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18 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Actually, they were making fun of him for creating elitist gourmet foods at some chefs' stadium food competition (no idea when this took place). Alex was at the same competition and enjoyed teasing him about his grand creations. 

I think that was a "Big Game" Iron Chef America episode.

13 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

I think you're right about getting a new cast.  I think this group is out of ideas (and maybe so are their bosses at FN). So, maybe this group of cooks/chefs has run its course and they need a new chef/new show for Saturday morning.  Re: Sunny standing out there in the cold and snow? It's time to tell her get into a kitchen or hit the road.

I kind of hate to blame the cast, as annoying as they can be, for the choices of the show's producers. I thought that Sunny's chili recipe looked good, even though I would never choose to serve it over french fries. Get with the program, y'all! Frito Pie! In individual bowls! I do not get why they keep showing giant platters of food that guests would have to hover over and pick off of. Gross.

2 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

Yes, I know, hence the 2nd part of my question.  They made fun of him for that, they made fun of him throughout for his lack if sports interest/knowledge.  I just didn't know if he actually made any food on the show and I missed it.  Based on further comments it looks like he did not.  He was there just for them to poke fun at him, I guess.  😄

I don't know why the show would want to keep GZ simply as an object of ridicule and abuse, and except for the money, can't understand why he would want to stick around for that. When he was cooking at home, he seemed so much more relaxed and I thought his dishes mostly seemed more authentic to what he would make for his family.

I've been watching old Iron Chef episodes on the Cooking Channel. Last night they aired one with Alex. The secret ingredient was peas. She and her team made dishes that looked amazing, especially a pea ravioli in a pea broth - it's hard to do justice to it in a short description. 

I understand that The Kitchen focuses on dishes that are approachable, doable, and not too "weird" for the average viewer, but I think they underestimate and actually insult their audience with some of the crap they peddle.

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So we're actually supposed to believe Sunny cooked those frozen fries on the grill? Who the heck would do that? I'm sure they were cooked indoors and brought out and placed on the grill by the behind the scenes staff after they were cooked. So basically Sunny slopped together some "chili", cut up some scallions and threw it on top of the fries with some cheese. How inspiring. And she's getting paid big bucks for this? Where can I apply for this job? 

Edited by bichonblitz
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14 hours ago, Kathcart said:

Whoever is doing Alex's hair and makeup now that they are back in the studio is really doing her a disservice. She looks 10 years older than she is, and the makeup (and the terrible-color-for-her rust-colored sweater last week) make her look like she is having a hot flash. 

Alex's blush was particularly tragic. You saw hot flash, I saw 12 year old who was trying to figure makeup out. But most 12 year old's have a mom or older sister to tell her to wipe about half of it off. 

The less said about Sunny's ridiculous insistence to be outside, in the snow, in the cold so cold we could see her breath, the better. Hell, pretape her shit in the "drinks room" set and pretend she's in there instead of outside catching pneumonia. She could put together a drink or make a stupid craft, hell branch out and have her make a microwave dish like a lot of us. 

I had to laugh at both Alex and GZ this episode. At the beginning Alex said she liked her pretzels plain..... and then later said she liked them with either cheese or mustard. Oops. The best was GZ saying something about liking things burnt when Jeff was making his hotdogs... yeah, we saw your blackened cheesecake last week, so that's an understatement. 

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LOL at Jeff butt kissing Alex. Anybody catch that? Ohhhhhh Alex, I love that you are on this show with us. Really, I am. I could watch you alllllllll dayyyyy! Meanwhile the camera pans over to GZ holding the football waiting for his accolades that never came. Priceless! 

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16 hours ago, Kathcart said:

Whoever is doing Alex's hair and makeup now that they are back in the studio is really doing her a disservice. She looks 10 years older than she is, and the makeup (and the terrible-color-for-her rust-colored sweater last week) make her look like she is having a hot flash.

I really looked at her ring for the first time.  It's very pretty.


