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S07.E06: Compromising Positions

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1 hour ago, Roxy said:

I would lay money on Kyle negotiating appearances for Kim into her contract. I'd bet that she is the one motivating Kim's constant returns. Kim needs the cash and if she and Mauricio don't have to shell it out, this is a good deal for all of them. Unfortunately I'm the loser as I cannot stand the woman. I thought she was weird and dull before she was an angry addict. Now, she's just unwatchable to me. I just don't have sympathy for her. I don't know why but I think she's mean, entitled, and abusive. Issues or not, she's not interesting.

She was outraged on WWHL. That was obvious. Her whole demeanor changed for the whole show. That Lisa had to talk her down a bit but she and Andy were right. If you don't want people talking about your problems, stay in the private sector. Her whole spiel is her illness and arrests. That thing with the dress was a mean trick, even to me and I can't stand her. She offers herself up to the jackals, really, so she has no right to seem upset when they pounce. Hell, she made Dr Phil seem like a nice guy.  And that's hard to do.

Kim is a narcissist with a need for the spotlight and, like Eileen (or George Costanza), can't wait to lay down that hurt on someone.  Kyle is not in it; why should she be?

I am going to assume that the show contacts Kim and writes a contract with her, not that Kyle has produced this opportunity and wrangled Kim into it so that she, Kyle, won't have to help Kim with her bills.

ITA about Kim, though.  Well said.

Edited by SFoster21
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33 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Andy is a fucker in that respect??

And kim is a dope for not walking away from the show to get her shit on the straight and narrow.

Andy LOVES the horribleness that can befall any HW whether self-made or they are a true victim.

Also, any of this type of Reality TV is never "the time or place" for those in recovery from addiction or they don't have themselves in other ways. 

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20 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:


If they are 'men' like Daddy Warbucks?

He gets a slap on the back and is told he is a 'lucky guy', then the associates roll their eyes and giggle as they walk out of the room.

Tom Gerardi looks like a fat ugly troll.

Edited by lololol
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2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I agree. Kim is here because she needs the money. What I will never understand is why Bravo keeps bringing her back. Hasn't the audience made it clear over the years that we are sick to death of her addiction storyline? There are lots of others they have gotten rid of that need the money too. I just don't get what makes Kim so special. 

The other thing I don't get is why - after so many years - Kim would be suprised, or hurt, or shocked that her recovery is going to be discussed by others, particularly those that don't care for her. It is the most central part of her very narrative on the show and has been since S1. What on earth would make her think that people that she has not reconciled with or apologized to would not whisper about her? And those arrests? As my guy Joe Biden would say, they are a big fucking deal. There was a ton of publicity about them. She is on a reality show and this is all her reality. She is in some pretty big denial if she honestly feels ambushed to learn that people are discussing it, especially since Kyle has been very open in the press for months that Eden starts asking about Kim and her issues right from the beginning. 

I do agree that Lisar needs to shut the fuck up if she cares at all about Kyle. If there were no Kyle in the picture, my wish would be to hear Lisar talking about Kim and her craziness all of the time. Talk about all of the dog bites, the shoplifting, the drunken behavior. Remind people of all that Kim has put others through. But Kyle is on the scene and when Lisar talks about Kim she puts Kyle in such an uncomfortable position. If she doesn't care about Kyle then fine, have at it. If she does care about her she needs to act like she does. 

Kim does to work and this is as good as it gets for Kim, vocationally.  I think she was part of a real shit show with her youngest daughter on Lifetime.  Of course there was a role on Sharkanado 3.

I remember a time when being caught gossiping was almost as bad as what and who was being discussed.  Being labeled a gossip led to ostracizing now it is celebrated.  I do not believe Lisa Rinna in her real (fake) life would ask or publicly discuss Jon Hamm's alcoholism or ask Wynona Ryder about her shoplifting arrest because although she knows them through work she would not discuss their issues publicly.  You would think Rinna would have learned her lesson with Yolanda to stay out of people's business.  I could not believe last year after all the crap with Yolanda and the Munchausen the final episode Rinna and Eileen are discussing Yolanda's marriage-after she blew them off when they tried to make contact. People don't always want to share pain in their life.

I see little difference in Kim asking Rinna for an apology for speaking ill of her and mocking her and Eileen asking for repeated apologies from LVP for mentioning the word "affair", one she in fact had.  In Eileen's eyes LVP was rotten to the core for bringing up her indiscretions but Rinna gets a pass for continually confronting Kim because Eileen claims they only had good intentions towards Kim (hahahaha).

I am at the point I don't think Eileen or Rinna give a damn about Kyle other than she is part of the one two powerhouse that drives the show and they are already on the outs with LVP.  This Eden creature has to be one of the most unaware people on the planet and must have missed the Anonymous part of AA. 

When they were in the Hamptons and Kim was arrested for shoplifting Kyle mentioned there was more to it and then shut down the discussion.  I don't think anyone is ever going to put on the table Kim's mental illness issues.  I am not saying Kim was in a fugue state for much of 2015 but she certainly had some underlying issues.  Once again there probably isn't any real high road in talking about people with mental illnesses and it certainly isn't wise to out someone and get them to admit it. Addiction recovery is a difficult road and it can't be all about what a shit person Kim is-for there to be hope there has to something redeeming about the person they can hope to return to.

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14 minutes ago, runforcover said:

Did she mention AA explicitly?

She spoke if it on another show I have put up the link on her thread.  She pretty regularly cites the tenants of AA-except the anonymity parts.  I don't think Kim ever said she was sober to Eden, I think Kyle said, "Kim doesn't drink either," so in my opinion Eden took on some pretty big assumptions when it came to Kim-including headline making claims that her dead addict sister start with drugs began with Kim and Robert Downey, Jr. .  So I think I will stand by my statement that Eden is unaware and will add she makes reckless claims and assumptions.  The assumption being that Kim wants to be included in Eden's world of sobriety.  One's awareness of another's addiction is not an invitation to be included in their recovery.  Shockingly, I found Jennifer Jimenez, Brandi's friend, far more restrained and real. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

She spoke if it on another show I have put up the link on her thread.  She pretty regularly cites the tenants of AA-except the anonymity parts.  I don't think Kim ever said she was sober to Eden, I think Kyle said, "Kim doesn't drink either," so in my opinion Eden took on some pretty assumptions when it came to Kim-including headline making claims that her dead addict sister start with drugs began with Kim and Robert Downey, Jr. .  So I think I will stand by my statement that Eden is unaware and will add she makes reckless claims and assumptions.  The assumption being that Kim wants to be included in Eden's world of sobriety.  One's awareness of another's addiction is not an invitation to be included in their recovery.  Shockingly, I found Jennifer Jimenez, Brandi's friend, far more restrained and real. 

