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S21.E03: Week 3: The Backstreet Boys

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Corinne would sound less like a moron if she called her "nanny" a "personal assistant" She must want to seem lie a helpless, incompetent baby Weird

As someone who gets seasick, I have a deep fondness for anyone who can take that in stride Nick was freeking adorable, rubbing her shoulder, sitting with her, looking not one bit grossed out, just concerned   That was pretty adorable in my world, plus more "real" than many of these contestants who seem as if they'd want to be anywhere else once someone started throwing up (remember: smell! ugh)  I just loved that he was so unflappable and kind about it  And they were cute together--actual "relationship" remarks--like "you still taste good"--as if they were really on a date, not playing to the cameras.  (And, aside for the motion sickness, that looked like an incredibly fun date)

Also loved Vanessa telling him off, nicely but firmly "I don't blame her, I blame you" Good stuff! As was, after such a nice day with feelings obviously starting, STILL telling the "prize" that she would rather he didn't give her the rose at all if that was the wasy he acted

I also liked their talk about family--that what SHE noticed about him (unlike the other women who had to comment on what a jerk he was) was his closeness with his mother  He looked surprised (and relieved) that she wanted to talk about that   Then she said how supportive her family was of her going on to try it and "do something for yourself for a change".  That made me feel she may be quite nice in real life (unlike Andi or Kaitlyn.)  Also, during the nighttime date, I thought she looked a little like both Kaitlyn and Andi which was weird to see suddenly   Andi's prettier, imo, but I thought she was arrogant and entitled Vanessa seems a lot more grounded and her beauty kind of grows on you--plus, she has a very appealing, natural look.  I like Rachel and a couple of others (Danielle seems too dull and also too flat-chested to fit Nick's type) but I'm rooting for these two

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5 hours ago, chocolatine said:

It's starting to get really icky the way Corinne is so childish and hyper-sexual at the same time. Her parents have a lot to answer for.

Yes, that's the part that makes me more queasy than  a zero gravity tumble.  Her parents are just as weird as she is. I saw an article in their home town paper saying how proud they are of her performance on the show.  Lots of rich people have a person who does laundry and cooks, but they call her  the housekeeper. I think this one has been babying Corinne since childhood so she gets job security and Corinne gets to stay infantile while still talking about her vagine on TV.  It really is gross to me, I may not be able to watch The Corinne Show much longer.

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8 hours ago, lids said:

I'm really wondering if Nick has a speech impediment. When he took Vanessa to the roof top dinner, it sounded like he said it was the highest point in Atlanta. In my head, I was thinking, but they're not in Atlanta. Could his speech be so marbled that LA comes out Atlanta? Someone else watch the scene and tell me what you hear.

Those scenes where Corrine is crying and pouring her heart out to someone (after whip cream-gate and again after her non-dance with BSBs) she is speaking to a producer. Besides one shot where you see another bachelorette hug her in the bathroom, the person she is talking to is never on camera. The fakeness is heavy this season. 

During the rose ceremony, I felt bad for the blondes. Nick has no love for blondies. I bet they all wished they got cast another season.

Well we got throw up kisses and crying with Vanessa so I am gonna have to call this true love for Nick. Or at least his rushed over exuberant version of love that he also found with Andi and the other one. Vanessa, at least for now, doesn't seem as into it as Nick. She called him "cute" too when he cried, so I wonder what she's really thinking.

he did say Atlanta!! that confused me. someone on jimmy fallon made fun of his mumbling and it is very irritating. So it looked like both Nick and Vanessa were chewing gum after the puking. She is just beautiful and i too loved how she called him out on his behavior. I adore Rachel as well.

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6 hours ago, Andromeda said:

I heard Atlanta, too! I didn't even think about it until I read this, but now I realize they haven't started to travel yet. 

It's nicknamed the Vomit Comet for a reason, so yes, I think they're ready for the barfing. Astronauts in training aren't immune, either. I wondered why it took so long for them to get Vanessa a barf bag.

I'm totally on the Vanessa train after how she called out Nick for his behavior, not Corrine's. And it's shocking to hear he's 36 while she's only 24! Starting to get into creepy territory for sure.

I still like Rachel, but sports-analyst husband doesn't like how she "stepped" on the third runner's hand when she reached for the ring on the track. I figure only a top athlete trained in the rules can make those sorts of split-second physical decisions -- I don't think Rachel intended to step on her hand, but anchor the ring with her foot until she got close enough to grab it, in an instinctual reaction.

Corinne can go anytime. She gets FAR too much airtime. I want to see more of the actual contenders!

