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S03.E09: And the Fatal Separation

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When the Monkey King's sacred homeland of Shangri-La is taken over by a ruthless collector of magical artifacts, the balance of the Universe is put in jeopardy, forcing all the Librarians to come together to help save the imperiled land… at what could be a terrible cost.


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CK finally getting to kick some ass (and he gets a magic tattoo to boot!)

Cassandra's land pirate look, as well as Lindy finally get to use her normal speaking voice instead of helium voice

Ezekiel being unable to speak because a lightning strike fused his fillings together as a child. Lol!

Charlene being awesome

Jenkins confessing his love to Charlene - even though it was the first scene they've ever had together (IIRC) it still managed to tug at my heartstrings just a wee bit, because JL and JC are masters



No more Charlene? Boo! (honestly IMO I'd rather have Charlene as a recurring character than Flynn)

Eve doubting herself and the Librarians because Vanessa Williams messed with her head

The fact that they seem to be foreshadowing a major death quite strongly (not a spoiler, just speculation on my part) and the preview for next week looks like it could go in any number of directions


Season finale time already? These short seasons go by so quick :(

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So, Charlene has left the dimension, Baird has severed her connection to the Library, Jake has magical powers, Cassandra has magical powers, Flynn is preparing to sacrifice his life and Ezekiel now cannot even break into a keypad. No wonder Cassandra broke character to be dumbfounded at the idea Jones was clever! 

Did not like Monkey King. Did like Charlene. Jane Curtin appears to be stronger than Bob Newhart but I'd guess the running around on this show is still prohibitive for a real role for her. I imagine Judson was her great love. Thinking about her being the first Guardian, I'm imagining the villain saying "Charlene, you ignorant slut."

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Christian Kane gets to use those tv fighting skills of his.   The storyline was kind of silly but then this show usually is.  Not sure I liked the Monkey King but what evs.

The Charlene arc was great as usual.  I like the idea that the reason that Flynn couldn't find her was she was hiding in the one place no one would look for her.  I also liked the scenes between her and Judson.   I would have liked a couple more scenes between Charlene and Baird but then Baird was busy getting herself kidnapped.  I wonder how much of her "mentors" story is true and if she actually believes what she is saying.  Also when Baird was first talking about her old "mentor" did anyone else think they had a thing so was genuinely surprised to see a woman.  This show does innuendo well.

Pirate Cassandra and Ezekiel were great.  Loved the throwbacks to Ezekiel being a world class thief.  Of course other thieves would know about him and their opinion of him would change when he switched sides.  Also like that the show is progressing with the Cassandra powers thing but doing it slowly.   Her conversation with Baird was good as well.

The candle room was great.  Loved Flynn and Ezekiel's candle and that Baird candle shine brightest.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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1 hour ago, sjohnson said:

Baird has severed her connection to the Library

I don't think this happened? But she should! She's the current danger. Ugh. 

Poor Jenkins. "It sucks" indeed. Now it seems like the unexpected scene of Cassandra asking him out may have been written to voice the idea that he loved someone who loved someone else.

Glad to see Kane got to be Eliot again -- will be happy to see Stone as a (now magical) badass.

Also glad Lindy Booth got to use a lower register in her voice. So much better!

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I loved the scenes between Charlene and Jenkins and Charlene and Flynn at the end. I admit they had me tearing up. But I'm really not liking the characters getting magically stronger or whatever is going on. I really hope its not going to change the show. I loved fell in love with the show watching the team working together to solve each magical event. I like seen each of them being something to the table. Flynn throws off it because he knows so much about magic and so many other things, because he's done the job longer and had so many degrees to begin with. The last episode we had Cassandra developing or getting a huge upgrade in her powers and now Stone apparently has gotten one too. It feels like a huge shift in what the show was. I loved watching the team and the movies because it was fun watching the team or Flynn using their brains or research to solve each magical problem. The team used their brains to figure out where to find Arthur's crown, to figure out the labyrinth, etc. With Jenkins helping them out and that's the show I liked. It was what made me love the movies as Flynn figured out clues to wear the pieces of the spear of destiny was or King Soloman's Mines. I really don't want a Magical Cassandra or Stone, or Flynn hijacking the show.

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NO!!! Not Charlene! 

Loved the scene with the General and Baird where it was revealed that the General set up Baird to meet Flynn in the tunnel way back at the Pilot. I didn't see Baird severing her connection with the Library. 

Cracked up at Cassandra and Jones' reaction to Lamb talking trash about Jones. 

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This may be my least favorite episode of this series. Almost nothing worked for me. The Monkey King actor was terrible. The Monkey King is such a great and interesting character in all the other movies/TV shows I have watched, how did they get it so wrong here? Poor Jake... both Cassandra and Ezekiel had good episodes, but he got the one with the sucky plot and guest character.

