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S01.E04: Fall

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8 minutes ago, random chance said:


I wouldn't call 32 "early." 

I never said it was early. I said Becky and Darlene got pregnant early just like their mother did - and went on to have lives just like her. Thematicially, Rory is set up to have a similar life (except for the teen pregnancy angle) with single motherhood. Repeating the cycle.

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21 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Rory is having Logan's baby, a guy who is engaged to somebody else and therefore she may or may not raise the kid by herself or with him.

Are we sure it's Logan's and not the Wookie? I had forgotten about him until my cousin brought him up...

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29 minutes ago, jewel21 said:

Are we sure it's Logan's and not the Wookie? I had forgotten about him until my cousin brought him up...

I don't see how it possibly could be.  The Wookie happened during the Spring episode so she would have been 4 months along (at the very least) by Fall.

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I don't think it can be the Wookie but what the Wookie does tell us is that Rory does have hook ups so the baby doesn't have to be Logan's or Paul's. I am almost certain that the baby isn't Jess's just going by how she acted with him. Anyone else is still ago. Though I think the way the show presented her last fling with Logan, we are to assume that it's Logan but they don't have to keep it that way going forward.

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2 minutes ago, CheeseBurgh said:

Going forward? Are they doing more shows for Netflix?

I'm pretty sure ASP wrote the revival with that idea in mind. Or else this was a really shitty ending to an otherwise good show. 

7 minutes ago, random chance said:

She was still drinking when she ran into Jess at the newspaper, right? So she must not have known then? Unless she was planning to have an abortion, but I can't imagine that's how ASP will write it.

It seems like she didn't know she was pregnant until just before she went to visit Christopher. She made a phone call for an appointment at 3pm, presumably to either see her father or to see the doctor.

Besides, Jess/Rory were drinking in the Summer episode, so I assume she was not pregnant then. She probably got pregnant in this episode, after the stupid LDB sequences (I'll have to rewatch to enjoy it; I was kind of bitter during this whole episode).

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I came into this on Team Logan, because he did grow a lot by the end of the original series, and I thought he and Rory actually fit together pretty nicely. Although some of his pushing was not a particularly good influence, the fact that he nudged her out of her comfort zone from time to time was good for her, I think. And the fact that he really loves her is pretty hard to deny. So I was all set to hope for him as endgame, but was pretty sure when he appeared in the first episode that that would not be the case. And the whole deal with their current situation was revealed, and it's like he regressed completely to the utterly self-centred ass he was at the beginning. And though that ass clearly does still love Rory, I see no reason to assume he doesn't love his fiancée too. I don't think it's impossible to be in love with more than one person, and he may very well have just as sweet a relationship with her as he has with Rory. But this no-growth version of him sees nothing wrong with wanting two women and therefore having two women, and that's icky, at least if one is not open about it.

On the other hand, I just can't get on Team Jess, either. Honestly, he just reminds me so much of my first great love — in good ways and bad ways — that I can't hate him, but I also can't root for him and Rory.

I enjoyed watching Emily find herself, and I feel like Richard's death was such a backbone for both her story and Lorelei's that it almost would have had to be that way even if Edward Hermann were still alive. Emily's whaling story was hilarious.

I was not anticipating the ending, but I think it actually works. My first reaction was disbelief that that is where they were going to leave off, but as it percolated through, it made more sense. Anything from here is kind of a whole new beginning, rather than a continuation, or something that can be wrapped up in a neat little package, so I think ending here is a good spot. Even if I don't love much of what brought them to that spot...

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Can we talk about the hardware store bucket for a sec? That was befuddling. I took it to mean that teenage Lorelai was shopping with the baby, put her in a bucket to carry and temporarily forgot about her. Been known to happen with new parents. If the show meant that Lorelai tried to abandon Rory ... that's completely absurd on many levels, not the least of which is that people in Stars Hollow knew Lorelai and Rory. There was even that article in the paper about the new teenaged mother in town.

The argument between Rory and Lorelai about the book was realistic but I was completely on Rory's side. It is her story to tell. I imagine she'd try to be considerate of her family but Lorelai doesn't get to whitewash her past via someone else's memories. The scene where she gave the chapters back to Rory without reading them was the most touching, and true, moment of the series for me.

Edited by lordonia
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I've never understood why Rory Gilmore was not good enough for the Huntzbergers but cocktail waitress Shira was, unless Shira got pregnant. And if that was the case, she certainly learned how to be the kind of wife that the Huntzbergers required.

