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S12.E02: Week 2

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JoJo takes 10 lucky men to a firefighter training facility where they undergo boot camp-like challenges.  Next, one excited suitor gets the first 1-on-1 date of the season and is whisked away to San Francisco for a picnic by the Golden Gate Bridge.  The next day, JoJo meets six men on the set of ESPN's "SportsNation" where they are introduced to hosts Max Kellerman and Marcellus Wiley, who try to help JoJo find the perfect guy.

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Ok, that had to be one of the most entertaining episodes EVER!  I love Chad and how gleefully he messed with all of those guys.  He's worth having to listen to JoJo's annoying voice and the rest of the guys whining and crying.  What a bunch of babies. 

I can't wait to see him on Bachelor in Paradise, because I can't imagine he'll last too long on this show.  Lace is pretty enough for him, or maybe one of the blonde twins.  

Edited by leighdear
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I almost turned it off after the burning limo and  fire truck.  By the time that was over we had heard that JoJo was hot about thirty times.  We only cut from the fireman date long enough to hear the song they were singing that went "Jojo jojo jojo jojo jojo jojo jojo," then it was back to the fire station with Wells saying "I'm going to faint," and JoJo  replying, "Don't faint."  Then it got even more boring so I've already forgetten what happened, but finally we had the Chad show and I kind of liked seeing him make all the guys have "He's so disrespectful," hissie fits.

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Ok, I'll retract my statement from earlier today that these guys are all hideous. I think I had a difficult time seeing past the handful of hideous guys (who, IMO, are the most unattractive ever on this franchise) and the crazy guys on week 1 to see the cute ones. I paid close attention and identified the following good looking guys: Luke, Robby, Chad (only when he's just doing pull-ups from the rafters dripping in chains and luggage; all bets off as soon as he opens his mouth), Grant, Ali, Derek, Chase, Alex, James Super Fan, and James F.

Erectile dysfunction guy has a kid?! You should lock down that baby mama. You have ZERO chance with JoJo or even Bachelor Family rejects; you MIGHT get a VERY slim chance of some Bachelor Nation fan sidling up for the inside scoop. (Three kids according to the previews?!? Maybe he's divorced?)

Hot rooftop first kiss guarantees at least hometowns, as per pretty much every season, so you're in, Luke!

Love the concept of the choose your own adventure date. Derek kind of seems like a dud, though. However, he "opened up" and "broke down his walls," so that's a guaranteed rose. Eh, he's cute enough and likely to be drama-free, so I bet he'll slide through the background week after week, and I'll think who is that guy, and forget he was the one who had the first 1:1 date.

Daniel and Chad's discussion on warning women against nice guys and the incomprehensible protein shake of guys analogy. OMG. I hope this bad boy bromance ends in tears and betrayal like last season's! Clint and, um, the other one who went on Bachelor in Paradise...James, maybe?...i.e., the "Brokeback Bachelor" commercials.

James Taylor, stop singing! He even makes me miss Wes's singing! I get the feeling that he only books gigs and has an audience because people miss the "*Not THE James Taylor" disclaimer--or maybe they think he's James Taylor, Jr., like Frank Sinatra, Jr. These guys are all irrationally proud of their "JoJo, don't go go, JoJo, JoJo, JoJo, JoJo, JoJo, JoJo..." song. 

You know JoJo would want to send Chad home immediately, and there's no way the producers would let that happen. He is Wrong Reasons gold! Wait, did JoJo just say she LIKES Chad's honesty?! That has to be a frankenbyte. What?!? Even these sportscasters guys are ranking Chad #2--and they LIKE James Taylors's song?!? Oh, come on! 

Chad: "Ta-da," waves fingers, "I'm correct." Haha! I can't wait to see this guy on Bachelor in Paradise. Just don't beat anyone up, Chad. That's all you need to do to make it. I think he and Tiera or Courtney would make a good-for-TV/villain match. Make this happen, show!

Chad is the one with the dead parent sob story?! Didn't see that coming. JoJo will rationalize that that's why he's so angry at the world.

Keeping my eye on Chase. I like his surprise snow mini-date.

Erectile dysfunction had a stack of paper and a red pen. Curious what that was all about. Grant has a notebook, too. They have NOTHING to do but concentrate on dating her; do they need extensive notes to remember what to say?

