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Wicked Tuna - General Discussion

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Yay! Wicked Tuna forum! :)


Faves: well, I think I'm not alone when I say Marciano and the Hard Merchandise are the team I root for every week. He's straight out of central casting.

I'm concerned last summer didn't bring in the haul that was expected...from ANY of the boats; hence, all the intership drama, which nobody wants to see. Show us the big fish, the big catches, and the big resulting bucks.

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::waves:: Hi A Boston Gal!

I find judging the guys on this show a little difficult, as they are so clearly coached to say stupid trash-talking stuff in the interviews. It's a little easier to figure them out when they are actually on the boats. 

Having said that, I'm not a fan of Bill the harpoon guy. At all. Probably because I'm predisposed to not like anybody nicknamed "Hollywood."

And on that note, I could go either way on T.J., who seems like a good fisherman, but needs to earn back a lot of points just for naming his boat Hot Tuna.

And even though he's having a tough season, and part of that has to do with bringing along really inexperienced kids, I like Tyler.

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Hey, there, JTMacc!! (Who knew Plankton was your secret identity?? I'm impressed...!)

I really like Tyler as well. I'm guessing so do others, because last season he seemed to be set up as the interloper/bad guy, but it just didn't take, hence (I'm guessing) the introduction of the Hot Tuna crowd this year.  You're 100% right about the guys' behavior on the boats being far more real....hard to stage a scripted gripe session about the other fishermen in the middle of a Catch Clock running. ;)  As for "Hollywood"...? Feh. If he was an actor reading from a script, I'd fire both him and the screenwriter!

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Did anyone catch Paul's promo for next week's Boston Bombing Retrospective on Nat Geo? It was very odd to see him talk about something so serious, even if it was just for a few moments.  Just so out of the norm in how he's usually presented, but at the same time very effective. You can tell he meant what he said.

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I did not see it, but I've got Paul pegged as good people. He's goofy. He has a heck of a good time trash talking. But every once in a while he says something in his serious voice, and it seems like he is a compassionate, and kind guy.

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I really like Paul and love his laugh.  I know it irritates some but he looks so genuine and happy.  I hope he does well - here's another guy stepping up and trying to improve his life. He definitely is my favorite. 

Next up is Tyler.  Yep - he has to learn how to handle his crew and he does need some growing up but he'll do well in the end.  A hard worker and a desire to achieve.

DotCom is on the bottom along  with Marciano.  If I hear Marciano say one more time "they're taking the food right off my table.  I have to feed my family"  I want to gag.  Sorry Marciano but the fish are all out there - it's your job to catch them.  It's big ocean.  Maybe if you took better care of your boat, you'd do better.

TJ is in there for the TV money.  He's another one I can't root for.  His weight is disgusting at his age. Obviously his dinner plate is bigger that his work plate.

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Lonesome, this is why I think the emphasis has been put on inter-ship squabbling this season, rather than the excitement of catching fish. I mean, so far, we've been running really low in actual tuna footage -- very disappointing. I just hope business picks up soon, because all this faux-drama is a poor substitute, and if it keeps up, we'll have to rename the show "Wicked Bad Infighting".

Edited by A Boston Gal
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Okay, I admit it. That was a fun episode.

The new old guy on the Bounty Hunter was likeable, and that was a really interesting fight with a very big fish. Given how the Bounty Hunter tends to lose fish in pretty much every way imaginable, I'm still in a bit of shock that they actually landed that one. I pretty much watched the entire fight with the thought, "Okay. THIS is where they lose it."

And then we have the very cranky tuna.com battling for 10 freaking hours. I think my favorite part of the whole thing was when Dave let Mailman throw the harpoon, and we got to see the interview about how happy he was he could get to throw the harpoon, and then HE missed. Heh. I was pulling for them at that point to just land that fish, because seriously, can you imagine losing it after fighting all day? But I laughed out loud at harpoon miss #5. Of course he missed. How could it have been anything but another miss.

And the show did a very good job setting me up for that moment, first by starting the catch clock right off the bat, and then making a big deal of the harpoon miss #1 which happened when it was still dark out. 

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Well, I just saw prime reason #1 why the air/harpoon method is BS:  They killed a fish and didn't harvest it.  Complete waste of a precious commodity.


