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S04.E17: Baby Come Home

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Rayna and Deacon try everything they can think of to reunite with Maddie and avoid court, even involving Teddy from jail. Juliette tries to rekindle her relationship with Avery, and her success on tour stokes Layla's jealousy, personally and professionally. Luke Wheeler leverages his own appearance on "Good Morning America" with Robin Roberts to try to jump start Will Lexington's career.



You know, I'm really trying to understand Maddie, but I can't.

Here's an analogy: I get into Harvard/Yale/etc. (so the Sony deal), but my parents tell me I can't go. My great aunt Trudy said she'd foot the bill, but only if my parents were in agreement. They're not because, say, I already accepted an offer with a great scholarship from the in-state flagship uni that has a better program in my desired degree (so the Highway 65 Deal). 

In this case, I CANNOT emancipate (if I'm a minor) just because my parents said no and because Aunt Trudy can make it financially feasible for me to go to Havard. My parents would have my back and be teaching me a good lesson ("you already committed somewhere and it's a good opportunity," aka "you already are signed with Highway 65 and Sony would exploit you"), and I'd be mad, of course, but emancipate? And have ANYONE support me thinking I had a good chance of doing it?

College, like getting a record deal, is a CHOICE and a privilege. No one's hurting Maddie physically by having her stay with Highway 65, and Rayna is still supporting her by making that happen for her.

Has the world honestly gotten to the point where spoiled, entitled kids of celebrities can get what they want automatically? And like CASH could REALLY have a top notch attorney under her dirty little sleeve? I bet 100% Ryanas tram is better.

That plot line is just so ridiculous that I can't stand it. They're either gonna have Maddie realize she's wrong and go flying back to Raynas arms or magically have her win her case and get poised to go off on her own, thus creating a storyline for season 5.

They're desperate for views to get renewed, but unfortunately, they lost sight of what the show is and what it was supposed to stand for.

I'd watch season 5 if it happens, but I'd also prefer to see Connie Britton freed up so we could see her star in something else.

Edited by Kazia
  • Love 9

I don't really mind the Maddie story line. Seems perfectly responsible to me that a young woman , in the entertainment business with a talent, want to dive head long into the business. Her mother did the same thing. Didn't Rayna say she emancipated from her father at 16( for holding her back) and did not want to see it happen with her daughter ? Given Maddies' age she is a very vulnerable to outside influences telling her how good she is, that she is ready, blah blah blah . More unrealistic is a 20 year old having access to all this high level music industry people who ar granting her meetings. To me that is the laughable part. 

  • Love 4

This show is into repeating history: so now Maddie repeats what Rayna and Juliette did before her, and Rayna gets to experience what her parents went through. I guess.

It seems to me that the keyword here is "we", uttered by Cash, who appears to see Maddie's prospective career as one whose coattails she can cling to. If we accept - as I think the show has intended us to - that Maddie is a fantastic talent, the story sort of falls into some kind of sense: Cash, lawyer, Sony, et al want to exploit her for their own ends and do not care what happens to her as a result, and they want her emancipated so they can take their cuts without interference. If you accept that first assumption, that's a perfectly realistic scenario even if the show hasn't arrived at it in any sensible way (including Deacon's behavior in the bar, IMO).

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, missyb said:

I don't really mind the Maddie story line. Seems perfectly responsible to me that a young woman , in the entertainment business with a talent, want to dive head long into the business. Her mother did the same thing. Didn't Rayna say she emancipated from her father at 16( for holding her back) and did not want to see it happen with her daughter ? Given Maddies' age she is a very vulnerable to outside influences telling her how good she is, that she is ready, blah blah blah . More unrealistic is a 20 year old having access to all this high level music industry people who ar granting her meetings. To me that is the laughable part. 

Yes, but Rayna isn't holding Maddie back in the same way her father held HER back. Her father did not support music AT ALL (probably because of her mother), and there were other underlying issues as well.