15 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

When the snow started falling on Sunny, my first thought was FN WTF??? This woman may not get Covid, but could well end up with pneumonia if she continues to work outside. If she is  already medically compromised, working in the snow really sounds like a bad idea.

Do we know why she's outside?  There's conjecture that it's because she's extra-scared of getting Covid, but has she (or the show) said anything?  Also, people don't get pneumonia from being out in the cold. 

There's not enough room for four people in the studio, and since Sunny was outside at home, maybe they just decided to have her outside at the studio, too.  She's certainly more suited for it than Zakaraian, or even Alex.  Maybe Jeff .  But I think her ebullience works well outside--I smiled when she was was all bundled up in that giant coat and exclaimed, "It's snowing!" 

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Do we know why she's outside?  There's conjecture that it's because she's extra-scared of getting Covid, but has she (or the show) said anything?  Also, people don't get pneumonia from being out in the cold. 

There's not enough room for four people in the studio, and since Sunny was outside at home, maybe they just decided to have her outside at the studio, too.  She's certainly more suited for it than Zakaraian, or even Alex.  Maybe Jeff .  But I think her ebullience works well outside--I smiled when she was was all bundled up in that giant coat and exclaimed, "It's snowing!" 

Jeff and Alex both were outside at points too when they were filming at home. At least I think Alex was. I know she has been taping stuff outside at home for her supermarket parking lot show, playing the game along with them so to speak with her guy bringing her grocery bags, so it's possible I have her outside footage confused. There's no reason they can't bring Sunny inside at points though. It's not like they normally have all 5 of them in the same shot for most of the show anyway. Quick bits here and there for the shows, but it's normal to have only 3 or 4 of them on screen for most segments. I think that's why people are assuming she's refusing to go inside, or at least that's why I am. They could easily have 3 of them in, one off stage and swap in and out so she's not outside in the snow, half assed making stuff on a grill. Is she that afraid to be near the rest of them, can't even sit 6 feet apart with her mask off? She says it's because she has an autoimmune condition and her camera man does too. Yeah, I have MS and diabetes and I still manage to get my ass and my masks into work everyday inside a building. 

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13 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Do we know why she's outside?  There's conjecture that it's because she's extra-scared of getting Covid, but has she (or the show) said anything?  Also, people don't get pneumonia from being out in the cold. 

There's not enough room for four people in the studio, and since Sunny was outside at home, maybe they just decided to have her outside at the studio, too.  She's certainly more suited for it than Zakaraian, or even Alex.  Maybe Jeff .  But I think her ebullience works well outside--I smiled when she was was all bundled up in that giant coat and exclaimed, "It's snowing!" 

I thought this was already posted here, but this article attempts to explain it, plus provides links to her Instagram where she says she is still outside "social distancing" because "that's where she feels most safe".  She is also quoted to the effect of saying that filming outdoors is better than in her kitchen, but she doesn't explain why.

Katie has been filming from home perhaps because of the baby I guess (I haven't seen her provide any reason but I haven't looked for any), so there are only 3 in the studio, but didn't she film one week in the studio since they went back and then went back to filming at home?  I might be remembering wrong.

BTW, a lot of the comments about Sunny's outdoor filming referred to in the article from Reddit sound a lot like what we've said here!

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On 2/7/2021 at 7:29 AM, aquarian1 said:

  He was there just for them to poke fun at him, I guess.  😄

This is one of the reasons I stopped watching.  He may be fine with the jokes and the jabs but it makes me uncomfortable.  That, Katie's voice and Sunny's screaming, not a good hour of tv for me anymore.

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My interest in the show is waning, now that three of them are back in the studio. Alex is fine, but Jeff is hamming it up too much and GZ has returned to his Great Sphinx schtick. I guess TPTB at FN weren't loving the at-home videos as much as some of us, thus the push to return to the studio. 

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8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Katie has been filming from home perhaps because of the baby I guess (I haven't seen her provide any reason but I haven't looked for any), so there are only 3 in the studio, but didn't she film one week in the studio since they went back and then went back to filming at home?  I might be remembering wrong.

