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S12.E03: Week 3, Part 1

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I'm a little terrified that I agreed with  a lot of what Chad said and I laughed at his observations about the other guys because to me they were mostly spot on. He's kind of scary and crazy but Evan was a total loser. If I were Jo Jo I would have sent Evan packing. He's just so gross.  His slimy attitude, his effeminate soft look. Just yuck. Chase seemed like a decent guy. James T is a dork but seems like a nice guy. Definitely not Jo Jo's type though.

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Best episode ever. I loved every minute of it. Of COURSE TPTB are manipulating everyone, including me. But it's working this time. I'm all in for part 2 of this obviously scripted show. Fleiss hit a goldmine with this group.

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Chad was right about one thing.  He doesn't come after any individual directly. His snark was all in TH's and behind everyone's back.  He also did antagonistic things.. meeting Jo outside before the RC, being so 'disrespectful' as to eat at the RC,  act like he's above kissing the ass of JoJo or the show,  and acting like a 'roided' meat-head from day one.  He sits apart from the guys as though they smell.   All meant to get their attention and piss them off.  I can't believe they are all dumb enough to buy in.    

Obviously TPTB bribed Alex into confronting him.. (and then Alex was tongue-tied when he went to do it..coz none of it was any of his business.)  Then Evan was roped into the same (which uh..backfired a bit for Evan and TPTB)  but obviously both were promised roses that they doubted they would otherwise get.  

I saw the producer-induced 'round-up' that they pushed Amber? in creating for a Jubilee drama.  (I think she actually admitted they pushed her to do it)  when Jub just wanted to be left alone and didn't feel she owed anyone an explanation.  

My point is that Chad is just acting the jerk and any guy that I would respect would be bright enough to see through the glaringly obvious villain act and laugh and ignore.   I thought most were doing that and then it seems they all ended up in a little sit-together to pick on Chad.  It's surprising and (pathetic really)  how the producers seem to be able to get them to buy into the 'play drama' and act petty.    Jordan should be embarrassed that he got used for this drama.     

Edited by seasick
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8 hours ago, piewarmer said:

One of my favorite lines from tonight's show was Jojo exclaiming something along the lines of "All I'm feeling right now are emotions!".

Me too, J-money. Me too.

Yes, I caught that too.  Funniest line of the night.

Chad, as much of an asshole that he is, had a point about not going along with the "tell a funny sex story".   Being told to use a sexual story for comedy?  No, so not cool.   Especially for a TV show.   How humiliating to be a former girlfriend of one of these guys, and realize that they are telling a story about YOUR sexual past.
Chad, though, thought that because he and Jojo had made out previously, that he was the front-runner.  He wanted to prove it by having her kiss him, onstage, in front of the other guys.  I think he sincerely thought that he and Jojo already had a relationship. 

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The smartest guys on this show are the ones who are all, "just let him hang him self," instead of pushing his buttons. 

I find it a little interesting that you don't see Jordan wondering why he hasn't had a one on one date yet. Pretty much everyone else who thinks they have a real shot have made a comment, but not him. Of course, he appears to know the game. Also find it interesting that the Chad poker switched from Alex to Evan. 

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Evan actually tried a "him or me" ultimatum when there are still like 16 other dudes in the house? Way to overestimate your value, guy - you've now singled yourself out as "the one who tried to control JoJo's decisions" when there's a whole roster of lower maintenance guys left to choose from.

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8 minutes ago, backformore said:

Yes, I caught that too.  Funniest line of the night.

Chad, as much of an asshole that he is, had a point about not going along with the "tell a funny sex story".   Being told to use a sexual story for comedy?  No, so not cool.   Especially for a TV show.   How humiliating to be a former girlfriend of one of these guys, and realize that they are telling a story about YOUR sexual past.
Chad, though, thought that because he and Jojo had made out previously, that he was the front-runner.  He wanted to prove it by having her kiss him, onstage, in front of the other guys.  I think he sincerely thought that he and Jojo already had a relationship. 

Not wanting to tell sex stories was a big point in Chad's favor, but I'm not sure it was part of his negativity act or even if he already had the big make-out moment with JoJo already planned ( to piss the others off---obviously).  I'd give him huge points if I knew for sure that he thought it was degrading and not wanting to do it for that.

