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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I'm a science believing athiest, but for $20 million dollars a year, I might be convinced to start saying that Jurassic World was a real time documentary about an unfortunate day at an exotic zoo.

I'd do it for 19! ;)

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I live in Orlando and drive past Holy Land a lot. We also have a guy who flies a plane with Jesus messages over Disney/Universal. I wonder if the Duggars have been to the Holy Land Experience? It looks hilarious 

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That photo is Grand Prismatic springs in Yellowstone National Park. The colors are caused by thermophiles "Thermophlic bacteria and archaea are often brightly colored by photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls or carotenoids) and show distinct zonations according to their specific temperature tolerances". http://www.nps.gov/features/yell/ofvec/exhibits/treasures/thermals/hotspring/grandprismatic.htm


It's huge and gorgeous. The Seawalds should go there. ( everyone should!)

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I live in Orlando and drive past Holy Land a lot. We also have a guy who flies a plane with Jesus messages over Disney/Universal. I wonder if the Duggars have been to the Holy Land Experience? It looks hilarious

I've seen that guy writing Jesus' name in the sky everytime we've been to Disney. I love it, actually.

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OK the curiosity was killing me and after a couple of false leads I did find the blurb on HolyLandOrlando.  It can't be that bad and inaccurate, can it?  Where are all the Jews, Palestinians, terrorists who live there.  How about the weather that sucks and the food, none of which is mentioned is authentic.  Hot dog?  Not traditional.  The guides should be appropriately dressed, and the explosive buses were skipped over.  The crying at the wailing wall.  The fight over the temple.  No, just exhibits after exhibit of mind numbing stuff.  People go there?  And pay.  I'm gob smacked.

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Uhm, back up that truck for a sec, will ya, Ben? [insert  prior football rant here]




Remember, I told y'all he used to be a playa! I guess it's okay because it's not on Jesus' time, but with these people, isn't it ALWAYS Jesus' time???


eta: It's also an interesting juxtoposition when you consider how unsexy Ben looks in these beefcake shots vs. Chad "the Hunk" Paine's unintentional oozing of The Sex while holding his infant son. Even if Ben's views weren't so abhorrent to me, I still wouldn't find him sexy; I don't go for the lunkhead jock types.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Some of those tweets are probably written from Michelle's secret twitters. Y'all know how badly she wants to play Mrs. Robinson with Ben.

Edited by CofCinci
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Jessa also doesn't realize that you do your "man crush" on Mondays. #somuchtolearn


I also perused some of the comments. There's an 11 year old posting. I thought Christian parents were a lot more strict with social media? Heck, my 12 year old niece is being raised nominally Christian (Episcopalian when she and my SIL go to church), and she isn't allowed to be on social media, despite the peer pressure from upper-middle class - upper class 6th (actually, now 7th) graders. 

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Oh, lord have mercy. One of the comments on that is "Can I be Jessa? She has the life."


I really, really hope whoever wrote that is just a dimwitted romantic and not someone whose life is legitimately worse than Jessa's.

Reminds me of all the dimwits who were Ted Bundy groupies in court.

She's probably about 15. The Seewalds shouldn't be teasing young, impressionable young tweens and teen girls with these beefcake pics. 

Beefcake , but definitely a lard brain.

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I don't go for the lunkhead jock types.


I don't necessarily mind lunkhead jock types. But being convinced that you're the hottest thing evah. And posing so that that belief becomes only too visible. Big turnoff for anybody but the hopelessly dim, Bin-jermin.

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Jessa, post more kissing pictures xoxo

Dear Jessa,

She's kidding. No more kissy face. We get it.

I can't help myself, I HAVE to read the comments. Lord have mercy, was I REALLY ever that young and stupid??

Edited by Happyfatchick
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I can't help myself, I HAVE to read the comments. Lord have mercy, was I REALLY ever that young and stupid??


I think everyone was once that young and stupid. Personally, I feel a lot better knowing that the two of them are gleefully nikeing their followers. I was on the border of feeling bad for them.

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Uhm, back up that truck for a sec, will ya, Ben? [insert prior football rant here]


Remember, I told y'all he used to be a playa! I guess it's okay because it's not on Jesus' time, but with these people, isn't it ALWAYS Jesus' time???

eta: It's also an interesting juxtoposition when you consider how unsexy Ben looks in these beefcake shots vs. Chad "the Hunk" Paine's unintentional oozing of The Sex while holding his infant son. Even if Ben's views weren't so abhorrent to me, I still wouldn't find him sexy; I don't go for the lunkhead jock types.

He survived Roe v Wade like he survived Breast Cancer and AIDS.
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Ah, to be young, pregnant, unemployed, and uneducated.

It's the dream y'all.


And the freakin' Duggars (and TLC) have contributed to making this seem like a dream to some naive young idiots in America. That's reason enough alone for the show to go off the air.

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"I survived Roe V. Wade"? I seriously want to yank that idiotic, halfwitted baseball cap off his head and smack him across the face with it. 

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What those stupid posts do is make all those prepubescent and adolescent girls dream BIG of the day a "hunk" (is that a word anymore?") sweeps in, sweeps them off their feet and moves them along into their next life. WE get it that the whole Prince Charming thing is fantasy land, and that even Jessa and Ben are screwed, pickled, stewed, vacuum sealed and DONE, and that her life probably will be far, far from magical from this point on. THEY see the possibility. WE see that even "if" there was a mountain of money, fun posts and CFA in their future, Jessa will grow up bitter and harshly outspoken because she feels cheated. WE see that as somewhat unfortunate karma. THEY see their idols posting post-trauma as proof that the life they've been raised to espouse IS the perfect life. "See? They are rising above!...If all those infidels would QUIT messing up their lovely posts and let them BE..." (It's OUR fault).

