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Season Two Talk: Brand New Contestants, Same Old Bears

Quilt Fairy
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4 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

Regarding Nicole and the chum Salmon, Mr. Snarklepuss reminded me that we just watched a cooking show with Jacques Pepin in which he taught us that the meat on a chum salmon is not as good as other types of salmon but the roe is better.  Never mind the bagels and cream cheese, bring on the caviar!

That was a male salmon.  Pardon my city slicker potentially dumb question, but unless it identifies as a female salmon, would roe even be a possibility?

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I got a laugh during the preview - one of the Loners (I only know Nicole and Jose by name so far) says that a mouse has been destroying his equipment and if it doesn't stop "I'm gonna burn this whole place down".  Such an over the top declaration for a small critter and the big, wet forest.

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2 hours ago, Joan Z said:

A long time lurker here! Finally decided to join in the conversation. I watched last season and i love all top 4.

Anyway, i read other forums about this show. It's funny how different other forums opinion on MK and Tracy incident. The people here seems more forgiving and understanding than the other forums (cough survival forum cough). 

Poor Larry got hilly terrain. He must be pissed when he watch the show and see other guys get flat area. It's painfully funny watching him cursing but can't help to be happy for him when he caught the fishes. His camp seems cozy but didn't he set it up on the hill between 2 dead trees? Wonder how that camp will hold up in the crazy rain and wind. 

Mike... We get it. You love Barbara. I remember in episode 0 Mike said something like "I'm grateful that she likes being married to me."  that sounds weird to me. 

I'm rooting for mike, Jose, Nicole and Justin. I don't really care about David. 

I found with the exception of one person, people on Blade forum were pretty sympathetic to Tracey and the dissenting person was pretty much put down for their opinion, they kind of assumed from all her experience that Tracey had some subtle PTSD and the Bear just brought it out. , MK was a discussion of whether people are using their tools correctly and it was pointed out when the two men were using the axe the exact same way.  People keep saying that critiquing people while sitting on their couch is pretty easy, ha ha . I have not made it to other survivor forums. 

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25 minutes ago, patty1h said:

I got a laugh during the preview - one of the Loners (I only know Nicole and Jose by name so far) says that a mouse has been destroying his equipment and if it doesn't stop "I'm gonna burn this whole place down".  Such an over the top declaration for a small critter and the big, wet forest.

THAT'S Larry. 

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THAT'S Larry. 

Yep, the Larry we've come to know and love.  The king of cursing and histrionics.  Somehow, I can't get enough of him.  He's comedy gold.

Nicole has a really good attitude.  I would have been terribly anxious with the wind gusting and the rain pouring down (geez, those kinds of winds make me nervous when I'm lying in bed expecting a tree to come through the roof at any moment).  Either she's incredibly competent which she appears to be) or incredibly stupid (which she is not).  Finding that fish in her gill net and smoking it so it will keep was a great boost for her.

David is a scary mess.  Yes, the experience is difficult and his lack of food just exacerbates things, but he seems to be a seething man just on the edge of exploding.  Wonder what the divorce was all about (because I am nosy and would love to hear what happened there).

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

That was a male salmon.  Pardon my city slicker potentially dumb question, but unless it identifies as a female salmon, would roe even be a possibility?

How did you know it was a male salmon?  Did Nicole mention it and I didn't hear her?  If she didn't, I'm impressed that a "city slicker" such as yourself knew that as I wouldn't know how to tell the difference.  Of course she could always catch a female next time and then roe would be a possibility.

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2 minutes ago, Snarklepuss said:

How did you know it was a male salmon?  Did Nicole mention it and I didn't hear her?  If she didn't, I'm impressed that a "city slicker" such as yourself knew that as I wouldn't know how to tell the difference.  Of course she could always catch a female next time and then roe would be a possibility.

Oh, you missed Nicole's horrifying demonstration showing off her finger covered in salmon semen? You are fortunate indeed! *barf*

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Just now, ClareWalks said:

Oh, you missed Nicole's horrifying demonstration showing off her finger covered in salmon semen? You are fortunate indeed! *barf*

LOL, yes, I did miss that, must have been when I got up for a minute....No wonder Mr. Snarklepuss had a funny look on his face when I got back and asked him what I missed.  He didn't tell me that!!  Ewwww.....now I'm glad I missed it!

