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Season Two Talk: Brand New Contestants, Same Old Bears

Quilt Fairy
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18 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Does anyone know why last week Nicole cut her fish the long way (parallel to the spine) but this week cut it crossways (perpendicular to the spine)?

I didn't hear her say why; I just put it down to wanting to switch it up a bit (fillets last week, steaks this), and now that I think about it, the way she prepped them suited the way she cooked them (smoked & boiled, I think last week, and fried in the pan this week). Or she was more of a hurry this week to dress the fish, takes much less time to cut it into steaks than to fillet. 

Edited by mythreecents
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When f*****g Larry is in full-blown sweary mode, he makes me laugh.  However, he does genuinely seem to be going through a midlife crisis ("I don't know if I can be an electrician for the next 30 years" etc.) and has apparently decided that going into the woods for a year will help him re-examine his life.  I hope he figures out his path.

I'm cutting Randy slack about his dealing with loneliness, because I think loneliness is like starvation:  it's one of those things that the contestants knew was bad, and they knew they would have to deal with it, but you really don't realize how bad it is until you, personally, are going through it.  Also, Randy is pretty young (28).  This may be the first experience in his life that he didn't have a supportive network of family and friends around him.

I'm worried about Jose and his boat.  I'd like him to stay to the end, or at least be one of the last to leave, but I'm also worried he'll get hypothermia.

Nicole apparently has the Salmon Highway running through her plot.  I thought she was the luckiest contestant, until Mike got the body of a boat given to him by the Debris Gods.

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3 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Does anyone know why last week Nicole cut her fish the long way (parallel to the spine) but this week cut it crossways (perpendicular to the spine)?

mythreecents hit it on the head <snork>.  

A fish cut lengthwise and boned is 'filleted'.  A fish cut crosswise is cut into steaks.  Just the same as in the grocery store.  :)

Unfortunately, it looked like she caught another Chum Salmon (not that I'd complain if I were in her situation).  Did anyone catch captioning mentioning the breed?  All I know is Chum in the real world is basically dog food to those who are used to catching the 'good' salmon.  The flesh looked quite pale as opposed to the really pink-orange-to-red that the desired salmon are.  Thank god we were spared the sperm demonstration and eye-eating lecture of last week, and had only to endure the 'beating heart once it's head was cut off' lesson this week.  

Anyway, better than the 'descendant from the shark' fish that Randy(?) caught.  

I'm beginning to think I'm a picky eater.  lol

Beautiful bear shots of the mom and two babies!  So healthy and happy! 

Agreeing with the posts upthread about 'alone'.  I have no problem being alone.  For most of my life (12-42) I rode mostly alone in the Black Hills for up to 14 hours a day when the weather cooperated.  Give me one of my horses, a coke and a ham sandwich and a good book in the saddlebags and I was good to go. That is what I love.  Now that I'm oldish, I'm convinced that my parental people were secretly hoping that I wouldn't come back.  <grin>

I am totally devoted to Mr. MC, but I am very glad that neither of us are yacky.  He does his thing, I do mine (in close proximity), speaking when necessary, and laughing a lot , and the collies are happy.  :)  Someone like Nicole would *drive* *me* *crazy* with her constant blah/blah/blah, within a couple of days.  Who knows?  Maybe she isn't like that IRL and is only going on for the cameras.   That's certainly what I tell myself about our girl-child and her seeming addiction to FB.  

I would prefer being 'alone' with a wonderful tent and a self-inflating blowup mattress, but hey.  Probably not one of the ten items.  lol

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 Episode 6 and they are only on "day 18" . I think if we had real longevity among them they would have 'fast forwarded' by now.  So I think the taps are going to start.  (Randy for sure I guess)   Just been trying to gauge the 13 episodes and how long the majority stay. 

No smoke around Randy's camp.  Kept thinking "Randy where's your fire? How has it been to keep it going?"  Maybe off-camera..

I think many of them are thinking 'why put up with this if I don't believe I'm going to be able to win?'.  It really seems this has been on Dave's mind since he got there. Dave wants the money but he hates it there. He's thinking "no way I want to do this 2..3...4 months or longer.  I should probably cut my losses now".  I also think Nicole especially, doesn't care about the money prize and will tap when it's no fun anymore. 

I liked Jose's explanation about the difference between survival skills and wilderness living.  That explains a lot.  I do wish we could see his camp!       