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1 hour ago, ichbin said:

What was up with the Alexis/Scott hug after the wedding?  It was super awkward.

I thought it was cute. The Rory/Luke relationship was always criminally underused. I saw it as a nice touch that they're officially family. I only wonder why April wasn't there as well. I loved seeing Lane and Michel, but it really should have been Jess and/or April. Probably an availability issue.

Since we're not clear on whether ASP has seen S7, then she must also have missed the episode where Lorelai wrote that letter on Luke's behalf to the judge. One of the best moments of S7 and gave respect to the underused Rory/Luke relationship.

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I don't even know what to say...she's pregnant? That's the 4 words ASP wanted to end the show on? I'm glad S7 didn't have her and ended like it did in this case. I kind of wish I could unwatch this, she basically took all the growth Logan had away and ruined Rory in process. She didn't get the criticism of the LDB version of Rory being the worst for her. 

Logan had grown a lot in S7 and in this he's cheating on a fiancee he has no intentions of even attempting to break up with. He's back to LDB'ing around and Rory seems to be ok with it all.  There's no way Rory could keep this baby from him considering her grandmother and the circles they are in.  S7 Logan I would expect to break things off and want to try with Rory for the baby. This version of Logan I think will continue with his wedding his family wants of him. 

Dean seems to have come out the best and most stable and I think Rory realized that she missed out big time in that market scene. All her talk of him being the best, her feeling safe, had she met him now... The corn starch aisle being for their talk was cute. 

Rory seemed to have no romantic feelings for Jess at all. No longing or anything shown there, just colleague like or friends.

Loved Kirk's decorating and his going overboard.

Lane and Michel being at the wedding was stupid. It should have been Rory alone. Or Rory and April/Jess.  I actually would have rathered Kirk then random Lane/Michel. 

Emily came out the best, she had such a moving and growth, learning arc. 

Lorelai attempted Wild, got married and is expanding her business. 

Rory's left at 32 & pregnant, living with her mom,  and editor of a paper with no pay.  

Edited by Artsda
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3 hours ago, MaiSoCalled said:

I don't think Rory could get away with not telling Logan, even if she wanted to. She's clearly in touch with people from her past, including the LDB. She asked Colin about his knee surgery. I would assume at least some of this contact comes from Social Media. She also intends to publish a book about her life, and a baby would make the book. Rory can't, and shouldn't, hide this baby from him. 

She will likely tell him that she doesn't need his money and that he doesn't need to give up his cushy life for her. She will let him be father in name only, because Christopher is still making excuses. 

But WHY would she do this? what cushy life would Logan have to give up? He may lose a fiancé (assuming she would even care and this isn't a business relationship) but I don't understand how being a father to his kid would ruin Logan's life. He's not a teenager like her father was. He's got his degree and his money and his networks and his work experience etc. Why would she deny not only his right to be a father but her child having a father? Why would she not accept financial support from Logan for her child? I don't see a good reason to deprive her child in this way. It feels like she and her mother glamorized being a single parent so much so that Rory doesn't think a child needs a father. That is what I am most bothered by. Everyday couples have to change plans when they unexpectedly pop up pregnant. This pregnancy wouldn't be the end of thirty year old Logan's world. I am so annoyed by this because I actually enjoyed Rory up til the point when it was implied that she would follow Lorelei's footsteps. yes, she had a messy year but this wasn't the end of her story. Then they went and implied she was going to end up just like Lorelei and now I hate her s/l lol

Edited by dirtypop90
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8 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

But WHY would she do this? what cushy life would Logan have to give up? He may lose a fiancé (assuming she would even care and this isn't a business relationship) but I don't understand how being a father to his kid would ruin Logan's life. He's not a teenager like her father was. He's got his degree and his money and his networks and his work experience etc. Why would she deny not only his right to be a father but her child having a father? Why would she not accept financial support from Logan for her child? I don't see a good reason to deprive her child in this way. It feels like she and her mother glamorized being a single parent so much so that Rory doesn't think a child needs a father. That is what I am most bothered by. Everyday couples have to change plans with they unexpectedly pop up pregnant. This pregnancy wouldn't be the end of thirty year old Logan's world. I am so annoyed by this because I actually enjoyed Rory up til the point when it was implied that she would follow Lorelei's footsteps. yes, she had a messy year but this wasn't the end of her story. Then they went and implied she was going to end up just like Lorelei and now I hate her s/l lol

Because it might possibly mean giving up some control.  She might have to share holidays.  She might have to consider his input on things.  If she lets him know about the baby, she won't just get the money (probably), she might be opening herself up to a fight for custody.  Logan has a stable job, will have a wife by then, and never-ending money.  She's seen how Logan is manipulated by his family; what if they find out about the baby and decide they'd like to include her child in the dynasty?

