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Catfish Host Nev Schulman And His Girlfriend Are Expecting A Baby

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I read the attn.com post linked in the article, and quite frankly between the oversharing on social media and the proud declaration of never growing up, that twit is the walking personification of all the worst stereotypes anyone ever had, or will have, about millennials.  At least there is some comfort in knowing that those two completely and utterly deserve one another.

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This is horrifying. SHE'S THIRTY. She talks about herself like she's 13. And she's been taking pregnancy tests for FIFTEEN YEARS. EVERY MONTH? Who does that? Surely condoms are cheaper than 180 pregnancy tests? If she's doing this to trap Nev into marriage and/or child support, she's an idiot and should have set her sights higher. But honestly, I think she's just an idiot.  

WT actual F?

Nev's entire career is built on being naive and gullible.

I can't believe these people are going to be parents. 

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Don't bother trying to discern meaning amidst the nonsense, swimmyfish; I fear it will prove impossible. I just checked out her "About" page and:

She describes her skills and experiences as including

"digital ephemera"

The triple sic is implied.

If it is really true, as she coyly, revoltingly implies, that she has been playing pregnancy roulette for 15 years (and gotten pregnant at least once before) then I recommend she look into some skill-building in the area of contracepting.

Also, I'm pretty sure that my tween is equally skilled as she at generating digital ephemera (in fact, I believe that even I am creating some digital ephemera right now!) as well as much more highly skilled than she is at using spell check.

Her named interests include "narcissism."

She ends her listing of selected clients with "etc" — oh honey no.

What do you suppose the stereotype of the post-millennial will be? Because this baby has everything in place to be it.

Also — and I hate myself for thinking it even as I write it — given the long-distance nature of the relationship, Nev's past history of wholesale catfishery, and this woman's self-professed 100% aversion to contraception — do you think anyone (perhaps the occasionally-sensible-or-at-least-willing-to-raise-an-eyebrow Max?) will suggest a paternity test at some point?

Edited by Margherita Erdman
battling the crazy new text editor where wysiwyg sometimes duplicates while saving itself :p
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"We're part of that 'lazy', 'self-absorbed' urban millennial generation that does not want to grow up in any traditional sense": I think the rest of your generation would prefer you not count yourself among them since I have to think the majority of them know by age thirty HOW TO USE CONTRACEPTION.

Thank you Tara!  I love how narcissists in every era always blame their awfulness on THE TIMES.  "It's not us, it's the urban millennial generation! Coming at ya!   Goin' strong!"

I can't wait to read the bitter memoir their kid writes when he/she grows up to be that generation's Augusten Burroughs. Reasons to live another 25 years!

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You know this woman isn't what she seems. She's really a man.

Or fat. And less attractive.

She'll make up a reason why Nev can't attend the birth and film it, and then she'll make him meet "her" and their "baby" in a park...

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Is Nev trying to hide his face in that picture?

I believe he's horrified. As are we all. That is a photo of a man who is looking at his life and his choices, and not liking what is looking back.

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Wow.  After reading the announcement for myself (because honestly, her About page kind of made me think this was an elaborate hoax), I think maybe she should consider that the reactions of horror to the idea of her (and Nev) as parents aren't about her generation at all.  They're actually about HER.  

I know lots of millennials who are or would be great parents.  I'm pretty sure none of them would be dumb enough to admit doing drugs in their Internet "we're pregnant!" announcement.  Unsurprisingly, they also understand contraception and basic STD prevention.  She comes across as 30 going on 13.  Terrifying.

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So were they trying to get pregnant, but didn't want to put additional pressure on themselves so were acting all breezy about it, or does this woman really have no identity or goals or life plans and just plays Russian roulette hoping having a baby is somehow going to make her get her shit together?

Cuz once baby comes, shit is no longer ever about you again, ever. 

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20 hours ago, DasFlavorPup said:

I read the attn.com post linked in the article, and quite frankly between the oversharing on social media and the proud declaration of never growing up, that twit is the walking personification of all the worst stereotypes anyone ever had, or will have, about millennials.  At least there is some comfort in knowing that those two completely and utterly deserve one another.

I couldn't even get through it. Best of luck with parenthood, but her writing sucks. She's about 1/10 as cute and clever as she thinks.

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LMAO....what a gem.  I love that she doesn't seem to think about the child at all, but only what she wants.  

They were dating for 7 months....with a break in August, and you're sure this is the guy you want to have a child with?

Well.....she trapped Nev, so I guess the world of "gigs" and peeing on a stick to see who she can bamboozle is at an end for her.  I wonder if he was the only guy stupid enough to sleep with her without benefit of a condom?