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One thing I love about this show is that the people are the real deal and not in it just for the money or the prize.  Unfortunately, that's also one thing I hate about this show.  I wish someone this season really wanted to win.  It's a competition after all.  At least last season I got the feeling from Alan and Sam that they wanted to win and they lasted the longest.  This season I'm only getting that feeling a little bit from Dave because he seems to want the money so much, but he always looks like he's going to tap out any minute.

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21 minutes ago, seasick said:

 ..I think many of them are thinking 'why put up with this if I don't believe I'm going to be able to win?'.  It really seems this has been on Dave's mind since he got there. Dave wants the money but he hates it there. He's thinking "no way I want to do this 2..3...4 months or longer.  I should probably cut my losses now".  I also think Nicole especially, doesn't care about the money prize and will tap when it's no fun anymore....

Wonderful thoughts on your part.  It seems that the isolation leads to decision that are not logical.  It seems like a lot of the reasons given for quitting are weak or inconsistent with the goals they have already stated, but the isolation allows their minds to move in different directions.

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Based on the editing, if Larry and Randy don't tap next week, I will be really surprised. I actually expected it last night based on how much time was spent on both of them. I think that Larry is clinically depressed. See, he thought that going out into this wilderness on this type of adventure would show him that it is being an electrician is causing all of his life discontent. He found out that it didn't in no short order. In my clinical experience, depression can manifest as anger. Larry stated that he has always had a short fuse and frustration issues. I completely understand the overwhelming desire to be searching for that something that fixes this internal discontent (depression). Nothing works! He has yet to find that it generally doesn't come from the outside. I think that he is starting to see that. I have to wonder if his viewing of his behavior will be the wake up call to do something about it? I hope so. I do not think that I could tolerate a person like that in my life (I know someone similar and it is not fun to be around them at all). I imagine that his portrayal could hurt his business as well. Therapy and meds (to start at least) could make a big difference for him. I actually think that he is more trouble than Tracy was. Tracy knew her limit and got the hell out. That shows a level of insight. Larry is angry,  explosive and combined with impulsiveness, can be a dangerous combo (obviously any drug or alcohol issues can compound this). I don't doubt that he has also threatened people (IRL) when angry, in this state he could be very scary. His swearing (to me), is not funny anymore. Imagine being on the other end of this or being a child. It could be very frightening. I think that the editors purposely juxtaposed Larry and Jose. It was purposeful. I do sense some worry on Jose's part and I wish that we got more of him to really see what is going on. I loved Mike last night. So happy and excited about his find. I have to wonder if Mike is a pack rat in real life though? Mike, Nicole and Jose are my top 3 right now. I think that we will see Justin and Dave next week as they previewed them. I expect at least one tap next week as they are foreshadowing it pretty strongly this week as well. 

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I think, despite her crying jag, Nicole has the mental toughness to stay. She has really surprised me. She's not someone I would normally hang out with but if I was lost in the wilderness I'd want her with me.

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31 minutes ago, riverheightsnancy said:

Based on the editing, if Larry and Randy don't tap next week, I will be really surprised. I actually expected it last night based on how much time was spent on both of them. I think that Larry is clinically depressed. See, he thought that going out into this wilderness on this type of adventure would show him that it is being an electrician is causing all of his life discontent. He found out that it didn't in no short order. In my clinical experience, depression can manifest as anger. Larry stated that he has always had a short fuse and frustration issues. I completely understand the overwhelming desire to be searching for that something that fixes this internal discontent (depression). Nothing works! He has yet to find that it generally doesn't come from the outside. I think that he is starting to see that. I have to wonder if his viewing of his behavior will be the wake up call to do something about it? I hope so. I do not think that I could tolerate a person like that in my life (I know someone similar and it is not fun to be around them at all). I imagine that his portrayal could hurt his business as well. Therapy and meds (to start at least) could make a big difference for him. I actually think that he is more trouble than Tracy was. Tracy knew her limit and got the hell out. That shows a level of insight. Larry is angry,  explosive and combined with impulsiveness, can be a dangerous combo (obviously any drug or alcohol issues can compound this). I don't doubt that he has also threatened people (IRL) when angry, in this state he could be very scary. His swearing (to me), is not funny anymore. Imagine being on the other end of this or being a child. It could be very frightening. I think that the editors purposely juxtaposed Larry and Jose. It was purposeful. I do sense some worry on Jose's part and I wish that we got more of him to really see what is going on. I loved Mike last night. So happy and excited about his find. I have to wonder if Mike is a pack rat in real life though? Mike, Nicole and Jose are my top 3 right now. I think that we will see Justin and Dave next week as they previewed them. I expect at least one tap next week as they are foreshadowing it pretty strongly this week as well. 