Alex needs to chill out. Yeah, Chad is an asshole, but you're not doing yourself any favors by following him around and repeatedly calling him out. I'm calling Alex as the first to run to JoJo crying Wrong Reasons, and subsequently being sent home.

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So now that the herd is thinned, I can safely say that I find Luke, Chase and the dreaded Chad most attractive. Chad is hot as hell! And he is damn good entertainment. I hope she keeps him around.

Alex, how did you turn into such a whiny bitch. Jesus dude move on. Complaining about how much food another dude is eating? Good lord. Hope he's eliminated quickly. Speaking of eliminating quickly, I hope that singing dude goes. He breaks into song and I can barely stop projectile vomiting. Just no.

at least Jojo didn't seem to fall all over that floppy haired Jordan. She played it cooler. 

Bye bye, superfan, some guy with long hair that's face looked like a greyhound, and a third guy I didn't recognize!

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This episode confirmed two things for me:

1) JoJo is an incredibly touchy-feely woman, regardless of whether she's actually feeling chemistry with the person she's touching. It's only episode two, JoJo! I don't consider myself to be a prude but is it really necessary to french kiss five men (Grant, the navy veteran, the one-on-one date guy, the guitar-playing guy from Texas, and Chad) in one episode? I suppose this explains her heavy make-out session with Jordan on night one, though.

2) Chad is a huge douche-bag ... but he's also not 100% wrong. He's right about the fact that you can't be madly in love with someone after knowing them for two or three days, and he was right when he called out some of the guys in the house who were moping about not getting a date this week. He said something along the lines of, "you spent your entire lifetime not knowing JoJo... you'll be fine not having a date with her for a few days." He's rude and a complete meat-head, but he's also refreshingly honest (in a terrible way).

This season is shaping up to be very entertaining.

Edited by Koala
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Chad started off the episode as "the villain", but as the show progressed, and all the other guys started clutching their pearls and getting all worked up that Chad's not "there for the right reasons", I started to actually root for him.  Chad has a strategy doomed to fail in the long-run, but short-term, it's pretty funny, watching these guys get so upset!

I think the problem is that these poor guys are stuck in that house, all day every day, with practically nothing to do.  They're cut-off from all outside influences, so everything going on IN the house gets magnified and becomes a matter of life or death.  They'd all be better off going down the mountain to spend time at the nearest sports bar with a bunch of other people.  of course, that would undo the whole Stockholm Syndrome the Producers count on every season, so that'll never happen.

I look forward to Chad's inevitable meltdown, but I hope he takes a few of the prudes along with him (primarily the mini-Marine -- he seems to be the ringleader).

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Chad's West Side Story and Care Bears analogies had me rolling.  He is hysterically funny.  Probably not the best one for her to end up with but I hope he sticks around for a long time.

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In this episode, Chad is the perfect villain.  I love that the guys are getting so catty already, especially because they're doing it so badly.  There are so many silly things about Chad that they really didn't need to focus so much on how much he eats.  I enjoy that he occasionally makes a good point, like how the guys writer her a lot of corny poems and songs.  It doesn't make him any less ridiculous.  The line about Care Bears was great.

The food did look good.

I am having a really hard time keeping track of which guy is who.  I keep thinking that I have one or two more figured out until they shoot them from a different angle and they look like an entirely different human being or exactly like a different guy.

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Who does Chad look like? 


He reminds me of someone, probably an actor, but I can't place who. Help!

Chad has a point. By the time you propose, no girl needs a list of reasons you love her. These other dudes are straight up mean girls.

Edited by thesupremediva1
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Chad is a huge douche-bag ... but he's also not 100% wrong. He's right about the fact that you can't be madly in love with someone after knowing them for two or three days, and he was right when he called out some of the guys in the house who were moping about not getting a date this week. He said something along the lines of, "you spent your entire lifetime not knowing JoJo... you'll be fine not having a date with her for a few days." He's rude and a complete meat-head, but he's also refreshingly honest (in a terrible way).

I agree that he makes some valid points, particularly about how one really can't be in love with someone they know little about. But he makes those points very poorly. 

It is a thin line between being honest and being a dick, and Chad couldn't walk that line to save his life. 

