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S18.E10: Power of Veto 3

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Paul, I sort of want to like you (the music strategy for the competition was clever, if ultimately ineffective) but I'm going to need you to stop the casual arm across the back of the couch when sitting next to Bronte. Unless you two have a secret showmance I don't know about from the feeds, that is. Otherwise, it's the high school boy version of manspreading, and I find it creepy and invasive.

Oh, Tiffany...I knew Vanessa, Vanessa was a friend of mine, and you, ma'am, etc. This may be a mercy eviction (unless Da'vonne "flips the script")

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All I can really say is Woooow.

I'd read that Bridget reacted well when Frank told her he put her and her friend on the block through RK, but watching it stunned me. There is something wrong with that girl.

Also Bronte taking her shirt off while asking James who the RK winner was. Again, these women make me feel uncomfortable. I'm a woman but I just don't relate to how they play. Maybe the house makes people crazy. I feel so bad that they have to watch this with their families maybe when they get home.

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Bridgette is fucking stupid. 

Glad Natalie didn't tell her and has Frank's number, now if only she could tell Bronte and bring Bronte over with her and James.

I'm sick of showmances, learn how to play the game your own way without some dick or needing someone to cuddle with. 

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If they show an old clip of Frankie three times in a season, does he magically appear? Please say no. I don't want to hear about anyone shining bright like a Frankie, thank you very much.

I really can't wait for a new HoH. Bridgette's giggle reign has lasted long enough. Watching her and Frank snuggled in bed together made me feel vaguely nauseous. 

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Bronte's "big revelation" bit fell flat as a pancake. They didn't use the record needle scratch when she admitted to being a "secret nerd" and they should have. It was dumb to watch on the live feeds and it was still dumb on tonight's broadcast, especially because they were obviously going for a "poignancy" feel (cue the tinkling piano) with Bronte sadly claiming nobody really "knew" her and thus she was gathering the strength and courage to change that. 

And that Outback pimping was excruciating. Couldn't they at least have flown over someone cute from one of those soaps Down Under like Neighbours or Home & Away to be the host? Wasn't a Hemsworth brother available?

I bet they'll be pimping the new CBS series Bull on the HGs later this summer. Maybe Michael Weatherley will host a Veto competition.

Edited by TimWil
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That whole episode was cringeworthy. From the Frank/Bridget pillow talk to the Paul and Paulie smug idiocy just blech.

6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I don't want to hear about anyone shining bright like a Frankie, thank you very much.

I really can't wait for a new HoH. Bridgette's giggle reign has lasted long enough. Watching her and Frank snuggled in bed together made me feel vaguely nauseous. 

Maybe if he was on fire??

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Why is Bridgette laying ON frank in bed?  I thought she couldn't even share a bed with a man because of her boyfriend?  Now I'm seeing her arms around Frank in bed and her face smushed into his chest.  

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15 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Dear BB Participants of the Male Persuasion:

 While you may be boys in manner, you are not--and will never be be--"my boy" so please stop addressing yourself as such.

So much yes! 

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Holy shit... that was some nauseating pillow talk. It's like that one friend who everyone knows is going with the wrong guy but you're all powerless to stop it because of the huge blinders they have on. You can only be there to pick up the pieces later on. And Bridg? Take Frank breaking your ankle 'celebrating' as an omen, a foreshadowing... this will not be the last 'break' you get from Frank. He's 100% playing you, and hard. And you just keep giving him more and more reason to keep on with it. It's repulsive. Not a few great weeks for Frank as far as character goes.

I'm happy to send the mathematician home just so I don't have to hear that voice anymore. Seriously. Enough. I thought she was either gay or had cancer or something significant not that she was... really into math. Huh? What??

Ugh. This house this year... I dunno if I'm going to make it.

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So Bridgett has literally been brain washed, right? That was cray cray when her eye was open when she found Frank was Roadkill the first week. After, he actually physically hurt her. Granted it was an accident but he he hurt her. So bizarre!!!!!!!!

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I was hoping Bronte's 'big reveal' was that she's been faking her squeaky voice and that from here on out she decided she's going to talk in her normal, non-squeaky voice. Bummer.  :/ 

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2 minutes ago, J.D. said:

I was hoping Bronte's 'big reveal' was that she's been faking her squeaky voice and that from here on out she decided she's going to talk in her normal, non-squeaky voice. Bummer.  :/ 

Like when Jean Stapleton wasn't Edith Bunker.