Not to mention her own highly romanticized version of her childhood.  The cottage at the Independence Inn?  I remember being a very poor single mom myself - we ate a lot of pancakes.  When things stabilized, I never again made pancakes.  Later on, my then-older kid told me that pancakes-for-dinner was one of her favorite memories.

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 I see no reason to assume he doesn't love his fiancée too

This is the thing about Logan. There's nothing in the revival incompatible with the idea that Logan wants to be with Odette. 

A Reddit user on the GilmoreGirls Reddit put it more eloquently than I'm about to, but here goes:

There's no indication that Logan has been pressured into his relationship, much less his engagement, with Odette. Mitchum says that Logan "got himself engaged." Logan never makes any noises about Odette being Mitchum's choice, not his, or any suggestion that he dislikes or resents the engagement. The costume designer talked about Logan being very much his own man by the time of the revival (as opposed to the frustrated, trapped guy he was in the original series), and ASP stated something to that effect in the EW article about the revival. There's no suggestion that Logan is living anything other than the life he wants to live. He refers to his engagement to Odette as "the dynastic plan" but expresses no unhappiness about the plan whatsoever, or any interest in altering his situation. If Logan is out from Mitchum's thumb, as the revival suggests, then if there is a "dynastic plan," it's his plan.

More importantly, at no point in the revival does Logan even hint at ending his relationship with Odette and he clearly cares about Odette's good will. He accepts Odette moving into his London apartment and tries to cajole Rory into being okay with it, rather than refusing Odette so he could continue to entertain Rory at his apartment. Even his grand gesture is not an offer of marriage or even a promise to dump Odette, but rather of a secret house where Rory can write (secret house...classic side piece gift, heh). The LDB caper is an attempt to win Rory back...as his side piece.

There is no suggestion that he was pressured, much less forced, into his relationship with Odette, that he objects to the relationship, or that he has any interest in ending it. He is his own man and does what (and whom) he wants. The logical conclusion is that what he wants is to marry Odette and keep Rory on the side as his mistress. That's all there is to it.

Edited by Eyes High
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On 11/25/2016 at 9:33 AM, Hookian said:

I know people are pissed at the ending but that's the point of this being only S1. Clearly netflix intends for more to happen. No worries though, they clearly wrote this episode with the intention they were coming back for more.

Someone else may have pointed this out @Hookian so pardon me if this feels like piling on, but the exact opposite is true.

Whether or not they plan to come back for a Netflix S2, unless the Palladinos are lying, those were always the intended final four words for the entire Gilmore franchise. Meaning they always intended Rory's story to end in a forced imperfect parallel to her mother's situation.

The fact that they may have re-jiggered things so they are in fact NOT the final four words wouldn't IMO be because of some self-awareness that its a shitty way to leave people hanging. It would be simple dollars and cents. They INTENDED to leave people hanging.

I don't appear to have the same kind of problem with it many do. I didn't mind The Sopranos stopping in the middle of a sentence and implying all kinds of things and not telling people for sure, and similarly I don't mind having to guess at what comes next for Rory. My only issue with it is how bad the parallel between the two Lorelais is (remember that's Rory's real name and is certainly part of the parallel). It's sloppy to run on the premise that what goes around comes around, or like mother like daughter, or whatever other cliches about things going in a circle we could use, when other than talking fast and practically breathing coffee, and having a baby Daddy who probably won't be there for the kid (we think), Rory and her situation is so little like her mother's was. She's a totally different age (her mother's age when the original show started, not the age Lorelai was when she had Rory). She's on paper just as poor, but not cut off from family money. She's got emotional support up the wazoo.  She's got professional credentials that if she could put her pride aside, could probably get her a six figure salary somewhere less prestigious than she'd like (if not that one crappy website she got turned away from last minute). It's totally different.

Edited by Kromm
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4 minutes ago, Kromm said:

Someone else may have pointed this out @Hookian so pardon me if this feels like piling on, but the exact opposite is true.

Whether or not they plan to come back for a Netflix S2, unless the Palladinos are lying, those were always the intended final four words for the entire Gilmore franchise. Meaning they always intended Rory's story to end in a forced imperfect parallel to her mother's situation.