Oh I'm sure she's an ass. Heh, I already forgot about her claim to the brat pack addiction's origin-story where it also implicated Kim. OK, yeah, agreed, that was pretty bad.  I guess I figure where anonymity is concerned we are dealing with AA involvement (rather than a generalized sobriety) where it involves both ladies, and that, technically, Eden's not really breaking the rules.  Not that we all didn't know what Eden was saying.  

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OK.  I hate being the LR defender.  It was Kim who started in with LR at Game Night.  LR was very nice to Kim at dinner and asked about being a grandma, etc.  Later on, Kim was the one who said that LR makes excuses and then goes on to say that LR was using her parents as an excuse.  The conversation had nothing to do with Kim.  It was also Kim who said that LR owed her a sincere apology for what LR put her through.  Sorry Kim, you put other people through things and you refuse to own them.  And in the end, LR apologized to Kim once again but our Kim gave no apology for her behavior.

I felt bad for Kyle but if she's going to be mad at anyone, it should be at her sister.  Her sister started this.  Kim owes Kyle an apology.  Of course, that's not going to happen.  As for someone inviting someone who hates their sister, keep in mind it's a reality show.  Kyle and LR are fellow stars on the show.  There's not much choice here except for Kyle to not invite her sister who no longer is on the show.  Production may have invited or convinced Kyle to invite Kim but at the same time, Kim could have declined.  She didn't.  Personally, I just wish that Kim would go away from my screen....forever.  Sober or high, she is an entitled narcissist who is totally uninteresting or sympathetic.   

Edited by breezy424
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"For fuck's sake, Eileen!" Yaaas. Thank you, Dorit.


Having Kim on the show feels like she's being rewarded for her behavior.

Having Eileen on the show feels like I'm being punished as a viewer. I'd rather Kim be on the show huffing Lysol and acting the fool than watch Sudsy scrounging for yet another grievance.

All the talk of Tuff Turf makes me want to check it out for shits and giggles. I know a guy who originally started watching this show because he crushed on Kim when she was in that movie, heh.

Edited by jaync
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I'd take Eileen.  She doesn't bother me as much as she does other viewers.  I'd even take her over Dorit who has short term memory loss and doesn't shut up.  I felt so bad for Kyle when she wanted to say something to her at the dinner table and Dorit wouldn't shut up talking and totally ignored her.  And the fake accent just grates after a while.  At least Eileen does have a resume.  Dorit and PK are as fake as they come.

OK, I'll go back to the other side of pool.

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I think we're just blowing off steam.  Many of us did it with Yolanda and Brandi as well.  I think they're people we love to hate and then they're are people who we just can't stand and would be happy to see them gone.  Frustration factor?  Maybe.  

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1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

OK.  I hate being the LR defender.  It was Kim who started in with LR at Game Night.  LR was very nice to Kim at dinner and asked about being a grandma, etc.  Later on, Kim was the one who said that LR makes excuses and then goes on to say that LR was using her parents as an excuse.  The conversation had nothing to do with Kim.  It was also Kim who said that LR owed her a sincere apology for what LR put her through.  Sorry Kim, you put other people through things and you refuse to own them.  And in the end, LR apologized to Kim once again but our Kim gave no apology for her behavior.

I felt bad for Kyle but if she's going to be mad at anyone, it should be at her sister.  Her sister started this.  Kim owes Kyle an apology.  Of course, that's not going to happen.  As for someone inviting someone who hates their sister, keep in mind it's a reality show.  Kyle and LR are fellow stars on the show.  There's not much choice here except for Kyle to not invite her sister who no longer is on the show.  Production may have invited or convinced Kyle to invite Kim but at the same time, Kim could have declined.  She didn't.  Personally, I just wish that Kim would go away from my screen....forever.  Sober or high, she is an entitled narcissist who is totally uninteresting or sympathetic.   

Kim did join the conversation and brought an end to the panty discussion-something I think Erika was thankful.  Kim also joined in and essentially was defending Dorit who was taking a beating, with Eileen's finger pointing and tell Dorit to stop talking.  I do think Kim went too far when she turned the conversation on herself and wanted an apology.  Rinna has used her father as an excuse when dealing with Kim, so Kim wasn't too far afield when she said Rinna makes excuses.  She threatened Kim with texts and her excuse then was she had been alone for six hours.  Rinna wants to have a conversation with Kim until she doesn't triumph and then it becomes an issue.  As far as Kim joining the conversation, it is no different than Rinna commenting, on several occasions how "enraged" she was to see Yolanda, Brandi and Kim having lunch. It had nothing to do with Rinna.

Kim is on the show, she has been on every season, her role is reduced, so Kim is just as welcome as Camille.  Kim isn't making these appearances for free it is her job at this point.  Kyle nor Rinna can dictate what production does as far as contracting with Kim.  Kyle above all is reasonable-Rinna and Kim do not mix, and I think Kyle expressed that fairly well.  Kyle's displeasure, as well as most everyone else's was when Rinna made the arrest comment.

To me I think Kim felt the burn when she was on WWHL and the poll was "Whose side are you on, Kim or Rinna?" and Kim only won by nine points.  I believe that spoke to seven seasons of Kim Richards and her nonsense.

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On 1/11/2017 at 3:01 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Yes I feel strongly that 5 dogs shed a lot.  Esp of those breed and type. As far as the magnitude of poop I meant they're all fairly large breed dogs I didn't mean the frequency of their poop was of of a magnitude I meant that IF a big dog had an accident it is literally a large magnitude of excrement because it's a big dog.  :-) 


I shudder because 5 dogs is a lot of work.  

