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S06.E03: Don't Panic

Tara Ariano
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Tyler needs to realize that he is related to Carly but he is not her family. There is no bond there and she will not be devastated that she can't see him.

I am still can't believe tha ex-con Butch has managed to find gainful employment, yet Tyler hasn't especially now that I known they only film one week a month.

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I found the wife of the cousin funny as you could tell she didn't agree with her husband, and she is probably a key reason why Matt and her husband haven't been in touch much over the years.  She looked like she was struggling to keep up the facade of how wonderful Matt is.  Really, this cousin wouldn't try to see Matt, even when he lived close, if they were so close?  Come on!  

I will say that I can see Amber having more doubts, and she clearly isn't happy with Matt, but that said, she is still an idiot for sticking up for him all of the time.  And shame on her for blaming Farrah...Farrah was actually sane, as many have already stated, and she didn't really say much to get Amber upset.  Amber was just upset because Matt was mad, and of course Matt was mad.... ugh.

Farrah is acting a little more sane this season, and her crying and hugging her mom on this episode... I am so confused!  

Macy, though I understand the talk surrounding her pregnancy, is fairly harmless to me.  She is good with her kids, Ryan's family, and her and Taylor do seem happy and comfortable.  I can't really get too worked up about her other than she shouldn't pretend she wants a job or that she knows how to prevent pregnancy.

Catelynn is making strides for me this season...she is actually admitting her problems more than before, and I do think she is starting to see issues that Tyler causes but she is too weak to do anything about it.  It is sad, but I do think in some small ways she is making strides to start to think about what she needs to do for herself.  Tyler was completely inappropriate about B & T.  He could have waited until the cameras were off to talk about his frustration....I am sure they don't follow them to bed at night.

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5 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Matt is actually scary to me. Simon is funny-bad. Matt is scary-bad. When I see his scenes I think "abuser." He is VERY controlling of his environment and, consequently, of Amber. He redirects conversations others try to have with her, he deflects & counterblames, etc. And yeah, the "cousin" meeting was totally weird. I wonder if they were even related, ha ha. 

I agree 100%. He's obviously been lying and manipulating Amber from day one, but something about yesterday really stood out. I guess because we got to see first hand how he spins things. Usually when his past gets brought up he's quick to dismiss anything by saying others are lying, or they are paid to trash him and leaves it at that. But watching him discuss Farrah, after we just saw what actually went down, was alarming. First, he acts like Farrah is shit-stirring when she only texted Amber saying she's here if she wants to talk. AMBER was the one who called Farrah and raised her concerns about Matt, and volunteered the info that she post-poned the wedding. Farrah just assured her that it was wise and to put some thought into whether this is what she wants. 

But then you have Matt snapping as soon as the situation is mentioned by saying Farrah is dead to him and acting like she was being some villain trying to break them up. Even though there are pictures of the tweets he sent to Farrah (and Janelle) trying repeatedly to pick them up before moving on to Amber. Now that he's busted, he's using Farrah as some weird scapegoat to act like she's some crazy hater that is causing the problems. He's completely deflecting all the blame off of him. He didn't even touch the part about how there's black and white proof that he was hitting on all those other teen moms (even though he told Amber he wasn't familiar with the show when he started talking to her). He just ranted about Farrah. I notice he also gets really heated when he talks about the "liars" (i.e. crazy ex's) and doesn't allow for conversation because he controls it all himself. He cuts people off to rant about how everything being said is BS and then dismissively ends the topic so it will be dropped and his lies can't be unraveled. He's scary to watch in action. 

Don't even get me started on how he conveniently bought her a new engagement ring (with her money, I'm guessing) after this story came out. Didn't he do something similar before... buy her something when she's mad. It seems like another way to play with her head and manipulate her.  

On a side note, he and Amber never look happy together. Ever. 

Edited by JZone
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38 minutes ago, JZone said:

On a side note, he and Amber never look happy together. Ever. 

They don't! And when I check her IG, there are hardly ever any pics of them together. She posts a lot of selfies, pics of pets, pics of boo-boo (gah, awful nickname!), but maybe twice a year there's one with Matt. I don't know, my husband hates having his picture taken and isn't in a ton with me. But my husband also isn't fame whoring it up on TV. It just seems odd. 

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I think it's bizarre Farrah continues dragging her daughter to the cemetery, so Sophia can "remember" the father she never knew.  Imagine down the road, how this will play out on a new MTV show, "Teen Mom's Kids Speak Out" with Sophia verbally attacking her mother, for ruining her life, accusing her of being a bad mother & screaming  "I  always hated those cemetery visits." As the old saying goes......the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

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So Tyler basically is willing to choose speaking on camera about Carly over him & Cate ever seeing her again? And then claims that B&T will be the ones that have to explain it? As if Carly won't know that he chose social media over her?

And when did B&T say they couldn't talk about Carly? Sounds like they said they didn't want their conversations recorded or what goes on discussed.

Tyler needs to grow up and get his priorities in order. It's like he can't have private conversations, if they aren't posted on social media or on teen mom then they are meaningless and never happened.

I think Cate is seeing just how selfish Tyler is and how little he actually cares about Carly vs the actual story line he gets out of it.

