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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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12 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I have a feeling that a bill could be presented that was agreed to by every.single.member of the House and the Senate and Trump would find a way to fuck it up with some unrelated addendum that he had no right to insist on, instead of just signing it.

Trump will be making no decisions about anything...at all. Ever. The man met with the Prime Minister of Japan...and IVANKA sat in on that meeting. He doesn't know what an addendum is. He's had attorneys and accountants do all that shit for him forever. If anyone's doing anything it's Pence or Bannon. Or, from the looks of it, Jared Kushner. 

Trump is about promoting Trump. That's it. We're living in Trump America™ now. 

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1 hour ago, ChristmasJones said:

Honest question - have we ever had such a thin-skinned and vindictive POTUS before?   (aside from his other negative personality traits)

Richard Nixon was the worst up to this point, with his enemies list.  As John Dean described it, "This memorandum addresses the matter of how we can maximize the fact of our incumbency in dealing with persons known to be active in their opposition to our Administration; stated a bit more bluntly—how we can use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies."

For more horrifying details (and the potential Trump roadmap!), see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon's_Enemies_List

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2 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

And of course it'll work. As of now there are probably thousands saying extra gratitude prayers for Trump already fixing things.

Yep, Drumph's lemmings have given his tweet something 83,000 likes so far.  The psychology of a man who feels the need to try and take credit for stopping something that was never going to happen is worrisome.  That he's the next POTUS is terrifying.



Edited by Duke Silver
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2 hours ago, windsprints said:

If DJT's team isn't making him aware of these incidents (its not like there's 2, its all over) then they have failed. If they have made him aware and he's still not addressing it then the fail is 100% on him. He should be addressing his supporters with more than a "stop it". The longer he says nothing the more clear it is that he does not give a shit if the country is completely divided.

He doesn't care. Plain and simple. New Yorkers know who Trump is. His campaign didn't fool us. He has a fifth-grade reading level and doesn't know the first thing about being a public servant. He just wants prestige any easy way he can get it. And now he wants to muck up the city and create security issues because he doesn't want to live in D.C. I for one am looking forward to seeing him age rapidly when he's overwhelmed with the responsibilities of the job. By August he'll want to quit. They may talk him out of it but he will definitely want to quit.

Edited by numbnut
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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I can't be the only one who thinks that these meetings with guys like Romney and Cruz are not going to lead to any appointments, but are, instead, his way of sticking it to those who opposed him?  I could so easily see him getting them to come to him, thinking they'll get a role in his administration, making them kiss the ring, apologize for ever opposing him, etc, then he'll pick someone else for the job without even calling these guys to let them know they were passed over.  Finally, he'll tweet something about how "Lyin' Ted came and begged me for a job in my administration after all the terrible things he said about me during the campaign. Sad."  

This would be perfectly in character for him. Kind of like the time he told the mother with a crying baby at his rally, “Don’t worry about it. I love babies. I hear that baby crying, I like it. What a baby. What a beautiful baby. Don’t worry, don’t worry. The mom’s running around like—don’t worry about it, you know. It’s young and beautiful and healthy and that’s what we want.” Three minutes later, it changed to, "Actually, I was only kidding, you can get the baby out of here. That’s all right. Don’t worry. I think she really believed me that I love having a baby crying while I’m speaking. That’s okay. People don’t understand. That’s okay." He is a bully and I firmly believe he's out for revenge. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
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I agree that Barron should be off-limits. He is 10 years old and an innocent.  He SEEMS like a self-possessed, obedient little boy.  Tall, handsome, white and rich, he has many privileges.  I think his mom is loving and protective, which, to me, overrides any other birthright.

God bless the child. Be happy, Barron.

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20 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

So Orange Hitler sends this tweet out that gives the impression that he brokered some kind of deal to prevent Ford from moving a plant to Mexico.  It couldn't be further from the truth.  Ford was never moving this plant to Mexico per two different reporters/commentators on MSNBC.  He's trying to take credit for stopping something that was never going to happen.  What a buffoon...

As a person who grew up in the rust belt states of Ohio and Pennsylvania, I was horrified by one guy who was interviewed at a Trump rally and said, "I'm a former steel worker. Trump says he's going to bring back the steel industry. It's never going to happen, but I'll vote for him anyway." WTF. You acknowledge the impossibility of it, but still vote for him.