The fact that they may have re-jiggered things so they are in fact NOT the final four words wouldn't IMO be because of some self-awareness that its a shitty way to leave people hanging. It would be simple dollars and cents. They INTENDED to leave people hanging.

Exactly.  They just wanted to do so when Rory was just graduating from college and was early 20's rather than 30's.

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3 minutes ago, Kromm said:

Someone else may have pointed this out @Hookian so pardon me if this feels like piling on, but the exact opposite is true.

Whether or not they plan to come back for a Netflix S2, unless the Palladinos are lying, those were always the intended final four words for the entire Gilmore franchise. Meaning they always intended Rory's story to end in a forced imperfect parallel to her mother's situation.

The fact that they may have re-jiggered things so they are in fact NOT the final four words wouldn't IMO be because of some self-awareness that its a shitty way to leave people hanging. It would be simple dollars and cents. They INTENDED to leave people hanging.

How true. Unlike what the showrunners of season 7 did, which was try to make things clear up and put all toys away by the end. They said when they were told it was over they wanted it to be an ending scene like the first episode of the series. A "full circle" if you will. AS-P and her husband's full circle is basically that Rory would have the life that Lorelai had just minus the teenage pregnancy and having a job and a parent who would support her no matter what. Who believes a father figure isn't important. Having it happen at 32 instead o 22/23 if the Palladinos would not have left the series in a huff of rage like they did when season 6 was coming to an end. Because they couldn't have season 8 like they wanted. It just rubs me the wrong way because in the end, Rory comes off like a moron and I will refuse to believe that Paul is the father, if they want to keep it they did finally end things in Summer. I rather go with Jess being the dad and leave the Hutzburgers behind for good.

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Rory mostly content to be Richie Rich's chippie on the side, and end up pregnant with his child?  No way.  

Totally agree. I literally hate this. Their entire story line is horrible. Cheaters? I don't see how one could say that they love each other with so much dishonesty. The Jess is Luke, Logan is Christopher, and Rory is Lorelai doesn't work for me either. 

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46 minutes ago, Nilo said:

Because it might possibly mean giving up some control.  She might have to share holidays.  She might have to consider his input on things.  If she lets him know about the baby, she won't just get the money (probably), she might be opening herself up to a fight for custody.  Logan has a stable job, will have a wife by then, and never-ending money.  She's seen how Logan is manipulated by his family; what if they find out about the baby and decide they'd like to include her child in the dynasty?

Not to mention her own highly romanticized version of her childhood.  The cottage at the Independence Inn?  I remember being a very poor single mom myself - we ate a lot of pancakes.  When things stabilized, I never again made pancakes.  Later on, my then-older kid told me that pancakes-for-dinner was one of her favorite memories.

Ok but those sound like very Lorelei-like reasons for not wanting the father to be involved in your child's life and Rory wanting "full control" and not wanting to share custody etc just doesn't sound like the Rory we know. She is not Lorelei, which is why this choice for her doesn't work for me.

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Possibly losing custody of a child?  One of the most terrifying things there is.  Particularly when the other parent lives a fair distance away.  There's no reason to think Logan would have pulled this - but Mitchum and Shira? 

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31 minutes ago, Kromm said:

Whether or not they plan to come back for a Netflix S2, unless the Palladinos are lying, those were always the intended final four words for the entire Gilmore franchise. Meaning they always intended Rory's story to end in a forced imperfect parallel to her mother's situation.

Those were, supposedly, the final four words, but the situation may have been totally different. I mean, imagine a final scene between Rory and her mom, but it's at Rory's wedding. She dumped Logan a couple episodes into S7 because long-distance just wasn't working, and reconnected with Jess. Over a year later, she's back from the campaign trail, writing her book, and living with Jess in Philly, where his business has started making money. (Is that the right city? I can't remember.) Her mom's getting ready to walk her down the aisle, and a beaming Rory whispers, "Mom?"

My story is bad fanfic and NOT what I would want - total Rogan shipper here - but it definitely wouldn't be a repeat of history. What we GOT with 32-year-old Rory is much closer.

My long (rambling) point is that having a baby is part of the story, not the entire story. ASP is apparently set on Rory repeating her mother's life, but it didn't have to be that way, no matter Rory's age. 

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The visit to Christopher seemed to be very straightforward to me, although some others seem to think that Rory was interested in pondering her father's role in her life because she was pregnant.

She got a phone call, confirmed 3 pm, and we soon see her in her dad's office at what was likely that time. That strikes me as an appointment she made on short notice. The most likely reason for that is the upcoming wedding, because she actively pursued that topic. 