Yes!  Thanks for this.  I started writing a post about how Larry's plight got to me this week and then you posted this.    (somehow I lost my whole post..grrr)    

Anyway I understood  Larry's thoughts of the lack of fulfillment and "working for the weekends".  And thinking..what's the answer to that..that's much of what the work-a-day life is like for so many.  But then I also thought "But Larry you are on an adventure of a lifetime NOW and you are still miserable!  Untreated depression.

On one hand  Larry may be more focused on the money as his 'way out'.  And he's so accustomed to being miserable that I doubt he expects any less.   So he could be a contender.  OTOH I think he could be in for a total breakdown as you suggest.  I hope it's a wake-up call and he gets the help he needs.   

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Larry isn't even fun to watch. Boo. Randy, on the other hand...he has a BODY on him. Damn. He looks ripped after 2 1/2 weeks out there, he must be eating well.

This show actually reminds me of a book called "The Long Walk" by Stephen King (under alias Richard Bachman). It's about a group of 100 teenage boys who sign up to do the Long Walk, wherein you walk as far as possible keeping your speed above 4 mph. If you slow down, you get a warning, but you can "walk off" a warning in one hour. On your 4th warning, you get shot in the head. Last one walking wins. Obviously the stakes are not as high here, but it's a really interesting book as they examine their motivations for signing up and what it takes to actually win. If you like the show, you might like that book :)

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Circling the emotional drain this week on Alone are...


The anger and intensity of his cussing not fitting with the offense is frightening.

Glad the mouse was caught on night vision, it is literally one mouse and not just a metaphor for the uncontrollable forces ruling Larry's real life.

Feel bad for Larry's family who have endured his white, hot temper behind closed doors and now the world is privy to his behavior.

After Larry moved to his new camp, fleeing Mighty Mouse, his is sleeping bag got wet from ground water.

Larry's sleeping bag is wet, could you feel the top of his head exploding?

Will this be the straw that breaks the camel'(Larry's) back?

We will have to wait until next week for the swear-fest, the burning of his wet sleeping bag and anticipated melt down of Larry's psyche.


Mr. Champagne, did you read the production TV contract?

Key words you glossed over:


A-a determiner that can indicate one in number

Lone-having no companions; solitary or single.

Vancouver ISLAND, not Vancouver Desert.


Not liking the editing of the show this season.

No Justin "Lord Love a Duck" in this episode, unless I blinked and he popped up throwing away more food.

Does anyone even remember what he looks like?

Obviously, the editors don't.

Mike, I am sure had a full launching dedication speech of the S.S. Barbara to Barbara where he thanked Barbara for being Barbara, wishing Barbara was there in all her Barbara-ness, supporting him in her Barbara way that only Barbara and ONLY Barbara  can. 

When we get more Mike in future episodes, gonna have to initiate the Barbara shotski game, get your adult beverages of choice lined up if you are playing along to tip it back every time Mike says Barbara.

Edited by humbleopinion
upon review, needed corrections
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Yeah, Larry's swearing and temper stopped being amusing to me when he got frustrated and started hitting and pounding on the tree roots or branches or whatever it was that tripped him a few episodes back.  I mean, it is one thing to be absolutely stressed and at the end of your rope and then something gets in your way, or you screw up, or whatever, to pound your fists and stomp around or something like that, but his tantrum seemed more menacing to me.  It was something in the way he just repeatedly slammed at the root while glaring at it and swearing up a storm.  It was like he was taking it personally, that he was convinced the root reached out to trip him specifically with malice and intention, therefore he must put it down.  It gave me chills.  I mean, what does he do if he gets cut off in traffic?

Another thing that bothered me last night about Larry was that he admits that he's finally going to go explore his area in this other direction and then he finds his shangri-la campsite.  WTF?  Why the hell didn't he explore his entire area, in all directions, before choosing to situate his camp in the most remotely inaccessible section of his "claim?"  I mean, a reasonable and logical person would do that, right?  "Let's check all around for the best campsite" is what a reasonable person does.  What Larry did was "I'm going to risk life and limb and just explore straight up and perch my campsite waaaaaay up here in the woods and then go waaaaaaah."

And then?  Once he finally caught a clue and found his shangri-la?  He was happy for about thirty seconds, then went back to being dour, angry Larry.   He needs help.  I don't doubt the privation and isolation are exacerbating these distressing aspects of his personality, but the fact that they come so easily to the surface leads me to believe they are lurking right there under his skin at all times.