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13 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Oh, you missed Nicole's horrifying demonstration showing off her finger covered in salmon semen? You are fortunate indeed! *barf*

Yeah, when she was going on about that stuff, I had to look away, but I heard her say it. Retch. I couldn't watch her cutting the head off or trying to knock it out with a rock. Even Randy's mouse preparation, I was looking away. I guess that I would never be on Alone, unless I was set-up to be a first hour tap-out! lol

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3 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

He might be fishing but we are not seeing it because building the shelter, getting his fire, and hunting mice is more interesting. He seems to be the only person who is hunting for things other then fish and they are showing that. I think he said he needed fish but that hadn't gotten any yet which makes me think that he has been trying. It does seem like the fish are just starting to run and that we will see more folks having fishing success.

Wasn't Randy the guy who said early on that he was not a fisherman and intended to survive only on the land critters he could trap?  I remember thinking how stupid that was.  Maybe he just doesn't like fish at all?  Or could he be allergic to it?  It's really the best option in that environment.  I love fish, have no problem with sushi or gutting fish.  I've done it many times before.

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6 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

I've been wondering about that myself.  I would have thought that by now they would have helped him straighten his camera problems out if that were the issue, but who knows?  Mr. Snarkle and I keep thinking it might be because Jose is one of the final people and they don't want to show that much of him until later so as not to give him so much more camera time than the others.  But I wouldn't mind watching more of him.  Now we're almost paranoid about who's going to go next based on how much camera time they get.  The more they show of someone the more we think that maybe they're the next to go.  It's actually annoying to feel that way!

Regarding Nicole and the chum Salmon, Mr. Snarklepuss reminded me that we just watched a cooking show with Jacques Pepin in which he taught us that the meat on a chum salmon is not as good as other types of salmon but the roe is better.  Never mind the bagels and cream cheese, bring on the caviar!

Too bad her fish was a male.  Fish sperm is definitely NOT a delicacy (don't ask me how I know this!).


4 hours ago, Joan Z said:

A long time lurker here! Finally decided to join in the conversation. I watched last season and i love all top 4.

Anyway, i read other forums about this show. It's funny how different other forums opinion on MK and Tracy incident. The people here seems more forgiving and understanding than the other forums (cough survival forum cough). 

Poor Larry got hilly terrain. He must be pissed when he watch the show and see other guys get flat area. It's painfully funny watching him cursing but can't help to be happy for him when he caught the fishes. His camp seems cozy but didn't he set it up on the hill between 2 dead trees? Wonder how that camp will hold up in the crazy rain and wind. 

Mike... We get it. You love Barbara. I remember in episode 0 Mike said something like "I'm grateful that she likes being married to me."  that sounds weird to me. 

I'm rooting for mike, Jose, Nicole and Justin. I don't really care about David. 

Welcome, Joan Z - it is so nice to have you join us!  :-)


My favorite moments had to be muscle beach and the bull kelp urinal.  I DIED!  :-D

What a difference a season makes.  Some of these folks seem to have learned an awful lot from Season 1.

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I enjoy this forum and the show. It's much better than Naked & Afraid on Discovery. Here are my thoughts…

I think Nicole has a great attitude (for now). She got a huge fish which should definitely help with her caloric intake. I worry about her lasting long because she is already pretty thin and having fat and muscle reserves can help you in a long term survival situation. If she continues to get fish in her gill net, she should last. She is also a mother and I wonder how long she can go without seeing her children. Most mothers I know what to see their children. I like the door on her shelter but I wonder how stable her shelter will be with the fierce winds and rain.

Where the #$!@ is Larry?

I also worry about Mike. He lacks the fat reserves to last long and of course, he is already missing Barbara. Maybe he will find temporary love with the slugs. I love his camp though. He seems to be in it for the long haul. I would love to see what else he can build. I am definitely feeling a Gilligan's Island vibe with his camp.