Tom Hanks famously discussed how deathly ill he got on the "vomit comet"-as much as id love to experience that, the fear of nausea would kill it for me. loved how caring Nick was, a very strong indicator of how into her he is:)

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9 hours ago, clubsauce said:

I have emetaphobia (fear of vomit). I understand that I have a problem. And that I'm the kind of person that will literally run out of the room with my fingers in my ears screaming "la la la" if anyone near me hints of nausea. But how, HOW can you have your face right next to someone while and then KISS them right after they throw up? Does he have no sense of smell? TASTE??? In my head I said, "Huh. They must have a toothbrush and mouthwash available on that plane because that could not have happened otherwise." And then she said she couldn't believe he kissed her even though she just barfed and my legs went numb and the room went dark. That is the grossest thing I've ever seen on tv and I watch "Naked and Afraid."

I'm with you!! and they have a Name for us--as if it's odd??  Well let's have a parade.  Emitaphobia pride.   Honestly I would have tried to jump.        And the LAST thing I want when I'm sick is some guy chasing me around fawning on me and crawling all over me.  GTF away from me! And then kissing..WHY??   

And I'm not the best flyer--but if they had any clue as to the horrifying Death-Spirals that airplane was doing they should have been PRAYING.    

Anyway, your last two sentences gave me the best laugh I had all night. 

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10 hours ago, seasick said:

I swear they replaced a few.  I admit I had a hard time paying attention to the last 2 eps..and I tried 2 or 3 times--but who the heck is Dominique?  is there a Sarah?  there's an Alexis...  ???  

Does Corinne have a mother?  Maybe not and the nanny is the surrogate.  

Alexis is DolphinShark!

5 hours ago, Lemons said:

She is a moron and she's ruining the show.  Way too much camera time.  I like how she says she doesn't like to do grown up things, that's why she has a nanny, then she claims she runs a multi million dollar company.  Stupid bitch

I'm guessing this woman was her nanny when she was small and raised her and now she keeps treating Corinne like a child and Corinne loves it.  It hasn't occurred her to change the relationship from nanny to housekeeper.  I'm sure she loves being babied.  I'm sure the guys love to have fun with her, but long term?  She'd be pretty high maintenance.


One other thought:  I do like how Nick calls them women and not girls.

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7 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Alexis is DolphinShark!

Ah Yes!  forgot.  The shark who 'identifies' as a dolphin.  She's okay..from Jersey.


9 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

One other thought:  I do like how Nick calls them women and not girls.

Yeah, nice try on a convincer.  He can call them women.   But he is what?  35?   and hanging out with 23 yo Girls.  Getting like crusty old Brad Womack.   

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Ugh. I think Nick is an okay Bachelor but that isn't enough to keep me coming back for the Corinne show. I think I will skip out until she is gone. The older I get the less patience I have for ridiculous people. 

I really loved Vanessa's taking Nick to task. It's a good question - are you here to get married or get laid? I said this before but the amount of making out is definitely more than in the past and is making me feel prudish. 

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I actually don't think Nick is making out any more than other Bachelor lead. Farmer Chris did just as much making out and Ben played the whole, "I want to get to know you before the physical" but that lasted like one episode because I remember by the second episode, he made out with at least three different women in the same episode.

Funny enough, as much of a douche as he was to most people, Juan Pablo didn't makeout as much because once he wasn't into a woman, he would pull out the daughter excuse, as in he wanted to be respectful of what his daughter saw on the show. And then he'd make out with someone he actually was into. I always thought that was hilarious. 

I don't think Nick is making out any more than most leads. It's just that Corinne may be one of the most annoying and sexually gross "villains" they've ever had. And the producers, who clearly love her brand of trash (gee who do we think prodded her to pull out that whip cream stunt and where else would she get that bouncy castle) are taking the cue from that and therefore there just seems be a higher sleaze level to the season. 

Because just like I said about last week, take away the Corinne antics and the episode is pretty much your standard Bachelor/Bachelorette episode. Which means she's not going anywhere anytime soon, unfortunately. Because the producers truly believe ridiculousness like her is what makes for great television with their show. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I loved how, when the girls were walking over to the bouncy house they blurred out someone's butt cheeks in their bathing suit, but them cut to a crack wide-angle on Corrine's butt ,  far and wide humping nick.   I love the producer's choices on modesty and appropriate prime time viewing.

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I think the last time I somewhat watched this show was during Jake's season (or whoever it was in spring 2010.)


