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Meet The Putmans - General Discussion

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9 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

I hate, hate, HATE it when these TLC reality shows use serious illnesses like cancer to fill TV time.  Ditto for false pregnancies (looking at you, fat, not-so-fabulous Whitney Way Thore).  It’s so wrong to knowingly mislead audiences about things that are so serious and sensitive.  I sure hope the mom doesn’t have breast cancer, but I don’t enjoy being jerked around.  Also, I hate to say it, but they’ve played this card way too soon in the life of this show.  We’re only four episodes in.  Let me see enough of the family to build up enough emotional capital to give a crap if someone is sick.

I’m no closer to liking this family and/or their lifestyle even the slightest bit.  I’m damn sure no closer to liking Bill and I doubt I ever will. He’s so off-putting with the screaming and demands.  He’s also very prone to hyperbole.  Every other word out of his mouth is “massive,” “tremendous,” or “huge” (sound like anyone we know?).  When men say things to their wives like, “I would trade my life for just one chance to see you smile,” I instantly turn off.  It sounds so ridiculous and overblown.  Prove it or shut up, you overdramatic asshole.

Ugh, the Duggars followed by the Putmans does nothing good for my Monday night mood. 

I hate that tactic too.  Seven Little Johnstons did this with their son as he is being wheeled into surgery:  Stop it - that is a little kid.


When men say things to their wives like, “I would trade my life for just one chance to see you smile,” I instantly turn off.  It sounds so ridiculous and overblown.  Prove it or shut up, you overdramatic asshole.

This.  Hate so much!!  

Pregnancy, cancer, children in surgery:  all way too serious subjects to be used for a rating ploy.  

8 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

I'm surprised they didn't truck all 26 of them down to the biopsy. 

Don't give them any ideas.

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7 hours ago, CarolMK said:

I recorded this but wonder if I'm going to end up watching this episode. I had breast cancer earlier this year and went through surgery, then a couple months of radiation and now am taking a 10 year regime of a chemotherapy drug to prevent recurrence. It was very scary and exhausting. I can't imagine going through it with that many people around all the time. 

If anyone is looking for another Monday night alternative, the Good Doctor is on at the same time as the Putmans. I do wonder how Meet the Putmans is doing in the ratings. 

As a breast cancer patient I too found it offensive they tried to turn it into "entertainment"

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I realize I am way behind in finally getting around to truly 'watch' this show and like everyone else, something is off. First off, I can see why the sons want to stay, they do not have to do a thing. Yes, they put up with dad being a toxic, controlling creep, but other than that, they do nothing but 'contribute' to one bank account. Nowhere did they say they have to hand over all their earnings. I am sure the amount they 'contribute' is a lot, but not too much for some, perhaps.

The daughter and the 'birth' (I feel like a choir should come out and sing each time Solomon's birth is mentioned. Her husband was not buying into her need to take it easy to heal, and her family were going to the other extreme. Had she of gone to the hospital home, she'd still be on her own, but looking after all her kids while getting over her C-section. Had she stayed with her family, she does not have to do a thing, can sleep whenever she wants, and doesn't need to worry about validating her husband with loving appreciation. Heck, after three kids? I'd pick 24 hour daycare.

The fake daughter/daddy dance? Usually those 'dances' happen for a specific age. Not this family, the dance (and drama of expenses for said dance) all occur on the same day? What is special about having to share your dad with your sisters? They do that daily. Explains why no one else was there, wasn't real.

Youngest son's so-called sadness. I have a sneaky feeling that Dr. P puts in a lot of long hours. Why not? He goes home to chaos, and any health advice his family asks him to give is rejected as being false by his father who clearly despises anyone with a hint of intelligence. (Explains why he favours daughter).

I agree with everyone else. I am over the show already. No one can keep up with that level of 'look at me' antics, or angry rants over nothing, as well as group marches for mundane shopping at everyday stores, etc. I think of my sisters and mom growing up and I can tell you that these men would not have lasted around us (and our tiny families). Then I look at those 12 girls growing up with those hardworking women who (unlike Duggars) have seen the real world. Ha, the Putman dam will break and we'll be searching for the male bodies.