I don't remember Katie being in the studio--just the three, all spread out and not tasting the food.

I bet the outdoor area at the studio is warmer than Sunny's back yard, because it might have a wind break.  There were some episodes at her house where things being sprinkled were blowing sideways.


8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

BTW, a lot of the comments about Sunny's outdoor filming referred to in the article from Reddit sound a lot like what we've said here!

I like to think that someone tipped Alex off to my counts of how many times she says "literally," because she cut way back.  (Yeah, I know they film in batches, so probably not.)  However, she might be replacing it with "honestly" as a filler, which is not necessarily an improvement.  This week there was one "literally":  "Honestly, get 'em, cut 'em in half. And then you can literally put whatever you want in here."

I'm glad I'm not on teevee with some asshole counting my verbal tics.  But I broke myself of "I mean" after I noticed myself using it all the time, which I think gives me some high ground on this.

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6 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Well...nothing made me salivate today. Here's something that puzzles me:  I can see Sunny's breath so it's cold wherever she's located. But what's with all the lush greenery behind that fence? It looks like summer.

Oh they've had that greenery plastered to the fence for years now so that you don't notice the buildings behind it and occasional vehicle passing by, which you can still see even in this episode if you freeze the frame and really look.  It looks like a driveway behind it because whenever some truck goes by it's very, very slowly.

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The only segment I was able to watch was Sunny's pretzel-peanut butter-caramel-chocolate thing.  It ended up being huge, not a small serving at all which is what I, for some reason, thought they were going for.  The more I see Alex here, the more phony she comes across to me.  Her smile just looks pasted on, camera-ready, fake.   Geoffrey seems beyond bored.  

I have to say I enjoyed the pandemic episodes so much more. Like another show that I had pretty much given up on, but the quarantine episodes are so funny and genuine that I find myself hoping one of the several that run back-to-back on Saturday mornings are from that bunch.  Can't mention any other shows here but the host lives on a ranch in the middle of nowhere.  With her kids in the kitchen, she's a totally different person, a really likeable one.  I wonder if that's how it is with Alex.  I'll have to pay closer attention if they rerun one where she has her daughter in the kitchen with her.

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Alex Guarhaschelli's mother died this past week:


I had no idea she had a parent who was in cookbook editing.  Sounds like her mom was quite a personality.  I remember Alex talking about her dad loving to cook and who was an influence re: her future career, teaching her to cook and try different foods.  I've got the 29th printing of Joy of Cooking and it includes instructions on how to prepare opossum, porcupine, raccoon, muskrat, beaver, armadillo, woodchuck...and then larger game. Yum!  They were all dee-lish (jk...blech!) I remember when I bought the cookbook and found that section - I couldn't believe such stuff was in a cookbook I purchased. 

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Alex had one "honestly" and one "literally."  Not bad.  She is such a know-it-all, but I think it might be one of those situations where she really does know a lot, and could think she's just doing a service by imparting information, without realizing how annoying it is. 

But for me, the episode was all about the hands.  Mainly Zakarian's hands, which are waaaaaay lighter than his face, and it's not a good look.  I'm kind of sad that he doesn't have anyone in his life who loves him enough to point that out, and actually kind of surprised that he himself hasn't noticed, although that could mean he doesn't watch his own show, for which I would give him points because he seems like the type to enjoy his own image.  Then again, maybe he hates the show as some of us here do, and has the willpower not to watch.  😀

Also on the hands front, I continue to be impressed by Sunny's ambidexterity.  She switched hands while using a spatula, and I couldn't tell you which was her dominant hand.  Kind of like switch hitters in baseball--they amaze me.

I also noticed that her fingernails are unmanicured.  Before the pandemic, she usually (always?) had decorated nails, and I'm not sure about the meantime, but there was a close-up in this episode and they were plain.  Which makes me think she hasn't been to a nail salon, which makes me think she really is taking this Covid thing very seriously, while still trying to work at her job.