Tonight I came for BSB (eeeeeeee!!!! but I Want It That Way is NOT a slow dance song, though I'll Never Break Your Heart is way too meta for this show.) I almost left due to Corinne (and licking whipped cream off her boob is now ok for the 8 PM hour? Times have changed!) and may end staying for my hometown chick, Vanessa.  Please girl 1) don't make us Montrealers look horrible and 2) if you make it to the hometown date, I will judge you as to where to take him out for poutine.



Oh, I almost forgot about Josephine singing at the end.  Did you see Nick's face?

The squirrel taking off had me rolling. 

Edited by mtlchick
Added the part about the squirrel because animals!
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As much as I dislike Nick when he's around Corinne is as much as I adore Nick when he's with Vanessa. The caring, the caressing, the tenderness, the tears - THAT'S the Nick I love! Not the perverted man-child Corinne brings out in him.

I watch this show with my neighbor, and he calls Corinne a combo of Miley Cyrus and Ivanka Trump. Then he found out she manages her father's company, so he's taken to calling her Miley Trump. I think the moniker suits her. I actually found the whipped cream incident more disgusting than the topless photo shoot.

Girl is a genius though. She gets her time and then takes a nap. No drinking, no socializing, no fear of reprisal - just find a bed and sleep. I hope future 'ettes try this tactic in the future. 

My neighbor doesn't have a high opinion of Nick. He thinks Corinne's nanny might make her stock go up. "Built-in housekeeper!" Plus he'd have someone to manage her meltdowns. 

BSB is still glorious and outshines NSync on all fronts. JC Chasez is and always will be the best singer ever in a boy band and the only thing that kept NSync from being utterly mediocre. I was not a fan of JT's whiny voice or his silly hair in the early 2000s.

Every one of those girls should have known that choreography. Every school dance and prom included a flash mob Everybody performance.

I think Nick's down to Rachel, the Danielles, and Vanessa, and is just letting producers call the shots while he chooses among them. That's the only way Corinne is still around.

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Rachel's out of the running even if he keeps her around.  When he started giving her an inventory of her assets..  (you're intelligent, mature, blahblah)  all it needed was the ..".But."..       He's over her.   

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10 hours ago, lids said:

I'm really wondering if Nick has a speech impediment. When he took Vanessa to the roof top dinner, it sounded like he said it was the highest point in Atlanta. In my head, I was thinking, but they're not in Atlanta. Could his speech be so marbled that LA comes out Atlanta? Someone else watch the scene and tell me what you hear..

I heard LA, but I still agree with you in general on Nick's speech. I am also starting to wonder if he has a speech impediment because it seems like it's a bit more than just marbled mouth talking to me.

9 hours ago, twoods said:

I haven't watched this show in a long time but is there this much sucking face this early? It was jarring to see.

I haven't watched in awhile either and I too find all the make outs jarring. I'm sure it was always like this, but I don't remember it and it's a bit much for me. Especially in this instance because I am not a fan of the way Nick kisses. Gross to watch imo.

7 hours ago, Nedsdag said:

It's a good thing I was barely into the Backstreet Boys. To see how they aged was quite depressing, although the one I liked (Kevin, wearing hat and sunglasses) looked semi-decent and a lot younger than Nick Carter.

LMAO! It really is kinda depressing to see how they've aged. Imagine how I feel, Brian was my fave! Also, the one wearing the hat and sunglasses was AJ. Kevin is the one with longer hair.

I was not warming up to Vanessa at all but this episode completely changed that. She's my new fave. The "I'm not judging her, I'm judging you," really solidified it. I stood up and cheered! 

My opinion on Rachel changed this ep, too. She's been boring up until now for me, but I liked her in this ep. She also looked gorgeous and I had been thinking she wasn't very attractive before.

I continue to love Sharkgirl. She's just so fun. I think I like Astrid too, but there's another girl who looks exactly like her and I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting them confused.

I think Corinne's hilarious and I'm the kind of wrong reasons viewer who watches for women (and men) like her, but I do think she is already starting to wear thin. She just gets too much airtime. At least 50%, and probably more like 70%, of this ep was about her or narrated by her. They need to stop with that.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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The producers are really overplaying their hand with Corrinne. I can't even bother to hate her because she's such a cartoon character.

oh and Dominique, if a guy has only spent 5 minutes with you, he's not likely to know whether you are acting like yourself or not.

