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Season 7: Let the flirting begin...

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If you guys could only keep 5-7 episodes from this season, which would they be?!


I can only think of two, but let me look at an episode list to see if there are more I liked than I'm remembering offhand:


The Goldberg Variation

Je Souhaite


Yeah, I'm still at two.  Some of them I haven't seen (this is the season when I finally quit watching the show altogether, after a couple of years of waning interest), and I'm sure some of the others were perfectly good episodes, but those are the only ones I remember truly liking.

So I've been out sick and watch X-Files that I didn't like in the past. Season 9 wasn't quite so awful so I went to FPS in S7, which I hated back in the day. Dear God, it was worse than I remember-even the Gunmen couldn't help it. I noted that the writers never wrote for the show and it showed. Complete with the most overt sexism ever, we have a female techie whose idea of a "goddess" is a women Ina barely there leotard and high heeled boots. That's who she wants to be?! Only a guy would think that. Add in a OOC Mulder who suddenly loves video games, even though he's never before played them or even had a game station on the show. Finally add in a completely bad ass shooting Scully who now becomes the game "goddess" and the garbled nonsense of Mulder's ending soliloquy andI could hardly wait for it to be over. Ugh!

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So I've been out sick and watch X-Files that I didn't like in the past. Season 9 wasn't quite so awful so I went to FPS in S7, which I hated back in the day. Dear God, it was worse than I remember-even the Gunmen couldn't help it. I noted that the writers never wrote for the show and it showed. Complete with the most overt sexism ever, we have a female techie whose idea of a "goddess" is a women Ina barely there leotard and high heeled boots. That's who she wants to be?! Only a guy would think that. Add in a OOC Mulder who suddenly loves video games, even though he's never before played them or even had a game station on the show. Finally add in a completely bad ass shooting Scully who now becomes the game "goddess" and the garbled nonsense of Mulder's ending soliloquy andI could hardly wait for it to be over. Ugh!


I know! That one makes me cringe! Add in the characters name... Jade Blue Afterglow. I mean... WTF?! O_o That's just blatant sexism, pure and simple. No excuse for it.

I think the episode would have been a lot better if they had played it more as a comedy. Then the sexist stereotypes would have been more forgivable and maybe the episode would have been at least a little bit entertaining. 

I HATE the end with the Scully-inspired video game vixen. I didn't need to see that.


On a related note, the guest starring actor on the episode posted about it on reddit:


I'm an actor. I live in LA. I did this job like 14 years ago. People hated the episode when it came out. I thought it was really good. It was cool to be directed by Chris Carter. It's on my reel. I was on The X- Files.


The first night I worked we shot all night till 5am. I spent most of the time napping on a little couch in my honeywagon. Everyone was really nice and total pros. Guest starring on a show like that is sort of like jumping onto a moving train. The biggest scene I had with Gillian we never rehearsed. She was on old pro after seven seasons. She came onto the set wearing a full length down coat because the soundstages are pretty chilly ( this was at Fox in West LA). She took off her coat handed it to her assistant and we shot the scene in like three takes, she put on her coat back on and that was that. She was back in her trailer. She was very friendly and professional and sharp as a tack. I had to be at the top of my game to keep up with her. When I lived in NYC on St. Marks Place she worked at a restaurant called DOJO which was in the building I lived in. So we joked about how how people wouldn't eat there if they could see the kitchen. She was in a play called Absent Friends which was on Bway the same time I was in a play called Lost in Yonkers on Bway so we talked about that a little so I found a little common ground but she was super super busy so we didn't socialize very much. Duchovney was really cool as well. His buddy Garry Shandling was on the set the day I worked with him so it was a very fun work environment. That's all I can think of right now. The Lone Gunmen were super cool, nice Canadian guys. Sorry their spin off didn't do better.

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My XFiles rewatching of unpopular episodes ends with Fight Club and I think the first rule of the movie pretty well sums it up. Don't talk about Fight Club. Unlike the goofy FPS or even the purple prose of TN1, there was nothing remotely funny about this one-note to CC- leave the comedy to others.