The normal, average teenage girl in her mid teens is crossing her fingers that she'll navigate successfully through those awkward years with good grades, a prom date, no zits and some kind of goal for after graduation (you know...what do you want to BE when you grow up?). The normal average teen thinks about popularity, pushing their boundaries, and becoming who they ARE. These fundie girls who post defending their heroes (one of whom declared to a nay-sayer yesterday "IT WAS ONE TIME AND IT WAS A MISTAKE!), are so ingrained and blinded by the protective shell that IS the life, their religion and their future all rolled into one...they don't even see the futility. They don't see oppression. They don't see the horrific injustice being done them. Instead, they are in those awful youth years believing their path is straight and decided. They are relieved of the burden of forward thinking: other than knowing WHO the prince IS, they are all set. They already know who they are. They are Stepford girl-children.

When WE see a post of Ben posing in all his studliness, we see it as juvenile and self-serving. THEY see it as validation.

I know, I'm preachin' to the choir.

ETA: Thanks Aja, for explaining what the shirt said. I could only see "I SURVIVED", and I guarantee "ROVE v Wade" wasn't how I filled in the blanks...

Edited by Happyfatchick
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The leghumpers in the comments section cleared that one up for me. They also kindly provided a link to the online shop where I can buy one for myself. *punches hole in drywall*

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I don't understand the "I Survived" shirt. So are we supposed to believe Mrs. Seewald wanted to abort but chose not to even though the option was available to her? It makes no sense and I just want to punch the Duggars when I see them wearing those shirts.

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Wow. On the pic on that last link, they are writing thesis length arguments. Very impassioned.

Well, GO BEN!!! I wonder how he plans to stop RvW? He MUST be working on a plan...surely he wouldn't wear such a bold statement on his person without a plan. Doooo tell.

Edited by Happyfatchick
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Seeing Ben wear that shirt makes me want to get knocked up just so I can get an abortion. 






(Of course not really. What Seewald is worth all that effort?)

Edited by galax-arena
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Ben looks like such a total doofus in both those pics lol. An Attractive doofus don't get me wrong, but he is flexing that footall so hard and is cheesin'...

And dont even get me started on this hand sign he is doing



I agree on the doofus (we can agree to disagree on the attractive part ;) he's all doofus to me)


I'm confused, though...what's wrong with the sign? It's just the ASL sign for "I love you"?

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I agree on the doofus (we can agree to disagree on the attractive part ;) he's all doofus to me)


I'm confused, though...what's wrong with the sign? It's just the ASL sign for "I love you"?

The sign itself is fine, i think just the combo with his pose and doofy looking face that just makes the whole post super weird to me..like something you would see a 13 yo girl post lol!

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I don't understand the "I Survived" shirt. So are we supposed to believe Mrs. Seewald wanted to abort but chose not to even though the option was available to her? It makes no sense and I just want to punch the Duggars when I see them wearing those shirts.

The reason you don't understand it is because it makes no freaking sense to sane people.

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That's what I assume. Ben is advertising he was an unwanted baby.


Nah. I think it's just another piece of evidence that these folks think the threat of prison is the only thing standing between them and being compelled to commit sins just because they're available. Sort of brings the whole Josh thing into focus, neh?

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I don't understand the "I Survived" shirt. So are we supposed to believe Mrs. Seewald wanted to abort but chose not to even though the option was available to her? It makes no sense and I just want to punch the Duggars when I see them wearing those shirts.

. right?!?!
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I'm sure if Bin survived an attempted abortion, we'd hear about that very specifically and very often. I'm sure he thinks he's making some deep, meaningful statement about being pro-life. I doubt he's stopped to think about the consistency of his 'statements'...for example, I'd be willing to take an educated guess that Bin's not at all opposed to fancy guns specifically designed to kill as many people as rapidly as possible. Usually the 'life' that the pro-lifers are super concerned with ends once the fetus is born. And I doubt he can even begin to wrap his baseball-capped brain around what the hell it even means to proclaim you survived a...supreme court decision?...that was made 20 years before you were born?...riiiight. Well done, Bin! Good job! *claps* Please stop being obsessed with my vagina now, it's creepy. Thx.

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The discussion on black abortion is very popular in most pro-life circles. I think Anna posted about it. This is not about whites only. (I'm pro-choice now, but was very pro-life for years, and still have many close friends active in that world.)

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Oh, that's been all over the religious conservative side of my FB feed for well over a week. Poor Ben. He's always late to the party.

LOL! I hope this means there's a fire and brimstone anti-choice screed in the works. I love reading Ben's rants for the comedic value.

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I wonder if anyone has approached Bin about Josh's old job at the FRC? There is an opening as the face of youthful hate-mongering for Jesus, and I think that Bin is well qualified. He makes a lot more sense as someone who can reach out to young evangelicals -- plus he's a lot more presentable than Josh, he has an AA, and he's ambitious. 


They have a baby coming and no more TLC money coming in and, I think that any one of these kids would climb over any of the others to get what they want.

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