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Season 34 Spoilers & Rumors

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4 hours ago, wings707 said:

This is the first I have read that Zeke is trans.  How did I miss this?  When was it said? 

That came out Zeke's first season (MvGX).  If you get the chance, look back at the challenge reward where Bret came out to Zeke; the scars from post-transition surgery are very specfic, and Zeke's were much more distinct then.

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

That came out Zeke's first season (MvGX).  If you get the chance, look back at the challenge reward where Bret came out to Zeke; the scars from post-transition surgery are very specfic, and Zeke's were much more distinct then.

Thanks, I am shocked I missed this.  I guess Survivor is wearing thin for me.  Do you remember what episode that was or a vague idea how far in?  

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7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Thanks, I am shocked I missed this.  I guess Survivor is wearing thin for me.  Do you remember what episode that was or a vague idea how far in?  

Checking back... S33Ep10, I think.  At the RC banquet, so probably about 20 minutes or so into the episode.

Edited by Nashville
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Man, I hope the rumors about Varner outing Zeke aren't true--that is, if the rumors about Zeke are true in the first place.  (Does that make sense?)  I'd read the comment Varner made about it being a mean season and to this point, couldn't see why.  Of course, I fully understand that what we see and what really happens out there are two different things.  But considering that Survivor opted to show us the ugliness that was in Worlds Apart's "Bring the Popcorn," why hesitate now?  Unless we're not there yet and the meanness begins with Varner and Zeke.

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On 4/6/2017 at 3:20 AM, LadyChatts said:


I have seen the speculation about this, and Varner has even said it's a mean season and he was in the middle of something big that went down [snip] There was a rumor Zeke was voted off for being trans,

Good lord, I really really really hope that isn't true.  Given the group left, it's hard to imagine how this would happen, and I hesitate to conjecture who would instigate it.   Ugh, just ugh.

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One of the theories I saw floating around was everyone was worried, if Zeke made it to the final 3, he'd use his transition story as a sympathy ploy and then they'd feel obligated to vote for him, or else risk looking really bad to the viewers.  After this week, my feeling is Zeke overplays his hand again, gets confident, and gets blindsided (or with the way idols are floating around he gets idoled out).  I'm not even sure where Zeke being outed originated from, and that may be where him being voted off for being trans started.  Varner could be talking about something entirely different for all we know.  I guess we'll find out next week.

The drama Varner could be talking about might be some big blow up, if Ozzy hears his name being thrown around, and might lead to a lot of throwing each other under the bus.

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I think the speculation from Reddit is that Varner goes over something that happens with Zeke

There is also some rumors that this elimination is for bringing up some personal issues about Zeke which puts Varner on the hot seat. This is not 100% confirmed but probsts ew tease this week said this weeks episode will show why survivor is still culturally relevant.

This is the speculated final 6 again from reddit. Sad to see Varner gone and Ozzy not even final 6

The final six in the finale will be:







I'd like to know when the merge is and who makes the jury.  Final ep May 24(?)

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Varner is the last pre-merge boot, so next week's episode (which I believe is 2 hours) will be the merge.  Title is "There's a New Sheriff in Town". 

That final 6 depresses me even more than the other one that was rumored (at least that one had Hali in it).  From the new boot list rumors floating around, Ozzy/Debbie/Zeke are the first 3 merge boots in some order; then Hali/Michaela/Andrea are the next 3, order unconfirmed; Sierra is still rumored to possibly make the final 6 or 7.  So she could take the place of someone in this final 6.  Speculation is that Sarah ends up flipping to Brad's alliance at the merge, which could go along with her criminal edit.  Which makes me wonder if she does end up winning, since people don't typically like flippers, but I can sort of see from the last episode how Brad/Troy might be going down the unlikable villain edit path.  I hope they wait awhile to do another returning player season, because the pre-game alliances and idols being the only real game play this season (so far) has been a drag.  The only good non idol related game play so far was JT's ouster.