As far as Chad's interest in JoJo,  I'm not buying that.  I think he's there to do the job he was asked to do. It's all an act and if he really wanted to be a bach contender he wouldn't have agreed to play drama villain.

I don't blame Chad for the 'drama'..I think he plays a ball-busting jerk well.  It's the show's insistence on making it all about that and insulting us with the phoney-baloney  shit that bothers me.  They might get Alex and Evan to buy in,-- not me.

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35 minutes ago, seasick said:

Not wanting to tell sex stories was a big point in Chad's favor, but I'm not sure it was part of his negativity act or even if he already had the big make-out moment with JoJo already planned ( to piss the others off---obviously).  I'd give him huge points if I knew for sure that he thought it was degrading and not wanting to do it for that.

I agree it gives him points in his favor. Just too bad he hadn't been gung ho about participating in the previous activities as they weren't nearly as embarrassing. I can't fault anyone for NOT wanting to tell personal sex stories in front of strangers. I would've died, just died, had that been my date on the show.

I wonder what Chad's end game is here.  Is he really there to make it to the end and "fall in love" or enjoy the dates/travel/activities? I'd think a lot of guys and gals could see the writing on the wall and know they're not frontrunners so the name of the game would be to get as far as possible to get to have new experiences (and launch one's careers, of course). But in my opinion Chad wouldn't have had to resort to the crazy to get noticed. He has the looks and the story and isn't he also in the same line of work as Jo? He might end up f2 for all I know, but being ornery in every situation is a terrible strategy. Except, he gets a pass for the sex talk date because that was just the worst.

What would've been a good strategy if you didn't want to fully participate in the sex story date but still get points with Jo?

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Evidence from last night that Chad's antics are 100% scripted:

There's no way production is paying to have a rent-a-cop assigned exclusively to protect the other contestants from one guy.  To say nothing of the increased liability risk they'd be incurring by allowing someone whom they acknowledge is a risk to other contestants to remain in the house.

And, when I say Chad is a plant, I'm not necessarily suggesting that he was recruited specifically to be the asshole.  I think it's likely that he applied to be The Bachelor, was rejected but offered a spot as a contestant in a Bachelorette season, with the promise that something more might develop from that.  Once they got a real look at the nutjob they decided that he's going to be the villain this season.  

They may not have anticipated him going full douchebag, or that so many of the other guys would collectively wet their pants in response.  But they're going with the flow.

I also suspect that JoJo may be one of those 'Ettes whose F1 was glaringly obviously from night/day 1 and they've had to work hard to conceal that.  Also the dates thus far have been fairly cheap and shitty.  They may not have had much choice but to make this first quarter of the season The Chad Show.

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I'm willing to bet most if not all of the sex stories were made up. That's certainly what I would do. The thing is, you can't win with this type of date. If you are a good sport with it, you are accused of being fake or having no shame, if you refuse you piss off the lead and are accused of being a poor sport. I think it is distasteful to have these 'sex themed ' dates, especially when JoJo barely knows these guys.

Outside of Evan and Alex, I don't think the guys are handling Chad in a pussy way. The guy is obviously trying to rile them up and they have responded mildly. To say nothing at all would be seen as wimpy. The security guard was very fake.

So far not seeing any real sparks between JoJo and any of the guys-will see what happens tonight.

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46 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

I'm willing to bet most if not all of the sex stories were made up. That's certainly what I would do. The thing is, you can't win with this type of date. If you are a good sport with it, you are accused of being fake or having no shame, if you refuse you piss off the lead and are accused of being a poor sport. I think it is distasteful to have these 'sex themed ' dates, especially when JoJo barely knows these guys.


Yes, I agree.  The yoga/sex instructor, surely KNEW this was for the TV show, yet she asks "how long have the two of you been intimate?"   Like the exercises were really more for established couples.  Then dong stand-up routines about sexual experiences -   no, that's not what this show is supposed to be.  this show is so weird, with all the build-up about sex, and then, she's supposed to choose one guy to marry?  The dates are sex-themed, followed by her making out with a few guys  - how is this supposed to lead to any kind of real relationship?  Or am I out of touch, thinking that people get to know each other FIRST, before throwing themselves into sexual situations and conversations?