I'm sure Kyle has a housekeeper that cleans the house, keeps it free of dog hair, etc. on a daily basis. 

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12 hours ago, Former Nun said:

P.S.    This sighting/conversation was early in 1968.  I know I wasn't pregnant yet and Beverly Sassoon may have been "barely" pregnant.  She had a baby girl on September 3, 1968, and I had a baby boy !on October 20, 1968.  We were slim beauties (well...one of us was a beauty).

Great celebrity sighting story! I was born in 67, September 3 is my youngest daughter's bday and October 20 is my Dad's bday. And today is Friday 13 with a full moon!

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7 hours ago, breezy424 said:

OK.  I hate being the LR defender.  It was Kim who started in with LR at Game Night.  LR was very nice to Kim at dinner and asked about being a grandma, etc.  Later on, Kim was the one who said that LR makes excuses and then goes on to say that LR was using her parents as an excuse.  The conversation had nothing to do with Kim.  It was also Kim who said that LR owed her a sincere apology for what LR put her through.  Sorry Kim, you put other people through things and you refuse to own them.  And in the end, LR apologized to Kim once again but our Kim gave no apology for her behavior.

I felt bad for Kyle but if she's going to be mad at anyone, it should be at her sister.  Her sister started this.  Kim owes Kyle an apology.  Of course, that's not going to happen.  As for someone inviting someone who hates their sister, keep in mind it's a reality show.  Kyle and LR are fellow stars on the show.  There's not much choice here except for Kyle to not invite her sister who no longer is on the show.  Production may have invited or convinced Kyle to invite Kim but at the same time, Kim could have declined.  She didn't.  Personally, I just wish that Kim would go away from my screen....forever.  Sober or high, she is an entitled narcissist who is totally uninteresting or sympathetic.   

100% agreed. LisaR would not have gone anywhere in any conversation against Kim that night or maybe subsequent nights had Kim not shut her damn mouth and kept her opinions (that had nothing to do with her) to herself. Rinna was being very pleasant with Kim all night up to that point (fake or not). I absolutely blame Kim in this situation ... and most situations. We all know how Rinna is, but I think Kim has always been far worse.

Edited by filmfan2480
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I don't think being a gossip is celebrated, but most folks do it.  A person isn't going to make it far on a reality show if they don't talk about drama going on in another person's life on these shows, assuming the narrative has become part of the show.  If I am remembering things correctly, Kim's arrest for the shoplifting deal was first brought up on camera by LVP talking to Ken. Was that gossiping?  i would need a show of hands from anyone who wouldn't talk about Kim and her situation with a friend. We are always reminded that these gals basically work together. With a few exceptions, they are not friends. Where I work, these types of situations would be talked about in the break room, in a cubicle somewhere, or after work over drinks. I've worked with folks with issues, and if they show up drunk or high, miss work for some reason, have public legal issues, etc., we talk about it. We wonder how they hold on to their job, update others on their latest stunt, and just generally poke our noses in where they probably don't belong. It is nothing to be proud of, but this is reality. We all do it on these forums. Analyze, predict, ponder, and judge. From everything that I have read, most people on this forum wonder or doubt if Kim is sober. We don't know her, have never met her or been insulted by her. Yet most folks have strong feelings one way or another about her. Why would we expect for a person who does know her and has been insulted by her to have no feelings about her? The only problem I have is if Kyle has asked Lisar to lay off and she doesn't. That is being disloyal to Kyle. Eden is a whole other story. She doesn't have a personal situation where Kim has done anything to her. She doesn't know her. She doesn't know Kyle. Her intrusive questions and analysis in the preview  is just strange and not something that I can imagine a person doing in real life. 

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On 1/11/2017 at 7:52 AM, WireWrap said:

I think where Erika goes wrong is that she dresses like Erika Jane but then demands to be treated like Mrs. Girardi even though she claims they are two separate personalities. LOL Erika blurs the lines between her 2 sides but doesn't want the others to do it (except for asskissing Eileen that is) which is confusing to the other HWs and annoying to viewers like me. I say, pick a lane! LOL

Sorry to be so late with this, but I think you are spot on, Wirewrap.

I would not be surprised if one or two of the women noticed, but didn't want to say anything for fear of getting called a prude.  It's unrealistic to expect others to understand and familiarize themselves the nuances of Erika's two separate personas.

Women can dress and be how they like, I have no issue with that. It's the getting slightly miffed or offended or feeling betrayed about it -- OMG why didn't someone let me know this was happening? Maybe because they assumed you knew and were doing it intentionally, a la the provocateur, Erika Jayne. After all, would an elegant, conservative Mrs. Girardi show up in a mini dress with no underwear and then sit with her legs uncrossed?

Erika herself is creating the confusion, and maybe she needs to understand one of life's li'l lessons --no matter how much you may want to, you really can't have your cake and it it too.

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8 hours ago, jaync said:

"For fuck's sake, Eileen!" Yaaas. Thank you, Dorit.

Having Eileen on the show feels like I'm being punished as a viewer. I'd rather Kim be on the show huffing Lysol and acting the fool than watch Sudsy scrounging for yet another grievance.

All the talk of Tuff Turf makes me want to check it out for shits and giggles. I know a guy who originally started watching this show because he crushed on Kim when she was in that movie, heh.

That is perfection.

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53 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I don't think being a gossip is celebrated, but most folks do it.  A person isn't going to make it far on a reality show if they don't talk about drama going on in another person's life on these shows, assuming the narrative has become part of the show.  If I am remembering things correctly, Kim's arrest for the shoplifting deal was first brought up on camera by LVP talking to Ken. Was that gossiping?  i would need a show of hands from anyone who wouldn't talk about Kim and her situation with a friend. We are always reminded that these gals basically work together. With a few exceptions, they are not friends. Where I work, these types of situations would be talked about in the break room, in a cubicle somewhere, or after work over drinks. I've worked with folks with issues, and if they show up drunk or high, miss work for some reason, have public legal issues, etc., we talk about it. We wonder how they hold on to their job, update others on their latest stunt, and just generally poke our noses in where they probably don't belong. It is nothing to be proud of, but this is reality. We all do it on these forums. Analyze, predict, ponder, and judge. From everything that I have read, most people on this forum wonder or doubt if Kim is sober. We don't know her, have never met her or been insulted by her. Yet most folks have strong feelings one way or another about her. Why would we expect for a person who does know her and has been insulted by her to have no feelings about her? The only problem I have is if Kyle has asked Lisar to lay off and she doesn't. That is being disloyal to Kyle. Eden is a whole other story. She doesn't have a personal situation where Kim has done anything to her. She doesn't know her. She doesn't know Kyle. Her intrusive questions and analysis in the preview  is just strange and not something that I can imagine a person doing in real life. 