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Farrah was wearing the same t-shirt in this episode that Jim Edmonds was wearing in this week's episode of RHOC. (The one that said "home.")

I probably need to get out more. 

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I hate seeing scenes between Farrah and Debra just as I hate seeing scenes between Jenelle and Barb because I find myself bracing for impact. Even a "hello" from either grandmother results in some tirade from the beasts they raised. Even Debra trying to compliment Farrah gets a, "God mom can you not interrupt me?!" STFU Farrah.

Damn it, Matt is disgusting to look at. I'm glad I don't have Smell-o-Vision because that mofo looks like he reeks. Like a true to life Garbage Pail Kid.

I wonder how much of Amber's money he used to pay this alleged cousin. That was the most stilted conversation I've ever heard between cousins who grew up together. I talk to or see mine at least once every few months and we usually greet each other with a "What's up Butt Face? You coming to Aunt Jackie's tomorrow?" I think even Amber was taken aback by the random, "How's your daughter? Boy, we get a kick out of watching her." Creepy. These people were like the 3D version of the fake family insert that comes with the photo frame. 

Tyler has a weird body. He's tall and barrel chested, but has a really small head. Like Masters of the Universe action figure. But then I noticed Butch has the same body. 

Edited by charmed1
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9 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

But since when is the adoption a private matter?  It's not, and it never has been.  If B&T now want it to be, I totally get that, and they should discuss the issue of privacy with both Catelynn and Tyler.  I also don't agree that the most reasonable thing to do in such a matter is to cut someone out of your life when there's a disagreement.  I think talking about it and trying to reach an understanding should always be the first step.

Did you miss the part where Brandon and Theresa already tried talking about it and reach an understanding with them?  That WAS the first step.  Tyler pretty much said he'll do whatever the fuck he wants, and then did it.  Remember that C&T's fans got B&T's personal info and were harassing them at home and work.  That was a direct result of things Tyler was putting on the internet.  I know he doesn't control them, but once he found out how some of them were reacting to his comments, he should have knocked it off.  If his concern is for Carly and her family, his need for attention from strangers would have taken a back seat.  But it didn't.  Time for step 2.

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Matt's cousin definitely sounded like he just wanted to be on camera. He hadn't seen him for 10 years, yet claims Matt is such a great guy? And now that Matt is on camera he is inviting him and of course the cameras over for dinner? Give me a break... if he wanted to see Matt he could have done so in private, the fact that he was all too willing to have it filmed tells you where his intentions lay.

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Amber - So when is she going to wake up about Matt? She was on Sad Panda's HLN show a couple of weeks ago, right before Panda's show got abruptly cancelled (a whole other story). She was saying that they are still planning on getting married "in the future", and tied to intimate that it's all the haters who are trying to poison their relationship and that's why the wedding is on hold. Huh? Anyway, I loled about Amber's ring. So since Matt has no job, the only way he can buy her a ring is if she  has 1) given him access to her money, 2) gives him money outright or 3) buys it herself and says it's from him. I am hoping it's not number 1. If she has let him into her accounts, he will suck her dry. And Gary, I know you are pissed off about support, but MTV pays you, correct? Buy a damn couch!! That was gross. 

Farrah - It's clear she is trying to keep herself under control this season. OMG Sophia is her spitting image. The more I listen to Debra and her baby talk and  OTT reactions to everything, the more I realize there is a reason for Farrah's crazy. Debra must have said the word colonoscopy 5 times within 2 minutes. And stop with the baby talk. Your daughter is twenty something and your granddaughter is nearly 7. Just stop. 

Maci - When she was getting a sonogram, it was clear that the baby bump was more like a basketball. Impossible for her not to know. I'm not sure why she dis the fake baby surprise thing. Maybe it was the producers keeping it under wraps, maybe it was the drinking, maybe she didn't want to be that girl who got knocked up 3 times while unmarried, maybe she let it happen and it was another Trap baby. I don't know and I don't care. I heart Jenn and Larry. They are my fave TM parents. It's pretty clear that they are getting worried that their nearly 30 year old son is never going to grow up. 

Cate and Tyler - B and T need to close the adoption, stat. I suspect the only reason they haven't is because Teresa has a soft spot for Cate and knows she is fragile.  Tyler is a little douche. His story is his job? Oh stop now. I would live for B and T to take that whole narrative away for Tyler. He won't abide by their wishes. The older Carly gets, the more convinced they are that when she reaches 18, she will come back to them. Not gonna happen. And Tyler needs to understand that all his BS antics are recorded for posterity. She will watch and she will see that Tyler is using her and hurting her parents. I wonder what she will think of his treatment of animals, his berating of Cate, etc.  I hope he is prepared for rejection. I think that if Cate finally gets her shit together one day and leaves his ass, she has a much better chance of having a reasonable relationship with Carly and B and T. I'm wondering when that will dawn on her. 

So now the only TM with a job is Farrah. And she does porn and sex toys. Good lord. 

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1 hour ago, EDTV said:

And when did B&T say they couldn't talk about Carly? Sounds like they said they didn't want their conversations recorded or what goes on discussed. Tyler needs to grow up and get his priorities in order. It's like he can't have private conversations, if they aren't posted on social media or on teen mom then they are meaningless and never happened.

