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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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57 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

something very strange is happening with my cable guide. All of next week, ABC is showing 'to be announced' in both the 2 pm and 3 pm timeslot. GH doesn't return to the lineup until Monday 9/26. Is anyone else having this problem? (although I'm not sure how much of a 'problem' it is since the show sucks so bad these days.)

I just looked, and episodes are listed for next week, but no episode descriptions. (I don't usually look more than a day ahead, so I don't know it they would normally have episode descriptions up that far ahead of time.) 

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thanks @KerleyQ. I don't usually get descriptions more than a week out, but my guide doesn't even have the show listed. Just "To be announced." I'll have to check back when TiVo does its next update to see if it's changed. If not, I'll set it to record manually.

Things that make you go hmmmm.

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1 minute ago, Sake614 said:

thanks @KerleyQ. I don't usually get descriptions more than a week out, but my guide doesn't even have the show listed. Just "To be announced." I'll have to check back when TiVo does its next update to see if it's changed. If not, I'll set it to record manually.

Things that make you go hmmmm.

Tivo is clearly trying to protect you.  

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ha! But only to a certain point. I mean, it has all this week listed, and the week after next. Unless there's something happening next week that's so bad I really shouldn't see it? Especially since I'm getting a shiny new 55" TV tomorrow? I'm sure TiVo doesnt' want to see me throw something at my new set :)

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23 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

ha! But only to a certain point. I mean, it has all this week listed, and the week after next. Unless there's something happening next week that's so bad I really shouldn't see it? Especially since I'm getting a shiny new 55" TV tomorrow? I'm sure TiVo doesnt' want to see me throw something at my new set :)

Freako will probably be on every single day net week, including Saturday and Sunday.

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This is why I don't watch.  They value the wrong things.  Who gives a shit about an actor with actual history with this show when you can just go out and get a "big name" from another soap. And I don't even care about Nicholas but when they can just let the actors fans know go while going above and beyond for their own personal favorites - it just  turns you off even more.

Edited by ch1
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I'm not the biggest Nik fan at the moment, but the character is useful and could be redeemed if anyone cared enough to do so, AND TC actually has some talent, so of course they let him go. If this show somehow survives another two or three years it's going to be 80% newbies or recasts. 

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I don't think TC had been giving the role much effort, and the writing didn't give him much of a reason to. He's better off elsewhere, I think, so good for him.

3 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

If this show somehow survives another two or three years it's going to be 80% newbies or recasts. 

The recasts are often written entirely wrong anyway, so there might as well be newbies. It's all terrible.

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10 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I hope Tyler spills some tea. He got a little frosty in the press last time he was fired.

It's kinda amazing who Frank has been willing to let walk. Tyler, Jason, Stevie....

....and who he'll fight for....

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1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

It's kinda amazing who Frank has been willing to let walk. Tyler, Jason, Stevie....

....and who he'll fight for....

Yeah. On one hand, I kind of feel the way dubbel zout does about Tyler. But on the other hand, it's not like the show had no use for Nikolas. He had a love interest in Hayden, and Nikolas should be Liz's sounding board in this Hayden stuff, especially considering his history with Lucky. But he gets cut and who takes his place? Finn and Franco in both those stories. And Tyler won an emmy. It's not like he was sitting around like Olivia/LLC. 

I don't know, but maybe Tyler was demanding something unreasonable, who knows. 

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Just now, ulkis said:

Yeah. On one hand, I kind of feel the way dubbel zout does about Tyler. But on the other hand, it's not like the show had no use for Nikolas. He had a love interest in Hayden, and Nikolas should be Liz's sounding board in this Hayden stuff, especially considering his history with Lucky. But he gets cut and who takes his place? Finn and Franco in both those stories. And Tyler won an emmy. It's not like he was sitting around like Olivia/LLC. 

I don't know, but maybe Tyler was demanding something unreasonable, who knows. 

I will always side with the "workers" over "management." I'll just leave it at that.

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1 minute ago, Oracle42 said:

Weren't Todd and McBain his frontburner characters when FV/RC got OLTL cancelled? GH survived and he's doing his level best to gut ABC's last surviving show and alienate the remaining viewers

Eeeh, it's not really the same thing as Todd and McBain were longtime characters and Roger Howarth coming back to the role was a big deal.  It's more comparable to OLTL shoving Ford front and center.