What has happened to the manufacturing and energy industry is nuanced. No one wants to sit down an hear that. Some factories and jobs have moved to other countries because labor is cheaper. We as American consumers are complicit because we don't want to pay more money for things. Other jobs have moved from rust belt states to southern states because unions are not as powerful or are nonexistent in the south. Other jobs remain where they are, but substantially changed thanks to advances in technology and robotics. When I'm home visiting family, I drive past a still operational steel mill. The difference between the mill now and the mill 30 or 40 years ago is night and day. Drive past it now, you only see a handful of cars in the parking lot.

This nostalgic wistfulness about how great the past was is pointless. Unless you have a DeLorean filled  Libyan plutonium, a blue police box, or a phone booth that George Carlin gave you, we're not going back there.

I don't know when we became a country where people couldn't be bothered to be courteous, where people listened thoughtfully to people with opposing viewpoints, and where people worked together to develop nuanced solutions to problems. We've gotten increasingly ugly in our discourse. I worry that when people look at the process of governance as an all or nothing zero sum game that we all lose.

Edited by HunterHunted
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8 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Nugent, Blake Shelton, Chachi, Wayne Newton, the Duck Dynasty guys, and Mike Tyson?

As for Romney, I'm not surprised. Party over country, power and money over integrity. Always. 

He doesn't know bupkis about being president, but he does know about being a reality tv star. What would really irritate him is if these were the only celebrities he could get and the ratings were terrible. Like terrible terrible. 8 million. It would eat at him forever. All of the people in his new administration would be trying to get him to pay attention and he would fixate on the ratings, the viewer demographics, and the on demand and dvr numbers. I would crack up if a rerun of Modern Family had better ratings.

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I'm another one who thinks all these rumors about Romney, Petraeus and Haley being considered for SOS are just Trumpian-style revenge--the chance to have them pay homage to him in public and then he upbraids them and says "Fat chance I'd ever have you around, loser! When I needed loyalty you were nowhere to be found!"

Christie is a case in point (and I believe even he had to sign that NDA)

That said, any of the three above would be preferrable to Giuliani (who is probably ALSO being put on notice by having indicated publicly he would be SOS and now, publicly, Trump is showing, "not so fast!"

It's pretty disgusting that Trump froze out the press today, even in his meetig with Abe--just handing out his own PR photo to them instead of letting them take one. And why  is Ivanka there? Imagine if Hillary had won and was busy having Chelsea at all her meetings and trying to get Chelsea's husband a top secret clearance! Corruption! Scandal! (And who can forget all the furor over "you have to divest yourself from the charitable Clinton foundation if you're president!!!"  Oh, but all the Trumps can blend his 500+ companies with knowing information of the president and use that combination to enrich themselves--no problem!!!

Then wrapping up his day lying about Ford giving in to him when they had no intention of moving Lincoln production from Kentucky (and Bill Ford was already upset about Trump FALSELY saying he was taking jobs to Mexico--because those were NEW jobs, for the little non-Lincoln cars made there.  I wonder if Ford will call him out? Probably too risky and he'll let it go, even though his workers will be upset and confused.

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I love that Christie looks to be getting stiffed by Trump.  Christie unlike the others had a soul and a conscious.  Years ago, I said here is a conservative I could actually consider voting for. He seemed so level headed and sensible.  He sold his soul to the devil himself this year.  He compromised his political future by backing Trump pretty early on (helping him with debate prep, etc.) and I dont want him rewarded for it. 

I hope Trump stiffing Christie and hopefully Guiliani and toying with the others (Cruz, Romney) it will be a lesson to them and others...stick to your principles, fight for what you believe in.  Has there been any Republican who didn't flip flop on their view of Trump?

Just to keep track...Trump has apppointed a white supremacist/anti-semite in Bannon as his Chief Strategist, looks to be apppointing a racist as Attorney General in Jeff Sessions and an anti-Muslim crazy as National Security Advisor in Mike Flynn.   Talk about sn Axis of Evil.  Yikes.

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8 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

Let's make a game out of it. What horrendous individuals -- alive, dead or imaginary -- could Trump appoint to what cabinet position? Ready ... go!

Lmaoo.....I was actually going to make a joke about Bill Cosby (if he were available) being appointed to a position but I thought better of it.

