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S10.E04: The Cohabitation Experimentation

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1 hour ago, Cowgirl said:

After reading all the comments I am surprised that no one has mentioned Raj's creepiest behavior to date:  his comment that Bernadette has a textbook cervix!

Oh my gosh, you are right!  I think I blocked that one out because I didn't want to think about how he knew. 

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3 hours ago, lh25 said:

Oh my gosh, you are right!  I think I blocked that one out because I didn't want to think about how he knew. 

And, I forgot to mention that his comment which was something like, "And, for future reference, the polite response is 'Thank you for noticing.'" backs up even further the idea that he was there, peering at her genitals, and not just reading it in a file. 

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11 minutes ago, Cowgirl said:

he was there, peering at her genitals 

The more I think about this, the more ridiculous the scenario seems. How close to the doctor was Raj standing during the exam to get a detailed view of her cervix? What kind of doctor would allow that? It sounds like it was written by someone who's never had, or been present during, a prenatal checkup.

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Has Kaley's hair grown that much since her severe chop a season ago, or are they adding extensions? In any case, what the heck is up with Penny's hair styling....?!   That sort-of pony tails in front of the shoulders except they're banded way low at the bottom thing weirded me out when then did with with Lizzie and Mika on The Walking Dead. I've never seen anyone in real life, let alone a thirty-something female, wear her hair in this fashion. (Sorry if I go on, but Mr. Ouisch visibly cringes when I remark too much on these type of topics when we watch the show together.)

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I didn't mind Penny's weird ponys so much as her hair color. Which looks like a dog's coat/fur. Her hair looks like crap. I don't think she was wearing extensions though as her hair did not look thick. I think the short haircut happened two seasons ago so it's had plenty of time to grow out. She needs to get it cut again, much more becoming on her.

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They were looking at the ultrasound, doctors do in fact frequently make note of the cervix when doing ultrasounds to see its length which would be included in the file. Not suggesting that isn't creepy to comment on but not as creepy as some are suggesting.

Edited by biakbiak
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13 hours ago, Ouisch said:

(Sorry if I go on, but Mr. Ouisch visibly cringes when I remark too much on these type of topics when we watch the show together.)

LOL-One of the reasons I like it here.  Mr LH does the same thing.  Esp. when I pause the show to make my remarks!

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Leonard's dancing and Amy/Sheldon's nighttime hijinks made the episode for me :)

I also thought the bed was much too small, which makes me think they switched the set on Penny's bedroom because I always remembered her bed being large enough to comfortably fit two people from past episodes.

I hope they take advantage of the time apart from Sheldon and not cave in about "missing him" after a few episodes, like they've done for several seasons now..

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I, for one, am absolutely thrilled that K.C.'s hair has finally grown out because she looked horrible with that short cut. It just made her look old and drab. I liked her hair this episode, ponytails and all.

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13 hours ago, Eri said:

Leonard's dancing and Amy/Sheldon's nighttime hijinks made the episode for me :)

I also thought the bed was much too small, which makes me think they switched the set on Penny's bedroom because I always remembered her bed being large enough to comfortably fit two people from past episodes.

Don't forget, the only people we've seen in Penny's bed have been Penny and Leonard. Leonard's short  (a "humunculus" in Sheldon's words), especially as compared to Sheldon, and Penny is somewhat more willowly than Amy (and they wear fewer nightclothes than Sheldon and Amy). If we saw Penny in bed with Zach or Kurt -- two big, muscular men -- the bed might also seem small.

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On October 11, 2016 at 7:27 AM, Snarklepuss said:

I know it's probably me, but we go from Bernadette not even looking pregnant to looking 6-7 months along in one episode.  Not that I expect the show to follow real time, but still.  I suppose there are women that could suddenly pop out like that but I haven't known any of them.

Besides a time jump, Bernadette is less than 5' tall. The baby has nowhere to go but out. I know which of I speak.

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7 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

Besides a time jump, Bernadette is less than 5' tall. The baby has nowhere to go but out. I know which of I speak.

I agree with you, but for a different reason.   I've known very small women (one was about 4' 9") who didn't show unusually early and very tall women who started showing in the first trimester (I think).  What I've found is that it is how someone is built, not their height, that matters.  Women with longer legs and shorter torsos show sooner rather while women with shorter legs and longer torsos show later.  When I was pregnant the first time, a woman who was rather petite gave birth at 40 weeks--and you wouldn't have known she was pregnant at first glance.

That being said, I do think that Bernadette is built, with longer legs and a shorter torso, that she would show sooner.

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2 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

That being said, I do think that Bernadette is built, with longer legs and a shorter torso, that she would show sooner.

Given that she has been pregnant for several episodes I would have thought "sooner" would have happened earlier but what do I know?  It's just a TV show, I guess I have to figure that not everything is realistic.

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Finally saw this episode last night.  I really enjoyed it.  My favourite part was with Sheldon and his reactions to the sounds Amy was making as she brushed her teeth:)

Is there a pool started anywhere for placing bets on which character will slip and fall when Bernadette's water breaks? Because someone always slips and falls.

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3 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

Given that she has been pregnant for several episodes I would have thought "sooner" would have happened earlier but what do I know?  It's just a TV show, I guess I have to figure that not everything is realistic.

I think TBBT operates in sort of limbo time.  It doesn't correspond to "real" time, and it speeds up (or jumps ahead) when it needs to or, alternatively, can spend multiple episodes in a very short time period.  Honestly, this would cause me to change the channel with a scripted drama, but it doesn't bother me much in this (or, really, any) sit com.

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4 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

I think TBBT operates in sort of limbo time.  It doesn't correspond to "real" time, and it speeds up (or jumps ahead) when it needs to or, alternatively, can spend multiple episodes in a very short time period.  Honestly, this would cause me to change the channel with a scripted drama, but it doesn't bother me much in this (or, really, any) sit com.

