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Shannon Beador: Magic Crystals and Nine Lemons

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Yikes, so if you disagree with what someone does on a reality show, then don't watch?

No, not necessarily. But if someone feels strongly that a show is contributing to ruining a child's life, why support it?

I know it seems like my post was targeting you and I apologize for that because but that's not the case. I get tired of reading how so and so are bad parents because their kids are subjected to reality TV. Especially Shannon. Chances are very good those kids would know what's going on between their parents regardless of the cameras.

The argument is a good one but it gets old. That's all.

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Did I personally make fun of kids whose parents who were getting divorced?  No.  But this is much larger than that.  It's being played out on national TV.  And I don't doubt for a minute that there are kids who are making fun of it and mocking it.  Not every kid is nice.  The bullying that goes in our society proves it.  And I don't think everyone knew until this all unfolded on the show. 


The screw up may have been the affair but it doesn't justify the aftermath being played out on TV. This isn't about David - and who said David's actions were because of the show.  I didn't.  It's about these children.   The affair doesn't justify the extra collateral damage that is being done to these kids by putting it on a reality show.  Yes, the kids did film.  As ten and twelve year olds (IIRC), do they have the capacity to understand what it means?  I don't think so.  They're children. 

The aftermath is played out in real life whether or not it is on TV.  The children know Dad had an affair with so and so's mom from the basketball team.  All the other team parents know it and the Dubrows knew it.  All we have heard David say to the girls is he is sorry he abandoned them by moving out.  There is no evidence these children suffered extra (or any) collateral damage.  Have one of the children been denied a spot on an athletic team, a role is a school play?  Parents from the school knew about the affair, a certain Ms. Heather Dubrow for one, so it makes little difference if these nameless faceless kids at school tease the children about an affair whether they heard about it on TV or from their parents.  That is on the perpetrator of the teasing. If one is speaking in terms of these kids being harassed while waiting in line at Disneyland or the grocery store that would be truly unfortunate. We may hear about it such damage on the Shannon/David special or at the Reunion.  Until we hear the assumption is  misplaced and premature.  Brandi screamed from the top of her lungs about the Eddie/LeAnn affair.  Yet, we don't hear about the kids being harassed over their father's actions.  We do hear from Brandi she is accosted by reporters (in front of her children) and called a bully or a racist as a direct result of her actions.


If the children do not have the capacity to understand how would they suffer at the hands of classmates?

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See, I would actually lean in the other direction - I don't doubt for a minute that most of the kids around the Beador offspring are going to be enamored of their proximity to fame/being on TV/being bravolebrities. Especially in Orange County. If anything, I would imagine kids would be sucking up to them out of the sheer excitement of TV fame being in the vicinity. There were a few kids in my high school who had been in movies and I know there was definitely a "special light" we ascribed to them. Maybe there would be one or two mean kids who take jabs, but I definitely would not predict any kind of "systematic bullying" (TM Kelly Bensimon) going on toward the Beador kids.

I think the reality TV thing has haunted Briana-she seems so worried that others (Brooks) are capitalizing off her mom's  fame that she seems closed in.  I believe that is why she doesn't make friends she is far more worried about someone exploiting  her fame that she chooses not to engage.  The fact that Briana and Ryan have not had to rely on the earnings of a nurse and enlisted marine may make her the subject of envy for other similarly situated marines.  I am guessing most marines earnings $60,000.00 a year don't live in $400,000.00 homes and drive Mercedes and $60,000.00 SUVs.   I am hoping Briana breaks the cycle and lets her little boys play with other kids instead of waiting for visits from Grandma, taking trips to New York with Grandma, visiting Grandma and go to Disney parks with Grandma. 

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The original concept and the main point of this show, according to Andy Cohen, is to show the public a peek into the lives of the well heeled behind the gates...and with RHOC we even see the gate used, for a reason, in the opening credits for 10 seasons. As other posters have already noted, it has evolved because ratings have gone up once we began to see some back stabbing, arguments, then wine throwing, and table flips, etc. Moms of Manhattan was the same concept and that eventually was renamed RHONY...Beverly Hills took the viewers to the glitz of Hollywood. With the drama, we begin to see the influence of the recession on their lives and middle class housewives introduced that need to work and witness them navigate in the world of their wealthier friends.

IMO, Shannon and ALL the housewives that sign on to these shows are responsible for whatever issues this exposure brings to their family, the good and too often, the bad. I don't see how it's more disturbing or worse coming from Shannon because she doesn't need the show, she doesn't need the income and somehow desperation and being a hustler, to hawk products justifies doing the show for others but being a well to do housewife has no justification to expose her kids, just for fame. Aren't they all seeking opportunity and fame? The only reason why don't see all of Tamras kids is because Simon won't allow it, not because Tamra is some responsible mother. IMO, the one guilty of the most disturbing behavior on this show is Tamra Judge.

