2H
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10 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Chris Harrison moseys onto the beach wearing pegged jeans, like I wore in 7th grade. (For those of you not yet middle aged, this is how we made our jeans skinny before skinny jeans: you fold in the loose part of the jeans flat around your ankle, then fold it up 2 or 3 times.)

A trend that needs to come back, IMO.  Good times.

After being dumped by a Bachelor, has any woman ever said "go piss up a rope" when asked if he could walk her out?  I was hoping Kristina would be that woman.  I did enjoy how she stood her ground and basically told him he was an idiot for letting her go, while he sat there and mumble-sobbed about letting her go.  

I was only half paying attention during the Nick/Danielle date, but were the long silences as awkward as they appeared?  I kept waiting for a clever editor to add the sound of crickets in the background.  Could Danielle have looked any more sleepy and checked out?  Was she even trying anymore at that point?

Nick speaks like he has a mouthful of hot oatmeal.  Between that and his inability to make a point without bringing up the fact that he's already been on the show 10 times, he drives me nuts.  Once he starts getting the sadface and starts stumbling over his words, I'd like to see just one woman stand up and immediately walk off, rather than sit there and be subjected to him bumbling his sentences and wiping the tears.

I can't see him with Rachel (she's far too smart for him, he would bring her down), or Raven (I don't really see the connection other than friends), or Vanessa (I don't think she has time for his stupid games).  That leaves Corrine, and I think Nick really wants to choose her simply because he knows he'd have some good times and then get his heart broken again, so he could play the "poor sad lonely unlovable me" game a little longer.

His hair looked stupid after he'd been in the water.  Boy must use a ton of product.

I loved Rachel's gray sweater.

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I keep trying to understand the comments about Vanessa being so beautiful, but I just don't get it. She seems like an attractive person made much less attractive by an abrasive personality and voice. Even in still shot, she wouldn't make my top 100 list of beautiful bachelorettes on the franchise.

I actually wish the show would air some of her fights with "DLo" and Rachel, just to give her some interest. It would be more fun to root against a villain than to keep hearing how perfect Vanessa is, despite evidence. They picked the wrong edit, imo.

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Nick is an insufferable mope and a self-pitying crybaby.  Could anyone seriously be attracted to that? Grow TFU.  

How long is he going to carry that 'cross' of how he was dumped twice and now he's Sceeaard!    These women are there to wipe your nose?   (seems like that's all you're looking for)   At 16 it's the end of the world--at 37?  you're a sniveling self-absorbed idiot.       

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41 minutes ago, huahaha said:

I keep trying to understand the comments about Vanessa being so beautiful, but I just don't get it. She seems like an attractive person made much less attractive by an abrasive personality and voice. Even in still shot, she wouldn't make my top 100 list of beautiful bachelorettes on the franchise.

I actually wish the show would air some of her fights with "DLo" and Rachel, just to give her some interest. It would be more fun to root against a villain than to keep hearing how perfect Vanessa is, despite evidence. They picked the wrong edit, imo.

Speaking for myself, I don't think Vanessa's perfect (and judging by some of the comments about her in the last few weeks I don't really see anyone calling her perfect here) but beauty is subjective. Like I thought Danielle L. was a pretty woman but her fake boobs were so fake that they were distracting from her looks. But around social media, Danielle L. is one of the hottest and most beautiful women that's ever been on the show and NIck is a total loser for eliminating her. Different strokes *shrug*

For me personally, I do think Vanessa is one of the most beautiful and hottest women that's been on the show. Because one, she doesn't look plastic and botoxed to an inch of her life and two, she's not a size 0. She's got curves and clearly knows how to work them based on her fashion choices. Someone said it in an early season recap - Vanessa to me looks like woman, where you have someone like Corinne who looks like she doesn't even know how to walk in heels. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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11 hours ago, jade.black said:

Raven's hideous dress on that group date looked like lingerie

And last week she wore  an acid yellow thing that looked like a 1950's negligee set. 

I was meh about Nick for a long time but now I really can not stand him.  All the women are too good for him, Corinne included, because at least she has a personality and the guts to play this weird sex kitten part.  It's not just the mumbling, the long speeches made to his own shoes, the barging in to apologize about barging in the night before -- it's the crying  I hate the crying.  What a blubbering baby.  If a bachelorette cried this much we would all be rolling our eyes, but Nick thinks we find this sensitive.  He is almost always crying over himself and the hard, hard job he has.

What makes Nick think that rather than simply not getting a rose at the RC where she can say goodbye and leave with dignity, it's better to take the woman aside, wait for her to make a declaration of love, look at his shoes and tell her she's great and pretty, but the other women are more special and he likes them better?

The rose ceremonies offer the only drama this show has and now we don't even have that.  Just a dumb little cry baby in a man suit and some boring dates with mediocre women (with one exception) who are still far above the lead.

ETA  After working so hard not to get spoiled, I just read the recap and got spoiled by the first line.  Just a warning.

Edited by JudyObscure
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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

There are also no "cocktail parties".  Nick always "cancels" it

Yes!!  No wonder his relationships with people who he had a single one-on-one date with five 'weeks' ago arent progressing!

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