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37 minutes ago, FuriousStyles said:

I love that Christie looks to be getting stiffed by Trump.  Christie unlike the others had a soul and a conscious.  Years ago, I said here is a conservative I could actually consider voting for. He seemed so level headed and sensible.  He sold his soul to the devil himself this year.  He compromised his political future by backing Trump pretty early on (helping him with debate prep, etc.) and I dont want him rewarded for it. 

I hope Trump stiffing Christie and hopefully Guiliani and toying with the others (Cruz, Romney) it will be a lesson to them and others...stick to your principles, fight for what you believe in.  Has there been any Republican who didn't flip flop on their view of Trump?

Just to keep track...Trump has apppointed a white supremacist/anti-semite in Bannon as his Chief Strategist, looks to be apppointing a racist as Attorney General in Jeff Sessions and an anti-Muslim crazy as National Security Advisor in Mike Flynn.   Talk about sn Axis of Evil.  Yikes.

Christie is a corrupt asshole.  He has no soul and no conscience.  My mom lives in NJ and he's done serious damage there.  The only reason I'm upset about Trump dumping him is because I want him out of NJ, but there's still the possibility of a bridgegate indictment.

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41 minutes ago, partofme said:

Christie is a corrupt asshole.  He has no soul and no conscience.  My mom lives in NJ and he's done serious damage there.  The only reason I'm upset about Trump dumping him is because I want him out of NJ, but there's still the possibility of a bridgegate indictment.

Thank you for saying that.  Christie is a bully and a thug, who is so thirsty that he was anxious to get out of New Jersey by any means necessary.  How do you go on the record loudly stating that the nectarine nightmare was unqualified and dangerously unfit for the president.  But, you're the first one out there shilling for him?

 Anyone who shouts down and bullies reporters and school teachers for daring to ask valid questions is not someone to be admired.  He pimped himself and he lost and got the humiliation that he so richly deserved.  Imagine how humiliated those school teachers must have felt when they were publicly ridiculed to the raucous cheers of Christie's fans?

And, he definitely knew about the Bridgegate incident before and while it was happening.  That he joked about being the guy out there moving the cones while this very serious event was going on told me everything I needed to know.  Then he had the nerve to spend a ton of taxpayer money to author a report exonerating himself.   He threw his former staff members under the bus and now it's going to come back to bite him on his ample behind.  Not to mention the numerous credit downgrades that New Jersey has endured under his so-called stewardship.  Did he ever explain what happened to all that Sandy money?

That's why I was absolutely appalled that he was even running for president.  This man had the lowest ratings imaginable for a governor and ran the state he says he loves into the ground.  How does that even compute?  Oh, wait...

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10 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

And she chose to release her book after the election, so, whatever to her.  What he did to her was awful.  She didn't let that stop the timing of her book's release.  I hope she & her family can fade away into the background from Orange Hitler's gaze.  He has bigger fish to fry anyway.

That was my thought, exactly.   She says that if people knew what he was really like, he wouldn't have won.  Well, honey, why wouldn't you have told people this shit before the election?  Because your publisher thought it would make a bigger splash to hit the world after he won?  Maybe go use that book advance to buy some integrity?  

8 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

He doesn't know bupkis about being president, but he does know about being a reality tv star. What would really irritate him is if these were the only celebrities he could get and the ratings were terrible. Like terrible terrible. 8 million. It would eat at him forever. All of the people in his new administration would be trying to get him to pay attention and he would fixate on the ratings, the viewer demographics, and the on demand and dvr numbers. I would crack up if a rerun of Modern Family had better ratings.

Seriously, this needs to happen.  Someone spread the word to all who are opposed to him to not hate watch it.  Shut it down.  Can we all pick something ridiculous to watch instead (or just to leave on your TV while you go to the mall or gym)?  Something to beat or compete in ratings with him that is just completely and utterly insulting?  This needs to be a movement.  

16 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Thank you for saying that.  Christie is a bully and a thug, who is so thirsty that he was anxious to get out of New Jersey by any means necessary.  How do you go on the record loudly stating that the nectarine nightmare was unqualified and dangerously unfit for the president.  But, you're the first one out there shilling for him?