I was just coming to say pretty much the same thing. Catelynn told producer that Theresa asked her not to talk on show what they talk about in phone calls. That doesn't necessarily mean not to talk about Carly which is what she said to Tyler.  It can mean anything they talk about - their private lives, problems, other kids. Catelyn told Tyler specifically that they are not supposed to talk about Carly and that set him off. I think he is huge douche bag and just horrible but it was as much Catelynn's fault this time that he got upset because she told him not what Theresa asked her but some other version of it.

Edited by ava111
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44 minutes ago, kdl88 said:

Farrah was wearing the same t-shirt in this episode that Jim Edmonds was wearing in this week's episode of RHOC. (The one that said "home.")

Well, Jim's was showcasing the state of Missouri, which is where I believe he is from. Farrah's represented the state of Nebraska and she is from Iowa! Homegirl needs to lose the shirt. 

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10 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

But since when is the adoption a private matter?  It's not, and it never has been. 

Looking back over some posts, I think that this could be where there is some misunderstanding.  I don't think the adoption itself is a private matter.  Like you said, the retreat Cate went to years ago was very insightful, and if she did it again and wanted to air it, I'd like to see it.  I said something similar in a previous post, but things like "I wonder what life would be like now if we'd kept Carly", "I'm feeling regret over the adoption", or "We did the right thing placing Carly" (They likely really feel ALL of these things at different times!) are totally fair game.  And B&T wouldn't have any right to try and stop that, on camera or off.  But that is not what their problem is.  Their problem is with the personal interactions with B&T and Carly that Ty keeps broadcasting.  Things like "Carly called me dad" or "B&T are so mean, WE gave them a family so I can post the private pictures, publicly, online if I want to" (and then DOING it!), is not OK and that is what they are trying to stop.  The adoption journey is life without the child.  They are lucky to have as much as they do, some get nothing.

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The only people I pay attention to on this show anymore are the two who perhaps have the least reason to be on it at this point: Catelynn and Tyler.  Tyler's unceasing arguing reminds me of my soon-to-be 16-year-old daughter.  She is argumentative to a fault, often for the sake of arguing.  Her only saving grace is the fact that she's a hormonal teenager.  What's Tyler's excuse?  When he so flippantly said that he would be willing to drop kick his "relationship" with Brandon and Teresa, and by extension, Carly, I wanted to scream.  I mean, who the hell does he think he is?!  Catelynn looked scared to death at the prospect of losing her already-tenuous lifeline to Carly.  I suspect that if the adoptive mother were anyone but Teresa, that line would have been severed long ago.  I can absolutely understand Brandon and Teresa's opposition to Carly's name and image being spread around online.  I'm just as insanely protective of my own daughter's digital profile/image and I'm not famous (or "famous").  Catelynn will never, ever do this, but she should have sat Tyler's childish ass down off-camera and told him in no uncertain terms that he will shut his damn mouth about Carly or else.  For someone who claims to be so resentful of placing Carly up for adoption, he sure as hell doesn't seem to spend much time playing or otherwise interacting with Nova.  That boy needs a foot up his ass (among other things).

As for Catelynn, first of all, I know all about depression and anxiety.  I've dealt with both issues since I was about 15-years-old (and probably earlier if I'm really honest with myself).  I've grappled with it both on and off (currently off) medication.  Not to sound too much like someone's mom, but a lot of what's wrong with Catelynn is that she doesn't have a purpose in life.  Where are these kids' jobs?!  When I was in my early-to-mid 20's, it was all I could do to keep my eyes open past 10:30 p.m., probably because my life didn't revolve around sitting around smoking pot and bitching all day long.  Catelynn would do herself a lot of good if she focused on Nova, curtailed the pot-smoking (which I hope, for the baby's sake, that she doesn't do in the house) and found a purpose in life, or even a job.  The MTV money will not last forever and these kids will have no marketable skills to fall back on when that time inevitably comes.  She would probably find her weight decreasing and her depression/anxiety lifting slightly if she did something with her life.  The rest is just pure effort.  Tyler does not have her best interests at heart, but she won't realize that until it's too late.  MTV has done each and every one of these Teen Mom kids a tremendous disservice.  Unfortunately, the "stars" don't see it that way because as long as they have enough money to buy a set of breast or butt implants, a new car, or finish off their tattoo sleeve, they think they've made it.

Edited by SuzyLee
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That ultrasound was hilarious.  Really Maci....you want us to believe that you didnt know you were pregnant with the that pronounced belly.  That baby was probably kicking by then.  Wonder if Amber ordered her ring online or actually got up off the couch and went to a store.  The whole Daddy Derek decorating the grave thing was weird.

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On 8/29/2016 at 0:43 AM, GreatKazu said:

I am calling it. That guy had to have been paid by Matt, plain and simple. 

I actually thought the same lol   That guy was too middle/upper class to be family to Matt.  And Matt was a track star? okkkk........

And Maci really should have hid her baby bump during the sonogram if she wanted us to believe that it was surprise.  Her baby bump was HUGE!


The whole thing with Cate and Tyler.... it's an unusual monster.  I'm sure none of them (including B&T) could have imagined how the show would have blown up.  They probably thought the initial visits filmed were harmless.  