The only thing I liked about this episode is Charlene and I also appreciate that Flynn was toned everything down and was acting more like himself in the movies. So that was nice.

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I thought this was probably the best integration of Flynn with the main cast so far. I really don't see Eve turning her back on the Library. I get the argument that Vanessa Williams was making, but it just fell flat for me. I mean, I guess I don't know if they've used magic on me, but there's been 50 something missions or more where it wasn't used and we worked together to avoid a lot of problems and danger, so yeah, your treacly appeal doesn't really counter all that. 

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I liked the callback to Flynn's Sherlock Holmes act that got him the job (even though he could have easily been wrong about the cats).

Do they have to put a reference to the "epic battle" in every episode? It has gotten really annoying.

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Cassandra's pirate names were hilarious. Zet, heh. 

Cassandra was reallly kicking in that maroon leather and dark eyeliner. Jones looked like a cross between S&M and early 80's punk rocker. Loved it!

Eve should know now that the General is clueless about magic and The Library. Causally giving the evil dude the map to Shangri La just to get Eve is reckless ignorance.

Previews for next week show Charlene talking to them from the magical mirror, so yay! She's not gone completely.

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I was just watching Self Fulfilling Prophesy and Delphi said Baird would change the fate of the Library forever.  It explains why her candle is so big.  This may be the start of how she does it.  Finally and forever cutting her ties with her old life to not just be the Guardian of Librarians but The Guardian of the Library.

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7 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

I liked the callback to Flynn's Sherlock Holmes act that got him the job (even though he could have easily been wrong about the cats).

Do they have to put a reference to the "epic battle" in every episode? It has gotten really annoying.

I was a little confused about how they could be so entrenched in this 'epic battle between good and evil' yet Stone could take 2 months to go to Shangri La to train?

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34 minutes ago, lizzyp said:

I was a little confused about how they could be so entrenched in this 'epic battle between good and evil' yet Stone could take 2 months to go to Shangri La to train?

Lol yes. Are they even looking for Apep or are they just waiting for his next strike? I guess since they have a magical door, Jake can just pop in and out anytime he wants. How nice.

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13 hours ago, LisaM said:

Did we know previously that Baird took a bullet for the General?

We didn't know that Baird knew head DOSA lady.  However being as protective as Baird is with the Librarians  it isn't too much of a stretch that she would be just as protective with whoever she felt was important in the army which means her commanding officer.  She would definitely take a bullet.  It's part of her character.

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Last episode before the finale, so I guess it was time to squeeze in a somewhat Jake-centric episode, since he hasn't gotten much development in the past few episodes.  Always good watching him beat up some fools or, in this case, ninjas (yes, that is important to mention, Jenkins!)  But now he's got a magic tattoo?  Hmm.... interesting, since he's so anti-magic.  Agree the actor playing the Monkey King didn't quite work.  This show is generally zany and goofy, but even by that standard, he was somehow way over the top.

I'm usually indifferent to Cassandra, but Badass, Clad in Leather Pirate Cassandra?  I approve of that look!  Ezekiel looked like he was auditioning for some kind of 80s cover band though.

The stuff with Baird felt rushed and underdeveloped.  We've barely even seen Vanessa Williams' character, so its going to take more then a few lines about their history to make be buy that she has enough sway over Baird, that Baird might actually consider turning on The Liberians and Flynn, considering how much they have bonded.

That scene with the candles is another sign pointing towards Flynn being doomed.

Glad to finally see Charlene again, even if she gets send to the mirror dimension.  Jane Curtin and John Larroquette were great in their final scenes. 

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I'm pretty sure that Jake's upgrade was I-know-baddass-martial-arts-and-can-now-fight-like-Eliot-from-Leverage. The tattoo strikes me as a one-use plot device to help defeat Apep when the time comes.  I'm pretty sure Flynn isn't doomed unless the show somehow isn't coming back and then I can't see Noah Wyle not giving his character a happy ending with Eve.

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Ernie Reyes Jr. was the boy prince in Red Sonja and has been doing the martial arts/movie thing since he was 8.  My impression is that the Monkey King is supposed to be over the top; his performance reminded me of Jet Li's Monkey King in The Forbidden Kingdom.

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On 1/15/2017 at 7:12 PM, Maelstrom said:

No more Charlene? Boo! (honestly IMO I'd rather have Charlene as a recurring character than Flynn)

Maybe she'll appear in the mirror occasionally, like Judson.

On 1/15/2017 at 7:17 PM, sjohnson said:

Jane Curtin appears to be stronger than Bob Newhart but I'd guess the running around on this show is still prohibitive for a real role for her.