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11 hours ago, Chalby said:


The fake daughter/daddy dance? Usually those 'dances' happen for a specific age. Not this family, the dance (and drama of expenses for said dance) all occur on the same day? What is special about having to share your dad with your sisters? They do that daily. Explains why no one else was there, wasn't real.

In my neck of the woods, these dances are for the entire elementary schools. So if a dad has multiple daughters in the school, he does take them all. (Our school is super inclusive and makes a point of stating that any parent or adult role model is welcome, though. I know this hasn't been the case with some.)



I'm so squicked out that a mother would list her son as her primary doctor that I haven't watched the rest of the episode. It was bad enough that Jamie was supposedly helping perform his wife's c-section, and now this? Um, no. There are very good reasons for family to have someone else. I mean, even doctors have doctors. If he's just writing a scrip for pinkeye drops, I get it. But delivering your mom's test results?? And Mom, you don't get to cry about having to discuss your health with your kid, or making him upset! Put on your big girl pants and refuse to have him as your doctor. Problem solved! 

Edited by Squirrely
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On 10/3/2017 at 8:58 AM, kcrabtree06 said:

Does anyone else think that if Blair's husband could, he would just pack up and move Blair and the kids hours away from the family and never look back? 

Yes! He probably regrets changing his last name too. 

Does Doctor-Son commute to the same hospital as the son-in-law?

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I didn’t watch the scene where the son in law was discussing the c-section, so i don’t know what level of involvement he had. If it was lifting out the baby, I can see that. Retracting the tissue to get to the baby, ok. Not sure I’d want him actually wielding  the scalpel. 

No. My relative wouldn’t be my primary doctor. 

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I'm still in the first 5 minutes of the most recent episode ("Mother's Day Times Five") and the issue with the door of the washer not opening. Interesting to me their first thought is to "add it to the list of the things guys need to do."

I have a single-unit washer/dryer that is electronic with a digital display, and I've discovered MOST issues that have come up have been easily resolved by simply unplugging the unit, letting it sit for a short time, and then plugging it back in (similar to the way many cellphone issues can be resolved by simply turning the phone off and back on). When you unplug the unit, the computer chip resets - which fixes most problems (I noticed when they pushed the button on the unit, the display lit up - so it's not like the washer was dead or anything).

It's one of my pet peeves when adult women immediately go to "it's a guy thing" instead of perhaps brainstorming and using a bit of common sense to at least try and fix issues with appliances on their own. Even if that didn't work (or they didn't think to try it), certainly reviewing the "Troubleshooting" section of the owner's manual or calling the customer service line of the manufacturer isn't a "guy thing," is it?

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2 hours ago, Squirrely said:

In my neck of the woods, these dances are for the entire elementary schools. So if a dad has multiple daughters in the school, he does take them all. (Our school is super inclusive and makes a point of stating that any parent or adult role model is welcome, though. I know this hasn't been the case with some.)



I'm so squicked out that a mother would list her son as her primary doctor that I haven't watched the rest of the episode. It was bad enough that Jamie was supposedly helping perform his wife's c-section, and now this? Um, no. There are very good reasons for family to have someone else. I mean, even doctors have doctors. If he's just writing a scrip for pinkeye drops, I get it. But delivering your mom's test results?? And Mom, you don't get to cry about having to discuss your health with your kid, or making him upset! Put on your big girl pants and refuse to have him as your doctor. Problem solved! 

Barb was saying she can't cry because it will upset Bill her husband. She doesn't want him to go through pain. Yet again, EVERY. DAMN. THING. AND. EVERY. DAMN. EMOTION. MUST. CATER. TO. PAPA. P. 

If you can't share your true feelings with your husband of 35 years, there is a problem. A big one. But we all figured that out 10 minutes into this circus. 

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On 9/26/2017 at 8:46 AM, answerphone said:

They're so strange in their way of life, and that's what makes this show so highly entertaining. The Dad/Grandpa/Patriarch/Boss bugs the heck out of me. 

Question: If you respected your Dr. and found out he lived with his family and his father was overbearing and controlling his life, would you lose some respect? I would

I'll bet the little kids have a lot of fun. Let's see what happens when so those little girls are moody teenagers.