However I think everyone has to blame MTV for this one... Cate and Tyler can talk about B&T and Carly all they want... but MTV doesn't have to film it.  Even when Cate got off the phone with Theresa, it was constant questions from the producer about it.  Like how does "they don't want me to talk about them" not make sense to you MTV????  They know it's going to create more drama for Cate and Tyler's storyline so they keep digging at it and not respecting anyone's wishes.  

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14 minutes ago, SuzyLee said:

Not to sound too much like someone's mom, but a lot of what's wrong with Catelynn is that she doesn't have a purpose in life.  Where are these kids' jobs?!  When I was in my early-to-mid 20's, it was all I could do to keep my eyes open past 10:30 p.m.,

I couldn't agree with you more. And I have said something similar before. This show is killing them. They have enough money to live, but they're not really "living". They sit around all day on those stupid "leather"(???) couches and recliner and eat junk and play on their phones. Cate looked seriously annoyed to have to haul her ass off the couch to change Nova. 

At least Tyler is remodeling that other house they bought. He's outside the house, getting some exercise, etc. (Unless he only pulls a few boards for show, then leaves real construction workers to do the rest?) Cate needs a hobby. She needs to get out and meet other moms. Take Nova on walks and to the park DAILY. Find something she could maybe do from home, a craft of some sort. But there is just literally nothing to their lives but this show and each other and that's not healthy. 

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I feel differently when it comes to adoption especially since I am a product of one.  When I first saw B&T you can see that they clearly wanted to start their own family but for reasons unknown couldn't.  When they chose to adopt Carly, I don't think that they wanted to have an open adoption at all but saw how hurt Catelynn was and decided to keep it open/semi open.  However, because Cate and Tyler were teenagers that had a baby, they had this fantasy in their heads about the baby they gave up and one day reuniting when she is older. And although its been explained repeatedly, Tyler has this idea that Carly is still his daughter despite not raising or taking care of her in any capacity.  I always gave B&T a lot credit for continuing to meet with C&T, sending pics of Carly and attending their wedding.  Not many people would've done the same because I think that B&T would prefer to have adopted Carly and went on with their lives. I also personally think that they agreed to an open or semi open adoption in the beginning to not frighten Catelynn into changing her mind about going through with the adoption because she was so heartbroken to have to give her baby up.   This is mere speculation on my part, but I think if it wasn't for the show then C&T wouldn't have continued seeking a relationship with B&T for Carly (maybe Cate but not as often).  I think Catelynn and Tyler would've gone on with their lives with thoughts of Carly but not have all this contact with them.  Because of the show B&T and their daughter have been a constant topic of discussion for C&T which B&T have graciously dealt with but they are probably at the point where enough is enough.    

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I wasn't paying close attention, so when Matt said, "She's dead to me." , I had to rewind. Wtf?

Loved Amber adding to the list of reasons to postpone their wedding, "I haven't met any of your family in 2 years"

.". Another wtf?

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20 minutes ago, Zeebreezy said:

I feel differently when it comes to adoption especially since I am a product of one.  When I first saw B&T you can see that they clearly wanted to start their own family but for reasons unknown couldn't.  When they chose to adopt Carly, I don't think that they wanted to have an open adoption at all but saw how hurt Catelynn was and decided to keep it open/semi open.  However, because Cate and Tyler were teenagers that had a baby, they had this fantasy in their heads about the baby they gave up and one day reuniting when she is older. And although its been explained repeatedly, Tyler has this idea that Carly is still his daughter despite not raising or taking care of her in any capacity.  I always gave B&T a lot credit for continuing to meet with C&T, sending pics of Carly and attending their wedding.  Not many people would've done the same because I think that B&T would prefer to have adopted Carly and went on with their lives. I also personally think that they agreed to an open or semi open adoption in the beginning to not frighten Catelynn into changing her mind about going through with the adoption because she was so heartbroken to have to give her baby up.   This is mere speculation on my part, but I think if it wasn't for the show then C&T wouldn't have continued seeking a relationship with B&T for Carly (maybe Cate but not as often).  I think Catelynn and Tyler would've gone on with their lives with thoughts of Carly but not have all this contact with them.  Because of the show B&T and their daughter have been a constant topic of discussion for C&T which B&T have graciously dealt with but they are probably at the point where enough is enough.    

I totally agree, but I also think Bethany Christian Services engaged in a bit of trickery with both sides.  They told both Brandon/Teresa and Tyler/Catelynn what they wanted to hear to make the adoption happen.  If I were Brandon and Teresa, I think I would completely close the adoption at this point, especially after the public spectacle Tyler made of himself ("They can't make me stop talking about Carly, goddamnit!").  Carly is the most important part of this equation and her actual parents deserve the respect and consideration that they are due.  Honestly, a bit of distance might do Tyler and Catelynn good.  Especially Catelynn.  She has a baby right there who is begging for her love and attention, to say nothing of the future kids they've been discussing (which Tyler absolutely does not want, no matter what he says).  Not only does he not want his wife to become a "heifer" (sweet Jesus), but he also does not want to deal with the responsibility.  Additional children might cut into his loafing and pontificating schedule.