Tamras actions are the worst. The Naked Wasted episode exposed her nastiness for all the world to see. The way she set up Gretchen and even allowed her own son to prey on Gretchen that night illustrates the definition of disturbing behavior to me. As Gretchen said, she learned, "We are not in Kansas anymore!" Lynn Curtins daughters and their drunken antics, being served an eviction notice on television, Lauri Peterson exposing her hot to trot girls and exposing Josh's drug addiction, Tammy Knickerbockers daughters acting like stars of Girls Gone Wild, and the way Tamra and Heather went after Alexis was just over the top ugly. Let's not forget Tamra and Vickis unrelenting attacks on Slade. Then Vicki can't see her hypocrisy?! There's a list of other very ugly incidents foisted on each other over the years, and many of their children were negatively effected by this show off screen. I just can't see how Shannon is guilty of being the worst...

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If the children do not have the capacity to understand how would they suffer at the hands of classmates?



Here's a personal example.  My younger son was in fourth grade.  My then husband told some guys at the local bar that if he left us, he wouldn't have to pay child support for this particular son because he wasn't his.  That was a horrible lie. Guys mention the story to their wives...wives gossip and their children overhear.  A couple of those kids told my son they heard that his dad not his dad.  Kids have the capacity to understand a lot.  A lot.

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Here's a personal example.  My younger son was in fourth grade.  My then husband told some guys at the local bar that if he left us, he wouldn't have to pay child support for this particular son because he wasn't his.  That was a horrible lie. Guys mention the story to their wives...wives gossip and their children overhear.  A couple of those kids told my son they heard that his dad not his dad.  Kids have the capacity to understand a lot.  A lot.

Your ex is a jerk.  I feel for your son.  I have no idea what drives people to talk about such things when they are so not affected.  Sorry you had to live through such horrible people.


I happen to be of the camp that the Beador girls fully understand what an affair is and the hurt it caused their parents' marriage and the possibility of divorce.   I don't think you can have it both ways that they are not capable of understanding the concept of infidelity but are deeply hurt by the mention of it because their parents are on reality TV show.. 

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I think the Beadors are awful people for bringing their children onto a tv show and involving them into the details of possible divorce.

Shannon is very wealthy in her own right. As her husband is wealthy. Money has nothing to do with.

All Shannon wants to do is belittle him. Justified, I guess, but OTOH get on without him. Moaning and complaining and being a victim is not not a strong woman. Or not even trying to mend the marriage.

Her constant complaining is more than annoying. I get exciting going to dinner or lunch and often look at the restaurant's menu before going.

So fretting about an appetizer (First Looks) don't order one or ask for plain shrimp with lemon - or 9 limes.

Most of all - don't torture the kids, and your husband. Try....or divorce.

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The aftermath is played out in real life whether or not it is on TV.  The children know Dad had an affair with so and so's mom from the basketball team.  All the other team parents know it and the Dubrows knew it.  All we have heard David say to the girls is he is sorry he abandoned them by moving out.  There is no evidence these children suffered extra (or any) collateral damage.  Have one of the children been denied a spot on an athletic team, a role is a school play?  Parents from the school knew about the affair, a certain Ms. Heather Dubrow for one, so it makes little difference if these nameless faceless kids at school tease the children about an affair whether they heard about it on TV or from their parents.  That is on the perpetrator of the teasing. If one is speaking in terms of these kids being harassed while waiting in line at Disneyland or the grocery store that would be truly unfortunate. We may hear about it such damage on the Shannon/David special or at the Reunion.  Until we hear the assumption is  misplaced and premature.  Brandi screamed from the top of her lungs about the Eddie/LeAnn affair.  Yet, we don't hear about the kids being harassed over their father's actions.  We do hear from Brandi she is accosted by reporters (in front of her children) and called a bully or a racist as a direct result of her actions.


If the children do not have the capacity to understand how would they suffer at the hands of classmates?

How do all these people know about it?  The Beadors' decided to play this out on TV.  And correct me if I'm wrong, didn't you say earlier that kids don't watch the show, so how would they know about it? 


Again, the bottom line for me is that you don't put your children in a situation that could hurt or affect them in a negative way if you don't have to.  Shannon and David did this by playing it out on a reality show.  The kids may be fine.  Or maybe not so much - whether it be at school or on the line in a store.  And yeah, David was absolutely wrong in having this affair.  I'm talking about how the aftermath was handled.


As for Brandi - well, we're talking about Brandi.  I think there's a difference between bitching about paparazzi and kids having a problem with school or other interactions.  And I don't think that Brandi is necessarily going to scream about how her kids are treated in a school atmosphere as opposed to photos' taking pics.  That's if she's even aware if, or if not, something is, or has, gone on at school or elsewhere.  Kids don't necessarily tell their parents about being teased or bullied.   That's a fact.  I hope that neither the Beador kids of Brandi's kids are being bullied or teased.  But the behavior of their parents have certainly opened the door.  I put that on the parents.

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No, not necessarily. But if someone feels strongly that a show is contributing to ruining a child's life, why support it?

I know it seems like my post was targeting you and I apologize for that because but that's not the case. I get tired of reading how so and so are bad parents because their kids are subjected to reality TV. Especially Shannon. Chances are very good those kids would know what's going on between their parents regardless of the cameras.

The argument is a good one but it gets old. That's all.

I accept you apology and appreciate it.  I don't think that I, or anyone else, stated that Shannon and David putting their children on TV regarding this, is contributing to 'ruining' their lives.  It's about unnecessarily affecting their lives which is obviously the case in this situation.  It's also obvious that those kids do know what's going on between their parents.  It's about putting it on TV and in front of millions of people that I have a problem with. 