I am kind of rooting for Randy, especially since he lost his fire starter. He needs to learn how to fish and find food from the ocean sooner rather than later. Surviving on 100-calorie mice is not going to cut it long term. Why didn't he eat the slug? I like his log cabin idea but he needs to improve it with more insulation. Randy doesn't have a wife or any children. When I was in my 20s, I would spend a lot of time by myself. I could see him lasting a long time if he gets enough food and finds a way to keep a fire going.

I had high hopes for Jose at first. His fire bellow was really cool and I like Spaniards (I dated a girl from Spain for a year) but we don't see much screen time of him. I wonder if he is just boring or doesn't know how to use the film equipment as others have stated. Jose = meh

Justin seems to have a good attitude. I like the idea of working out a little to deal with boredom. Exercise can be great for the soul. He just needs to make sure he doesn't burn too many calories exercising. I love the urinal idea. He seems like a guy I would want to hang out with.

David seems kind of boring to me. I loved his net that he made but I think the hunger is going to get to him. He only seems to be motivated by money and not for the adventure and spiritual journey. He definitely doesn't have a positive attitude. I think the mental aspect is 90 percent of the struggle and the physical aspect is maybe 10 percent. Constantly thinking about food isn't good long term in a survival situation. Try to focus on other things. I read Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl and that really shows a person can thrive even in a difficult environment during WWII in a concentration camp.  Bring on the KFC!

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14 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Randy looks like he's gotten over the depression of losing his ferro rod and is moving on to be depressed about other things.


13 hours ago, mythreecents said:

But living hand-to-mouse is not going to work...


So many good one liners this week you guys! 

Kelp urinal, good shelters...it is all coming together.  I wonder if after the obvious tap-outs of David and Larry (really, it is only a matter of time) if the rest will truly hunker down for the duration and we'll be in for a marathon.  I believe that the History Channel is committed to whenever the last person taps out, not a certain number of episodes, right?  This should be good.

I'm a little worried that Randy and Mike (and Jose to a certain extent) will be the type (like the guy with the canoe and ukulele last time) who once they've accomplished what they set out to accomplish, and proved to themselves they could do it, will then tap out so they can get on to their next life project.

If Nicole can continue to enjoy her solitude, and stays injury and bear-free, I think she's in for the long term.  But she has been featured a lot lately, so that may mean she's outta there soon.

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1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

Oh, you missed Nicole's horrifying demonstration showing off her finger covered in salmon semen? You are fortunate indeed! *barf*

Yeah, there was that, but also the shape and size usually differs a bit between male and female, with the male developing a more hooked snout and more prominent teeth as spawning time approaches (and no, I didn't know, I googled when there was a discussion on whether it was a salmon or steelhead). I expect Nicole, as a biologist living in the Pacific Northwest, has a pretty good handle on the various plants and food in the area.

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It just occurred to me that for all we know, we posters could be watching these folks for years! Wonder what they'd do if a couple of contestants lasted with no intention of giving up and even less likelihood of tapping out.  

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Well, after reading all the comments I finally watched last night's epidode. I agree with everyone who is commenting on how much better this season's group is over last. I doubted all those who said they should build log shelters, but these folks are doing it. They may be cheating a little using downed trees, but why not use logs when they're laying there waiting to be used. We had a couple no shows last night, so still haven't seen everyone's shelter, but what we've seen is looking good.

Well, except for David, who may be on the wrong show. Everyone else seems to be embracing the idea of trying to thrive in the woods. But, then we have David, who acts like he is on Naked and Afraid, where they try to do as little as possible and just survive until time to go home. Perhaps, as others have said, money is not the best motivation - we certainly didn't hear about money being a big motivation last season. We all questioned his lack of a fire ring or pit last time when he tipped over his pot, and there's very little improvement this week. His shelter is basically just A-frame tent made with a tarp. He showed some promise finding rope on the beach and making a gill net, but now seems to have shut down - maybe because of his failure to catch fish. I don't see him doing much to get ready for stormy weather, no shelter improvement or firewood collection. What we saw was him finding a log to lean on and watch the otters. He could be fooling me, doing a bunch of work he's not filming, but I doubt it. I have to wonder if he has tried moving the net to see if he can find a better location. I've never fished with a net, but know when fishing from shore you can be shunked in one place, and catch all you want by moving a short distance. I agree he won't last, and is my pick to be gone next.