Edited by SuzyLee
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8 hours ago, poopchute said:

I think drinking until you are 21 weeks pregnant is pretty shitty. I'm not sure I can think of anything worse that's been done on the show. Maybe Amber pushing Gary down the stairs but he's a grown man, this poor baby is defenseless.

Exactly. This is not a case of a woman who truly did not know she was pregnant and ingested alcohol, as many have done. We are not watching a tv drama. These are real people who are bringing real human beings into the world. Maci appears to be doing the same thing Jenelle is doing: removing the birth control to ensure a pregnancy occurs so the father will stick around and hopefully marry her.  Does her behavior or actions affect me or anyone else? Of course not. Maci is not on the same level as Jenelle {not even close), but that doesn't mean her behavior is any less questionable or snark-worthy.

The point of MTV airing this show is due to their ludicrous claims about it being responsible for the supposed decrease in teen pregnancies. Maci is part of MTV with her college tours for which she receives payment to discuss the importance of using birth control, safe sex, and avoiding "oopsies".  Unless Maci is admitting to people on these tours that she is not the best representative and she is admitting she is wanting Taylor to make her "an honest woman" by becoming pregnant for a second time, than she is nothing but a farce and a liar. Those are things people will call her out on and something she is obviously trying to avoid.

Edited by GreatKazu
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If Tyler's so handy with construction tools......he should be able to find himself a job with a construction company in his hometown, after all that MTV money isn't going to last forever & apparently T/C's long-ago plan to attend college & become adoption counselors isn't happening.

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33 minutes ago, SuzyLee said:

I totally agree, but I also think Bethany Christian Services engaged in a bit of trickery with both sides.  They told both Brandon/Teresa and Tyler/Catelynn what they wanted to hear to make the adoption happen.  If I were Brandon and Teresa, I think I would completely close the adoption at this point, especially after the public spectacle Tyler made of himself ("They can't make me stop talking about Carly, goddamnit!").  Carly is the most important part of this equation and her actual parents deserve the respect and consideration that they are due.  Honestly, a bit of distance might do Tyler and Catelynn good.  Especially Catelynn.  She has a baby right there who is begging for her love and attention, to say nothing of the future kids they've been discussing (which Tyler absolutely does not want, no matter what he says).  Not only does he not want his wife to become a "heifer" (sweet Jesus), but he also does not want to deal with the responsibility.  Additional children might cut into his loafing and pontificating schedule.

Oh yes, I completely forgot of the shadiness that was Bethany Christian Services.  I totally saw through that adoption agency as a scam.  So I agree with your entire post. 

What bothers me about the 16 & Pregnant and Teen mom franchise on a whole is what its become.  I think in the beginning whoever came up with concept was trying to show the difficulty of becoming a teen mom and was hoping to deter teens from getting pregnant.  But the longer this show is on the air it shows the exact opposite.  I am 37 years old and a single mom to a 4 1/2 year daughter.  I have my Bachelors degree and live and work in NYC earn a pretty decent salary and its still hard financially. So when I see these 20 something's driving a different cars, buying multiple houses and most with the exception of Kail, not going to school and sitting around all day talking about how hard it is being parent, I am completely flabbergasted.  To see all these teen parents literally not doing ANYTHING with their lives other than collect a check from MTV, is disgusting and gives teens watching the show a false sense of capability that being a teen parent is easy and it is NOT.  It has also given the shows participants a false sense of reality because they haven't had to take the "normal" steps into becoming a successful adult, like going to school and/or getting a job to support themselves and their children.  I just hope that from all the money they have received over the years that they are financially prepared for the future.  Ok Rant over.  *Steps down from my soap box*

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I was wondering if Brandon and Theresa close the adoption because of Tyler's big mouth; will he continue to slam them all over MTV when they are at his home filming...this could be a real nightmare.

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The apocalypse must be nigh because I would rather watch Farrah then Tyler. I CANNOT with Tyler anymore. If I ever see him in real life, he's getting punched in the balls.

Was Farrah actually likeable during the dinner with Derrick's family? I think I just saw a pig fly by. And WTF was up with Debra during the sushi dinner with Farrah and the cousin? When Farrah was talking about herself and she would be married and blah blah, Debra was raising her glass acting like Farrah cured cancer or something.

Jenn and Larry are the sweetest!! How in the hell did they raise a douchecanoe like Ryan?

I really don't care about Maci.

Amber. Girl. Run!!! Even the producers seemed over Matt and his BS.  

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I know the majority of conversation has been about Brandon and Theresa's ban on Carly talk but I'm shocked, SHOCKED, at the story Gary told of Leah getting into the kitty litter!  Toddlers do get into mischief, but, my God, she had cat shit in her mouth!! Maybe this bothers me more than others because I'm an extreme germophobe, but I'm repulsed! I can only imagine that was on Amber's watch (or lack thereof) who was probably asleep on the couch. She is a fail as a mom.

I love Larry!! That man is a gem! He's so sweet and is clearly in touch with his feelings and is comfortable expressing them. I'm dumbfounded that he and Jen could produce offspring like Ryan who is so lazy, he can barely grunt a reply to anything. Ah, genetics!