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Possible divorce and actual divorce is devastating to most children and actually grow children. And to involve them is reprehensible except of cases of violence or child abuse or things like that which is immediate separation.

I find it very distasteful that the parents are involving their children so much in this.

And I know - my own father had affairs. But I am 68 and understand why she stayed - she loved him and to get us all through college. She could not have been able to do that way back then.

But money is not a Beador issue for either of them.

Edited by maggiemae
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First off is there any proof Shannon is independently wealthy?  All I have ever heard is she was raised in an affluent atmosphere.  Her mother is still alive and her parents divorced so I have no way of knowing if she is independently wealthy.  David's company is not traded publicly so I have no idea what his equity is in the company.  They have a house that is gone from being on the market from 16 million to its current price of under 12 million and there are no takers.  So I can't say how wealthy they are.  It seems to me regardless of how big the pie there are usually some financial downsides to divorcing.  The tuition for the kids school is $60,000.00 a year. 



How do all these people know about it?  The Beadors' decided to play this out on TV.  And correct me if I'm wrong, didn't you say earlier that kids don't watch the show, so how would they know about it? 


Again, the bottom line for me is that you don't put your children in a situation that could hurt or affect them in a negative way if you don't have to.  Shannon and David did this by playing it out on a reality show.  The kids may be fine.  Or maybe not so much - whether it be at school or on the line in a store.  And yeah, David was absolutely wrong in having this affair.  I'm talking about how the aftermath was handled.


As for Brandi - well, we're talking about Brandi.  I think there's a difference between bitching about paparazzi and kids having a problem with school or other interactions.  And I don't think that Brandi is necessarily going to scream about how her kids are treated in a school atmosphere as opposed to photos' taking pics.  That's if she's even aware if, or if not, something is, or has, gone on at school or elsewhere.  Kids don't necessarily tell their parents about being teased or bullied.   That's a fact.  I hope that neither the Beador kids of Brandi's kids are being bullied or teased.  But the behavior of their parents have certainly opened the door.  I put that on the parents.

I have no idea if the kids watch the show.  I assume they do because it is pretty easy to find on TV and the internet-plus they are on the show so I think they would heaven and earth to watch it.  The affair apparently was not a big secret because according to Tamra all the other RH knew about it before Shannon.  That would not be as a result of the show.  It sounded to me as if the adulterers were not very discreet.  They are comments on blogs naming the hotel where the two were spotted on a regular basis.  I think the obvious is probably Shannon or someone close to her put the woman on blast and word travelled.   


I guess I am curious how the aftermath was handled.  The family is on a reality show the kid getting caught sneaking out and being busted by her parents for TPing a boy's house seemed to cause far more angst for Stella.  The parents went to marriage counseling and workshops and it seems that as a family they are communicating. 

I guess the scenes we have seen with the kids are the kids getting an apology for David "abandoning them" and the kids wanting to make the relationship better and commenting on mom's not being happy at her birthday dinner.  I have missed the part where the kids talked about the affair. 




Possible divorce and actual divorce is devastating to most children and actually grow children. And to involve them is reprehensible except of cases of violence or child abuse or things like that which is immediate separation.

I find it very distasteful that the parents are involving their children so much in this.

And I know - my own father had affairs. But I am 68 and understand why she stayed - she loved him and to get us all through college. She could not have been able to do that way back then.

But money is not a Beador issue for either of them.


Dad moved out so how does one go about not involving the children?  The oldest daughter discovered the texts. Are they to pretend it didn't happen or are they to tell the kids to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain?  Obviously the experts advised them to involve the children to the extent they know there are problems.  According to their marriage counselor Shannon and David aren't suppose to be discussing the affair yet outside her presence. 


David chose to involve himself with someone who was in the kids' lives, pretty hard to put the genie back in the bottle.  Next week is the interview with David and Shannon and I am sure Andy will be addressing these questions.  I am sure he will be quite rough on them regarding the kids.  To me. it is kind of hypocritical because they (Bravo) are constantly demanding these women be open.

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I also wondered about Shannons wealth, the only thing I can find is from the ridiculously unreliable celeb net worth sites. Her grandfather was the President of I. Magnin not the owner so while wealthy I can't imagine that's the sort of money that's handed down two generations.

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We can all speculate what "hell" Shannon's girls are going through because their parents are on RHOC but the truth is we don't know what goes on IRL. Every single mother and father that go on RH or any reality show put their kids in a tough situation. If people look down on this so much, stop watching.

I don't think there is a lot to speculate on. Didn't Shannon herself tell a story about an incident when she had the girls in a grocery store? Something about being on a magazine and the girls getting upset?