I get the feeling one of his favorite things to say is "just saying", which is a phrase I have found to be favored by assholes. 

Just saying. 

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I can't help but root for Chad. His description of being "confronted slightly" or however he described that dumb scenario was cracking me up. 

I don't think I believe he's only 28 though...I think he looks much older.

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Too much Chad in this episode. He is cute and kind of funny, but the guy or girl who adopts the "hate everyone else here" thing never goes too far (unless you are a villain like Jake Pavelka). I'm sure the guys on the group dates aren't gung ho about doing all the silly stuff but they kind of have to. I wish one of them would tell Chad, "if we all just sit here and refuse to engage, there is no show." I agree the guys are making too much of it, but Chad is spending way too much time trying to be different and tough. He also is pretty rude to the other guys so I'm Ok with them hating him.

The fireman date seemed really hot and strenuous. That said, I never like it when people get a rose for fainting or getting hurt. It's not their  fault if they get hurt, but it shouldn't earn a rose either. I still like Jordan, he has kind of a funny, goofy way about him. Chad is too intense and I would hate dating someone who looked minutes away form killing me or someone else. There are a couple of other cute guys and a couple of duds (erectile dysfunction guy is one). 

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Isn't Chad ex-military too?    I wonder if the mini-Marine knows that?

I'd never want to hang out with Chad in real life but he's great TV so I'm glad he got a rose and will be around some more.

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I can't remember Chad's protein shake metaphor? Can someone please recap?

I cracked up at his line at the rose ceremony when JoJo gave Alex the rose: "He only got a rose because she doesn't want America to think she hates short people."

Sometimes d-bags excuse their d-bag behavior by saying they're being "honest," when it reality they are being a d-bag. While Chad is right about some things--and I think the guys agreed with him--his delivery is so poor the message is diluted.

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13 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Who does Chad look like? 


He reminds me of someone, probably an actor, but I can't place who. Help!

Chad has a point. By the time you propose, no girl needs a list of reasons you love her. These other dudes are straight up mean girls.

Maybe Rob Kazinksy? Dude from True Blood and Pacific Rim and etc. That's who I was getting a whiff of.

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5 minutes ago, Sapphire said:

I can't remember Chad's protein shake metaphor? Can someone please recap?

I can't really remember it either, maybe it'll get a mention in the recap tomorrow -- I think it was when he was shit-talking the other guys with Daniel, and he said something like "I mean, if you were going to make a protein shake with one of those guys, what would it even taste like", or something equally asinine, to try and compare the guys' personalities to shake flavors. Seems like Chad in general wants us to be well aware he's hitting up GNC on the reg.

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Chad will be a perfect citizen of Bachelor Nation for a long time.  He'll be on Bachelor in Paradise for sure.  

Who was that one Bachelorette with dark hair who was huge bitch but was F1 and is no longer with that Bachelor??  Maybe she and Chad would get along.  

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Chad got the last rose.  That''s a surprise.  It's too much Chad show for me.  He can be the hated guy without narrating the entire show, thanks.  Alex was wrangled into being the guy who confronts Chad..with hints they'll keep him around to keep the drama.  Too bad he's making himself look like a whiner. 

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3 minutes ago, crgirl412 said:

Chad will be a perfect citizen of Bachelor Nation for a long time.  He'll be on Bachelor in Paradise for sure.  

Who was that one Bachelorette with dark hair who was huge bitch but was F1 and is no longer with that Bachelor??  Maybe she and Chad would get along.  

Courtney Robertson? Good God, they would be terrifying together on Bachelor in Paradise. Make it happen, TPTB!

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I don't understand how Jordan can possibly think that floppy side bang and skin tight women's pants are an attractive look.  If I didn't know any better and I just saw a man looking like that I would assume it was a costume of some sort.  What is going on with that?!

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I know Chad is the typical bad guy, but I got a few good laughs out of him tonight. Sadly, a lot of what he says is true.
Am I finally growing tired of the show, or was tonight really tacky??
I like Wells. I like Chase too. I think I like Luke, but he may be a bit too serious. 
Alex is a tattle, I don't like him. I also don't like when guys confront other guys. They are not in charge of anyone. Makes them all look immature.
I wish Vinny the barber would give Jordan a haircut.
I think this is not the best looking bunch of guys.....

