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S01.E17: Why Is Josh In A Bad Mood?

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I can't wait to see this episode. The music is already in iTunes if someone cares. The UTI song is hilarious, someone posted the lyrics on IMDB.

Here they are:


"I Gave You a UTI" performed by Greg Serrano

Greg: What's that burning feeling every time you pee?

Well that's how it goes after you have so much awesome sex with me!

I gave you a UTI Yeah I gave you...a UTI! My sweet love injection caused a urinary tract infection!

I'm just that good at I didn't even try, try, try

I gave you a UTI!

Rebecca: Okay, so it's not really a comment on the quality of the sex as much as a lot of sex has been happening and there's just a very natural transfer of bacteria...

Greg: Don't ruin this for me!

That bladder inflammation is my little gift to you! Yeah sometimes chicks need medication after what I've put them through!

Come on, sing with me!

Rebecca: No, I'm not going to do that.

Greg: I gave you... I gave you... a UTI!

Man: A UTI!

Greg: Yeah I gave you...

.. a UTI!

I'm so good at sex your maiden ship got wrecked!

My penis is the reason you may die, die, die!

I gave you a UTI!

One night with me is pure ecstasy 'cause I know just what you like! But you should know for a week or so you won't be able to ride a bike!

[spoken] I'm sorry if you have to cancel that Spin class. I'll pay the cancellation fee because I know a lot of times you have to book the specific bike in advance. Anyway...

I gave you... I gave you ...a UTI!


Not a STD! No STD's! Just to clarify!

If it hurts to take a leak well that's just part of my technique! What has two thumbs and gave you UTI? This guy!

I gave you... A UT... I gave you.. A UT... I gave you... a U...T...I!!!

"Angry Mad" performed by Josh Chan



Why do I feel this way?



My heart is hurting!

And it feels...BAD!


Feeling kind...of...




"Oh My God I Think I Like You" performed by Rebecca Bunch

You've been tearing me up for a week and a half. I don't mean like in my heart.

I mean physically You've been tearing me up it's D-Day in my lady parts!

But as I'm begging for more writhing around on the floor I feel something deep inside I never felt before!

Oh my God I think I like you! Oh my God I think I like you!

It's scary but you send me back on my heels!

'Cuz while I'm getting spanked I can't ignore the feels!

But I say no, no, no! This is just about sex! And no, no, no! Don't be such a girl Becs! But then I feel the oxytocin creeping back to my brain and all I can do is sing it again...

Oh my God I think I like you!

Why can't I just focus on getting a pounding, on the business going on in my thighs? But as my body's getting ruined, like really trashed, I only want to look in your eyes.

But then I'm upside down next to my kitchen sink and suddenly it's like Oh my God I think... I like you. Oh my God I think I like you.

My feelings get stronger every day. I'm like a little girl, not in a role-playing way! Are there condoms that can prevent these feelings? Is there spermicidal lubricant that can kill the fluttering in my heart? Is there an IUD that can stop the image of you and me getting married on the hillside surrounded by ducks and then we get into a rowboat...


I think I like you.

Oh my God I think I like you.

But I say no, no, no! No, no no! No, no, no! No, no, no! 

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Oh hell I broke and watch both songs. I never do that! I loved both but the UTI one was just awesome. Greg was so adorable!


Shit, I'm like shipping them for realz. Ugh, go away, feels.

Edited by FurryFury
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Josh's angry dance reminds me of Bret's angry dance from Flight of the Conchords, except Footloose is the 80's movie being mimicked in Bret's case.  (I've always thought that CXG was the female version of FOTC.  In a way, CXG gives us the perspective of Mel, the obsessed fan.)

Edited by alrightokay
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After I read the lyrics of the songs above, I didn't think I would like this episode. But I loved it. The songs were spot on, clever and well done. I still hope Paula and her husband open a detective agency to spy on suspected cheaters. Next week looks charming.

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Wow, I really enjoyed this. (Only possible complaint: no White Josh, but I concede that we were already stuffed with plot and there was really no room; at least I know he'll be back next week.)


And the main thing I was dreading in advance, the prolonging of the "oh, if you say that it's just physical with no emotion, then I'll pretend I feel the same way" business... it seems to be resolving sensibly already, and without one of those obligatory heart-to-heart talks. Greg just rushed to her side when he learned she was in the hospital, and he came clean to Paul and Josh about it. Three enjoyable numbers, too (when Rachel tweeted about the "awesome" UTI song a couple months ago, I didn't see how that could be true. But it is!).