Edited by Amy Beth
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6 hours ago, Padma said:

As someone who gets seasick, I have a deep fondness for anyone who can take that in stride Nick was freeking adorable, rubbing her shoulder, sitting with her, looking not one bit grossed out, just concerned   That was pretty adorable in my world, plus more "real" than many of these contestants who seem as if they'd want to be anywhere else once someone started throwing up (remember: smell! ugh)  I just loved that he was so unflappable and kind about it  And they were cute together--actual "relationship" remarks--like "you still taste good"--as if they were really on a date, not playing to the cameras.  (And, aside for the motion sickness, that looked like an incredibly fun date)

This. I was trying to say this very thing earlier but you said it so much better than me. I agree. He totally won points in my book for his treatment of her while she was sick. Heck not only would most guys run from it but most people would. Me included. It would be very hard for me to see and watch this, (as much as I would want to comfort them) because like other people have posted I kind of have a phobia about this. I'm the first one to exit if someone mentions feeling sick. Nick must have a strong stomach. He should be great when and if he has children with all their many sicknesses.

But yes I can't imagine a worse date situation than to be sick in front of someone your trying to make an impression on. So his handling of it made her feel less mortified and more at ease. As you said it was a more "real" situation. I think that's a good indication that this relationship might actually work if she's the F1. This shows premise with the out of ordinary dates and situations doesn't always translate well when they get out of the bubble and get in the real world. Well you can't get any more real than that.

6 hours ago, Padma said:

Vanessa seems a lot more grounded and her beauty kind of grows on you--plus, she has a very appealing, natural look. 

Yes. Hate to overuse the word but she's real. She doesn't seem to overdue it with the makeup and glitz and seems confident in her own skin.

Edited by yorklee2
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12 hours ago, awaken said:

all I could think was ewwww, how could they kiss like that right after she puked?

It was shown right after she was shown puking, but there were attendants just off screen, and there might have been some time to clean up in between.   We did see glimpses of someone handing towels, barf bags, and then suddenly both Nick and Vanessa were chewing gum.

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11 hours ago, In2You said:

The Backstreet Boys once again proved to me they are still no comparison to Nsync.

And neither are no comparison to NKOTB (yes, I'm old). :)


11 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

The blond Danielle is so naturally, effortlessly good-looking.  Reminds me of someone famous but can't put my finger on it, or maybe she's just that confident I'm getting confused.

To me she looks strikingly like Tea Leoni.

When Nick returned from the bouncy house, I was SO hoping he'd go back to the pool to find that all the other women had had enough of his and Corinne's shenanigans and they'd all gone back inside the house for pizza and beer or something.

Edited by laurakaye
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Theme of the night:  transparency, as in Nick’s declaration ‘I’m just going to be transparent with you.’  But transparency is defined as ‘see-through’ and is a very different thing to honesty.  But in this case It may apply since some of these ladies are obviously seeing through Nick and they are quickly losing their patience with the whole thing.  Attrition is a very real threat for the producers since cynical retread Nick is not doing his part to maintain the illusion.  He talks about getting engaged like a trip to the supermarket.  Back to (the wrong kind of) transparency – Nick is pursuing just 4 or 5 of the women and they all know it.  According to a legion of posts here, this is fairly common (and human nature) for The Bachelor but rather poorly disguised this season.

The women do constant silent and verbal head counts of their competition from the moment they arrive and were no doubt pleased that Liz was eliminated without the rigors of a RC but they were NOT impressed with Nick’s revelation thereafter.  If ‘b**chy resting face’ is a real, observable phenomenon then Jaimi had ‘I want to smash a liquor bottle upside your head face’ as she ground her teeth.

Tone-deaf Nick then proposes a toast?!?  To celebrate what?  His notched bedpost?  Better to make your excuses and leave, my man.

God bless Kristina who retains that Russian black widow ability to do a half-smile while still staring daggers through someone just like the figure skaters and gymnasts we’ve all seen from that country.  Any form of competition is a blood sport and they intend to win.

This as good a place as any to point out that a viewer could almost spoil the show without outside assistance merely by muting it and watching body language.  Nick grabs Vanessa immediately by the hand.  Lacey is like a closed umbrella – legs crossed, hands amidships, shoulders hunched.  Nick sits ramrod-straight opposite her with his hands tucked away also.  Even worse, Lacey announces in her affected, clipped tones that she ‘wants to discuss’ the situation aka ‘we need to talk’ – a pronouncement that induces more male panic than a fire alarm at 2 AM.  Goodbye, Lacey.  It’s only 5 minutes in and you are obviously a goner.

Nick strikes a relaxed pose with Kristina but, interestingly, keeps a large pillow between them as a literal physical barrier.

