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S08.E16: The Countess Bride

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38 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Except Jules was the one who brought it up. And she was asking like she was confused, not certain the correct way to wipe. I don't know why it's that confusing. I was always told you wipe from the front to the back, so you don't risk contaminating you hoo-ha with bacteria from your rectal area. 

So Jules perfect pistachio is really a UTI/Bladder infectioned Piss-shitz-chio

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19 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Speaking of matches, did Jules really joke about demonstrating to her daughter how to light a match for her horrible farts? I thought I was hallucinating when I heard that. Jules is the epitome of class, unfortunately it's low-class.

Jules also has to teach her that she can't poop or fart and strike a match on Shabbat. Heaven help her when it comes to teaching her daughter about Shark Week.

Edited by Giselle
Shabbat has two B's
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28 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Jules also drank Red Bull at Mohegan Sun during her conversation with Sonja. I've never drank any so is this stuff high in calories and what's in it to give you energy?

Lots of caffeine.   There's a diet version, which I'm guessing is the type Jules drinks.  I think it tastes disgusting.  If she really drank four, as it said in that article, I'm hazzarding a guess that Jules uses it as an appetite suppressant.  Caffeine can do that, along with the adderall.  The woman must have amazing heart palpitations from the combo, which has to add to her anxiety.  

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Dorinda doing the aerobics was one of the best things I have ever seen on RHoNY I laughed out loud that was great! The "back that shit up" & "I made it nice" will take the world by storm!

I sense that Dorinda's a good enough sport that if someone actually Tweeted this idea to her (*nudge nudge*) - or suggested it on Facebook - she might humor us with a short video featuring these RHONY-specific moves :-D 

I bet Andy would be all over it for WWHL too.

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Sonja – I don’t understand where her venom is coming from and who her target is Luanne or Tom.

It seems like Luanne is her target as they know their TH shots will eventually be aired. Before the Joanne dinner, Luanne was the ONLY one in her corner. At that point her TH shots already included Tom was my FWB for over 10 years and she called him my Tom. Luanne was her hangout buddy, stayed at her place, they had that wakeup scene in the bathroom comparing notes, had breakfast together.

The idea that her motivation to go after Lu was to get back into good graces with Bethenny doesn’t ring true. Sonja was on the outs not even speaking to Bethenny. Luanne already invited herself to Mexico, the Berkshires incident was behind them.  So there was no need to treat Luanne that way to get back into good graces with Bethenny.

Fast forward to Black Barn and her TH shots. Shiddy comment about the ring. Shiddy comment of suddenly Luanne was never around when she stayed at the townhouse. If she never expected marriage from Tom herself and it’s someone she just hooked up with occasionally why not just DROP it and be happy for your friend. The article of Tom denying a 10 year FWB relationship came out after the season finished filming, Luanne’s TH of Tom/Sonja being a one time deal had not yet aired.

Forget Gray Gardens. Sonja is going to be Mrs Haversham wearing her crusty Morgan Wedding dress and veil. The fire will start in the hoarders basement of Wesson Oil and be fueled by the dog and cat shit and Pickles’ embroidered JPM pillowcases.

PS Luanne’s ring is a helluva lot nicer than that Promissory/Try not to cheat on you/Commit to you more ring that Harry Doucheblin gave you

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19 minutes ago, archer1267 said:

I sense that Dorinda's a good enough sport that if someone actually Tweeted this idea to her (*nudge nudge*) - or suggested it on Facebook - she might humor us with a short video featuring these RHONY-specific moves :-D 

I bet Andy would be all over it for WWHL too.

Whoever Tweets or Facebooks the suggestion...please request that the If You Don't Wanna Sandwich Don't Make A Sandwich move has some sort of butt wiggle movement as this took place when Dorinda was berating Kristen on John's "pervy move"

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Here is a Fox News story about celebs who wear yellow diamonds:  http://magazine.foxnews.com/style-beauty/kelly-clarkson-and-other-stars-yellow-engagement-rings Hmmmm. . . .just like RH some of those marriages are O-V-E-R.

Luann in her blog stated, Sonja is fixated on the past and Tom.  Further mentioned her comments about the ring were "tasteless".  A few weeks ago Sonja and Luann did this little cutesy  video about who is going to the wedding.  Luann at that point had not committed to Sonja and Sonja went from being honored and a little worried.   My guess is either Sonja forgets about her confessionals or she counts on Luann backing her play, so as not to further embarrass her.

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2 hours ago, HumblePi said:

I just don't like Adam and don't understand what Carole sees in him -- or him in her other than they are both functioning adults that are able to have intercourse.