After that, I think her questioning about him as a father had more to do with the book than her pregnancy. We saw her asking permission from the people in her story, and this meeting would kill two birds with one stone. I don't think there was any meta stuff going on about her baby and her father's behavior in his day. 

She knew she was pregnant on that day, because she never touched the coffee he gave her. It doesn't mean she went to see Christopher intending to explore the issues of absent fatherhood.

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I think she went there for multiple reasons: to warn him to not ruin her mother's day, to get insight about Logan via Chris, to provided additional info to her own book. It can be all of the above. Because, honestly, that question is weird to me without her pregnancy being considered--just the timing.

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This was the least inspired episode of the mini-series. The whole Wild thing with Lorelei and Across The Universe sequence with the LDB where painful to watch (kind of like Lorelei watching the musical which borrowed from Hamilton).

Rori was a disappointment as usual. She finally seemed to grow up just a little after her hook up with Logan. Then comes the twist that she is pregnant. I would like to think that Rori would be an adult and raise the baby herself, but the character we know will simply use it as a way to get taken care of and not do anything with her potential. 

Lorelei settling for having a not so close marriage with Luke was not fun to watch, but at least it was realistic. Many women that age come to the realization that they are not going to have a true partner, but will do themselves while there spouse does themselves, and truely enjoy each other's companionship at the end of the day. Lorelei wasn't going to have 50 percent of herself be another person like Emily and Richard, and that's okay.

Emily and the flashbacks, along with Jess and Sookie made me not just fast forward to the end, but just barely.

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I have ripped this show from stem to stern, but I will legitimately say that if I was a person who squees, I would have done when they dropped in the audio clips of the episode where a snowed-in Rory makes Emily and Richard a frozen pizza.  I love that episode.

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Logan is Rory's Christopher?  No....  Rory is Logan's Christopher. 

And Jess is the cuck that will raise lil' baby Lorelei VI while Rory is out screwing around with Logan. 

Edited by CofCinci
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1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

This is the thing about Logan. There's nothing in the revival incompatible with the idea that Logan wants to be with Odette. 

A Reddit user on the GilmoreGirls Reddit put it more eloquently than I'm about to, but here goes:

There's no indication that Logan has been pressured into his relationship, much less his engagement, with Odette. Mitchum says that Logan "got himself engaged." Logan never makes any noises about Odette being Mitchum's choice, not his, or any suggestion that he dislikes or resents the engagement. The costume designer talked about Logan being very much his own man by the time of the revival (as opposed to the frustrated, trapped guy he was in the original series), and ASP stated something to that effect in the EW article about the revival. There's no suggestion that Logan is living anything other than the life he wants to live. He refers to his engagement to Odette as "the dynastic plan" but expresses no unhappiness about the plan whatsoever, or any interest in altering his situation. If Logan is out from Mitchum's thumb, as the revival suggests, then if there is a "dynastic plan," it's his plan.

More importantly, at no point in the revival does Logan even hint at ending his relationship with Odette and he clearly cares about Odette's good will. He accepts Odette moving into his London apartment and tries to cajole Rory into being okay with it, rather than refusing Odette so he could continue to entertain Rory at his apartment. Even his grand gesture is not an offer of marriage or even a promise to dump Odette, but rather of a secret house where Rory can write (secret house...classic side piece gift, heh). The LDB caper is an attempt to win Rory back...as his side piece.

There is no suggestion that he was pressured, much less forced, into his relationship with Odette, that he objects to the relationship, or that he has any interest in ending it. He is his own man and does what (and whom) he wants. The logical conclusion is that what he wants is to marry Odette and keep Rory on the side as his mistress. That's all there is to it.

That is very well. The actor who played Logan played him perfectly as well. He is kind and sympathetic towards Rori while manipulating her to continue to come back to him with no intention of making a commitment. He controls through money, favors, and making her feel like she is constantly imposing on his time. He never talks about himself but demands to know everything that is going on in Rori's life. It's the beginnings of a very abusive relationship that Rori is not likely to get out of any time soon with a baby in the picture.

Poor little Rori. She had so much promise when she was in high school.

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And what the heck was with the running theme of Rory's lucky dress?

There was only so much time available to tie the final bow onto the GG ribbon. Why allot so much of it to superficial whimsy, stagnant cameos, and plot points that go nowhere? This is a character-driven show. At this point I think a lot of fans just wanted to get to the meat of the relationships.

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I'm surprised to say this, but all the cameos actually worked for me? Why NOT use familiar faces for minor characters? I loved it.