Which sets us up nicely for the season finale (otherwise known as Act I finale) next week.

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Okay the UTI song is THE most hilariously tacky thing I've ever seen in my life. All I could think of is what Princess Anna would think if Prince Hans broke out in that song, and I couldn't stop laughing. 


Inappropriate is so much fun. 

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I absolutely loved this episode.  Happy Greg is the best Greg.  Santino Fontana is just perfect with the way he was happily shaking stuff at the bar and how much fun he made that UTI song.  I've missed this Greg for sure even if it won't last. 


Apparenly, Greg's "we're going to ruin each other" was foreshadowing to that UTI.  Terrific.


I too liked how they moved through the "feelings" thing with both of them.  Both were clearly not into the idea of seeing other people or being non-exclusive but both didn't get too jerkish about it. 


And even though most of the episode was about Greg and Rebecca, I did love Rebecca and Paula breaking into the pie shop with Rebecca concerned about lasers and blowing flour.

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I had been hoping Greg and Rebecca ruining each other would be sexier and more romantic, so that was a little disappointing, and also at first Greg was seeming to be a total dick in terms of his "let's be casual" thing, but the songs were funny and I was happy it resolved quickly.


God, Paula is irritating. I want her to become a more normal human.


I loved Josh's angry 80s dance. 

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Loved it. Songs were hilarious and cute ("I Like You"), Paula was less irritating than usual (the Pie-Spy thing was great) and, well, Greg/Rebecca were awesome.

Too bad the happiness won't last. 

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I knew that Paula was going to find out that Rebecca was sleeping with Greg sooner rather than later, so I'm glad that secret only lasted for one episode. While I understand she's hurt that Rebecca not only kept this from her but deliberately lied about it, Greg summed it up perfectly when he said, "They have boundary issues."


Father Brah continues to be awesome.


Josh's angry karate dance was awesome! I have been hoping for more dancing for him since the four Joshes.


Darryl was so cute when he said that of course he was going to vote for Paula's pie to win. I mean, definitely not impartial as a pie judge but it was adorable that Daryl was so enthusiastic.


Paula, on the other hand, was such a Debbie Downer this episode. She needs to respect Rebecca's decision not to pursue Josh and she needs to stop pouting about it. She was acting like a petulant child with Rebecca for most of the episode. Rebecca shouldn't feel like she has to show Paula that they're capable of being friends without the Josh capers.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Father Brah continues to be awesome.


Darryl was so cute when he said that of course he was going to vote for Paula's pie to win. I mean, definitely not impartial as a pie judge but it was adorable that Daryl was so enthusiastic.


Paula, on the other hand, was such a Debbie Downer this episode. She needs to respect Rebecca's decision not to pursue Josh and she needs to stop pouting about it. She was acting like a petulant child with Rebecca for most of the episode. Rebecca shouldn't feel like she has to show Paula that they're capable of being friends without the Josh capers.

Agree about Father Brah! I don't know how actual priests would feel about the role but it's kind of cool to see a completely different take on a religious person.


Agree about Daryl. "I love you guys so much." So sweet.


And *completely* agree about Paula. The only thing was ... she kind of had a point. (Not a point I agree with, but a point.) The pie caper seemed like such manufactured fun that wasn't really fun. Rebecca was trying too hard and in the end I was like, Do these two actually have anything in common?


Also am curious to know if the pie caper is going to have other effects, because it like much ado about nothing.

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I loved this episode. I laughed so hard at the UTI song -- how Santino made that charming ("I'm so good at sex your maidenship got wrecked" LOL) I have no idea, but he did -- and the "I think I like him" with so many dirty little Easter eggs (when he was pushing her head down, I just died), and all the talk about who has the "upper hand" ... Very true to new relationship dynamics as you come out of the sex haze and assess where each partner is, emotionally.


I loved that they didn't make Greg hold out on Rebecca, cause "it's just sex" or not talk, we all know they legit like each other for more than just bedroom hijinks. And Josh's latent jealousy (missing the adoration more than missing Rebecca herself) and his return to relationship form with Valencia (it wasn't really great before, he was scared to lose her, but now that he's got her back reality returns). All are so relatable and the big heaping, helping of ridiculous humor on top of that is just what makes this show so awesome.


Also, OMG, I can not believe any of that aired on a network show at 8 PM. Wowsa.