I would, without question, find another physician. I would not trust my health care plan to a grown man who lives in his father's shadow and is only allowed to have a 'voice' at work. 

I babysat for a physician's family as a teenager. The wife and children treated the father with disdain and a total lack of respect. And he accepted it. His 4 year old would tell him to 'shut his pie hole' and he would. The 6 year old would tell him to get out of a chair in the family room and he would. He didn't eat in between meal snacks at home, when he was on call, because his wife didn't approve. When I developed a serious health issue several years ago, he was the on call GI doc and assumed my care. As soon as I was discharged, I contacted his office and requested my care be transferred to one of his partners. I had to actually request it in writing and cite 'personal history' as the reason since you can't switch docs willy nilly. I explained to him that it was the fact that I was uncomfortable because of our familiarity and not anything he'd done. It was 100% because I knew him to be whipped and I didn't have full faith in his capabilities. 

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I couldn't even finish watching the last episode.  They all creep me out, except maybe Dr. son.  Oldest son seems like he'd be a real bully.  Not entertaining in the least.  

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2 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I'm still in the first 5 minutes of the most recent episode ("Mother's Day Times Five") and the issue with the door of the washer not opening. Interesting to me their first thought is to "add it to the list of the things guys need to do."

I have a single-unit washer/dryer that is electronic with a digital display, and I've discovered MOST issues that have come up have been easily resolved by simply unplugging the unit, letting it sit for a short time, and then plugging it back in (similar to the way many cellphone issues can be resolved by simply turning the phone off and back on). When you unplug the unit, the computer chip resets - which fixes most problems (I noticed when they pushed the button on the unit, the display lit up - so it's not like the washer was dead or anything).

It's one of my pet peeves when adult women immediately go to "it's a guy thing" instead of perhaps brainstorming and using a bit of common sense to at least try and fix issues with appliances on their own. Even if that didn't work (or they didn't think to try it), certainly reviewing the "Troubleshooting" section of the owner's manual or calling the customer service line of the manufacturer isn't a "guy thing," is it?

Agree with you totally, however that was probably a manufactured drama from production so they had an excuse to film the women and all 12 kids going to the laundromat.

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It's one thing to want your dr. kid to look over test results/talk to him about what your dr. told you -- almost as a second opinion from someone you trust. But this family is seriously odd. The son is seriously the mom's (and the whole family's) official primary care doc? They really want to talk to their brother about UTIs and have him doing their turn their head and cough or breast exams? Or do they just skip those bc it's too uncomfortable for all involved? Honestly as odd as this family is, I'm surprised that the son wasn't giving the mom a breast exam.

And yes I remember looking it up when this was just a pilot -- the doctor son and the dr son in law do work at the same hospital; that's why it's a big deal that the dr. son in law needs to move out bc the whole family is like -- why -- the dr. son can commute, so can you; though the difference is son in law is only a resident and bc they routinely work overnights etc. he is more likely to be driving home after pulling all nighters etc. whereas the son is more established and more 9-5.

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On 10/1/2017 at 11:21 PM, East Coast Reality said:

We're the comments removed?  When I go to the site, it says "be the first to comment"

I didn't post the link but I think you are right and they did remove the comments.  I saw this link a while ago and everyone in the thumb were reporting their disgust with this family.  Everything from the mom having black eyes all the time to the dad being removed as coach of the football team to the scams they ran.

The thumb is an area of Michigan that is, well, the thumb of the mitten.  You can scoot around the thumb pretty quickly so everyone knows everyone.  I live in Macomb County, the ligament of the thumb.

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17 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I'm still in the first 5 minutes of the most recent episode ("Mother's Day Times Five") and the issue with the door of the washer not opening. Interesting to me their first thought is to "add it to the list of the things guys need to do."

I have a single-unit washer/dryer that is electronic with a digital display, and I've discovered MOST issues that have come up have been easily resolved by simply unplugging the unit, letting it sit for a short time, and then plugging it back in (similar to the way many cellphone issues can be resolved by simply turning the phone off and back on). When you unplug the unit, the computer chip resets - which fixes most problems (I noticed when they pushed the button on the unit, the display lit up - so it's not like the washer was dead or anything).

