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S08.E14: Under Seige

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When Hetty goes rogue, she leaves the NCIS team completely in the dark; the mole kidnaps one of the agents.

I hope it is not too late to put a note at the end credits about Miguel Ferrer.

Please don't post here until after the episode has aired.

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So, um, not Nate? I got that wrong.

Is Daniela leaving the show? Cause if Kensi actually loses a foot, then her fieldwork days are done. 

So all this time we've muttered about the *Los Angeles* office working outside their jurisdictions and it somehow being okay for them to go overseas, it turns out reality ensued and they *did* cause issues? That they have been causing collateral damage that came back to haunt them? That's.....shockingly well thought out. 

Nice shout-outs to other characters. I don't think we heard about Rose the coroner since Season 4, plus good explanations about why Anna or Nate wouldn't be able to help them. Even a mention of looping in SecNav although I would think Director Vance needs a call as well.

Hetty, the next time you need people to follow a particular protocol because you have a plan, freaking tell them! All she had to do was let Kensi know the guys were on ice for their own safety and the rest of them should not leave the office. 

Do we really have to wait 3 freaking weeks to see how this ends? Cause at this point the only plot points to wrap up are: where is Kensi, notification of Granger's death (I'd say that a given, due to the circumstances) and Hetty's reinstatement (unless Linda is leaving the show). And the longer it takes to find Kensi, the more likely it is that she takes permanent damage. Both physically and mentally. Seriously, is Dani leaving and they've just kept it under wraps?

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Even though I am looking forward to the super bowl (New England native so ... Patriots Fan) I would gladly wait another week to get to see the last part of this, a three parter over the course of 6 weeks is a bit too much time.

I think Kensi isn't going anywhere because, if she was leaving they could have just let her die/get too hurt in the crash, it would be a waste and pointless to have her her work her way back for no reason.

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I think Kensi isn't going anywhere because, if she was leaving they could have just let her die/get too hurt in the crash, it would be a waste and pointless to have her her work her way back for no reason.

I agree--logically, I know that Kensi probably won't be permanently injured...but I'm sort of wondering how they're even going to make that a possibility, given the situation she's in at the end of this episode. I'm not sure how they can stall anything really bad happening to her while the team finds her. But as far as I know Daniela is NOT leaving, so...

I have to say, while I think this arc is exciting, I really have a bad taste in my mouth from the way this episode ended with the next one three weeks away. It left me feeling unsettled and unhappy. Hard to see a character I care about in a situation like, screaming and begging and just leave it there for such a long period of time. I'm not thrilled with that decision. 

That being said, I liked the twist that Hetty is the one who set the team up, as it actually makes a lot more sense than anything else would have. However, someone who can plan out getting herself trapped in a cage so she can blow up everyone else can't anticipate that Kensi's going to go see Deeks in lock-up? Also, I'm confused about how Granger's arrest tied into this--that one was real, right? Not a set-up? Did Hetty run right out after his arrest to set the team up? 

I'm interested to see what happens with Whiting. Since Eric is also not leaving the show, presumably she will either decline to prosecute him because he's such a swell guy or shuffle off this mortal coil. I'm going to guess the former, since if she died presumably a different IA investigator would take over. So did Hetty give them REAL evidence on Deeks? That seems Machiavellian even for her. How was she planning to get him back out of jail when she had hand-delivered him for a crime he committed?

I'm going to be pretty happy if it turns out that Nate really isn't the mole, because then we get to keep Nate. 

Edited by Jillibean
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I've recovered my wits somewhat:

Loved how gobsmacked Whiting was in Ops, as the Team is doing their well-rehearsed Black Ops ninja stuff. "Who are you guys?"

Did Hetty give IAB real info to get Deeks arrested or something fake-but-plausible-and-has-to-be-checked-out? Cause, as we've said before and were reminded of tonight: Deeks really did commit that crime and for the rest of his life, stands the chance of being charged for it. If Hetty gave real info and I'm Deeks, I'm not sure I'm able to trust her moving forward. That is one hell of a piece of blackmail.