Adam really does seem like a dim bulb.  I can't believe that Carole and Luanne ended their friendship over him, not to mention that their little feud made them both look childish.  At least Adam seems like a nice guy who has a job.

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4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My mother would have said "the real jewel can't be set in a ring...your husband." (She was a funny lady and a hopeless romantic) but Luann is in love and her ring is lovely, there are no visible inclusions and color is nice not murky at all.  Sonja is totally sour grapes over this. 

My mom would laugh and say, "Well they can eat that ring should they ever run out of money......" when she saw some outrageous stone/ring.


I have watched the episode twice and not seen Fezzik. WTF?

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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

What it boils down to is that with Lu and Tom it's a point blank definition that Sonja's the one you bang whereas Lu is the one you marry.

I'm not saying that that is actually the case but it can't be that far of a thought when a situation like this plays out right in front of you and for others to have a front seat to as well.

I'm not surprised Sonja is feeling a certain kind of way cause no matter how "cool" you are with throwing it around convincing yourself women power and all that seeing how quickly Tom scooped up Lu (who in Sonja's mind isn't anything extremely different or better than her) makes ya wonder what was the deciding factor? What about YOU didn't make the 8 carat cut?

Add that Sonja is probably taking stock of her life as well as the mileage on her pistachio and realizes that maybe men don't really consider her the best catch. Lu may have a healthy sexual appetite but she isn't as gauche about it and doesn't describe her love life in such tasteless ways or is eager to put her sexual conquests on display. There's a difference between being active and being overtly indiscriminate about who you let up in there regularly. I always think about that conversation she had back in seasons past explaining that she labels her men by the days of the week. As in "oh him? He's Tuesday...." I mean come on. Not to mention how quick she is to announce that she's slept with another cast members current love interest or ex or what have you. She's done this over and over again on camera throughout the seasons.

Carole's- Russ

Aviva's- Harry

Lu's- Tom

Kellys- Ex

Anyone else I missed?

Then she wonders why Lu snagged a man while she's pondering what is it about Lu?? No honey what is it about YOU and I think that's were she is right now. It's dawning on her and I think she's lashing out out of embarrassment over the realization that her love life can paint the picture of those old school standards about the one's YOU DON'T bring home to mother. She's sexually free and all that but I don't think she's ever felt that she herself fits in the category of women of ill repute and this it starting to ring some bells in her mind hence the nastiness. Basically the situation implies that Lu's the one worth marrying while Sonja is the one you bang behind closed doors who's mascara is smeared and who has had one too many but is still up for a whirl.

The slam bam thank you ma'am isn't the nicest role. Believe me, been there, done that and Sonja convinces herself that it's all good cause she's a WILLING and KNOWING participant and it's on HER terms but no matter how you slice it small actions or words or routine cliche's from the men still have a sting. Even if they don't mean to. It's the circumstance, the scene that plays out afterwards that stick with you. No matter how nice they try and be or what they say at the end of the day translation? "Thanks for the fuck Sonya, it's been fun, see ya when I see. Til next time, I'll let ya know. I'll call you don't call me" and on and on and on. I get the feeling this has been playing on loop in Sonja's mind lately with this engagement of Lu's.

I can see Tom AND Lu getting over each other reputations on the scene cause I don't think there's anything too scandalous there but then you have Sonja and basically all of her gauche admissions and oversharing to the point I would expect some men may actually be embarrassed to even admit they hit it cause she's a bit distasteful with how she approaches and then relays her love life to the masses.

Toms M/S/K list for the real HWs.....Marry Luann, Shag Sonja and Kill Ramona (with arms length kindness). LOL

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2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Jules also drank Red Bull at Mohegan Sun during her conversation with Sonja. I've never drank any so is this stuff high in calories and what's in it to give you energy?

Red Bull works at giving someone more energy, because it uses ingredients that have been proven time and time again to speed up your heart rate and give that energetic feeling. With the levels of caffeine and sugar in it, it’s just as addicting as some drugs, and you can easily get hooked on the energy you get form it, as well as the sugar and caffeine. Many people get to the point where they say they can’t function at their best without it. Personally, I'd rather have a cup of coffee, I hate the bitter taste of Red Bull.

Edited by HumblePi
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48 minutes ago, BananaRama said:

Adam really does seem like a dim bulb.  I can't believe that Carole and Luanne ended their friendship over him, not to mention that their little feud made them both look childish.  At least Adam seems like a nice guy who has a job.