The pneumatic Danielle L, on the other hand, seems to have borrowed a hit of nitrous oxide from dental assistant Kristina.  She is absolutely if inexplicably giddy.  Fair play to her for avoiding drama and for wearing another dress that, shall we say, economizes on the fabric used to make it.  Nick is greatly relieved to see that one of the fittest birds in the house is unaffected by his confession and latches on immediately, stroking her hand and arm.  They avoid the usual remonstrations about ‘I feel like we haven’t spent enough time together’ and start talking about families etc.  Clearly, Danielle L is a contender.  Clearly, Hailey is not since she does the opposite.

A lengthy discussion of Corinne seems almost superfluous.  She may not be a casting office plant per se but she is clearly getting the lion’s share of the producers’ time as they put her up to one silly stunt after another as she guzzles more wine.  It’s rare, even unprecedented, for a Bachelorette to be given the latitude to order delivery of anything – food, transportation, clothing – yet Corinne (apparently) has snapped her fingers and ordered a bouncy castle.  Anyone who’s been around these playthings (the castle, that is, not Corinne) knows they require an inflation motor/fan that is L-O-U-D and would have been audible anywhere in the house yet the ladies seem surprised to see it.  The raincoat/Reddi Wip stunt was as sad as it was unsexy.  ‘I have the it factor that guys really like,’ she declares, and she has the ‘sex charm’ - whatever that might be beyond gratuitous nudity.  All right… why is she on this show then?  South Florida may have its liabilities but it has a large population of single men.  Some of them are even straight.

One side benefit of Corinne’s antics are the grim-faced councils of war held by the others.  Sensitive Sarah is in floods of tears.  Soon, so is Corinne.  And passed out.

The mid-show RC seems to be a regular feature this season.  Veteran Nick is annoyed by Corinne’s violation of protocol.

Even an appearance by Backstreet Boys (who, it must be said, proved that they have no need for autotune) couldn’t shake Corinne out of her scheming.  Can a 24 year old grow up in the Miami area without visiting a nightclub or two and developing some sense of rhythm?  Apparently the answer is yes, especially if your nanny (?) is still making your cheese pasta (!?).  Kristina, adopted from an unfit alcoholic mother half a world away, is justifiably annoyed by this oblivious spoiled brat.

If dancer Jasmine walked the challenge, Danielle L floated the challenge.  Nick gets a second dance from DL and helps himself to a handful of her personal Backstreet which earns her the no-doubt-about-it rose.  The other girls didn’t pretend to act surprised. 

Vanessa holds up the Vomit portion of the plane’s famous Vomit Comet nickname on her date.  Perhaps a dose of Dramamine before the date would have been of use?  Nothing says ‘potential life partner’ like watching someone retch into a paper bag but still wanting to kiss them (albeit after a dose of Wrigley’s).  The top-of-LA date goes well, even if it’s another unimaginative cost-saving measure.  Vanessa appears to be toasting with water.  Is she teetotal or merely still a bit queasy?

The less said about the Olympic group date the better.  Astrid got her man but possibly at the expense of her bustline.  Dominque grumps her way to a quick ride home.

In fraternity rush week we had an oft-used phrase:  ‘Nice guy – Theta Chi.’  It meant a particular applicant would be a better fit down the street at one of the more nondescript houses.  Sarah is earning her ΘΧ letters but unjustly, in my view.  In almost any other season she would be a frontrunner – bubbly, cute, teacher, house agony aunt, even-keeled.  Nick, who borrows freely from the personality of his partner to augment his own deficiencies, has barely given Sarah a second glance.  His loss.

Whitney is another all-but-invisible figure who nevertheless impresses with her graceful strut.  Maybe there’s something to this Pilates palaver.

Raven is sacrificing her own chances, even if she doesn’t know it yet, by having the Mom Talk: ‘She’s no good for you,’ etc.  Guys don’t want to hear it, even if they know it.  And they usually do.

The pool party quickly descends into a form of waterboarding for hapless Nick.  The claws are out and he is subjected to a half-dozen variations on the ‘I’m questioning what your intentions are’ speech that we’ve all heard for 21 seasons.  Vanessa in particular is getting verrrry possessive.  Taylor the rather judgmental counselor clucks her tongue in disapproval – but then she’s been doing that from the start.  Tsk tsk tsk!  Bad Nick! 

The moral of this fractured fairy tale:  an adult male shouldn’t use bouncy castles.  He especially shouldn’t dry hump a neurotic, mollycoddled bleach blonde in a bouncy castle when he is simultaneously attempting to romance a dozen other women who are watching it all.

