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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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55 minutes ago, burner said:

West Coaster here and this Trump speech is pre-empting Jeopardy until later and I'm the only person in the world without a DVR.

What was FJ? Kirstin still champ??

You can see FJ every day on the Jeopardy website if you scroll down to the bottom - the New York Times has it daily. Today's was (in the category 'religion'): FAMOUS CATHOLICS WHO'VE PUBLICLY ANSWERED THIS QUESTION INCLUDE SUSAN BOYLE (SWEETS) & PAUL RYAN (BEER).

Kirstin lost (she did get FJ though).

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I'm sorry they didn't finish the "Left of" category.

Me too, though it would've gotten pretty gnarly for me if they ventured into eastern Europe or to the "-stan" countries.

FJ was an instaget, but the only TS I got were grist, John Irving and Aladdin Sane.

I don't think Kristin is TOC material so I don't feel too badly that she didn't win.

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21 minutes ago, Tabasco Cat said:

Missed the show tonight. What was Final Jeopardy? That Hoser poster up a few posts have anything to do with it? Thanks!

See below.

1 hour ago, secnarf said:

You can see FJ every day on the Jeopardy website if you scroll down to the bottom - the New York Times has it daily. Today's was (in the category 'religion'): FAMOUS CATHOLICS WHO'VE PUBLICLY ANSWERED THIS QUESTION INCLUDE SUSAN BOYLE (SWEETS) & PAUL RYAN (BEER).

Kirstin lost (she did get FJ though).

Another source is http://fikklefame.com/

Oh, and http://thejeopardyfan.com/

Edited by dcalley
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J! was not shown in my city due to coverage of a police officer being shot (he should be OK), so I missed Kirstin losing. Did someone say the new champ looks like Christopher Meloni?????

FJ would have been an instaget for me (Catholic school from K-12)

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7 minutes ago, Toothbrush said:

J! was not shown in my city due to coverage of a police officer being shot (he should be OK), so I missed Kirstin losing. Did someone say the new champ looks like Christopher Meloni?????

Yes, someone did say that. I don't see it.

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On ‎02‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 7:21 PM, illdoc said:

Somehow, the champ won again (shakes head). I thought "Camp David named after Eisenhower's grandson" was common knowledge. "Chesapeake Bay"??????

I didn't know it was named after Eisenhower's grandson, but it was the only Maryland landmark I could think of which could possibly fit the clue.

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6 hours ago, Gimmick Genius said:

I didn't know gas-siphoning as the origin of "Hoser." I just remember seeing Dave Thomas on a talk show explaining the word as "something you call your brother when you don't want your mom to hear you swearing."

I so should've known hoser, as the Bob & Doug Mckenzie Christmas song is one of my favorites.  But I didn't.  I'll show myself out now.

Edited by proserpina65
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A public radio quiz show had a different origin for hoser: When hockey was played outdoors in the winter, before the Zamboni was invented, the team that lost a game had to resurface the ice by spraying water on it from hoses. If that is true, hoser would mean loser but not (necessarily) dishonest.

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22 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

I got it, but it was circular thinking. I went, Xanadu? Shangri-la? Somehow I remembered that Shangri-La was its original name, and from there I remembered that Camp David was named after David Eisenhower. I think it was parenthetical information when he married Julie Nixon way back in the day. I did not realize it was in Maryland.

I didn't get it, I think the "area" bit threw me too. But in the struggle to change Shangri-la to something about a boy, the only thing I came up with, that was clearly wrong - was "Shangri-Lad"

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9 hours ago, DrScottie said:

Country to the left of Spain.

What is France? 

Wow. What is European geography epic fail? 

When he said that, I said to myself "Your other left..."


7 hours ago, Gimmick Genius said:

I didn't know gas-siphoning as the origin of "Hoser." I just remember seeing Dave Thomas on a talk show explaining the word as "something you call your brother when you don't want your mom to hear you swearing."

Same here, I didn't know where it came from, but I remember it from the McKenzie brothers.

The last two nights, I've blurted out the FJ answer before Alex finished reading the clue.

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Re "Chesapeake Bay" --Maybe they were thinking "Chesapeake Boy". I dunno; seems awfully dumb to me. But I like to try to rationalize why people answer the dumb stuff that they do (me included.)

When the FJ category is announced, besides calling out what you think the correct response will be, does anyone else try to guess which contestant will know the category & which ones'll flub it based on their reactions to the category?

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World Religion as FJ!  I said the correct answer but then said "nope, that's too obvious" so I negated it.  Dumb@ss question.  I was neutral on Kirstin except for her incessant head tossing.  I expected her to neigh at some point.

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It helps to pay attention to the calendar because Jeopardy often ties something into the air date. That being said, I can't believe that was a question worthy of FJ during Kids' Week, much less a regular Jeopardy game.