It's one of my pet peeves when adult women immediately go to "it's a guy thing" instead of perhaps brainstorming and using a bit of common sense to at least try and fix issues with appliances on their own. Even if that didn't work (or they didn't think to try it), certainly reviewing the "Troubleshooting" section of the owner's manual or calling the customer service line of the manufacturer isn't a "guy thing," is it?

I'm with you! My sister got pulled over for an expired car registration, and her excuse was, "Oh, it's my husband's job to get it renewed. I'm so mad at him!" And she was seriously upset that she got a ticket anyway. Your car, lady, your responsibility. But see, that's what happens when the wimmin' folk stay at home to do the cookin', the cleanin' and raisin' the children and sech. Bleeeeeeech! They make me sick. And papa? No one has ever loved anyone as much as I love my wife! Drama queen much? Self-involved much? Egotistical much? Sheesh, people. And all of these lovely children are being raised in this family, feeling that they are so blessed. When the cold air of real life hits them, they'll be getting chilly but won't know to throw on a coat.


I live in Macomb County, the ligament of the thumb.

I love the bolded! I have always heard about Michigan's mitten and thumb, but never the ligament!

Edited by jennylauren123
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Sadly, I don't see that the adult children will every easily live independently, even if they wanted to. This is a lifelong pattern of co dependency upon their parents and each other, and I don't think it will be easy to break. And the more kids that enter that household. the more chaotic things will become. There will be jealousy among the children (probably already exists to a point) over attention and fairness. We saw some of this with the dress situation of the daddy daughter dance. I think Jamie recognizes this and wants a way out of the family mess. He may have agreed to move into the house and take Blair's last name but I have a strong feeling that this is not something he wants for the rest of his life. I suspect it with Blake as well though his wife seems happy enough living in the family home. The two older brothers and spouses don't have the least interest in moving out, Jen is second in command to Barbara and Megan really misses her mother, so I can see why she was attracted to living in the household of family being around all of the time. 

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I've been watching this and really trying to keep an open mind.  I do see some benefits to the large, extended family living together, but, I think that they have lost some of the benefits by stretching it to the extreme.  AND by ignoring practical matters.  I grew up living with a couple of generations in one household and it worked beautifully, but, not with that many people and most were adults. 

What troubled me is that the Senior Mr. Putnam, seems to think only of his own discomfort and emotional pain when the thought of his adult child leaving is considered.  It's not about him. It's about the adult child and their family.  I wish one of those adult children had the inner strength and courage to say, "Daddy, you'll get over it.  If not, get some therapy. You can't grow if you always stay in your comfort zone."  

Newsflash Senior Putnam.  You might not look as sinister if you encouraged your  adult kids to take flight and be happy with their own lives and not peppered them with insecurities.  

I also question if the children have enough private time and something to call their very own.  I don't think that being in an institutionalized setting is healthy for the kids.  Even orphanages have standards for how much space each child is entitled to.  And, the hygiene with everyone's dirty laundry.....just nasty, imo.  

I think TLC must instruct the cast  members to have their kids act out in public, damage property, be loud, disrespectful, out of control (in the laundry mat).......I think TLC producers think the viewers like that.  Bizarre and annoying to me. I'm not sure I can continue with this, if the adult kids can't grow up.  Oh, and Senior Putnam too.  (Why didn't they just order a new washer to be delivered to the house?)

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Ditto, ditto, ditto!  This family is super creepy.  The father is super controlling and manipulative.  Undermining his daughter's husband by saying, he ( the son in law, who is a medical intern) is in charge of his wife's health and pregnancy, but that the father is!

and the fact that the son-in-law changed his name to Putman???

they keep talking about "our family, our family". What about the parents and families of the spouses??  Sounds as though they are completely shut out.  They can't share some of those 16 grandchildren with their other grandparents?


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Blair is an hour and a half away. It’s the end  of the world. And yet, they thought the doctors should drive it every day.  I’m so hoping Blair finds out she likes having her own space.  If she didn’t want to have 3 kids, then she shouldn’t have had them. 