Rayna, meanwhile, GAVE Maddie a record deal and promised her she could get out there IN TIME... Rayna learned from her own mistakes and knows first hand how hard she had it on her own at 16. It's also important to note all this music talk started back when Maddie was still 13/14/15. Rayna put her out there with baby steps.

I get that Maddie is frustrated (and rightfully so, to an extent), but I still don't see this as any reason to emancipate yourself. From what I remember, Rayna did it because her father promised her she'd NEVER be able to sing music under his roof, so it's different (and probably just as unrealistic, if we're to be honest, but it's a TV show and this is the backstory, whereas the Maddie thing is center stage).

I just hate how this show is throwing around emancipation like it's nothing because it's truly a BIG DEAL and something that shouldn't be used when you just don't get your way.

I totally agree that Maddie is vulnerable to outside influences. She doesn't seem to be as tough as Rayna was at her age, so that's probably another reason why Rayna is so worried. She's been spoiled and coddled her whole life, and I really think they should mention that at court. What experience does Maddie have taking care of herself? And when she WAS by herself, didn't she throw a party with Colt and have the cops called on her?

Also just wanna say that seeing Daphne bawl her eyes out backstage and Rayna sing while looking back at her, unable to comfort her, broke my heart. My heart hasn't been stirred like that since season 1 when Rayna sat down with Maddie after the Deacon revelation!

  • Love 12

Except that Rayna didn't leave her family, she was kicked out by Lamar for not abiding by his rules. Deacon and Rayna were in no way going to kick Maddie out and are not standing in the way of her "career" in the way Lamar was.

And Juliette left home because she had to. There are no creepy boyfriends trying to get into Maddie's pants. Neither of her parents are actively using and leaving her to fend for herself. She has a private school education, 3 parents who think she hung the moon, a comfy home, and a recording contract with her sister.

If Maddie wants to be an adult, she should act like one. Honestly, there were a few times last night when she did seem more like the adult than Cash did, but she let Cash talk her out of it each time. 

And just what is Cash's deal? 

  • Love 21

I think Maddie is really talented, but I wish someone would point out that part of the reason record companies want her is because of who she is.  She's the daughter of the legendary Rayna, and secret love child of Rayna and Deacon.  That kind of crap is irresistible, and has nothing to do with who Maddie is as a person or a talent.  Every meeting Maddie takes, and every interview she gives would start off with - so tell me what your mom is really like, how does it feel to be the child of a famous country couple, etc.   Maddie is just so sure of her greatness that it really grates.  A little humility goes far.

I also have a problem with believing no one was interested in a Maddie/Daphne duo.  They are magic when they perform together, and are incredibly unique.  There are thousands of Maddies out there.  But it's so like Maddie (of late) to believe she's too good for her sister (who's holding her back like her parents) and that the world needs, wants, and deserves Maddie The Independent Artist.

  • Love 8

If I were Juliette and I woke up on the second day of the tour, feeling pretty good about myself for the performance last night, FRESH out of treatment (1 week), got my people back, waking up to my daughter's smiling face, maybe thinking I might have a chance to get the love of my life back - and I found out that Avery sent the baby to me so that he could go screw - well, my first instinct would be to fuck a bitch up. And I'm talking about him. But since she's in the middle of a redemption arc and I'm trying to mellow out in my middle age, she should probably let karma handle it. I would let him know that he wouldn't have to worry about me asking him for anything else EVER again.  

  • Love 6

This ep re-affirms why the writers, all writers, will never let Avery be happy.  His little tear falling when he was lying on the couch just suckered punched the icy caverns of my heart.

And I can't even tell if Layla /Aubrey Peoples (?) is a decent actress, because going up against Juliette/HP and Avery/JJ she just becomes a nuisance that I want to go away.

And then Deacon and Rayna looking all happy to be followed by heartbroken while Daphne bawls?  Damn Show!  Kick us when we're down.  But total kudos to Daphne selling how happy and relieved she was to be singing with her sister and than broken into pieces afterwards.

  • Love 13
23 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

And this is Maisy from 2011.  Wow!  If the show lasts long enough, I hope Daphne is the true breakout star.


