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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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Rewatching the Jessa's proposal episode, Joy and Ben seem to have more chemistry than I thought! I remember someone posted that maybe he was intended for Joy and JBoob steered him toward Jessa. I'm wondering if that's true after all. She seemed to flirt it up when she was doing his hair. Hmm...

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Rewatching the Jessa's proposal episode, Joy and Ben seem to have more chemistry than I thought! I remember someone posted that maybe he was intended for Joy and JBoob steered him toward Jessa. I'm wondering if that's true after all. She seemed to flirt it up when she was doing his hair. Hmm...

I think they would match up better age wise but I still think the women folk would wear the pants in the family! Remember how bossy Joy was showing Bin around on the golf cart?
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I posted from the get go about Ben and Joy Anna being more suited for one another age wise. Ben was 18 and Joy was 16 and that she would be more suited to keep company with him and be able age-wise to wait for him to complete his education, etc to perhaps start life together. They both were still teens and had the time to wait for each other to grow up some more, all the while getting to know each other better. I still don't know why a 22 year old "woman",, Jessa, would want a 19 year old guy who wasn't ready to assume the husband role... I also stated that Derick would have been better off with Jana,, age wise, maturity level, and temperament-wise, they are more alike than Jill and Derick are, just as Ben and Jessa are NOT emotionally compatible.. but these people believe that opposites are better marriage-wise. I don't see that opposite thing with Josh and Anna, I think they are compatible and it's working for them, isn't it?

Since they believe that the man is the leader, he should be older, employed, more mature and "together" to lead the family. I don't see that in Ben at this time in his life,, and he IS only 19, so I cant fault the kid for being his age. The Duggars never cease to amaze me at the myriad of contraditions they are.

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I believe Bin and Jessa are together because Bin is "hot" by Fundy standards. They both seem incredibly shallow. Everything is about looks with them. Jessa is the only Duggar girl who gives Bin a tingly feeling in that "special" place *wink, wink* .

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Why thank you! No, I am not a professional, though psychology is fascinating to me. I have followed the Duggars for many years and I follow FJ. I think Jim Bob is a very wounded, sad little man who uses Gothardism as a crutch to prove himself.

Michelle is a whole other ball game.


FJ? This is one acronym I haven't been able to figure out. Some help please - and thanks.

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Not sure if this was asked before: Will Amy's show continue into another season? 

According to her Instagram, she was filming in Nashville inside of the last month and wrapped up "interviews" last week. So yeah, at least another special. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

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Why is everyone including Radar Online speculating that JD is in a courtship because he was sitting next to a girl that was not his sister? These pictures are really old and if he was courting wouldn't the girl be next to him at his sister's weddings?




There are 2 more pictures here:



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Watching the re-run of the episode leading up to Cousin Famy's announcement. The way they treat her is reprehensible. She has a fear of clowns, so they throw her a birthday party with a big fucking clown on fucking stilts!! And Boob and the Howlers just giggle because she's scared. Fuck you, JimBoob, you sanctimonious prick. Going sky diving. Amy is afraid. Make her go first. Teaching Jinger and Amy to drive stick. Make Amy go first so she looks bad. It's like JimBoob wants to humiliate her because she was born out of wedlock. It's not her fault, Boob! Try shaming your hussy of a sister who had the kid, not the kid herself. Ass.

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I think JimBob has it in for Amy because she doesn't defer to him.  She teases him, plainly says she thinks some wholesome family activities are lame, dresses like a normal person around them, and worst of all, she's giving the kids, especially Joy, ideas about being a conservative Christian who has a life and identity outside of the Quiverfull cult.  I imagine it also ticks JimBob off that the kids all really like Amy.  JimBob strikes me as one of those people who needs everyone, but especially his family, to like him better than everyone else. 

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I really like Amy and I think the way the Duggars treat her is reprehensible. Besides the clown incident, Jill and Jessa had eleventy million bridesmaids, yet they didn't include Amy. If I were her, I'd walk out the door and not look back.

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I don't know if Amy got to sing at Jessa's wedding, but I think she was thrilled to sing at Jill's.  For someone who wants to be a singer, the opportunity to sing for such a large crowd was great.  She was really highlighted more than the bridesmaids were, and she got to pick out her own dress.  And, at least tonight's episode explains why we only saw flashes of her in the wedding episode.  They were saving her clips for tonight.


I must confess that I always enjoy seeing Grandma Duggar with Amy's family where she gets to just have fun.

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I wish the prayer closet had a camera, like the "Real World" confessional. I would love to hear the Duggar kids secretly bitch about how much it sucks to have so many siblings and no privacy, or a "sorrynotsorry" when they were sent in there as a punishment.

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I really like Amy and her mom and think she has lightened up the Duggars a lot.  Imagine what they would be without her.  She just has a really nice spirit to her and enjoys life and is non-judgemental unlike the gang that is the rest of her family.  She is a free spirit and is actually liked by JB which is surprising.  Even he is not immune to her charm.  He really cares for his sister also.

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Jim Bob doesn't like Amy because she's not under his authority. This obviously makes her a skanky hussy in his mind. She's practically a streetwalker because she doesn't worship Jim Blob. She also undermines his authority by making fun of his silly rules. He's once again emasculated by Amy (a woman!!!). Jim Bob and Michelle barely tolerate her. If Amy wasn't related to Jim Bob, no way would she be allowed near the holy Duggar children.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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Jim Bob doesn't like Amy because she's not under his authority. This obviously makes her a skanky hussy in his mind. She's practically a streetwalker because she doesn't worship Jim Blob. She also undermines his authority by making fun of his silly rules. He's once again emasculated by Amy (a woman!!!). Jim Bob and Michelle barely tolerate her. If Amy wasn't related to Jim Bob, no way would she be allowed near the holy Duggar children.