I'm intrigued how this situation with Zeke goes down.  I do believe something happens, but what that really is, who started it, and if it was something innocent that spiraled into something horrible, is what has me interested.  I'm also curious how the show will portray it.  Some rumors are saying that Varner quits over it.  Varner seemed upset in the promo, so I wonder if he goes after Zeke, thinking he'd have his back and try to help save him, and blurts something out that causes the domino effect (he could very well call him a tranny to be mean, not knowing the significance of what it really means to Zeke).  People on other sites are saying it is really bad, though, but it's hard to imagine Varner getting that upset.  However, here he is on his third attempt, was in a good spot, then got screwed by a tribe swap, and likely knew he was missing the jury by that little again.  This pre merge portion of the game has been really disappointing and this season is looking like it'll be a Pagonging, with maybe an occasional idol play throwing things off.  Next time there's a returning player season, which hopefully is off in the distant future, I hope they find a way to curb pre gaming.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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 Varner makes it 1 from the Merge!?!?!?  ARGH!!!! I want him to make the jury so badly.   

Forgot Andrea is playing.  Aubry is boring.  Tai is a trainwreck of randomness.  Sierra can go first, in Varners place.

 New sherrif - is that Sarah?  (I can be slow:)

Reality shows can really screw you up in real life.  They aren't above making a story or edit a person to look like something its not for drama and ratings.  I think people like to think Survivor doesn't do that because they don't do it to great effect very often, but they have and do.  The contract people sign I think limits them as to what they can say to correct things.  

I think Varner gets the short end of the straw here.  He may not be totally innocent but I doubt its going to be portrayed fairly or like it really was and he is going to look much worse than he was.  He just lost the reality show musical chair.  

Edited by marys1000
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I'm thinking it's Sarah or Brad.  Sarah, especially if she decides to flip, could be saying that before TC.

I'll be curious if Andrea's edit picks up after the merge.  She hasn't had to go to TC yet, but I've been disappointed by the lack of airtime she's gotten.  On the extra clips, it sounds like she might be playing a decent game, but that isn't being reflected.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I thought Brad first too since he is mister alpha man in charge.  He is a lawyer so vaguely law enforcement but Sarah is the cop so I'm thinking its her.  Should be interesting she doesn't really seem the type somehow.  

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I am not sure what final six bootlist looks more credible at this point. I will say I would be surprised if Sierra doesn't make the final six the way the season seems to be going. She seems to be too connected with Brad. We even had that scene last episode where Brad said to Troy that "Sierra is with us". Not that he really needed to say that since there is an alleged pre-merge alliance between them.  Also, interesting that Brad also named Hali as a possible fourth in their alliance even though he doesn't fully trust her.  Of course that could be misdirection. I don't know, anything can happen but I am leaning more towards the boot list that has Brad, Sarah, Troy, Sierra, Cirie and Hali than the other. Of course I am a little biased here since I would love to see Hali make final six.

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I think she'd will it to Brad or Troy.  Its possible she does use it at the final 13, though, especially if Tai's idols come out or if Brad's alliance is outnumbered.  However, I can't remember the specifics, but does she say ahead of time she's immune? 

I can see Sierra going before the final 6 if she's idoled out, or maybe Sarah wants to make another big move to add to her resume (especially if she flipped and has half the jury pissed off at her), so she might flip again on Brad/Troy/Sierra and get her out, if she can convince the other 3 to flip.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I'd have to see it, but I have a hard time believing Varner meant all trans people are deceitful.  Maybe he was saying that because Zeke didn't come out to them how trustful could he be and what else could he be hiding?  I guess I'd have to see how it plays out.  I do feel really bad for Zeke that he was not only outed, but had to come out unwillingly because of this.  I don't like him as a Survivor player and can't begin to understand the hype Probst has thrown on him, and could care less if he ever got a third chance again. But I'm going to really feel for him over this.  I'm debating whether I even want to watch tonight.  The smackdown between Will and Shirin was bad enough.  I have a feeling this might be that x10.

Someone on Reddit who had a spoiler source said Varner was suicidal after this first happened and was warned to stay off his social media when this episode aired.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I follow Jeff V on twitter-- he was one of my favorite castaways on The Australian Outback and I was happy to see him return twice-- and he has been keeping a very low profile there for the past two weeks. He's even changed his profile pic from his official Survivor headshot from this season to his new realtor photo. So it definitely seems like he's being deliberately guarded leading up to whatever goes down on this week's episode.

I honestly cannot fathom any way that this doesn't turn into something incredibly ugly. I already haven't been enjoying this season much, but I'm kind of dreading this episode now that the spoilers are more or less confirmed.

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23 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I'll be curious if Andrea's edit picks up after the merge.  She hasn't had to go to TC yet, but I've been disappointed by the lack of airtime she's gotten.

Um . . . she went to the Tribal Council that saw Sandra voted out, remember?