I would suggest a DNA test, but.....well....Nev

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I only made it to the kidult part. The obnoxiousness of it literally made me queasy. 

What I DID read offended me greatly. Maybe because I'm a Gen X'er. And sane. 

Edited by Jade Foxx
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"I went to the bathroom for my pre-menstrual pregnancy test ritual. Like most girls not on birth control, every month there is a day or two where I confuse normal PMS with 'definitely pregnant'"

I was going to disagree with this, until I realized that most sexually active women not on birth control are trying to get pregnant and possibly do hope that the start of menstrual symptoms are signs of pregnancy.

Which confuses me.

Was this really an accident, or does this oddball think it was a cute way to announce the pregnancy?

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On 5/12/2016 at 9:42 PM, Trixie Belden said:

Well. She's charming.

Like being handed poop on a stick by a young child that thinks it's gold and as if they're sharing a life-treasure with you...

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On May 23, 2016 at 8:55 PM, possibilities said:

It never occured to me that his real life could be more shockingly stupid and sordid than the show he hosts, but now that I think about it, there were plenty of warning signs.

Given that the show he hosts was inspired by the movie based on his own shockingly stupid and sordid real life experience, it's all wonderfully circular, like a beautiful circle of life really.

1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I think they both are shopping for their own reality show.

Don't they already live inside their own reality show? Is this baby born yet? And if not can we watch via live stream somewhere? Pay-per-view maybe?

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15 hours ago, Margherita Erdman said:

Given that the show he hosts was inspired by the movie based on his own shockingly stupid and sordid real life experience, it's all wonderfully circular, like a beautiful circle of life really.

Don't they already live inside their own reality show? Is this baby born yet? And if not can we watch via live stream somewhere? Pay-per-view maybe?

Nev and what's her face want their own show on E, kind of like Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna. 

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Yes, I realize how old I'm going to make myself sound. But does anybody actually get married first and then get pregnant anymore? ;)

Edited by Cara
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On 9/6/2016 at 6:50 AM, Cara said:

Yes, I realize how old I'm going to make myself sound. But does anybody actually get married first and then get pregnant anymore? ;)

Even better, does anybody understand what birth control is? They must not be using any kind of protection, don't these people know about AIDS & STDs?

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1 hour ago, Tara Ariano said:

She explicitly said that they weren't. She's stupid.

No, Nev is stupid, she's smart. Now she permanently has her hooks into someone with enough fame to give her the kind of lifestyle where she gets to go to "events" & who probably makes a very nice salary. Even if they split up, he's going to have to keep paying her until the kid is 18. Nev has been catfished again.

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Nev Schulman and his fiancée Laura Perlongo have been proud parents for more than three months -- and the Catfish couple is outspoken about subjects that relate to new moms and dads (from breastfeeding to postpartum depression).

Oh GOOOOOD!  I am very much looking forward to 3-month-in parenting advice from these two clowns!  Maybe their baking show can go head-to-head with Season 2 of Rob&Chyna.

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It really pisses me off when girls are in relationships and aren't using protection.. and then act shocked or stressed out at the fact they might be pregnant. Like really?! How stupid and lazy can you be to not be on any birth control? Either they secretly want to get pregnant but won't admit it.. or they really don't want to get pregnant and end up aborting it. It's just so immature to me and the fact these immature people are giving birth and raising children is even worse. 

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I know this is late but I think the break that they had in August would have been August 2015, which is when he was with Tully Smyth from Big Brother Australia. Tully gained reknown when she had a relationship with a guy or basically fell in love with a guy on the show and her lesbian partner of 3 years publicly broke up with her.

Here's an article about Tully and Nev:

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11 hours ago, truebluesmoky said:

Per both Nev and Laura’s Instagrams, she is pregnant again and expecting a baby boy. They announced it today because she was 12 weeks along in tonight’s episode and already showing.

I didn't even notice as I try to ignore her as much as possible. 

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I don't like that Max's departure has given Nev and Laura free rein to turn Catfish into their own personal nest egg and thinly veiled video diary of their marriage.  At least the baby probably means she'll be too busy to sign on as official co-host and take Max's salary? I swear, at this rate we'll have an episode devoted to Laura's labor and Nev will shove that tiny camera up her hooha.

I barely tolerate financing Nev's perpetual Peter Pan fuckery, much less Laura's.

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So my daughter was in Hawaii last week and sends me a pic of -- Nev! -- by the pool. We both immediately checked Instagram which did indeed show them in Hawaii, as well as a pic of the now family of four at the hospital after the last one was born. I don't recall the second one coming being mentioned on the show, although the oldest child is. Interesting. 

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