The "contest" narrations are reeeeeeally starting to get on my last nerve.  Of COURSE the number one thing these guys think of is beating out the other guys.  Never mind they are losing their collective asses and won't have anything to show for all their hard work.  


I noticed on the huge catch, they lost 240 pounds when they dressed it.  That's a heck of a drop.  Almost 1/3 of the fish was basically worthless to them.  


It was great TV to finally see an actual cost to having a bunch of boats clustered together.  I was wondering how often the second guy refuses to cut his line.  


Another interesting aspect of that particular fight was a demonstration of how they show these things out of sequence.  The weather was vastly different and it was the only time the whole ep we saw such a big fleet.  Gotcha edit monkeys!

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I do like it when Marciano brings his son on a trip. Even if at the end he has to throw in a "that fish helps pay for tuition", I am willing to put up with it because it's nice to see the family stuff in a good light.

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I don't much care for any of them.  Way too much BS from all of 'em in the narrations/voice overs.


The one I respect least is definitely Paul.  A close second is the Hard Merchandise owner (Dave?).  Paul is not reliable.  Period.  He has the most outsized sense of self.  I've known too many guys like him.  He is, however, the most fun to watch on this show.   The HM dude cries the most about the economics, and he keeps on.  How is it rational?  If he makes his money running charters, why isn't he doing that full time?    


Of all of them, I most respect the Hot Tuna guy.   To me, he seems to have gleaned the most from veterans, including his dad and applies it.  There is very, very, little angst in his v/o's and just watching him aboard his vessel, he rarely gets hyped.  He strikes a nice balance with his crew between demanding intelligent effort while appreciating a good prank or joke.  I haven't seen him bitch at them yet.

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The best thing to come out of this ep was that we heard how much it costs to go out for a day: $597.


Now, someone please tell me how they afforded the turrible drought they had?  They easily spent $2K+ (probably more like $3K) each week just to be out there.  Week nine for them and only two vessels had brought in better than $23K.  One was at $16K, and good 'ol Paul at $3K.  


Good on TJ for at least bringing in something.


Also cool that we were able to learn that the market had really collapsed.  .Com brought in a reallllly good fish and only got $14/lb.  

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While I give full props to the .com for hauling butt to try to save the distressed fishermen, I wonder just how central they were to the effort.  The narrative was weaselly.  No Coasties within a half four, but there was a helo already there?  I saw the outlines of other vessels, as well.  There's just no dang need for edit monkeys to gin up drama.  I find it completely disrespectful to the life lost in this incident.  Since when is it OK to wrench things up for TV when the sea claims another?


At what point will the others realize Tyler can't be relied upon?  Given Dave's experience, and that not going solo to Georges was a huge issue to him, did he not insist that each would stay for the other for at least two days before going in?   Is Marciano really that stupid?  Really?  


Where was the Hot Tuna?  Were they near the .com on Stellwagen?  


That was some 500 pounder that the Sambuca caught, eh?  Hahahaha.  We did not get even one shot showing us the breadth of that fish.  It would have been great if it were a butterball.  But, we just got a quote how "120 years" of experience  got it done.  Well, 120 years of experience just estimated a fish to be at least 1/3 bigger than it was.  More like 1/2.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Great points, Lonesome. You're right; the timeline of the the Dot Com and the rescue was purposely unclear. But I suppose we should have learned by now to never over-estimate the morals of edit monkeys, no matter what network or situation.

Edited by A Boston Gal
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This past episode has confirmed what was just a nebulous suspicion on my part until now....the most crucial piece of the tuna fishing puzzle is Sandro, who evidently is peaking this season.  He can reel, harpoon and turn a fishing boat on a dime. No wonder the the Dot Com is kicking butt and taking names.

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OMG, Dave Marciano made a "King Richard's Faire" reference last week, comparing a dressed tuna to one of those giant turkey legs served at the local renfaire that happens every late summer in Carver, MA.


Captain Dave at a renfaire  - I don't know why I'm so tickled by that, but I am.

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Hard to tell who will win after just one show this season.

    I like Tyler, because he seems like a stoner who loves what he does.    I like Dave too because he works hard and it pays off.