Reason number 942 not to live this way- your younger sister calls you out about sex because she can hear the the bed squeak from her bedroom downstairs. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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I was surprised that TLC ( every time I type that I remember it used to be The Learning Channel ) brought this family back after the episode that aired earlier in the year. The comments from people in their area were all negative. Most related to their business practices, and were aimed at the father, but the 2 sons who are in business with him were mentioned as well.  They are not well liked at all.

As far as last night's episode, I watched 30 min. then turned it off. The oldest son's wife whining about her insecurites, and the daughter who doesn't live at home walking around with her pouty face were enough for me. Everyone is afraid of the father, no one wants to get him upset, blah, blah blah. The father speaks and everyone jumps.. This is dysfunction with a capital D.

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On 10/4/2017 at 0:44 AM, Chalby said:

The fake daughter/daddy dance?


On 10/4/2017 at 0:31 PM, Squirrely said:

In my neck of the woods, these dances are for the entire elementary schools. So if a dad has multiple daughters in the school, he does take them all. (Our school is super inclusive and makes a point of stating that any parent or adult role model is welcome, though. I know this hasn't been the case with some.)

Is this a southern thing?  I have never seen or heard of anyone having this.  Sounds very creepy to me.  I thought it started with the crazy religious people and their purity rings.  Family night at school, yes.  School carnival, yes.

I caught 5 minutes of last nights show and had to click away.  A birthday party for someone.  Table of cakes.  My favorite part is when another family came over and while the father of that family was explaining that when he was asked if he wanted to meet the family of 25 who lived in the same house he said he had to see this.  Meanwhile the graphic said "Friend of the Putmans".  It was such a "look at us we know other people" moment. Then they proceeded to push each other's faces into cakes and have an all out cake war.  What the hell?  They said they always push the birthday persons face into a cake.  I find that creepy too.  If you have ever had your face in a cake you know how horrible it is.  They were literally picking up kids and holding them while they were smashing cake in their faces.  It's little shit like this that give me a bad abuse vibe.  What I saw was men attacking women and children.

6 minutes ago, bythelake said:

I was surprised that TLC ( every time I type that I remember it used to be The Learning Channel ) brought this family back after the episode that aired earlier in the year. The comments from people in their area were all negative. Most related to their business practices, and were aimed at the father, but the 2 sons who are in business with him were mentioned as well.  They are not well liked at all.

As far as last night's episode, I watched 30 min. then turned it off. The oldest son's wife whining about her insecurites, and the daughter who doesn't live at home walking around with her pouty face were enough for me. Everyone is afraid of the father, no one wants to get him upset, blah, blah blah. The father speaks and everyone jumps.. This is dysfunction with a capital D.

I cosign!  Yes there is a link mentioned earlier that has been scrubbed.

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So I missed the episode Monday night. Was the daughter allowed to go back and live with her husband? Wow...just typing that is bizarre. And it also sounds like that act like untamed animals at birthday parties.

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7 hours ago, Annb67 said:

So I missed the episode Monday night. Was the daughter allowed to go back and live with her husband? Wow...just typing that is bizarre. And it also sounds like that act like untamed animals at birthday parties.

I haven't seen this one; she moved back last week. There was a lot of weeping. Papa Putman couldn't even be around for the tragic event.

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The fact that the daughter is a grown woman and acts like oh I'm so torn (my dad says a week home with the family is not long enough)(or vote on moving out)  What? In the Bible you always put God first, and when you marry your spouse second your parents aren't before the spouse once  your married. They are just bizarre, but their is an eye doctor out there making bank on them. And I completely don't understand why Jaime gave up his namesake what a slap in the face to his family.

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On 10/10/2017 at 0:55 PM, jumper sage said:

Then they proceeded to push each other's faces into cakes and have an all out cake war.  What the hell?  They said they always push the birthday persons face into a cake.  I find that creepy too.  If you have ever had your face in a cake you know how horrible it is.  They were literally picking up kids and holding them while they were smashing cake in their faces.  It's little shit like this that give me a bad abuse vibe.  What I saw was men attacking women and children.

