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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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These people are delusional and greedy, probably stupid, too. If Ben and the over 18 siblings are working for JimBob flipping houses, 1) do any of them actually have a contractor's license or whatever it takes to legally flip real estate for commercial gains in Arkansas? Not that JimBob cares about obeying the law or bending it as much as he can. 2) Ben is probably doing more physical work than all the Duggars combined. 3) Does Jessa (or any of them) realize how pathetic she sounds, that her entire job is gestating and taking selfies, while most women her age are going to school, working, taking care of families, etc.. She doesn't have a high risk pregnancy or anything that should keep her from actually doing something besides putting on makeup and bossing Ben all day. Yes, I understand my statement was rude to the few women who 'just have babies,' but I don't really care. She's not doing anything productive except asking fans for gifts. Even Kate Middleton worked during her pregnancies. 


4) Who on earth gets to just take off from school and work, even JimBob work, to watch his wife be pregnant? They spend 24/7 together anyway, so it's not like he's deployed or working 12 hour shifts or whatever (her either), so why do they need to spend every waking moment taking selfies? Pathetic. 5) Ben wants to go to seminary. Ok. REAL seminary, for just about every single denomination, is a graduate degree. That means a bachelor's (which he doesn't have) and then graduate school. BIBLE COLLEGE can mean anything from classes with a certificate in someone's basement, to more traditional post-high school work, sometimes unaccredited, sometimes credited, but it's NOT seminary. 


I'm with all the other posters, too, why aren't the overseas missionaries somewhere overseas missionarying? Are they broke? Are they lazy? Are they stupid? Are they waiting for Jessa's baby or another for Jill, or some idiotic reason that doesn't fly for real jobs in the real world? They're all a bunch of self-righteous, delusional, grifting, lazy ass idiots. Not a single one of them does anything product to support themselves, except maybe John David and Joseph. Maybe.

As with all post-secondary training, it depends. On the quality of the program. On how many seats are available. On how many applications are received, and on the quality of those applications. The best schools are obviously looking for students who will do well and succeed in their programs, for students with a proven academic track record and for the potential to succeed as ministers and religious "personnel." And as MargeGunderson pointed out, some schools are denominational, some aren't. Then there are others who are just looking to fill seats any way they can, and these have only one real requirement. Ability to pay. So which will it be for Ben? Harvard Divinity School? Or East Hucklebuck Bible College? You make the call...

I hear Josh is good at graphic design and can print up a real nice certificate.

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As for the gift card solicitation I'd like to send her some gift cards to some defrauding clothing store, or perhaps a subscription to a magazine of some sort.  Maybe political of some sort like gay rights or maybe a scientific journal declaring the earth is over 6,000 years old


How 'bout a subscription to National Geographic?  That just might blow their little minds. 

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Hey, whose jurisdiction is mirror-cleaning in her house? Ick.

Hey, whose jurisdiction is mirror-cleaning in her house? Ick.

Remember the TH where Jessa complains how Ben shakes his toothbrush and splatters toothpaste spit all over the mirror? Someone needs to gift them some Windex?

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Well to be fair to jessa, I don't think her parents address is exactly a secret.

And I've said it before, I'll say it again: if I could sit around all day doin nothing I sure would!

*dream job*

I know the address, but that's only because I have an elephatine memory. Does the regular 14 year old leghumper have it? Probably not. And if they didn't get it yesterday or this morning, they are SOL. I don't know if I should feel more sorry for them or for Jessa, since that's how many fewer presents she's going to get.


Jill wins yet again. 

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I think Jessa spends all day scouring the Internet to see what people are saying about her, because she seems extremely sensitive to criticism. I don't know if it's because she grew up on TV, is insecure, and really wants people to like her or because she thinks there is some way to get the gravy train back on its tracks, but there are several examples of her modifying her behavior because of what the public is saying. The latest is 1) the baby bump selfie where she is smiling slightly (in apparent response to people saying she had resting bitch face in all her pics) and 2) the scrubbing of the "Target and Walmart are my favorite stores" gift-card grab that people rightly denounced as classless.

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jessa looks good for 34 weeks or whatever she is. 


Ben isn't going to go any real seminary. Gimme a break.  (eye roll)

he is gonna do some online thing with some "very special fundamentalist church" and get some certification. 