When did Adam get a job?  He seems to live the high life without much toil.

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48 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Does anyone care who Jules husband's girlfriend is?   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3701619/The-stunning-shrink-having-affair-estranged-husband-RHONY-Jules-Wainstein-revealed-couple-caught-camera-holding-hands-shopping-love-nest.html#ixzz4F4Umcul9  Since she is talking about marital troubles the past couple of episodes - here she is.

Does everyone associated with the show get a Home Goods discount?

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59 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Does anyone care who Jules husband's girlfriend is?   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3701619/The-stunning-shrink-having-affair-estranged-husband-RHONY-Jules-Wainstein-revealed-couple-caught-camera-holding-hands-shopping-love-nest.html#ixzz4F4Umcul9  Since she is talking about marital troubles the past couple of episodes - here she is.

Oh wow...the mistress' husband owns Blue Note and the Standard HighLine Room? 

Not bad.

I love going to the Standard for outdoor drinks in the summer and hit Blue Note whenever there's an interesting Jazz act performing.

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6 hours ago, OhGromit said:

LOL I've always loved aquamarines.  Going engagement ring shopping now, and I want an aquamarine ring cause I love the color of the stone.  And as a bonus.. it's cheap!  But sometimes I chuckle thinking I can tell fancy-judgey-type ladies it's a "blue diamond."  ;-) 

Yes, my birthstone and love them too!  But, not that cheap anymore.  I love a nice size aquamarine surrounded by diamonds, so pretty.

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I didn't watch the Bravos yet, Dorinda really likes catsuits.

Her arms look great but there's something hinky going on with her boob


Edited by KungFuBunny
Sorry read the tweet she posted answered own question
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5 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Lots of caffeine.   There's a diet version, which I'm guessing is the type Jules drinks.  I think it tastes disgusting.  If she really drank four, as it said in that article, I'm hazzarding a guess that Jules uses it as an appetite suppressant.  Caffeine can do that, along with the adderall.  The woman must have amazing heart palpitations from the combo, which has to add to her anxiety.  

Yes, and then there is the fact that she smokes.  Not that I'm judging as I sit outside with my wine and my cigar. 

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14 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

 As a person with no eating issues other than my muffin top and fat ass, I  have found nothing informative as a person who is just a viewer

I have. I think Bethenny and Carole have done a real service to the public this season. They've presented a perfect example of how NOT to handle anyone with an ED. Their shallowness, stupidity and peck-her-to-death energy has been an excellent guide in how not to behave. The sight of them criticizing another woman for lacking self awareness (being such exemplars of personal growth themselves) and not so subtly attacking Jules for being the wrong kind of skinny compared to their morally correct skinny (as their faces grow more plasticized and misshapen by fillers) has been informative as fuck. A Glamour mag "don't" every time they open their sour mouths and warty toads fall out.  I learned plenty watching Bethenny attack a woman with an ED for causing HER pain, and seeing Carole decide that the sight of watching Jules eat is so very hard on her delicate self (as if watching Carole shove slop into her gossipy gob is a morally pleasing experience rivaling that of meeting with the Dalai Lama).

Whatever Jules' problems (and however far she has yet to go in her recovery) at least there might be hope for what ails her.  When it comes to Carole and Bethenny -- two spiritual whores, two moral sluts, two mindfuck dolls -- well, what's the cure for that?

Edited by film noire
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Wow.  The Blue Note.  That brings back some memories from a million years ago.

On the shallow side, Jules is gorgeous.  She really is...  Yeah, too thin but...the new object of Michael's affection, not so much.  But she doesn't seem to have an ED.  Stunning?  Nope.  I hate myself for going there.   I'm being mean.

Oh Sonja, you are jealous.  Yes, you are.  And shame on you because Lu was the only one defending you during the early part of the season.  And now you're coming out with daggers.  The ring, 'your' relationship with Tom...  You want to exude old money but you're not.  Neither is your behavior.  The truth is that you'd grab that eight carrot ring in a nano second but no one is offering one up.

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I think part of the reason Sonja is salty about Luann and Tom, aside from being jealous of their proclaimed hapinesss is that Luann kept Sonja out of the loop while it was going down. Early in the season Luann was staying with Sonja and then all of a sudden she wasn't. Sonja mentioned that Luann didn't say anything about how much she and Tom were seeing each other and since she "knows Tom for over 10 years" she felt she should have been informed. 

I don't get Carol's attraction to Adam- aside from being good in the sack and in the kitchen, he doesn't seem to have much to offer. She could be going through a bit of a midlife crisis and trying to relive the younger days. It makes sense when you consider how unhappy her younger years were. 