My view is tainted because I'm not a Kathy Griffith fan but here she plays the non maternal twins as so alike that you really can't tell the difference. But it's not only her, even GA and DD seem unnaturally forced like they don't believe the dialogue. The only person I liked was the hapless wrestler boyfriend. It didn't help that Carter's script was about as repetitive as Monday without the polish. I saw what would happen next-one twin comes into shop sees boyfriend goes out then other twin comes in-all hell breaks loose. Rinse, repeat. It reminded me of Synergy only in that episode, there was an explanation for it. Here- it just happened and will keep happening.

I don't think beating people up is funny so the ending scene with Mulder and Scully beat up seemed odd-haha they got into the fight...:(. And the belligerent father who was supposed to be funny just seemed juvenile. While Carter can write good drama-he doesn't have the sly humor of a Morgan or Gilligan and it showed. Luckily, I'm done with the bad stories.

My XFiles rewatching of unpopular episodes ends with Fight Club and I think the first rule of the movie pretty well sums it up. Don't talk about Fight Club. Unlike the goofy FPS or even the purple prose of TN1, there was nothing remotely funny about this one-note to CC- leave the comedy to others.

My view is tainted because I'm not a Kathy Griffith fan but here she plays the non maternal twins as so alike that you really can't tell the difference. But it's not only her, even GA and DD seem unnaturally forced like they don't believe the dialogue. The only person I liked was the hapless wrestler boyfriend. It didn't help that Carter's script was about as repetitive as Monday without the polish. I saw what would happen next-one twin comes into shop sees boyfriend goes out then other twin comes in-all hell breaks loose. Rinse, repeat. It reminded me of Synergy only in that episode, there was an explanation for it. Here- it just happened and will keep happening.

I don't think beating people up is funny so the ending scene with Mulder and Scully beat up seemed odd-haha they got into the fight...:(. And the belligerent father who was supposed to be funny just seemed juvenile. While Carter can write good drama-he doesn't have the sly humor of a Morgan or Gilligan and it showed. Luckily, I'm done with the bad stories.


Fair point. He tried in IWTB humor wise and it showed too. He just isn't that good in that area.


As for FPS being goofy... no no. It wasn't that imo. It was sexist, period. No excuse for it.

This is the season I quit watching, although I don't remember specifically when I threw in the towel altogether




Me too. I think I stopped watching at the end of the season but it may have been earlier. I'm currently on my second rewatch and don't even remember most of the episodes.


I just read Jessica's TWoP recap of all things, and it was so much more entertaining than the actual episode. Comedy gold!


On another note, I should avoid watching Donnie Pfaster episodes before bed *shudders*.

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So Fight Club is up today in the social media rewatch. I never liked it much, except for the flirty scene in the office in the beginning. But I'm in a bad mood and maybe watching angry people take their emotions out on other people will be cathartic. And since I don't remember much, maybe the few moments we get between M&S, the looks, a touch, whatever...will be worth it.

"Driven into a tree at 43 mph by the female agent in a novel attempt to kill her male counterpart." David's delivery on that...snerk.

Edited by DaynaPhile
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Fight Club has often brought out different feelings for me. Sometimes indifference, sometimes scorn, and sometimes enjoyment! Yes, it's true! I enjoyed the hell out of it during one rewatch for some reason. Then the time after that I remember I just thought it was meh again.

I have a few episodes where that happens. Aubrey, Young at Heart, The Calusari, Schizogeny... Episodes that are often just so so but then sometimes something happen and I'm just loving them.

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Well, I'm watching Season 7 which I haven't seen before. I only watched Season 1-5 in the original run years. I don't think it's half bad so far. I have to admit Scully's hair is a bit too short for my liking, lol. I am currently watching "Signs and Wonders". I got a laugh at the very beginning because

Back in my season 2-3 rewatch one certain line of dialogue struck me as one that also stuck with me in the original run as either cheesy or classic. When M&S were in the mine corridor full of files and it goes like this:

Mulder : "Files!"

Scully: "Lots and lots of files!"

This dialogue kind of stuck with me since hearing it again and sometimes it will run through my head replacing "files" with things like "chocolate" or almost anything, lol. So here I am watching "Signs and Wonders" and right away Scully is shown a video of snakes and then ..

Scully: "Snakes!"

Mulder: "lots and lots of snakes!"

Cue my laugh, and I wonder if that certain dialogue was an inside joke with the writers or others also had that dialogue stick with them for some memorable reason. Too bad it didn't return for season 10 in some way.