I'm having trouble getting to this show it bothers me so much. I was blown away by what you wrote, then saw a quick scene on Twitter of them holding one of the DILs head down & putting her face right into the cake. The way she was being held, the cake smashing (I can't imagine her not being groped being held that way)- it was all so disturbing, & that's the only little thing I saw. Abusive definitely. I wonder about these in-laws backgrounds & what kinds of families they grew up in that makes them feel it's okay to be treated this way.

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4 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I'm having trouble getting to this show it bothers me so much. I was blown away by what you wrote, then saw a quick scene on Twitter of them holding one of the DILs head down & putting her face right into the cake. The way she was being held, the cake smashing (I can't imagine her not being groped being held that way)- it was all so disturbing, & that's the only little thing I saw. Abusive definitely. I wonder about these in-laws backgrounds & what kinds of families they grew up in that makes them feel it's okay to be treated this way.

It was very disturbing!

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I’ve read that the square footage of the current home is 6000.  So far I’ve heard of 5 bedrooms for the couples ( which look to be of normal size), 1 bedroom for the grandchildren( size unknown, 2 bathrooms. A kitchen, living room. Exactly what is the rest of the square footage devoted to? 

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I think that if there was some actual reason to live together, it would make more sense.  For example, if a senior couple has limited funds and younger family members  have room or the adult children work long hours and need in home child care and the grandparents are willing....things like that make sense, if the personalities mesh, but, when you do it, because you can't bare to be apart from your mom and dad.....it just seems so dysfunctional.   

I haven't gotten any violent vibes, just emotional manipulation.  I do think that some of the loving, happy moments are genuine, but, you can have those WITHOUT living under the same roof.  Our family has them at holiday gatherings, visits, and vacations.  

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If you watch the pilot you see the desperation of the father and the need to have his family at arm's length.


TLC tries to portray him as the harmless grand dad who wants a multi generational family home.

Imagine  the smiles are insincere and they fade when the camera is off.

The eldest son is the mini me and uses family pressure and psychological blackmail to keep dad's wishes alive.

He has adopted the mannerisms and way of dealing with his siblings as his dad has taught him.

The rest of siblings are weaklings who have been brainwashed since childhood and married people who chug the Putman Kool aid with both hands.


TLC has exposed that this is not a normal bunch of bananas.

The TLC producers of this show should be aghast of the behavior of this family and must do some fancy editing to make them presentable to the TLC audience.

Hopefully the in laws, the community they live in, the schools the grand kids attend, the people who are considering hire the family contracting  business will start affecting the family and exposing that the dad is just a frightened orphaned child that continues to rule his family by manipulation and his emotional dysfunction.

The MD son has the most exposure to the outside world and wonder how his colleagues, the hospital staff and patients reacts to him living in such a chaotic environment ruled by his mentally ill dad.

Hoping he will find the strength to leave the crowd and take his salary as a physician to give his family a normal life.

Waiting for a cousin, an in law, someone to come forth with the truth of this family....

Edited by humbleopinion
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On 10/12/2017 at 1:21 PM, mythoughtis said:

Exactly what is the rest of the square footage devoted to? 

What ever the leader of the clan wants. 


23 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I think that if there was some actual reason to live together, it would make more sense.  For example, if a senior couple has limited funds and younger family members  have room or the adult children work long hours and need in home child care and the grandparents are willing....things like that make sense, if the personalities mesh, but, when you do it, because you can't bare to be apart from your mom and dad.....it just seems so dysfunctional. 

Because it is.  Can you imagine making plans to go on vacation, just you, your hubby and your two kids?  Everyone would assume you are ALL going!  What else is disturbing is this:  There is no alone time for a nuclear unit.  Just those goofy times playing a board game, making dinner, watching a tv show....those are the times you remember and look back on and laugh about.  Just the chit chat about your day:  it is all up for public consumption.  Very sad and very off.

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Watching this on the fly- Jamie and Blair won’t make it. She isn’t an adult. Jamie looks so angry in the talking head, I don’t know how he stands it.  Meanwhile, everyone else is guilt  tripping them without even knowing their plans.

why are they building a house without having all the rooms planned? 