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Thought: Farrah did not have a colonoscopy. Before a colonoscopy, you are given this big nasty bottle of stuff to drink and you will only be allowed other clear liquids. Second, you generally are given a sedative and thus will have to have someone with you to drive you home (and, from my experience, they have to stay in the waiting room in case anything happens). Third, why was she having it done in Omaha? Wouldn't she be doing this in Austin, where she lives, and presumably where her doctor is? 

I think she was just having a colonic and they got the name wrong.

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Farrah is young for a colonoscopy to be ordered. It was just strange that it was mentioned as if it were an every day thing for someone her age. On a lighter note, I wonder if she used a porta potty!

Eta, I only saw up to when Debra brought the cooler, so perhaps the reason was given?

Edited by ginger90
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Love to hear the details behind Matt's comment about his "satanic mother."  Imagine what that unemployed lay-about is  going to say about Amber, after she's had enough of his s**t & kicks him to the curb?

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2 hours ago, gunderda said:

I also found it very odd that theresa would call Cate WHILE mtv is there filming.  Is it just a giant coincidence???

It looked like Cate noticed a missed call on her phone from Teresa at the beginning of the scene. So it's possible cameras weren't around, but then Cate decides to call back while MTV IS there. Even though they can't film it. Kind of odd. 


1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

Jenn and Larry are the sweetest!! How in the hell did they raise a douchecanoe like Ryan?

I'm convinced that Ryan is a Changeling, and somewhere the REAL Edwards son is out there living a happy, successful, productive life. 

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15 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I don't think anyone doubts that the majority of time Cate and Tyler talk about Carly, it's because the producers told them to.  Let's face it - it's their job, it's why they're on the show.  So if B&T are restricting visits and talk and filming re: Carly, I see it more as a problem for MTV as opposed to Tyler. 

I think it's a big problem for Tyler because it's how he makes his money. 


7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

They don't! And when I check her IG, there are hardly ever any pics of them together. She posts a lot of selfies, pics of pets, pics of boo-boo (gah, awful nickname!),

Did spelling it "Bew Bew" not make it over here from TWOP?  That's a shame.


3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I wasn't paying close attention, so when Matt said, "She's dead to me." , I had to rewind. Wtf?

I thought it was especially choice because everybody here was marveling at how Farrah had for once seemed not only like a human, but a human who was concerned about and supportive of a friend, to the point that she was almost unrecognizable.  Matt's take?  "She's dead to me."


3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

The point of MTV airing this show is due to their ludicrous claims about it being responsible for the supposed decrease in teen pregnancies. Maci is part of MTV with her college tours for which she receives payment to discuss the importance of using birth control, safe sex, and avoiding "oopsies".  Unless Maci is admitting to people on these tours that she is not the best representative and she is admitting she is wanting Taylor to make her "an honest woman" by becoming pregnant for a second time, than she is nothing but a farce and a liar. Those are things people will call her out on and something she is obviously trying to avoid.

That's what I don't get.  She's the worst representative for planning your family, but still goes on college tours about it?  What is wrong with people?


1 hour ago, DoctorWhovian said:

I think she was just having a colonic and they got the name wrong.

That sounds reasonable, especially when Farrah was saying her only prep was to drink water or something.  But what Debra was talking about sounded like real colonoscopy prep (it seems easy at the beginning, and then the big explosions or whatever come).  It all made no sense.  Nothing new in that, of course.

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14 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

That sounds reasonable, especially when Farrah was saying her only prep was to drink water or something.  But what Debra was talking about sounded like real colonoscopy prep (it seems easy at the beginning, and then the big explosions or whatever come).  It all made no sense.  Nothing new in that, of course.

It's probably a case of them talking about two different things and not realizing it, since they're both pretty self absorbed. 

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22 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:


3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

The point of MTV airing this show is due to their ludicrous claims about it being responsible for the supposed decrease in teen pregnancies. Maci is part of MTV with her college tours for which she receives payment to discuss the importance of using birth control, safe sex, and avoiding "oopsies".  Unless Maci is admitting to people on these tours that she is not the best representative and she is admitting she is wanting Taylor to make her "an honest woman" by becoming pregnant for a second time, than she is nothing but a farce and a liar. Those are things people will call her out on and something she is obviously trying to avoid.

That's what I don't get.  She's the worst representative for planning your family, but still goes on college tours about it?  What is wrong with people?


What I really want to know is what college hires someone like Maci to give talks on safe sex? What college student would listen to college drop out Maci's advice on safe sex? Like why are they going on college tours? High school tours, maybe, to provide an appropriate horror story. 

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I keep seeing it being brought about Cate and Tyler being told what they can and can't talk about. When it comes to Brandon and Theresa's child, if they don't want their child being seen or spoken about on camera or twisted into a storyline, it is their right to do so. If Tyler and Co. can't handle that then they lose certain visitation rights. That's what it comes down too. I will also not boo Hoo them because they can't talk about Carly ON CAMERA. Just talk about her off camera. Done.

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44 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:


I thought it was especially choice because everybody here was marveling at how Farrah had for once seemed not only like a human, but a human who was concerned about and supportive of a friend, to the point that she was almost unrecognizable.  Matt's take?  "She's dead to me."


When he said that I literally laughed out loud. Like, ooohhh, I am sure Farrah is heartbroken now! :-) 

I am dying for a producer to spill the beans again on their thoughts regarding Matt and Tyler. Please, for the love of God, let one of the crew do an anonymous AMA. 