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19 hours ago, secnarf said:

As a Canadian, the only one of those terms I have ever actually heard other Canadians use is "chesterfield". I've only heard 'hoser' used by Americans stereotyping Canadians, and Canadians imitating Americans stereotyping Canadians.

I only heard of Chesterfield in BNL's "If I had a million dollars." 

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My grandparents call it a chesterfield. I say sofa or couch depending of if it looks like den furniture or living room furniture. I don't refer to anything as a bunnyhug, call it a bachelorette and only use hoser if I'm making fun of how Americans do Canadian accents. I do alternate between napkin and serviette without thinking though.

I assumed we'd see things like double-double, loonie, two-four, mickey or brown bread since those seem to be a bit less regional but maybe too Canadian to be fair to the contestants.

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1 hour ago, vibeology said:

My grandparents call it a chesterfield. I say sofa or couch depending of if it looks like den furniture or living room furniture. I don't refer to anything as a bunnyhug, call it a bachelorette and only use hoser if I'm making fun of how Americans do Canadian accents. I do alternate between napkin and serviette without thinking though.

I assumed we'd see things like double-double, loonie, two-four, mickey or brown bread since those seem to be a bit less regional but maybe too Canadian to be fair to the contestants.

Also homo milk or bagged milk.

As a teenager, I tried to order a double-double in New York City. I couldn't understand why the person had no idea what I was talking about, and ended up making me a regular.

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16 hours ago, DrScottie said:

Country to the left of Spain.

What is France? 

Wow. What is European geography epic fail? 

I'm sure he knows his European geography. He immediately knew how he screwed up.


21 hours ago, lurk3000 said:

Is it me or does the new champ look a little like Christopher Meloni?

Yes, now that you mention it.

I got grist, Longfellow, and John Irving. Like Leanne, I also said 'queasy' for an uneasy feeling (or whatever the clue was). Also, instead of 'quaint' for 'oddly charming,' I said quirky. I bet that would have been accepted.

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Wow, Alex really wanted Kate to stay. He was racing at the end and then mentioned her absence before revealing the FJ answer.

The VP's twitter account recently mixed up Israel's flag with Nicaragua's. Sad!

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13 minutes ago, dcalley said:

Wow, Alex really wanted Kate to stay. He was racing at the end and then mentioned her absence before revealing the FJ answer.

The VP's twitter account recently mixed up Israel's flag with Nicaragua's. Sad!

The second she said Iowa for the Truman question i was finished with her.

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21 minutes ago, teebax said:

The second she said Iowa for the Truman question i was finished with her.

Me too.

It was clear that Alex had no idea what Kate was talking about in her interview with him. (I admit I didn't either). But he sure liked talking about her. 

Too bad they weren't able to get much of the classical music category in the first round. And I have never heard of a funeral lei, so I too was surprised they took that answer. Maybe because it came from Kate.

TS I got were andiron, gold standard, Red white & blue. Glad Rob won again today, he's a likeable sort. Starts at top of categories, doesn't sway or jump around.

Edited by Miss Chevious
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If you really wanted to keep playing, you would bet $100 on the DD and not everything you have.  Especially when you say red and white for China's flag.

Not that I'm sorry.  Her startup company sounds incredibly shallow and I was not a fan of her in general.

The new champ is so friggin' slow, it's no wonder we didn't clear either board.

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5 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

Glad Rob won again today, he's a likeable sort. Starts at top of categories, doesn't sway or jump around.

He just holds the buzzer funny - holds it in one hand, pushes it with a finger on the other.  Otherwise, he's pretty good.

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Congrats to Rob again.  Kate was dead to me when she started her interview with, "Um, yeah, so".  Sounds like a Millennial Chinese food dish.  Alex sure was smitten with her, though.  I've never seen anyone wear a funeral lei.  To many clues left on the boards today.

I got font, fireplace, May Day, and red and yellow (missed DD).

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Am I the only one never to have heard "the optics are not good"? I googled it and it seemed a popular catchphrase in the 2012 Presidential election.

Good to see others picked up on Alex's being sweet on Kate. He appeared crushed that she didn't make it to FJ, although she probably would have been third anyway.

Edited by GreekGeek
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Not that it mattered, but no way should "lei" have been an acceptable answer ("this is my mourning lei"????)

I thought she was saying "lay." I was picturing something you lay on a casket.

I was drawing so many blanks. The only TS I got was Elmer Gantry (maybe that was a DD). 

I guess I'd forgotten Capra was Italian. I couldn't remember any films Stewart was in directed by an Italian. Fellini? De Sica? Bertolucci? None of those sounded right.

I hope Rob sticks around for a while. 

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I like Rob. Seems to have a diverse range of knowledge and he doesn't have any "quirks" that annoy me. Though I'm not sure why he didn't wager anything for Final Jeopardy? I guess he didn't want to lose anything but I'd have wagered a bunch since I knew I was going on and hoped it worked out in my favor.