My theory has always been that he knew Bridgegate shit was going to get ugly, and Trump promised him a pardon if he signed on and did whatever he was told.  I mean, I think they were actually friends before the primary, but Christie was someone who, like Mark Cuban, had his realization of "well, yeah, sure, he's good to keep around for a laugh, but um, this is serious," and spoke out against him despite their existing friendly relationship.  So, when he eventually dropped out, Trump decided to get one up on him by essentially buying him with the promise of a pardon.  And he got to make him look as ridiculous as possible at every turn.  

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She says that if people knew what he was really like, he wouldn't have won.  Well, honey, why wouldn't you have told people this shit before the election?

I really wish she would have, but honestly, Rump disqualified himself many times over already, over things that were just as bad as this and usually worse, and yet his support never really wavered at all. (I'm inclined to agree with some analysis that suggests his post-scandal dips in the polls were attributed more to a decreased poll participation than decreased support.) Kelly could have come out with all of this before Election Day and it wouldn't have made a lick of difference, IMO. The ability of some people to rationalize the most abhorrent of behaviors is truly astounding.

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7 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

I really wish she would have, but honestly, Rump disqualified himself many times over already, over things that were just as bad as this and usually worse, and yet his support never really wavered at all. (I'm inclined to agree with some analysis that suggests his post-scandal dips in the polls were attributed more to a decreased poll participation than decreased support.) Kelly could have come out with all of this before Election Day and it wouldn't have made a lick of difference, IMO. The ability of some people to rationalize the most abhorrent of behaviors is truly astounding.

I don't think that erases her moral obligation to disclose it.  I do agree, his supporters were in it for the long haul.  However, all the undecided voters each have their own breaking points.  You can't limit the avalanche of crap on him when you never know what might have pushed some voters over the top.  

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16 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Triumph of the Swill.

Triumph of the Swag.

Got an email from TravelZoo (discount and last-minute vacation brokers) today and top o' the list was reduced rates at the Trump Doral in Miami. The little, Ha!, I had felt good.

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25 minutes ago, partofme said:

Let's be real, Megyn Kelly wanted him to win.  

Well, yeah, his win keeps her front and center in the media.  It was far better for her career than a Hillary win would have been. 

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16 minutes ago, stormy said:

trump needs to define what "drain the swamp" means because so far he's broken another one of his ridiculous promises.

All I see is Dumbledore telling Harry, "these are dark times."

Clearly he meant that he was going to drain the swamp and then see what was left stuck to the bottom that he could pry up and put in charge of shit. 

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

Thank you for saying that.  Christie is a bully and a thug, who is so thirsty that he was anxious to get out of New Jersey by any means necessary.  How do you go on the record loudly stating that the nectarine nightmare was unqualified and dangerously unfit for the president.  But, you're the first one out there shilling for him?

 Anyone who shouts down and bullies reporters and school teachers for daring to ask valid questions is not someone to be admired.  He pimped himself and he lost and got the humiliation that he so richly deserved.  Imagine how humiliated those school teachers must have felt when they were publicly ridiculed to the raucous cheers of Christie's fans?

And, he definitely knew about the Bridgegate incident before and while it was happening.  That he joked about being the guy out there moving the cones while this very serious event was going on told me everything I needed to know.  Then he had the nerve to spend a ton of taxpayer money to author a report exonerating himself.   He threw his former staff members under the bus and now it's going to come back to bite him on his ample behind.  Not to mention the numerous credit downgrades that New Jersey has endured under his so-called stewardship.  Did he ever explain what happened to all that Sandy money?

That's why I was absolutely appalled that he was even running for president.  This man had the lowest ratings imaginable for a governor and ran the state he says he loves into the ground.  How does that even compute?  Oh, wait...

As a resident of NJ, I can vouch for all of the above. He's been horrible. He's marginally more intelligent than most of the Republican clowns, but few can match him for being a big mean playground bully. The way he would vilify teachers, how he gutted funding for infrastructure, which also killed tons of jobs…I could go on and on. And the way he was kissing Pumpkin Spice Hitler's bottom, angling for the AG position. Blech. The only upside to his campaign was that he wasn't in NJ so much. Then he dropped out and came back…

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12 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

And she chose to release her book after the election, so, whatever to her.  What he did to her was awful.  She didn't let that stop the timing of her book's release.  I hope she & her family can fade away into the background from Orange Hitler's gaze.  He has bigger fish to fry anyway.