Luann said she and Tom are like the opposite sex versions of each other- only two egomaniacs would want to marry themselves! I'm still thinking they have some kind of business arrangement where they both benefit somehow- Lu gets a storyline and some freebies for their wedding and Tom gets publicity. They may really enjoy each other's company and like getting out of the single, dating scene, but for some reason I don't buy the whole " we fell madly in love and are ever so happy " exclamations! 

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On 7/22/2016 at 6:43 AM, motorcitymom65 said:

Why didn't Bravo show us the conversation that Carole had with Jules? Such a big deal has been made about how she feels about C and B, yet we don't get to see that talk. I would have liked to have seen it. It must have ended well, since we saw them having fun together at the Blackjack table. Their body language was good, with them leaning into each other a bit, and Carole touching Jules arm a couple of times. Since the narrative is about how horrible Carole is to Jules, the only indication we get of the talk is when B and C are talking about Jules later on. Frustrating to me. 

Mohegan Sun trip aired scenes were so disjointed.

The bus ride going there garnered more screen time than their actual stay. The bus ride should have taken about 2 ½ hours.

When they went to Bobby Flay’s for dinner, Jules was sitting down as Ramona ordered her mac and cheese with truffle oil. Then the food came and Jules went poof. She was just suddenly NOT there. No exit, no I’m not feeling well, no I can’t eat this because it’s not Kosher, no I’m full, no I already ate, no I have to make a phone call, no I need to use the restroom…nothing.

The table game scene – they meaning production and Mohegan Sun probably limited the amount of time they could film at the table. Carole looks like she was the only winner. Did Dorinda even talk? Sonja should have just done her signature one direction snake move there.  Along with Ramona trying to copy Sonja’s move  and end up looking like she was trying to balance buckets of milk on a stick.

At the end of the first commercial break, we end up at Carole’s apartment. Will we get to see any of it in their Unaired Footage episode?

Looks like 3 more episodes like Bethenny hinted at – somewhere in Florida. I don’t think they go to Hawaii.

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This was the most boring episode ever.....!

Beth, you are a big girl.  You don't need your assistant to hand you your meds like you are a child.  But, you had to get it on camera.  Watching her pack Brynn's clothes was a snooze....BUT, I bought my granddaughter a suitcase just like Brynn's 2 years ago.  That at least got my attention.

Sonja and Ramona.....just shut the fuck up about Tom already.  You two are acting like desperate fools.  Yes Ramona, when you have a party to celebrate something, the guest of honor IS the center of attention.  And Sonja, your TH's about Lu, her engagement and her ring were just mean and jealous.  I thought the ring looked perfectly lovely on camera.

Carole, the gift to Lu was very sweet, but I have to admit, I had to fast forward through your scenes with Adam.

Dorinda, you are the ultimate shit stirrer. Please learn to comb out the back of your hair at the crown.

That trip was so lame.  I at least wanted to see them have some fun....which there has been none of this season.

Is Hawaii really happening?  Is Beth going?

Oh, and Ramona....your "surprise" look in your TH's scare me.  What are you doing to yourself?  Those titties make you look like an old lady, and THAT hair.  UGH!

I was impressed by Beth's headstand.....but time and place ladies, time and place.

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The jealousy that the women are showing towards Lulu is them 'protecting' the group dynamic.

They are afraid that Lu's marriage is going to affect the group dynamic and/or they won't be any more Countess to come out and play with.

They are just scared - they aren't about to share her with anyone.

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On July 21, 2016 at 9:48 AM, StevieRocks said:

Oh, my gosh, it was fun to watch these menopausal hags snarl through gritted teeth and pursed lips that they are "oh so HAPPY for LuAnn!" Bwaaah! Lord, I thought a couple of them were going to give themselves aneurisms.

What does menopausal have to do with anything?

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On July 21, 2016 at 9:33 PM, HumblePi said:

This is Luann's ring and no big deal I have one just like it. Well, almost like it. See the little diamonds on each side? My engagement diamond is exactly like those. Well, almost like those. Cut one of those in half and yes....that's it exactly. See? I told you that my diamond is EXACTLY like Luann's, so no big deal.


That ring is gorgeous! 

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On July 21, 2016 at 0:22 PM, Cherrio said:

Sorry if this has been covered already, but I loved Sonja's comment about Lumanns "murky yellow diamond ring".      Murky is right, in fact I doubt it is even a diamond. Chemically treated sapphire at best, or just a treated topaz.