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Setting aside the bullshit of the entire concept (I mean, when your goal the "the type of love Ben and Lauren have"?) contestants who become obsessed with making sure that the lead "sees what we all see about generic-villain" never prosper.  They friend-zone themselves.

1 minute ago, Bunky1412 said:

Chad to JoJo - "You're startin' off a little naggy here."  LOL!  There will clearly be no ass kissing of the Bachelorette by Chad.

I know literacy can't be assumed with someone like Chad, but I think he's read The Game one too many times.  Books on Tape, maybe.

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I hate that I agree with some of the things Chad said. He is the one obviously playing agame, he even said he hadn't planned on having real feelings. He's also coming off as a lot of talk and very little action. I think this might be the first time he's threatened someone and they haven't backed down I have no doubt Alex could knock him on his ass. Alex just needs to let Chad shoot himself in the foot, he's comin off a little TOO protective.


Luke is still my favorite, though he might come off as a little desperate. He just gives off that quiet confidence right now. 

It kind of seems that jo jo is taking the others advice of waiting to do one on one dates with the ones she is really interested in. 

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38 minutes ago, poopchute said:

I don't understand how Jordan can possibly think that floppy side bang and skin tight women's pants are an attractive look.  If I didn't know any better and I just saw a man looking like that I would assume it was a costume of some sort.  What is going on with that?!

It's like he's wearing leggings.  I think I saw thigh muscle at one point, so I'm glad that he's wore longer shirts so far.

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41 minutes ago, dom16 said:

Courtney Robertson? Good God, they would be terrifying together on Bachelor in Paradise. Make it happen, TPTB!

YES, Courtney Robertson!!  She totally fooled Ben all the way to the end but Jojo saw though him. I'm not sure if it was because he is an ass or she just didn't like him. 

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I agree that quite a few of these guy are attractive, but so far 've been unable to identify any that seem particularly intelligent.  Hopefully it's just because so much of their time is still in herds...uh, groups..and it's just such an unappealing fratboy vibe.  I think maybe it's a generational thing. Will there ever be another "Byron and Mary" kind of season with an older group?

JoJo looked great this episode, but ITA with the post above that she seems too physical, too fast. I didn't like Emily much, but I thought she played the part perfectly--should be required viewing for TBette imo,just as a reminder not to worry about getting them to like you; a bit of reserve does that better.

Oh, and James Taylor? Your namesake is talented and a pro with millions of fans. Why not call yourself something else, Jim Taylor? Jimi Taylor?  (I was impressed the men could actually sing together,though the wholegroup couldn't come up with more lyrics than "JJJJojojojojo.don'tgo...jojjojo....". Jojo rhymes with stuff!

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Chad makes some very valid points, however, he's a jackass who thinks he's better than everyone else. Has he never watched this show? Being a goof and doing ridiculous things on "the journey" are part of the game.  

However, that being said, I am so tired of the others who get their undies in a bundle but cannot articulate what it is that bothers them so much about the "villain." Everyone just talks in circles and makes the "villain" look not so villainous and themselves look stupid. Chad kept cutting into others' time with JoJo -- just say that. 

What would be great is if they totally ignored the "villain" -- honestly, that would probably be the way to get to them the most. The "villains" always feed off others reactions to them. 

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

Hot rooftop first kiss guarantees at least hometowns, as per pretty much every season, so you're in, Luke!

Oooooh, I love a person who keeps stats. Thanks!

As much Chad is a douche, the other men are just as whiny.  I am in!

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Chad can't be "real." If anyone felt like he does then they probably wouldn't bother with this show. Chad seems like an obvious plant, and as such, it appears this show is enjoying making fun of itself. I don't think that's a great long-term strategy, though. This show needs to keep some semblance of reality to avoid slipping into becoming a parody of itself. It won't work if everyone is in on the joke.

The "South" pilot who wasn't chosen looked like he was going to fly his plane anyway, just so he could shoot down the "North" pilot with JoJo and Random Dude aboard. He did NOT enjoy being passed over!

The "JoJo" song was awful. Most guys end up hating "that guy" who busts out a guitar and starts singing garbage. But these guys all started singing along as if they were all in a shower soaping up together and practicing their barbershop.

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Alex is so incredibly classically handsome. It's too bad about the shortness. I would get over it though...