I really think she could be, given enough time. She showed off that soul in her duet with Luke and I'd have a great time watching her get the attention instead of her bratty sister.

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

This ep re-affirms why the writers, all writers, will never let Avery be happy.  His little tear falling when he was lying on the couch just suckered punched the icy caverns of my heart.

And I can't even tell if Layla /Aubrey Peoples (?) is a decent actress, because going up against Juliette/HP and Avery/JJ she just becomes a nuisance that I want to go away.

And then Deacon and Rayna looking all happy to be followed by heartbroken while Daphne bawls?  Damn Show!  Kick us when we're down.  But total kudos to Daphne selling how happy and relieved she was to be singing with her sister and than broken into pieces afterwards.

This whole episode I was preparing for the bait and switches. Sure enough, they did. With each and every story, they did the bait and switch. Juliette and Avery, nope, Avery and Layla. Same with Maddie/family, and Scarlett and Gunnar. Such a typical tv episode. Maddie is the biggest spoiled brat ever. What she did to Daphne was cruel. I could do without Layla's scheming and screwing. They need to pair her up with someone other than the mains we're rooting for. Give her a roadie or Autumn to get with. I feel bad for Juliette with Avery being a continued douche to her. She's trying to redeem herself and he's not listening or seeing it. I wonder if they're going to do a "one that got away" thing with Juliette and Avery where Juliette meets someone nice and she gets back her life and happiness. Avery deserves that for being awful to Juliette whose been trying so hard since she went to rehab. He's not good at forgiveness and forgetting. It takes a big person to. Avery is not that guy.  

  • Love 5

And this is Maisy from 2011.  Wow!  If the show lasts long enough, I hope Daphne is the true breakout star.

That would be a just reward. If it weren't for the fact that Rayna and Deacon would work hard to make sure nothing happened to her even if they weren't legally responsible, I still wish Maddie could get her wish so she could learn that getting what you want when you want it isn't always a good thing.

As for Layla and Avery, we know that her initial interest in him is all to do with getting back at Juliette for being involved in Jeff's death. She wants to take Juliette's man away from her and I don't think she cares one iota about the baby. So, it looks like Avery's definitely going to get hurt one way or another. Hopefully, it doesn't hurt his relationship with his daughter, but she's a baby and oblivious, so....

  • Love 2

The only possible (just barely possible) reason I could see for them taking her appeal for emancipation seriously is if she articulates or emphasizes some fear of her father (Deacon) - they have established in the show that she is spooked by his violent outbursts, the hauling of her off the stage (while I am sure parents everywhere mostly get that impulse) was filmed and it is damning when you see it out of, or even in, context. 

But, they take these appeals very seriously and don't grant them without a lot of consideration and from what I have seen on the show, I can't imagine it would happen in this case in real life; in TV world, yeah, they might go for it but who knows.  

The blather about the record deals is just silly - they don't grant something has significant as emancipation based on that sort of thing.  And, let's face it, parents lie about all sorts of stuff to their kids (right or wrong) under the guise of "protecting" them - it would be on them to prove it was malicious on her mother's part and even then, not a reason for this sort of huge legal step.

I really liked Deacon in the start of the series now I just find him to be just an emotionally underdeveloped whiner.  Maybe if he stopped whining, I wouldn't mind him so much but seems non-stop to me.

I think we're supposed to believe that Layla actually has feelings for Avery, though in that case shouldn't she see what terrible timing it is to get involved with him? I guess with her impulsivity and low self-esteem, she's happy just being his meaningless rebound fling. I wish Juliette would just eviscerate her already and get it over with. 

As for Maddy, I just can't with the plot holes. Isn't she under contact with Highway 65? Does that get nullified as part of the emancipation? If not, how is she planning to sign with another label? Does she even have any active other offers, or she's just emancipating herself for the liberty of playing at skanky bars without her father's disapproval? I fail to see how she's going to argue that her parents are thwarting her career when she's playing the Opry because of them. Idiocy, all of it.