Edited by Baby Button Eyes
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Story about "Fight Club".... Several radio stations in Los Angeles put out an "open casting call" advertisement over the air the day before. It basically said, if you show up at at 7 am, (at the areana) you will be an extra on The XFiles. Thousands more than they expected showed up, so it turned into a lottery.

I was one of the people who made the lotto, however.... Most people got so bored waiting around for hours, that they left and there were massive holes in the audience. We all had to squeeze together in certain areas during filming. I was amused.

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The actors... As well as Chris Carter and crew seemed really friendly. This is the ONLY reason this episode does not suck as much balls as First Person Shooter ----the worst episode ever.


Sometimes the casting / character decisions at 1013 really and truly puzzle me. 


Who on earth thought Kathy Griffin, in full obnoxious mode,  was a great idea for a character?  And then decided to double down on that and give her double the appearance time?  I'm certain I am part of a not small representation of fans who cannot bear watching her on screen in any capacity.  Her appearance alone made "Fight Club" totally unwatchable for me.  It's almost as if 1013 finds the most hideous representation of women and then likes to force them upon the viewer.  Einstein fell into this category for me as well.  Probably not too surprising that the Miller / Einstein and Kathy Griffin characters were both meant to somewhat be mirrors to Mulder and Scully.  I think at this point the concept doesn't wholly work.


Overall, I'm a pretty big fan of S7 and don't track with a lot of the abuse the season gets from many fans.  It was clear to me throughout the season that they were attempting to wind things down and it would be the final season...until it wasn't.  But the fact that both "Fight Club" and "First Person Shooter" are a part of that final season definitely sandbags the season even if, generally, I liked the season. 

Edited by baileythedog
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Season 7: The season of doin' it.



Millennium: I used to watch the show Millennium. I don't remember a damn thing about it. The kiss: Hello giant Squee I let out 17 years ago. I remember you well.


Rush: So yeah, they're totally doing it. I agree with what I read somewhere that Amor Fati was them saying their vows to each other and then the kiss and now going at it like rabbits. 


The Goldberg Variation: Still doin' it!


Orison: I forgot to take notes for this one. I'll just go with my old standby. Even serial killers love Scully. Like, who doesn't? Oh and I just remembered something while typing this. WTF with all those damn candles? I'm just going to have to go with Pfaster brought them with him. 


So no more X-Files for I don't know how long. My TV died. If I can't watch Scully in 40 inch 2k then I'm not watching at all!

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I think this is the most doin' it of all episodes.  It may take the show until all things to acknowledge they've been hitting the sheets, but I was absolutely, positively, about-damn-time sure as of Goldberg.


No doubt! So there shoots CC's timeline of being platonic for almost 9 years. 6 years is more like it lol. Bet it was a lot like the Kimmel skit ;).

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I seriously don't understand how they are not having sex in (or shortly thereafter) The Unnatural, and that's season 6.


I bet that was at least making out by then. If not then, then after Millenium.

If it would have happened in the earlier seasons it would have been like that worship your body sex. You know, like nobody in the real world has ever. Now: rabbits.


Yea given things, they have a lot of making up to do. >:) And tbh, I go off of what Gillian said about M & S's relationship. Even though FWB still sucks, it's better than what CC has suggested. "Thawing..." Ugh.

I bet that was at least making out by then. If not then, then after Millenium.


Yea given things, they have a lot of making up to do. >:) And tbh, I go off of what Gillian said about M & S's relationship. Even though FWB still sucks, it's better than what CC has suggested. "Thawing..." Ugh.


I mean, I guess but given the years of pent up attraction, it seems unlikely it would just be making out. I haven't seen most of these episodes since the first run and haven't gotten to them in my rewatch, so I will see if things change, but I feel as if they must have started some time after Rain King but before The Unnatural. Or maybe The Unnatural was the beginning, though neither Mulder nor Scully look particularly lonely on that night. :)


My feeling is that there is no point in listening to what Carter says about their relationship because he's not the one driving the ship (pardon the pun).  I mean, in Home Again, Scully says, "I believe you'll find your answers and I will be with you when you do." That feels like Glen Morgan and James Wong saying, "enough is enough. They're together."