     The others are ok, except Paul's act got old fast and he isnt funny anymore.

       I dont like the Hot Tuna guy, He is like a beached whale that doesnt do much, dont like his father either. They all seem immature with all that yelling.

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Looks like Tyler is winning the game this year.  He has hired an experienced crew and left his friends at home.  Yes, some people do learn lessons - nmot like childish Dave from Dot.com


You know, I was starting to think of Dave as the Niki Lauda of the Wicked Tuna bunch, but attaching the word "childish" to him also works to explain his behavior.

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With the way Dave went at Tyler with him hitting the ball at him was more than childish.  Wish the harbor would kick him out for assault.  He went after Tyler on Tyler's boat.  Anger issues?


I fully expect Hot Tuna will drop dead for a heart attack.  It is so sad to see anyone so young to abuse their body that way but then look at the father and brother.  If they lost some weight, they'd save a fortune in fuel.


I still vote no on Maricano.  If I hear him once more saying he has to feed his kids, I'd shove a tuna fish sandwich  at him.  My goodness, he has kids in college - I think he has enough food for the table.

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I wish Marciano no ill will, but his poor mouthing is garbage.  If those guys all don't have their expenses, and then some, covered by TPTB, I'll eat my hat.  Given how truly horrid the previous seasons have been, he is damn fortunate to even be on the water at this point.


I've known too many Daves in my time.  They talk all about how excellence tells and that they welcome meritocracy since they are the best.  Many of these were brought up in upper-class homes.  Then, if someone else proves to be better, they lose it.  They are the first to scream, "UNFAIR!!!!!"  The guys who talked this talk and were able to handle defeats with grace and humility have been most rare in my experience.  I grew to really like them.


Isn't it funny how when a "lesser" pulls a prank, these entitled ones act as if their mother was murdered?  Yet, they will endlessly recount how they bested or tricked others.  


Now, the pricing seems weird this season.  While typically, early-season fish would get a premium price (as Marciano was alluding to at the buyer) the quotes have been low unless the fish was friggin' perfect.  Given the descriptions we've heard and seen, those fish would have fetched in the high teens far more than we've seen thus far - again especially since it was early season.  What was up?  Was demand down in Japan where the economy was hurting?  I'm not saying anyone was being cheated.  But, something was going on to limit the prices.

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I noticed on a different tuna show one fisherman handled his tuna differently and pulled $21 lb.  I thought someone this week got maybe $22 lb?  Now I am wondering if is how they handle the fish.  This one guy kept his fish in the water until it totally cooled down and got a good price.

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The prices are all over the lot, so I'm assuming that it still has a lot to do with the specific fish.  The harpoon guys got two drastically different prices which seemed to be based entirely on quality.


Speaking of the harpoon guys, it's really hard to root for Hollywood.

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Is this the first season with two harpoon boats directly competing? I seem to remember only one last season, and it was like apples and oranges fitting it onto the Leader Board. This time around, it was very obvious how the two only trash-talked each other, with no mention of the other crews.

Edited by A Boston Gal
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This is the first year with two harpoon boats I can recall.


I about fell out when that last fish supposedly would bring $24/lb.  I am convinced we are not getting actual quotes anymore - if we ever did.  It's about creating faux scoreboard drama.  It was a nice fish, but it was not above and beyond several others we had seen previously this season.  


The anger when anyone else catches a tuna is especially off-putting this season.  Of course there's gonna be a natural envy/jealousy when you are running dry and can;t seem to catch any breaks.  But, the ones who react with the most venom are the ones who are going just fine.  It really is too much this year.  The Wicked Pissah fets one fish in three weeks and they acted as if he was taking food and medicine from their infants' mouths.   


I read an article about dot.com's new boat which will hit the water very soon.  Dave said that he has already completely booked all of his charter availabilities through next year!  He is set financially.  Yet he is the loudest moaner when anyone else does something good.  He is a total jerk.  

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He is a total jerk.  

He sure is. Back when the show started, you could get a sense that nobody like him.  Even with having to sort through manufactured drama, I think I can see why. 

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So it hit me like a ton of bricks...these boats do not go out but a couple times a week, if that.  At least not with TV production on them they don't.   One fish per week?  If that?  