I agree that in general the ladies always put themselves in a certain situation by being on the show and opening up their lives. There are only a handful of women who I believe are really out of line.  Those tend to be the women who have their kids on the show, and have them being part of the horrible storyline and the drama. This actually doesn't happen very often - at all. It happened with Teresa G when she had her kids on talking about how scared they were of mommy and daddy going to jail. It was horrible to thing of those kids getting all mic'd up, having someone say: lights, camera, action, and realize that someone had to have prepped the girls a little bit for the fact that it was OK to talk about this on camera. Shannon has said they prepped their girls the same way. This is far from routine as to the way we have seen other women handled their kids on the show. Take Adrienne who had it in her contract that her kids were never to be part of the show. How about Kyle? Her kids are there but only for the fun, cute stuff.  I will imagine her kids went through hell a few years ago with the cheating rumors and the tabloids, but I cannot ever imagine her allowing us to see the reaction of her kids as they sat them down and explained what was happening.  The fact is Shannon is different in the way she is allowing her kids to be part of this story and even though there are things that are likable about her, this is just horrendous IMO. 

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I actually have no issue with her having the kids featured. This particular show has maintained the whole family aspect more so then the other shows have so it makes sense to feature the kids. Hence why tamra was trying to get her three kids to still film and why she moved heaven and earth to move in her mom, son, sons baby mama and the three kids.

Compared to tamra, vicki, and meghan...Shannon featuring her kids pales in comparison.

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I also wondered about Shannons wealth, the only thing I can find is from the ridiculously unreliable celeb net worth sites. Her grandfather was the President of I. Magnin not the owner so while wealthy I can't imagine that's the sort of money that's handed down two generations.

I think there is more than enough evidence handed to us on the show to tell us that the Beador's are very well off financially. Have you seen their home? Remember when they went on vacation with Vicki and Brooks last year? Shannon said that they had never vacationed in such a small space before. She said that anytime they went anywere it was a 4-star accomodation. She said she had never slept in a full-size bed since college. She said she had started traveling to Europe when she was only 18. Speaking of college, unless she just decided to keep it a big fat secret, there is no evidence that Shannon ever held any type of job - at all - after college. She married David when she was in her mid 30's, so apparently there was enough money sitting around that she didn't need an income. These people have money. Lots of it.

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I actually have no issue with her having the kids featured. This particular show has maintained the whole family aspect more so then the other shows have so it makes sense to feature the kids. Hence why tamra was trying to get her three kids to still film and why she moved heaven and earth to move in her mom, son, sons baby mama and the three kids.

Compared to tamra, vicki, and meghan...Shannon featuring her kids pales in comparison.

I don't think Tamra will ever get her way and have her kids on the show, but I wonder what the reaction would be if she were and she had them featured in the same way that Shannon does (which is different from how other ho'wives do it, save for Teresa). IF she talked with them on camera about the custody stuff, about the divorce, if we saw their reactions to the turmoil that had been part of their lives. My thought are that accusations of her being the most terrible person/mother in the world would be lobbed at her. Certainly that is what happened to Teresa last year. Everyone already knew what they were going through. It wasn't a secret or something we knew about only because of the show. That is actually the excuse that Teresa used for having them featured, showing their pain and fear. That everyone already knew about it all. The vast majority of folks thought that she was horrible for allowing their pain to be exploited for her story. She could have still told the story without including them, yet it was far more dramatic, and sympathy inducing, to have them on camera talking about it. That is my deal with Shannon. If she wanted to be honest and talk about the affair, have at it. But leave the kids out of it. We can imagine what they are going through without actually seeing their sweet faces or watch them trying to fix very adult problems.

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I think there is more than enough evidence handed to us on the show to tell us that the Beador's are very well off financially. Have you seen their home? Remember when they went on vacation with Vicki and Brooks last year? Shannon said that they had never vacationed in such a small space before. She said that anytime they went anywere it was a 4-star accomodation. She said she had never slept in a full-size bed since college. She said she had started traveling to Europe when she was only 18. Speaking of college, unless she just decided to keep it a big fat secret, there is no evidence that Shannon ever held any type of job - at all - after college. She married David when she was in her mid 30's, so apparently there was enough money sitting around that she didn't need an income. These people have money. Lots of it.


No doubt about it.  Just David's income has to make them very, very wealthy.  Any contractor who is getting government contracts for public works projects (which is what freeways are) is making major, major bucks.  One of my best friends in high school was the daughter of the owners of a construction company that, as she got older, started getting public works contracts-- and that is when her family became mega-wealthy and moved to a huge, huge house in the swankiest part of our Southern California city.  So my guess is David's making that kind of money.  

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All Shannon wants to do is belittle him. Justified, I guess, but OTOH get on without him. Moaning and complaining and being a victim is not not a strong woman. Or not even trying to mend the marriage.


I don't really care if she nags him to death, because he's an awful husband. However, they have kids. So what she is teaching her kids is - if your husband betrays you, stay with him and make his life miserable. I just don't think anything they're doing is setting a healthy example of marriage for those girls. 

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I don't really care if she nags him to death, because he's an awful husband. However, they have kids. So what she is teaching her kids is - if your husband betrays you, stay with him and make his life miserable. I just don't think anything they're doing is setting a healthy example of marriage for those girls.

Or it's possible that the kids see...if your husband betrays you, staying with him will be difficult, messy and emotional, but if both parties work hard they can rebuild trust and intimacy and once again be a happy family.

Most children do not get a perfect childhood. Life can be messy. I don't know if Shannon and David will make it, but I'm pulling for them.