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Well, after this past TC, it seems only fitting to wind up with a predictable final 6.  How does Brad lose this?  It seems like he's running everything.

And Sierra's getting the episode quote next week?!  Did not see that one coming, but it kind of gave me a laugh.  So, is she Brad's deputy, or is she actually going to make some big move that she talked about in her pre-show interviews?  Maybe she'll be using her legacy advantage.  There were rumors about it being an idol heavy season.  I figured she'd probably have one big moment, then fade back into the woodwork.  I'm thinking, since it's a two hour episode, she could say it after the first TC if she used her legacy advantage and it helped bounce someone.

Edited by LadyChatts
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*sigh*  I don't know whether or not I'm glad I was spoiled for this season.  Knowing what was coming didn't lessen the anger I felt (and still feel!) about Zeke being outed.  All I felt was this growing sense of dread, especially when Varner said before tribal council that he knew something about Zeke that the others didn't know.  That's when I knew it was really going to happen.

I've been ambivalent about whether or not I wanted to watch this season from the first rumors of the final 3 being Troyzan (an unknown entity to me, but I'd heard was a jerk in his previous season), Brad (who I knew to be a jerk in his previous season), and Sarah who I didn't remember much about aside from being Kass's first victim in Cagayan.  But after tonight, I'm rooting for Sarah.  She may not have had much of a presence up to this point, but her speech tonight blew me away.  Her realization that knowing the truth about Zeke changed nothing about the way she saw him made me cry along with her.  (And she gets bonus points for rolling her eyes when Varner said he couldn't believe what he'd done.)

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I'd be fine with Sarah winning.  In fact, I want anyone not named Tai, Brad, Troyzan, Sierra, or Debbie to win.  Brad is just getting a good edit, and that has me worried.  Could all be for different motives, and we know it had to crush Probst's ego a little if two of his man crushes got beat by Sarah.

This is exactly why I like being spoiled.  I know why people don't, but I'd really go crazy not knowing, wondering if this was the ep where Brad, Debbie, worthless Tai, or Sierra and her grating voice were finally going to go (especially if the edit made it seem like that, even though they do a really terrible job pretending to foreshadow who the target is).  I couldn't figure out how Brad and Troy made it to the end with a post merge set up like that, but now it makes sense.  They already had Sierra, Tai is just a follower who needs to be told what to do, and I think Aubry is also going to let herself get carried to the end by Brad.  I don't know if Cirie really works with them, or manages to skate by until the final 6.  I'd like to think CBS would realize doing returning players seasons so close together, and having such a recency bias, can make a season turn out like this (on top of pre-game alliances).  But they won't.  S37 will probably be another returning player season with contestants strictly from S32-onward.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I'm still going with Sarah due to the Caleb comment. I think he's not smart enough to mislead and let it slip. And Jeff seems to have the same down tone that he uses when a season has a winner that he didn't want. I'm wondering if it's an Aubry situation, where the editors and Jeff prefer one person who made the FTC but didn't win. 

And I wonder about the, "Brad is so genuine," scene. Could be that the editors were trying to rehab his jerky image. It could also be that he stabs some people in the back and leaves some bad blood along the way. 

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“There’s a New Sheriff In Town” – The merge brings another twist in the game that leaves two castaways out of the celebratory feast, on a two-hour SURVIVOR, Wednesday, April 19 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

CHEAT TWEET: Merge Time! Another twist in the game leaves 2 castaways out of the feast on a 2-hour #SURVIVOR 4/19 8PM #CBS http://bit.ly/2ocI0T2


So two people will be missing the feast but I am guessing like Debbie they might get some type of advantage instead?  Because you know if there is one thing this season needs is more people with idols/advantages.  

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Maybe the joke about everyone being safe at a future TC is getting closer to reality if that's the case.  No, it'll probably be my two faves and outsiders Hali and Michaela who miss the feast, and because it's Hali and Michaela, they'll make them suffer.

I'm curious where Sierra's ep quote comes from.  Disappointed it's her.  I don't know why that girl bugs me so much, but she does.  I'm thinking her legacy advantage gets used this episode.  Probst didn't give a tease this week, given the circumstances of this episode.  Not really surprised if Ozzy goes, seeing as how things are going.  Whether he's idoled out or blindsided without idols, extra votes, and advantages coming into play, we'll see.  