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And *completely* agree about Paula. The only thing was ... she kind of had a point. (Not a point I agree with, but a point.) The pie caper seemed like such manufactured fun that wasn't really fun. Rebecca was trying too hard and in the end I was like, Do these two actually have anything in common?

I think that the reason Rebecca was trying so hard and made the pie thing into a Mission Impossible style caper is because Paula was refusing to engage in anything non-Josh related. She was barely responding to any of Rebecca's questions at work so when Darryl mentioned the pie contest, Rebecca latched onto that out of desperation. If Paula hadn't been been acting like a kid who had just been grounded by her mother and had been open to having a normal conversation with Rebecca, I don't think that Rebecca would have been so gung ho about finding out the secret ingredient in that other lady's pie (heh, which I realize totally sounds like a euphemism for something dirty!).

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Josh's angry dance reminds me of Bret's angry dance from Flight of the Conchords, except Footloose is the 80's movie being mimicked in Bret's case.  (I've always thought that CXG was the female version of FOTC.  In a way, CXG gives us the perspective of Mel, the obsessed fan.)


OMG--- When I tell people about Crazy Ex-GF I tell them it is a female version of Flight of the Conchords.  (one of my favorites).  I guess  I just love musical comedy.  In addition to the angry dance, the "Sexy getting ready song" reminds me of "Business Time".

Edited by NaughtyKitty
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I agree with the person above who said that Greg and Rebecca's sexual tension/chemistry was a little disappointing.  I figure that's because they're trying to keep a casual air about the affair so they're both repressing their emotions to some degree.  Oh, don't get me wrong it was hot, but I felt like they were still holding themselves back somewhat, which became obvious when they both addressed the whole "casual" thing.  It's obvious that there's more feeling there on both ends that neither of them wants to acknowledge to the other one.  I wonder if the show will allow them to finally admit that.  Probably not before they continue to make Rebecca flip/flop between Josh and Greg for another while to come.


I LOVED Heather's psychological assessment of who has the upper hand in a new relationship and when - I was LOL all the way though that because it wasn't just funny, it was spot-on!  I was literally thinking the same things as she said them, LOL!


Speaking of Paula, I think she and Rebecca do have what it takes to be real friends but Paula really needs therapy or a wake-up call before that's possible.  I personally think she has a little crush on Josh of her own that she has to face.  If she were just desperate for vicarious romance it wouldn't matter who Rebecca was involved with at any given moment, but Paula is too hung up on Josh and no one else, so I think her issue is her crush on him that she needs to face and get over.  Of course, she also has to face her lack of interest in her husband too.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Paula is too hung up on Josh and no one else, so I think her issue is her crush on him


I don't think Paula has a crush on Josh, but she's way too invested in him and Rebecca being together. Josh and Rebecca have a cute backstory that Greg and Rebecca don't, and I wonder if that's the appeal for her. We don't know much about Paula's own story except that she and her husband are basically in idle. Not much seems to have happened with them since the breakthrough a few episodes ago.


I really want better for Donna Lynne Champlin and Paula.

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Josh's feelings song is not a lot of fun to listen to on its own, but with the visuals it's rather brilliant and I must say Vincent Rodriguez III is just spectacular as this character and in everything he does. 

BTW, Rachel Bloom tweeted to make sure we all know that every shot in that sequence was Mr. Rodriguez himself -- no doubles. I kind of wish they'd made that more evident in the filming and editing, so that no reassurance would be needed, but I suppose that shadows and silhouettes are part of the "80s frustration-dance montage" style they were emulating.

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We've seen why Josh is so insecure that he'd be in a relationship with Valencia even though he's not happy, and why he's so confused about everything. He's said no one ever took him seriously or believed in him (until Rebecca), and I think they're doing a good job developing his reasons for the way he is.


I don't understand why Valencia is so attached to Josh, though, given that he doesn't seem to be interested in anything she's interested in, nor in her. When he tried to make a big gesture (with the table) she was annoyed rather than appreciative, so even when he's being attentive and invested it's not working for her. And I don't think it's credible that Valencia wouldn't be able to find another boyfriend if she wanted to, either. She's cranky and tactless, but she knows how to be charming and fun when she wants to, so I really don't get what holds her back. They never seem happy together at all. I hope at some point we get more development of her. I know she's a secondary character, but they've been finding ways to develop other members of the ensemble and I really want her to be given the same treatment.