I loved to see Mike's joy with his boat, though I held my breath a couple of times.  I also loved to see Jose's quiet shrugging off the hours of work that were wasted when his gunwale broke (I actually thought it looked a wee bit too, er, delicate, myself to do what it was he expected it to do.)

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People like Larry scare the hell out of me.  Yes, up until this week's episode, I thought his swearing was comedy gold, but it has gotten so out of hand and so indicative of his inability to deal with the slightest setback. I can't imagine how scared a homeowner would if he got frustrated while fixing a wiring problem.  

If he's having an existential issue, perhaps he should have rewound the tape and watched himself fly off the handle over a silly hassle that he could have easily addressed if he kept his wits about him (umm, Larry, if you are cutting the trees too short, how about using a too short one as a measurement for the next one you cut down.....just add the length of your shoe and you'd have what you need).  His resistance to finding a new home site after, what, almost three weeks(?), is indicative of his mindset:  Nothing I do will make my life better, I'm happiest when I have something to complain about (because I don't have to come to the realization that I am causing my own misery), I'm doomed to living a miserable life, etc.  I think he is married?  I feel very sorry for his wife and children.  Can you imagine?

I'm warming up to Nicole.  She is well-balanced, realistic about herself and her life, allows herself to feel the feelings and move on, and doesn't seem intimidated by the forces of nature or the forces of emotion.

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The contrasts in the first few minutes were amazing. We started out with Mike, happily exploring his beach, building his boat, and then dancing out on the water. You can just tell he's having a ball and can't wait to MacGyver something else up. (I was kind of worried about how his camp would survive the storm, but he obviously came through in good spirits.) After watching Mike bogey in his tub, we cut to Larry.

Mr Downer is oh-so-bored with nothing to do but stand around and wait for low tide. Woe is me, nothing to do... Oh joy some fish... blankety blank fish almost got away... have to start a fire... blankety blank everything's wet... finally, the fire's started, let's stand up... clunk... blankety blank blank, hit his head on the roof

Then we go to Jose, who is making a canoe, hoping to have it done in time for the salmon run. Always busy, he tells us he is shifting gears, no longer surviving, he's now living in the wilderness. As he's working, after hours of whittling and shaping, an important piece of his boat cracks. No jumping up and down, screaming and cursing about blowing up the island, Jose picks up his ax and heads off to cut down a new tree so he can start over. We leave him as he sits to contemplate the beauty of nature, no doubt thinking about how to prevent the next piece from breaking. 

Back to Larry as he sits in his shelter moaning about his life. We go to commercial with Larry telling us of his crappy life. (Seriously, I agree with those who say this guy has some serious mental issues. Sure, this environment is amplifying his depression, but I worry he might be suicidal.)

After the commercial break we switch from Mr Downer to Nicole, aka Mary Poppins. Time to check her net and she finds another salmon. I swear, she really lucked out on her site. While Jose builds his boat to travel to a salmon stream, Nicole is already catching hers. I'm hoping to see her smoking fish soon. She shares her views of her bear neighbors, and tells us she's enjoying the learning experience watching the bears - what a contrast to the panic shown by some of the others last year and the dude who tapped this year without unrolling his sleeping bag.

From Nicole it's back to Larry, where the monster rodent has successful driven him from his shelter. After two weeks of moaning and cursing his fate, he decides to finish scouting - that's right, all this time and moaning about how crappy his site is, and he never scouted in one direction. Viola, he finds a much better location. He starts a new shelter, and exercises his vast repertoire of curse words. I feel the editors are doing us all a disservice, as I think he is doing his best to expand everyone's vocabulary. He shows us all the wisdom of measuring twice before cutting. I admit I had already read some comments, so was waiting for the scene where he cuts his cross piece 4" short, and LOL until I had tears in my eyes. Just as I tell myself to just FF through his segments because he's such a gloomy-gus, he does something funny.

Finally, Randy makes an appearance. He's starting to get some fish, but is having problems with the "alone" aspect of ALONE. He continues to remind me of Lucas and Mitch from last season. I wouldn't  be at all surprised if he decides to tap out.

Back to Nicole, and we see her frying up her massive catch - others may be living off seaweed and the occasional 1/2 pound fish, while we see her with more than she can eat. Even here the producers show us how hard being alone can be. Nicole tells us more of the loss of her-step son and has a good cry. Instead of wallowing in self pity, she has her cry and gets back to work, saying he'd be proud of her and would be cheering her on.

Short trip back to watch Randy making a bed while wearing a kilt. He's sounding more and more ready to tap. But, the previews show him making a sweat lodge and sticking it out. The editors may need to consult the Naked and Afraid crew, as he's certainly not shy. He's shown he can survive, making friction fire and finally catch some fish, but the editing builds the drama - how long it will be before the aloneness makes him quit. 