I honestly can't tell whether Boob really likes Amy - or is just playing the part of Doting Uncle for the cameras - but one thing is for sure.  There is no way he'd let someone like her around his precious perfect children if she wasn't family.

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I would think that Jessa and Jana were the most popular two. I completely understand why none of the guys make it, because they are given so little screen time, we hardly know them, but Josie? I would think that the other little girls would be before her, like poor Jordan, Jenny and Johannah who are ignored for the most part...

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Johannah is by far the best. She's the one who's going to break free and bring her younger sisters (except Josie) once they are old enough, and still forgotten as not the youngest kids. Once all their older siblings have kids and are married, they're going to be even worse off (grandkids will get the attention). Plus, their parents will be old and more tired than usual. 

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Someone posted on another thread that Jill looked like she smelled bad, That got me to thinking that it is very probable that they all smell -- they don't bathe often, and they sleep in their clothes. Like people with too many cats, it's entirely possible that they don't even notice -- they just don't interact with other people in a way that would clue them in on the need for better personal care.


I wonder if this is part of the reason that JD has not found a girl to court. He isn't very attractive, his personality is off-putting, and I don't think he likes women very much (in the sense of being a misogynist, not in the sense of being gay). If his personal hygiene is bad, too, that's pretty much the final nail in that coffin.

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Jill looks horrible lately. She doesn't seem to take a shower everyday and her hair as we have mentioned a million times is just a hot mess. Boy did she give up quick for being a newlywed. Please Jill go to a real salon and get your hair cut. Better yet cut enough off that you can donate it so someone in need can get a wig.


As for the others they need to really pay attention to how they look when out in public. The ratty hair on the girls is a dead giveaway that no one cares enough in that family.

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Jill's hair looks too damaged to me to be acceptable for donation. They'd possible take it and trash it.  I was hoping she'd go her own way instead of becoming Michelle 2.0, but so far she doesn't seem to have that in mind

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I really like Amy and I think the way the Duggars treat her is reprehensible. Besides the clown incident, Jill and Jessa had eleventy million bridesmaids, yet they didn't include Amy. If I were her, I'd walk out the door and not look back.

I really like Amy, too. I honestly don't think she's going to go anywhere with her music career, but I find her refreshing compared to her cousins. Half of the Duggar children look absolutely miserable and then there's Amy, with a big smile and laugh. If I were one of the older girls, I would use any excuse to hang out with her.


Anyways, most of the older girls would look 10x better if they cut off a good 10-12 inches off of their hair. I know a few people who will keep damaged ends for the sake of length and it is so stupid. They tend to look ridiculous.

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I can certainly understand why the girls are more popular than the boys.  With the exceptions of Jill and Josie, I think the Duggar girls are rather nice looking.  The guys on the other hand are quite unappealing.  There isn't a reasonably good looking one in the group.  Hence their disdain for handsome Ben.  I keep hearing that Jessa is the "pretty one", but in my humble opinion that title belongs to Jana.  Those cheekbones! That smile!  I agree with the poster who said that Jana bears a striking resemblance to Genie Francis (Laura, General Hospital), circa 1981. 

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I keep hearing that Jessa is the "pretty one", but in my humble opinion that title belongs to Jana.  Those cheekbones! That smile! 

I agree that Jana's the pretty one. I think Jessa is far and away the hot one of the bunch. She's got a whole Angelina Jolie thing going on.

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I often wonder what Josiah does all day now that he is home from ALERT?


Also Joseph. You never see him much in pictures. What the heck does he do all day. We all know that JD has a million side jobs/businesses so I can understand him never being around but the other boys just seem lost.

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I wonder if Josiah and JB struck some kind of deal about his going to ALERT and being about to get an education. It might not be a college one, but even an AA course with some extra specific classes would make a big difference and JB WILL need a son who understands his businesses from an accounting level, so it could be a win win for both of them. But first, Josiah had to prove to JB he was a man and would stay in the fold.

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Today is little Miss Miracles 5th Birthday. I remembered because she has the same birthday as my daughter. Mechelle will probably hog the spotlight telling how she almost died and Josie is a healthy normal little girl. SMH

Jana posted a picture on her FB page (still trying to figure out if it is really her) that they had a special birthday lunch for Josie. It didn't seem like the whole family was there to celebrate only Jana one of the older howlers, Jackson and Jordyn were there.

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Today is little Miss Miracles 5th Birthday. I remembered because she has the same birthday as my daughter. Mechelle will probably hog the spotlight telling how she almost died and Josie is a healthy normal little girl. SMH

I hope they remember to celebrate Lost Girl Jordyn's birthday next week . And even Jinger's after that. I remember the episode that Boob explained they were celebrating 2 of the Howlers birthdays together because they were too busy to celebrate one of them on his birthday (think it may have been James). These parents (said loosely) are just too much.

Edited by maraleia
spelling regarding Jinger's name
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Jana posted a picture on her FB page (still trying to figure out if it is really her) that they had a special birthday lunch for Josie. It didn't seem like the whole family was there to celebrate only Jana one of the older howlers, Jackson and Jordyn were there.

The Official Duggar page posted a pic from later in the day showing that they had a joint birthday party. They wore matching dresses and held up signs saying "Happy 5th/6th birthday Josie/Jordyn!" So no, poor Lost Jordyn will not get her own party. Probably won't until she marries. 

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