Then we have Justin, who is like a big kid who has gone camping. Swinging on his rope swing making like Tarzan, combing the beach for all kinds of stuff, deciding he doesn't want to go outside, so comes up with a kelp urinal. No telling what's next, he's fun to watch and will go far unless he kills himself.

Nicole, with her safari background and training in biology, was my early favorite. When we briefly saw Jose, I thought he might outlast her since she might get to missing her boys or have issues with her MS health problems. Now, she's back to being my pick - not so much because of what she's done, but because I haven't seen much of anything of Jose. Nicole seems to be finding all kinds of stuff washing up on her beach, a big old pile of rope, piece of siding or roofing, etc. To go along with that, her stream may turn into a perfect place to net fish, assuming the bears don't show up and object to the stranger fishing their spot.  If she can actually catch a couple at one time she may show us how to build a simple smoker, and smoke the fish instead of just smoking it over a campfire. I know some expressed concern about her being too thin at the start, but I'm not seeing a girl who is skinny, I'm seeing someone with lean muscles, which I believe are more efficient than a heavier muscled person. I think someone with a runners physique will do better than a muscle builder. The other thing (for which I really have no scientific proof) is that I believe women function better and longer on starvation diets.

It'll be interesting to see more of their reaction to their first storm. Not only will we get to see how well their shelters stood up, but IIRC people tapped last season after hearing the wind in the trees. This group has an advantage over last season by starting earlier in the year. It has allowed them more time to put up a good shelter, and hopefully establish a good supply of firewood set aside to dry under cover. As I remember, they arrived on the island in mid to late Sept. and storm season starts in November. So the storms will be more frequent and last longer as time goes on. They need to lay in firewood and get their shelters done.

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28 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

It just occurred to me that for all we know, we posters could be watching these folks for years! Wonder what they'd do if a couple of contestants lasted with no intention of giving up and even less likelihood of tapping out.  

I'm IN.  I've stuck with Deadliest Catch AND grey's Anatomy for over a decade; not to mention the PBS shows I've watched for what seems like millennia.  :-)

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1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

I'm IN.  I've stuck with Deadliest Catch AND grey's Anatomy for over a decade; not to mention the PBS shows I've watched for what seems like millennia.  :-)

Lol  I've been been watching This Old House since Bob Villa, and remember some of my early VCR recordings were Saturday morning of This Old House, followed by New Yankee Workshop and Norm, then Hometime with Dean and his many wives

Edited by SRTouch
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6 hours ago, AZChristian said:

That was a male salmon.  Pardon my city slicker potentially dumb question, but unless it identifies as a female salmon, would roe even be a possibility?

No roe in the boys, roe is all eggs, all lady salmon :)

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6 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

David is a scary mess.  Yes, the experience is difficult and his lack of food just exacerbates things, but he seems to be a seething man just on the edge of exploding.  Wonder what the divorce was all about (because I am nosy and would love to hear what happened there).

This about David--trying to pin down what makes me feel uncomfortable about him. He was the evangelist/missionary guy, or something? Seems like a lot of suppression going on there. I'm trying to only judge based on survival skills but he's making my whackydoo radar ping. 

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I don't get any seething from David.   I liked him chilling out watching the adorable otters, though I was worried he was going to say he had to catch and eat one; noooooo tap out first, dude.  Though I assume they'd be pretty impossible to catch.   I do agree he'll probably go soon.

I like Justin and his Muscle Beach and swing.  A good storm will probably be the end of his gym but what the heck, it's fun while it lasts.  I laughed when he said he should start an outdoor survival school and then looks at the camera "not gonna happen".  He's a pretty good camera narrator; Nicole too.  I really like her, she's positive and industrious.   She said her shelter wasn't leaking at all in the rain, great job! 

Randy's shelter - mega impressive, especially on the little bit of food he's had.   And yeah, nice man-legs :)  Justin too.   Oh the urinal! How could I forget LOL.

I remember someone, maybe Larry, mentioning Lucas at one point, so we know he's at least seen the show.  In last week's "Deeper Cut" Randy says he didn't realize how different the terrain was from what he's used to.  C'mon, Randy!  That was one flat mouse, at least it cheered him up a bit.

No bleeping Larry, what the bleep. 