100% genuine tacky though.

If the engagement is real and they do get married, I think Luann will end up broke.   Luann is dumb. Zero personality, no original thoughts. What does she have to offer besides a B.J. in a restaurant bathroom?

I agree with you 100%. And I hardly ever agree with Ramona, but it does seem to me that Lu loves the idea of Lu being in love, but that Lu is actually not that in love, if at all. She found a guy who seems to want to marry her and seems to have money. She loves being able to tell friends that she now lives in his penthouse.  Even with Alex, she gushed about how the jeweler friend believed Lu should have more carats. 

When Beth was shrieking at Lu at Dorinda's Berkshires house, it became obvious to me how unintelligent Lu is. She had no intelligent retorts. She could only repeat Beth's accusations as questions.  

Carole giving her the crystal heart and saying, "I am happy that you found love," or whatever she said, would have been the perfect moment for Lu to say, "I am happy for you and Adam, too."

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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22 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I agree with you 100%. And I hardly ever agree with Ramona, but it does seem to me that Lu loves the idea of Lu being in love, but that Lu is actually not that in love, if at all. She found a guy who seems to want to marry her and seems to have money. She loves being able to tell friends that she now lives in his penthouse.  Even with Alex, she gushed about how the jeweler friend believed Lu should have more carats. 

When Beth was shrieking at Lu at Dorinda's Berkshire house, it became obvious to me how unintelligent Lu is. She had no intelligent retorts. She could only repeat Beth's accusations as questions.  

Carole giving her the crystal heart and saying, "I am happy that you found love," or whatever she said, would have been the perfect moment for Lu to say, "I am happy for you and Adam, too."

If you followed Luann's social media and press, the romance continues from a European river cruise earlier this year, to the happy couple's presently vacationing in Europe.  Luann and Ramona are polar opposites when it comes to romance.  Their first fight was over giving Bethenny advice after Jason Season 1 dumped her.  Ramona is the self-proclaimed  "manhandler", dating everyone in sight, and not attaching to anyone.  Luann likes spontaneous.  Neither is right or wrong, except Ramona needs to stop telling people how they should be feeling, and how they should behave.  They both had long term marriages and now Luann has moved on to Chapter 2. 

It is funny you say that about Luann being unintelligent.  It really wasn't an intelligent argument, but at one point Bethenny said to Luann, "you are the most intelligent one here," I don't know if she was expecting Luann to go point counterpoint, but Luann has said when people speak untruths about her she doesn't dignify it with a response.  If Luann tried to have someone else weigh in (Dorinda) Bethenny shut her down.  When they were talking about Luann bogarting a single man (when initially meeting him) and she brought up Ramona in T&C, she was again shut down.  I didn't think Bethenny made an intelligent argument and in the  end Bethenny was the married woman "fvcking" a married man.

For some reason it is as if Luann is not allowed happiness because Bethenny, Ramona and originally Carole didn't feel like she deserved it.  I am not sure how that works, if you have to have your heart broken five times, get a case of the clap or have a family member die to find happiness.

1 hour ago, ElDosEquis said:

The jealousy that the women are showing towards Lulu is them 'protecting' the group dynamic.

They are afraid that Lu's marriage is going to affect the group dynamic and/or they won't be any more Countess to come out and play with.

They are just scared - they aren't about to share her with anyone.

I can't imagine why Ramona would feel uncomfortable in Tom's presence, because she was in a serious relationship with someone else while "dating" Tom.  Sonja apparently has been with every man, real or imagined, so I can't see why she would be bothered, Carole won't like the dude no matter what because she just doesn't like long term relationships, Bethenny will have to have him drop to his knees and admit she is the greatest business person ever.  Jules and Dorinda are supportive because that is what you are suppose to do.

Nothing could have proved the point more when the three hags Bethenny, Carole and Ramona started talking about how Luann was excluding herself from the group on favor of spending time with Tom.  This would be the Carole and Bethenny who didn't even bother to RSVP to Luann's cocktail party and no-showed, or the same group of women that voted to not invite Luann and Sonja on their trip that went bust.  Gee, I wonder where Luann gets the idea she is not part of the group?  I think there were some wheels spinning that they better happy up with Luann or the rest of filming was going to be spent on Luann and Tom's romance instead of Bethenny's fibroids.

The dynamic next year may very well be that Sonja and Ramona are the single girls. Oh joy more trips to the Berkshires and Tuesday bus trips to casinos.  