I'm not sure if Deeks is going to put a bullet in his head or if Kensi will snap his neck, either way Sullivan/Ferris is a dead man.

How in the hell are Joelle and Chegwidden (he's from JAG, the almost forgotten parent show of the NCIS-verse) going to fit into this for the 3rd part?

I'd really like to get more background on how Sharov was convinced to turn on them, given that his only contact with them was being busted out of a Russian prison last year. Not exactly something that should be pissing him off. That being said, I do get it with Sabatino. I think he's pissed about them interfering in Afghanistan 3 years ago not to mention how his partner got shot back in Season 4 on the OSP team's watch. I think this is his long-term revenge for that. How else to you explain him emailing Kensi a virus in Afghanistan, *before* the op that cost Ferris his leg? I'm starting to think the the CIA looks for 'grudge-holding' as an essential skill for new hires since they sure seem to be good at it. And once you have Sabatino cross paths with Ferris......

A mention of Michelle having CIA contacts would have been nice, since I'm pretty sure that she's the one CIA employee the team will feel they could trust. I get the actress can't show up since she's full time on an ABC show (that air Sunday nights incidentally) but there really should have been a mention. 

Edited by anna0852
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Also, I'm confused about how Granger's arrest tied into this--that one was real, right? Not a set-up? Did Hetty run right out after his arrest to set the team up? 

No, that was legit by - presumably - Randall & Sabatino.  No way she would have a girl beaten up & her boss drugged.  I'm guessing the reason he was stabbed might be because he was technically in charge of the operation in Afghanistan, therefore more culpable..

At first I thought it was a major plot hole, since Hetty organized the body drops to G & Sam's at night, but then I realized it was just a coincidence that Grainger made contact w/Heather the night before.  Since Dugan - RIP - was due in to accept her resignation the next day, she had to do something to keep people safe.  

But good twist, either way!

oh, and I've been telling Mr. Roamyn for weeks that I thought "Sullivan" was he mole.  I was close.

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5 hours ago, Jillibean said:


I have to say, while I think this arc is exciting, I really have a bad taste in my mouth from the way this episode ended with the next one three weeks away. It left me feeling unsettled and unhappy. Hard to see a character I care about in a situation like, screaming and begging and just leave it there for such a long period of time. I'm not thrilled with that decision. 


Reasons for no new episodes until February 19th

Next week Superbowl is on

February 12th CBS is airing the Grammy Awards - so no new episode

And since February isn't really our month - no new episode on the 26th either as that is the night of the Academy Awards, and that's usually the highest rated non-sports program each and every year, so just one new episode between now and March 5th - good news,  hopefully means new episodes for all of March. 

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Phew, that really ratcheted things up to 11, didn't it?  I really hope that Whiting gets to live, even though Deeks' confession to her is going to make life complicated for him if she does.  

As for the unravelling of the mole plot, I'm not sure we've heard the full story yet.  Are we supposed to thing the mole is in fact a loose assemblage of rogue CIA officers who are attacking NCIS for reasons of personal vengeance and/or professional pride?  I'm not sure that quite gels for me.  

And as for Sullivan/Ferris' grudge against Kensi, I've been wracking my brains to think whether she sniped him in the leg in an episode, or whether this is something she supposedly did in Afghanistan that we are just learning about now.  As I recall, the only time we ever saw Kensi as a sniper in Afghanistan was when she had Jack in her sights and deliberately missed.  

Anyways, what a way to leave us for three weeks!  Still, it's pretty similar to the way they left Deeks at the end of Season Four, and that was for an entire summer so this is definitely an improvement.

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And since February isn't really our month - no new episode on the 26th either as that is the night of the Academy Awards, and that's usually the highest rated non-sports program each and every year, so just one new episode between now and March 5th - good news,  hopefully means new episodes for all of March. 

Hopefully March Madness does not interfere, not a college basketball fan so don't know how that works. 