Jane and John Larroquette are the same age - 69, turning 70 this year. Both are 18 years younger than Bob Newhart. So I don't see why she couldn't continue, she seems spry enough to me. On the other hand, mileage varies when it comes to aging. I saw Gilbert Godfried on a talk show and he seemed barely able to walk, and he's only 61.

I kind of thought that Charlene would be the one with the spear as the sun set - making her the protector/queen of Shangri La.

Did anyone else think that Charlene was Guinevere in her pre-library days? Or does she date back prior to that?

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On ‎1‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 11:41 AM, Clanstarling said:

Maybe she'll appear in the mirror occasionally, like Judson.

Jane and John Larroquette are the same age - 69, turning 70 this year. Both are 18 years younger than Bob Newhart. So I don't see why she couldn't continue, she seems spry enough to me. On the other hand, mileage varies when it comes to aging. I saw Gilbert Godfried on a talk show and he seemed barely able to walk, and he's only 61.

I kind of thought that Charlene would be the one with the spear as the sun set - making her the protector/queen of Shangri La.

Did anyone else think that Charlene was Guinevere in her pre-library days? Or does she date back prior to that?

I thought she dated back further then that since she's the first Guardian I assumed she started working for it not long after it was created and helped defeat Apep.  Unless Camelot happened earlier in the Librarians then the earliest guess on when it took place in the 5th century which is possible. But at one point King Arthur controlled wild magic with the crown they found in the very first episode. So would that have come after the Library or before? I admit it would be really cool if she was Guinevere.  If she's not Guinevere then who?

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1 hour ago, andromeda331 said:

I thought she dated back further then that since she's the first Guardian I assumed she started working for it not long after it was created and helped defeat Apep

I'm a little fuzzy on Library timelines (didn't see the movies) - and now that you mention Apep, I'm guessing Guinivere is out. Given Jenkins' background, it just seemed perfect.

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9 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

I thought she dated back further then that since she's the first Guardian I assumed she started working for it not long after it was created and helped defeat Apep.  Unless Camelot happened earlier in the Librarians then the earliest guess on when it took place in the 5th century which is possible. But at one point King Arthur controlled wild magic with the crown they found in the very first episode. So would that have come after the Library or before? I admit it would be really cool if she was Guinevere.  If she's not Guinevere then who?

Jenkins is supposed to be Galahad, who was the son of Lancelot (AKA Dulac).  Lancelot's love was Guinevere.  Jenkins sniffing after his father's "girlfriend" is a bit icky so I'd prefer Charlene to be someone else. 

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7 hours ago, johntfs said:

Jenkins is supposed to be Galahad, who was the son of Lancelot (AKA Dulac).  Lancelot's love was Guinevere.  Jenkins sniffing after his father's "girlfriend" is a bit icky so I'd prefer Charlene to be someone else. 

Point well taken. I guess I was completely fuzzy brained while watching (I watch in the early, early morning while I exercise). I sure didn't remember that Dulac was his father, though. I'll have to revisit those episodes, because that seems fairly icky on its own merits.

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According to the Arthurian canon, Galahad never married, and there was no one with a name like "Charlene" in the legends that I could find (and I looked after the last episode), so I think we can guess that Charlene came from a different time. 

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No, Charlene! Don't go! Take Flynn instead! I hope she pops up as a spirt guide/snark machine in the mirror from time to time. I don't really think that Flynn is going to die, even with all the foreshadowing. It would be a rather dark turn to kill off a major character in the franchise, and I would probably miss the guy, even though his episodes are usually my least favorite. He takes over the show too often, but I don't actually want him to die!

I thought Monkey King was alright, he didn't really have a lot to do compared to the last few guest stars. I automatically give points for having a tail! Speaking of, we get to see CK fight ninjas! Awesome. An now Stone will have to learn to deal with his distrust of magic, now that he has a literal magic tattoo on his arm. Of course, he also just took a break from his job at a magical library to study martial arts in a mystical city from a guy with a monkey tail, so...that ship has kind of sailed.

Poor Jenkins. Being an immortal is tough, especially when your long time love dies and your still stuck as an eternal babysitter. Good thing he seem ok with it.

Pirate Cassandra was HOT. And Jones looks like he just wandered out of an 80s music video with low production values. His silent reactions to the bad guy and Cassandra talking about him was hilarious.

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On 1/22/2017 at 8:14 PM, tennisgurl said:

Pirate Cassandra was HOT.

Cassandra looked so much better than her usual style of mini-skirts with long sleeved/high neck frilly blouses (sometimes with sleeveless sweater vests).  She looked and sounded more like an adult.  Even that maroon dress she wore later in the show looked good.  I love that she spoke fluent Chinese and the other guy did not.

It was great to see CK use his fighting skills from being Elliot.  The fights with the monkey king were fun.

Loved seeing Jones go from smug over his rep, to upset over his rep.

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