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I don't think Tamra will ever get her way and have her kids on the show, but I wonder what the reaction would be if she were and she had them featured in the same way that Shannon does (which is different from how other ho'wives do it, save for Teresa). IF she talked with them on camera about the custody stuff, about the divorce, if we saw their reactions to the turmoil that had been part of their lives. My thought are that accusations of her being the most terrible person/mother in the world would be lobbed at her. Certainly that is what happened to Teresa last year. Everyone already knew what they were going through. It wasn't a secret or something we knew about only because of the show. That is actually the excuse that Teresa used for having them featured, showing their pain and fear. That everyone already knew about it all. The vast majority of folks thought that she was horrible for allowing their pain to be exploited for her story. She could have still told the story without including them, yet it was far more dramatic, and sympathy inducing, to have them on camera talking about it. That is my deal with Shannon. If she wanted to be honest and talk about the affair, have at it. But leave the kids out of it. We can imagine what they are going through without actually seeing their sweet faces or watch them trying to fix very adult problems.

Shannon has not spoken of the affair in front of her kids on camera.  The kids have not talked about the affair on camera. She has spoken of the affair to the marriage counselor, to Vicki and in her talking heads.  It may seem to be a small distinction but there seems to be some misinformation.  The kids experienced their father leaving them.  He returned but we have not been told nor have the children shared what he said on his way out.  The kids have basically said, they planned a cute little dinner to help make their parents relationship better.  I think the idea that Shannon has children on the show and has also had candid conversations on the show about the adultery are what disturb some people. 


There are times I think people are so focused on Shannon's "nagging" versus the real deal breaker in the situation which was David pining about wanting to be happy and having an emotional/physical partner on the side.  He left his wife emotionally to try and find his own happiness.



I don't really care if she nags him to death, because he's an awful husband. However, they have kids. So what she is teaching her kids is - if your husband betrays you, stay with him and make his life miserable. I just don't think anything they're doing is setting a healthy example of marriage for those girls. 


Or perhaps the kids are seeing that marriage is a commitment and that if you stray there are consequences.  I personally don't get where this idea is that all Shannon does is nag.  She is a carper and there are sides of her that must obviously be pleasant.  Has David said his life is miserable this season?  I haven't heard it.  He needs to be accountable and start thinking about how his actions might be geared to making Shannon's life a little more pleasant. it isn't all about her forgiving him and walking on eggshells to make sure David doesn't have to deal with anything unpleasant like say, Shannon's feelings.  I don't think the guy needs to hear about the affair all day every day but I do think he needs to be reminded that certain behaviors are reminiscent  of behavior he displayed while in the throes of the affair.


So divorce is setting a healthy example of marriage for the girls?  That makes zero sense. Maybe sucking it up and pretending everything  is wonderful for the kids and calling that a good example.  These people had a very broken marriage, we are seeing the repair side and it isn't pretty.  I look at it this way-Beadors could have come on and acted like say the Dubrows with all their phony stuff or they could let us see it like it is.  There is an excellent chance this marriage may fail but at least Shannon and David made a very real effort to make it work.


Tamra case is different-she showed us what she thought of Simon.  She started a battle and has been allowed to say whatever she wants about her custody battle.  Personally, I think she misconstrues what has happened to date in her case.  Since her goal is to get the kids on the show, it would be pretty dimwitted to use the show as a bully pulpit to brow beat Simon or state her case.  So long before it was offensive I would find it stupid.



Is David Shannon's second husband?


It has not been made clear.  I don't think either of them have children from previous relationships.  Much like the mystery of what Shannon did for a living for the time prior to meeting and marrying David-no one seems to have ever asked the question.  Doesn't mean she didn't work or wasn't married just means she hasn't made the information public or it has not been asked.

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Or it's possible that the kids see...if your husband betrays you, staying with him will be difficult, messy and emotional, but if both parties work hard they can rebuild trust and intimacy and once again be a happy family.

Most children do not get a perfect childhood. Life can be messy. I don't know if Shannon and David will make it, but I'm pulling for them.


I might agree with you, if I thought they were productively working on their marriage. But I don't think Shannon will ever be able to rebuild the trust in that marriage, and she seems more concerned with making him pay. David, on to the other hand, appears to be just trying to say and do what she wants and hopes she'll eventually shut up. I actually believe it's wise to let children see some conflict in a marriage, so they have a good idea of how to resolve it in a healthy way. I just don't think that's what we're seeing, and the girls have been given TOO much information on the conflict. JMO

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I might agree with you, if I thought they were productively working on their marriage. But I don't think Shannon will ever be able to rebuild the trust in that marriage, and she seems more concerned with making him pay. David, on to the other hand, appears to be just trying to say and do what she wants and hopes she'll eventually shut up. I actually believe it's wise to let children see some conflict in a marriage, so they have a good idea of how to resolve it in a healthy way. I just don't think that's what we're seeing, and the girls have been given TOO much information on the conflict. JMO

I hear ya, though I think it's too soon to judge. We are seeing the raw aftermath of betrayal.