Next week is "There's A New Sheriff in Town", and the following week is "A Line in Concrete".  Regardless, it looks like Brad's alliance is going to Pagong everyone else, then turn on each other.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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I'd like to see a good old fashioned pagonging (or ulonging), if only because I like watching people hold their teams together before having to eat themselves. Amy (Vanuatu) almost did it. Rodney (dirty 30) almost did it. I'd say Kim (One World) did it, but I haven't seen her season yet. To me, it means that someone was masterful: they held their team together, telling each alliance member what they wanted & needed to hear. 

"The alliance with the best chance of lasting is an alliance in which everyone in it has a reasonable chance of believing that they can beat the other people in the alliance." This quote is from How to Win 'Survivor'

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1 hour ago, cherrypj said:

"The alliance with the best chance of lasting is an alliance in which everyone in it has a reasonable chance of believing that they can beat the other people in the alliance." This quote is from How to Win 'Survivor'

...and is pretty much a direct rip from some of John Nash's dissertations on game theory.  :)

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From a photo posted on Sucks, it looks like Brad and Troyzan may be the ones who are left out of the merge feast.  I wonder if they do get sent to some kind of EI, or just have to stand around and watch everyone pig out.

It'll suck to be Debbie if they all find out she was lying about her EI experience.  Since Debbie took the extra vote, maybe Brad and Troyzan get what's left over (assuming they actually get an advantage).

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11 hours ago, cherrypj said:

I'd say Kim (One World) did it, but I haven't seen her season yet.

She did.  She only took her eyes off the Pagonging for one Tribal Council to get rid of Kat, but otherwise focused on dispatching all of the other men.

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New preview.  This one could possibly change up the first alleged merge boot, which was supposed to be Ozzy.  On Sucks, they pointed out the RC clip where Ozzy/Brad/Troyzan are all present.  I know they don't typically do RC in merge episodes anyway, so this would likely point to Ozzy surviving the first boot at least.  That RC is probably in the second half of next week's ep.

Ozzy/Zeke/Debbie were rumored to be the first 3 merge boots, in random order, but now I'm going to be worried for Michaela/Hali, since they seem the most on the outs.  I'm leaning towards Debbie going, but that's also wishful thinking.  Honestly, the only ones I want to see survive are Cirie, Hali, Michaela, and Ozzy.  I don't care who goes as long as it's not one of those 4.  From Zeke's comment here, I think he might end up overplaying his hand again, and could still get an early merge exit.  Sierra's quote would make more sense if Debbie were to get voted off, and she thought it was a big move turning on a former ally.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Michaela posted her latest recap on youtube where she she talks about last episode mainly about Varner and Zeke. At the end of the podcast however she said something about next week that has me very intrigued.  

"it's gonna be miraculous next week, something great happens, WE DID IT

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1 hour ago, LanceM said:

Michaela posted her latest recap on youtube where she she talks about last episode mainly about Varner and Zeke. At the end of the podcast however she said something about next week that has me very intrigued.  

"it's gonna be miraculous next week, something great happens, WE DID IT

So I realize this would be an absolute long shot because I wouldn't be this lucky, but is there a chance the final 3 is wrong and maybe they boot Brad next week?  There was that video of him talking about this season, and he did mention something about lasting "around 18 days" on certain kind of foods.  Brad's diet has been more limited to typical island fare as he hasn't won a ton of rewards, and potentially misses out on the merge feast.  It'd be past the 18 day mark, but not by much.  

I know he seems too excited to have been blindsided this early in the game for it to be true, but I can dream.  I am really starting to question whether the boot list is accurate, final 3 aside, so that gives me a little hope anyway that maybe something happens.  

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3 hours ago, LanceM said:

Michaela posted her latest recap on youtube where she she talks about last episode mainly about Varner and Zeke. At the end of the podcast however she said something about next week that has me very intrigued.  

"it's gonna be miraculous next week, something great happens, WE DID IT

I'm guessing they either got Debbie to admit she's not an expert at something or they got Probst to finally shut up during a challenge.

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Well this is depressing.

SurvivorsUnite just posted that Hali and Ozzy are the next two boots. Ugh. Atleast Hali gets to be Queen of Ponderosa and a nice two and half week vacation again.