Edited by Rainsong
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My favorite part of the episode is the track meet group date, particularly Astrid and her boobs. That woman is just full of win every time. I also love the bit where she came in last but grabbed the ring while Rachel was stomping it to bits. Astrid, if Nick doesn't want you, call me. 

Nick is more into Vanessa than she is into him. That's for sure. And Nick definitely prefers brunettes because he sent 3 blondes home during rose ceremony.

Corinne is just sad because she has no self-esteem whatsoever. The minute she didn't receive physical validation from Nick, she breaks down. I actually feel in that situation Nick is somewhat taking advantage since I'm sure he sees how she is. I guess that's where Vanessa was coming from. When Vanessa was confronting him, I actually read it as her saying to him "Behave, because I may actually have to date you after this and I don't want my boyfriend to look like such an idiot."

Nick is also physically attracted to Danielle L.

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8 hours ago, chocolatine said:

It's starting to get really icky the way Corinne is so childish and hyper-sexual at the same time. Her parents have a lot to answer for.

Yes.  It was creepy.  And the producers aren't helping, treating her like she's so special, giving her whip cream, a lounging pillow, then a child's bouncy house.   I started thinking of the show "Unreal", and wondering if she had a "handler"  who was encouraging her to act like that, and providing props. 

Corrine was also giving me a serious Tiffany Trump vibe. 

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39 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

Shark Girl's 'Move Bitches' was annoying the first time she said it.  Then again?  No. And I hate the dresses she wears.  Her cleavage, or maybe it's non-cleavage, looks terrible.

She's just kind of..... crass? for my tastes and yeah she admitted she has implants and I'm not loving having to look at them all the time.  She mostly just talks about bitches this bitches that.

I felt so bad for Dominique.  She played it so wrongly, but that's why I felt second-hand embarrassment.  She kept doubling down, hoping that 'arguing' with Nick or 'proving him wrong' might make Nick actually like her more or come around or something.  Ouch.

I've already forgotten Ben's season, but put me in the boat of thinking that Nick is making out with a lot of people.  Seriously it's almost every contestant he comes into contact with.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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2 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

She's just kind of..... crass? for my tastes and yeah she admitted she has implants and I'm not loving having to look at them all the time.  She mostly just talks about bitches this bitches that.

Maybe it's bc I know she's from NJ, but it seems like she would be better suited for Jersey Shore than this show.

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If I were one of the women on this show, I would have gathered them all together, and run to the bouncy house thing, shouting, "look a bouncy house!  how fun!"  and all joined Nick and Corrine.   Maybe even have all them keep "Interrupting"  every time Corrine had a moment with Nick.   But I assume that the way it was set up, the bouncy house was off-limits to the other women, and was brought there just for Corrine.  That said, when it was announced that they were having a "pool party", Nick should have scraped up a tiny bit of integrity and been at the damn pool party.

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28 minutes ago, Amy Beth said:

The producers are really overplaying their hand with Corrinne. I can't even bother to hate her because she's such a cartoon character.

oh and Dominique, if a guy has only spent 5 minutes with you, he's not likely to know whether you are acting like yourself or not.

Off topic:  I'm an Amy Beth too!!! :)

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41 minutes ago, Rainsong said:

The mid-show RC seems to be a regular feature this season. 

I hate this! It just seems so out of whack. I hope they don't do this all season and next week I would like to see two RC's (one at the beginning and end of the episode) to get things back on a even kilter. 

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I so wish Corinne had been of legal age during the Rock of Love series. Between the bleached blond hair extensions. boob exposures and humping in the bouncy castle, that would have been a match made in heaven. As a bonus, she comes complete with a nanny for Bret's kids.

If Rachel doesn't win (and I seriously doubt she will), she would be perfect for the next Bachelorette. She's smart and gorgeous and we are overdue for a black Bachelor/Bachelorette, not just the few minority contestants thrown in every season.

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2 hours ago, seasick said:

I loved how, when the girls were walking over to the bouncy house they blurred out someone's butt cheeks in their bathing suit, but them cut to a crack wide-angle on Corrine's butt ,  far and wide humping nick.   I love the producer's choices on modesty and appropriate prime time viewing.

I nearly saw the portal of her vagine.

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37 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

Off topic:  I'm an Amy Beth too!!! :)

Haha so am I!

I can't remember her name, but what the hell was the one who doesn't wear underwear wearing at that rose ceremony?  Some kind of low cut dress with her bra showing?  Very weird.  I really hate during the RCs how they have a contestant talking about how awful it will be if she doesn't get the rose, followed by her getting a rose.  I was shocked no-underwear woman didn't get a rose after she gave that speech.