Dave can kiss my butt with his lamentation that if he doesn't catch a fish, he makes no money.  Yeah, dave.  For that day, no income.  But, you make good dough running charters where it matters not if you catch the first thing.  If your family's income depended strictly on the fish you brought in, they would have starved the past two years. 


We had the scene with the Drama (great name for this silly show!) being introduced via the phone conversation with Paul.  Each said they would let the other know if they had any sightings.  Paul actually catches a fish.  No phone call to the Drama to help him out.  Allll the blather about how important it is to help out fellow good guys and hard workers counted for what?   Wait.  What?  The conversation was staged?  They were all acting from a script?  Pshaw.  

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I had never seen a $28 fish.  Tyler's looked plenty good - at least as good as so many others which were getting $20+.  No way in heck was Hollywood's fish $10 better.  Caught within 24 hours of each other and delivered to the same port.  


I bet the show haaaaaated that the Hot Tuna bailed out the .com.  Allll the trash talk?  Gone in an instant.  Alllll the narratives as to how squared away Dave always is?  How professional?  Atomized.


Now we're gonna get an arc about how hard the PInwheel fishes and that the crew misses being home?  Ugh.  What is with these fools who eagerly sign up and then wimp out?  Same thing for years on Deadliest Catch.  Ain't no participation trophies at sea, y'all.

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I had never seen a $28 fish.  Tyler's looked plenty good - at least as good as so many others which were getting $20+.  No way in heck was Hollywood's fish $10 better.  Caught within 24 hours of each other and delivered to the same port.  

I'm trying to figure out if one of the buyers tends to give higher or lower prices than the others, but I just can't put a finger on any trends.  I'll just have to trust that whatever numbers they pull out of the air make sense to what they're seeing.


It was interesting to see the Hard Merchandise pull in three fish.  It was also fun to see the crew say, "Okay, the small rod was interesting. Now let's never do that again."

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The quality of the fish isn't the only thing that determines the price per pound.  The monetary exchange rate with the Japanese yen is another variable. I was curious and did some research . . . apparently, even the low prices per pound on Wicked Tuna are highly inflated from reality.  More realistic prices are closer to $10 per pound.

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Good for for the Hard Merchandise. They all had a pretty good year compared to what we've seen prior years. 


That was a hell of thing for the last fish to pull the hook for Tyler. Even a little one would have put him over Dave (not that it matters.)

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Glad to see Dave have a good season.  It shows how much luck plays into it.  Past years?  He took a bath by being away from the others.  This year, he guessed more correctly than they did.


I totally noticed how relatively subdued the reactions on all of the boats were when they lost a fish to a typical cause, eg throwing the hook, snapped line.  They almost always went berserk anytime it happened in the past and they were always quick to assign blame.  The past few eps have shown a remarkably more realistic recognition of fate.  Somebody, or someones got to TPTB and told them to tone down the unnecessary drama.


If Paul made money, these guys must be getting a pretty penny from Nat Geo.  


I would be a much happier camper if they just did away with those after-the-fact TH segments went away.  "If I can get $28/pound, I can beat Dave."  Just absurd.  Adds nothing but aggravation.


I chuckled when the Twitter response backed Dave's lousy behavior.  Even if it was just TPTB shenanigans, it was funny.  

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Please knock off all the G D cussing. Don't take Christians for granted that we'll keep watching. I notice you don't use "Allah" so don't use the Lord's name either. If you can beep out the f word, you can do it for the really offensive words.

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I like the new boat. The captain is a good balance of confident and cranky without being a dick.  His daughter is a good kid.


Through the first three or four weeks here, everybody seems to being doing okay, with nobody doing spectacular or terrible, which interestingly makes for decent TV.  

When Marciano says "I have the best crew in the fleet!", I think I agree with him. They are good guys, and they obviously work hard.


Also, I hate to say it, but it's kind of fun when the Tuna.com gets $7 a pound for a fish. I don't feel bad about saying that because i know he's going to end up just fine.

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Paul is all about being the captain of HIS boat and how he is the best fisherman. He's lucky he has anyone working for him. And to add insult to injury he doesn't even pay them on time.


What a tool he is!

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