I'll buy that!

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5 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

I think TBBT operates in sort of limbo time.  It doesn't correspond to "real" time, and it speeds up (or jumps ahead) when it needs to or, alternatively, can spend multiple episodes in a very short time period.  Honestly, this would cause me to change the channel with a scripted drama, but it doesn't bother me much in this (or, really, any) sit com.

Heh You would have loved Breaking bad.  I thibk the whole 5 seasons took place in a three  year period with a year time jump in there somewhere.  Comedies do tend to limbo time a lot though.  It's hard to say how long episodes are between each other because a lot of times it doesn't matter.  It's more about the moments then when they happen.

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The worst was Rules of Engagement where the baby that was finally born in the last episode in 2013 was implanted in a surrogate in an episode in 2010.  The show had a weird run but even so that was one crazy long pregnancy!

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The producers have been maintaining a one year per season relationship. You can tell by landmarks like holidays and other events (e.g. Leonard giving a high school commencement address). Unlike when they sent the guys to the Arctic or Leonard to sea, this season picked up where the last ended, so they needed a time jump or two to get back on track.

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On 10/11/2016 at 5:35 AM, sigmaforce86 said:

I laughed at everything Sheldon did while asleep  (being a vicious, noisy, kicking sleeper myself I had to sympathize with Amy).  And I can believe Sheldon and Amy's make out idea after their fight, for a sitcom plot at least.  Sheldon's not asexual; the feelings and needs are there he just suppresses them.  But something has to "turn him on", he doesn't get angry and in real fights often so it's interesting that when he did let go and have a normal boyfriend/girlfriend argument it brought up some other feelings too.

I don't find Raj creepy even though I know what he's doing is completely inappropriate - maybe I don't care enough to judge that plot one way or the other.  But Raj does need something else to do; anything of his own - either the writers don't know where to go with him anymore or Kunal pissed someone off.  

What I did find funny for no good reason is how Cinnamon woke up and stared at Raj every time the phone rang; that is one cute dog.

It's weird to me that fighting turns him on. He once said he couldn't stand Leonard and Penny fighting because it reminded him of his parents.

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I think Kunal not getting a decent storyline has more to do with the show being less than 20 minutes long now to feed the huge egos (and million dollar a show salaries) of the top three. There's just plain old not enough time to give the lower guys on the totem pole a decent storyline. They could literally fire Raj and Stuart at this point and the show wouldn't suffer or even notice. Sucks, but this show has gotten too big and too expensive to produce. Sad cause Raj is an all-time favorite of mine.

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12 hours ago, hnygrl said:

I think Kunal not getting a decent storyline has more to do with the show being less than 20 minutes long now to feed the huge egos (and million dollar a show salaries) of the top three. There's just plain old not enough time to give the lower guys on the totem pole a decent storyline. They could literally fire Raj and Stuart at this point and the show wouldn't suffer or even notice. Sucks, but this show has gotten too big and too expensive to produce. Sad cause Raj is an all-time favorite of mine.

They haven't known what to do with Raj when he gets airtime so I really don't think it's necessarily a matter of running time. Would another minute onscreen really fix the character or would we just get more like we have with Raj and Bernadette and last year's mess? Also I have to pushback on the idea that the commercials are because of the greedy stars demanding big salaries. More and more commercials have been a trend for as long as there has been network television. They've kind of hit a wall recently with all the technological changes and the audience splintering making ad time less desirable. If the actors were getting less money I really think there would still be too many ads, and the only change would be who gets the money. Just look at the NFL which they share a time slot with - more and more ads and sponsorship no matter what is happening with player pay for decades.

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The problem with Raj and with Stuart too for that matter is that Lorre likes sad sack characters.    Raj is just another version of Alan Harper from Two and a Half Men.  As someone mentioned upthread Lorre thinks pathetic is hilarious.

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1 hour ago, wknt3 said:

They haven't known what to do with Raj when he gets airtime so I really don't think it's necessarily a matter of running time. Would another minute onscreen really fix the character or would we just get more like we have with Raj and Bernadette and last year's mess? Also I have to pushback on the idea that the commercials are because of the greedy stars demanding big salaries. More and more commercials have been a trend for as long as there has been network television. They've kind of hit a wall recently with all the technological changes and the audience splintering making ad time less desirable. If the actors were getting less money I really think there would still be too many ads, and the only change would be who gets the money. Just look at the NFL which they share a time slot with - more and more ads and sponsorship no matter what is happening with player pay for decades.

When the show began, Raj's "thing" was that he couldn't talk to women unless he was drunk.  When they "fixed" that, they took away his raison d'etre.  Raj isn't going to be a successful character unless they find some other "thing" for him, unfortunately.

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6 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

When the show began, Raj's "thing" was that he couldn't talk to women unless he was drunk.  When they "fixed" that, they took away his raison d'etre.  Raj isn't going to be a successful character unless they find some other "thing" for him, unfortunately.

He did have some other traits. Unfortunately they also aren't really viable anymore. His extremely close relationship with Howard just isn't that funny now that Howard is married and his Martha Stewart thing is only good for a few episodes per season. They have really written themselves into a corner here..

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23 hours ago, CherryAmes said:

 Raj is just another version of Alan Harper from Two and a Half Men.

Even the money thing gets brought up.  Raj certainly isn't cheap the way Alan was but he does still live off Mommy and Daddy's money and goes to great lengths to make sure that the money keeps coming in.  

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I hope we will get to see outtakes of the scene in which Sheldon and Amy are in bed and he gradually takes up the whole bed. Guessing the actors cracked up laughing a few times.

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