This.  I have zero time for this woman.  Her interview last night on CNN was sickening - for how heinous tRump was to her - she still worked to get him elected and most likely wanted him elected.  She's merely out to make some more money and is probably using the book to launch some other lucrative deal somewhere other than Fox.

Friendly reminder and request - embedding tweets is making the site unreadable for many.  You could just hyperlink to them...

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DJT tweet says (for anyone having issues opening twitter from here):


Tonight at 10 PM ET, 7 PM PT, on @FoxNews, a one hour special on me and my life by @HarveyLevinTMZ. Enjoy!

Fox and TMZ. Of course.

Also, saw this picture on twitter.  Caption This.



Edited by windsprints
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10 minutes ago, windsprints said:

DJT tweet says (for anyone having issues opening twitter from here):

Fox and TMZ. Of course.

Also, saw this picture on twitter.  Caption This.



"Trump's win really sticks it to The Man!"

"Finally, the common-sense voice of Middle America has been heard!"

"The Democrats have become so out of touch with normal people!"

"You would have squandered my tax dollars." -Trump

ETA: Holy fuck, I just noticed the TOY LIMOUSINES.

Edited by ClareWalks
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Re Trump being an attn whore.

How long before he proposes a reality show in the White House?

In the midst of all of the very real frightening decisions being made, I cannot get over the complete lack of class.

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Btw, re: Trump supporters. I don't think Blake Shelton belongs in the list. After making a controversial statement (which I've forgotten, but wasn't endorsing Trump), he said he'd stay out of public politics. He never appeared for Trump like the others on that list above and never said anything about voting for him.  (Hate one, like the other, so...just saying.)

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Also, re: Kelly's publishing date and Trump. So much of the Kelly-Trump dustup was public already that I don't fault her for not wanting to become "more of the story" during an election. Behind-the-scenes, she sounds better than many journalists who STILL haven't disclosed their personal relationships--and gifts received--from him in his effort to buy influence. At least she refused all of them. 

I think, like everyone else, her publisher thought he would lose and planned the release date accordingly.

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38 minutes ago, windsprints said:

DJT tweet says (for anyone having issues opening twitter from here):

Fox and TMZ. Of course.

Also, saw this picture on twitter.  Caption This.



Caption:  "For those Rust Belt voters who bitched and moaned about that Black family in the White House flaunting their wealth..."

On a more serious note.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  That is NOT a family photo!  Why is Malignia over there with her sponsor instead of with her child?  What's with the golden throne?  Is poor Barron sitting on one of the lions killed by Uday and Qusay?

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50 minutes ago, windsprints said:

DJT tweet says (for anyone having issues opening twitter from here):

Fox and TMZ. Of course.

Also, saw this picture on twitter.  Caption This.



Aslan Captured by White Witch Minions in the Trump Tower - 100 Years Winter of Intolerance Begins.

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6 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Caption:  "For those Rust Belt voters who bitched and moaned about that Black family in the White House flaunting their wealth..."

On a more serious note.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  That is NOT a family photo!  Why is Malignia over there with her sponsor instead of with her child?  What's with the golden throne?  Is poor Barron sitting on one of the lions killed by Uday and Qusay?

And, good Lord, how much airbrushing did they use on Melania?  She literally looks like a Barbie doll.  Look at her knees, or, you know, where her knees would be if they weren't airbrushed out to look like Barbie's "knees."  

Also, is Barron holding onto the string that is keeping her dress flowing out to the side like that?  Is that why they're on opposite sides of the picture?  So he can pull that string taught?  

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

And, good Lord, how much airbrushing did they use on Melania?  She literally looks like a Barbie doll.  Look at her knees, or, you know, where her knees would be if they weren't airbrushed out to look like Barbie's "knees."  


Look at Donnie (and in particular, his hair and waistline). She ain't the only one who's been airbrushed.

And man, the look on that kid's face! Either he's a serial killer in the making or he wants to throw himself out of those floor to ceiling windows.

From everything I've read, that is a family photo to Trump. The trophy nearby, to be shown off, and the child out of the way, ignored until he can be useful.

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36 minutes ago, Padma said:

Also, re: Kelly's publishing date and Trump. So much of the Kelly-Trump dustup was public already that I don't fault her for not wanting to become "more of the story" during an election. Behind-the-scenes, she sounds better than many journalists who STILL haven't disclosed their personal relationships--and gifts received--from him in his effort to buy influence. At least she refused all of them. 