  • Like 1
  • Love 7

I don't find Deacon to be a whiner. OK, back in Season 2, after the accident, maybe there was a short time, when I wanted him to pick himself up :-)

I do find him to be one of the show's whipping boys. I think Deacon is one character the show has done well.  He is so dimensional. He has a great heart, he's immensely loyal to his friends and the people he loves. He wants to be the best man he can be, he wants to do the best for his family and make them proud of him. 

Deacon has his demons.  He's an alcoholic, of course, but, he's also the product of a nightmarish childhood; a childhood of emotional and physical abuse  I would suspect that background plays a huge role, in the anger issues, that he struggles with.  He certainly isn't perfect.  He makes mistakes and bad choices, at times. What I like best about the character; he never gives up.  He picks himself up and keeps trying.  He faces his mistakes, he takes responsibility for them. 

Just when things are going well, for him, the show seems to feel the need to knock him back down.  I know it's a drama, but it would be great, to show a character, who is flawed, but has worked so hard, for so long, to be a better person; to see that character getting a win that sticks for awhile.  

As for Maddie being afraid of him, ridiculous.  She's known him, her entire life.  He's never been anything but wonderful to her.  Based on a couple of incidents, one of them, in the depths of grief, she's afraid of him? 

Next week I think we're going to get another episode of Deke not making the best choices, and under the bus he goes! 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, beeblebrox said:

I wonder if they're going to do a "one that got away" thing with Juliette and Avery where Juliette meets someone nice and she gets back her life and happiness. Avery deserves that for being awful to Juliette whose been trying so hard since she went to rehab. He's not good at forgiveness and forgetting. It takes a big person to. Avery is not that guy.  

Avery already forgave and forgot Juliette fucking Jeff Fordham. Then Juliette went insane, criminally neglected her baby, put him and Cadence's life in danger when called on it and drove Avery from the house, hired the guy she fucked on the side as her promoter, left her husband and her infant and made herself uncontactable. There's being a "big person" and then there's having a sense of self-preservation.

Ask yourself this question: Imagine Avery was Ayla and Juliette was Jules. Then go through their relationship history with switched genders. After that, ask yourself how forgiving you feel against "Jules". Mental illness is an explanation, it isn't an excuse.

That said, Layla is a hellspawn and needs to die.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, missyb said:

I don't really mind the Maddie story line. Seems perfectly responsible to me that a young woman , in the entertainment business with a talent, want to dive head long into the business. Her mother did the same thing. Didn't Rayna say she emancipated from her father at 16( for holding her back) and did not want to see it happen with her daughter ? 

Rayna's father kicked her out, she didn't leave on her own & didn't have a choice about it. Not the same thing.

  • Love 1

I'm having a hard time believing the Maddie story just because Lennon is just not the most amazing amazing that ever amazed.  She's an okay singer and not a great actress.  I don't see moonbeams and rainbows whenever she sings. So, ugh.  Go away.  Take Cash and Frankie. Leave my screen.  I'd prefer to focus on Daphne getting to do more than be worried and cry. And yep, I'll co-sign the people saying that Lennon has the more interesting voice. 

Juliette backtracked a bit this week, lying to Avery, but hooray for Glenn setting her straight. I can't have a lot of sympathy for Jules, despite loving every second Hayden is onscreen.  She lied to Avery, slept with Jeff, got back with Avery (who was in a major tailspin after the original pile of lies), walked out on him several times, used him for publicity and as a cover, so if he's going to go try and find a little bit of happiness with someone else (NOT CRAYLA!!), I'll cheer for him.

What will Scarlett and Gunnar call themselves now? "The Rebounds"?  "FWBs"?  The choices are endless...

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, missyb said:

I don't really mind the Maddie story line. Seems perfectly responsible to me that a young woman , in the entertainment business with a talent, want to dive head long into the business. Her mother did the same thing. Didn't Rayna say she emancipated from her father at 16( for holding her back) and did not want to see it happen with her daughter ? Given Maddies' age she is a very vulnerable to outside influences telling her how good she is, that she is ready, blah blah blah . More unrealistic is a 20 year old having access to all this high level music industry people who ar granting her meetings. To me that is the laughable part. 