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Oh, wow - I missed the Frankie sighting somehow.  Grateful for that.  Bridgette - in the infamous (paraphrased) words of that fool Alison from BB4 / Allstars, "I hope you take that second place prize money and go buy yourself some dignity".  She's gonna be so embarrassed after this. 

Oh - and I like James and Natalie - they seem very, like, normal together.

Edited by lyric
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Bronte's "big revelation" bit fell flat as a pancake. They didn't use the record needle scratch when she admitted to being a "secret nerd" and they should have.

...especially since 


I've been poking around the web and there's no indication that this is true. Bronte is a sometimes model who studied theater at an arts college.

I found tonight's show easier to follow when I substituted the word  "Frank" any time Bridget said "I."

Even her diary rooms are dead-eyed and robotic. Infuriating. 


Oh - and I like James and Natalie - they seem very, like, normal together.

Me too. Natalie seems to be a lot more on-the-ball than I had given her credit for.

Edited by Mumbles
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2 hours ago, lids said:

Also Bronte taking her shirt off while asking James who the RK winner was

That was very strange.  She didn't even seem like she was doing it seductively, it was like she was treating him like one of the girls, changing in front of him, as if it was no big deal, while asking him for info.   And what the heck was she doing?  she  changed her shirt, but took her bra straps down, looked like she was taking her bra off, but then just re-adjusted the straps, and put another shirt on.   All while having a conversation!  Who does that? 

It was like "tell me who won the RK.   want to see my tits? are you looking?  if you look you have to tell me!"

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I wish it was a game rule that anybody who calls themselves "your boy" gets an automatic nomination.  None of these people are my boy but they keep telling me that they're all my boy. 

I posted this before reading the thread.  I didn't realize that @Maverick said the same thing.  

Edited by Maharincess
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I will not give Frank credit for "misting" Bridgette. Bridgette required no misting. She's an idiot who exemplifies the kind of mental weakness that puts her Spy Girl alliance in danger. I can only hope Natalie brings Bronte over and  they work with the rest to get Frank out. 

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I thought Bridgette was an ER nurse. Doesn't that call for quick thinking, clear headedness and cool judgement? She must be the worst ER nurse ever!

Frank tells her he put up her bestie. Giggles and snuggles.

Frank tells her he put her up. Giggles and snuggles.

Frank body slams her; breaks her ankle. Giggles and snuggles.

Is he going to have to massacre her family before she sees him for what he is?


I thought she had sworn undying vengeance against whoever it was that put Bronte on the block. Hmpf.

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Maybe TPTB are withholding Bridgette's DRs sharing that she's pretend mesmerizing with Frank in order to keep the Spy Girls from being voted out.  (I don't watch the live feeds or read those threads, so it's speculation.)  But another explanation is that major parts of BB18 plot are scripted

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4 minutes ago, K-9 said:

Maybe TPTB are withholding Bridgette's DRs sharing that she's pretend mesmerizing with Frank in order to keep the Spy Girls from being voted out.  (I don't watch the live feeds or read those threads, so it's speculation.)  But another explanation is that major parts of BB18 plot are scripted

I sure hope that this is the case. Otherwise...ugh. I suspect quite a few of us have been where Bridgette is to our deep embarrassment years later: naive, desperately willing something to be true ("he likes me!", "he wants only the best for me even when he's mean!"). The pity for her is that she's going through this on TV. She makes me sad, and irritated, but mostly sad. I really hope it's an act.

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25 minutes ago, Rosebud1970 said:

I thought Bridgette was an ER nurse. Doesn't that call for quick thinking, clear headedness and cool judgement? She must be the worst ER nurse ever!


Seeing as Nicole's a nurse and doesn't have any quick thinking, clear headedness and cool judgment, I guess not.

Bronte complaining that she feels alone doesn't make me feel much sympathy, as much as the music tried to make me. It's week three/week four. If you haven't made more allies besides Natalie, Bridgette, and Paul, that's on you.

I rolled by eyes at the Secret Nerd segment. Mostly because of Bronte saying "way more stronger". Also, Bronte 'flirting' with James by taking her shirt off? My god, I'm so glad James saw right through it.

Frank/Bridgette really grosses me out. Bridgette's an absolute moron who doesn't deserve to be in this house. It's not just trusting Frank, either. She's just bad at her social game. She doesn't seem to talk to anyone. Bronte, either. Both of them seem really secluded from the rest of the house. At least Natalie has James.