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How stupid do they think we are anyway? We all know this show is about as real as a 12 dollar bill, but damn. That was brutal last night.  It was so glaringly obviously scritpted that it was hard to watch. I hate agreeing with the douche canoe. But he was right a LOT last night. Not being excited about going on a "date" with 12 other guys and one girl? Duh. It means she's just not that into you yet. He's right. If your name is called for a group date you go "dammit" not "YAY!" Not wanting to tell bullshit fake ass sex stories in that nasty disgusting little "spot?" Duh. And I admire him for refusing to do so and refusing in such a classy mature way. Score points for  the douche canoe. I wonder what his real name is? I'm sorry, but this guy is not here for Jojo. He's there to further his career and you can bet your next 5 paychecks his royal douce-ness is gonna be in Paradise. Bet.

For the first time in forever (well since the wine guy's season. I think I purged his name from my memory) I didn't enjoy an episode on any level. I'm having serious second thoughts about continuing to watch this season. It's just so....fake. It's so obviously fake that you can pinpoint the moments the producers got involved. You can tell she's not into most of these guys at all, and that's sad. I don't wanna be able to "tell" who she's choosing (it's glaringly obvious isn't it?), I want to have to guess and think and change my mind a dozen times.

So far, this season blows.

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Chad's problem is that he wanted to come on the show and "outsmart"them as someone said above. He thinks he's too good for their reindeer games. But you aren't Chad! The minute you step foot on Bachelorette campus, you prove that you are not too good for the humiliation...the too good ones stay home. So instead of coming across as the mature, level-headed one...he comes across as the surly, bad sport. And that's exactly why he was cast. 

I refuse to spare Evan any more thoughts. I loathe him. I can't wait for him to get kicked to the curb and I'm only sorry Chad will go first. 

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You could tell Chad's reaction to Evan's stand-up wasn't completely scripted. Chad started to tense up in his chair and his eyes got wider as he realized Evan was indeed making the whole monologue about him. When Evan started talking about steroids you could see Chad get embarrassed. Chad's usual smirk was completely gone. I agree that Chad is a plant and knew he was going to play the villain, but I don't think he knew that TPTB would be working both sides and giving the other boys ammunition as well. It's hard to feel sorry for anyone on this show. Jojo got the shortest most socially awkward group of guys ever.

My favorite part was when Host Chris had to ask Chad about steroids and Chad said: "Well it's not as if I could have brought any here." Not - I don't take steroids. Basically - You have no evidence so what's your point.

I really think Jojo is trying to follow the advice the other 'ettes gave her in the first episode to NOT go on one-on-ones or spend too much time with the men she likes. These pity dates are killing me. She's trying soo hard to like these men. Ultimately what she's doing is kind of mean because those men are going to end up liking her way more than she ever liked them.

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The Chad moment of the night for me was the whole sequence after he saw Evan talking to JoJo: 

"Wonder what type of feelings he's talking about. [sings] 'Feeeeeeeeelings....' I mean like, 'I have these children and they're like really good children,' fuck off Evan! Gary Oldman from Fifth Element. [catches sight of himself in a mirror on the wall] Whoa! Hey buddy! [fixes hair and preens]" 

Closely followed by: Eating a Whole, Raw Sweet Potato; and Stuffing Half a Head of Lettuce Into His Mouth - both of which bookended Daniel's amazing "Let's pretend you're Hitler" spiel. 

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm pulling for the Rescued Moth from the closing tag as our next Bachelor. #EternalFlame2016. Or something. 

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As irrational as this sounds, I am terrified of hot yoga.  It was actually a relief when I remembered this is The Bachelorette, so they're only going to do weird "sexy" stuff.  I was thinking someone was going to sweat to death.

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6 hours ago, adhoc said:

I only watched bits and pieces of last night's show, but I did catch the "hot yoga" segment. My thought was that if Chase were five years older--with a little more life experience/confidence/maturity under his belt--he and JoJo would make a good couple. As it is, I sense that he's not quite mature enough for her. (Now watch him prove me wrong.)

That's one problem (of many) I have with this crop of bachelors--I think they're mostly too young for JoJo

I agree.  My guess is most of these guys were selected for the gal from last season's Bachelor (whose name escapes me) who was originally chosen to be this season's star player.  JoJo wasn't the next Bachelorette they were choosing for.

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I can't believe how so many of the guys have the same hairstyle. Ugh. I don't really find any of this bunch attractive. I would just have to reject them all and stay single.