4 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

But living hand-to-mouse is not going to work...

Nice one!

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55 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

In the tease for next week's episode we do see what Mike has been up to ...building the S.S. Barbara.

Using a big black plastic container that washed up on his beach, he creates a boat.

Was that him? I that that was Jose. Cool.  SS Barbara, with his first mate Sluggo. 

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Two awesome looking shelters (Randy and Nicole), a gym and a swing (Justin) all very good things

people with food - also a good thing


David's fire is still shite and if you can't afford to do things with your kids then do free fun things, the attention is better than the dollars

could you eat otters or would they be protected (and probs taste awful but no worse than mouse)?

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8 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

It just occurred to me that for all we know, we posters could be watching these folks for years! Wonder what they'd do if a couple of contestants lasted with no intention of giving up and even less likelihood of tapping out.  

Don't they wait until the last person has finally cashed it in before airing the show?  That's the impression I've been under.  I forget how long it might have been since they started but it looks like it was during the warmer months of last year.  I think someone posted it a while back.

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7 hours ago, SRTouch said:

Well, except for David, who may be on the wrong show. Everyone else seems to be embracing the idea of trying to thrive in the woods. But, then we have David, who acts like he is on Naked and Afraid, where they try to do as little as possible and just survive until time to go home. Perhaps, as others have said, money is not the best motivation - we certainly didn't hear about money being a big motivation last season. We all questioned his lack of a fire ring or pit last time when he tipped over his pot, and there's very little improvement this week. His shelter is basically just A-frame tent made with a tarp. He showed some promise finding rope on the beach and making a gill net, but now seems to have shut down - maybe because of his failure to catch fish. I don't see him doing much to get ready for stormy weather, no shelter improvement or firewood collection. What we saw was him finding a log to lean on and watch the otters. He could be fooling me, doing a bunch of work he's not filming, but I doubt it. I have to wonder if he has tried moving the net to see if he can find a better location. I've never fished with a net, but know when fishing from shore you can be shunked in one place, and catch all you want by moving a short distance. I agree he won't last, and is my pick to be gone next.

Yeah, it definitely looks like David is on track for going home given what you and everyone has said.  I don't think it's so much his doing as little as possible and hunkering down because Sam did that last season and look how far he got.  I think David already has a defeated attitude.  He just seems so bereft of any enthusiasm.  His hunger has been a factor in that.  Perhaps some of the problem is that he's one of those people that hunger really does a number on physically and mentally.  I didn't want to say his age is a factor in that but I've noticed this in myself since turning the big 5-0 8 years ago.  Since around that age I've noticed how much more hunger does me in in just about every way possible.  Speaking of Sam, he was very young, and I think that's one reason why he was able to hang on for so long despite having so little food.  I don't think David's going to be able to do that.  If he doesn't get his fishing act together soon, he's history.

Sorry, I would have used multi-quote, but it appears not to be working right now.

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8 hours ago, SRTouch said:

I believe women function better and longer on starvation diets.

Well God knows most of us have had enough practice......


I hope that next week's Deeper Cut episode has commentary by Alan (some have not) because I can't wait to see what he has to say about the bull kelp urinal.


14 hours ago, AZChristian said:

but unless it identifies as a female salmon, would roe even be a possibility?

It shouldn't have a problem unless it tries to use a restroom in North Carolina.

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11 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

It just occurred to me that for all we know, we posters could be watching these folks for years! Wonder what they'd do if a couple of contestants lasted with no intention of giving up and even less likelihood of tapping out.  

A year is the time limit they have for staying out there. It would be interesting to see what production decided to do if a couple of them were still hanging in there. Toss a coin? Have a fishing contest?

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16 hours ago, holly4755 said:

I found with the exception of one person, people on Blade forum were pretty sympathetic to Tracey and the dissenting person was pretty much put down for their opinion, they kind of assumed from all her experience that Tracey had some subtle PTSD and the Bear just brought it out. , MK was a discussion of whether people are using their tools correctly and it was pointed out when the two men were using the axe the exact same way.  People keep saying that critiquing people while sitting on their couch is pretty easy, ha ha . I have not made it to other survivor forums. 