He has no plans and has no ideas what do to either.  They can't move out of The Mold House because Jim Bob takes care of them financially. Ben has no idea what to say about his eductional plans so "seminary" sounds good. Those two will hang onto Jim Bob for years and years. 

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And yet again, because I'm a contrarian skeptic, I had to check out a few things about Ben's alma mater.  They offer precisely 2 Political Science classes.  That doesn't constitute a declared major, even for a 2 year degree in my book.   Page 6. 



Of course, right underneath the 2 Poli Sci classes in the course listing are 2 "Poultry Science" classes.  Are we sure that wasn't his major?

Edited by leighdear
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And yet again, because I'm a contrarian skeptic, I had to check out a few things about Ben's alma mater.  They offer precisely 2 Political Science classes.  That doesn't constitute a declared major, even for a 2 year degree in my book.   Page 6. 



Of course, right underneath the 2 Poli Sci classes in the course listing are 2 "Poultry Science" classes.  Are we sure that wasn't his major?




Well, Poultry Science would have been a heck of a lot more useful to somebody in his position -- i.e., somebody whose finances and family situation mean he should probably get a real job right now and not dither about with stuff that you can't really use until you have at least a bachelor's degree if not more.


That's upsetting about the Poli Sci, though. I really don't like instances where the kids and, especially, their spouses seem to be lying. I'd like to think they're not totally infected with the JB and M diseases. Didn't he supposedly start out majoring in business?



I suppose the various tales are the result of his untutored delusions of grandeur, in which he imagines he's going to be some sort of politician or televangelist (or both.). At some point, he's going to whack his head hard against the ceiling of his life, I'm afraid.

Edited by Churchhoney
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That's upsetting about the Poli Sci, though. I really don't like instances where the kids and, especially, their spouses seem to be lying. I'd like to think they're not totally infected with the JB and M diseases. Didn't he supposedly start out majoring in business?



I suppose the various tales are the result of his untutored delusions of grandeur, in which he imagines he's going to be some sort of politician or televangelist (or both.). At some point, he's going to whack his head hard against the ceiling of his life, I'm afraid.

The deliberate misrepresentation just bugs the crap out of me.  Don't freakin' LIE about it and say you got something you didn't.  Yet another example of the lying liars who lie about every damn thing.  So he got an Associates in General Education.  That's an accomplishment, by the lying just wipes out anything positive I could say.  

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That's a really interesting question. Cause her headship is Ben now, right? And he wasn't raised Gothard at all. There's certainly some of that idea floating around in the family, given his dad's jobs, so maybe Vision Forum preached work for yourself, too? .... Or, if they didn't preach it as explicitly, I'm guessing they pretty much modeled it among their top people, like Botkin and so on.... But the Seewald's life has seemed to include both outside-the-home employment and some further education. So I'd think Ben could greenlight some additional activities for Jessa if she wanted to pursue anything. ....


But of course they're living off of Jim Bob, so he probably retains a big say, even if only implicitly, plus the fact that they are living off him means they don't yet have any real concept of what it would cost for them to sustain themselves on their own. If you aren't paying your housing costs, your budget is about a million times different. So I'm thinking they don't really have a clue about what their needs might be if they were suddenly on their own for housing.


I'm almost sure that Jim Bob and his ilk don't sit back and allow "different headships".  Technically they may, but I'm sure that if Bin wants to run off the reservation, he'd catch what-for and a lecture for his radical ideas until his "headship" principles were just like FIL.  (Or he rebelled and ignored it.  He could rebel.  But I don't believe for a second that the pressure doesn't exist.)


Well, Bin is not a follower of Gothard, so who knows if Jessa would feel the need to continue to follow the old man's rules. Does Vision Forum still exist? Do these two attend any actual church? Would Bin be forced to study other religions in "seminary?"