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11 minutes ago, Pickles said:

I can't believe how so many of the guys have the same hairstyle. Ugh. I don't really find any of this bunch attractive. I would just have to reject them all and stay single.


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6 hours ago, adhoc said:

That's one problem (of many) I have with this crop of bachelors--I think they're mostly too young for JoJo. 

JoJo is 25. The guys are 25-34. Caila is 24 or possibly 25 now (she was 24 on Ben's season).

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My favorite moment was Chad's incredulous "Are you vibing with this guy?" when JoJo gave the rose to Evan, and, of course, JoJo doesn't say "yes" because the producers wanted her to give the rose to Evan to annoy Chad.

She clearly chose a F1 or 2 the first night, but give credit to TPTB they're milking this Chad thing for all it's worth.

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"Wonder what type of feelings he's talking about. [sings] 'Feeeeeeeeelings....' I mean like, 'I have these children and they're like really good children,' fuck off Evan! Gary Oldman from Fifth Element. [catches sight of himself in a mirror on the wall] Whoa! Hey buddy! [fixes hair and preens]" 

Closely followed by: Eating a Whole, Raw Sweet Potato; and Stuffing Half a Head of Lettuce Into His Mouth - both of which bookended Daniel's amazing "Let's pretend you're Hitler" spiel. 


Word to your whole post, Alannaofdoom, but this... I can't stop laughing!

Another clue the security guard was fake... he was supposedly just standing there while Chad slept.  What was the purpose of that? Wouldn't he just be stationed outside the door? Did the roommate really say he feared for his life while "he was unconscious" (per Wells), so security was needed through the entire night? Nope, not buying that.

Did Evan actually say at some point that he thought his kids would be really proud of him if he got the rose from the group date? Because I don't know how old they are, but somehow I don't think this is what impresses children... And do any of us see JoJo ending up with a guy with 3 kids already?

Too many of these guys still look a like to me. Half the time they flash to someone I think, "who the hell is that?" Upthread someone thought St. Nick may be on his way out and I thought, "There's still a Nick? Which one is he?" He shoulda kept his Santa suit on.

I hated the sex stories part.  Nothing funny, didn't really give insight into who these guys are (well, other than that Daniel apparently cut off a girl's hair while he had her handcuffed) and JoJo's fake, hysterical laughter whenever they cut to her drove me crazy.

I still kind of like Luke, but my favorite is Wells (he lost me a bit with his story about a 3 way that seemed to end in him loudly farting). To me, Wells is one of the few guys who has a unique look and may be a normal guy. 

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 From the recap:



They share a peck, which prompts Evan to address his children, grossly, in a talking head: "Boys, guess what? Daddy made out with JoJo." TAKE HIS CHILDREN AWAY.

I would be concerned, except I am 100% certain that Evan's "kids" are in fact his cats.

I get that Chad was cast to do exactly what he is doing, but it got old fast. Just how much more of this dickhead must we endure?

You would think a contestant named James Taylor would get one of the mellower dates, you know, a picnic out in a meadow or something. Instead they get to travel back in time to when swing dancing was popular. All the way back to the 90's. ;)

I do admit, the 1940's look really suits JoJo, especially the hairstyle.

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15 hours ago, Shadow Wave said:

Not sure I'm on board with (paraphrasing) "Jordan is a nice, fun guy."  Saying that Chad had better hope the competition involved bench pressing, not spelling, was junior high Mean Girlish, especially coming from someone who doesn't come across as a Rhodes Scholar himself. 

And it was weird to gang up on him when he said he didn't want to go on the group date. I was thinking, suit yourself, meathead, hang out at the house alone. Chad is awful, but the others are behaving so cattishly they look ridiculous.

Seriously, "nice" Jordan started that, and then when Chad reacted, said he crossed a line. They all look like idiots to me. 

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I love Chad!  I'm going to be so sorry when he goes.  My only issue with him is that he come on way too strong, too Chad-like.  If he could have just reined it in a little bit, he really could have been our entertainment for the season.  Because he is quite funny.  He just needs to cut back on the steroids a bit.  "Are you really vibing this guy?!" has got to be the best question ever asked on this show.  And, really, he was never a danger to anyone; if he was, there's no way the franchise would immediately ask him to come back to be on BiP.