I applauded her for not filming in her house for whatever reason she had (and especially if it was because she just didn't want to put her kitchen up for public consumption), as well as for not revealing who was manning the camera.  And I applaud her for being willing to be outside in the cold, whether it's (1) what she thinks is necessary for her to feel comfortable, or (2) what the producers are requiring her to do.  (I tend to think it's her own choice, but you never know.)

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5 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

I've never noticed different colors of GZ's skin. What I have noticed is that he's always wearing a suit or sports jacket...and looks so formal in his demeanor. 

And his tiny man jackets. They make me laugh every time.

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I watched the two Iron Chefs but skipped the others. The piccata looked so good--it was  interesting that Alex used so much extra zest. I've never breaded piccata but I have made something like this (& called it chicken schnitzel or chicken Milano). GZ's pasta looked very good. I love pancetta in this dish... doesn't have that smoke flavor (like from bacon). I can't recall seeing him squirt a bit of lemon juice onto it but I've done this & it's good. 

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43 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

Alex has started ending too many sentences with “right?” Guess it was contagious from Jeff.  I’m going to further drive myself crazy and start counting.

It's just the current cute thing to say... right?  Like "exactly" was several years ago. Or starting every sentence with, "So..." Makes me grind my teeth!!

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Why does Jeff yell everything? Did someone tell him it was high energy? Because I could never watch without the mute button in hand.

Also, adding ground peanuts is prevalent in some African cooking, sorry Sonny didn’t bring that up. 

And did the makeup artist go nuts? Geoffrey’s eyelashes were ridiculously noticeable, thanks, my new TV.

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2 minutes ago, buttersister said:

Why does Jeff yell everything? Did someone tell him it was high energy? Because I could never watch without the mute button in hand.

Also, adding ground peanuts is prevalent in some African cooking, sorry Sonny didn’t bring that up. 

And did the makeup artist go nuts? Geoffrey’s eyelashes were ridiculously noticeable, thanks, my new TV.

The stylist makes GZ prettier than the lady chefs. Even though he is almost orange.

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50 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

The stylist makes GZ prettier than the lady chefs. Even though he is almost orange.

I looked closely at him today and his hands didn't look like they were a diff color (+ he didn't look orange).  Maybe I need to watch on our new TV next  Saturday🧐

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Whoo lawd, this show.  I already find Alex a bit smug and insufferable, so I think her addition to this show was ill-advised, to say the least.  GZ and Jeff have their boys club inside and Alex simply does not fit in.  She comes off like an overeager puppy sometimes, trying to be noticed.  I thought she was this fancy Iron Chef, too.  It could be argued that she is slumming it on this show.  It comes off a little desperate on her part.  GZ and Jeff all but ignore her faux-cerebral comments while they’re cooking.  Honestly, I have come to watch this show just for the humor at this point.  They’re all so ridiculous and the food can be pretty questionable.

As for Sunny, I applaud her for being willing to film outside.  Hell, I would want to be out there away from others, too.  I think she’s much more palatable on her own.  There were times when they were all filming together when their conduct as a group was absolutely laughable.  You could hardly hear anything they were saying as they all bellowed in unison, with Sunny’s voice rising above all of the others.  I think this show has run its course anyway.  I hope Food Network shakes it up at some point and runs some truly original programming, but there’s my wishful thinking and naïveté.

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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As I said before I think this cast has run it's distance. If I could choose the new team it would be Iron Chef Michael Symon such a great sense of humor, Iron Chef Cat Cora down to earth cook (don't even know if she is doing tv any more just my wish) If not, Aartie Sequeria amazing spice use and fun to watch, Mark Murphy all around great chef, Justin Warner the wizard of special effects, Amanda Freitag, I just like her energy and happy attitude. No drama, no screeching in the the kitchen just good cooks sharing good food.

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1 minute ago, chessiegal said:

Considering that The Kitchen is FN's highest rated show almost every week, I don't see the network changing anything.

Yeah but one can dream right? I really miss The Chew!