Dominique...when you berate a guy because he didn't kiss your ass and ask if you're ok while you are off somewhere pouting, what you're really saying is that you pouted so that he will kiss your ass and ask if you're ok.  Umm, they don't like that!

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Producer plant or not, way too much Corinne. And Corinne dear, adults say macaroni and cheese not cheese pasta. Does she really eat bowls of cucumber every day? I also wasn't sure what she was expecting with the whipped cream stunt. Was she thinking Nick would leave the cocktail party with her and go screw in a room somewhere? Then her not coming to the rose ceremony was like a slap in the face to Nick and the other women. She should have been told she needs to leave if she doesn't want to participate in the show.

I wish the women would have left the pool party and told Chris Harrison they were expecting to spend time with Nick and he was having sex in the bouncy house with Corinne instead (I know they didnt actually do the deed). Nick seemed the most animated when he was dancing on stage with the Backstreet Boys which makes me even more sure he wants some kind of fame as an entertainer rather than looking for a partner.

I also was confused when it seemed like he said Atlanta instead of LA. His speech impediment is going to prevent him from getting acting jobs, if that is what he is going for. I would not have liked the zero gravity thing, I would probably have thrown up and I can't hide it and act romantic when I'm feeling sick. I do think Vanessa is very pretty and classy. Also thought the blonds he sent home were all quite attractive. At this point, I am only watching to see Corinne being sent back home to Nanny. I really hope her clients for the 'multi-million' dollar business are watching so they can see who/what they are dealing with. 

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3 hours ago, Rainsong said:

One side benefit of Corinne’s antics are the grim-faced councils of war held by the others.

Well worded.   Without an enemy seasons can fall flat.  The councils of war are the back bone.  I used FF very little and that is a strong statement from me, who usually watches 2 hours in 27 minutes.  

Applause for Vanessa!  Good job.  

A highlight for me was the final frame of a hawk shitting in response to the singing!  Loved that.  Thank you editors. 

Dad clearly raised Corinne alone and the nanny was the "mom" fixture so he didn't have to raise her.  He has been too busy making millions.  Hard to tell how much of her nanny schtick is real or exaggerated due to production pushing it.  I do believe she has one who does most everything for her!   When she was "sleeping" with a smile on her face, it was staged.  Stop with the snoring sound clip.  

I adore Raven, I would love to see her as the next bachette but Rachael is the obvious choice.  Smart, of color and pretty enough with great body.  I think she was recruited.  

Edited by wings707
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2 hours ago, mtlchick said:

Vanessa.  Please girl 1) don't make us Montrealers look horrible and 2) if you make it to the hometown date, I will judge you as to where to take him out for poutine.


I don't think there will be another poutine date since Ashley took Brad Womack to a diner in her town near the Canadian border and fed him poutine there. 

Nice singing at the end, Josephine! But you were a bit pitchy and it is understandable why no chairs turned for you.

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36 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Dad clearly raised Corinne alone and the nanny was the "mom" fixture so he didn't have to raise her.  

Didn't they show her mom in her intro clip though?  Corinne was talking about how she lives with her family and they are always together, and they showed the dad and some lady that seemed like her mother.  It was a different lady than the nanny who brought her cucumbers, I thought?  I think she's just been spoiled to an absurd degree, by dad, mom, nanny, whoever (all of the above).

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13 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

 It's highly doubtful she runs a million dollar business by herself. Daddy gives her a few jobs to do and tells her the company's hers to keep her pacified most likely.

Apparently the company is called Armor Garage and is a supplier of epoxy floor coatings.  According to TMZ your instinct is correct, she's mainly involved in sales...an important position, but hardly "running the company". (there's nothing spoilery in the link).


Edited by ByTor
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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

I adore Raven, I would love to see her as the next bachette but Rachael is the obvious choice.  Smart, of color and pretty enough with great body.  I think she was recruited.  

Rachel is ideal isn't she? The only thing I would like to see improved if she's the next B'ette is her hair. She's attractive don't get me wrong but I do think she could use some help with her hair. You know the show is invested in making their leads look as good as possible so if she were chosen I would love to see what they could do with it. Someone like her who has undoubtedly from a young age been more down to earth and career focused is sometimes not as concerned with always needing to appear as a barbie doll.  Kind of like the movie heroines who don't realize how beautiful they are and then with someones help are stunningly transformed. 