If Cash has so many great connections why doesn't she have a successful career?  What does she actually do when she isn't hanging around aa 16 year old or sneaking her into bars?  I can understand Maddie thinking she can do better on her own.  She has someone telling her she can.  Maddie is young and easily swayed.  I don't understand this getting to the point of going to court and Rayna really thinking she'll lose her daughter.   This storyline needs to end.

The show got me.  I really wanted Avery to be at Juliet's door.  I know it's a toxic relationship.  I just love the chemistry between the two actors.  They burn up the screen.  (I also watch Fear The Walking Dead.  The lead couple on that is the exact opposite.  I'd like to see one couple that really seems like they are drawn to each other).   

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, beeblebrox said:

This whole episode I was preparing for the bait and switches. Sure enough, they did. With each and every story, they did the bait and switch. Juliette and Avery, nope, Avery and Layla. Same with Maddie/family, and Scarlett and Gunnar. Such a typical tv episode.

This episode was jammed so full of stereotypes it gave me an ulcer. I can't even call them tropes, since they weren't used with any subtlety or sense of craft. Really, Nashville -- a couple who aren't communicating are trapped in an elevator together? Really? I mean, goodness knows I'm not sorry to see Gunnar and Scarlett get their act together, if you'll pardon the pun, but a week after the "He has lipstick on his cheek, but not for the reason you think" dodge? And then the couple who appear to be on a rapprochement track are actually not on opposite sides of the same door? Did all the writers learn their craft at Cliché School?

Maddie's continuing devotion to Cash is no longer remotely plausible -- and it's making Maddie look not just like a brat, but like an irremediably selfish person: what part of your need for artistic freedom excuses torturing your little sister, you heartless troll? I'm particularly frustrated because I thought that Rayna might have actually started to get through to Maddie. And what exactly was it that Cash is supposed to have said that put Maddie back over on her side of the hedge? "Your mom said mean things to me"? "Your mother rides a vacuum cleaner"? What? Even if Cash told the absolute truth (which I doubt since the show didn't take the trouble of actually showing it onscreen) the worst would be "Your mother threatened to use her connections to make sure I'd never work again," and, frankly, I don't see how that could be a shock to Maddie -- or even that credible a threat from Rayna, honestly.

It seems clear that Cash is only interested in preventing Deacon and Rayna from getting what they want from their relationship with their daughter, rather in anything to do with Maddie herself or even in exploiting Maddie's talent. But it seems equally clear that Maddie will find out (overhearing Cash's phone conversations, is my guess) just exactly what Cash's plans are, in time for a tearful courthouse reunion. Feh.

Nothing about the way the character is written or performed can make me care about Layla, at this point. Even Avery, as ill-used as he clearly feels, isn't enough to make that relationship interesting. I don't have anything against Aubrey Peeples, but the character is just unworkable.

Gunnar and Scarlett were part of The Triple Exes, and then they were The Exes. Now they're ex-exes. Does that make them the Double Exes? Or the Artists Formerly Known As The Exes? Maybe they need a wonky looking unpronounceable symbol of their own, like £§∞£, or something.

Edited by Sandman
Because £§∞£!
  • Love 9

Woo Hoo, Gunnar and Scarlett!  Please let them be happy together.   I hope that we are rid of Autumn trying to get between them.

Poor Daphne.  My heart broken for her when her pathetic excuse for a sister left.  Maddie is a miserable person.  Cash is just way too invested in a child.  Is Cash out to get Rayna or Deacon and is using Maddie to do it?  Maybe she blames Deacon for her Father being a drunk?

I loved that Avery did not fall for Juliette's crocodile tears.  That woman put him through hell and he has no reason to forgive and forget.

  • Love 3

I don't think prisons allow unaccompanied (non-emancipated) minors in to visit a prisoner, even a parent. Maddie would have had to be with Rayna or someone else who was pre-approved to accompany Teddy's kids in to visit him.