I'd say it's absolutely certain that any divinity school sends you through comparative religion class.  And I mean even Bob Jones and fundie-er/weaker.  Any kind of denomination sponsoring any school worth their salt, wants to turn out graduates capable of proselytizing and arguing (they probably say it nicer and less cynical though) to Buddhists, or anyone.  Whether or not the comparative religion education was of sound and good quality or not or just "these religions are Ebil and here's what you need to know to stamp 'em out", I can't say; but an actual minister with a degree, being not the same type of person as a "storefront (or warehouse) minister" or lay preacher, I'd say it's a certainty.  "Missionizing" denominations, and I don't think we can exempt the Catholic church from this either, absolutely want to turn out ministers who "know what they believe" and can articulate it.  I dare say divinity school would be a great thing for Bin, as it would not scruple to educate him about other broadening points of view.

Edited by queenanne
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As for the gift card solicitation I'd like to send her some gift cards to some defrauding clothing store, or perhaps a subscription to a magazine of some sort.  Maybe political of some sort like gay rights or maybe a scientific journal declaring the earth is over 6,000 years old.

I'll kick in for a subscription to SMITHSONian Magazine.

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And yet again, because I'm a contrarian skeptic, I had to check out a few things about Ben's alma mater.  They offer precisely 2 Political Science classes.  That doesn't constitute a declared major, even for a 2 year degree in my book.   Page 6. 



Of course, right underneath the 2 Poli Sci classes in the course listing are 2 "Poultry Science" classes.  Are we sure that wasn't his major?

Aaaaannnnd... cue the Instagram "FU Internets !" photo of Ben reading the Constitution to counteract the Awesome Truthiness of Leighdear !!! 


How do they not know by now that we're onto them ?! They keep lobbing softballs and we keep kitting it out of the park !! 


It's like shooting fish in a barrel, but that sounds waaaay too much like a Duggar Family Fun Activity JB would have planned for the Howlers if he hadn't had the entire fake, lying, Herp Derp rug pulled out from under him. 

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Aaaaannnnd... cue the Instagram "FU Internets !" photo of Ben reading the Constitution to counteract the Awesome Truthiness of Leighdear !!! 


How do they not know by now that we're onto them ?! They keep lobbing softballs and we keep kitting it out of the park !! 


It's like shooting fish in a barrel, but that sounds waaaay too much like a Duggar Family Fun Activity JB would have planned for the Howlers if he hadn't had the entire fake, lying, Herp Derp rug pulled out from under him. 


They probably think we're all Satan's minions.




If this were another era, I'm sure they'd be accusing us of witchcraft.

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The die has been cast and the gauntlet thrown down.  I've purposed to attempt to refute any and all claims that anybody in that family makes about anything.  Totes purposed. And I'll be drinking wine and wearing a tank top when I do it. 

Edited by leighdear
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Yeah but i doubt he'd want his kids, especially a son to be as uneducated as mom. They may homeschool, but as her headship, Ben might "encourage" Jessa to care about homeschooling the kids.


I'm really not sure Ben realizes how under-educated Jessa is. Or ever will. I imagine he's going to be fairly-satisfied with her homeschooling plans, which will probably be the same as Me-chelle's were. Or she may decide to plunk her kids in the closest Christian school - who knows? It wouldn't surprise me at all if Jessa wanted no part of homeschooling going forward.

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I'm sure the Adam & Eve site has gift cards....for their pleasure.  

I think they've got that covered. How about some Help Wanted Ads so they can actually earn a living.


The deliberate misrepresentation just bugs the crap out of me.  Don't freakin' LIE about it and say you got something you didn't.  Yet another example of the lying liars who lie about every damn thing.  So he got an Associates in General Education.  That's an accomplishment, by the lying just wipes out anything positive I could say.  

Although I do think they aren't being honest about Ben's degree and plans, I seriously don't think Jessa or the rest of the Duggars actually can decipher the difference in College Minus, homefooling (not legit homeschooling), 'learning skills', lay whatever, etc., and REAL school - public/private/legit homeschooling, trade/vocational school, licenses, college, seminary, etc. All they know is if they (think) they studied something Gothard and or Jim Bob/Michelle approved, they're right up there with Harvard grads, Master Carpenters, and all the legit programs of varying sorts. It's actually quite pitiful.