It is celebrates just look at all  the shows devoted to gossip, Access Hollywood, ET Tonight, TMZ, E! News just to name a few.  Ken did bring it up and it is gossiping. Then either Rinna or Eileen asked Kyle about it in the Hamptons and Kyle shut it down.  The thing is Rinna has now admitted and apologized to Kim for saying mean things because she was hurt and angry and she intentionally wanted to hurt Kim.  That is an admission by Rinna that her words for Kim were done out of malice.  That is pretty much malicious gossip. There came a time on the show where it was evident Kim was stoned, and she did admit to it.  I may not believe that she took one pill one time, and Eileen and Rinna, in the beginning asked Kim what were pertinent questions about her resources for getting help.  What they weren't listening to was Kim was asking for help with dealing with Monty.

There is a corollary example-Teresa Giudice.  She was convicted and went to prison and then cut friends and family out of her life because of observations they made about Teresa and Joe's case, on the air in response to events at the time.  Then she was paid big dollars for stories, photographs, interviews to talk about her conviction and incarceration.   Rinna after offering another Hollywood apology to Kim, then made the rounds of the talk shows, complete with the pertinent clip exclaiming, "I bring it," and to me that is profiting off bad behavior.  She could have gone a different route, but she has already used the husband excuse.

Rinna said this episode she really likes listening to peoples stories of recovery.  That is great to lend a ear when someone wants to talk about it.  Rinna and Eileen have a specific examples of how Kim's under the influence behavior directly affected them.  It was two years ago.  It has been discussed.  Not getting what one views as the proper explanation  isn't necessarily a reason to extend the conversation.  Kyle has asked Lisar to lay off in no uncertain terms-just because she doesn't smash a glass or throw wine doesn't make her request/demand any less real.

What it feels like with Eileen who in her blog said she wants to get everything out in the open, is she sets the table and serves the meal.  Meal served, Eileen is incapable of clearing the table and setting it for the next meal.  She then wonders why the two day old food left on the table stinks or doesn't taste good and others don't have a desire to eat it again.  The best comment of the night to me, is when Dorit asked Rinna what words she wanted her to speak.  I get the feeling unless it is Eileen/Rinna's script there will never be closure.

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13 hours ago, Kanena said:

Maybe the fact that she dated the current president, used to party with Robert Downey, or is the sister of Kathy Hilton? She is a fascinating person who would be cool if she wasn't sure a train wreck. Plus people talk about her, just look at this board. I think it's exploitation for Bravo to keep on dragging her out, but she agrees to it, so it is what it is.


13 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

No she dated the orange one.  Wonder if she noticed he was orange?


Wait, what??  Where did this nugget of info emerge?? My research (aka: my 10 minutes spent googling) didn't turn anything up.  Did she mention it on WWHL maybe?  And did they DATE-date, or like, just go out on one date?   

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The part that really stood out to me is when LisaR in her TH said yeah I went low but Kim Richards went low so I went low right back.  And I was like wait what? I didn't hear Kim go low at all. Sure she inserted herself into the conversation and turned it around on Rinna owing her an apology but none of that were low blows????  I understand that the stuff with LisaR's husband is the sensitive part for Rinna but all Kim did during that conversation was defend herself by claiming she didn't necessarily say anything about her husband. That in itself wasn't a low blow. That was her just disagreeing with how damaging that comment from, how many years ago?, was. It's not like Kim went right back into the implications and again alleged to something sinister in Harry Hamlin's life. So where was this low blow that Rinna was talking about in her TH where she's explaining why she made the arrest comment?  Apparently Kim was indeed right. LisaR is forever making excuses and it's just plain old ridiculous.

I will say that I did appreciate the apology she left the party with. That was pretty promising. That is until you see the teaser for next week where she again has Kim and Kim's journey in her mouth... Ugggghhhhh!

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25 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:



Wait, what??  Where did this nugget of info emerge?? My research (aka: my 10 minutes spent googling) didn't turn anything up.  Did she mention it on WWHL maybe?  And did they DATE-date, or like, just go out on one date?   



I believe it was also mentioned in House of Hilton, Trump was/is close friends with the Hiltons.  He named his youngest after Baron Hilton.  Rick's father not his son.

If you go to Google images and type in Kim Richards and Donald trump you will get the photos.

Edited by zoeysmom
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2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I don't think being a gossip is celebrated, but most folks do it.  A person isn't going to make it far on a reality show if they don't talk about drama going on in another person's life on these shows, assuming the narrative has become part of the show.  If I am remembering things correctly, Kim's arrest for the shoplifting deal was first brought up on camera by LVP talking to Ken. Was that gossiping?  i would need a show of hands from anyone who wouldn't talk about Kim and her situation with a friend. We are always reminded that these gals basically work together. With a few exceptions, they are not friends. Where I work, these types of situations would be talked about in the break room, in a cubicle somewhere, or after work over drinks. I've worked with folks with issues, and if they show up drunk or high, miss work for some reason, have public legal issues, etc., we talk about it. We wonder how they hold on to their job, update others on their latest stunt, and just generally poke our noses in where they probably don't belong. It is nothing to be proud of, but this is reality. We all do it on these forums. Analyze, predict, ponder, and judge. From everything that I have read, most people on this forum wonder or doubt if Kim is sober. We don't know her, have never met her or been insulted by her. Yet most folks have strong feelings one way or another about her. Why would we expect for a person who does know her and has been insulted by her to have no feelings about her? The only problem I have is if Kyle has asked Lisar to lay off and she doesn't. That is being disloyal to Kyle. Eden is a whole other story. She doesn't have a personal situation where Kim has done anything to her. She doesn't know her. She doesn't know Kyle. Her intrusive questions and analysis in the preview  is just strange and not something that I can imagine a person doing in real life. 