I think, like everyone else, her publisher thought he would lose and planned the release date accordingly.

Yeah, I'm not raining down hell on Megan Kelly either.  I don't know too much about her, but I think she's been clawing out of the ranks of Fox News Signature Blondes for eons and no one claims she passed out "special favors," although apparently that was an option.  Brutally powerful men like DT and Ailes are sitting up there in faux-gold heaven, aligned against her and THAT'S no picnic--more like damn frightening.  I'd be wearing Kevlar.

Besides, you start with Kelly, then the finger starts pointing around in wider circles.  "Where the hell was Oprah?"    It just doesn't seem useful to speculate with hindsight.  No one really thought he was going to win.


(I know, I know, maybe Michael Moore.)

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20 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

It's not only the GOP showing their asses, tbh.  Dems are lining up to work with Orange Hitler as well.  Tim Ryan, the Dem from OH running against Pelosi, said on Chris Matthews yesterday (basically repeating Trump's line) that working class people in the rust belt shouldn't have to go through job re-training; old economy jobs need to be brought back.   There's a lot of ballsack fondling going on right now, and it sickens me.

My ancestors were prosperous weavers (yeah, laugh -- they really were. Landowners, voters, etc.)  Damned Industrial Revolution comes along, and two generations later their 12 year old kids are working in the mills.  Fortunately they moved on and came to the US and are not still waiting in Lancashire for the eventual rebuilding of the loom economy.  

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And, good Lord, how much airbrushing did they use on Melania?  Look at her knees, or, you know, where her knees would be if they weren't airbrushed out to look like Barbie's "knees."  

Also, is Barron holding onto the string that is keeping her dress flowing out to the side like that? Is that why they're on opposite sides of the picture?  So he can pull that string taught?

Melania looks like fuckin' Zoolander and Barron looks like a "before" ad for depression meds.

ETA: Holy fuck, I just noticed the TOY LIMOUSINES.


Literally, my first LOL since Election Day.  Thanks, guys.

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18 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

In my area, we have 8 math/stats people with advanced degrees. Only one of them is a U.S. native. The rest are from Asia and the Mideast. From what I have seen of the other teams throughout the bank, it's the same situation. We can't find enough U.S. natives with the necessary qualifications because students here don't want to fuck with taking STEM courses, much less do graduate work in  those fields. 

This, a million times.

I used to work in one of the Ivy's.  When I started working there in the early 80's most of the medical students were white males.  When I left a few years ago, that had flipped, most of the medical students were from Asia, the Mideast, West Africa and Eastern Europe, and many were women.  That's just the way it is. 



I don't know when we became a country where people couldn't be bothered to be courteous, where people listened thoughtfully to people with opposing viewpoints, and where people worked together to develop nuanced solutions to problems. We've gotten increasingly ugly in our discourse. I worry that when people look at the process of governance as an all or nothing zero sum game that we all lose.

I think this happened because we have grown apart from each other; there is nothing uniting us anymore.  I was in college in the late 1970's; we all had our differences then and not everybody liked each other, but every day from 1pm to 4pm everybody watched All My Children, One Life to Live and General Hospital; if you had class, then someone who was able to watch would fill you in on what happened.  I can remember sitting in the lounge watching TV with a group of girls, maybe watching Star Trek or The Gong Show.   We'd all talk during the commercials and some times there would be common ground, maybe not, but we knew that we had to be cordial especially when we had to share a TV. 

Today that isn't the case.  Everybody has their own device.  I can be in a dorm with 50 students and each of them could be watching a different show, there isn't so much,  "what did you think of Roots last night?" or "Who do you think could have shot JR?"   Those superficial TV shows drew people together,  because what you learned was that we all laughed at the same things.  Now, everybody comes on a site like this one to find out who was under the sheet last night on "How to Get Away with Murder."

Edited by Neurochick
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Wow. So it's clear to everyone that Sessions is a Bannon pick, yes? I doubt Trump has the first clue who this guy is. Junior Senator from Alabama? As if Trump would ever even willingly set foot in Alabama before he decided to run for president.

But a vile old racists from the deep south? Sounds like the sort of guy the alt-right would revere.

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