The life and death brigade thing. Wow. I mean. Wow. I think I would have appreciated it more as someone who never watched the show before. The aesthetic was amazing. Same for the Tango club. Knowing what we know, it just looks incredibly douchey for 30 year olds to be acting like that.

I'll miss Finn most of all too!

Man, Logan got a character assassination if I ever saw one. As good as the actor is, the sleeze was dripping off the writing.

Lorelai's phonecall to Emily! OMG! Was there anyone who didn't tear up? 

GOOD LORD DOES CHRISTOPHER LOOK INCREDIBLE! Mother of christ! That man is a vampire. Rory asking him about Lorelai raising her on her own? Damn, that was amazing. His answer was lame but there could never a answer that could justify him bowing out from being Rory's father. The truth probably is that Lorelai played super-woman a little too well, and Christopher was immature enough to convince himself Rory wouldn't need a Dad and took the way out. And he doesn't regret it. How do you say that to your daughter?

So Dean got a more romantic scene with Rory than Jess did. Wow. I suppose I had to hate something. NEVER MIND! Jess looking at Rory through the window!! That gave me feels. 

Well, "Mom, I'm pregnant" was as predictable as you can get. Now, is it Logan's? Is it Wookie's? Is it Paul's? I really hope ASP doesn't spoil it.

And, it's done. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Overall I'm very impressed. The overall quality of the writing was milles better than I expected. We had proper character arcs and everything! Rory ending up alone was probably for the best. ASP focused on her career, for once, and I LOVED it. I did feel Rory choosing to write about her and Lorelai was a bit of a cop out but heh.  

I'm definitely mad we had so little Jess and him looking at Rory through the window felt like... a promise. To be continued. UHG, whatever. I'm not gonna spend the next ten years expecting Literati to finally be together. It's done.

Edited by cuddlingcrowley
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Two things that randomly popped into my head while watching this that made the pregnancy reveal not surprising...

1. Rory is the same age, give or take, as Lorelai in the first season. The repetition of things, etc....
2. Sometime during the Life and Death Brigade not dream, I think maybe between the Wizard of Oz stuff and Logan kissing her goodbye, "Is Rory on birth control?" popped into my head for no particular reason.

The Christopher scene is also a major, major tell. Rory visiting her impossibly wealthy and distant father to discuss how she was raised by her mother was a major, major indication that her baby daddy is Logan (also impossibly wealthy and distant. They even both have scary fathers.)  I don't think Logan is Rory's "Christopher" (with Jess being her "Luke"), but there are definitely parallels. Rory's relationship with Logan was always symbolic of Rory trying out the life that Lorelai rejected in the run of the show. I like Logan a lot more than I like Christopher. Logan was always an interesting character because he had all the potential to be an overly privileged brat, but wasn't just that. He was more complex than that. 

Rory, however, is not a force of nature. But Christopher was always kind of a weenie, so maybe she seems like a force of nature to him. 

Few other things,

Paris is the MVP forever. As is Emily. It was kind of Emily's show. 

I like that L/L finally got married. I hated the Paul stuff- it was mean and also should've resolved itself much, much earlier. 

All the boyfriends aged very well.

I wish Dean had just said, "Rory, I've been fighting demons for the last decade. You can tell by my hair." instead of all that boring shit about head lice.

Edited by Pogojoco
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11 minutes ago, lordonia said:

And what the heck was with the running theme of Rory's lucky dress?

There was only so much time available to tie the final bow onto the GG ribbon. Why allot so much of it to superficial whimsy, stagnant cameos, and plot points that go nowhere? This is a character-driven show. At this point I think a lot of fans just wanted to get to the meat of the relationships.

That it really wasn't lucky. LOL

Your outfit is supposed to be lucky regardless of the circumstance. Not so much for Rory. She put more stock into that outfit rather than what she could offer potential employers. 

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Are Logan and Rory the same age or is he older? I thought he was a year or two older, putting him around 33-35. If the LDB crew are closer to Logan's age, perhaps a little older there too, that makes their behavior even more ridiculous to me. Dudes getting close to 40 acting like moronic, irresponsible, & immature college kids. I'm all for maintaining those close friendships and socializing & enjoying your circle of friends, but why do they need to be so douchey? Tossing money around like that? Buying everything just because you can.? Annoying.

Plus Logan's friends all know that he's engaged. They all seemed to be perfectly ok with Logan/Rory having their "last hurrah", or I could just be reading into it because they work my nerves so much. I'd hope they'd say to him, Logan what you're doing is gross, but live your life bro. 