Rebecca is a really good friend to Paula. She tried really hard, and Paula was resisting all the way. And then Paula is all about herself, pretending to be all about Rebecca. It's annoying. And given that Paula and her husband actually had that breakthrough and you can see that her husband is willing to work at their relationship, and they do have potential with each other, it makes no sense that she's still as completely stuck as she seems to be. So I need to see more growth from her, as well.


I don't want Heather to be the Greek Chorus, either. Make her a real person, not a convenience to the narration or a total foil.


When they switched from blueberry to pecan pie, I felt like I'd missed something. I realize that's on me, though. But it seems strange to me to compare different types of pies in the same contest. It makes it less about the recipe than about what flavor the judges happen to prefer. Blueberry vs pecan vs lemon meringue? The winner is whoever picks the most popular type, not whoever bakes the best version of anything. Is that how pie contests usually work?

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especially his puzzlement at turning down sex.


"Do men really do that?" Josh asks the celibate priest, who looks at him very pointedly. 




Is that how pie contests usually work?


No, the judging is within similar categories, e.g., all apple pies, all blueberry pies, etc. But maybe Donna used as extra amount of the secret ingredient in her pecan pie, and that's why she won. Heh.

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Every week I am like "This is my favorite song" (Good to be Bi) and then "No this is my favorite song" (Jap Rap)  But I have to say, no really, this time, I loved the UTI song.  So funny and clever.


I also liked Heather after Josh delivered his apparently favorite insult ('dumb face') when she sat there with a crestfallen look on her face only to declare that she has the smartest face of all!

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And Josh's latent jealousy (missing the adoration more than missing Rebecca herself) and his return to relationship form with Valencia (it wasn't really great before, he was scared to lose her, but now that he's got her back reality returns). All are so relatable and the big heaping, helping of ridiculous humor on top of that is just what makes this show so awesome.


Also, OMG, I can not believe any of that aired on a network show at 8 PM. Wowsa.

Yeah on both counts. So relatable it hurts! In my late 20s I crushed HARD on a guy who had no interest in me. The minute I started dating my now-husband, he was wounded and didn't hide it well. More than 10 years later he still hits on me when I see him once in a blue moon. It's both empowering and infuriating.


Re: 8 p.m. I watched this after coming home from a talk at my kid's school about the relaxation of TV regulations and how little kids are exposed to so much more inappropriate content than they used to be. I'm not a prude and am not interested in censoring great content, but I can't help but feel 8:00 isn't the right time slot for this awesome and racy show. 


BTW, Rachel Bloom tweeted to make sure we all know that every shot in that sequence was Mr. Rodriguez himself -- no doubles. I kind of wish they'd made that more evident in the filming and editing, so that no reassurance would be needed, but I suppose that shadows and silhouettes are part of the "80s frustration-dance montage" style they were emulating.

Interesting ... I needed no such reassurance. It was obvious to me that it was Vincent. It was incredible, but it was also somewhat imperfect, I thought. I feel like a double would have been flawless, and to me this was not quite that.

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I loved how Greg and Rebecca were trying to be subtle at the bar, but everyone immediately knew what was going on. That seems accurate.


I was frustrated that Rebecca lied to Paula, but like others, was happy it was resolved so quickly. I should have more faith; this show consistently upends those expectations in really good ways.

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I think that the reason Rebecca was trying so hard and made the pie thing into a Mission Impossible style caper is because Paula was refusing to engage in anything non-Josh related. She was barely responding to any of Rebecca's questions at work so when Darryl mentioned the pie contest, Rebecca latched onto that out of desperation. If Paula hadn't been been acting like a kid who had just been grounded by her mother and had been open to having a normal conversation with Rebecca, I don't think that Rebecca would have been so gung ho about finding out the secret ingredient in that other lady's pie (heh, which I realize totally sounds like a euphemism for something dirty!).


Yup, some of my friends and I don't have too much in common but we are able to talk about a lot of different things because we aren't weirdly hung up on each other's love lives, we actually like EACH OTHER. They're both human beings who work at the office together right?? There should be SOMETHING to talk about? I was so annoyed that she couldn't even answer Rachel's simple "How was your weekend?" C'mon Paula, get thee to a therapist.


Loved the Greg/Rebecca but agree that I wished there was more. Actually the best part of this episode for me was that it was Greg Rebecca texted first and Greg didn't hesitate to get to the hospital :3 Can't wait for the season finale!!