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8 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

If Tyler and Co. can't handle that then they lose certain visitation rights

They actually don't have any visitation rights to Carly at all. That's the dumbest thing about this. For all of Tyler's rantings about how B&T are violating his rights, he doesn't have any. He and Catelynn get to see Carly because they have the privilege to. They gave up their parental rights to have a say in how she's being raised or to see her whenever they want. They gave up the rights to use her photos as they see fit. So Tyler needs to cool it with all his grandstanding about being Carly's rightful father. Yes, his sperm helped create her, but it doesn't mean anything. She has a life separate from her birth families'. Her family is not Tyler's family.  

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2 hours ago, Quita said:

I know the majority of conversation has been about Brandon and Theresa's ban on Carly talk but I'm shocked, SHOCKED, at the story Gary told of Leah getting into the kitty litter!  Toddlers do get into mischief, but, my God, she had cat shit in her mouth!! Maybe this bothers me more than others because I'm an extreme germophobe, but I'm repulsed! I can only imagine that was on Amber's watch (or lack thereof) who was probably asleep on the couch. She is a fail as a mom.


I guess with what happened to Leah's daughter, Addie, there is almost nothing that shocks me anymore on this damn show. Having a toddler walk out of one's home while said mother is at home, never noticing her child is missing until the cops take her home is pretty damn shocking. At least Leah Shirley has not walked out of her home wandering the streets. Leah Shirley was likely walking all over cat shit since Amber can't bother to clean. God, I can only imagine if Amber even bothers to wipe herself properly after using the bathroom. What a gross bitch.

54 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Did spelling it "Bew Bew" not make it over here from TWOP?  That's a shame.


I don't recall that particular spelling from TWoP.

Re the colonoscopy, I only had to take four pills and drink Gatorade.  When I initially visited the specialist she asked me why I was ordered to have a colonoscopy. I looked at her wondering what she meant. She indicated I didn't look to be 50 years old. She thought I was 40 years old, which is too young for that procedure unless I was there because I was having problems or if colon cancer ran in my family.

I didn't catch the Farrah scene about her colonoscopy. Could it be there is colon cancer that runs in her family? Was that mentioned?

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I watched the rest and from what I gather, Farrah presented symptoms that suggested a colonoscopy. Then she had a follow up and was told she didn't need one but rather only needed to improve her diet

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Not that we will ever find out, but I think it would be so interesting to hear what Carly thinks about all this when she gets into her 20's. She has a crazy life story that she had absolutely no choice in. I wonder what she will choose to do when she is older. Its got to be super surreal to grow up with your adoptive parents, and then at some point find out that your birth parents were on a reality show from before you were born.

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You know, I keep thinking about this...Even the school has to get written permission from me to use my child's image on their social media pages or whatever. There are certain lines that cannot, and should not, be crossed when it comes to using children's images and sensitive material pertaining to them. If Tyler doesn't watch it, B&T really COULD sue him. 

Any "rights" that C&T have is due to the goodness of B&T's hearts. That can change at any time.

Maci, Maci, Maci...if she was lying about her pregnancy because she was seen drinking on camera then WHY didn't she just refrain from drinking (on camera, anyway) in the first place? I think it has more to do with the fact that, as someone said above, she didn't want to have a third child out of wedlock. MUCH better to find out she's pregnant after she's engaged, ha ha. *rolls eyes*

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14 hours ago, GreatKazu said:


@DoctorWhovian Yes! Glad I am not the only one who thought that about Chevy Nova.

Count me in, too!  We actually SAW Maci bathe her baby!  Gymnastics for a one year old?  I might wait another year or two.  Nova looked a little uncomfortable.

Also, I noticed they are barely concealing Catelyn's cigarette smoking.  She grabbed a butt and got off the couch with it in her hand as she walked out of the room.  At least she appeared to be going outside or something.  And the side table between the couch and recliner is always loaded with take out coffee cups.  (Tim Horton's usually.  Way to go border states!) 

Did anyone catch the sign above the sink during Jayde's bath? "Home is a place to keep your beer."  Something like that.  Sigh.

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Tyler is such a douche. He recognizes that B&T could close the adoption/not allow further visits and he DOES NOT CARE EXCEPT that it will affect his "career" which consists of "telling stories" about his life and his life includes someone else's kid. Guess what bro - they don't care if you're "career" is affected. They have given you 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chances when you have defied their requests regarding posting pics of their kid and whatever else. They have said ON CAMERA that they wouldn't hold Carly away or close the adoption when you were fighting with them re your "right" to post pics; I realize they could change their mind, but honestly they could have closed the adoption right then and there 2 yrs ago. They came to your freaking wedding. They didn't want their kid to meet your freak show of a family but stood by and smiled as your heroin addicted jail bird father met their kid.