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5 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

It was clear that Alex had no idea what Kate was talking about in her interview with him. (I admit I didn't either).

"We pay people to tweet ads, but pretend they're not ads."

Quite glad she went down in flames.

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I like Rob so far, but I think my hands would cramp holding the signaling device the way he does. He has a good range of knowledge, and his pocket square is very dapper. I see the Christopher Meloni resemblance.

I guessed Vincente Minnelli for FJ. My train of thought was that James Stewart was in "The Shop Around The Corner" directed by him. Once I heard the answer I realized that Minnelli directed "In The Good Old Summertime", which was a remake of "TSATC", and did not star Jimmy Stewart. I didn't make the obvious Stewart/Capra "It's A Wonderful Life" connection because I loathe that film. 

The Color The Flag category was fun. Sheldon Cooper would have approved. 

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33 minutes ago, Toothbrush said:

The Color The Flag category was fun. Sheldon Cooper would have approved. 

Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler present "Fun with Flags!"

44 minutes ago, Scott said:

"We pay people to tweet ads, but pretend they're not ads."

That's pretty much it. She founded Heartbeat. It's also has an element of multi-level marketing too. The more people you get to sign up, the more money you make. 

From her bio: Kate's three passions in life are tech, bringing people together, and becoming the reigning champion on Jeopardy. The very first "Heartbeat Girl", Kate fully embraces the Beyoncé playbook. Who runs the world? Girls.

As Meat Loaf said, two out of three ain't bad. 

Edited by DrScottie
Added Kate's bio
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As was the rest of Twitter.

I would say it's unseemly but I saw a lot of ogling of Rob too (with the exception of his buzzer technique which was universally hated).  And Kate received equal opportunity ogling of all genders.

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10 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

Am I the only one never to have heard "the optics are not good"? I googled it and it seemed a popular catchphrase in the 2012 Presidential election.

Good to see others picked up on Alex's being sweet on Kate. He appeared crushed that she didn't make it to FJ, although she probably would have been third anyway.

I had never heard it either. 

Kate was attractive, but that was about it.  Seemed in over her head this game

I missed half of it, or more, because of poor reception due to a storm. 

I can't stand it when someone uses two hands for the buzzer like that, no idea how that would be comfortable or better than just using one hand with the thumb.  So for that reason I hope he loses soon

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14 hours ago, dcalley said:

Wow, Alex really wanted Kate to stay. He was racing at the end and then mentioned her absence before revealing the FJ answer.

The VP's twitter account recently mixed up Israel's flag with Nicaragua's. Sad!

That's the only reason I knew the answer - well, I guess since I knew Israel's colors I would have gotten it. But still. I really hate to be fair here, but those tiny icons can be difficult for aging eyes to distinguish. I see them all the time in online reports I work with, and it can be a struggle. But of course, I double-check before using them.

13 hours ago, Moose135 said:

He just holds the buzzer funny - holds it in one hand, pushes it with a finger on the other.  Otherwise, he's pretty good.

It's amazing how tiny things bug us. It bugged me too, until I thought about how my index finger is actually more nimble than my thumb, which tends to seize up. So maybe it's because of his muscular/skeletal issues. Anyway, once I over-analyzed that, I could appreciate him as a player.

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The way Rob holds the buzzer doesn't bother me. I admit I haven't been looking at his hands all the time, but they seem pretty relaxed, so that's ok with me.

1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

That's the only reason I knew the answer - well, I guess since I knew Israel's colors I would have gotten it.

Ditto. I knew Israeli's flag was blue and white, but until that tweet I didn't know what Nicaragua's was.


But still. I really hate to be fair here...

We'll forgive you this one time. :)

Edited by peeayebee
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On 3/1/2017 at 9:09 AM, Driad said:

A public radio quiz show had a different origin for hoser: When hockey was played outdoors in the winter, before the Zamboni was invented, the team that lost a game had to resurface the ice by spraying water on it from hoses. If that is true, hoser would mean loser but not (necessarily) dishonest.

That makes much more sense. Having enjoyed The Great White North with Bob & Doug Mackenzie many times (and shouldn't one of them have been named Gord?), I'm familiar with the term hoser but would never have got it from the clue.

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I knew Capra immediately because I've seen every one of his movies multiple times (yes, even It's A Wonderful Life) but really didn't think it was an easy clue.  I figured he was passe as a director.

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16 hours ago, peeayebee said:


I guess I'd forgotten Capra was Italian. I couldn't remember any films Stewart was in directed by an Italian. Fellini? De Sica? Bertolucci? None of those sounded right.

I hope Rob sticks around for a while. 

I said Vincente Minelli and I was sure I was right!  I guess Minnelli is a bit younger.  I looked and Jimmy Stewart almost was in one of his films.  Looking at a photo of Capra, wow he could be my grandfather's twin.

A lot of terrible guesses by the lady in the middle. Why are they leaving so many clues?

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