Speaking of those two, their phone call conversation was all kinds of adorable. I'm glad James gave her some vital information, and that she kept it secret. Also, Natalie looked super cute in the DR. 

Frank feels kind of responsible for Bridgette's injury. Only kind of. Of course. It's not like he's the one that landed on Bridgette's ankle or anything. Jackass.

Finally, GO AWAY FRANKIE. Paul, you suck for mentioning Frankie. 

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58 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Frank could run over Bridget's mom and Bridgette would be okay with it. damn.

But, to be fair, he only ran over her mom so that Bridgette could find her strength as an independent  orphan who doesn't need anyone to take care of her!  She wouldn't only be OK with it, she'd thank him.

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Bronte was taking off her sports bra and putting on a regular bra at the same time so she wasn't naked in front of the cameras (hook up regular bra, shimmy it up under sports bra, take off sports bra, put on bra straps ...). There's some interesting clothes changing in the BB house of that nature. Reminded me of a friend that put on a bikini on the beach while wearing jeans and never took her jeans off lol.

Bridgette is just ... I was really hoping we'd getting a talking head from her vowing to take Frank out and she was faking her compliance, but no. She's a brainwashed idiot. I had second hand embarrassment watching her.

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What I want to know is - how did the Spy Girls not already know that Bronte is a math genius? Or who won the BBRK? I mean, they are SPIES, for God's sake! 

So there's a very interesting dynamic going on with those 3 girls. Two of them have close (or what they think is close) friendships with a male from the Eight Pack. Natalie's bond with James is obviously a lot more authentic and helpful, since he is clearly looking out for her. And vice versa, since she didn't throw him under the bus with her girls. '

But Bridgette - she is a delusional mess. Frank is clearly using her and she doesn't get it at all. I loved that moment when she's just laying there, head on his chest, practically asleep and he whispers - "I won the RK" and her eye pops open! That was some straight up horror movie shit right there. But the scariest part was, she didn't even care, and just laughed about it like that was her plan all along. So he further confesses that he actually put HER up on the block and that causes her snuggle up on him even more? What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with her? This is the girl. A guy could murder someone on her behalf (like her boss who passed her over for promotion) and she'd fall at his feet in gratitude. She crazy. 

And Frank of all people. He just makes me ill. It's getting to the point where I don't even know if I want to finish watching, because just the sight of him and how he waltzes around like he's running everything makes me sick. He is so self-centered and thinks he's just awesome, to the point where his little "bro" stunts are breaking girls's ankles. Not cool, Frank. My only hope is that Mama Day will rally the troops and somehow get him out next week. I don't think I can stomach him all summer. 

Also, I'm going to need a blanket moratorium on this whole "your boy" thing. When did that become a thing????

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37 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I am surprised that it took this long for someone to get hurt doing that stupid jumping and bumping celebration crap. 

I know it happens in the pro sports arena so it was bound to happen on BB. Of course, that's usually man on man. Big Frank may have been too much for Bridgett to handle. LOL!!

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Bridgette could have used the PoV to take down Bronte and forced Frank to openly make a move on Natalie.  Instead I speculate, without having watched any live-feed or after and not reading the spoiler thread:

Bridgette knows the simplest thing to do is make it easier for Frank because Tiffany is supposedly the big target.  If not, then Paul has ruffled some HGs (and lots of viewers) way more than Bronte.  Now, I could be giving way too much credit to Bridgette to be thinking this through, giving what the network broadcast showed of her in this episode.  But I don't think Bridgette is that taken by Frank.  It would be amazing if it is Bridgette that is pulling the wool over Frank's eyes!!

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10 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Me too. Natalie seems to be a lot more on-the-ball than I had given her credit for.

Thirding you guys. There really seems to a mutual respect between those two. And I was worried Natalie would run back to the Spy Girls and tell them everything James told her. But she has proved smarter than that. She must realize that James is someone she can trust a lot more than those idiots. 

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Seeing as Nicole's a nurse and doesn't have any quick thinking, clear headedness and cool judgment, I guess not.

Nicole is not a nurse.  She sits on top  of the ambulance and makes that siren sound. 

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Like many others have already said, watching Frank with Bridgett was just bizarre. Not only was she not angry with him revealing he secretly nominated her and her best friend, but she was actually grateful. I don't get the hold he has on her. He's not some gorgeous, smooth-talking charmer. In fact, most of the girls in the house seem to actually be repulsed by him due to his unwanted rough and sexual actions towards them that was shown last week. It reminds me of those girls who are in relationships with shitty guys, buy for whatever reason they are so in love and so invested in the relationship that they simply refuse to acknowledge how bad he is for her, no matter how many red flags pop up, or how much her friends try to warn her. I have no doubt that Frank will cut her loose the second it's in his interest to do so. And she will probably giggle and thank him on her way out the door. 