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12 hours ago, mtmjr said:

Phew, that really ratcheted things up to 11, didn't it?  I really hope that Whiting gets to live, even though Deeks' confession to her is going to make life complicated for him if she does. 

She'll pull through then will have "forgotten" all about his confession due to the trauma of the injury (it's possible they play it straight and she truly can't remember but my money is on some *wink-nudge-wink* added to her amnesia).

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Reasons for no new episodes until February 19th

Next week Superbowl is on

February 12th CBS is airing the Grammy Awards - so no new episode

Sorry, I meant the decision to end the episode on that scene. I didn't mean the scheduling decision. 


Anyways, what a way to leave us for three weeks!  Still, it's pretty similar to the way they left Deeks at the end of Season Four, and that was for an entire summer so this is definitely an improvement.

Good point! I didn't watch live back then, and there's no break between syndication episodes! I think it felt excessive to me because of all we've already been through with Kensi this season and Deeks' concern for her. The kidnapping seems like overkill. However, I have to assume this was their original plan for the mole storyline and that they pushed it back a bit to cover Daniela's maternity leave. 

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While the rogue CIA agents were off their rocker, I'm actually a little gobsmacked that TPTB actually put it out there that a lot of this was of the NCIS own doing. Both here and OG version like to get into a lot of shit they have no business being involved in, not trust and deliberately sideline those who actually should be there (Gibbs likes to do this A LOT!), interesting that they actually said there may have been quite a few thinks FUBAR'd due to them. Chickens came home to roost a little. 

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So, finally catching up...I fell behind on the show this season.  It has fallen out of my 'priority watch' list, but has stayed slightly above my 'I've missed five episodes, it is off the DVR' protocol. 

As soon as Afghanistan was brought up, I got extremely pissed off at Hettie again.  As I recall, Hettie sent Kensi into Afghanistan blind for what she knew was going to be a fraught situation involving Kensi's ex that led to Kensi's injuries and trauma the last time, not to mention Deek's torture.  I remember at least the vague parameters enough to have been done with Hettie's machinations way back then.  I certainly have no use for them again this arc with the nonsense of her leaving vital information out that others might need.

Honestly, at this point, I'd like for Hettie to be the mole and have all these weird 'you don't need to know' moments add up to her being on the other side rather than her being so damn arrogant and nonchalant about continually keeping information from her charges that leads them to being hurt but crawling back to her in the aftermath.  That would at least make sense to me.

I can't believe I finally decided to catch up and there is a three week break!  There were other shows I could have watched and saved this one to when I'm primed for the final episode of the arc!  Gaaaaahhhh!!!! 

Depending on how this all ultimately plays out, I can see getting ticked off enough again (coupled with general lack of enthusiasm by me in watching this season) that the show could fall to my five episode protocol quite quickly.

See you in a a few weeks!

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Seemed a bit contrived or cliche. I was already beginning to think they were going to use Kensi's ex fiance as the mole. Once it was known Kensi was going to be a hostage you knew it was Afghanistan related. Unless the CIA guys had a stake in an oil or mercenary company there why would they be so upset about the NCIS mission there? The guy lost in his leg in a war zone doing covert stuff, hello, injury possible. And even if he had killed Kensi a missing limb would've led to a specific profile for investigators.

Callen's escape included an assault on a federal officer, that will go over well. Then Deeks's confession to the dying LA cop was used just like Kensi's admission she heard and would've accepted Deeks's proposal-they both "unofficially" addressed some of the elephants in the room but won't necessarily actually play out.

I'm guessing Nell or Eric will save Kensi. His flash bangs weren't used yet were they?

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Oh, good point about the flashbangs! Kensi will never hear the end of it if Eric uses them *again* for a good end. 

I'm curious about how Deek's confession to Whiting is going to play out. I think she's going to die but they could always go for a winky nudge about her having memory loss.

I do think Deeks and Kensi are going to end up married pretty soon thought, if nothing else so that she can't be subpoenaed to testify against him. Spousal privilege! 

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