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I don't know, y'all...I still find Fuckin' Larry compelling, and somehow more relatable, this week. I was still laughing helplessly at his bleeporiffic rants--the one where he trailed off and then promptly bonked his head on the roof of his crappy original shelter? I was rolling. Unlike some other posters, I haven't found his rages particularly frightening--more just a lot of bluster. Yeah, yeah, he's gonna blow up his whole camp (how?) for what he perceives is one tiny mouse. Sure, he kicked and pounded at that troublesome root...but he wasn't hurting anybody, doing any real damage. I say this from the perspective of someone who works at a computer all day, and famously mutters long bleepable streams of invective under my breath re. all the idiotic decisions and nonsensical emails that fly across my screen. Like Larry, I have a filthy mouth and am a grouch; when I'm annoyed at the office, I...type harder. That's how I defuse my temper!

But I'm also, thankfully, medicated. When Larry had his "oh my god, this is my life, this is it, just plodding until retirement" moment, it changed my whole view of him from "comical trashmouth" to "severe unmanaged depression." I have been there, god, I have had that moment, those thoughts. (I think I'm a couple years older than Larry.) And I've gotten reams of therapy, and sweet delicious Paxil, and now I can do my job and quietly mutter obscenities and then walk away happy at 5 PM. It has been a lot of work, conquering those demons, and I had tons of help; I certainly never had to confront them all alone, for days on end, hungry and cold and slogging in the rain. My heart broke a little for ol' Fuckin' Larry. I don't think he'll last much longer, but I hope that the lightbulb went off for him to get some support when he gets home. It does get better, Larry! 

Other observations: Jose is on another level, and perhaps another show. The juxtaposition of his meticulously hand-crafted canoe labors and Mike, dancing a jig in the SS Rubbermaid Tub, was a delight. I have to wonder, though: who's going to get to the salmon run first? This might be the time to come up with a janky, half-assed solution, Jose, even though it goes against your very soul. 

Randy keeps me guessing. He toiled on his cabin, making improvements to what might already be the best shelter; he made himself a mattress; he asked himself "wait, why am I doing this?" When he was fully bundled in jacket and cap, I thought for sure he was tapping right then.

And Nicole continues to quietly impress. She's just making a go of it, day by day. I like her.

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21 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Thanks for the catch who had the wet bag.

Thought it was karma biting Larry in the behind, once again.

Hmm..I watched that segment a couple times..not 100% sure it's Justin now. lol.  Hard to tell with the night vision cam.

What I find esp. strange with Larry is that he thinks nothing of filming himself in that crazy state. .  I know after a few sessions of embarrassing myself by  losing it on camera I'd cut the feed if I was that crazed and angry. (and come back smelling like a rose --okay I'd be a big phony!)  But Larry has lost even that sense of "this is crazy-- can't show that part" 

I did laugh when he cut another log too short.   I thought no..if he does he won't show it.  But no.. another Gover's bad day event.  

What comes to mind is the movie "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas, which is so sad and scary because he does kill himself in the end. Larry so reminds me of that level of insanity.  I went through a period of time in my life just like that and related so much to that character.  The building stress, the tedium, the feeling like I was a bug in a bottle and couldn't climb out. It did show as incredible anger and frustration.   But as a woman I think it was easier to accept help.and even talk to other women about it.  Men don't usually relate that way.    I hate that the fun  is out of the Larry segments but I think we're all pretty much over it as being funny.  I seriously hope he gets some help, or he may kill himself, someone else, or both

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1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

What I find esp. strange with Larry is that he thinks nothing of filming himself in that crazy state. .  I know after a few sessions of embarrassing myself by  losing it on camera I'd cut the feed if I was that crazed and angry

Even David had the good sense to stop filming himself a couple of episodes back when he was having a(nother) bad day.  Maybe it takes a bit of self-awareness, which Larry doesn't seem to exhibit.  

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32 minutes ago, seasick said:

What I find esp. strange with Larry is that he thinks nothing of filming himself in that crazy state. .  I know after a few sessions of embarrassing myself by  losing it on camera I'd cut the feed if I was that crazed and angry. (and come back smelling like a rose --okay I'd be a big phony!)  But Larry has lost even that sense of "this is crazy-- can't show that part" 

I did laugh when he cut another log too short.   I thought no..if he does he won't show it.  But no.. another Gover's bad day event.  

Can you imagine what they aren't showing us? 