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21 hours ago, BananaRama said:

Adam really does seem like a dim bulb.  I can't believe that Carole and Luanne ended their friendship over him, not to mention that their little feud made them both look childish.  At least Adam seems like a nice guy who has a job.

The guy loves vegatables so much he decided to become one. 

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19 hours ago, DelicateDee said:

Yes, my birthstone and love them too!  But, not that cheap anymore.  I love a nice size aquamarine surrounded by diamonds, so pretty.

That's exactly what I want!  Aquamarine surrounded by diamonds. :-)  You're right, not so cheap.  I was surprised by that. 

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I'm fine with yellow diamonds in the right setting.  My grandmother has a pair of yellow diamond earrings that I think every daughter, grand-daughter and even a few of us grandsons look at in a bit of covetousness. good sized and good clarity but what sets them off is they are set with purple sapphires which really highlights both colors.  They also come with a legendary curse but actually has never panned out.


I just think Sonja is grasping.  She has this deluded sense that her vagina is the golden fleece and all men are jumping on board to pluck it's charms from the lair of a dragon.  There is no dragon though, her fleece is more than a bit natty and I suspect without cameras and some cash the younger 'heroes' that can pull an oar as it were are rowing in any other direction they can.  So along comes Luann with her second post-divorce man in what at least appears more than a one night hook up or someone solely with her to preen for the cameras.  The diamond slur was the first thing she can think of.

To be honest, I think Luann does put too much worth into being with a man.  Problem is so do pretty much all the other women.  None of them seem to take a breath from one break up to another.  Even Carole once she stepped back into the serious dating arena gave a history that sounded like one would end and she would initiate another.  She seemed proud of that but I think she was trying to sell herself as this strong woman who could do the pursuing but it came off to me like she was determined to always have a 'plus one' and not just a casual friend for that either.  


And I do hate the whole 'you're just jealous' as a feeble attempt to dispel criticism.  But I also think Frankel, Ramona and Sonja are jealous.   Not of Tom himself or even what he represents, but the ease with which Luann seems to be able to find someone she either is or can at least enjoyably pretend is the guy for her.  Frankel has to hide hers; in both cases post-divorce she gravitated to situations that were a bit unsavory in my opinion to say the least.  Ramona and Sonja I think are just too well past the point of having many options.  In this age, both are too easily googled and just have too much out there thanks to this very show as to their nature and foibles.  At this rate they need to start looking for the men in wheel chairs, half blind and can't hear looking for cleavage and blond hair to spoon in their mushy peas.  And that is pretty fucking sad but both seem to have some sort of criteria for long term that I think they don't have the wherewithal personality wise to match or land.

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1 hour ago, OhGromit said:

That's exactly what I want!  Aquamarine surrounded by diamonds. :-)  You're right, not so cheap.  I was surprised by that. 

Best wishes, Gromit! And happy ring hunting (this is from Tiffany's -- just under 6 K with tax -- not so cheap indeed :) 


Edited by film noire
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On 7/21/2016 at 6:39 AM, abbottrabbit said:

And I'm apparently going out on this limb alone here, but I thought it was pretty clear that Jules was kidding when she asked the woman about how to wipe? It came RIGHT AFTER the clip where she asked her to teach Rio to light a match when she pooped because Rio "ripped 'em" like an adult man. There was even a talking head between the two where she said if she was going to pay $2000 for a potty consultant, she was at least going to have some fun with her. 

Now that said: paying $2000 for a potty consultant is clearly a massive waste of money, but do you really think Jules has been wandering around with staff infections of a personal nature for the last 30+ years because she wiped the poo forward? Come on. 

Yes, as even Bethenny attests to, Jules is self-deprecating. This bit would fit with that.

I also wouldn't balk to pay a premium to get that necessary task done quickly and painlessly if I were living in a top income bracket. The price is excessive for most, but obviously not for them. And when you compare it to...say, a designer t-shirt at that price, it's actually a worthwhile investment compared to yet another pretty material object they could buy.

6 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

When Beth was shrieking at Lu at Dorinda's Berkshire house, it became obvious to me how unintelligent Lu is. She had no intelligent retorts. She could only repeat Beth's accusations as questions.  

Carole giving her the crystal heart and saying, "I am happy that you found love," or whatever she said, would have been the perfect moment for Lu to say, "I am happy for you and Adam, too."