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47 minutes ago, JZone said:

It reminds me of those girls who are in relationships with shitty guys, buy for whatever reason they are so in love and so invested in the relationship that they simply refuse to acknowledge how bad he is for her, no matter how many red flags pop up, or how much her friends try to warn her.

Yes, in a relationship, she's the girl who says "If my guy ever cheats on me, that's it! It would be over! I'd kill him!" 

Then he says "I cheated on you"   and she says "Oh honey thank you for being honest, I love you more for trusting me with the truth, it will make us stronger."  (giggle)

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48 minutes ago, sharkfan said:

Bridgette is just bizarre - one minute she's cursing like a sailor on shore leave, and the next she's giggling and squirming like a 3 year old who needs to use the bathroom.

She actually reminds me more of a cartoon sailor when she's mad... or one of those cartoon villains on a super G rated kids movie. "I'm so gosh darn mad. If I find out who the rascal is that nominated my friend, they sure are in a heck of a lot of trouble". 

I totally agree though. I don't watch the feeds so all episode I was hoping so much that she would find out it was Frank who won the RK and nominated Bronte, since she swore up and down she would get revenge on whoever did it. The actual reveal could not have been anymore anti-climatic. I mean, she actually thanked him. I could get if she was playing it cool to keep him on her side, but secretly wanting revenge (kinda like Da' does). But nope. "Frank knows best" apparently. 

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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

What I want to know is - how did the Spy Girls not already know that Bronte is a math genius? Or who won the BBRK? I mean, they are SPIES, for God's sake! 

Well... they never said they were particularly GOOD spies....  ;>



But Bridgette - she is a delusional mess. Frank is clearly using her and she doesn't get it at all. I loved that moment when she's just laying there, head on his chest, practically asleep and he whispers - "I won the RK" and her eye pops open! That was some straight up horror movie shit right there. 

I am so happy I wasn't the only one who thought this.  Bride of Frankenstein's one exposed eyelid flew up like a window shade, and I heard a "DUM DUMMM!!!" so loud I wasn't sure if it was in my head or if Production had spliced in a sound-over. I'm still not sure.



But the scariest part was, she didn't even care, and just laughed about it like that was her plan all along. So he further confesses that he actually put HER up on the block and that causes her snuggle up on him even more? What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with her? This is the girl. A guy could murder someone on her behalf (like her boss who passed her over for promotion) and she'd fall at his feet in gratitude. She crazy. 

To be fair, I think this was immediately after the Outback thingie.  A few oversized steins of Australian lager may have been an ameliorating factor.


Aside: Bride constantly reminds me of the "You loved Brad" girl in the Liberty Mutual insurance ads.  

Both give off the same creeeeeepySTALKERRRR!!! vibe.

Edited by Nashville
Added linky
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58 minutes ago, sharkfan said:

Bridgette is just bizarre - one minute she's cursing like a sailor on shore leave, and the next she's giggling and squirming like a 3 year old who needs to use the bathroom.

Reading that, it suddenly occurred to me... could there be a twin twist this time around?  Hidden even from the viewers?

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33 minutes ago, kassa said:

Reading that, it suddenly occurred to me... could there be a twin twist this time around?  Hidden even from the viewers?

Well that would be a revelation (and this show could not have restrained themselves from telling us for this long...) but I think we're dealing with simple 'ole psychosis here. And word to JZone she is the kind of girl who says "oh fudge!" a lot.

Also, if Frank gets voted out next week Bridg will wrap herself around one of his legs and demand he can't go. Frank will have to shuffle toward the door before her Spy Girls peel her off or Big Brother demands she let go so Frank can go to his Chenterview.

39 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Both give off the same creeeeeepySTALKERRRR!!! vibe.

Hah, totally, and I agree with you about 'Brad' as well. I think she was the girl that inspired this Stalker song!

Edited by Wandering Snark
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17 hours ago, Callaphera said:

If they show an old clip of Frankie three times in a season, does he magically appear? Please say no. I don't want to hear about anyone shining bright like a Frankie, thank you very much.

In much the same way the Candyman appears when you say his name 5 times...

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