I don't knowing why he didn't bring the log/tree to the shelter, insert it, and then mark, or cut off the end after placed, or leave a little sticking out. That actually takes care of the walkers don't ya know? (Walking Dead reference). That might have been a good way of doing it, especially after he already had an issue measuring. There is no way that Larry would do that. I expect that he is very rigid about how he does things and whatever on the job. I bet the minute that things do not go how he expects or planned, he has a meltdown. As many have said, he needs some help, and yes, it can get better. 

Wow, I thought it was stupid of Nicole to bring a large skillet. And boy, did she prove me wrong. Nicole is a lot like Jose (that we have seen show-geez). She stays in close proximity to bears and works with them. She is cautious, and not stupid about it. But studies them like a researcher (which she is) and notes their behaviors and then adjusts her behavior. She is smart. MK was my pick from the beginning and I thought Nicole was too much of an airhead, well she has proven me wrong. As it starts getting colder, I think we will see a series of tap outs. 

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I love this show so much. I want it to be on every day, for 3 hours. Twice on Sunday.

I agree with many of you on the diagnosis of non-medicated depression, but I'd like to up the ante by saying Larry reminds me of a dry drunk I know well. That would be me. I am just guessing, but he could have stopped drinking (or whatever) especially for this show. That's what I would have done. That was never gonna work. When his frustration goes up even a little, he starts acting just as he would if he were drinking or using, even though there's NO BOOZE. Just resentment and anger. Larry needs to tap and he needs some good medical help. He might be a terrific guy down deep. I am. Terrific, I mean. (13 years sober, not dry.)

I love Nicole. Also Mike and Jose. I'm really worried someone else will get hurt. They were really doing a lot of chopping and sawing and cutting slippery things tonight.

Edited by zibnchy
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1 hour ago, zibnchy said:

I love this show so much. I want it to be on every day, for 3 hours. Twice on Sunday.

I agree with many of you on the diagnosis of non-medicated depression, but I'd like to up the ante by saying Larry reminds me of a dry drunk I know well. That would be me. I am just guessing, but he could have stopped drinking (or whatever) especially for this show. That's what I would have done. That was never gonna work. When his frustration goes up even a little, he starts acting just as he would if he were drinking or using, even though there's NO BOOZE. Just resentment and anger. Larry needs to tap and he needs some good medical help. He might be a terrific guy down deep. I am. Terrific, I mean. (13 years sober, not dry.)

I love Nicole. Also Mike and Jose. I'm really worried someone else will get hurt. They were really doing a lot of chopping and sawing and cutting slippery things tonight.

I think that's a reasonable thought.  RiverheightsNancy and I both considered the same thing a few posts up. If I had to guess..and it's not always fair but I enjoy putting scenerios together with some people or couples--I would say he had to stop or lose his family. Otherwise he strikes me as someone who would come home and down a six pack.  But..he doesn't have a beer gut, so I think he's now a closet nipper. Probably hides it in the shed or in his truck.  But I think it is/was self-medicating for an underlying problem and not just untreated alcoholism.  JMHO  The few awareness comments he does make "It's me that has to change, not the world"  and "it's up to me..it's not up to anyone else to make a change"  sounds perhaps like 'anger management' talk.  Again JMHO

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For what it's worth, IIRC from the introductions episode Larry was the guy (he had a beard then, doesn't look the same) who got married and had a kid at 20 and now he's 40-something and was saying "Now it's MY time!"  I dunno, maybe he should have just had an affair or bought a 'Vette.  Going on Alone to solve your midlife crisis might not be the best thing.

Also from the introductions episode I think Nicole drew lot 10 for her campsite. I remember her saying that that meant she wouldn't have a neighbor on one side and she wasn't sure if that would be a bad thing or a good thing.

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9 minutes ago, dustoffmom said:

However I've yet to hear anything from him that sounds like he is a friend of Bill W.  Dry he may be but not in recovery as yet.

That is the definition of dry drunk. Dry drunks are often not in recovery, they just don't drink.

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5 minutes ago, dustoffmom said:

However I've yet to hear anything from him that sounds like he is a friend of Bill W.  Dry he may be but not in recovery as yet.

LOL  yeah I haven't heard "easy does it"  from Larry, that's for sure.  I don't think he's ever been in the rooms either.  

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Apparently one of the reasons Tracy tapped was because she had injured her shoulder and needed 6.5 hour reconstructive surgery after the show.

She talks about the night briefly on her Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1737219546537410&id=1699383673654331

Edit: If you poke around her page at all, there may be spoilers based on who is actively commenting and posting.  Proceed with caution.