She showed a lot of poise and grace in standing her ground amid the sudden verbal abuse and not breaking down until Hurricane Bethenny passed through. It's hard to be witty while fighting back tears during an onslaught you weren't expecting. (I think it's also a given that none of these ladies are particularly intelligent with varying degrees of airheadedness but they're all somewhat savvy socially, which is what they're supposed to be. Only Bethenny & Carole seem to pride themselves on their purported intelligence but we've also seen them demonstrate their fair share of stupidity.) 

I also don't think Lu needed to be the gracious one any more than she already has been in chasing Princess Carole around to repeatedly beg for forgiveness. More importantly, though, I question the sincerity since Carole only changed her unforgiving attitude once Lu's story threatened to eclipse everyone else's. It's as if she just found another ass to crawl up.

Edited by anonymiss
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I think Lu's restraint in not trading barbs with Bethennny in the Berkshires, actually shows that Lu does have class.  You can't argue with crazy, and why escalate the situation further?  Especially when you are a guest in someone's home.

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On 7/22/2016 at 0:40 AM, breezy424 said:

According to Jule's blog her daughter 'attained' potty training in two days.  Let's face it.  Some kids are potty trained at 18 months (and you have to hear the mother mention it any chance she gets) and some are by three years.  Maybe it's me but I don't know of any kid who isn't 'trained' by the time they start kindergarten or pre kindergarten.  Showing your kid on the potty...WTF are you thinking.  Jules went from up here to down there so quickly I almost had air sickness.

Apparently, Beth's mother gave a number of pictures of Beth as a child to show that life wasn't as bad as Beth portrays it. 


She does seem so unhappy.  Not many smiles going on for moments that she should be happy.  It's very confusing for me.  But then again, looking at Beth over the years on Bravo, there's so many scenes where she not very happy either.  Obviously, her childhood was not the worst but it but she's so haunted by it despite her success.  The only insight to me is that because she still demonstrates her unhappiness on Bravo shows over the years, she's just one of those people who thinks she's so different from other people and that she is a special snowflake.   She's admitted to being a perfectionist.  I guess she expects her life to be that too.  Life doesn't evolve around you.  You evolve around the world and what it presents... No one is perfect, nor  is life.

Bethenny was a cute kid. I wonder how old she was when the Demons took possession of her soul?

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On 21.7.2016 at 3:46 AM, Knuckles said:

I really felt for Jules' child in that episode. This is the kind of thing kids will hammer her daughter with in school...and yes, they will find it. Parents used to just embarrass their kids with shots of a naked baby on a rug...but this is unfair to the child. And, isn't this something a parent should manage together with her child...I've somewhat vague on this, but I recall from college psych 101 that toilet training is a big deal in child development...not a public spectacle. Of course, it turns out Jules is clueless on basic hygiene...I just can't with this.

Sonja, at first trying to stop Ramona from getting into Tom's business, surprisingly showing some sense.


Thankfully the cute little girl actually did very well, so hopefully she won´t be too scarred. But I agree that stuff like this is the worst and I don´t get how any caring parent could be stupid enough to do this to their child!! It´s a big fail in more ways than one.

And Ramona, well this is what makes Ramona so great. She can so easily do a 180 from crazy to sensible, mean to nice, and lots of other ways, yet still keeping it funny and entertaining. She goes to the edge, dangles her feet yet she never falls over.

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19 hours ago, breezy424 said:


On the shallow side, Jules is gorgeous.  She really is...  Yeah, too thin but...the new object of Michael's affection, not so much.  But she doesn't seem to have an ED.  Stunning?  Nope.  I hate myself for going there.   I'm being mean.


I agree.  I didn't really see the beauty of Jules until the last several episodes.  She really is beautiful.

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12 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:


I don't get Carol's attraction to Adam- aside from being good in the sack and in the kitchen, he doesn't seem to have much to offer. She could be going through a bit of a midlife crisis and trying to relive the younger days. It makes sense when you consider how unhappy her younger years were. 

I think it's an ego stroke mostly.  That she still *has it."   

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I'm just watching this episode and I'm 1/2 way through.  I just had to pop over here to say that I'm TIRED of watching Dorinda's mouth with food in it (and sometimes on her lip)!  She's always talking to someone at a little restaurant and doing so much advising and talking and EATING--- didn't her Mom teach her it's not polite to speak with food in her mouth?!  Bleeeach. 

Also, she needs to stop taking naps in her recliner right before filming.  I know that parted hair in the back look-- she's been dozing in her recliner!  Spritz and comb that out, girl.  Otherwise, she's ok.  A little talkie, but ok.

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2 hours ago, halkatla said:


Thankfully the cute little girl actually did very well, so hopefully she won´t be too scarred. But I agree that stuff like this is the worst and I don´t get how any caring parent could be stupid enough to do this to their child!! It´s a big fail in more ways than one.