Edited by Gramto6
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8 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

As I said before I think this cast has run it's distance. If I could choose the new team it would be Iron Chef Michael Symon such a great sense of humor, Iron Chef Cat Cora down to earth cook (don't even know if she is doing tv any more just my wish) If not, Aartie Sequeria amazing spice use and fun to watch, Mark Murphy all around great chef, Justin Warner the wizard of special effects, Amanda Freitag, I just like her energy and happy attitude. No drama, no screeching in the the kitchen just good cooks sharing good food.

I would love to see Michael Symon & Cat Cora replace this crew (altho' I really like Alex & don't see the smugness--I like her comments & believe they're probably helpful to beginner cooks). Aartie is ok. Have no idea who the others are. I recall Symon as a guest on Barefoot Contessa a few years ago. It was, IMO, one of her best shows ever. They were hilarious together. 

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21 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

Considering that The Kitchen is FN's highest rated show almost every week, I don't see the network changing anything.

I have said this many times too, this show has a primo time slot on Saturday morning. I suspect many other viewers are bored with this show but keep watching like we do. Also as I’ve stated, I wish that as each individual host’s contract expires, they would replace with fresh blood. 

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Not that I'm Nostradamus or anything but PEANUT BUTTER was a pretty easy guess for the "secret" ingredient. (Alex falls on the floor in astonishment).

And then there was Sunny randomly touching the bushes for the first part of the show. OK.

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Katie plugging Giada and Bobby Flay's new show was so random. "I just love that show"! Sure you do, Katie. Especially since Bobby is your best friend. 

Pork Butt in a slow cooker. Outside. Ready made mashed potatoes. Brilliant, Sunny, brilliant. 

Alex, not enough picatta sauce on your turkey cutlets. Too many capers, not enough sauce. I do agree with her on one thing: you do not need to flour your cutlets then dip in egg then in breadcrumbs. Never made any sense to me, either. I made grouper piccata the other day and did not flour the grouper. Just egg and panko bread crumbs. It was delicious. 

Katie's peanut butter pie except she used Nutella or "hazelnut spread" instead of peanut butter. Snooze. 

GZ's pasta looked good. I was cracking up at him and Alex practically having orgasms over the fat buccatini pasta.  

I don't even remember Jeff's dish. 


Edited by bichonblitz
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22 hours ago, chessiegal said:

Considering that The Kitchen is FN's highest rated show almost every week, I don't see the network changing anything.

Oh, I'm sure it will go on for years. Same way Rachael Ray was the #1 Food Network star for years. She became louder and louder as the years went on and her recipes were awful. But hey, the public loved her and that's all that matters. 

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51 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Katie plugging Giada and Bobby Flay's new show was so random. "I just love that show"! Sure you do, Katie. Especially since Bobby is your best friend. 

So lame.  It was so poorly done — Katie said the entire name of the show and the blasted network it’s on.  You couldn’t pay me to watch those two, even though I adore Italy.

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1 hour ago, Spunkygal said:

Off topic, but are Bobby and Giada a couple now?

No. Giada's boyfriend appeared on one of her cooking shows and Bobby was dating an actress last I heard.

Giada's Italy shows are the only shows I can watch of hers and I am actually contemplating getting Discovery + for the travel show.

But the placement was awkward.


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On 2/20/2021 at 7:44 PM, Suzy Rhapsody said:

I hope Food Network shakes it up at some point and runs some truly original programming

They will, on Discovery + for a mere $6.99/month.  The rest of us schlubs who refuse to pay for it get lame reruns of Chopped and DDD (except for The Kitchen, is that the only original program we still get "for free"?)

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7 minutes ago, roughing it said:

They will, on Discovery + for a mere $6.99/month.  The rest of us schlubs who refuse to pay for it get lame reruns of Chopped and DDD (except for The Kitchen, is that the only original program we still get "for free"?)

From the Food Network forum, there are plenty of new shows on the cable channel.