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To me the difference is of all the RH I think Shannon is a bit more introspective. I found her comment about women wanting love and men wanting respect a pretty big step forward in resolving issues and evolving her marriage. She also jumps on a scale shows her muffin top, tells Vicki she is finally back into an old dress (a lot of honesty with Shannon) goes out to dinner and struggles with a calorie laden appetizer menu. I laughed when the server suggested edamame and Shannon went back to talking about Coconut Shrimp with sauce. We don't see her dropping her clothes to have a spray tan, she and David skinny dipping or getting it on in the bathtub. To me that makes her a little more real. The nagging thing is also a very real part of her.

We might not see them do it in a bathtub, but we see them getting ready to get it on in a swanky hotel room. Complete with a long pull of straight vodka right from the bottle. it was 100% uncomfortable to watch. The list of folks who have let us witness the foreplay is not long. It's actually a fairly small group. I don't think most of them would let something so intimate be filmed. It's not a Lifetime Movie and they are not actors. Tamra, Ramona, and Teresa are the few that come to mind. Oh, and Shannon. Edited by motorcitymom65
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I'm still diggin' what Shannon brings to the show, and how she takes control of her own narrative. And, I don't blame her for airing the affair biz out on the show before one of the others did it for her.


Also, she was looking rather hot on WWHL.

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This show more then the others had always been more about the family aspect.

The other shows have never been about the families..except for nj..and to a lesser extent NY.

I think the three daughters all have unique personalities especially Stella.

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I might agree with you, if I thought they were productively working on their marriage. But I don't think Shannon will ever be able to rebuild the trust in that marriage, and she seems more concerned with making him pay. David, on to the other hand, appears to be just trying to say and do what she wants and hopes she'll eventually shut up. I actually believe it's wise to let children see some conflict in a marriage, so they have a good idea of how to resolve it in a healthy way. I just don't think that's what we're seeing, and the girls have been given TOO much information on the conflict. JMO

I haven't yet seen enough to determine if they've told the kids too much. Kids are able to pick up suspicious behavior just like wives. I believe the eldest daughter looked at David's phone on purpose because she was suspicious of his behavior. Now that we know more, the daughters were very commonly in situations including David and the affair. I don't know what the kids were told when David left, but I know men frequently leave the family, and leave the wife trying to explain to the kids. If I was their age, I may find it more reassuring that dad left because of another woman versus dad left because he doesn't love me or my sisters. And I find it so unfair that the mom is expected to protect the husband by lying to their children about where dad went. The conversation with David apologizing to the kids was all kinds of awkward, but he did apparently "abandon" the kids and he felt he should apologize. Whether because he left when the kids weren't home and without explaining to them, or because he left and lived away for a while. When he moved back in, perhaps he just wanted to reassure the kids that he won't be leaving again, or at least anytime soon. People assume David had an on camera convo with his kids about the affair, when he was really acknowledging he dropped the ball and wanted their trust again. Girls can get really screwed up when they have daddy issues, and I'm sure David and Shannon realize it.

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Perhaps Shannon thinks like Jamie Lee Curtis, when asked about the secret to a long marriage:

"Don't get divorced," she grinned on TODAY Tuesday when asked exactly that. "It's a fascinating thing. I could write a book on marriage called 'Don't Leave.'"

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I thought Shannon was great on tonight's episode. Nice workout, Shannon! At least you tried. A for effort!

I'm kind of surprised she didn't realize that empanadas are more fattening than meatballs. Then again, some people fry meatballs so IDK.

I loved the server offering edamame.  Talk about a come down from coconut shrimp.  I think it is appropriate how Shannon expresses what so many of us do while dieting or maintain weight the frustrations on a menu.  I don't take it as nagging just reality setting in.  Join the house salad and half an appetizer club Shannon.

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I knew it. Heather admits she knew David was having an affair last season. Both Heather & Tamra tell Shannon they all ready knew, they are at lunch and Shannon tells them about it in a preview. Heather says she does follow girl code.

Heather's response was bizarre.  A little dig at Shannon for questioning Heather being friends with both Allison and Meghan.  I am still not getting why these women want a badge of honor for not repeating gossip.

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Heather's response was bizarre.  A little dig at Shannon for questioning Heather being friends with both Allison and Meghan.  I am still not getting why these women want a badge of honor for not repeating gossip.

Probably because they think their job is to destroy co-worker housewives.

I always felt Heather was actually very cold hearted towards Shannon last year knowing she knew the rumors. I would have thought they would have talked to her about it off camera? I don't know. I'm not sure if I would say anything if this happened to a friend in real life, because you never know how that person will react. So, the least they could have done was not try to make her look crazy and talk about sending her to a mental hospital, and kick her out of their house.

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Probably because they think their job is to destroy co-worker housewives.

I always felt Heather was actually very cold hearted towards Shannon last year knowing she knew the rumors. I would have thought they would have talked to her about it off camera? I don't know. I'm not sure if I would say anything if this happened to a friend in real life, because you never know how that person will react. So, the least they could have done was not try to make her look crazy and talk about sending her to a mental hospital, and kick her out of their house.