The only reason they've not closed the adoption for so long is bc of Cate. I think they do like her. They feel for her and her life and how it must be to give up her baby -- esp. Teresa. I liked that he said "if they said you could only see Carly if you live in a tan house, you'd paint the house tan" and she simply said "yes I would." That's a selfless mother you douchebag -- she'll do ANYTHING for the 1 hr/yr she gets with the baby she had to give away and she recognizes that she is not that child's parents and will defer to that child's parents' wishes so as not to offend them so that she can still keep in touch.  It really is Tyler who thinks he is still Carly's parent and that she'll come running back to him at age 18 and that she thinks of him/calls him (WTF?) daddy. Cate OTOH gets it. Even at the wedding when Carly asked to dance with Tyler and Cate -- Cate's first words were -- did you ask your mom? Let's go see what she says. And if Teresa had said no, I fully believe she wouldn't have taken the child up to the dance floor. Tyler OTOH would've been like -- it's MY kid, I can do what I want.

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I posted this in the Duggar forum after someone used Jessa's picture on some pregnancy fetish site but it's relevant here too.  I read about these disgusting pedophile websites that grab pictures of people's kids off wherever they are publicly on the Internet and then people post horrifyingly disgusting comments about wanting to have sex with them (including infants).  So WHY would anyone have a public profile and post pictures of their kids, I do not understand.  Especially if you have thousands or however many followers they do, they have NO IDEA who is looking at those pictures and what they might do with them.  Brandon and Theresa posing on a magazine cover is different. I doubt anyone is using that pic on a porno site but I guess it's possible.  But Tyler posting pics and videos of just Carly to hundreds of thousands of people, well that's just inviting trouble.


heres the article. I would be upset if my baby's pictures were being used like this


Edited by poopchute
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9 minutes ago, poopchute said:

I posted this in the Duggar forum after someone used Jessa's picture on some pregnancy fetish site but it's relevant here too.  I read about these disgusting pedophile websites that grab pictures of people's kids off wherever they are publicly on the Internet and then people post horrifyingly disgusting comments about wanting to have sex with them (including infants).  So WHY would anyone have a public profile and post pictures of their kids, I do not understand.  Especially if you have thousands or however many followers they do, they have NO IDEA who is looking at those pictures and what they might do with them.  Brandon and Theresa posing on a magazine cover is different. I doubt anyone is using that pic on a porno site but I guess it's possible.  But Tyler posting pics and videos of just Carly to hundreds of thousands of people, well that's just inviting trouble.

I've dealt with this myself. On a FB page, someone once commented on my profile picture and told me that my child (who was in my profile) was an "abomination" but "still rapeable." She was 1. I haven't used my kids in my profile again.

With that being said, I AM somewhat in the public eye. I lead a fairly public life, given my vocation, and in some circles I am even well-known and occasionally invited to be the "celebrity guest" at events. My kids are a big part of that. My son, in fact, has a fan club of sorts and now gets invited to events on his own. With that being said, I control what I post and share. I share just enough to make it look like I am sharing a lot when, in fact, it's a very controlled act. 

I never share anything that might cause embarrassment, a la the kitty litter story and Gary. That was completely uncalled for and I felt bad for poor Leah. The kids are now at the age where they are in school and have friends. Their friends could even be watching the show (mine do). They can share aspects of their lives without sharing anything that's asking for trouble (like Farrah posting bathing suit pictures of Sofia that are almost sexualized) and emabrassing stuff like Gary with Leah on this episode. 

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1 minute ago, mamadrama said:

I've dealt with this myself. On a FB page, someone once commented on my profile picture and told me that my child (who was in my profile) was an "abomination" but "still rapeable." She was 1. I haven't used my kids in my profile again.


That's disgusting. 

Regarding the adoption magazine cover Carly was on; that was a small-time press, I believe, and it was only for adoptive parents or people thinking about adopting. Brandon and Teresa wanted to share their story with other people and tell them, "It happened to us. After years of waiting, we were finally able to get our daughter. It will happen to you, too." That's entirely different from plastering Carly's face all over the cover of People like Tyler seemed to compare it to. Hell, B&T could put Carly's face on a billboard and still ask Tyler not to share her photos on his fanpage. She's their kid, not his, and they get to call the shots over how much exposure she gets. 

I really am so curious over how Carly will feel about all of this when she's older. As an adoptee, she's in an unusual position because her birth parents have been on TV and she gets to see exactly what they and their families are like. She doesn't have to wonder why she was given up because the answer is in this series. She doesn't even need to see them, if she really chooses to, because they're presenting themselves so publicly to her already. 

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10 minutes ago, geekamonggeeks said:


I really am so curious over how Carly will feel about all of this when she's older. As an adoptee, she's in an unusual position because her birth parents have been on TV and she gets to see exactly what they and their families are like. She doesn't have to wonder why she was given up because the answer is in this series. She doesn't even need to see them, if she really chooses to, because they're presenting themselves so publicly to her already. 

Me too! Especially in episodes like this one, where Tyler is saying he doesn't care if he sees her again, as long as he doesn't lose his "voice" or whatever. 

You know what's funny? If all the kids sat down as adults and watched this ONE episode, and none of the others, they'd all think Farrah was the logical, rational one. Ha ha. 

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3 hours ago, Marisagf said:

Gymnastics for a one year old?  I might wait another year or two.  Nova looked a little uncomfortable.


Yeah, it made me think of Olympic medalist Dominique Dawes who has two very young daughters and said even she's surprised to see people put kids younger than hers in gymnastics already.

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