Just fyi - my siblings and parents don’t get to decide if I’m having a mastectomy or reconstructive surgery. That’s my call and my doctors. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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My father-in-law is a very nice man, and I'm sure he cares about my general health and wellbeing. HOWEVER.



If I am ever in the position of having to decide whether to undergo a preventive mastectomy, I will NOT be seeking his option on this procedure. And because he is a reasonably normal person, I assume he would be A-Okay with this and definitely not angry that I didn't ask for his input.

The Putmans are in so deep with their co-dependent, inappropriately involved clan mentality that they can't even see how utterly insane this would look to normal people. 

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Blake’s wife-‘ he doesn’t talk to me about his sick patients’. Has she ever heard of HIPAA laws?  Do they have to know everything about everything? 

Now Kacie needs the family's blessing ( she said that twice) to get the surgery.  No words, I have no words.  

Dear Dad - stop interfering in your kids life’s. You don’t get to decide whether or not Jamie’s gets a fellowship just because you don’t think its required.  

Edited by mythoughtis
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He's acting like there's something deeply and personally outrageous about not having his grandchildren in his face every single day. Look, dude, it's great when families can grow up with everyone close by, but it's not exactly a constitutional right. Many of us were lucky to see our grandparents once a year, yet we still managed to feel loved and like part of the extended family. You. Are. Not. Special. What you ARE, in my most educated guess as a reality TV expert*, is a controlling, egomaniacal bastard who's going to give himself a rage stroke within the next 18 months.

*Credits earned by life experience.

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Wow! This is so unhealthy. Are they going to watch themselves and become angry at how manipulative crazy dad is? "I don't want to hold you back. It wouldn't be fair. It's ok. It really is. I'll be distraught, my heart will be crushed, but it's fine"

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14 minutes ago, Annb67 said:

Wow! This is so unhealthy. Are they going to watch themselves and become angry at how manipulative crazy dad is? "I don't want to hold you back. It wouldn't be fair. It's ok. It really is. I'll be distraught, my heart will be crushed, but it's fine"

Yeah,  how passive-aggressive can he be? 

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Until and unless these young adults are able to look at their Dad as a human being rather than a deity -they are damaged.  That man encourages his 3 other children and their wives to look down their noses at Jamie for pursuing a worthy dream of an OB fellowship - how is that pushing someone to be his best? 

Edited by mythoughtis
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8 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Until and unless these young adults are able to look at their Dad as a human being rather than a deity -they are damaged.  That man encourages his 3 other children and their wives to look down their noses at Jamie for pursuing a worthy dream of an OB fellowship - how is that pushing someone to be his best? 

Typical manipulation. You see with Jamie actually acting like an adult and getting away from this crazy bunch means that they will be exposed to the normal way of living. This leads to dad having less and less control and dad knows this and perhaps Jamie does too. Dad is panicking. I'd be afraid of him.

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Okay.  Now, I really do see how unhealthy those relationship are.  It's pathetic.  Shame on you Mr. Putman for playing mind games with your adult children.  His daughter is emotionally crippled by his controlling behavior.  That woman is full of insecurity. Apparently, because she can't breathe air without her parents in the same room.  I suspect that she and the other adult children need some therapy.  It's just horrible.  I've seen people more free to leave Colorado City, than the Putman camp.  

And while your dad may have been a good influence on his son, I'd think his wife might be of equal value.  

I think that this family really thinks that people will not see how dysfunctional they are.  That tells me just how messed up they may be.  Even if someone wants out, they risk persecution.  Can you imagine a custody case against that group?  Who knows what they would claim.  

I think that there could be benefits to a multigenerational living arrangement, but, only if the parties are there freely and without coercion.  I don't think that's the case here.  

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So, what's the general feedback on this family in the public?  I've only read about on this site.  I would imagine that there's a lot of flack, but, TLC loves that kind of thing.  I mean, the more dysfunctional the better with that network.  I'm not sure how twisted it would have to be for them to pull out. I would suspect the house is finished and we will see it in the finale. But, honestly, I don't really care.  I just pray that more members can escape.   

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