I saw Heather's behavior a little differently last season. I thought she kept her distance from Shannon because they didn't get along and every time they tried it blew up in their faces. In many ways I think Heather and Shannon push a lot of buttons on each other without meaning too. My take is Heather doesn't really like volitial people. Terry for all his other faults, doesn't get excitable all that often. He stays pretty calm even in an argument. I think Shannon's high wire personality comes across as angry to Heather (I sympathize because my gut reading of Shannon is about the same). I think initially Shannon always seemed angry to Heather until she learned to read her better. Conversely, I think Shannon reads Heather's reserved emotions as withholding, like she seems to with David. Shannon needs all the emotional bells and whistles to really feel heard. So when Heather keeps calm during an argument Shannon reads it as being dismissed and ignored and gets her feeling hurt. I took last season as an example of two women who had lots of superficial stuff in common, but were emotionally polar opposites and kept misreading each other.

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I loved the server offering edamame.  Talk about a come down from coconut shrimp.  I think it is appropriate how Shannon expresses what so many of us do while dieting or maintain weight the frustrations on a menu.  I don't take it as nagging just reality setting in.  Join the house salad and half an appetizer club Shannon.


You are right about it not being nagging so much as trying to eat less calories. I know all about obsessing when it comes to calories/fat/carbs and dieting. And I personally can't blame Shannon for passing on the edamame. Don't like it.

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I haven't yet seen enough to determine if they've told the kids too much.


This is true. We don't really know what they have told the girls directly. But they're airing every tidbit on national TV. Surely the girls could come across this stuff, or hear it from the kids at school. And, JMO, but I feel they're involving the children too much in the reconciliation - to the point where the kids are taking it upon themselves to try and make their parents happy. 


I may be wrong, and there is no one right way to do things. It just feels off to me.

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I saw Heather's behavior a little differently last season. I thought she kept her distance from Shannon because they didn't get along and every time they tried it blew up in their faces. In many ways I think Heather and Shannon push a lot of buttons on each other without meaning too. My take is Heather doesn't really like volitial people. Terry for all his other faults, doesn't get excitable all that often. He stays pretty calm even in an argument. I think Shannon's high wire personality comes across as angry to Heather (I sympathize because my gut reading of Shannon is about the same). I think initially Shannon always seemed angry to Heather until she learned to read her better. Conversely, I think Shannon reads Heather's reserved emotions as withholding, like she seems to with David. Shannon needs all the emotional bells and whistles to really feel heard. So when Heather keeps calm during an argument Shannon reads it as being dismissed and ignored and gets her feeling hurt. I took last season as an example of two women who had lots of superficial stuff in common, but were emotionally polar opposites and kept misreading each other.

Yes, it's definitely complicated! How do we explain Heathers friendship with Tamrat? That has puzzled me from day one...except that she wanted an alliance with the meanest HW. Her joining in the attacks against Alexis irritated me. It's not that I liked Alexis all that much, I find it comical that Heather, often fakity fake, accused Alexis of being fake. I really thought Heather would buddy up with Shannon sooner, so who knows. I was of the belief Heather might be friends or a friend of a friend with the Affair women.

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Yes, it's definitely complicated! How do we explain Heathers friendship with Tamrat? That has puzzled me from day one...except that she wanted an alliance with the meanest HW. Her joining in the attacks against Alexis irritated me. It's not that I liked Alexis all that much, I find it comical that Heather, often fakity fake, accused Alexis of being fake. I really thought Heather would buddy up with Shannon sooner, so who knows. I was of the belief Heather might be friends or a friend of a friend with the Affair women.


To be honest, Heather is not much different than Tamra - she just packages it better.  Think about it; each season, whomever Tamra gangs up on or secretly messes with, Heather does too.  Two seasons ago, Alexis, then Shannon last season, now Vicki/Brooks.  Heather is anti whomever Tamra is anti.

Edited by cherry slushie
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Yes, it's definitely complicated! How do we explain Heathers friendship with Tamrat? That has puzzled me from day one...except that she wanted an alliance with the meanest HW. Her joining in the attacks against Alexis irritated me. It's not that I liked Alexis all that much, I find it comical that Heather, often fakity fake, accused Alexis of being fake. I really thought Heather would buddy up with Shannon sooner, so who knows. I was of the belief Heather might be friends or a friend of a friend with the Affair women.

My take, for what's it worth, was that until Shannon, Tamara was the smartest one for Heather to talk to. I've always maintained that I think Tamara is pretty smart. Shallow, vile, ignorant, uneducated, and morally bankrupt...but not actually dumb. Before Shannon her options were Vicki (who I think is actually pretty dumb), Alexis (God bless her, is dumb as a post), Lydia (who is sort of spacey dumb, although probably not really dumb). Shannon who is smarter than the rest clashed with Heather right away and Lizzy is kind of weird so that left Tamara.

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My take, for what's it worth, was that until Shannon, Tamara was the smartest one for Heather to talk to. I've always maintained that I think Tamara is pretty smart. Shallow, vile, ignorant, uneducated, and morally bankrupt...but not actually dumb. Before Shannon her options were Vicki (who I think is actually pretty dumb), Alexis (God bless her, is dumb as a post), Lydia (who is sort of spacey dumb, although probably not really dumb). Shannon who is smarter than the rest clashed with Heather right away and Lizzy is kind of weird so that left Tamara.