I personally think it's one thing to whisper about things, get the uptake on shit that's going down and then there's allowing it to affect you to the point were you're in a place where you are constantly wishing ill will on a person. That's where I draw the line. If it's getting that serious where someone is causing this sort of interference within my own inner peace then it's time for me to minimize my interest in that person in general. If I can't manage my emotions then it's time to take a real good look at what I need to do in order to release whatever is pent up and for whatever reason.  I don't think that just because they are on a reality show together and that money and paychecks are involved that it absolves the ridiculously evil places some of these women take it to. 

Kim isn't even a full time housewife. Hell she's barely part time or "friend of". She shows up for one maybe two episodes per season so my thing is, if they were to keep it as the gossipy, did you hear, holy shit, what the fuck, tone of conversation and not then have that information lead into deliberate confrontations and manufactured drama then it would be a bit more tolerable and would reflect what you described above.  However LisaR becomes completely unraveled and obsessed as well as Eileen to a certain degree which I find completely bonkers and downright disgusting.  Have I had conflicts at work? Of course. Have I participated in chatter at work? Of course. Will I allow unfortunate circumstances, whether introduced by me or another drive me to act out like a mean spirited asshole on a regular basis towards a particular target cause I'm butt hurt about something? Yeah, no... If it's that serious then it's a one time, get it out there, accept the results and then move on without continuing to feed the conflict by engaging.

Personally I don't find any pleasure seeking out people in order to force feed my extreme opinions of what I think of their life and how pathetic I find them to be and if that's what is required of my job my moral compass wouldn't allow me to partake.  I'm not on this earth to deliberately inflict pain and humiliate someone else for shits and giggles or for a paycheck.  It's scary just how acceptable this practice has become. So very sad.  I mean there are better ways to make a buck.

Edited by Yours Truly
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4 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:



I believe it was also mentioned in House of Hilton, Trump was/is close friends with the Hiltons.  He named his youngest after Baron Hilton.  Rick's father not his son.

If you go to Google images and type in Kim Richards and Donald trump you will get the photos.

Yep I saw that picture.  But it was kind of meaningless to me.  They could have just been standing near each other at some black-tie event.   It doesn't prove they dated.  

I assumed that somebody actually had some legit scoop, straight from the horse's mouth. 

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36 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

It is celebrates just look at all  the shows devoted to gossip, Access Hollywood, ET Tonight, TMZ, E! News just to name a few.  Ken did bring it up and it is gossiping. Then either Rinna or Eileen asked Kyle about it in the Hamptons and Kyle shut it down.  The thing is Rinna has now admitted and apologized to Kim for saying mean things because she was hurt and angry and she intentionally wanted to hurt Kim.  That is an admission by Rinna that her words for Kim were done out of malice.  That is pretty much malicious gossip. There came a time on the show where it was evident Kim was stoned, and she did admit to it.  I may not believe that she took one pill one time, and Eileen and Rinna, in the beginning asked Kim what were pertinent questions about her resources for getting help.  What they weren't listening to was Kim was asking for help with dealing with Monty.

There is a corollary example-Teresa Giudice.  She was convicted and went to prison and then cut friends and family out of her life because of observations they made about Teresa and Joe's case, on the air in response to events at the time.  Then she was paid big dollars for stories, photographs, interviews to talk about her conviction and incarceration.   Rinna after offering another Hollywood apology to Kim, then made the rounds of the talk shows, complete with the pertinent clip exclaiming, "I bring it," and to me that is profiting off bad behavior.  She could have gone a different route, but she has already used the husband excuse.

Rinna said this episode she really likes listening to peoples stories of recovery.  That is great to lend a ear when someone wants to talk about it.  Rinna and Eileen have a specific examples of how Kim's under the influence behavior directly affected them.  It was two years ago.  It has been discussed.  Not getting what one views as the proper explanation  isn't necessarily a reason to extend the conversation.  Kyle has asked Lisar to lay off in no uncertain terms-just because she doesn't smash a glass or throw wine doesn't make her request/demand any less real.

What it feels like with Eileen who in her blog said she wants to get everything out in the open, is she sets the table and serves the meal.  Meal served, Eileen is incapable of clearing the table and setting it for the next meal.  She then wonders why the two day old food left on the table stinks or doesn't taste good and others don't have a desire to eat it again.  The best comment of the night to me, is when Dorit asked Rinna what words she wanted her to speak.  I get the feeling unless it is Eileen/Rinna's script there will never be closure.

I love this analogy! Explains it beautifully.

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13 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

It is celebrates just look at all  the shows devoted to gossip, Access Hollywood, ET Tonight, TMZ, E! News just to name a few.  Ken did bring it up and it is gossiping. Then either Rinna or Eileen asked Kyle about it in the Hamptons and Kyle shut it down.  The thing is Rinna has now admitted and apologized to Kim for saying mean things because she was hurt and angry and she intentionally wanted to hurt Kim.  That is an admission by Rinna that her words for Kim were done out of malice.  That is pretty much malicious gossip. There came a time on the show where it was evident Kim was stoned, and she did admit to it.  I may not believe that she took one pill one time, and Eileen and Rinna, in the beginning asked Kim what were pertinent questions about her resources for getting help.  What they weren't listening to was Kim was asking for help with dealing with Monty.

There is a corollary example-Teresa Giudice.  She was convicted and went to prison and then cut friends and family out of her life because of observations they made about Teresa and Joe's case, on the air in response to events at the time.  Then she was paid big dollars for stories, photographs, interviews to talk about her conviction and incarceration.   Rinna after offering another Hollywood apology to Kim, then made the rounds of the talk shows, complete with the pertinent clip exclaiming, "I bring it," and to me that is profiting off bad behavior.  She could have gone a different route, but she has already used the husband excuse.