Wish he would learn to focus on himself and his relationship with JoJo, as opposed to fussing with the group douchebag.

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I want Chad around forever, even after he's inevitably eliminated, providing color commentary in the background.  Of course he's a douchebag.  But at least he calls out the very bullshit this show stands for.  Telling JoJo she was "naggy" during the proposal?  HA.

Also, it was a throw away moment, but I cracked up at Chad laughing while Alex had to jump to hoist himself on the seat with JoJo.  That laugh was probably edited in from some other part of the evening, I don't care.  It was hilarious.  

I actually really liked the choices date, it was a cute idea.  Have they ever done anything like that before?

Oh, and the Care Bears reference?  Awesome, and so true.  Never change, Chad.  

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Chad has some serious issues. I honestly don't think he's as secure as his actions would leave anyone to think. A truly secure man would not mind letting loose and enjoying himself within reason. But I think Alex is pushing to hard too. Of course he's a a---s and is irritating but the more attention the guys, and especially Alex pays to him the more he acts out. Ignore his stupid a--s and just let him go. He's gonna hang himself eventually anyway.

Derek, Grant, and James were great tonight but I think Wells was the best. Great sense of humor and sooo cute!

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1 hour ago, Superpole2000 said:

The "JoJo" song was awful. Most guys end up hating "that guy" who busts out a guitar and starts singing garbage. But these guys all started singing along as if they were all in a shower soaping up together and practicing their barbershop.


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50 minutes ago, Ivana Tinkle said:


I actually really liked the choices date, it was a cute idea.  Have they ever done anything like that before?


I don't think so. I thought all the dates were pretty original actually. It was refreshing to not see all the usual retread date ideas. If JoJo had a say so in these than it shows she's creative and wanted something different too.

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Chad didn't accept  that the "proposals"  weren't supposed to be REAL.   He's just oppositional - he refuses to play by the rules set up for a contest, and expects to win because he's "being honest".   He says the other guys weren't being authentic in their proposals -  yeah, it was a game, she wasn't going to accept any proposals  - not yet! 

It's Chad's game though.   He isn't sure he can WIN the way the game is set up, so he rejects the game as bullshit, and makes up his own game, with his own rules.  And I don't just mean tonight's contest, he's applying this to the Bachelorette in general.  He isn't going to stand out playing the same game everyone else is .  SO while all the other guys are buying the story line that Jojo is the most beautiful wonderful princess who ever lived, and begging her to love them,  Chad is switching it around and challenging Jojo to show him why he should care about her.

His little play before the Rose ceremony was more o the same.  It was intended at only one thing -  to have the other guys see him walk in with Jojo.   There might be some producer manipulation, to make sure there's a  villain.  He's playing the villain role, and he's doing it well.

Edited by backformore
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I have to say that I actually rolled my eyes when Jo-Jo emerged from the fire truck to put out the burning limo. And the epi went down hill from there for me. Chad has obviously been slotted into the Olivia spot from last season's Batchelor - doesn't play nice with others and thinks he is above the rest. Yawn. Even at the end when Jo-Jo gave him the last rose she appeared to do so reluctantly so I would guess it is the producers who are insisting that he stick around. If Jo-Jo can't see that he is just a male version of Olivia then she is less bright than I thought. At this point I am giving her the benefit of the doubt and calling that it wasn't her choice to keep him.

Edited to add - I forgot the most obvious "Olivia" move that Chad continued to pull - constantly interrupting the other guys' one-on-one talks with Jo-Jo. And to top it off waiting out front for her before the rose ceremony to get even more time with her. I don't know how it could not be obvious to her that he is just a male version of Olivia.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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22 minutes ago, bosawks said:

It's like Chad is playing the James Spader part in a John Hughes movie.

Brilliant! That makes Alex Duckie. But when Duckie runs down the hall, jumps up, and rips down the prom banner after knocking him down, Alex would jump up and miss the banner by a good 2.5 feet.

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These men are going to look back at their haircuts in horror just as we do with 80's hair today.   They will create uproarious laughter for their future children.   

Best line of the night from the football challenge host about Chad.  "Keeping it real gone wrong."

Production is torturing JoJo with her scripted VO on liking Chad's honesty.  I hope she is making good money for this stint and gets to keep the clothes.  

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