  • Love 1

I mean, I guess but given the years of pent up attraction, it seems unlikely it would just be making out. I haven't seen most of these episodes since the first run and haven't gotten to them in my rewatch, so I will see if things change, but I feel as if they must have started some time after Rain King but before The Unnatural. Or maybe The Unnatural was the beginning, though neither Mulder nor Scully look particularly lonely on that night. :)


My feeling is that there is no point in listening to what Carter says about their relationship because he's not the one driving the ship (pardon the pun).  I mean, in Home Again, Scully says, "I believe you'll find your answers and I will be with you when you do." That feels like Glen Morgan and James Wong saying, "enough is enough. They're together."


Good point. Probably more like the FTF outtake and the Kimmel skit.


Probably. Agreed. Same with Darin's ep. That scene where Scully said, "that's how I like MY Mulder"... that said a lot, a lot. It pretty much said that she wanted to be with him. It's the first time that either character has used a possessive in describing one another. It's huge.

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Sorry, I can't figure out what FWB is. What did Gillian say?


'Friends with Benefits'. She said that M & S have sex every so often. It was in an interview for the new season. I think it was Good Day La. Here's the interview itself.


Here's the sex part: 'but we can have sex once in a while..' <-- in regards to M & S


Back to s7 though... I'd say there was more tension in that season than there was in s10. And the characters just felt more like themselves.

'Friends with Benefits'. She said that M & S have sex every so often. It was in an interview for the new season. I think it was Good Day La. Here's the interview itself.


Lmao @ the 'Chris knows best' comment though. I'd say otherwise. That the other writers know the characters a bit better.


And 'we need the tension'... really? There was hardly any to be found! Apart from ep 1. :\


'happily ever after being boring'? Ugh. I guess I'd agree, if the writing was good and things weren't so glossed over. But where the characters are at now, no thanks. That's boring to me.


'perfect way for them to continue'? Nope. Considering how it was handled. 


'if they admitted to themselves, that's what they wanted all along...' NO. Big giant NO to that Gillian. Wrong. Please don't tell fans that that's what they want. Really? /facepalm Not every fan wants that. I don't mind some tension, but please let it be original and not just the same old stuff. Breaking up is just a lame excuse.


Sorry about that guys, but I swear some interviews have me shaking my head.


Here's the sex part: 'but we can have sex once in a while..' <-- in regards to M & S


Back to s7 though... I'd say there was more tension in that season than there was in s10. And the characters just felt more like themselves.


I want to respond to this but I will do so in the M&S relationship thread because we're getting far afield from season 7.

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Ok, finally finished season 7, my first viewing of it as I ended my original viewership after season 5. I'll get this out of the way first, I didn't like Scully's short hair the entire season and it bugged me, lol. As for the episodes, hey, it wasn't as bad as I thought, considering the bright sunlight of L.A. was noticible. The episodes I enjoyed:

The Goldberg Variation

Orison - actually this is my own paranoia coming to life, imagining some inmate from my previous work stalking me down once he gets out, yikes.

X-Cops - this really worked well as a cross over. The fact that Scully keeps trying to avoid the camera was just so her.

En Ami - this was an interesting ride with CSM and his motives, and I can imagine the fallout with Mulder that must have happened off screen. And I do t even want to think about how Scully woke up in different clothes! Her line about how she likes her coffee that morning was great tho

Brand X - this felt like a classic X-Files case and I really did wonder how Mulder was going to survive that infestation!

Requiem - wow. The relationship has come full out and they say that could have been the series finale? What? The way they ended that would have been horrible for a series ending. And that was the first time I've ever seen AD Skinner cry! And isn't this the beginning of Scully crying regularly? Gah.

(Oh and I didn't even watch "Fight Club". I thought it was just Kathy Griffin and didn't realize there are TWO of her and I was like um, no!)

Ok, now it's time to start these seasons that no one seems to like, I'm open to the characters of Reyes and Doggett but can I enjoy this without having Mulder at all? And after having to endure the bad Scully hair here, I think I might have a chance at getting thru season 9 if not just for the fact her hair looks longer and GA looks lovely from what I've seen. Well, here I go..

Edited by Baby Button Eyes
Millennium: I used to watch the show Millennium. I don't remember a damn thing about it.


I watched it too, and same - I don't remember anything about it, except Lance Henrikson being in it.