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One of my favorite Greg/Rebecca moments was the UTI song.  I know some reviewers thought that was Greg being dismissive but I actually thought it was one of their more intimate moments.  The capcious moment was flirty.  And the song was full of silly smugness that guys get when told they have a big dick.  And Rebecca was shown to be amused by that smug silliness.  It felt like one of those "OMG, you're so annoying but I can't help but laugh and like you anyway" moments that occurs between significant others who are super comfortable with one another.

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I love this show way too much. Every time I think I have a new favorite episode, another episode happens, and then I have a new NEW favorite! I thought this was a great episode, lots of fun, but also filled with emotion. The "I think I like you" song gave me a big case of the feels, despite half the song being about rather...HBO ish subjects.


This show is my new favorite show to constantly try to push on people, like a crack dealer from an 80s anti drug commercial. Well, this show and The Americans, my other favorite show that not enough people watch, because they have a really weird premise ("Its a show about Soviet spies pretending to be Americans in the early 80s! And there are TONS of scenes where you have to read subtitles!" "Its a show about a mentally unstable woman who follows her middle school boyfriend across the country! And its a musical comedy!"). 

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I loved the OMG I Like You song mainly because it is so damn catchy. In fact, it is horribly catchy. I have an exam tomorrow and all that is in my head is this song. Apparently it was a mistake to watch this episode...lol.

I'm gonna have this problem next week, I have this big test that I need to pass or pass, and is also the season finale, but I have to focus on studying! 

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I loved this episode, the songs were so much fun, except the Angry Josh song, that was meeh, like he can dance and do, wherever martial art it was, very good, but I feel like he can't sing, at least not as good as the other cast. I enjoyed when Father Brah pointed out that Josh is just missing all the attention Rebecca gives him. 

Also, like they said here before, yeah, I felt like there was something missing in the Grebecca relation ship, last week it ended really good with so much tension and this week it was laking a bit of that, though it was a very good episode. 

And the UTI song was excellent, my husband was ignorant of UTIs till it happened to me, and I think it was more about that rather than Greg having a hug ego, but they were also flirting, Rebecca smile while he was singing showed that. 

I'm afraid for the next episode, they show Greg farting (?) and it looks like they're gonna fight. I really hope this is not the end of Grebecca, I love them together. 

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I LOVED Heather's psychological assessment of who has the upper hand in a new relationship and when - I was LOL all the way though that because it wasn't just funny, it was spot-on!  I was literally thinking the same things as she said them, LOL!



Right? I realized I do all those same things when I'm flirting with a cute guy - head tilt, shoulder shrug, flamingo leg. Ha!

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Just love this show so much. Almost everything has been covered, just wanted to add that I just freaking loved the scene with Josh and the young priest, who just breaks from all things we know of a priest and gets real by saying "cause you're acting like a little bitch!" And then breaks down exactly how Josh is acting like a little bitch. It was beyond perfect! Couldn't have loved that part more.

Edited by JasmineFlower
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That song where she sings about realizing she has feelings is a weird love song.

Every other verse hints at vigorous sex and how endowed he is.

Can't decide whether to be a sappy ballad or a raunchy (for broadcast TV) tune.

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Almost everything has been covered, just wanted to add that I just freaking loved the scene with Josh and the young priest, who just breaks from all things we know of a priest and gets real by saying "cause you're acting like a little bitch!"

That was hilarious, I love Father Brah! I also loved the look he gave Josh when he was pondering how any man could say no to sex!

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Just as an FYI, based on the Korean Flag headband he wore, I am guessing Josh was into Tae Kwon Do. The combination dancing/martial arts moves was kind of hilarious. I am sure that segment was all about the visual part, and not really about the song/lyrics, compared to the other two songs for the episode.

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Happy Greg is a delight - another huge vote for UTI, although I think it was all about the performance rather than the song.  Santino practically overflowed with charm.  (Is that a thing?  That should be a thing.)  Seeing Santino's charisma and musical chops just makes Grumpy Greg more sexy, because you just know that he's keeping all of that bottled up.  The flirtation between Greg and REbecca during the UTI song that was noted earlier was really cute.  Those two work so well together.


Josh's angry dance made me laugh out loud.  It was such a perfect throwback to the 80s.  In addition to Footloose, I got Flashdance.  Very funny, although I did wonder if there was a double.  Nice for Rachel to tweet that it was all Vincent.


Rebecca's song barely registered because Greg's number was so awesome.  Next best was Heather's cameo.  Glad to see her back, and I agree that was a great way to use her character.


Usually I roll my eyes at imitation shows, but I wish there would be a slew of imitators of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.  I love it so much.

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