1 minute ago, Nanrad said:

She put more stock into that outfit rather than what she could offer potential employers. 

She offers them nothing but a cute outfit. 

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13 minutes ago, lordonia said:

And what the heck was with the running theme of Rory's lucky dress?

There was only so much time available to tie the final bow onto the GG ribbon. Why allot so much of it to superficial whimsy, stagnant cameos, and plot points that go nowhere? This is a character-driven show. At this point I think a lot of fans just wanted to get to the meat of the relationships.

I think it was supposed to be funny that Rory was more focused on what she was wearing then actually preparing for interviews and meetings.

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1 minute ago, msani19 said:

Plus Logan's friends all know that he's engaged. They all seemed to be perfectly ok with Logan/Rory having their "last hurrah", or I could just be reading into it because they work my nerves so much. I'd hope they'd say to him, Logan what you're doing is gross, but live your life bro. 

It's because they see nothing wrong with what Logan is doing and that may because they don't see anything wrong with it in general. I doubt they see it as a last hurrah and just something that men like them do. And they like Rory, but not enough to want better for her, so they get to see her come around all of the time. 

Just now, Kanena said:

I think it was supposed to be funny that Rory was more focused on what she was wearing then actually preparing for interviews and meetings.

A lot of their running jokes pertaining Rory was just sad. Like, various parts of her life wasn't a mess and part of it was due to her bad decision making. 

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On 11/26/2016 at 4:58 PM, Pogojoco said:

Rory is the same age, give or take, as Lorelai in the first season. The repetition of things, etc....

Lorelai wasn't pregnant in the first season though, so it's a fairly imperfect repetition.

On 11/26/2016 at 4:58 PM, Pogojoco said:

The Christopher scene is also a major, major tell. Rory visiting her impossibly wealthy and distant father to discuss how she was raised by her mother was a major, major indication that her baby daddy is Logan (also impossibly wealthy and distant. They even both have scary fathers.)  I don't think Logan is Rory's "Christopher" (with Jess being her "Luke"), but there are definitely parallels. Rory's relationship with Logan was always symbolic of Rory trying out the life that Lorelai rejected in the run of the show. I like Logan a lot more than I like Christopher. Logan was always an interesting character because he had all the potential to be an overly privileged brat, but wasn't just that. He was more complex than that. 

I agree that ASP wanted there to be a parallel, and the Christopher scene was specifically about that. It just wound up being a weak parallel for other reasons.

I mean if ASP is telling the truth that these final four words were always set in stone, then we can see where she was going. It's no coincidence that Rory's real name is Lorelai. 

That said, her having that intention all along doesn't mean she succeeded in making it work.

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53 minutes ago, cuddlingcrowley said:

GOOD LORD DOES CHRISTOPHER LOOK INCREDIBLE! Mother of christ! That man is a vampire.

Yup. I thought David Sutcliffe was probably one of the cast who aged the best, if not THE best. He does not do it for me, at all. But considering how long it's been, I thought he looked amazing. Unchanged by time. 


45 minutes ago, msani19 said:

Are Logan and Rory the same age or is he older? I thought he was a year or two older, putting him around 33-35. If the LDB crew are closer to Logan's age, perhaps a little older there too, that makes their behavior even more ridiculous to me. Dudes getting close to 40 acting like moronic, irresponsible, & immature college kids. I'm all for maintaining those close friendships and socializing & enjoying your circle of friends, but why do they need to be so douchey? Tossing money around like that? Buying everything just because you can.? Annoying.

Yes, I believe he was supposed to be a few years ahead of her in school. He graduated before her, and he didn't he graduate early? I can't recall, specifically, but I do think he was older. Yes, those guys were roughly 35, running through the streets in costumes. It was pathetic. They were trying to make Rory and Logan look sweet and whimsical, holding hands, twirling around together. What the hell?? He's about to be married to someone else. It's not cute. Not even close. 

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8 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yes, those guys were roughly 35, running through the streets in costumes. It was pathetic. They were trying to make Rory and Logan look sweet and whimsical, holding hands, twirling around together. What the hell?? He's about to be married to someone else. It's not cute. Not even close. 

Exactly! I wanted to love that stuff because it hit a lot of right notes for me, aesthetically. But it was with the wrong people. It felt so wrong!

Edited by cuddlingcrowley
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53 minutes ago, Pogojoco said:

It was kind of Emily's show. 

She's a Gilmore girl, too, of course. I thought her story was the best, and Kelly Bishop can do no wrong.