I don't remember which forum where some guys think that the bear was just an excuse for Tracy to tap out but some of them do understand. And with MK, some of them dismissed her as amateur by the way she handles the ax. But then last week's episode I noticed Mike did the same thing with the ax. So I guess maybe some people started with bad technique, gotten used to it and comfortable with it so they never bother to change even though they know it's wrong. 

Last year I watched a few minutes video of Joe and Mitch on Youtube. I live in a rainforest country so I was surprised to see the woods where they camped. I remember when Finding Bigfoot guys went to Asia and they keep saying how different and difficult it is compared to what they're used to in US. They can barely see much in thermal camera because the forest is so thick and dense. And there are lots of bugs, insects and leeches too. That makes me think maybe some of the armchair critics (which I guess mostly from US) don't understand or underestimate the difference of VI and woods in US. And I find it funny that some of them compare First Nations people who live in the forest in tribes since they were born and have vast knowledge of survival vs the guys on the show who are alone and are limited in survival knowledge. 

lol critiquing while on the couch is definitely easy =P I'm a city girl and I hate camping so I'm cutting the guys on the show some slack ;)

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15 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Too bad her fish was a male.  Fish sperm is definitely NOT a delicacy (don't ask me how I know this!).


Welcome, Joan Z - it is so nice to have you join us!  :-)


My favorite moments had to be muscle beach and the bull kelp urinal.  I DIED!  :-D

What a difference a season makes.  Some of these folks seem to have learned an awful lot from Season 1.

Thank you! :) 

I haven't watch the new episode yet. It's a week late where I'm at =/

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3 minutes ago, Joan Z said:

Thank you! :) 

I haven't watch the new episode yet. It's a week late where I'm at =/

OK, I'll "bite" - where is Alone aired a week late?!?   ;-)

By the way, I've had some experience with southwestern B.C, "bushwhack", back in the day;  it took us MONTHS (if not a year or so) to find the river running through our measly little 30 acres ...  and we had a MAP!!!

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You can watch the new episode on the History Channel on Thursday evening like most posters on this forum do.

On Animal Planet they show their "new" episode of Alone later than on History Channel.

So while History Channel viewers have seen it, it is new to Animal Planet viewers.

Edited by humbleopinion
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I just saw the commercial for next week on TV and I have to say that as others have alluded, Larry is up to his old tricks. I think this is the most negative representation of anyone on this show ever. Even the early taps weren't made to look like raging assholes. Larry is coming off as a crazed nut and extremely angry/violent. If the commercials are even close to next week, I think his behavior is rapidly becoming less funny and somewhat concerning. With that said, I cannot wait to see Captain Mike and how he tries to sail away on the SS Barbara to get back to Barbara with Sluggo at his side like Tom Hanks' "Wilson".  Looking forward to next week! 

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8 hours ago, Joan Z said:

I don't remember which forum where some guys think that the bear was just an excuse for Tracy to tap out but some of them do understand. And with MK, some of them dismissed her as amateur by the way she handles the ax. But then last week's episode I noticed Mike did the same thing with the ax. So I guess maybe some people started with bad technique, gotten used to it and comfortable with it so they never bother to change even though they know it's wrong. 

Last year I watched a few minutes video of Joe and Mitch on Youtube. I live in a rainforest country so I was surprised to see the woods where they camped. I remember when Finding Bigfoot guys went to Asia and they keep saying how different and difficult it is compared to what they're used to in US. They can barely see much in thermal camera because the forest is so thick and dense. And there are lots of bugs, insects and leeches too. That makes me think maybe some of the armchair critics (which I guess mostly from US) don't understand or underestimate the difference of VI and woods in US. And I find it funny that some of them compare First Nations people who live in the forest in tribes since they were born and have vast knowledge of survival vs the guys on the show who are alone and are limited in survival knowledge. 

lol critiquing while on the couch is definitely easy =P I'm a city girl and I hate camping so I'm cutting the guys on the show some slack ;)

Here's the thing about being a 'couch coach'.  I don't think I have to be there in order to have some questions about their choices.    