Edited by Saylii
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10 minutes ago, Saylii said:

Apparently one of the reasons Tracy tapped was because she had injured her shoulder and needed 6.5 hour reconstructive surgery after the show.

She talks about the night briefly on her Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1737219546537410&id=1699383673654331

Thanks for the link. Her decision to tap out makes a lot more sense now. I can totally see bears reacting that way - Cub climbing a tree and mama refusing to leave. I remember a comment, I believe from Alan, on the Deeper Cut that Tracy was in a truly life threatening situation. 

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I have a friend who went through a rough time during his life and he was homeless, living in a tent on the banks of a river. He lived this show not by choice, and not with a half million dollar reward at the end. He was watching with me and when he saw Jose making his canoe, he said "Dude, it's a whole lot easier to find a big dead log and dig it out with your axe. Watertight and it will float."  My friend loves this show because he sees what they are doing wrong, and what they are doing right. I enjoy watching with someone who's been there, done that.

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8 hours ago, Saylii said:

Apparently one of the reasons Tracy tapped was because she had injured her shoulder and needed 6.5 hour reconstructive surgery after the show.

She talks about the night briefly on her Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1737219546537410&id=1699383673654331

Edit: If you poke around her page at all, there may be spoilers based on who is actively commenting and posting.  Proceed with caution.

Kinda wish they had showed a bit more of why she tapped. The editing made her look somewhat unstable and based on what she said, it really was less about the bear than they portrayed. The bear had left and she discussed with production after all of that went down and it was her shoulder of all things. What a shame. 

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are we starting a next tap don't think the money alone will keep you there if you fail at most fishing and are hungry. On Bladesforum. David said he allowed himself one bite of that fat/protein mix (pectin?) each morning about one ounce and he had 5 pounds so he basically had  a little food every day enough for many many weeks. I don't really know enough about how many calories that is. But he is my choice to tap next anyway,he lost his resting tree, so what else is there. 

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6 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

I have a friend who went through a rough time during his life and he was homeless, living in a tent on the banks of a river. He lived this show not by choice, and not with a half million dollar reward at the end. He was watching with me and when he saw Jose making his canoe, he said "Dude, it's a whole lot easier to find a big dead log and dig it out with your axe. Watertight and it will float."  My friend loves this show because he sees what they are doing wrong, and what they are doing right. I enjoy watching with someone who's been there, done that.

I'm not outdoorsey one tiny bit, but I wondered why Jose didn't try to make a dugout canoe too.

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I went to set my DVR for next week and it looks like there will be no "Alone," because they're playing Roots basically nonstop all week. Dangit, I am excited for Roots but I wanted Alone too :)

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I started watching a show called Mygrations on National Geographic Channel and it was something I think all of you survival types might enjoy.  The premise is that 20 handpicked people are thrown together to cross the Serengeti, following the wildebeest migration to a river 200 (?) miles away. It's sort of like a Naked and Afraid XL but with clothing and provisions which the herd of people have to carry themselves (including those big jugs of water).  For me the group dynamics are interesting. First episode repeats on Monday at 9PM and a new episode is at 10.  Just in case you need your weekly man/woman vs. nature fix. 

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A dugout canoe needs a very large tree, and takes a lot of time and energy to build.  I'm sure Jose has the skills to do it, but it isn't practical for his purposes (i.e. to catch the salmon run soon).

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I must say that I kind of feel sorry for the tapping out contestants.  I believe that most of these people teach courses in survival, or doomsday prepping.  What are they going to do for a living now?  

Guess the bearded guy (Randy?) can go back and live with his parents with his adorable non-wife and son.....can't fish and can't really live on the animals he's "killed" by dropping rocks on their heads.  

He should have learned to fish.  Note to self, cancel your doomsday class...

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28 minutes ago, LisainCali said:

I must say that I kind of feel sorry for the tapping out contestants.  I believe that most of these people teach courses in survival, or doomsday prepping.  What are they going to do for a living now?  

Guess the bearded guy (Randy?) can go back and live with his parents with his adorable non-wife and son.....can't fish and can't really live on the animals he's "killed" by dropping rocks on their heads.  

He should have learned to fish.  Note to self, cancel your doomsday class...

In the last episode, Randy has been catching fish. He is doing ok on the fishing front, especially for not having a background in fishing. 