And Ramona, well this is what makes Ramona so great. She can so easily do a 180 from crazy to sensible, mean to nice, and lots of other ways, yet still keeping it funny and entertaining. She goes to the edge, dangles her feet yet she never falls over.

I'm not getting your point?  What did Beth's mom do to her?  Beth's mom was mum for a number of years regarding her daughter.  Her mom never initiated anything about Beth.  I think her first public reaction was after Beth wrote A Place of Yes in which she slammed her mother.  And then we have all the therapy sessions on Bethenny Ever After in which she talks about her horrible childhood.  A some point, a person does have the right to react and to defend them self.  And when her mother first  did that, Beth declared that she hated her on Bethenny Ever After.  How dare her mother respond to what Beth had written or said despite Beth opening that door publicly.  Beth's version is the 'only' version as far as Beth is concerned.  And Beth contradicts herself a lot when it comes to her childhood. 

And now the latest is that Beth 'needs' to tell the world that she called her mother because Bryn asked about it.  Did that news come from Beth's mother?  No.  Why the heck did Beth feel the need to share that with the world.  Did Beth's mom react after Beth shared that?  Yes.  She has every right to because Beth opened that door by talking about it.

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3 minutes ago, breezy424 said:
3 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

What did Beth's mom do to her?

That was from a post I wrote on Jules letting a consultant and a film crew in to watch her daughter on the toilet. I found it an incredibly poor decision on Jules' part. it had nothing to do with Beth or her mother.

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From Carole's Blog:

I just want to say that from an early age, my parents instilled in me the values that you work hard for want you want in life; that your word is your bond; that you do what you say you will do and you treat people with respect. That includes Housewives too!

I set out to build a life guided by these principals because I want other peoples children in our nation to know that the only limit to their achievements is the strength of their dreams and their willingness to work for them. One day if they work hard and dream big, they too may achieve greatness as a reality star or even a reality star/President.

She's a 'writer'?  You work hard for want you want?  Other peoples children?  Lazy or high? 

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1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

From Carole's Blog:

I just want to say that from an early age, my parents instilled in me the values that you work hard for want you want in life; that your word is your bond; that you do what you say you will do and you treat people with respect. That includes Housewives too!

I set out to build a life guided by these principals because I want other peoples children in our nation to know that the only limit to their achievements is the strength of their dreams and their willingness to work for them. One day if they work hard and dream big, they too may achieve greatness as a reality star or even a reality star/President.

She's a 'writer'?  You work hard for want you want?  Other peoples children?  Lazy or high? 

The hell is she babbling about?  Jeez, has living in Bethenny's asshole & shilling for Satan Andy just made the woman go completely insane?  She does know she's not Ivanka, right?  And yeah, what work -- other than butt-munching Bethenny & Satan Andy?  Ah, well, that must be wearying.  Still, her choice to do that shit, so not one bit of sympathy from me.

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2 hours ago, breezy424 said:

 Lazy or high? 

Likely both, but in that passage, she's riffing on the stolen-from-Michelle-Obama part of Melania's speech.

Edited by film noire
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5 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I'm not getting your point?  What did Beth's mom do to her? 

I was talking about Jules potty training her daughter on a tv show, I thought that was especially thoughtless of her.

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5 hours ago, breezy424 said:

From Carole's Blog:

I just want to say that from an early age, my parents instilled in me the values that you work hard for want you want in life; that your word is your bond; that you do what you say you will do and you treat people with respect. That includes Housewives too!

I set out to build a life guided by these principals because I want other peoples children in our nation to know that the only limit to their achievements is the strength of their dreams and their willingness to work for them. One day if they work hard and dream big, they too may achieve greatness as a reality star or even a reality star/President.

She's a 'writer'?  You work hard for want you want?  Other peoples children?  Lazy or high? 

She never said she was an editor. In her second paragraph, she's clearly making a meta joke about Milana Trump plagiarizing Michelle Obama.

I don't always like Carole, but for the most part I get her sense of humor. Jules' sense of humor, on the other hand, is an immense mystery to me. The joke about lighting a match was decently funny. If the question about wiping direction was intended as a joke, I think it fell extremely flat. I find that Jules' worst jokes suggest that she's grotesquely incompetent or unbalanced. She's doing herself no favors joking like that. However if she had turned to the potty training consultant and said "I'm paying you a thousand bucks a day. Are you going to teach her how to use the three seashells?" I would have died laughing.

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