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3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Eeeh, it's not really the same thing as Todd and McBain were longtime characters and Roger Howarth coming back to the role was a big deal.  It's more comparable to OLTL shoving Ford front and center.

I'm not even talking about the new character aspect so much as the idea that ME (playing any one of 5 different characters) and Todd (because that's all RoHo has played for years now) should be front and center on this soap.

RC/FV introduced quite a few new characters onto OLTL as well but it generally felt more like an integration than an invasion. The character round-up for any given day on this soap has the pre-RC/FV characters (not including bad recasts!) outnumbered by a significant margin. And it's not like the imports are good characters played by the best actors in the soap industry. They're just FV favs and models

He obviously doesn't care about this particular soap and I wish he'd go and do something he doesn't hate for a living

Edited by Oracle42
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I have no doubt Frank was trying to lowball TC, but it doesn't sound as if he was pushed out. He's getting other work, and he couldn't come to an arrangement with Frank.

Nik hasn't been well used in a while, and since they don't seem to want to redeem him (or even give him decent writing for his current characterization), it's just as well he's dead. (Does that still need quotes?)

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I'm sure Frank thought he could bulldoze TC into re-signing. Just keep writing and plotting story with the character while lowballing the actor. That's always his game and when it backfires (Steve Burton, Trevor St. John) it's always someone else's fault.

Please no Nick Stabile a.k.a. Soccer Dad Nikolas.

Edited by jsbt
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18 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Spencer is at permanent boarding school now, right?

Maybe. I think if he is, it's only because the actor is getting jobs. But I would not be surprised if Laura's next thing was about adopting Spencer.

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40 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Maybe. I think if he is, it's only because the actor is getting jobs. But I would not be surprised if Laura's next thing was about adopting Spencer.

No, please don't saddle Laura with raising Spencer. Isn't she already his guardian without having to adopt him? Or are we gearing up for a Laura vs Hayden custody battle? Ugh...

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 “Frank Valentini called me into his office about two-and-a-half months ago. It was at the end of the day and he said, ‘They’ve decided to kill Sabrina.'”

Like Frank has no say in what happens! Ugh. At least own it, Frank.

TeCa seems to have a good attitude about it. Good for her.

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21 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

"'They’ve decided to kill Sabrina.'”

LMAO, Frank. "They." Stop it.

Also, I can't stand TV Source when it comes to soaps. Like, at all. I needed to get that off my chest.

I'm not seeing that quote from Frank in the article.

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6 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

They must have edited that part out. The quote is in @dubbel zout's post.

Oh, weird. 

I imagine the conversation went as thus:

FV: They've decided to kill Sabrina.

TeCa: Oh, okay.  So...how do I come back?

FV: Pardon?

TeCa: How do I come back?  I mean, Jeffrey came back from the dead.  And how he's his own twin brother.  So am I gonna be, like, a lookalike cousin or something?  Maybe go back to the frizzy hair?

FV: Ooooh, oh, this is awkward...

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Returning from my brief respite since the news of TC and TeCa are gone. I don't think they're doing themselves any favors in regards to TC because of his fanbase, but at the same time Tyler was starting to seem like he was the last time he was fired, not engaged and disinterested. I remember when he first came back a few years ago, I actually was really happy. He looked great and was giving his all in his scenes. Absence does make the heart grow fonder sometimes. But there's so many characters on now that I kind of forget about people if they aren't there or at least mentioned. (God, I wish I had the chance to see if I miss Sonny.)

Sabrina, well she's an "S" name, although a female. I never had any use for her really except when she was paired with Carlos. The Patrick thing was insulting and her acting was well, not great. Then all the singing. Then the coupling with Michael, which was boring beyond belief. TeCa is gorgeous to look at, and I wish her well, but I really won't miss her a lot. Michael gets another dead love interest. Too bad no UCG of a crane, though.

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16 minutes ago, Artsda said:

So they fired her right after she returned from mat leave? Wasn't GH sued over this before?

GH/ABC was sued by Kari Wuhrer (ex-Reese).  She claimed they fired her because she was pregnant.  IIRC, Kari lost the lawsuit.

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