Ones I like are:


  • Je Souhaite
  • Hungry
  • The Amazing Maleeni
  • Rush
  • Theef
  • The Goldberg Variation


I liked X-Cops at the time, because I watched the actual Cops TV show. Fight Club wasn't too bad.

  • Love 1

I'm back! Got my new TV and now I get to watch Scully in 43" 2K. 3 more inches y'all.


The Amazing Maleeni: Mulder is so cute with his little magic tricks. Also, still doin' it.


Signs & Wonders: Why do all the freaky deaky religious shows have to be set in Tennessee?  Take that crap on down to Mississippi CC!


Sein und Zeit/Closure: These episodes are weird. I don't even mind the starlight thing. I'm just glad it's over.


X-Cops: Scully is so funny. Loved Steve and Edie's house, it had personality.


Ok, now it's time to start these seasons that no one seems to like, I'm open to the characters of Reyes and Doggett but can I enjoy this without having Mulder at all? And after having to endure the bad Scully hair here, I think I might have a chance at getting thru season 9 if not just for the fact her hair looks longer and GA looks lovely from what I've seen. Well, here I go..



Mulder is in part of season 8. I actually loved that season (except for a couple of things I'll get into later in that thread)  but that's cause of my love for Doggett. Can't help you with season 9, I only watched the end of it. I will get through it this time though.

Edited by festivus
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First Person Shooter: The good: Scully's Bad Bloodesque reaction to doing the autopsy. Constance Zimmer (I love her). The bad: everything else. Okay, there was some cute 'we're totally doin' it' banter in the autopsy room. Oh and then at the police station. And Mulder's guns. And I would want to go into that video game even though I never play video games. Okay, so I don't totally hate this episode. Should I be taking this over to the UO thread?


Theef: It's that creepy guy from Charmed. He freaks me out. Also from reading on the internet I found out he's Darren Burrow's father. I never knew that. Looking at them it's pretty obvious though. 


En Ami: CSM that creepy old fart. Well we can add another person to the I Love Scully club. Membership; Huge. I liked when Scully's super said that they liked having an FBI agent living there and Mulder said do you know how many people have died in that apartment? heh.


Chimera: The best part is Scully on that stakeout. She's adorable, poor thing. She's probably also cranky 'cause there will be no doin' it.


Next up; All Things. Oh boy.

  • Love 3
Chimera: The best part is Scully on that stakeout.


Yes!  It's pretty much the only thing I remember from that episode, and remember it fondly I do.  "Mulder, when you find me dead, my desiccated corpse propped up staring lifelessly through the telescope at drunken frat boys peeing and vomiting into the gutter, just know that my last thoughts were of you and how I'd like to kill you."

  • Love 1

All Things: It's time for Dana to question her life again, which yeah, I get that. This isn't my favorite episode or anything ( I love you Gillian, I'm still your biggest Stan!) but there are some interesting ideas here. I think I have an UO in that I don't think Scully is out of character. We have seen her becoming more open. This episode plays as very dreamlike so she sometimes doesn't seem as Scully-like. Okay at first I didn't think the beginning scene was the end scene but I watched again and I guess it is.( I totally missed the time stamp) This changes what I originally wrote in my notes but not my thoughts. This is where her choices have led her and she's now at peace with that.   While I'm typing this I'm listening to one of my favorite songs ever "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" Which Harrison wrote while thinking about the Eastern concept of whatever happens is meant to be, there are no coincidences. Anyway, I don't think this episode is bad like most people do, I actually quite like it. It was a more than a bit on the artsy fartsy side but I like that kind of thing (Hi Hannibal!) That damn curtain cord got on my nerves though I get where she was going with it. I don't know why I thinking so hard about this episode, I probably shouldn't even post this.



Or...........It's all a dream. You know how we know it's not real? Cause that horrid daughter isn't a member of the I Love Scully Club. ;)



Brand X: Eww. (I'm back to my normal standard of deep thought episode analysis)



Hollywood AD: Skinner was the MVP of this episode. When he turned around in that theater and smiled, I lost it. And we got to see Gillian laugh. I wish we had more of that. All in all I thought DD did a damn fine job. "You're crazy for believing what you believe and you're crazy for not believing what he believes." That just about sums this show up right there. Oh, and I've always liked Tea Leoni. I'll just see myself over to the UO thread again. (Yeah it was kinda weird watching this, but it was up next in the queue. I can't go out of order).

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