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Although I do think they aren't being honest about Ben's degree and plans, I seriously don't think Jessa or the rest of the Duggars actually can decipher the difference in College Minus, homefooling (not legit homeschooling), 'learning skills', lay whatever, etc., and REAL school - public/private/legit homeschooling, trade/vocational school, licenses, college, seminary, etc. All they know is if they (think) they studied something Gothard and or Jim Bob/Michelle approved, they're right up there with Harvard grads, Master Carpenters, and all the legit programs of varying sorts. It's actually quite pitiful.


I laughed but it is sad.  Sounds like it should be an SNL skit.

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Speaking of SNL, Law and Order: SVU announced they're doing a Duggarish episode.  Of all the Duggars, I could imagine Jessa watching the episode to see how Nessa and Ken ("Kin") are portrayed.

Edited by CofCinci
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I'm really not sure Ben realizes how under-educated Jessa is. Or ever will. I imagine he's going to be fairly-satisfied with her homeschooling plans, which will probably be the same as Me-chelle's were. Or she may decide to plunk her kids in the closest Christian school - who knows? It wouldn't surprise me at all if Jessa wanted no part of homeschooling going forward.

It would TOTALLY surprise me if Jessa plunked her kids in the local Christian school. She and Ben were both homefooled and are solid to the point of stubborness in their resolve that their way is best in all things. 

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I'm really not sure Ben realizes how under-educated Jessa is. Or ever will. I imagine he's going to be fairly-satisfied with her homeschooling plans, which will probably be the same as Me-chelle's were. Or she may decide to plunk her kids in the closest Christian school - who knows? It wouldn't surprise me at all if Jessa wanted no part of homeschooling going forward.

Christian schools cost money, so Benessa had better get jobs.

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It would TOTALLY surprise me if Jessa plunked her kids in the local Christian school. She and Ben were both homefooled and are solid to the point of stubborness in their resolve that their way is best in all things. 

I don't know, if they get on her nerves and she can't get a Sister Mom to take them off her hands, she may plunk them in a homeschool co-op or something, because that's TOTALLY NOT a school. However, as much as she 'rebels', she's drunk on the koolaid and terrified of a whole lot of things - school being one of them.

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In light of the riotously squee-inducing revelation that Ben did not actually major in Political Science, which made me do the ole' one-raised-eyebrow anyway, I'm now recalling, in hindsight, the glorious moment when LegoHead defended not sending his children to college because "you're not guaranteed to get a good job even if you DO go to college".


Convenient that Ben came along to fulfill his line of reasoning, but Ben's never going to get a good job, or any job, for that matter, working for the likes of him. 


Just some other random thoughts on the whole kerfuffle:


  • Ben is NINETEEN. I don't think anyone should be fulfilling their life's ambitions, or expect to, at that age. Then again, he DID get married and decide to pop out a kid at that age, so he'd better buck up before Jessa runs out of tight maternity t-shirts.
  • I ended up with two degrees and an awesome career that I loved, but it wasn't always like that. I tended bar, waited tables, ran cash registers, and, yes, cleaned toilets in order to achieve my goals and get through school. "All work is noble" is what my father taught me and I fervently believe that. So, absolutely nothing wrong with Ben doing that in my mind. But...
  • LYING is not noble, Ben. And, nowadays, if you lie about anything that the Average Joe can look up with just one Google attempt, you're going to get caught. Especially work or school related lies. And ESPECIALLY if you're a "public figure", however dubious your fame may be. 



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In light of the riotously squee-inducing revelation that Ben did not actually major in Political Science, which made me do the ole' one-raised-eyebrow 


Wait. What did he major in if not poli sci?

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Wait. What did he major in if not poli sci?

Looks like he got a Gen Ed degree. Irony is, they had a business AA, but it looks like he didn't want to take a lot of higher math. You can earn a Gen Ed AA from this place having taken no math higher than Algebra! Seriously! 


As for Jessa and the homeschool, I know Ben's mom does co-op, but what could Jessa offer to hold up her end of the group? Art of the Selfie? Delete and Block: Your Best Friends on Social Media?

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Looks like he got a Gen Ed degree. Irony is, they had a business AA, but it looks like he didn't want to take a lot of higher math. 


Okay, pardon my ignorance, but what can one do with a Gen Ed degree?

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Looking at the AA program requirements, I think he could have completed a functional AA in poli sci depending upon what his directed electives were:


It looks like they encourage regular elective courses be taken online with the expectation that most students pursuing an AA will transfer into a BA program.