Very true! Well Tamrat is not educated, but she's certainly clever. In fact, she dangerous because she combines nastiness with strategy and 9 times out of 10 comes out on top. Last season was the first time she truly was taken to task, for a short period of time, near the end of the season. She has 9 lives, that's for sure. Maybe it's her evil eye! ;)

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Yes, it's definitely complicated! How do we explain Heathers friendship with Tamrat? That has puzzled me from day one...except that she wanted an alliance with the meanest HW. Her joining in the attacks against Alexis irritated me. It's not that I liked Alexis all that much, I find it comical that Heather, often fakity fake, accused Alexis of being fake. I really thought Heather would buddy up with Shannon sooner, so who knows. I was of the belief Heather might be friends or a friend of a friend with the Affair women.

IMO, Heather knows that Tamra will turn on a dime and doesn't want Tamra to target her AGAIN. Tamra and Vicki tried last season, in the beginning, but Heather refuse to take the bait so Tamra went after Shannon instead.


Had it not been for Vicki and Tamra whispering into Shannon's ear last season about Heather...judgmental, spoiled, uses BIG words, snob, stick in the mud,  ect, Shannon and Heather would have been friends IMO.


To be honest, Heather is not much different than Tamra - she just packages it better.  Think about it; each season, whomever Tamra gangs up on or secretly messes with, Heather does too.  Two seasons ago, Alexis, then Shannon last season, now Vicki.  Heather is anti whomever Tamra is anti.

Heather doesn't want Tamra and Vicki to do to her what they have done to others in the past and I don't blame her.

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IMO, Heather knows that Tamra will turn on a dime and doesn't want Tamra to target her AGAIN. Tamra and Vicki tried last season, in the beginning, but Heather refuse to take the bait so Tamra went after Shannon instead.


Had it not been for Vicki and Tamra whispering into Shannon's ear last season about Heather...judgmental, spoiled, uses BIG words, snob, stick in the mud,  ect, Shannon and Heather would have been friends IMO.


Heather doesn't want Tamra and Vicki to do to her what they have done to others in the past and I don't blame her.


But she's taking it too far.  She doesn't have to perpetuate Tamra's rumors against whomever is on Tamra's sneaky shit list, or attack them, to keep herself out of Tamra's target range.  What she pulled on Shannon last season is just unforgivable, IMO.  To see Shannon expressing her undying friendship to her and Tamra in next week's first look, gave me the chills.  These women are NOT her true friends, and they will target her again.


ETA - You keep including Vicki in Tamra's evil shenanigans, but it was Vicki who kept calling out Tamra last season, and supporting Shannon when no one else would.

Edited by cherry slushie
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But she's taking it too far.  She doesn't have to perpetuate Tamra's rumors against whomever is on Tamra's sneaky shit list, or attack them, to keep herself out of Tamra's target range.  What she pulled on Shannon last season is just unforgivable, IMO.  To see Shannon expressing her undying friendship to her and Tamra in next week's first look, gave me the chills.  These women are NOT her true friends, and they will target her again.


ETA - You keep including Vicki in Tamra's evil shenanigans, but it was Vicki who kept calling out Tamra last season, and supporting Shannon when no one else would.

IMO, Vicki and Tamra tried to go against Heather last season, and Vicki was very much a part of that plan. That Heather refused to take the bait was the only reason Tamra went after Shannon. I also think Tamra told Heather things that Shannon was saying about her just as much as Vicki was telling Shannon what Heather said about Shannon. They, Tamra AND Vicki played both Heather and Shannon AGAINST each other all season long. Vicki and Tamra filled each other in on what Heather/Shannon were saying about the other then they each fill in their given "friend"/side. Vicki kept Shannon up to date on Heather and Tamra did likewise with Heather concerning Shannon. They were playing games to keep the 2 most wealthy/educated women from forming their own alliance. Think of how easy/wonderful it would been had Heather/Shannon teamed up and froze out the terrible twits, Vicki and Tamra. The twits needed to stop that from happening at all costs. JMO


Oh and IMO, Vicki called out Heather all the time, Tamra not very much or very loudly.

Edited by WireWrap
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This is true. We don't really know what they have told the girls directly. But they're airing every tidbit on national TV. Surely the girls could come across this stuff, or hear it from the kids at school. And, JMO, but I feel they're involving the children too much in the reconciliation - to the point where the kids are taking it upon themselves to try and make their parents happy. 


I may be wrong, and there is no one right way to do things. It just feels off to me.

For this franchise it is a first for the kids trying to make the parents happy.  I can't think of any kid that has ever done that before on this franchise.  As Kara got older she became a good friend to her  mother.  All in all these are pretty spoiled kids.  They don't get better with age.  Heather and Terry kids also seemed well behaved for the most part-time to stop trying to turn Collette into a star. 

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Good grief Shannon - order shrimp cocktail without the sauce, and limes or 9 lemons.....not meatballs.

I know! I get that she's a naturally thin person who hasn't had to worry about her weight much in life, but it's like she just found out what food is made of.

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Yes I understand this. Still I will take her styleover Tamra's or Vicki's. I'd much rather see Shannon showing less skin in more conservative attire than the in your face, fake boobs all day long look of T & V.

I agree completely.

I don't think Tamra's style or Vicki's style works well on any woman of any age.

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