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6 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I started watching a show called Mygrations on National Geographic Channel and it was something I think all of you survival types might enjoy.  The premise is that 20 handpicked people are thrown together to cross the Serengeti, following the wildebeest migration to a river 200 (?) miles away. It's sort of like a Naked and Afraid XL but with clothing and provisions which the herd of people have to carry themselves (including those big jugs of water).  For me the group dynamics are interesting. First episode repeats on Monday at 9PM and a new episode is at 10.  Just in case you need your weekly man/woman vs. nature fix. 

Thanks for this.  I don't get that channel but looks like I can watch it live online.  This sounds like The Alaska Experiment when the group walked across part of Alaska.  Annoyed that Alone is preempted, of course.


5 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

A dugout canoe needs a very large tree, and takes a lot of time and energy to build.  I'm sure Jose has the skills to do it, but it isn't practical for his purposes (i.e. to catch the salmon run soon).

They made one on dual survival.  It wouldn't float high enough to support even one of them.    I would think it would also tend to roll.  And wouldn't the log have to be about 30 inches wide in order to carve the center to sit inside,  and still have 'gunwales".   That's a big tree!  

I am surprised by Randy wanting to tap.  I'm thinking  ..Can't Randy imagine his friends, family and students watching--- (I think that could fend off the loneliness)  and he impressing them with things he's built, carved etc.  He practically built an entire log cabin!  I wish he had the enthusiasm to keep going and make it killer inside and out.   He says when he's doing this just for himself it takes the meaning out of it, but he knows his family, etc is watching so he's not really "alone" in this accomplishment.  

In the end it will come down to "do I really care if I 'win' for most of them..  Dave hates it there..he'll probably tap before Randy.  Randy doesn't really care anymore.  I like Nicole a lot but I don't think she's going to stick out too much isolation, cold etc. because I don't think she cares if she wins.  She's there to enjoy herself.  Justin's still a wild card for me.. (will his wife get half the money if he's not yet divorced?)    Larry, well  God only knows.   Jose seems totally at home there-- planning his wilderness life.  And Mike does too,... but .. Barbara.   

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I just have to say, I LOVE this show. There is nothing else like it on TV. I watch quite  a bit of reality, as well as certain dramas - nothing is as riveting as these 7 people alone in the woods. I think this most recent episode really highlighted the human need for companionship. While Larry was off the charts with his rage, I think he made an interesting point about being able to tolerate a rather mundane job when he was providing for his kids, but now that they're grown it's just not the same, So many people spend their entire lives doing things that they don't like. It does make you wonder. 

I am glad he found a new location, but dude needs to learn some calming exercises or something. 

Randy seems to be struggling the most with the isolation. It's interesting how he really excelled since losing his ferro rod, and it's NOW - that he has a pretty nice setup going on - that he wants to go home, Of course, we saw that last year. Once you achieve all these goals, what is the point to staying out there? For those who aren't in it so much for the money, I can really understand that struggle. We'll see how much longer he lasts. 

Another small snippet of Jose. I have no doubt his finished boat will be pretty cool, but I'm not sure he'll be done in time to catch the salmon run. 

Mike's found boat was just awesome. What luck to have that wash up on your beach! His potty seat was pretty genius as well. He seemed very happy this week, and no mention of Barbara.

I continue to love Nicole and her happy, dorky self. I like how she talks about being PART of the eco system and is learning more about the bears. I think she will get a lot out of this experience. The story about her stepson is so sad, but I don't see her getting so consumed with it that it becomes a real problem for her. 


Sad no Justin. DELIGHTED no David.

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On 5/27/2016 at 4:09 AM, seasick said:

 Episode 6 and they are only on "day 18" . I think if we had real longevity among them they would have 'fast forwarded' by now.  So I think the taps are going to start.  (Randy for sure I guess)   Just been trying to gauge the 13 episodes and how long the majority stay. 

I think there's still room for some longevity. I remember last year as we got further along in the season, they'd skip several days. Once the winter hits, the contestants will end up in their shelters for long periods of time, so they might not air as much of that. 


On 5/27/2016 at 2:00 PM, walnutqueen said:

I feel very sorry for the next motherfuckin mouse Larry lays eyes on ...

Didn't he threaten to take down EVERY mouse on the planet in retaliation? Maybe he has found a job more fulfilling than his electrician gig?

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55 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think there's still room for some longevity. I remember last year as we got further along in the season, they'd skip several days. Once the winter hits, the contestants will end up in their shelters for long periods of time, so they might not air as much of that. 


Didn't he threaten to take down EVERY mouse on the planet in retaliation? Maybe he has found a job more fulfilling than his electrician gig?

Pied Piper of Vancouver Island?

Maybe when they come to extract him, Larry will shuffle out of the forest wearing a necklace of mouse ears.

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