I like Raven. She seems to have gotten a somewhat unfair rap with some. Her accent turns off some people but I've found in life that sometimes you can hate the way someone talks but then the more you get to know and like them you don't notice it as much. And as a southerner we constantly have to deal with the stereotype of the slow talking less than intelligent person. Which I think is bs. It's not how you say it but the content of what you say. So from what I've seen so far I like her and don't see anything she's done wrong but honestly I don't think they've shown her enough to really have a strong opinion either way.

Edited by yorklee2
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I have a hard time believing that Nick didn't get sick on the plane ride.  They were both chewing gum, which is commonly used to help with nausea.  I think Vanessa got the edit because it looked nice that Nick was taking care of her.  Clearly someone was standing by with air sickness bags.

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The funniest moment for me last night was during the beginning when in one of Corinne's taking ITMs, she was indignant in saying "I can't believe she had intercourse with Nick before me!" First of all, I laughed when she used the word intercourse instead of sex (I know, I'm 12). And my hubby, who was half-listening and half paying attention, said "Is she thinking he's a virgin or something???" I didn't get that part either. Nick has had lots of sex with women before the show....

Oohhhh, she was talking about how she should be the first (and only) one that Nick should fuck ON the show. Got it.

Anyway, I'm kind of surprised by the way these women are pouncing on Nick like a piece of meat (thanks, Vanessa). Sure, he's good looking and has nice abs, but his sex life is out there, and from what I'm gathering, he isn't all that in bed, coming from two women he's already slept with. I mean, Liz wasn't even coming back for seconds. If she was, she would have called him a long time ago. She was coming for Instagram notoriety.

If Corinne's vagine is really the platinum prize that she says it is, she may be disappointed with Nick's pee-pee and bedroom skills.

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From the recap:


She pretends she's afraid that Nick's gonna send her home. Trust me, Corinne. Nick's not sending you home. He's pretty sure he's gonna get in your butt, so you're good for another week at least.

You mean, "fiance-type stuff"?

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In the rose ceremony Christina (I think that's her name-- the one Liz spilled the beans to first) already had a rose. I guess I'm getting senile. When did she get that? On one of the group dates?

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4 hours ago, dleighg said:

In the rose ceremony Christina (I think that's her name-- the one Liz spilled the beans to first) already had a rose. I guess I'm getting senile. When did she get that? On one of the group dates?

That confused me too. I'm assuming she got the rose on the group date where Nick sent Liz home, but that part was unaired due to all the drama. Poor Christen, she didn't even get her 2 minutes of glory on air there.

Edited by slowpoked
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11 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

he isn't all that in bed, coming from two women he's already slept with. I mean, Liz wasn't even coming back for seconds

You may be right but in all fairness to Nick I really don't think sex was Liz's main goal. He could have totally rocked her world and I think she would still have passed him up for the chance to be on the show.

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13 hours ago, Ketzel said:

I wonder if they'll let her bring the nanny? That could be interesting. (No, not really.)

Corinne should bring her nanny, who could then strike up a whirlwind romance with Jose and decide to stay in Mexico. #FreeRaquel #OTP

Anyway - that floral tie on Nick was... a look. Not terrible, but sort of strange. Speaking of looks, I'm convinced Alexis's shark costume has achieved sentience and is roaming around the house, and Corinne's dress at the BSB-date-cocktail-party is the latest casualty. I mean, there's a slit in a dress, and then there's "Just cut out a semicircular window over the entire thigh." 

MVP Vanessa of course; runner-up Jasmine for, "Hey guys. Just happened to stumble upon you guys," and "How you got all that energy for whipped cream but not be standing here for your rose?" Honorable mention to Raven for diving enthusiastically on the "drama in the house" grenade; also I liked her yellow bikini. 

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Thanks for bringing up the floral skinny tie.... yikes.

I think I would break up with someone for using "planned dancing" because they did not know the word choreography.

When the girls talked about having Backstreet Boys on their binders I felt very old. That was a pretty good get Bachelor-wise. And Danielle did definitely stand out, she is crazy hot.


Could his speech be so marbled that LA comes out Atlanta?

I totally heard Atlanta and as I am always multi-tasking watching this show, asked myself if they flew out of state for the date.

I love Vanessa. But it pains me to say that whenever I see her now all I think is puke breath. It looked like the handler on the plane was cleaning the ground--could she have spewed worse than just daintily into the bag as shown? Embarrassing. I thought Nick was being very sweetly doting but yeah the kiss was....unsavory.

Josephine's singing made me laugh so hard, it was Casey (The Guardian and Protector)-level bad. And then when she doubled down on it, singing like Belle in her talking head I could feel her watching the replay at home mortification from my home.

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