I was happy Daphne didn't reject Deacon's comfort at the end. Those two getting along was nice. Ugh, I can't wait for a judge to yell Maddie out of the courtroom for wasting everyone's time with such stupidity.

  • Love 2

Agree with what many of you have said about Maddie and Cash. I am so sick of both brats and the storyline. It is not the same as Rayna's situation, as others have already mentioned. Rayna was thrown out at 16, didn't try to be emancipated (maybe she did after she was kicked out, but it didn't seem like they ever made the break between herself and Lamar legal). I also believe her mother was already dead by the time she was kicked out (I might not be remembering that correctly though), and if that was the case, Rayna had no parent at all to turn to, let alone three like Maddie has who have been loving and supportive even though she needs some tough love at this point. They should have one of those special boarding/disciplinary schools come and haul her away in the middle of the night and show her what real life is like - you know, with chores, and discipline, having to go to school, not having a credit card, thinking about where money is going to come from, not being able to sing at the Opry, not being able to sneak off to screw your boyfriend, etc. Wow, Maddie's life is just so stunningly difficult - no wonder she can't take it anymore.

I think Cash's angle is to be Maddie's manager and mooch off of her as much as she possibly can. Also, as someone else mentioned, how does this girl with all these bigtime "connections," including at Sony, not have her own career? Maddie is a complete moron because she's letting Cash take all these meetings on her own about Maddie and her future and she doesn't seem to get that that's as "controlling" as anything Rayna has done so far, and Cash definitely doesn't have her best interests at heart.

Judging the previews from next week, particularly the little blip they showed of Cash's complete asshat of a Father, it looks like we might see some more of where she gets her vile, manipulative, wretched, selfish personality from. Yes, Deacon can get angry, but Frankie is pissed at him and very jealous of Deacon and his success, both personally and professionally, so I think he's definitely going to try to exaggerate and exploit a situation and try to use it to his and Cash's benefit, attempting to further separate Maddie from her family. After all, if Cash ends up profiting off of Maddie, I'm sure Frankie will as well.

And don't even get me started on Layla - I wish she would have been written off in that near drowning incident after taking all those pills at Jeff's.

Edited by Rapunzel
  • Love 2

I think we're supposed to believe that Layla actually has feelings for Avery, though in that case shouldn't she see what terrible timing it is to get involved with him? I guess with her impulsivity and low self-esteem, she's happy just being his meaningless rebound fling. I wish Juliette would just eviscerate her already and get it over with. 

As for Maddy, I just can't with the plot holes. Isn't she under contact with Highway 65? Does that get nullified as part of the emancipation? If not, how is she planning to sign with another label? Does she even have any active other offers, or she's just emancipating herself for the liberty of playing at skanky bars without her father's disapproval? I fail to see how she's going to argue that her parents are thwarting her career when she's playing the Opry because of them. Idiocy, all of it.

No other offers because the one label head refused to meet with Cash and called Rayna immediately.

Also, isn't Edgehill defunct now? I thought it went bankrupt...

Cash isn't telling Maddie that part.

  • Love 3

I will admit it, I did feel a little chill when Gunnar and Scarlette started singing that first song from the pilot. Still my favorite song this show has ever done, and got me on the good ship Scarlette/Gunnar, even when Scarlette was pretty lame. These days, I can fully support them getting back together, even if this means they might have to change their bands name. 

I normally cannot stand Maddy, but I did kind of feel for her when she was considering going back to Rayna and Deacon. Then awful Cash messes it up. All I can think is that Cash is hoping to ride on Maddys coattails to her own career. Otherwise, I have no idea what this chicks deal is, and why she is so fucking involved in this 16 year old and her teenage angst. 

I am glad they spent some time on Deacon and Daphne. I thought all their scenes were really sweet, and its nice to see them bond. Poor Daphne always seems to get neglected, living in the shadow of Maddys drama festival of a life. It was nice to see her get some good screen time. Her actress is just so talented. 