This would have required initiative, a bit of research and a willingness to seek the counsel of heathen advisors, but do-able. Whether Ben would go to that effort, I don't know.

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I'm really not sure Ben realizes how under-educated Jessa is. Or ever will. I imagine he's going to be fairly-satisfied with her homeschooling plans, which will probably be the same as Me-chelle's were. Or she may decide to plunk her kids in the closest Christian school - who knows? It wouldn't surprise me at all if Jessa wanted no part of homeschooling going forward.


JB graduated from Shiloh Christian School in Springdale, which serves pre-k through 12th grade. I have never understood why none of the more academically-minded Duggar kids and now the school-age grandkids, Mack and Mikey, seemingly are not allowed to attend the same conservative Christian private school that JB himself attended...???All I can think is that it's a matter of total isolation/control and not being willing to pony up the tuition. 



To bring it back to Jessa, I cannot imagine her sending her children to any kind of organized schooling in light of the fact that she obviously took over homefoolin' the howlers and lost girls around the time that Josie was born. Jessa may genuinely enjoy teaching lessons, even if those lessons consist of Wisdom Booklet hooey. 

Edited by Guest
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What I don't get is the Theology degree. As far as I know, you have to have a 4-year degree (BA, BS) to get a Masters in Theology. He needs to transfer to a 4-year school and complete his undergraduate degree.


I suppose he could get some sort of "degree" from some Gothard-run place which only requires a SOTDRT degree, but where would he use that?


I don't know what the Duggar's financial situation really is, but I don't see JB and J'chelle paying for their own children to go to school, much less a SIL. It also doesn't look like the Seewald parents are rolling in cash, and Ben doesn't appear to be enterprising enough to work multiple jobs to support his family and pay his tuition, so I'm not sure how he thinks this is all going to work.

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These kids, and I mean kids, are so young. They sound like teenagers, and I believe Ben is still a teenager. They spout things like adopting and theology school like children do when they are young and have few responsibilities. The problem is, they are married adults with a kid on the way. They need to get past the "When I grow up I want to be ..." stage. IMHO, when you make grown up decisions, i.e. marriage and kids, you need to start acting like adults.


And like what SomePity said, any job is noble, but it appears to me that Ben's job doesn't sound totally legit. While flipping houses can be lucrative, I don't know that they could make enough to pay all the Duggs a reasonable salary (if they are even paying the girls). To flip houses you need money, money to purchase the house and money to rehab it. Making a profit on that investment is iffy and timely.


My problem is less with their future dreams, and more with what appears to be their lackadaisical and immature attitudes about what it really takes to be independent financially sound adults.

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 Or she may decide to plunk her kids in the closest Christian school - who knows? It wouldn't surprise me at all if Jessa wanted no part of homeschooling going forward.

It would be nice to see a Duggar trait like the laziness have a good  consequence for a change.

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Pretty much nothing other than transfer to a 4-year institution?


Also as, sadly, but analogously with every other degree nowadays, you can beat out a high-school grad for a job that requires a 6th grade education.


Sad as that is for our society and economy as a whole, that could be a valuable asset for Ben if he weren't too dumb and deluded even to consider it, apparently.

JB graduated from Shiloh Christian School in Springdale, which serves pre-k through 12th grade. I have never understood why none of the more academically-minded Duggar kids and now the school-age grandkids, Mack and Mikey, seemingly are not allowed to attend the same conservative Christian private school that JB himself attended...???All I can think is that it's a matter of total isolation/control and not being willing to pony up the tuition. 



That would be it.

Edited by Churchhoney
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What I don't get is the Theology degree. As far as I know, you have to have a 4-year degree (BA, BS) to get a Masters in Theology. He needs to transfer to a 4-year school and complete his undergraduate degree.



There are various kinds of bible-y and ministry-related type degrees at lots of Christian schools, though. So he probably means that kind of thing. I doubt he even conceives of a Master's in Theology since he seems to have the mind of a somewhat muddled fifth grader.

While flipping houses can be lucrative, I don't know that they could make enough to pay all the Duggs a reasonable salary (if they are even paying the girls). To flip houses you need money, money to purchase the house and money to rehab it. Making a profit on that investment is iffy and timely.