It would be great if we could ask the participants questions about certain choices they make.     For example,  3 of them brought down sleeping bags. VI is one of the wettest places on earth.  Many of us questioned that choice from people who know where they are going, what the weather is like and are experienced outdoorsmen.    Maaybeee we're missing something but I don't have to be there to know that down is useless when wet and question why they made that choice.  (It's possible there's a good explanation that we don't know about..but it's a legit question from anywhere.)  

Many have also questioned why gill nets were not put out much sooner. Some seemed to wait over a week or two.. Randy..longer.  It appears that within a couple of days you can mark the tides and it seems to take less than an hour to set it up.  Certainly there could be legitimate reasons that we're not aware of, but again it seems a legit question when it is likely the primary food source. 

Dave's fire ring seems small, unstable and built on an slant.  The pot tipped once because of it.  Why hasn't Dave improved it?   Why did Dave allow himself to get dehydrated.  It would seem fire and water are daily staples.   Fire isn't always easy to start ---but it is not going to get any easier!!  It has to be done --and if water needs boiling then that too.  It's going to be a long haul if these 2 things are put off as too much of a pain in the ass until things get critical.

I can hear the    'But you weren't there!  You don't know!!! "  Well, then I hope one day they can tell us.   I'm sure some ideas can be outlandish but i think many thoughts and questions are quite legitimate.

As far as the different types of forests, I agree the rainforest is unique and most of the US citizens are not  familiar with it but it's not as though they were expecting to build with bamboo.  It's dense and spooky and wet.  No surprise there.  Other than that I don't see it as a huge factor for making shelter.  

With Tracy.. In the 'deeper cut"' version, Tracy noted that she felt a sense of impending trouble which is why she felt she needed to get that (guilt/shooting)  story out that night.  I don't know what Tracy's motivation was for coming or for going.  The entire course of events was strange as was her comment that she had the urgent need to tell this story before the tap-out trigger.  Somethin'  odd there...   

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10 hours ago, Joan Z said:

And with MK, some of them dismissed her as amateur by the way she handles the ax. But then last week's episode I noticed Mike did the same thing with the ax. So I guess maybe some people started with bad technique, gotten used to it and comfortable with it so they never bother to change even though they know it's wrong. 

I wonder how much of this is due to "bad technique" as opposed to doing what needed to be done with the limited toolset they were allowed. I doubt that many of them would be doing such fine work with axes or knives the size of machetes if they had the ability to use a smaller knife. But a second smaller knife means no gill net or no emergency rations, etc.

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21 hours ago, Kelda Feegle said:


David's fire is still shite and if you can't afford to do things with your kids then do free fun things, the attention is better than the dollars

could you eat otters or would they be protected (and probs taste awful but no worse than mouse)?

Sea otters are protected :)  And yeah, attention is always worth more than dollars, in my book. 

Also, to seasick's point about being a couch critic: well said!  I wouldn't be so bold or presumptuous to questions someone's motives about why they're in the contest or why they tapped out, say, or whether or not they are really scared, or whatever. But I think it's okay to wonder about choices, and I would genuinely love to ask questions: Why didn't you make the fire right away? Why did you put the water on a slant? Why did you set up this or that? Why do you hold the axe that way? And so on....

In fact, I would LOVE if they re-ran the episodes after the season was done, Deeper Cut style, with each contestant providing commentary as to what they were thinking as they were doing something, providing reasoning or feelings. So having Mike say "Yes, I talked about Barbara all the time but it made me feel less lonely" or David "I tried to find a better spot for the fire, but this was more protected even though it was uneven" or some such. 

Edited by mythreecents
ETA: after season was done
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Would they be allowed  to hunt? Like deer? I like fish, but I don't know if I could subsist with that as my only protein. That and meeces. I am envisioning bows and home made arrowheads.

I guess that's why I'm sitting on my couch with a chicken in my fridge.

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8 hours ago, mythreecents said:



In fact, I would LOVE if they re-ran the episodes after the season was done, Deeper Cut style, with each contestant providing commentary as to what they were thinking as they were doing something, providing reasoning or feelings. So having Mike say "Yes, I talked about Barbara all the time but it made me feel less lonely" or David "I tried to find a better spot for the fire, but this was more protected even though it was uneven" or some such. 