Edited by LanceM
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Yeah, this season can't get over fast enough.  I'm seriously considering checking out, because seeing a potential final 7 of Sierra/Aubry/Tai/Brad/Troyzan/Sarah/Cirie (her being the only bright spot) is depressing.  And actually, if Cirie just follows Brad and his minions then I'm going to be even more depressed.  I wonder if the rumor about Sarah turning on one alliance for Brad's group is true, and that's how Hali and Ozzy get booted.  I believe Brad is getting a good edit, better than he should, and I can see him being this edited mastermind while everyone follows him.  If that's the case, I see a lot of whining in post boot interviews about how Brad wasn't calling the shots, and people were making the moves he got credit for.  Aubry's been a huge disappointment this season, and I was hoping things would turn around at the merge, but after last week's pow wow with Brad, she's getting dragged along.  Sierra and Tai were just bad casting choices to being with, but since they are aligned with Brad, it's clear his alliance picks everyone off, and then goes after each other.  Definitely going down as one of the worst seasons ever.  And they are totally setting him up to come back again.  Since Brad and Tai will be off on their little adventure tomorrow, Brad no doubt makes sure he has Tai under his thumb, and Tai lets it spill that he has two idols so Brad can dictate how to use them. 

Watch Debbie's extra vote actually work and her pathetic jealousy at Princess Hali send her packing.  I guess that'll be one bright side, seeing her getting blindsided down the road.  

Yeah, I'm bitter.  Ozzy/Debbie/Zeke were rumored as the first 3 potential merge boots, so why couldn't it be one of the other two over Ozzy?  Going to be a long two hours.  Now Sierra's ep quote has me curious. 

Edited by LadyChatts
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2 hours ago, LanceM said:

SurvivorsUnite just posted that Hali and Ozzy are the next two boots. Ugh. Atleast Hali gets to be Queen of Ponderosa and a nice two and half week vacation again.

Damn.  Poor Hali.  First juror again (if she goes before Ozzy).

At least Michaela is safe for the time being.  Wonder if she goes on the immunity run before she's cut?  I can see her or perhaps Brad running the table.

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I just realized, wasn't this the season Jeff said they were going to try something different with the jury so bitter jurors couldn't influence the outcome?  There was that one article at the start of last season, but he hasn't said anything about it since.  If they do changes going forward, I wonder if it'll become known as the Brad Culpepper rule, especially if a bitter jury causes his man crush to lose this season.

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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

I just realized, wasn't this the season Jeff said they were going to try something different with the jury so bitter jurors couldn't influence the outcome?  There was that one article at the start of last season, but he hasn't said anything about it since.  If they do changes going forward, I wonder if it'll become known as the Brad Culpepper rule, especially if a bitter jury causes his man crush to lose this season.

They'll probably sequester them separately.  Maybe.  That way, they can't influence each other.

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17 hours ago, LanceM said:

Well this is depressing.

SurvivorsUnite just posted that Hali and Ozzy are the next two boots. Ugh. Atleast Hali gets to be Queen of Ponderosa and a nice two and half week vacation again.

Does he have a new boot list with the different order? 

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52 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Does he have a new boot list with the different order? 

No.  He's being cute and releasing one or two boots at a time.  He isn't even clear about the order between Hali and Ozzy.  I'm thinking Hali is first, though, and Ozzy goes second.

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Ozzy going would be what Michaela was so happy about this week.  She mentioned on twitter I think there were two blindsides she enjoyed this season.  The first would clearly be JT.  The other one could have been Ciera but I'm wondering if it's coming at the merge.

I am hoping that he is wrong, though.  Knowing Ozzy was likely early merge was bad enough, but I was hoping Hali would be around awhile longer.  There was a rumor that 5 idols got played at once.  It could be 3 idols plus the legacy advantage plus II.  If that's true, I'm wondering if that's going down tonight.  I'd rather see Hali go out by show stupidity of making as many people immune as possible vs strategy at least.

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14 hours ago, Vyk said:

They'll probably sequester them separately.  Maybe.  That way, they can't influence each other.

I just can't see how they can do it. Logistically it makes no sense and I can imagine the cost would go up too if they tried to house them separately.  They may try to have the handlers on site try to force them to not talk about the game but good luck with that. I guess we will find out in a few hours if and when the first two Ponderosa videos will be released.

Edited by LanceM
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1 minute ago, LanceM said:

I just can't see how they can do it. Logistically it makes no sense and I can imagine the cost would go up too if they tried to house them separately.  They may try to have the handlers on site try to force them to not talk about the game but good luck with that.

Don't get me wrong.  I don't want them to do that.  But several others have clamored for that to happen.

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