Plus, if word gets around, as I'm sure it has, that you're doing the rehab with mainly untrained teenagers (who are Duggars -- which I suspect could be a byword for grifters and corner-cutters in their neighborhood), that probably puts a crimp in your profit-making potential.

Edited by Churchhoney
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You can earn a Gen Ed AA from this place having taken no math higher than Algebra! Seriously! 

I recently taught at a community college for 5 years, and that's not at all unusual. In fact, I, myself, had no math beyond Algebra II, and I went to a public ivy. I took the minimum math requirement (kind of a math survey course), and that option required that I double up on the science courses. I chose biological (geology, botany, zoology) and one low-math astronomy (the other one was for the rocket scientists). I'm no worse for not having taken calculus, trig, etc. I didn't need it then, and don't need it now. :-)
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I think Jessa spends all day scouring the Internet to see what people are saying about her, because she seems extremely sensitive to criticism. I don't know if it's because she grew up on TV, is insecure, and really wants people to like her or because she thinks there is some way to get the gravy train back on its tracks, but there are several examples of her modifying her behavior because of what the public is saying. The latest is 1) the baby bump selfie where she is smiling slightly (in apparent response to people saying she had resting bitch face in all her pics) and 2) the scrubbing of the "Target and Walmart are my favorite stores" gift-card grab that people rightly denounced as classless


She's a very insecure person who wants the world to believe that she's not.

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As with all post-secondary training, it depends. On the quality of the program. On how many seats are available. On how many applications are received, and on the quality of those applications. The best schools are obviously looking for students who will do well and succeed in their programs, for students with a proven academic track record and for the potential to succeed as ministers and religious "personnel." And as MargeGunderson pointed out, some schools are denominational, some aren't. Then there are others who are just looking to fill seats any way they can, and these have only one real requirement. Ability to pay. So which will it be for Ben? Harvard Divinity School? Or East Hucklebuck Bible College? You make the call...


Harvard Divinity School would be an eyeopener for Ben! It has a very liberal bent, politically correct, and heavy on social issues and engagement. Granted Ben couldn't possibly get in, but it's amusing to think of him there, what with all of the girls that want to be ministers and the the LGBT folks.


True story - I lived just outside of Bentonville AR for a summer before I went to divinity school and worked at Walmart headquarters. On my last day the head of the department warned me not to let the liberals at my liberal divinity school change my (assumed) conservative beliefs and love of the Lord. I assured him that I would remain steadfast. Steadfast in what I did not specify.

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I recently taught at a community college for 5 years, and that's not at all unusual. In fact, I, myself, had no math beyond Algebra II, and I went to a public ivy. I took the minimum math requirement (kind of a math survey course), and that option required that I double up on the science courses. I chose biological (geology, botany, zoology) and one low-math astronomy (the other one was for the rocket scientists). I'm no worse for not having taken calculus, trig, etc. I didn't need it then, and don't need it now. :-)


I have a Masters and never took College Algebra. I did take stats for my degree but other than that, I stayed away from math. It's possible depending on your major. 


She's a very insecure person who wants the world to believe that she's not.


I have a bad feeling everyone in that family is, except for Jim Bob. The insecurity will come out in different ways. Unfortunately they'll continue to let it play out publicly. 

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Looking at the AA program requirements, I think he could have completed a functional AA in poli sci depending upon what his directed electives were

My point was that this school does not offer an A.A. or even a B.A. in Political Science.   By offering only 2 classes total in Poli Sci, there is no "major" available.  


 His A.A. was in something else on their list of offered degree programs.  But it was not Political Science, no matter how badly he wants to pretend that was his "field". 

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Ben probably didn't realize that majors are determined by course curriculum.  He probably thought he was a poly sci major because he that is how he chose to describe his interests.


ETA:  I just looked up Crown College.  They offer bachelors degrees in pastoral ministry.  That is probably what Bin has in mind:




This education would be very helpful to him since he already tries to preach without the skills.  This degree will teach him to:

"Articulate fundamental biblical doctrine on issues critical to life and ministry" and "Be prepared and preach expository Bible messages."


So, as mentioned above, who is going to pay for this?

Edited by riverblue22
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