I know I shouldn't want Avery and Juliette back, after everything she put him through and all their issues, but they just have so much chemistry!  

I have rolled my eyes at Luke more than once, but I will give him a ton of credit for his backing of Will. I actually really like all the Will stuff, and I much prefer Luke hanging out with Will than his sex addict buddy. 

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, Stella MD said:

As for Maddy, I just can't with the plot holes. Isn't she under contact with Highway 65? Does that get nullified as part of the emancipation? If not, how is she planning to sign with another label? Does she even have any active other offers, or she's just emancipating herself for the liberty of playing at skanky bars without her father's disapproval? I fail to see how she's going to argue that her parents are thwarting her career when she's playing the Opry because of them. Idiocy, all of it.

I assume little Maddie will have to earn her contracts Marilyn Monroe-style. I bet she'll love that prospect.

I also hate the emancipation story; you can't get emancipated because your 20 year old friend thinks one record deal is better than the next. Anything can happen on TV, but in real life you would have to prove abuse, your parents are stealing from you etc. How does Cash have the money to live in a good sized house anyway?  I really felt sorry for Daphne. I also feel bad that they took away the relationship Maddie had with Deacon, over a stupid fight. 

I always feel sorry for Layla and I guess she has a right to go after Avery who is of course divorced. I want to root for Juliet, but it really seems like her baby is just not that important to her. I cannot even imagine being away from baby as much as she is, yet when she is with her she is pretty unconcerned. Yay for Scarlett and Gunnar, love that song!

  • Love 1

I can't with Layla. Like literally just can't. Her character has never been consistent (She's a starstruck ingenue! She's a conniving, back-stabbing bitch! She's a Harvard whizkid! She doesn't know how to use a can opener! She's so shallow that she can't even write a superficial pop song! She's just misunderstood and deep - wait until you hear her play an acoustic set! She loves Jeff! She hates Jeff! My sister! My daughter! My sister! My daughter! ...and so on and so forth*) and while I think that Audrey Peeples has a great voice and really seems like a sweetheart of a girl, she just cannot hold her weight in a meaty storyline with Hayden Panettierre and Jonathan Jackson. I also don't think the writers/directors have quite made up their minds about whether Layla's motivations are sincere or not, so every once and awhile they ask her to throw in the crazy eyes, which really helps no one. 

5 hours ago, Sandman said:

This episode was jammed so full of stereotypes it gave me an ulcer. I can't even call them tropes, since they weren't used with any subtlety or sense of craft. Really, Nashville -- a couple who aren't communicating are trapped in an elevator together? Really? I mean, goodness knows I'm not sorry to see Gunnar and Scarlett get their act together, if you'll pardon the pun, but a week after the "He has lipstick on his cheek, but not for the reason you think" dodge? And then the couple who appear to be on a rapprochement track are actually not on opposite sides of the same door? Did all the writers learn their craft at Cliché School?

Omigosh - yes! As soon as those elevator doors closed, I was like, "Noooo. They wouldn't." But they did. And then they did TWO fake-outs. First with Maddie joining Daphne onstage just so we might think that she maybe she realized that emancipating yourself from your mother, whose label has you on contract and thereby very possibly legally preventing you getting a job, is actually kind of a dumb idea and then (as you mentioned) the cuts between Avery and Juliette, like he was really going to be outside her door and not Layla's. Nashville's writers apparently think we're the first TV audience ever. 



*I totally realize that all these things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. I also realize that the writers just shuffle Layla into whatever personality will suit the storyline that week. And they do the exact same thing with Luke. 

Edited by Brinny
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15 minutes ago, Brinny said:

I totally realize that all these things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. I also realize that the writers just shuffle Layla into whatever personality will suit the storyline that week. And they do the exact same thing with Luke. 