And Evan.... ugh.  "It's me or Chad, I'm not staying if he does".  Immediately accepts rose when JoJo offers it to him, while she states that Chad is staying.  Umm, that was one crappy ultimatum, dude.  You suck.  And the crying to Chris... don't get me started.

What a bunch of wimps.

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After the yoga date, Jojo said at least 2 times that she looked "stupid" while doing it and he didn't say that she didn't. I found that kind of funny. 

Evan was way out of line with his story and the wimpy Marine who wasn't man enough to tell Jojo about Chad himself was the only one loving it. I swear that guy doesn't care about Jojo at all but he's completely obsessed with Chad. Did they insert a fabric tearing sound effect when Chad grabbed Evan's shirt? Where was the rip? And Jojo didn't know what was going on, is she clueless? Evan basically got up there and said, Chad is on steroids. How is accusing someone on national TV of taking an illegal substance a "good time"? Then he demands an apology. 

Chad makes me laugh with his bravado because it's so fake. I'd have to go back (and I won't) but I think he was telling the truth. He doesn't start it, but he stands up for himself. He should learn to ignore more stuff. Don't let them provoke you. (Dont' get me wrong, he's a total ass. But not as bad as they are making him out to be.)

What is Daniel? He's like an android programmed to "Canadian stereotypes". 

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I'm finding Jo very immature for 25.  Obviously she's been the spoiled and coddled daughter, and I find her words & actions illustrate it.  I don't think she's had a single original thought or a spontaneous observation.  Every word out of her mouth seems like there's a guy right over the camera person's shoulder with cue cards, guiding her into exactly the conversational path mapped out.

She's proving to be just as one-dimensional, vapid and boring as I thought she'd be.  I'm ready for BIP3 now.   

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When Chad asked "Are you actually vibing this guy??"---we were all thinking it right? The comparing of Grant to Squidward and of Evan to Gary Oldman in Fifth Element was really funny. He's a total ass of course--evidenced by "Let's do some BABS (back and arms) !" and "If I don't get to lift I'm going to kill someone (or a charcuterie plate)"--but this guy is extremely entertaining. I can't see what the end game is to being a total a-hole on national television unless he's gunning for "Property Bros: Tulsa Luxury Real Estate" or something.

I really don't like James Taylor, he is so deeply implanted in the Friend Zone. Did he say his name was something else when he said kids called him Long Neck Luke? Isn't that what he said?

Chase is like a hotter version of Jordan. With less floppy hair. That straddle session felt like an invasion of privacy watching it---sizzling chemistry.

And just in case anyone forgot from their nightmares last night, Daddy Made Out with Jojo!!!

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I'm just watching this show for comedic purposes and I must say it is living up to it. 

A few things:

  • Is Chad wearing a toupee? That hair looks too Hair Club for Men to me, especially the way he patted it down. Also, instead of working on your upper core, you should be working on those skinny calves of yours.
  • Talking about sexual experiences and orgasms on stage. How California!
  • Evan, you have three kids and you're going on a show "looking for love?" GTF out of this house, you Freddie Krueger if he was attractive looking punk!
  • I would have found Chase more attractive except for that tiger tattoo down his side. He looks like a F1 to me.
  • James Taylor (fill in the last name) looks like a combination of the following: Dennis Quaid, Peter Krause, and FOX Sports soccer analyst Alexi Lalas. I'm also surprised JT X didn't audition for The Voice (or maybe he did). He'd be a shoo in on Blake Shelton's team and would have gone quite far on that show.
  • Joelle should've kept the 40s look. It makes her look less Khloé Kardashian.
  • Jordan looks like a hot Novak Djokovic. Forgive me. I've been watching too much tennis this past week.
  • "Security guard, will you accept this rose?"
Edited by Nedsdag
I still can't call her JoJo
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Chad was clearly cast to be the resident a-hole.




Who do you admire most in the world and why? Myself in 10 years, alright, alright, alright.

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why? Myself in 10 years, alright, alright, alright.

If you could have lunch with one person, who would it be and why? Myself in 10 years, alright, alright, alright.

What is your greatest achievement to date? Being born good looking.


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I find it highly entertaining that Chad appears to have come on the show in order to not get to know the lead.  All of his talking heads about JoJo are about how much he isn't going to tell her about himself.  I'm starting to understand why he's single.