I think it would be great if  they would do an aftershow where viewers can email the questions!.  They aren't always aware of what we are thinking/questioning otherwise.  left to them, you can get dumb commentary --like Larry informing us that walking in the woods or on the shore is not like walking on asphalt when you're walking to your car...   

Edited by seasick
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And speaking of Larry.. I seriously wonder if he's not detoxing from something.  Or maybe he decided to ditch his meds while out there.  

I wouldn't be surprised if production gets concerned and pulls him from the challenge.  

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33 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:

Would they be allowed  to hunt? Like deer? I like fish, but I don't know if I could subsist with that as my only protein. That and meeces. I am envisioning bows and home made arrowheads.

I guess that's why I'm sitting on my couch with a chicken in my fridge.

Well, yeah they're allowed to hunt. Last season 3 or 4 took bows and arrows, and a couple took slingshots. IIRC, during interviews after the season was over a couple people said they didn'the see any game. This season only 1 brought a bow and arrows. So far, no successful hunters.

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18 minutes ago, seasick said:

And speaking of Larry.. I seriously wonder if he's not detoxing from something.  Or maybe he decided to ditch his meds while out there.  

I wouldn't be surprised if production gets concerned and pulls him from the challenge.  

Having worked in addictions, I am surprised that I didn't even consider this. Maybe he is a smoker or something like that? I don't think that we have ever discussed the aspect of any type of withdrawal that a person might go through out there and I do not know if/how the show handles that or if they even think it is their problem. I had a patient once who was used to drinking up to 25 cups of coffee a day along with copious amounts of alcohol (this was basically all that she ate). When we were detoxing her, we couldn't figure out why she was so irritable and angry because her alcohol detox was done. We didn't know about the enormous amount of caffeine that she was used to drinking (smoking too). It could be a combo of soda, cigarettes, alcohol, chocolate, things like that. I definitely think something is off with Larry. He is way too angry and it is sad because he was so excited for this. 

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11 minutes ago, riverheightsnancy said:

Having worked in addictions, I am surprised that I didn't even consider this. Maybe he is a smoker or something like that? I don't think that we have ever discussed the aspect of any type of withdrawal that a person might go through out there and I do not know if/how the show handles that or if they even think it is their problem. I had a patient once who was used to drinking up to 25 cups of coffee a day along with copious amounts of alcohol (this was basically all that she ate). When we were detoxing her, we couldn't figure out why she was so irritable and angry because her alcohol detox was done. We didn't know about the enormous amount of caffeine that she was used to drinking (smoking too). It could be a combo of soda, cigarettes, alcohol, chocolate, things like that. I definitely think something is off with Larry. He is way too angry and it is sad because he was so excited for this. 

It could be any of those things for sure.  But even if the actual substance is clear of the body, the coping mechanism is gone. Now it's life on life's terms.  

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On May 20, 2016 at 5:52 PM, SRTouch said:

Lol  I've been been watching This Old House since Bob Villa, and remember some of my early VCR recordings were Saturday morning of This Old House, followed by New Yankee Workshop and Norm, then Hometime with Dean and his many wives

I've been watching TOH off and on forever! I love those guys. Kevin O'Connor is so cute, and I love Roger's (Rahjuh's) accent. Ask This Old House is a fave, too.

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2 minutes ago, seasick said:

It could be any of those things for sure.  But even if the actual substance is clear of the body, the coping mechanism is gone. Now it's life on life's terms.  

Yup, and the coping mechanism is gone, so the anger comes forth. Even compared to the early tappers, his reaction is the most severe of all and I think that it will get worse this upcoming week. I really would be curious what he thinks of his portrayal and all that. 

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On 5/21/2016 at 5:34 PM, walnutqueen said:

OK, I'll "bite" - where is Alone aired a week late?!?   ;-)

By the way, I've had some experience with southwestern B.C, "bushwhack", back in the day;  it took us MONTHS (if not a year or so) to find the river running through our measly little 30 acres ...  and we had a MAP!!!

southeast asia =/ I think last season it was aired the same day or within few days 

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23 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

You can watch the new episode on the History Channel on Thursday evening like most posters on this forum do.

On Animal Planet they show their "new" episode of Alone later than on History Channel.

So while History Channel viewers have seen it, it is new to Animal Planet viewers.

The video on History.com is unavailable for me cause of location

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