The writers have an easy time shuffling Layla into whatever personality will suit the storyline because Aubrey does not convey emotions very well. Thus she can't establish her character as having a genuine personality and that also means it's easy for lazy writers to change it, knowing whatever role she's put in she'll deliver the same empty, wooden performance. It wouldn't work for someone like Chip, because Chip is a quality actor who's defined and fleshed out Deacon's personality very well through his performance. That's also what made it so infuriating when Gunnar went completely out of character in late season one, because it didn't ring true to the role, which had already been lovingly built by Sam Palladio.

Edited by Telepath
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8 hours ago, Telepath said:

Avery already forgave and forgot Juliette fucking Jeff Fordham. Then Juliette went insane, criminally neglected her baby, put him and Cadence's life in danger when called on it and drove Avery from the house, hired the guy she fucked on the side as her promoter, left her husband and her infant and made herself uncontactable. There's being a "big person" and then there's having a sense of self-preservation.


I can see Avery still being in love with Juliette, but she's always been a disaster as a helpmeet partner.  And now she's done this weird thing with joining the tour.  And about five minutes in, she's lying to Avery and trying to manipulate him.  And when she gets called on it, she's all tears and kisses and "Trust me!  I'm changed!"


Avery has Baby Cadence now.  A responsible parent doesn't take a baby on a rollercoaster, even if wild and crazy loop-di-loop rollercoaster riding is your favorite fun thing.


But then, does someone who's at that level of maturity really go fall into bed for a meaningless comfort-fuck with someone who's stated she cares about him?   I like Layla better than others here do, but let's agree, the girl really does not need another heapin' helpinful of being used and discarded.  And it seems unlikely Avery would be the one to thoughtlessly self-soothe by ladling that out.


Yo, writers!

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2 minutes ago, candall said:

But then, does someone who's at that level of maturity really go fall into bed for a meaningless comfort-fuck with someone who's stated she cares about him?   I like Layla better than others here do, but let's agree, the girl really does not need another heapin' helpinful of being used and discarded.  And it seems unlikely Avery would be the one to thoughtlessly self-soothe by ladling that out.

I agree with this which is exactly why I don't think Avery sees it as a "meaningless comfort-fuck". I genuinely think (God help me) that Avery believes he has true feelings for Layla. That might be self-deception or it might even be (again God help me) the truth.

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9 hours ago, Telepath said:

The writers have an easy time shuffling Layla into whatever personality will suit the storyline because Aubrey does not convey emotions very well. Thus she can't establish her character as having a genuine personality and that also means it's easy for lazy writers to change it, knowing whatever role she's put in she'll deliver the same empty, wooden performance. It wouldn't work for someone like Chip, because Chip is a quality actor who's defined and fleshed out Deacon's personality very well through his performance. That's also what made it so infuriating when Gunnar went completely out of character in late season one, because it didn't ring true to the role, which had already been lovingly built by Sam Palladio.

Truth. But one thing Layla has always been consistent about is the progression of her career. She wants Juliette level success and she's proven herself willing to do almost anything to get it. 

7 hours ago, Telepath said:

I agree with this which is exactly why I don't think Avery sees it as a "meaningless comfort-fuck". I genuinely think (God help me) that Avery believes he has true feelings for Layla. That might be self-deception or it might even be (again God help me) the truth.

God help us all. I think he believes he has true feelings for her - or at least he wants to try and have feelings for someone other than Juliette. If Layla were someone else, Sadie for example (and how I wish that had happened!) he might have been able to make a go of it and actually be happy. But this is Layla we're talking about and she's not going to be able to keep herself from fucking this up. Bagging Avery is great, but that's not going to be enough if she can't get her career going. That's ultimately her main goal. Avery doesn't realize it yet, but he's just gotten involved with a knock-off early S1 Juliette, who was much more concerned with her career than she was with being human. Her immaturity, tantrums and growing frustration with both Glenn and Rayna/HW65 (don't blame her there) don't bode well for the long term success of this relationship. Not to mention the ramifications from being trapped in Juliette's orbit while on this tour. Avery has distanced himself from his ex, but Layla is insecure and since Avery and Juliette have to have some level of interaction because of Cadence, eventually that insecurity is going to come into play.

Edited by Soup333
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