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Am I remembering right that James Taylor was the one who said they called him "Long-neck Luke"  in grade school?   A lot of normal-looking people were dorky or awkward as kids.   But when you first meet someone you want to date - don't tell them that!   Point out the flaws in your appearance, and your date will see them - and be unable to overlook the flaws YOU focused their attention on.   I'm sure Jojo was thinking "Hmm, yeah, his neck IS kind of freakishly long!  yuck!" 
Flashbacks of Olivia telling Ben (it was Ben, right?)  that she had "Cankles".  So he'd be sure to look at her legs later and notice the thickness. 

Why force someone to notice what you think is your LEAST attractive feature?

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2 hours ago, huahaha said:

JoJo is 25. The guys are 25-34. Caila is 24 or possibly 25 now (she was 24 on Ben's season).

My point exactly.

I know I left someone out, but the men's ages (per the Bachelorette website) are: 25, 26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 28, 29, 29, 29, 31, 31, 31, 33, 33, 34.    

Most of those guys are too young for Jojo, IMHO.  I see her as being attracted to a more mature guy (maybe 30 or early 30s). I mean, if she were actually looking to get married.

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9 minutes ago, adhoc said:

My point exactly.

I know I left someone out, but the men's ages (per the Bachelorette website) are: 25, 26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 28, 29, 29, 29, 31, 31, 31, 33, 33, 34.    

Most of those guys are too young for Jojo, IMHO.  I see her as being attracted to a more mature guy (maybe 30 or early 30s). I mean, if she were actually looking to get married.

Huh. Different strokes. I would be weirded out if they only gave her 30-somethings when she's so young.

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Jo's a side-piece for a 30+ guy.  Older, established and successful can find better looking, better educated and better connected than JoJo.  Especially in the Dallas area, where Cowboys Cheerleader wannabees are everywhere.  

I'm not trying to be cruel, she's a nice and pretty girl, but her last Chad and these current dudes are absolutely appropriate for her. 

Edited by leighdear
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I had to go back and rewatch as I barely paid any attention last night. There's a scene with Daniel and the Chad working out and Daniel has this awkward pose sticking his butt out at the Chad, while some other contestant VOs about the deep connection between the two. It was hilarious and good Bachelor snark. 

I can't tell a lot of these guys apart yet. Does anyone else find Daniel creepy looking?

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I had to go back and rewatch as I barely paid any attention last night. There's a scene with Daniel and the Chad working out and Daniel has this awkward pose sticking his butt out at the Chad, while some other contestant VOs about the deep connection between the two. It was hilarious and good Bachelor snark. 

I can't tell a lot of these guys apart yet. Does anyone else find Daniel creepy looking?

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I had to go back and rewatch as I barely paid any attention last night. There's a scene with Daniel and the Chad working out and Daniel has this awkward pose sticking his butt out at the Chad, while some other contestant VOs about the deep connection between the two. It was hilarious and good Bachelor snark. 

I can't tell a lot of these guys apart yet. Does anyone else find Daniel creepy looking?

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I had to go back and rewatch as I barely paid any attention last night. There's a scene with Daniel and the Chad working out and Daniel has this awkward pose sticking his butt out at the Chad, while some other contestant VOs about the deep connection between the two. It was hilarious and good Bachelor snark. 

I can't tell a lot of these guys apart yet. Does anyone else find Daniel creepy looking?

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I had to go back and rewatch as I barely paid any attention last night. There's a scene with Daniel and the Chad working out and Daniel has this awkward pose sticking his butt out at the Chad, while some other contestant VOs about the deep connection between the two. It was hilarious and good Bachelor snark. 

I can't tell a lot of these guys apart yet. Does anyone else find Daniel creepy looking?

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James T needs to iron his shirt.  It looked like it was just taken out of the package.  He's definitely in the friend zone.  I thought JoJo was a worse dancer than he was.

Chad?  It's been discussed and I'm bored with him.  I'm tired of the Chad show.  Let him go and let's get on with it.

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Just finished watching and I havent snickered so much in quite a while. The overweight security guard watching him sleep! The "lets not be Hitler and Mussolini AND Trump and Bush" convo! "Gary Oldman in The Fifth Element!" Bwahahaha! 

I'm gonna reall miss Chad when he's gone. He really made this season for me.

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