Rinna said this episode she really likes listening to peoples stories of recovery.  That is great to lend a ear when someone wants to talk about it.  Rinna and Eileen have a specific examples of how Kim's under the influence behavior directly affected them.  It was two years ago.  It has been discussed.  Not getting what one views as the proper explanation  isn't necessarily a reason to extend the conversation.  Kyle has asked Lisar to lay off in no uncertain terms-just because she doesn't smash a glass or throw wine doesn't make her request/demand any less real.

What it feels like with Eileen who in her blog said she wants to get everything out in the open, is she sets the table and serves the meal.  Meal served, Eileen is incapable of clearing the table and setting it for the next meal.  She then wonders why the two day old food left on the table stinks or doesn't taste good and others don't have a desire to eat it again.  The best comment of the night to me, is when Dorit asked Rinna what words she wanted her to speak.  I get the feeling unless it is Eileen/Rinna's script there will never be closure.

Great analogy! Eileen has no self awareness and that is what annoys me most about her. She comes across as someone that is so principled and it's one thing if she holds everyone, including herself, to the same standard but she doesn't. She isn't annoying purely for the type of 'entertainment value' she brings to the show. She's annoying because it's a character flaw that I see in Eileen Davidson, the person and she genuinely doesn't see this in herself. Eileen likes to play therapist with everyone, but it would be nice for her at some point acknowledge her own weaknesses. As much as she complains that LVP can't say sorry (which she can't...at least not often does it seem all that sincere), Eileen can't do that either because Eileen doesn't know how to see anything beyond her own perspective. She can't let go of things and even the comments she makes to her husband has me convinced that she truly is a woman that likes to go around beating dead horses over the head. You can't want people to accept your right to air grievances and accept your opinions and feelings on a matter but then judge others for airing their grievances and quickly dismiss their opinions and feelings because you don't agree with them. Eileen doesn't even say 'well I disagree but you have a right to your opinion'. Eileen is literally the idiot that double speaks within a few sentences out of her mouth.

You bring up a great point about intent and it's why I find Rinna so reprehensible. The same reason why I find Kenya from RHOA to be so vile. There is no fairy dust here, it's understood that these women are paid to bring drama and when you don't, you quickly get shown the door. These women behave stupidly and out of the norm of what is considered mature conflict-resolution. I get why that happens. But there are still boundaries that can be crossed that even these women can't come back from in my mind. When provoke an addict so that you can profit from the drama you add to the show - disgusting. When you enable a fake cancer story -disgusting. When you manipulate a domestic violence situation so that you can be perceived as a victim - disgusting. There are people that are great at bringing drama without stooping so low (NeNe, Sheree, Tamra, Bethenny are all good at it because they while they hit low blows, it's not in the realm of capitalizing on other people's trauma).

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I wonder if Eileen expected to become the Queen Bee of the show, and is pissed and a little bitter that she's actually just a worker?

So now she's going to ... (don't say "sting everyone", Jel, don't do it!) just be a pain in the ass.

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21 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Yep I saw that picture.  But it was kind of meaningless to me.  They could have just been standing near each other at some black-tie event.   It doesn't prove they dated.  

I assumed that somebody actually had some legit scoop, straight from the horse's mouth. 

I guess you didn't read the part about the Trump and Kim dating being in the House of Hilton.  So you have the written word and a photo to back it up.  Are you expecting president elect to confirm it?

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22 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I guess you didn't read the part about the Trump and Kim dating being in the House of Hilton.  So you have the written word and a photo to back it up.  Are you expecting president elect to confirm it?

That was unnecessarily rude. I assumed this was a piece of information that was outed from a source that I don't religiously check or watch, like Twitter, WWHL, or some of the blogs like Tamra Tattles, etc.  I did not, however, assume the people who said it were LYING - I was honestly 100% curious where this information came from.

Sorry but no, I don't take "oh,  yeah, I think it was mentioned once on a reality show from 10 years ago"  and "oh there is a picture of them standing next to each other" as hard evidence. 

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59 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Great analogy! Eileen has no self awareness and that is what annoys me most about her. She comes across as someone that is so principled and it's one thing if she holds everyone, including herself, to the same standard but she doesn't. She isn't annoying purely for the type of 'entertainment value' she brings to the show. She's annoying because it's a character flaw that I see in Eileen Davidson, the person and she genuinely doesn't see this in herself. Eileen likes to play therapist with everyone, but it would be nice for her at some point acknowledge her own weaknesses. As much as she complains that LVP can't say sorry (which she can't...at least not often does it seem all that sincere), Eileen can't do that either because Eileen doesn't know how to see anything beyond her own perspective. She can't let go of things and even the comments she makes to her husband has me convinced that she truly is a woman that likes to go around beating dead horses over the head. You can't want people to accept your right to air grievances and accept your opinions and feelings on a matter but then judge others for airing their grievances and quickly dismiss their opinions and feelings because you don't agree with them. Eileen doesn't even say 'well I disagree but you have a right to your opinion'. Eileen is literally the idiot that double speaks within a few sentences out of her mouth.

You bring up a great point about intent and it's why I find Rinna so reprehensible. The same reason why I find Kenya from RHOA to be so vile. There is no fairy dust here, it's understood that these women are paid to bring drama and when you don't, you quickly get shown the door. These women behave stupidly and out of the norm of what is considered mature conflict-resolution. I get why that happens. But there are still boundaries that can be crossed that even these women can't come back from in my mind. When provoke an addict so that you can profit from the drama you add to the show - disgusting. When you enable a fake cancer story -disgusting. When you manipulate a domestic violence situation so that you can be perceived as a victim - disgusting. There are people that are great at bringing drama without stooping so low (NeNe, Sheree, Tamra, Bethenny are all good at it because they while they hit low blows, it's not in the realm of capitalizing on other people's trauma).

I agree with 1 exception. When Lisa apologizes, even though it may not sound/feel "sincere" it is as she never repeats said offense again and moves on. When Eileen or Rinna apologize it isn't "sincere" because they keep doing it and/or they keep talking about it over and over again. LOL

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OMG why didn't someone let me know this was happening? Maybe because they assumed you knew and were doing it intentionally, a la the provocateur, Erika Jayne. After all, would an elegant, conservative Mrs. Girardi show up in a mini dress with no underwear and then sit with her legs uncrossed?