I don't see how Rory is wasting her education. She was a successful freelancer for ten years, and now she's in a rough patch because the business of journalism is changing dramatically. Lorelei even told her (in an earlier episode, I think) that she's led a pretty charmed life up to now. Life has peaks and valleys, and Rory is currently in a valley.

As for the teaching option, money for a master's degree wouldn't be a problem if she asked Christopher. They seem on good terms, and if she really wants to go back to school, what's wrong with asking him for help? Or asking Emily? I can't see either turning her down.

I hope there isn't another "season." This one felt final to me. I don't want to hear Lorelei go on and on about how she's either a) too young to be a grandmother, or b) she's the youngest, hippest grandmother there is.

2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

He graduated before her, and he didn't he graduate early? I can't recall, specifically, but I do think he was older.

I don't think Logan graduated early, he graduated ahead of Rory. I always thought he was a year older, two at the very most. Paris and Rory graduated at the same time even though Rory took that time off, so I guess she made up the time by taking a superheavy course load.

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4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yup. I thought David Sutcliffe was probably one of the cast who aged the best, if not THE best. He does not do it for me, at all. But considering how long it's been, I thought he looked amazing. Unchanged by time.

I believe that's partially hair dye, partially being strategically clean-shaven. He appeared on "Timeless" very recently and looked a hell of a lot rougher and grayer.

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2 hours ago, Nilo said:

Possibly losing custody of a child?  One of the most terrifying things there is.  Particularly when the other parent lives a fair distance away.  There's no reason to think Logan would have pulled this - but Mitchum and Shira? 

It is incredibly difficult for a mother to lose custody in America. She would have to become a drug addict and still would have a shot and getting joint. Rory, a woman from two wealthy families with a Yale degree, has nothing to fear even if she doesn't have a job. 

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Yes, those guys were roughly 35, running through the streets in costumes. It was pathetic. They were trying to make Rory and Logan look sweet and whimsical, holding hands, twirling around together. What the hell?? He's about to be married to someone else. It's not cute. Not even close.

Exactly! I'm all for silly fun and am not exactly the paragon of maturity when I reunite with my college friends, but the LDB still just seem like such overly self-indulgent, smug, obnoxiously drunken d-bags even after all these years. Suffice it to say that Logan fits right in. Come to think of it, so does Rory now. And the 'romance' of them having sex yet again while Logan is engaged? How adorable and swoon-worthy! Seriously, it really bugs me that the show tried to make them 'cute' and didn't even really deal with how sordid and gross their whole "arrangement" was, at least to me. I actually agree that Rory looked happier during their partying than at any point in the series, and that actually makes me a little sad. THIS is what makes Rory happy now, where she feels in her element? Partying with complete jerks who she's not even genuinely close with? I don't know, I'm not explaining it well, but this used to be a girl who for years was so genuinely content with a very different kind of 'fun', and now she's just like the other girls the Life and Death Brigade used to hang out with. 

I keep thinking of how much the Rory we met at age 16 would mock and justifiably dislike the Rory of age 32. Sure, she always had flaws, but they seemed a lot more relatable to me then and were balanced out by at least a few traits that I liked and admired. Now? Not so much. I agree that this Rory is probably the logical result of a child who never had to deal with adversity or the direct consequences of poor choices, who was universally revered and supported by an entire town of people even when she had done little to nothing to earn it, who always reaped the benefits of privilege while still framing herself as a plucky underdog, who had men and various opportunities and gifts falling at her feet, and who just doesn't have much fortitude and resilience. But that doesn't mean I enjoyed seeing it on my screen! I miss the old Rory, even if I'm now wondering whether that Rory only really existed in my fanwank-prone imagination rather than on screen. 

Now get off my lawn. ;)

Edited by amensisterfriend
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17 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

As for the teaching option, money for a master's degree wouldn't be a problem if she asked Christopher. They seem on good terms, and if she really wants to go back to school, what's wrong with asking him for help? Or asking Emily? I can't see either turning her down.

Yes. I just said this in the Spring thread, but I think Emily would happily support any money Richard left behind being used for Rory to pursue her masters. Now that she knows she's pregnant, a teaching job would be a good gig for a mother. Nights and weekends relatively free. No travel involved. She could live close enough to Lorelei to have help. 

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We are being led to believe that this Rory wouldn't accept financial support from her child's father so my guess is this Rory wouldn't accept money from her dad or grandma to get her Master's because she is Lorelei. :rolls eyes:

Edited by dirtypop90
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