Source: Showbuzzdaily 

(Rank/Show/Timeslot/# of Viewers/Demo rating 18-49 in parenthesis) 

1---THE KITCHEN---Saturday 11:00AM---1,128,000 (0.15)
2---PIONEER WOMAN: HOME SWEET HOME---Saturday 10:00AM---1,124,000 (0.16) 
3---KIDS BAKING CHAMPIONSHIP---Monday 9:00PM---1,110,000 (0.24) 
4---DINERS, DRIVE-INS AND DIVES---Friday 9:00PM---1,035,000 (0.25)
5---GIRL MEETS FARM---Sunday 11:00AM---981,000 (0.20) 
6---DELICIOUS MISS BROWN---Sunday 12:00PM---931,000 (0.14) 
7---CHOPPED---Tuesday 9:00PM---918,000 (0.23)
8---GUY’S RANCH KITCHEN---Saturday 12:00PM---880,000 (0.13)
9---BEAT BOBBY FLAY---Thursday 8:00PM---842,000 (0.21)
10-WORST COOKS IN AMERICA---Sunday 9:00PM---801,000 (0.19)
GUY’S GROCERY GAMES REPACKAGED---Wednesday 9:00PM---716,000 (0.23) 
11-SUPERMARKET STAKEOUT (Finale)---Tuesday 10:00PM---579,000 (0.13)
12-KITCHEN CRASH (Finale)---Wednesday 10:00PM---473,000 (0.17)


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Alex, verbatim:


Literally as far as I'm concerned whisking a little grated cheese, super salty, into cream, your sauce is thick enough.  I'm over the roux.  I'm through with the roux.  Know what I'm saying?  Literally just making our filling, so one egg lightly whisked with a pinch of salt right into some ricotta. If your ricotta is kind of wet, you can drain it, right, of any excess liquid.  We're literally just making our filling.

Then there was a literally-free interlude, until she was assembling the manicotti:  "And then we just literally fill and go."  And a literally lagniappe with the green beans at the end:  "I literally just fill a saute pan with just a thin layer of water..."   (And now that I read this, I realize three of them had an accompanying "just."  Alex is killing me.)

Also, it took me a bit to figure out why Jeff seemed to be wearing pajamas--comfort food theme?  Katie appeared to be in pajamas, too, or maybe loungewear?  But the strings dangling from her midsection didn't do her any favors. 

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 I just saw a commercial for a new show called Easter Basket Challenge....hosted by Sunny.   So she's ok hosting a competition show with probably at least a dozen contestants but won't come inside on The Kitchen set.   

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6 hours ago, Maverick said:

So she's ok hosting a competition show with probably at least a dozen contestants but won't come inside on The Kitchen set.   

Also, another competition show I won't be watching.  Saturday we binged the Kitchen through Hulu, nothing else on, and she really has evolved into a loud-mouthed know it all bully.  If there's a catch phrase I hate it's "None ya business". 

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12 minutes ago, trudysmom said:

Also, another competition show I won't be watching.  Saturday we binged the Kitchen through Hulu, nothing else on, and she really has evolved into a loud-mouthed know it all bully.  If there's a catch phrase I hate it's "None ya business". 

“Nunya business” is tiresome but she has recently begun growling “c’mon” or “c’mon now” and not just during her segment. But what did make me really stabby in the last episode was the number times Alex and GZ and Jeff threw in “right?” during Alex’s segment. Ugh, I wanted to rewind and count how many times, but I just couldn’t start off my weekend getting even more irritated. 

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40 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

“Nunya business” is tiresome but she has recently begun growling “c’mon” or “c’mon now” and not just during her segment. 

Growling or shouting it, and as you said not just during her segment, not just from her seat at the counter (back when she was in studio), but from OUTSDE. At times she seems like that obnoxious neighbor who just won't go away.

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24 minutes ago, Ashforth said:

Growling or shouting it, and as you said not just during her segment, not just from her seat at the counter (back when she was in studio), but from OUTSDE. At times she seems like that obnoxious neighbor who just won't go away.

@Ashforth, you are literally correct! 🤣

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