Erika herself is creating the confusion, and maybe she needs to understand one of life's li'l lessons --no matter how much you may want to, you really can't have your cake and it it too.


I am so confused with the idea that Erika, at some point, implied that she is to be treated like "conservative Mrs. Girardi." When? She's not been in a truly conservative setting with the HWs, has she? But never mind that--what has she ever done in their company that would make flashing her junk on purpose seem like something she'd do in a social setting? Simply hoping your so-called friends would let you know about something like this is a far cry from demanding to be treated some certain elegant way.  

If I like low-cut shirts and/or prefer not to wear a bra--or a better example, I favor small bikinis--but don't intend on showing nip, my friends should not tell me that something has shifted and my goods are now on display...because they assume I must be doing it deliberately? Because after all (and this seems kind of opposite of that), Professional-Setting TattleTeeny would never wear a bikini to her job (true enough) so it's very confusing when she wears one to the beach. 

I don't think she's creating confusion at all and I see no "have your cake" situation happening (don't all of us act more demure in certain situations than in others?). And I don't find it remotely hard to understand the term "stage persona"--that Erika Jayne is career thing and Erika Girardi is real regular person. Like any performer. And "both" (quotation marks because they are the same woman) deserve common courtesy and "do unto others" shit. Saying that Erika Girardi can't feel whatever way she feels because Erika Jayne likes to cheesily writhe about onstage half-nude is on par with saying a person who works as a waitress is obligated to always be the one serving food at home, or because you're a cab driver, you also must cart your friends around as they wish during your days off. 


Edited by TattleTeeny
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25 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

That was unnecessarily rude. I assumed this was a piece of information that was outed from a source that I don't religiously check or watch, like Twitter, WWHL, or some of the blogs like Tamra Tattles, etc.  I did not, however, assume the people who said it were LYING - I was honestly 100% curious where this information came from.

Sorry but no, I don't take "oh,  yeah, I think it was mentioned once on a reality show from 10 years ago"  and "oh there is a picture of them standing next to each other" as hard evidence. 

 I have been posting about it for quite some time over on Kim's thread and I believe I posted the source over on her thread.  I thought I was being clear when I posted it was from the House of Hilton, I didn't think I was being unnecessarily vague.  I don't have the book but I did post the excerpts from the book regarding Big Kathy and her daughters,  on Kim's thread, which are available on line.  When I learned of the Donald Trump, Kim connection and he was running for president, I went and Goggled Kim Richards and Donald Trump and sure enough there were the photos. I then made a comment about Kim being first lady.   I also had tertiary source but it is oral and therefore I can't link it.  There are also photos of Kathy and Rick Hilton in the same sequence.  I think the term dating is subjective as it can mean one date or 10,000. 

I never said it was mentioned ten years ago on a reality show-I gave you the source, twice and now a third time, House of Hilton.  I am trying to figure out how to be clear without sounding snippy. 

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53 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I am so confused with the idea that Erika, at some point, implied that she is to be treated like "conservative Mrs. Girardi." When? She's not been in a truly conservative setting with the HWs, has she? But never mind that--what has she ever done in their company that would make flashing her junk on purpose seem like something she'd do in a social setting? Simply hoping your so-called friends would let you know about something like this is a far cry from demanding to be treated some certain elegant way.  

If I like low-cut shirts and/or prefer not to wear a bra--or a better example, I favor small bikinis--but don't intend on showing nip, my friends should not tell me that something has shifted and my goods are now on display...because they assume I must be doing it deliberately? Because after all (and this seems kind of opposite of that), Professional-Setting TattleTeeny would never wear a bikini to her job (true enough) so it's very confusing when she wears one to the beach. 

I don't think she's creating confusion at all and I see no "have your cake" situation happening (don't all of us act more demure in certain situations than in others?). And I don't find it remotely hard to understand the term "stage persona"--that Erika Jayne is career thing and Erika Girardi is real regular person. Like any performer. And "both" (quotation marks because they are the same woman) deserve common courtesy and "do unto others" shit. Saying that Erika Girardi can't feel whatever way she feels because Erika Jayne likes to cheesily writhe about onstage half-nude is on par with saying a person who works as a waitress is obligated to always be the one serving food at home, or because you're a cab driver, you also must cart your friends around as they wish during your days off. 


I am all for anyone dressing the way they want to certain degrees. If a woman wants to go commando in a very short dress, so be it but please take precautions to avoid exposing yourself and don't announce it to everyone. And if there is a slip, something private is shown, don't expect someone you barely know, Dorit/PK in this instance, to tell you that you are flashing them on camera (something I would find even more embarrassing), especially given that the camera crew would focus the camera in on the exposed body parts.

And, as far as Erika having 2 different personalities, she proudly says/claims she does and she frequently mixes them but not always so it can be confusing. Around Eileen she is more relaxed and blurs the line between her stage persona and her Mrs G persona but rarely does it with the others even though she will do it with Eileen in front of them. Not to mention that she is yet another, 3rd person, when Tom is with her! IMO, she does this on purpose to keep the others off balance to give herself an advantage over them.

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On 1/12/2017 at 8:28 AM, Boofish said:

Kyle is way better than me because I would NEVER invite someone in my home who hated my sister. And for sure wouldn't sit there while said person treated her that way. I have sister I would never give the time of day to if we were not related HOWEVER I would sit back and watch her get attacked. That's the real BS in my eyes.

Eileen and Lisa the Lips get paid by the argument. It's the only logical explanation

I think you'd be the better person for not allowing someone to your home who hated your sister. Where's the family loyalty Kyle? 

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Around Eileen she is more relaxed and blurs the line between her stage persona and her Mrs G persona but rarely does it with the others even though she will do it with Eileen in front of them. Not to mention that she is yet another, 3rd person, when Tom is with her! IMO, she does this on purpose to keep the others off balance to give herself an advantage over them.

I don't find this the least bit uncommon with anyone I know, myself included. It's not being different people; it's being with different people who play different roles in one's life and thus bring out different qualities or facets of an individual. While some traits are across the board, I do not act exactly the same way with my boss as I do with my mother, or with my sister as I do with my BF, or even with one friend as opposed to another friend. I guess I just don't see what is the matter with that; I feel like I'm from another planet. And please kill me if it's somehow mandatory that I act like my work self while I am not at work. 

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There is something very troubling about this whole pantygate thing. I think that the reason that Eileen and Rinna are suddenly really going at Dorit for buying Erika the panties is because they know that they joined in the mocking and the encouraging of the gag gift. Now, they have remorse for it, but I can't tell if it is remorse because they didn't realize it would hurt or "blindside" Erika, or if it is remorse, because they can't undo their part in it. 

The fact of the matter is that Dorit and Erika high fived it out and were done with it. But, Eileen feels the need to protect Erika by bringing it up again. Even when Erika was the one who said that continually talking about it is what makes it bigger than it actually is. 

The troubling thing for me is that while Erika wants the subject to drop, she hasn't stopped Eileen from continually bringing it up. I also find it weird that in her blog after the delivering of the panties, Erika does not mention Eileen's comment about being shy while spreading her legs. Here is what Erika said in her blog:


Dorit is continuously talking about the “pantygate” situation, and I can’t help but feel like she’s out to start trouble. She’s rubbing her hands together with excitement as she tells Eileen and Lisa R. that she “can’t wait” to bring this topic up to me in front of other people. She tells Kyle, “I have to make fun of her.” You can see how much forethought and energy was put into this and how eager she was to rub my nose in it. This “joke” feels so contrived, like she’s trying to embarrass me.

Why doesn't she mention how Eileen mocked her and how both women encouraged Dorit and said they wanted to be there for the presentation? It's like she has a blind spot where Eileen and Rinna are concerned. And it makes me feel like Ericka - for all of her, "no time for drama" blandishments is really wanting Eileen to keep this going so that Erika can be the victim.

I don't know how to explain it, but I am giving Erika major side eye now whereas before she only ever got a yawn and a head scratch from me.  

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Just now, TattleTeeny said:

I don't find this the least bit uncommon with anyone I know, myself included. It's not being different people; it's being with different people who play different roles in one's life and thus bring out different qualities or facets of an individual. While some traits are across the board, I do not act exactly the same way with my boss as I do with my mother, or with my sister as I do with my BF, or even with one friend as opposed to another friend. I guess I just don't see what is the matter with that; I feel like I'm from another planet. And please kill me if it's somehow mandatory that I act like my work self while I am not at work. 

But Erika is at work, they all are when they are on camera! Erika isn't hanging out with Eileen when the cameras are gone like, say Lisa and Kyle, their, Erika/Eileen, friendship is purely for the show/cameras and not in real life. Erika seems to only let her walls down with those that worship the ground she walks on, not those that treat her as an equal.

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on't expect someone you barely know, Dorit/PK in this instance, to tell you that you are flashing them on camera

Especially when that person has to look in a different direction and crane their neck to take a long gander at it, even if it isn't in their direct line of sight.

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But Erika is at work, they all are when they are on camera! Erika isn't hanging out with Eileen when the cameras are gone like, say Lisa and Kyle, their, Erika/Eileen, friendship is purely for the show/cameras and not in real life. Erika seems to only let her walls down with those that worship the ground she walks on, not those that treat her as an equal.

Well, yes, but the show wants us to look at it as if this is real day-to-day life for this group--not that this changes my point.

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Just now, AndySmith said:

Especially when that person has to look in a different direction and crane their neck to take a long gander at it, even if it isn't in their direct line of sight.

Well, it is hard not to look at the train wreck when you are stopped in traffic across from it. LOL Seriously, what would you have him do, announce on camera that Erika is flashing him, whisper to Dorit for her to tell Erika she is flashing them on camera, should everyone on that side of the room get up and walk to the same side as Erika so that they wouldn't be flashed on camera. The key here is that they were on camera and anything they said or did would have made the situation worse.

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5 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Well, yes, but the show wants us to look at it as if this is real day-to-day life for this group--not that this changes my point.

IMO, you can't ignore the fact that this is their "job" and that few of them interact with their show "friend" when the cameras leave.

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whisper to Dorit for her to tell Erika she is flashing them 

Yes; regardless of reality-show trappings, this is what a decent person would do. It's completely moot that it may not have worked within the confines of a TV show. 


IMO, you can't ignore the fact that this is their "job" and that few of them interact with their show "friend" when the cameras leave.

I don't ignore it--I know that's the case. I'm just saying that the premise of the show is that these are the real HWS, and are real friends, even though production is really bad at keeping us "fooled" (why else would they insist that So & So is a "friend of" Other So & So when So & So is just another hired gun?). And by actively not ignoring that this show is a job to all of these ladies, couldn't we reasonably assume that none of them is at fault for anything, as they are just doing what their employers want them to do? That's all I really mean by viewing it as if it was real day-to-day life.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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She wasn't flashing him. He wouldn't even have seen or noticed it had the subject not been brought up to begin with, since it wasn't even in his line of vision. It was only after it was brought up that he had to turn his head and look for it to see it. If anything, Dorit was the one who was facing towards Erika, and if she didn't notice it, then it wasn't that obvious.


what would you have him do, announce on camera that Erika is flashing him, whisper to Dorit for her to tell Erika she is flashing them on camera

Why would he have to do anything in that regard? Again, he didn't notice it to begin with until it was announced. And when he was aware, he didn't have to contort his body to check it out repeatedly, he could have been a gentleman about and not looked. That is all he needed to do, not be such a perv.

People make it sound she jumped on the table, squatted, and began grinding her crotch in his face, which, no, not even close.

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People make it sound she jumped on the table, squatted, and began grinding her crotch in his face, which, no, not even close.

As she should have! After all, she does just that sometimes on a stage--why on earth is she not doing it all the time, damn it?

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16 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

And kim is a dope for not walking away from the show to get her shit on the straight and narrow.

That's because her shit is NOT on the straight and narrow.  Probably can never be and someone needs to be strong for her.  Poor Kyle?

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